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Set by Zoffix on 25 May 2018.
Zoffix This is the bench I used that showed normal lookup 5x faster: gist.github.com/zoffixznet/c46533e...b12c72f713 00:00
And this is the diff of the changes: gist.github.com/zoffixznet/7e45adc...711b509abf 00:01
00:02 MasterDuke left
timotimo did you happen to look at how often DYNAMIC gets invoked with and without your change? 00:02
jnthn nqp::ctx forces the frame to the heap so we can reference it (those these days MoarVM also keeps stats on which frames nearly always end up getting promoted there, and then just allocates them there in the first place to save the copy). 00:03
nqp::ctx also is not possible to inline
(Because there's no frame for it to refer to if the frame is inlined)
Zoffix ahh
timotimo should we introduce a variant of getlexdyn that starts in the current frame rather than the caller's? 00:04
jnthn Hm, I'd forgotten that even did start at the caller :)
Zoffix tries with nqp::getlexdyn to see if that boosts the `print` stuff
timotimo wait, what about getlexreldyn?
oh, that's what you had 00:05
jnthn I figured if you're in the current scope, though, then you can just emit a lexical lookup
timotimo is that proper? doesn't that perhaps give outers too high a priority, so to speak?
jnthn I meant strictly declared the current scope :) 00:06
That is, it's in the .symbol hash of $*W.cur_lexpad
timotimo ah, that'd be a compile-time decision, even
jnthn *decalred in
Yes, exactly 00:07
timotimo which would make dynamic variables inside the scope they're declared in cheaper
well, it wouldn't have to look far in the dynamic lookup either, but still
jnthn Right, which is useful because one usually touches them at least once there to initialize them.
timotimo aye
jnthn Sure, but it still has to do that lookup by name
timotimo oh, true
jnthn Whereas a lexical compiles into an array indexing operation
And so can JIT into just an instruction or two 00:08
Zoffix well, even with getlexdyn it's slower. By less, but slower. 0m3.301s on HEAD vs 0m3.547s with my changes 00:09
Damn, I made ZofBot get ready the medal for nothing :)
At least I learned a bunch of stuff from this. 00:10
timotimo will you try the lexical lookup thing before you scrap the idea? 00:11
Zoffix timotimo: what do you mean?
what lexical lookup thing?
timotimo when compiling the DYNAMIC call, first check if the current $!symbols has the $*FOO as a lexical 00:12
and if it does, just use QAST::Var.new with '$*FOO'
otherwise emit the same code you have now
00:12 lizmat joined
timotimo that way you don't need to do the nqp::ctx 00:12
because now you don't have to do dynamic lookup in the current frame, the caller's is an acceptable starting point
Kaiepi m: role Foo { proto method gist(| --> Str) { "SB {*} SE" }; multi method gist(--> Str) { callwith("NAWS") } }; Foo.new.gist 00:13
camelia ( no output )
Kaiepi m: role Foo { proto method gist(| --> Str) { "SB {*} SE" }; multi method gist(--> Str) { callwith("NAWS") } }; say Foo.new.gist
camelia SB * SE
Zoffix timotimo: so the QAST::Var would be just the only thing there for $*OUT?
Kaiepi is there a way to get it to output "SB NAWS SE"?
Zoffix like when would it be lexical?
timotimo that's right
Kaiepi: {{*}} probably 00:14
maybe { {*} }
Zoffix m: role Foo { proto method gist(| --> Str) { "SB { {*} } SE" }; multi method gist(--> Str) { callwith("NAWS") } }; say Foo.new.gist 00:15
camelia Use of Nil in string context
in method gist at <tmp> line 1
timotimo aaw
Zoffix m: role Foo { proto method gist(| --> Str) { "SB $({*}) SE" }; multi method gist(--> Str) { callwith("NAWS") } }; say Foo.new.gist
camelia Use of Nil in string context
in method gist at <tmp> line 1
timotimo m: role Foo { proto method gist(| --> Str) { "SB " ~ {*} ~ SE" }; multi method gist(--> Str) { callwith("NAWS") } }; say Foo.new.gist
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Two terms in a row
at <tmp>:1
------> 3thod gist(| --> Str) { "SB " ~ {*} ~ SE7⏏5" }; multi method gist(--> Str) { callwi
expecting any of:
infix stopper
timotimo m: role Foo { proto method gist(| --> Str) { "SB " ~ {*} ~ " SE" }; multi method gist(--> Str) { callwith("NAWS") } }; say Foo.new.gist
camelia Use of Nil in string context
in method gist at <tmp> line 1
timotimo oh 00:16
i don't think you can callwith the "original" gist like that, as you've actually overridden the proto
Kaiepi m: role Foo { proto method gist(|$ --> Str) { "SB " ~ {$} ~ " SE" }; multi method gist(--> Str) { callwith("NAWS") } }; say Foo.new.gist
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Obsolete use of | or \ with sigil on param $
at <tmp>:1
------> 3role Foo { proto method gist(|$7⏏5 --> Str) { "SB " ~ {$} ~ " SE" }; multi
expecting any of:
formal parameter…
timotimo the candidate from Any isn't available to that particular dispatcher any more
m: role Foo { proto method gist(| --> Str) { "SB " ~ {*} ~ " SE" }; multi method gist(--> Str) { self::Any.gist("NAWS") } }; say Foo.new.gist
camelia Could not find symbol '&Any'
in method gist at <tmp> line 1
in method gist at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Kaiepi m: role Foo { proto method gist(|$a --> Str) { "SB " ~ {$a} ~ " SE" }; multi method gist(--> Str) { callwith("NAWS") } }; say Foo.new.gist 00:17
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Obsolete use of | or \ with sigil on param $a
at <tmp>:1
------> 3role Foo { proto method gist(|$a7⏏5 --> Str) { "SB " ~ {$a} ~ " SE" }; mult
expecting any of:
shape declaratio…
Zoffix It's in Mu, but it don't take any args
timotimo oh
jnthn Zoffix: Dynamic variables are stored in the lexpad of the block that declares them.
Kaiepi m: role Foo { proto method gist(|a --> Str) { "SB " ~ {a} ~ " SE" }; multi method gist(--> Str) { callwith("NAWS") } }; say Foo.new.gist
camelia Block object coerced to string (please use .gist or .perl to do that)
in method gist at <tmp> line 1
Kaiepi m: role Foo { proto method gist($a --> Str) { "SB " ~ {$a} ~ " SE" }; multi method gist(--> Str) { callwith("NAWS") } }; say Foo.new.gist
camelia Too few positionals passed; expected 2 arguments but got 1
in method gist at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Kaiepi m: role Foo { proto method gist($a --> Str) { "SB " ~ {$a} ~ " SE" }; multi method gist(--> Str) { callwith(self, "NAWS") } }; say Foo.new.gist
camelia Too few positionals passed; expected 2 arguments but got 1
in method gist at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
jnthn Zoffix: So if you're in the declaring scope then a lexical lookup and a dynamic lookup are equivalent, since there's no searching to do.
Zoffix OK, I'll give that a go. Thanks. 00:18
Kaiepi m: role Foo { proto method gist(*@a --> Str) { "SB " ~ {@a[1]} ~ " SE" }; multi method gist(--> Str) { callwith(self, "NAWS") } }; say Foo.new.gist
camelia Block object coerced to string (please use .gist or .perl to do that)
in method gist at <tmp> line 1
jnthn Kaiepi: callwith has no candidates to call, because you only declared one (and the proto hides all inherited ones)
Kaiepi oh
m: role Foo { proto method gist(--> Str) {*}; multi method gist(--> Str) { "SE {nextsame} SE" }; multi method gist(--> Str) { "NAWS" } }; say Foo.new.gist 00:19
camelia Nil
Kaiepi m: role Foo { proto method gist(--> Str) {*}; multi method gist(--> Str) { "SE {callsame} SE" }; multi method gist(--> Str) { "NAWS" } }; say Foo.new.gist
camelia Use of Nil in string context
in method gist at <tmp> line 1
jnthn nextsame is walking the exact same dispatch list
Zoffix m: role Foo { proto method gist(| --> Str) { "SB " ~ {*} ~ " SE" }; multi method gist(\s) { s }; multi method gist(--> Str) { samewith "NAWS" } }; say Foo.new.gist
camelia SB SB NAWS SE SE
timotimo why did my self::Any.gist not work?
i thought that's how you call a method from a parent class on yourself 00:20
jnthn timotimo: Because the syntax is self.Any::gist :)
Zoffix timotimo: it's in Mu
timotimo ah!
Zoffix m: 42.Any::gist
camelia ( no output )
Zoffix TIL
timotimo a haven't had a use for this yet i believe?
jnthn And Any is just the starting point of the lookup
So it'll find the Mu one also :)
Zoffix Cool
I thought it had to be exact
timotimo no, Any.
:P 00:21
Zoffix m: class Foo {}; class Bar is Foo {}; dd Bar.Foo::gist
camelia "(Bar)"
Zoffix awesome
jnthn Also, this form of call got about 12x faster recently. :-)
Zoffix m: role Foo { proto method gist(|c --> Str) { c ?? "SB " ~ {*} ~ " SE" !! {*} }; multi method gist(\s) { s }; multi method gist(--> Str) { samewith "NAWS" } }; say Foo.new.gist
camelia SB NAWS SE
Zoffix \o/
00:22 markoong left
Zoffix hm, I think lexical thing for dynvars won't work, would it 00:23
m: my $*FOO = 42; sub bar { say $*FOO }; { my $*FOO = 100; bar }
camelia 100
Zoffix like, wouldn't this start giving 42?
timotimo we have to be careful to only look in the exact lexpad of the current sub 00:24
not in any of the outers
jnthn Zoffix: Yes, this only works in the case where the symbol is declared precisely in this scope
Zoffix aw :( that would help only a tiny amount of cases then
jnthn Zoffix: I think if you can check by something like $*W.cur_lexpad.symbol('$*FOO') truthy
Yes, but every little helps :) 00:25
Zoffix Yeah, I s'pose
timotimo it helps exactly in those cases where getlexdyn would miss it because it starts at the caller rather than the current frame
jnthn Right, which I thought was the aim :)
Zoffix timotimo: no, but the caller is the caller of &DYNAMIC
timotimo that's my idea of it anyway
Zoffix which is the current scope of where $*FOO is defined
timotimo yeah, but don't you generate the lookup op directly in the caller of DYNAMIC now? 00:26
Zoffix Right
japhb As timotimo says, isn't the point that checking for this one case and separating it out allows you to use a better opt for many other cases?
Zoffix But getlexdyn wouldn't miss it
timotimo sorry, getdynlex
the one that doesn't have nqp::ctx in it
because nqp::ctx is the one that kills your performance 00:27
jnthn m: use nqp; sub foo() { my $*foo = 42; say nqp::getdynlex('$*foo') }; foo
camelia ===SORRY!===
No registered operation handler for 'getdynlex'
Zoffix timotimo: no, but I already tried the one without nqp::ctx in it, it's still slow
it's getlexdyn
jnthn m: use nqp; sub foo() { my $*foo = 42; say nqp::getlexdyn('$*foo') }; foo
camelia (Mu)
jnthn Notice how it fails to find $*foo due to what timotimo said
Hm, I'm surprised it's as slow as taking the nqp::ctx 00:28
ooc, how were you deciding whether to fall back to calling DYNAMIC?
timotimo i expect with ifnull
jnthn Yeah, that'd be the best way, I think. Was checking in case it was another way :)
Zoffix It's not as slow, the diff with getlexreldyn(ctx) was ~.8s and with getlexreldyn was ~.4s
00:29 gabiruh left
jnthn That surprises me 00:29
Zoffix jnthn: this is what I'm genning: gist.github.com/zoffixznet/7e45adc...ff-L18-L21 and I tried changing that getlexreldyn(ctx) to just getlexdyn and (it failed to install modules, since it can't find current-scoped vars anymore), that was still slow 00:30
jnthn Not saying you're measuring wrong, just that it doesn't mesh with what I know about how those two work.
Zoffix I hope I'm measuring wrong or doign something wrong :D
was measuring with time perl6 -e '(print ".") xx 1_000_000' > /dev/null 00:31
timotimo hopefully there's some hidden factor we can smoke out
Zoffix jnthn: what timotimo proposed is that getting nqp::ifnull(getlexdyn,callstatic &DYNAMIC) instead of just callstatic &DYNAMIC was making something else important to get too large to get inlined 00:32
00:33 zachk left
timotimo jnthn is also about to do another round of tuning for "what should the inline limit be" 00:33
jnthn One possible hypothesis: we can't JIT one of these ops yet, and so including it prevents us from JITting the enclosing code, which also blocks JIT of anything it's inlined in to 00:35
Another one: we can't JIT something that's in DYNAMIC, but we brought it below the inlining limit, so now it's inlined and also blocks JIT of whatever it's inlined in to 00:36
MVM_JIT_LOG=jit_log perl6 -e '...'
grep BAIL jit_log
Will potentially be informative
timotimo my cmdline is usually grep "Constructing\|BAIL\|Entering" 00:37
so you'll see what exact frame is getting the bail
Zoffix BAIL: op <atkey_u>
jnthn ah, cute :)
Zoffix BAIL: op <getlexreldyn>
jnthn aha...that second one would be the guilty party :)
Zoffix Don't think it's my getlexreldyn, 'cause my code's using getlexdyn 00:38
jnthn It's used in DYNAMIC though, I think
00:38 MasterDuke joined
Zoffix $ ./perl6 -e 'my $*x; say $*x' 00:38
00:38 raschipi left
timotimo getlexdyn isn't actually an op that exists in moar 00:38
Zoffix Dynamic variable $*x not found
timotimo there's a naming confusion somewhere in there
in the mapping between ops and nqp::ops
Zoffix but I don't think we're calling &DYNAMIC now, like with my code now
jnthn timotimo: Yeah, there is. D'oh 00:39
lookatme what's the difference between `my $x is dynamic` and twigil `my $*x` ?
Zoffix with these changes that don't quite compile right: gist.github.com/zoffixznet/725ea62...e0364d5deb
(modules fail to install)
timotimo getlexdyn in nqp:: is getdynlex in moar
or the other way around
but getlexreldyn corresponds to the same name
jnthn lookatme: You can only access the former via CALLERS::<$x> or similar
lookatme oh
Zoffix ../nqp/gen/moar/stage1/QAST.nqp:4325:QAST::MASTOperations.add_core_moarop_mapping('getlexdyn', 'getdynlex'); 00:40
.oO( dynlexic )
timotimo oh, what does a Var with scope :contextual compile to?
jnthn timotimo: Not sure, but perhaps the "is it in this scope" and "if not use getlexdyn" 00:41
In which case it's perfect :)
Though I'd check it doesn't do some odd NQP-ism
Zoffix |45d see if &DYNAMIC stuff can be made better: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log...8-06-21#l2 00:42
ZofBot Zoffix, Will remind you on 2018-08-04T20:42:12.623304-04:00 about see if &DYNAMIC stuff can be made better: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log...8-06-21#l2
Zoffix calls it a day
00:42 Zoffix left
timotimo that compiles to getdynlex 00:42
but yeah, if it's in the same frame already, it does do a regular lexical lookup
jnthn Sleep time for me also, I think :) 00:44
'night o/
timotimo i think i'll go to sleep as well 00:45
00:45 lizmat left 00:46 perlpilot joined
timotimo gnite 00:51
ryn1x . 00:52
00:56 sacomo joined 01:01 Kaiepi left, Kaiepi joined
Kaiepi m: constant IAC = 0xFF.chr; grammar A { token TOP { <a> <.b {~$<a>}> }; proto token a {*}; token a:sym(IAC) { <sym> }; method b($a) { if $a eq IAC { 0xFB.chr } } }; say A.parse("{IAC}\xFB") 01:04
camelia P6opaque: no such attribute '$!pos' on type Match in a Slip when trying to get a value
in regex TOP at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Kaiepi how do i pass the match of a token to another token/method? 01:05
would i need to use a global variable or something?
actually i think i should ask this on stackoverflow 01:12
i can't be the only one that needs to be able to do this
01:20 molaf left
Kaiepi never mind, all i needed to do was move a token from one token to another to do what i want 01:21
01:29 gabiruh joined 01:33 molaf joined 01:37 ChoHag left 01:38 ChoHag joined
Kaiepi m: grammar Foo { token TOP { <a> <b <{$<a>}> }; token a { foo }; token b($a) { <{~$a}> } }; say Foo.parse('foofoo') 01:48
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unable to parse expression in metachar:sym<assert>; couldn't find final '>' (corresponding starter was at line 1)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3ammar Foo { token TOP { <a> <b <{$<a>}> 7⏏5}; token a { foo…
Kaiepi m: grammar Foo { token TOP { <a> <b <{$<a>}>> }; token a { foo }; token b($a) { <{~$a}> } }; say Foo.parse('foofoo') 01:49
camelia No such method 'anon' for invocant of type 'Foo'. Did you mean any of these?

in regex at EVAL_0 line 1
in regex b at <tmp> line 1
in regex TOP at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line…
Kaiepi m: grammar Foo { token TOP { <a> <b $<a>> }; token a { foo }; token b($a) { <{~$a}> } }; say Foo.parse('foofoo')
camelia No such method 'anon' for invocant of type 'Foo'. Did you mean any of these?

in regex at EVAL_0 line 1
in regex b at <tmp> line 1
in regex TOP at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line…
Kaiepi m: grammar Foo { token TOP { <a> <b $<a>> }; token a { foo }; token b($a) { {~$a} } }; say Foo.parse('foofoo')
camelia Nil
Kaiepi m: grammar Foo { token TOP { <a> <b $<a>> }; token a { foo }; token b($a) { <{{$a}}> } }; say Foo.parse('foofoo') 01:50
camelia No such method 'anon' for invocant of type 'Foo'. Did you mean any of these?

in regex at EVAL_0 line 1
in regex b at <tmp> line 1
in regex TOP at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line…
01:51 perlpilot left
tony-o_ what are you trying to do with the match value Kaiepi ? 01:53
Kaiepi tony-o_, i'm writing a grammar to parse telnet's protocol 02:02
for IAC DO/DONT/WILL/WONT <option>, i'm required to keep the state for both sides of the connection for each type of telnet option 02:03
tony-o_ ah
Kaiepi the token looks like <{IAC}> <type=sym> <negotiation>, but i need to be able to pass type to negotiation 02:04
02:04 kjk joined
Kaiepi and set state accordingly depending on the value of <type> 02:04
kjk p6: for CORE::.kv -> $k, $v { put $k }
camelia &ord
Too few positionals passed; expected 2 arguments but got 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1

kjk I wonder why I can't iterate what's in CORE directly like that 02:05
tony-o_ should that not be happening in the actions?
kjk p6: for CORE::.keys -> $k { put $k } 02:07
camelia e
tony-o_ m: my $*ACTION; grammar F { token TOP { <a> <b> }; regex a { \w { $*ACTION=$/; } }; regex b { { $*ACTION.say; } \w+ }; }; F.parse("helloh");
camelia 「h」
kjk p6: for CORE::.values -> $v { put $v }
camelia Sub object coerced to string (please use .gist or .perl to do that)



in block at <tmp> line…
tony-o_ m: my $*ACTION; grammar F { token TOP { <a> <b> }; regex a { \w { $*ACTION=$/; } }; regex b { { $*ACTION.say; } \w+ }; }; F.parse("helloh"); # Kaiepi
camelia 「h」
kjk p6: for CORE::.values -> $v { put $v .^name } 02:08
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Malformed postfix call (only alphabetic methods may be detached)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3for CORE::.values -> $v { put $v .7⏏5^name }
tony-o_ there are other ways to abuse the matching too
kjk p6: for CORE::.values -> $v { put $v.^name }
camelia Signal
kjk so iterating through CORE::.keys and CORE::.values work, but not CORE::.kv, something the CORE module is triping up the for loop? 02:09
geekosaur m: dd CORE::.kv 02:12
camelia No such method 'perl' for invocant of type 'NQPMatchRole'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
geekosaur guess there's your answer: it's not a perl 6 thing, it's more primitive
which might be an oversight, and might be worth a rakudobug 02:13
m: say CORE::.kv.^name
camelia Seq
geekosaur huh
m: say CORE::.kv[0].^name
camelia Str
kjk but I was only printing the key
geekosaur m: say CORE::.kv[1].^name
camelia Sub
geekosaur ok, think it's handling that. it's .kv itself that may be strange. 02:14
m: say CORE::.kv.WHAT
camelia (Seq)
kjk if you assign the .kv result to an array and then iterate through that, it works
geekosaur oh, hm, that earlier error may have been something in it
yes, I'm saying it's not quite a perl 6 value, it's somethoing else that only behaves as you expect part of the time 02:15
underneath perl 6 is nqp, and sometimes nqp values leak through and do unexpected things
kjk should I open a bug report? 02:16
geekosaur I think .kv should work for it like it works for anything else. although CORE:: is a PseudoStash, maybe it's known to do something different
m: say CORE::.^name 02:17
camelia PseudoStash
geekosaur might see if other PseudoStash-es (UNIT::, GLOBAL::, etc.) do the same thing, and include that in bug report 02:18
it looks like it should work
02:25 lizmat joined
kjk does'nt seem to be because it's a PseudoStash. I suspect it might be some value in CORE:: that caused the problem. 02:26
02:27 lizmat left
kjk p6: say PROCESS::.^name; for PROCESS::.kv -> $k, $v { put $k } 02:28
camelia Stash
geekosaur actually, I bet it;s the same thing that tripped my earlier check, then 02:29
where dd tripped over an NQPMatchRole
kjk but isn't that because dd calls .perl on NQPMatchRole? my for loop didn't call .perl on the values at all 02:30
geekosaur but it's missing more things than just .perl 02:31
nqp values are missing most things you expect
02:33 lizmat joined
Kaiepi can i subclass a grammar with a class and use it both to parse data and handle socket connections? 02:37
there's a lot of state that both the grammar and the client class need to know
geekosaur I'm wondering if you should be looking at action classes at this point 02:39
02:40 xinming joined
Kaiepi i've been trying to avoid action classes because i honestly have no clue how to write them even after looking at the documentation 02:40
02:40 xinming left 02:41 xinming joined
kjk I wonder if it has something to do with IterationEnd in CORE 02:41
Kaiepi i'll post the code i have so far in a sec and see if i can figure out how to use action classes for what i'm doing 02:42
kjk p6: my %h = CORE::.kv
camelia Odd number of elements found where hash initializer expected:
Found 189 (implicit) elements:
Last element seen: "IterationEnd"
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
MasterDuke i think Slip might also be causing problems 02:44
kjk p6: my %h = CORE::.kv
camelia Odd number of elements found where hash initializer expected:
Found 119 (implicit) elements:
Last element seen: "IterationEnd"
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
kjk p6: my %h = CORE::.kv
camelia Odd number of elements found where hash initializer expected:
Found 1339 (implicit) elements:
Last element seen: "IterationEnd"
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
MasterDuke m: my @a; for CORE::.kv -> $k, $v { @a.push: $v }
camelia Invocant of method 'iterator' must be an object instance of type 'List', not a type object of type 'Slip'. Did you forget a '.new'?
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
geekosaur o.O 02:45
Util timotimo: timotimo: "The enemy is a Nazi ghost tank?" is one of three "Easter Eggs", 02:48
kjk p6: my @a = CORE::.kv; for @a -> $k, $v { put $k }
camelia buf32
Util to tempt people into Googling the phrases, which lead to online stories they might enjoy.
tony-o_ it definitely sounds like you need to be using actions Kaiepi 02:50
are you going to run the grammar against every response from the server? 02:51
Kaiepi yes 02:56
the grammar's a bit tricky since there can be multiple actions in one message received from the server, and the actions can be either raw text or commands with subnegotiations that are unique to each command 02:57
this is the code i have so far pastebin.com/9Yc8m1e2 02:58
i need to move $*SUPPRESS-GO-AHEAD and $*ACTION to the actions class since rfc1143 forces me to deal with DO/DONT/WILL/WONT in a certain way 03:00
buggable New CPAN upload: IP-Random-0.0.3.tar.gz by JMASLAK modules.perl6.org/dist/IP::Random:cpan:JMASLAK 03:05
Kaiepi what confuses me about actions is what make/made/ast are doing
and when methods are called 03:06
03:17 Actualeyes left
[Coke] zoffix++ # mtime docs 03:20
03:36 Kaiepi left, Kaiepi joined 03:59 Schepeers left 04:10 Schepeers joined 04:23 Kaiepi left, Kaiepi joined
Geth doc/pod-cache: e9a057962d | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | 6 files
Add Pod::Cache

Instead of generating pod files each time for each test that needs it, generate a cache as we go, that uses the timestamp to insure we don't regen them if not needed.
This temporarily removes the concurrency from some files.
Related to #1952
lizmat [Coke]: wouldn't a sha1 be handier ? 04:31
[Coke] handier in what way? 04:32
(i'd have to store the sha1 somewhere at that point as well) 04:33
lizmat sometimes people touch files inadvertently without changes
[Coke] but I'm definitely open to a better algorithm.
lizmat well, you're storing the mtime somewhere ?
[Coke] it's in the cached copy of the pod.
if someone touches the file, regen'ing the pod isn't that slow.
it's just that we were regening it 5 times.
(and tossing it every single time) 04:34
lizmat oki... I guess I was just thinking about the precomp logic
[Coke] so, this is better, but not perfect.
buggable New CPAN upload: Acme-Dont-0.0.1.tar.gz by ELIZABETH cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/E/EL/...0.1.tar.gz 04:45
lizmat yeah, couldn't resist :-) 04:46
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Kaiepi i think i'm starting to work out how to use action classees 05:17
is there a difference between .ast and .made?
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geekosaur nope, they're aliases 05:25
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masak enjoyed arp242.net/weblog/yaml_probably_no...r_all.html 05:46
I mean, I like YAML. but it _is_ a very complicated format. 05:47
the article goes into some of the WATs
also, TIL about StrictYAML 05:50
05:51 HaraldJoerg joined
moritz yaml also has this mis-feature where 15:30 can be parsed either as a string or into the integer 15*60 + 30 05:52
masak the article points to the practice of explicitly quoting strings everywhere to avoid a lot of unexpected behavior 05:53
(which throws into stark relief the JSON practice of requiring this for object keys)
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masak I find that, in general, people don't appreciate the distinction between "parameters" and "arguments" 06:05
even accounting for different terms being used in different cultures, it seems to me that most of the time, people just conflate the two
unless they're language designers :) 06:06
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tadzik hm, I'm quite surprise at the first point of that article; is that a python-specific thing though, or does every yaml parser actually do this? 06:20
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geekosaur didn;t it address that? they pointed to load vs. load_safe. and that you need to change php's ini file to get safe loading 06:21
tadzik it seems like YAML.pm has this as an opt-in
right, but I expected a criticism of YAML, not its stupid default library in that language or the other 06:22
geekosaur it addressed that one too
tadzik "yaml is bad becuase its default python library is awful" is a weak point imho
geekosaur yaml is bad because its API encourages that bad defauklt
and worse defaults like php's
Kaiepi is there a token like <:ascii> that exists for <[ 0x[00] .. 0x[FF] ]>? 06:23
i tried <:latin> but apparently it's not latin-1
masak I think most language have both a load and a loadSafe method -- the load method is probably the first one and the loadSafe method was added after the security implications became clearer
06:23 domidumont left
masak Kaiepi: I got a mental image of you trying <:latin> and the error message being "HAEC FORMA NON VALET" 06:24
Kaiepi lol 06:25
tadzik I still feel a bit like it's saying "memory is OSes is bad because we have strcpy() and not everyone uses strncpy()" :) But eh 06:26
geekosaur API design's a valid complaint. and I would --- and many security types have --- made exactly that argument re libc 06:27
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masak tadzik: I disagree. I think if you have a library that loads a data file, and that library has a default Load method which can have arbitrary side effects decided by the one who authored the data file, then that's a problem and a security risk and bad design. 06:28
tadzik oh, I fully agree with that! But I think it's a failure of that library, not the data format 06:29
masak it's something about expectations. loading a data format counts as "pure" in people's minds, so it doesn't register as a security risk.
geekosaur YAML is more than just a data format; it is an API for processing that data format
masak tadzik: to a large extent it falls on the libraries, yes. but the spec is what suggests having the side effects in the first place.
tadzik just like the strcpy argumemt is against libc :)
06:30 benji__ left
metracom Slurp mode 06:30
tadzik right. I guess it could be a failure of the spec that it doesn't make it clear enough that YAML does a lot of things 06:31
or it failed in its marketing, and we all know how hard it is to fix that :P
masak I think the spec is culpable to the extent that things should be secure by default. just having loadSafe on the side doesn't feel like enough -- somewhat backed up by the usage statistics. 06:32
tadzik . o O ( mysql_real_escape_string )
masak I mean, I'd much rather see a safe-by-default load method, along with a side-effecty loadDangerously
tadzik absolutely
06:32 HaraldJoerg1 joined
tadzik or don't call it load, but rather something more obvious: eval? :) 06:33
metracom loadandpray
masak I recall we had similar-ish discussions about Pod back in 2006 or something
tadzik you could even make it uppercase EVAL for it to stand out more...
masak don't really know how those resolved themselves
tadzik: heh 06:34
tadzik "The reason for this is because you can’t use a list as a dict key in Python" -- ...so use a tuple? %)
not sure if you can have such a workaround in ruby or php though 06:35
masak the point about portability still stands, though
the same input data works in some languages but not in others
tadzik I guess YAML's strongest point, ultimately, is "it's less PITA to write by hand than other things"
yep, agreed
masak I think the stated goal of YAML is noble 06:36
06:36 HaraldJoerg left
masak it's also worth remembering (as HN points out) that YAML got started about the same time as JSON 06:36
tadzik all in all, it's was a good read and a pretty convincing one too :) 06:40
and TOML certainly looks sensible 06:41
masak news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17362178 -- this reminded me of Perl 6 on a good day 06:45
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tadzik indeed :) I did chime in 07:00
masak tadzik++ 07:01
m: constant foo = [ sub { say "OH HAI" } ]; foo[0]() 07:09
camelia OH HAI
masak ...I'm new here. is there a tool to check how long ago something started working in Rakudo? 07:10
bisectable6: help
bisectable6 masak, Like this: bisectable6: old=2015.12 new=HEAD exit 1 if (^∞).grep({ last })[5] // 0 == 4 # See wiki for more examples: github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Bisectable
07:10 robertle joined
masak bisectable6: old=2017.01 new=HEAD constant foo = [ sub { say "OH HAI" } ]; foo[0]() 07:11
bisectable6 masak, On both starting points (old=2017.01 new=a167e6c) the exit code is 0 and the output is identical as well
masak, Output on both points: «OH HAI␤»
masak hm.
there was something with bounded serialization and subs in constants that didn't work a while ago
07:12 sno joined
moritz try going back further? 07:13
or maybe the problem is only in precompiled code?
07:14 wamba joined
masak yes, I suspect so. 07:15
rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=131840 seems related 07:16
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masak m: my %h1; %h1<foo> = 1; my %h2 := %h1.clone; %h2<bar> = 2; say %h1 07:24
camelia {foo => 1}
masak I see RT #127704 has been resolved too long ago. nice.
synopsebot_ RT#127704 [resolved]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=127704 [BUG] Hash.clone differs from hash assignment; the hash and its clone are spookily entangled
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jmerelo Hi 08:11
masak aloha, jmerelo 08:12
08:15 domidumont joined
jmerelo masak: :-) So everyone is sleeping and getting ready for the next TPC session in SLC, I guess... 08:16
Somehow, I expected to see, if not a wave, at least a trickle of new Perl6 users. Maybe it's not so immediate... 08:17
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Kaiepi why do the actions for <action> return Nil, while the ones for <data> work fine? hastebin.com/razayevezu.xml 08:38
Geth doc/pod-cache: 56086e010a | (JJ Merelo)++ | 2 files
Expands filehandle explanation closes #2111
jmerelo Hum, wrong branch... 08:47
Geth doc: 5db6e0e006 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/IO.pod6
Improves run docs by adding filehandle argument, closes #2111
synopsebot_ Link: doc.perl6.org/type/IO
masak Kaiepi: because the methods in the action class need to be named action:sym etc, not action
masak finds that one of the big problems with the grammar/actions boundary is that it's far too loosely typed 08:50
the other day I got an error message to the effect of "Got 2 arguments but expected 1", but the underlying problem was "You forgot to give your action method a $/ parameter!" 08:51
Kaiepi ohhh 08:52
masak if you want a single method in the actions class, then consider not using a proto token in the first place :) 08:54
protoregexes in the end are a convenient form of "implicit alternatives", with the dispatch happening somewhere inside the regex engine 08:55
moritz you can always have a single action method upstream 08:56
though the separate action methods are what makes proto regexes so composable 08:57
masak I had a situation yesterday where I was doing `[<foo> | <bar> | <baz>]` in the token, and then `$<foo>.ast || $<bar>.ast || $<baz>.ast` in the action method (except I forgot the final $<baz>.ast in the heat of battle). and I was thinking "there's gotta be a better way" 08:59
and that better way was protoregexes :)
moritz you can also do $/.hash.values[0].ast 09:00
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masak I'm simultaneously informed by this, and disgusted :) 09:12
hm, there's a place in 007 where I might have use of this trick
moritz++ 09:13
moritz you can reduce the scope of this madness by putting the alternative into a capture 09:16
so if you have token flurb { <foo> (<bar>|<baz>|<quox>) } 09:17
you can say $0.hash.values[0].ast
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masak ooh 09:22
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masak sir, I will credit you in the commit message 09:22
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pmurias tadzik: YAML being vastly more complex then people using it casually expect is something you could consider a failure of the design 09:58
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masak interestingly, that complexity seems to stem from (a) wanting to be a readable format, and (b) targeting many dynamic languages 10:11
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moritz and (c) too much creativity :) 10:46
masak at first I thought you were doing an ASCII copyright symbol ;) 10:48
jnthn "too much creativity" would be a cute company name :) 10:53
Though I'm not sure what for :P 10:54
jmerelo jnthn: A cupcake company
jnthn ooh, yes, that'd work :)
Until you end up eating the brussel sprout puree with shrimp paste cupcake, anyway... 10:55
masak Cannot invoke this object (REPR: Null; VMNull) 10:57
seems I can't stick the 007 builtins in a BEGIN block just yet
I looked around in RT for this ticket, but didn't find it on a first attempt 10:58
I might have to log in so I can do an Advanced Search
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masak ah! found the ticket about anonymous subs being broken across module/precomp lines: rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=127089 11:09
(maybe there are more tickets in RT about it, though) 11:10
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tinita tadzik: the "YAML is insecure by default" is nonsense 11:13
YAML does not do anything, it's just a serialization language 11:14
there's just the fact that some of the processors load generic objects by default
this will be fixed in the next version of PyYAML
and now that YAML::{Syck,XS,.pm} all have $LoadBlessed, I would like to change the default to 0 at some point 11:15
there's a pyyaml release planned
11:16 zakharyas left
tinita YAML::PP is safe by default anyway 11:16
(if you don't count cyclic references as unsafe, they can be turned off optionally) 11:17
masak tinita: I take your meaning, but somewhere (I think you'll admit) a lot of implementations ended up implementing the spec in such a way that (by default) generic objects could be loaded. the fact that they're correcting this *now* is... good, but detracting from the main point that the insecure way was put in there in the first place. 11:18
tinita about the "The reason for this is because you can’t use a list as a dict key in Python:" I made a pull request to fix that actally 11:19
masak \o/
tinita masak: yeah, agreed that the current state is bad
masak I think "YAML does not do anything, it's just a serialization language" loses sight of the fact that several implementations ended up doing the insecure thing by default 11:20
it's kind of like saying "the law does not do anything, it's just a book"
11:20 n1ge left
tinita still, I think writing that in an article is misleading 11:21
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tinita moritz: the 15:30 thing is not read as a number in YAML 1.2 anymore 11:21
masak aye, getting the spec/implementation distinction across is hard, as we in the Rakudo Perl 6 world know ;)
tinita just that not too many libraries picked up 1.2 :-/
11:21 HaraldJoerg1 joined, HaraldJoerg left
tinita YAML::PP will be able to do both soon 11:22
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tinita the thing about large YAML files and losing track of indendation: I'm using vim folding if necessary =) 11:25
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timo "if a yaml structure gets too big, it gets unwieldy. if code gets too big i split it into different functions" - so why not split the yaml structure up with references? 11:27
11:27 timo is now known as timotimo
timotimo that should work fine, right? 11:27
yoleaux 02:40Z <MasterDuke> timotimo: can you think of a reason a profile just wouldn't get written? i'm attempting to --profile-compile the rakudo build and it takes a long time (~16m) and finishes without any sort of error, but it never even starts the 'Writing profiler output...' stage
tinita timotimo: I'm planning to implement an !include thing, but there's no such thing in the specification 11:28
so yes, splitting the file up is often better
timotimo in the example they give, the "post:" part could have been replaced with a reference and then the post: subtree could have lived at 0 indentation? 11:29
tinita hm, maybe I read the wrong article 11:30
timotimo the "Can be hard to edit, especially for large files" section
11:31 raynold left
tinita I see. I think that depends on which framework you use. in openapi you can use something like $ref, and maybe in rails, too, but I don't know it. so that's not a "builtin" YAML thing 11:31
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timotimo i thought about using & and * 11:32
tinita I see
timotimo but now i realize that would mean the node would also have to show up in some other place; anchors and aliases are probably not able to go between documents in the same file?
tinita exactly 11:33
it would work if your structure allows something like: x-definitions: # define some &anchors here 11:34
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timotimo also, i just realized that something like json pointers would be difficult in yaml, since json doesn't have to handle complex keys at all 11:38
so while json pointers can be a simple format of their own, yaml pointers would have to include at least one way of writing yaml objects, most probably the one that doesn't need any newlines 11:39
tinita with json pointers you mean /foo/bar? 11:41
timotimo yes
tinita I think a couple of people started ypath, but it never was completed :-/
github.com/peterkmurphy/YPath-Specification 11:42
Kaiepi why does parsing "{IAC}{SB}{NAWS}0x[00]0x[80]0x[00]0x[80]{IAC}{SE}" work ok with the grammar itself, but parsing it with these actions gives me Nil instead? hastebin.com/uyumetilab.sm 11:43
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timotimo hm, regexes are allowed in ypath? that could allow user-provided ypaths to DOS using catastrophic backtracking, couldn't it? 11:52
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tinita timotimo: probably, I never looked at ypath closely =) 11:56
timotimo [Coke]: i think on the Proc::Async slide you're potentially resizing the %output hash when output comes from one of the processes, which can lead to a crash if two processes make their first output sufficiently close together
even in a later version of moarvm that can do concurrent hash resizes without crashing, i think that'll still give data loss 11:57
masak timotimo: is there a pattern for how to handle that? 11:58
timotimo concurrent resizes you mean?
masak I mean, what if a hash is what I actually want here?
timotimo have it in a supply or react block, where execution is guaranteed to only be active in one thread at a time
masak should I have an array and make a hash later?
oh, supply or react. that makes sense. 11:59
timotimo if you know the keys up front, just initialize all of them up front, that works too
masak right
right, 'cus it's the resizing that's the problem
timotimo yeah
masak initializing keys up front sounds like a generally good idea, concurrency or no
timotimo assigning to the same scalar from two threads at the same time just races and whoever wins gets to install their value
though of course you can use CAS if you want for that purpose 12:00
y'all remember the "soft" cat? she woke up my computer from suspend last night by putting her foot down somewhere on my keyboard 12:04
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jmerelo timotimo: she learns pretty fast. You'll have her getting out of vim pretty soon. 12:24
You probably know, but another batch of TPC talks has been accepted. 12:25
timotimo i wish this wouldn't lead to all the loose cat hair accumulating all over the keyboard, because that makes it hard to take pretty pictures
also, it's a little icky just in general
jmerelo timotimo: get an old computer and put some herrings in the screen _and_ over the keyboard. That will keep her busy for a while. 12:26
timotimo red herrings?
jmerelo timotimo: that would be doubly effective. Even more so if she's investigating some crime in the feline world. 12:27
jmerelo: also, LOL :-)
pmurias jmerelo: TPC::EU? 12:36
stmuk_ timotimo: a trained cat on the keyboard is good for crypto entropy 12:37
timotimo she's far too lazy for that :)
masak .oO( lovingly paw-crafted entropy ) 12:48
timotimo well, for now the *other* cat is relaxing between my keyboard and monitor 12:52
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tbrowder_ jmerelo: not a cat comment, but how are non-breaking spaces working now? any problems noticed? 13:47
ingy if I enter `sub x {}; x < 1` in the p6 repl and hit enter it goes it a mode I don't understand 13:54
and can't seem to get out of
13:54 sno left
ingy can someone explain that? 13:55
e: sub x {}; x < 1
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/YBnZ35wPEx
Unable …
ingy, Sorry kid, that's not my department.
13:55 evalable6 left, evalable6 joined
AlexDaniel e: sub x {}; x < 1 13:55
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/k6ZUj7oWwJ
Unable …
AlexDaniel, Full output: gist.github.com/54f38a3a9446b9dec3...ce91e88a77
moritz m: sub x {}; x < 1
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unable to parse expression in quote words; couldn't find final '>' (corresponding starter was at line 1)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3sub x {}; x < 17⏏5<EOL>
expecting any of:
argument …
moritz ingy: it's a quote-word expression <...>
that you didn't finish
need x() < 1 13:56
ingy I was playing with qw vs lt
moritz the repl somehow recognizes that there's an unfinished quote, and asks you for more input 13:57
ingy moritz: but how do I tell the repl to give up but not exit?
ctl-c kills the repl
moritz besides closing the quote? no idea :(
ingy as does ctl-d
moritz patches welcome :)
ingy ctl-c should probably kill the context, not the repl (unless top context (and only after prompt)) 13:59
14:00 sno joined
ingy $ coffee 14:00
(To exit, press ^C again or type .exit)
good example
moritz +1
ingy e: sub x {}; sub y { x < 0 } 14:05
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/OZEjh76AEZ
Unable …
ingy, Full output: gist.github.com/d1cdd30d2a2a790a86...e5b3e37980
ingy moritz: doesn't that seem like an ambiguity? 14:06
Kaiepi i worked out what i was doing wrong with my grammar
now i have a basic telnet parser! \o/
14:06 raschipi joined
ingy Kaiepi++ 14:07
robertle isn't telnet a surprisingly complicated protocol? I remember looking at the spec once and benig shocked by the sheer size of it...
moritz ingy: no, the parser always knows whether it expects a term or an operator
ingy moritz: in that case y should have returned a Bool 14:08
Kaiepi it's a simple protocol but really annoying to parse, if it makes sense
moritz ingy: x is a listop, so it expects a term after that 14:09
robertle hmm, i remember the autonegotiation on connection establishment as rather long-winded...
14:09 Luneburg joined
moritz x < 0 is the same as x( < 0 ) 14:09
Luneburg m: False and $number > 0;
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '$number' is not declared
at <tmp>:1
------> 3False and 7⏏5$number > 0;
ingy e: sub x {}; sub y { x } 14:11
ingy e: sub x {}; sub y { x() < 0 }
14:11 HaraldJoerg1 left
Luneburg Interesting, in the ThinkPerl6 book it says that "False and $number > 0;"expression should short-circuit after the first Boolean is read, and it shouldn't check whether $number has even been declared? 14:11
ingy just seems a little fragile to me
14:12 HaraldJoerg joined
moritz Luneburg: the declaration check happens at compile time 14:12
Luneburg: before the short-circuiting at run time
Luneburg moritz: Got it, thanks :D
ingy bbl
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Luneburg I have a value from 0 to 100(decimals included). Every time the value passes a whole integer (1,2,3,4,5), I want to concatenate a dot to an array. How can I do this without using given statements? 14:50
timotimo an important question is: does the number hit a whole integer exactly? or are you using floating point? 14:51
or are you just looking for "was the value before a given integer before and is now after that given integer?" 14:52
Luneburg timotimo: The number will hit all the whole integers
timotimo OK
m: for 0, 0.1 ... 10 { if $_ %% 1 { print "." } }
camelia ...........
timotimo m: for 0, 0.1 ... 10 { if $_ %% 1 { print "." } else { print " " } }
camelia . . . . . . . . . . .
Luneburg timotimo: Doesn't that just print a "." if the number $_ is divisible by 1? 14:55
timotimo yes
i might be misunderstanding your question
Luneburg timotimo: Ah, for one of the project euler problems I decided to make a progress bar thing. Currently, I have it display a percentage towards completion (i.e. "search 0.125% complete) 14:57
But every time it passes a 1, I want it to add a "." to a progress bar, if that makes sense?
And display the progress bar instead
timotimo OK, i don't quite understand why just checking for percentages that are divisible by 1 isn't good enough 14:58
ilmari github.com/sergot/Term--ProgressBar?
AlexDaniel timotimo: because it can jump over some numbers?
timotimo that's why i asked if it hits integers exactly 14:59
and Luneburg said "will hit all the whole integers"
Luneburg timotimo: Yup
timotimo: I'm just thinking, aren't all the percentages... divisible by 1 though?
timotimo 100 of the ones between 0 and 100 are 15:00
Luneburg *facepalm* I forgot that "divisible" means without decimal points 15:01
timotimo: Thanks :D
timotimo hah
it'd be kind of useless otherwise :D
AlexDaniel m: my $progress = 2.3; my $last = 0; sub dots() { put ‘.’ x ($progress.floor - $last.floor); $last = $progress; }; dots; $progress = 5.2; dots
camelia ..
AlexDaniel something like this maybe?
I'm not sure if it is correct
timotimo AlexDaniel: i'm sure something with a supply could be pretty
AlexDaniel m: my $progress = 2.3; my $last = 0; my &dots = { put ‘.’ x ($progress.floor - $last.floor); $last = $progress; }; dots; $progress = 5.2; dots 15:02
camelia ..
timotimo m: my $numbers = Supply.from-list(0.1, 1.1 ... 20.1); $numbers.rotor(2 => 1).tap({ .say if .[0].ceil == .[1].floor }); 15:03
camelia ( no output )
timotimo m: my $numbers = Supply.from-list(0.1, 1.1 ... 20.1); $numbers.rotor(2 => 1).tap({ say .[0].ceil, .[1].floor });
camelia ( no output )
AlexDaniel maybe modules.perl6.org/search/?q=ncurses ?
timotimo m: my $numbers = Supplier::Preserving.new; $numbers.rotor(2 => 1).tap({ say .[0].ceil, .[1].floor }); $numbers.emit($_) for 1.1, 2.1 ... 10.1; 15:04
camelia No such method 'tap' for invocant of type 'Seq'. Did you mean any of these?

in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
timotimo m: my $numbers = Supplier::Preserving.new; $numbers.Supply.rotor(2 => 1).tap({ say .[0].ceil, .[1].floor }); $numbers.emit($_) for 1.1, 2.1 ... 10.1;
camelia No such method 'ceil' for invocant of type 'Rat'. Did you mean any of these?

in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
timotimo m: my $numbers = Supplier::Preserving.new; $numbers.Supply.rotor(2 => 1).tap({ say .[0].ceiling, .[1].floor }); $numbers.emit($_) for 1.1, 2.1 ... 10.1;
camelia 22
15:04 zakharyas left
timotimo m: my $numbers = Supplier::Preserving.new; $numbers.Supply.rotor(2 => 1).tap({ .say if .[0].ceiling == .[1].floor }); $numbers.emit($_) for 1.1, 2.1 ... 10.1; 15:05
camelia [1.1 2.1]
[4.1 5.1]
[7.1 8.1]
timotimo m: my $numbers = Supplier::Preserving.new; $numbers.Supply.rotor(2 => -1).tap({ .say if .[0].ceiling == .[1].floor }); $numbers.emit($_) for 1.1, 2.1 ... 10.1;
camelia [1.1 2.1]
[2.1 3.1]
[3.1 4.1]
[4.1 5.1]
[5.1 6.1]
[6.1 7.1]
[7.1 8.1]
[8.1 9.1]
[9.1 10.1]
timotimo m: my $numbers = Supplier::Preserving.new; $numbers.Supply.rotor(2 => -1).tap({ .say if .[0].ceiling == .[1].floor }); $numbers.emit($_) for 1.1, 1.2 ... 10.1;
camelia [1.9 2]
[2 2.1]
[2.9 3]
[3 3.1]
[3.9 4]
[4 4.1]
[4.9 5]
[5 5.1]
[5.9 6]
[6 6.1]
[6.9 7]
[7 7.1]
[7.9 8]
[8 8.1]
[8.9 9]
[9 9.1]
[9.9 10]
[10 10.1]
timotimo damn, that fires just a bit too often
m: my $numbers = Supplier::Preserving.new; $numbers.Supply.rotor(2 => -1).tap({ .say if .[0].truncate != .[1].truncate }); $numbers.emit($_) for 1.1, 1.2 ... 10.1; 15:06
camelia [1.9 2]
[2.9 3]
[3.9 4]
[4.9 5]
[5.9 6]
[6.9 7]
[7.9 8]
[8.9 9]
[9.9 10]
timotimo perfect
this can handle the case when integers aren't hit exactly, too
m: my $numbers = Supplier::Preserving.new; $numbers.Supply.rotor(2 => -1).tap({ .say if .[0].truncate != .[1].truncate }); $numbers.emit($_) for 1.1, 1.3 ... 10.1;
camelia [1.9 2.1]
[2.9 3.1]
[3.9 4.1]
[4.9 5.1]
[5.9 6.1]
[6.9 7.1]
[7.9 8.1]
[8.9 9.1]
[9.9 10.1]
15:08 zakharyas joined 15:10 robertle left 15:15 sena_kun left 15:18 diakopter left 15:34 xtreak left 15:35 lizmat left 15:40 Pheix left 15:41 Pheix joined, Luneburg left 15:42 Pheix left, sno left 15:46 robertle joined 15:54 lichtkind joined, wamba left 16:02 lichtkind left 16:04 zakharyas left 16:14 lizmat joined 16:15 lizmat_ joined 16:19 lizmat left 16:21 zakharyas joined 16:28 wamba joined, dakkar left, scimon left 16:34 lizmat_ is now known as lizmat
buggable New CPAN upload: Acme-Dont-0.0.2.tar.gz by ELIZABETH cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/E/EL/...0.2.tar.gz 16:35
16:39 perlpilot joined
[Coke] timotimo: (hash resize) oops! 16:40
timotimo [Coke]: i like your talks, your presentation style is pleasant
[Coke] Recipe: Stress out for weeks, do all the work the night before! 16:43
. o O (Don't actualy do that)
timotimo i tend to do it in an even worse way, but then i'm also rather nervous and don't speak very clearly and all that 16:45
16:45 zakharyas left 16:46 fou joined
perlpilot timotimo, there are several people who have pleasant presentation styles. I wish I could relax in front of people like that. (or at least look like it! :-) 16:46
fou hey, I'm porting Peter Norvig's lis.py tutorial to perl6, but it crashes - could I get some help here? I'm desperated :(
timotimo fou: i'd say you've come to the right place 16:47
fou timotimo: what a relief
timotimo what's the nature of the crash? just exceptions, or an actual segfault? 16:48
fou timotimo: seems like a logic bug. which is weird, because my code is 1:1 translation
can I post a gist here?
timotimo yes, you can. if you put a m: in front it'll even run the code and put the output on irc, too 16:49
fou one second
timotimo: gist.github.com/fou/a70ecd989c47c7...15d5d5ee0e 16:50
read-from-tokens always dies with 'unexpected EOF'
norvig.com/lispy.html <- python version 16:51
timotimo do you have example input? does it get deep into recursion at all?
oh, heh.
you're using ~ in the if/elsif in read-from-tokens
you'll want "eq" there instead
and i'd probably replace the !~~ with ne as well 16:52
fou oh ^^ thank you!
I have to go now, will join later though. thanks for help :)
timotimo you're welcome
16:52 fou left 16:55 mahafyi joined 16:59 grumble joined 17:17 |oLa| left
Geth doc: e9a057962d | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | 6 files
Add Pod::Cache

Instead of generating pod files each time for each test that needs it, generate a cache as we go, that uses the timestamp to insure we don't regen them if not needed.
This temporarily removes the concurrency from some files.
Related to #1952
doc: 56086e010a | (JJ Merelo)++ | 2 files
Expands filehandle explanation closes #2111
doc: 6e4c16e3a1 | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | 8 files
Merge branch 'pod-cache'
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fou timotimo: it works! but the array is flattened for some reason 18:28
18:30 espadrine joined, lembark joined
perlpilot fou: flattened? you mean @l in your program? If so, perhaps you wanted @l.push instead of @l.append 18:31
fou perlpilot: ah, right :) I've changed it to .append and wanted to switch back but I forgot
lembark Q: If I want to get the same effect as P5's "use lib...", how would I manage $*REPOS in order to add new lib's?
Liz doesn't know where this is documented -- her one attempt left her emotionally scarred enought that she has attempted to blot it from her memory :-) 18:32
moritz lembark: why not just "use lib 'path';"?
works in Perl 6, afaict :-) 18:33
lembark If that works, fine.
moritz worked last I tried it :-)
lembark i.e., "use lib @prefix_these_libs;" works in Perl6 as it does in Perl5?
perlpilot It's that "manage $*REPOS" part you should probably stay away from :)
lembark Fine with me.
I've got a working version of FindBin (much simpler in P6), wanted to implement FindBin::libs. 18:34
18:36 fou left
lembark Q: Given a list of paths in @pathz what is the correct syntax for calling P6 "lib" at runtime to make use of the values in @pathz? 18:37
moritz m: my $r = CompUnit::RepositoryRegistry; $r.use-repository($r.repository-for-spec("some/path")); 18:46
camelia ( no output )
18:46 Xliff left
moritz lembark: ^^ should work something like that (which you have to repeate for every element in @pathz 18:47
18:53 Xliff joined
tbrowder_ .ask jmerelo how are pod non-breaking spaces working now? any problems noticed? 19:00
yoleaux tbrowder_: I'll pass your message to jmerelo.
19:08 dha left 19:10 jmerelo joined
jmerelo So very soon there will be a Perl 6 .gitignore in GitHub github.com/github/gitignore/pull/2...1693842140 thanks to bdfoy 19:12
yoleaux 19:00Z <tbrowder_> jmerelo: how are pod non-breaking spaces working now? any problems noticed?
jmerelo tbrowder_: Has it been included in the new release? I'll check. Thanks! 19:13
Is there a new release?
releasable6: status
releasable6 jmerelo, Next release will happen when it's ready. 0 blockers. 88 out of 123 commits logged
jmerelo, Details: gist.github.com/ec61a4a60c235504fa...d492fd6dcc
jmerelo Not yet, I guess...
tbrowder_ oh, you’re right, i can’t keep up with the release process :( 19:14
19:15 opuaharuk is now known as kurahaupo
AlexDaniel release will happen in a few hours 19:16
nothing is blocking, I just need to get my hands on it
jmerelo tbrowder_: thanks for warning, anyway. I'm still travelling but will try to do something as soon as it's availab.e 19:17
El_Che release depends on Argentina playing better
jmerelo El_Che: Well, that goal was terrible...
I mean, really. 19:18
Kick it into the hands of the Croatian forward.
El_Che It's on onto the hand of god, that's sure
geekosaur another team that barely qualified on the way out :p 19:19
jmerelo Or boots, rather
Also, 4 days without Perl6 questions in StackOverflow. We're missing Brian D. Foy there...
El_Che jmerelo: it's because your new doc is too clear 19:21
jmerelo El_Che: :-) 155 issues say otherwise... 19:23
AlexDaniel o-o-o my PR to FastCGI was merged
jmerelo AlexDaniel: congrats! 19:24
El_Che AlexDaniel: you da man
lucs jmerelo: bdf's book is now in t
jmerelo Beer|Soft drink|water for everyone. Next round is on AlexDaniel.
lucs jmerelo: bdf's book is now in the hands of his editors, so that probably explains his absence.
.oO(beer water for everyone!)
jmerelo lucs: that's probably the case. But there's no one else taking up the slack...
lucs jmerelo: Write a book! ;)
El_Che is the code on the draft ideomatic? 19:26
there was some critique on the blog posts
jmerelo lucs: Hey, I _did_ write a book! amzn.to/2JVX2MF
lucs Could be tricky -- one person's idiom is another one's golf example. 19:27
Geth doc: ronaldxs++ created pull request #2112:
Update regexes.pod6 fix reversed suppress capture operators ".&"
lucs jmerelo: Oh, cool :)
jmerelo El_Che: there's no such thing as "idiomatic" perl6
AlexDaniel why not 19:28
El_Che there pis perl6 with a stong perl 5 accent
jmerelo We barely have a word for it: p6y...
AlexDaniel: Well, there's maybe such a thing "in the abstract". But it's a matter of opinions.
Not that, actually. Rather of what you want to optimize. Speed, "functional", thread-safe... 19:29
El_Che I prefer slow, non-functioning and locking code, myself 19:30
19:34 n1ge left
jmerelo El_Che: If it non-works optimally, great :-) 19:34
Geth doc: 33a4b40ddb | (Jan-Olof Hendig)++ | xt/examples-compilation.t
Added a couple of missing close statements

Could cause problems on systems where the number of open fh's per process was set too low, e.g. 1024
El_Che jmerelo: it looks like the Argentinian selection will have some time soon to ask question on SO 19:39
19:39 n1ge joined
jmerelo El_Che: :-) a lot of time indeed. 19:41
Geth doc: 81f5da0ccf | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/IO.pod6
Minor reflow
doc: c678f271bd | (JJ Merelo)++ | 9 files
Fixes conflict
synopsebot_ Link: doc.perl6.org/type/IO
doc: 23578bb4e0 | (Ronald Schmidt)++ | doc/Language/regexes.pod6
Update regexes.pod6 fix reversed suppress capture operators ".&"
synopsebot_ Link: doc.perl6.org/language/regexes
doc: a3753c01a3 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/regexes.pod6
Merge pull request #2112 from ronaldxs/reverse-suppress-capture

Update regexes.pod6 fix reversed suppress capture operators ".&" Thanks a lot!
19:47 darutoko left
El_Che jmerelo: heh, indeed :) 19:49
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geekosaur one could argue they have time right now 19:49
not sure what they're doing out there, ight as well be on SO 19:50
jmerelo geekosaur: yep, they are not doing much...
I'm pretty sure that if they ask "How to win a match with a second-tier European team having the (arguably) best player in the world" will be voted down as "too broad" 19:51
El_Che opiniated
jmerelo Finished
El_Che The Promise was broken 19:53
20:20 gabiruh left 20:21 drforr joined 20:23 perlpilot left
drforr You'd think there was a convention going on or something. 20:23
yoleaux 16 Apr 2018 13:31Z <Zoffix> drforr: you done a bunch of Perl 6 workshops. Do you got any advice to offer for what should be included in our Perl 6 Starter Kit? github.com/perl6/marketing/issues/14
16 Jun 2018 18:38Z <Zoffix> drforr: a long shot, but is there a version of your ML talk with working sound by any chance? www.youtube.com/watch?v=GI9DmIbNXrM
20:23 raschipi joined 20:24 MasterDuke joined, ChoHag left
drforr .tell Zoffix I'll give it some thought tonight. 20:25
yoleaux drforr: I'll pass your message to Zoffix.
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drforr .tell Zoffix I know of no other version of 20:28
yoleaux drforr: I'll pass your message to Zoffix.
drforr .tell Zoffix ... of the talk. 20:29
yoleaux drforr: I'll pass your message to Zoffix.
20:30 ryn1x left
jmerelo drforr: you've done a talk on machine learning? 20:31
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masak why is EXPR upper-cased in the Perl 6 grammar? 21:17
21:18 jast joined 21:20 sno joined
Geth perl6-most-wanted: c9b3fbbb5b | (Will Coleda)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | most-wanted/modules.md
Update modules.md
perl6-most-wanted: c08f7c4cf9 | (Will Coleda)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | most-wanted/modules.md
Update modules.md

App::Uni was done ages ago: github.com/coke/p6-uni
21:28 pmurias left 21:29 pmurias joined
Xliff m: my $a = 1; my $b := $a; say $b.^name; 21:30
camelia Int
[Coke] is docs.perl6.org/language/modules#Up...le_to_CPAN up to date?
Xliff m: my $a = 1; my $b := $a; say $b.VAR.^name;
camelia Scalar
Xliff m: my $a = 1; my $b := $a; say $b.VAR.gist.say; 21:32
camelia 1
Xliff How can you get the name assigned to a variable? 21:36
And is there a way to determine if that variable has been bound to another?
timotimo you can compare with :=:
Xliff (The second one isn't as important)
timotimo er
Xliff m: my $a = 1; my $b := $a; say ($b =:= $a) 21:37
camelia True
Xliff m: my $a = 1; my $b := $a; my $c = 2; say ($b =:= $c)
camelia False
MasterDuke m: my $a = 1; my $b := $a; say $b.VAR.name;
camelia $a
masak I'd say this, if you need to check whether a variable has been bound to another, you might want to step back and re-examine the premises of your program design :P 21:38
[Coke] lizmat: you've probably uploaded more cpan modules than anyone, let me borrow you for 30s when you get a chance.
21:43 telex joined
Xliff m: my $a = 1; my $b := $a; say $b.VAR.name; 21:44
camelia $a
Xliff ^^ Is there a way to get that to say "b"?
m: my $a = 1; my $b := $a; my $c = 2; say $c.VAR.name 21:45
camelia $c
timotimo you're overwriting the very existence of $b, at that point, no b exists any more
Xliff That's what I was afraid of.
OK, thanks!
timotimo it could potentially be possible, if perl6 didn't decont when assigning
ingy why is modules.perl6.org/t/SLANG so empty? 21:50
I am thinking to make a Slang::Destructure to implement coffeescript.org/#destructuring in p6 21:51
I thought there would be more slang modules
hmm there are actually 9 slang modules. people just suck at tagging 21:52
21:53 raynold joined
Kaiepi there's no destructuring for stuff like hashes? 21:54
m: my %a = a => 1, b => 2; my ($a, $b) = %a; say $a, $b 21:55
camelia a => 1b => 2
Kaiepi m: my %a = a => 1, b => 2; my ($a, $b) = %a; say $a
camelia a => 1
timotimo m: my %a = :1a, :2b; my (:$a, :$b) = %a; dd $a, $b; 21:57
camelia Pair $a = :b(2)
Pair $b = :a(1)
timotimo m: my %a = :1a, :2b; my (:$a, :$b) = %a; say $a.perl; say $b.perl
camelia :b(2)
timotimo huh
m: my %a = :1a, :2b; my \(:$a, :$b) := %a; say $a.perl; say $b.perl
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Malformed my
at <tmp>:1
------> 3my %a = :1a, :2b; my7⏏5 \(:$a, :$b) := %a; say $a.perl; say $b.
timotimo m: my %a = :1a, :2b; my (:$a, :$b) := %a; say $a.perl; say $b.perl
camelia 1
timotimo that's how
Kaiepi what would be cool is an equivalent to something like "let foo = {a: 1}; let bar = {b: 2, ...a}" like in javascript 21:58
timotimo m: my %foo = :1a; my %bar = :2b, %foo; say %bar.perl 21:59
Kaiepi wait
camelia {:a(1), :b(2)}
Kaiepi m: my %a = a => 1; my %b = b => 2, |%a; dd %b
camelia Hash %b = {:a(1), :b(2)}
timotimo no need for the | actually 22:00
Kaiepi oh nice
22:04 rindolf left 22:05 diakopter joined 22:06 perlpilot left 22:07 sno left, sno joined 22:11 pmurias left 22:14 sno left 22:15 sno joined 22:31 labster joined 22:35 Kaiepi left 22:42 HaraldJoerg left 22:53 Kaiepi joined 22:57 robertle left 23:03 cpage joined
buggable New CPAN upload: IP-Random-0.0.4.tar.gz by JMASLAK modules.perl6.org/dist/IP::Random:cpan:JMASLAK 23:05
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Xliff Can someone point me to docs for caller()? 23:48
I need to get the call chain from within a method or sub.
geekosaur if it's implemented yet, it's a wrapper for docs.perl6.org/routine/callframe 23:50
perlpilot Xliff, there's docs.perl6.org/routine/callframe
I think there might be a module (from lizmat?) that does caller()
23:52 molaf joined
perlpilot oh, I'm thinking of modules.perl6.org/dist/P5caller:cpan:ELIZABETH 23:53
23:57 lizmat left
jnthn Xliff: Depending why you want it, the Backtrace class may also be sueful 23:57
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