»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
tyil anyone around using Solus? 00:00
00:30 chsanch joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v chsanch 00:34 chsanch left 00:35 haxmeister is now known as kliner, kliner is now known as haxmeister 00:41 lookatme_q joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v lookatme_q
lookatme_q oh that's bad :/ 00:42
geekosaur actually the spam attack has died down, perhaps the channel can go back to normal now 00:43
00:44 kalkin--- joined 00:45 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v kalkin---
lookatme_q yeah, I was even register a nickname for login 00:46
AlexDaniel geekosaur: just in time for the squashathon! Did it really stop or is it just a temporary remission? 00:48
geekosaur nobody knows but it's been 5-6hrs since anyone has seen spam in the channels I'm in
00:55 HaraldJoerg left 00:56 uzl joined
geekosaur #haskell and friends reverted about an hour ago fwiw 00:56
00:56 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v uzl 01:19 uzl left
Geth ecosystem-unbitrot: b3c381ca24 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | 2 files
Final changes and tweaks

We can change the text later but we will need another script for that. I'll get around to it if it's needed.
I removed some text from the README to make it simpler (there's already a guide inside every ticket). The template was improved a bit, ... (5 more lines)
01:32 chsanch joined
squashable6 Webhook for perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot is now active! Keep it logically awesome. 01:32
01:32 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v chsanch 01:37 chsanch left
Geth ecosystem-unbitrot: 682e68c6db | (Brad Gilbert)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | README.md
Fix link to irc in README.md
AlexDaniel right :) 01:40
01:40 w_richard_w joined
AlexDaniel alright, so, let's populate the issue list… 01:40
01:40 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v w_richard_w
AlexDaniel then I'd be told that everything is wrong and I'd have to write a script to fix that, but that's ok :) 01:40
squashable6: next 01:41
squashable6 AlexDaniel, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in ≈8 hours (2018-08-04 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
b2gills I have about as much experience with Markdown as I do with Perl 6 (StackOverflow)
AlexDaniel ah crap 01:43
“Server responded with 403 Forbidden”… did I get throttled? 01:44
yeah, seems so 01:47
now with a slight delay… :)
github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues 01:49
AlexDaniel keeps hitting F5
01:50 astj joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v astj
AlexDaniel hmm after 247 it died again with the same reason 01:58
but that's more than half way through :)
01:59 vike left, astj left, astj joined 02:00 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v astj 02:01 vike joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v vike 02:10 Guest21487 joined, Guest21487 left 02:13 chsanch joined 02:14 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v chsanch
astj My module SQL::NamedPlaceholder exists on both ecosystem and cpan. Should I remove from ecosystem? or keep both? 02:15
02:18 chsanch left
SmokeMachine m: use Test; isa-ok 42.HOW, Metamodel::ClassHOW 02:19
camelia Too few positionals passed; expected 3 arguments but got 2
in sub isa-ok at /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/perl6/sources/C712FE6969F786C9380D643DF17E85D06868219E (Test) line 459
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
SmokeMachine what's wrong with that?
timotimo m: use Test; isa-ok 42.HOW, Metamodel::ClassHOW, "it works" 02:20
camelia Too few positionals passed; expected 3 arguments but got 2
in sub isa-ok at /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/perl6/sources/C712FE6969F786C9380D643DF17E85D06868219E (Test) line 459
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
SmokeMachine m: use Test; isa-ok 42, Int
camelia ok 1 - The object is-a 'Int'
timotimo different candidate, perhaps?
oh, HOW methods always take an instance as first parameter 02:21
SmokeMachine its a multi but with only 1 candidate
timotimo m: say 42.HOW.isa(42, Metamodel::ClassHOW)
camelia 0
timotimo m: say 42.HOW.isa(Metamodel::ClassHOW) 02:22
camelia Too few positionals passed; expected 3 arguments but got 2
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
timotimo that's the difference
it doesn't know how to handle one of the HOW objects
SmokeMachine hum!
02:25 xi| left 02:28 Zoffix joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Zoffix
Zoffix astj: it's up to you. Some people keep both, but with the current modules.perl6.org such setup shows both of them as if they were separate modules ( modules.perl6.org/search/?q=SQL%3A%...laceholder ). Some use only the p6c ecosystem, others use only CPAN. 02:30
(for spam attack: web users and anyone with a '/' get voiced immediatelly; the rest in 15 seconds. I rather not devoice 300 people just for the spam attack to resume tomorrow and then have to voice 300 people backa gain) 02:31
astj Zoffix: thanx. so is there no recommendation about this? if not I'll keep them as is. 02:32
Zoffix astj: don't think there's any recommendation. It's simply just two different ecosystems. Well, three I guess, some people choose to host on GitLab instead of GitHub. Different tokes for different folks. 02:33
AlexDaniel: "Unread notifications: 249" :)
AlexDaniel Zoffix: oh…
I… didn't think about that…
did it also send all these as emails to people who have them configured? 02:34
astj (oh yes, I also received so many notifications from perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot :)
AlexDaniel: yes I received many emails, and turned off notifications from the repo
AlexDaniel well, shit! :)
Zoffix heh 02:35
Yeah, it's not that hard to turn off
AlexDaniel .tell jmerelo I think you wanted this: gist.github.com/AlexDaniel/e55e332...92b3c8dc86 02:38
so yeah, I'm done now with creating issues…
but if I wanted not to send all these notifications, what were my options?
one would be to create a personal repo and then transfer it, but the repo was already there 02:39
02:39 Zoffix left
Geth ecosystem-unbitrot: 46a1159dd7 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | populate-issues.p6
Sleep between requests

Otherwise you get throttled after a certain amount.
astj maybe there was no choice about creating issues on already-exists repo, afaik 02:43
AlexDaniel well, it's too late now… and many are probably pissed at me :) 02:44
02:47 greppable6 joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v greppable6
astj hmm, I don't know what happens on this toast log on my module.. toast.perl6.party/module?module=SQ...it=2018.06 02:48
(should I wait until squashathon starts? :P
AlexDaniel astj: is it on the list? 02:53
hmm yes it is
astj oh yes it is
AlexDaniel astj: I think there's an issue in toaster itself and this comes from “already installed” warnings/errors 02:55
02:55 chsanch joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v chsanch
AlexDaniel astj: so basically it can be closed with “works for me” if it is installable 02:56
astj AlexDaniel: okay. I'll check it. thanks! 02:57
02:58 kerframil left 02:59 chsanch left
SmokeMachine timotimo: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/2172 03:10
Geth ecosystem-unbitrot: 2f0fa94e87 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | README.md
Mention that there are false positives
AlexDaniel or are these false negatives? :)
03:15 MasterDuke left 03:28 ChoHag left 03:35 w_richard_w left 03:36 chsanch joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v chsanch
AlexDaniel squashable6: next 03:37
squashable6 AlexDaniel, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in ≈6 hours (2018-08-04 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
AlexDaniel astj: the bot won't give pizza for ≈6 more hours but here's one from me 🍕
03:38 xi- joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v xi-
astj AlexDaniel: thanks :hearts: 03:38
03:41 chsanch left 03:44 astj left 03:45 astj joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v astj 03:56 blackberry9900 joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v blackberry9900 04:00 BlackBerry9999 joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v BlackBerry9999 04:04 blackberry9900 left 04:17 psychoslave joined 04:18 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v psychoslave 04:23 Xliff joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Xliff
Xliff \o 04:23
AlexDaniel? 04:24
AlexDaniel o/
hi? :)
Xliff Ahh! You are awake!
There were a load of messages sent out about travis tests not passing. How can I check that.
AlexDaniel Xliff: you mean this? perl6.github.io/ecosystem-unbitrot/ 04:25
Xliff Yeah. 04:26
Geth ecosystem-unbitrot: Xliff self-assigned Audio::OggVorbis github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/284
Altai-man self-assigned Acme::Mangle github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/310

  Altai-man self-assigned Astro::Sunrise github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/289
  Altai-man self-assigned AI::FANN github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/314
  Altai-man self-assigned Cairo github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/274
the-eater self-assigned TagLibC github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/49 zoffixznet self-assigned WWW github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/23 zoffixznet self-assigned HTTP::UserAgent github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/191
  Altai-man self-assigned MagickWand github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/143
  Altai-man self-assigned MPD::Client github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/144
  Xliff self-assigned Algorithm::BloomFilter github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/307
  Altai-man self-assigned Cro::ZeroMQ github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/256
  Altai-man self-assigned Cro::HTTP::Test github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/259
  Altai-man self-assigned Cro::HTTP github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/261
452b32457d | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | README.md List debug tips for scenarios where module fails to fail
AlexDaniel squashable6: next
squashable6 AlexDaniel, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in ≈5 hours (2018-08-04 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
AlexDaniel Xliff: you're perhaps a bit too early ↑, but that's fine :) 04:27
Xliff Well. No. That's my module. I will check it.
AlexDaniel Xliff: 🍕
Xliff: fwiw you can check toast.perl6.party/ to see why toaster considered it to be failing 04:28
in this case it seems to be a missing library? 04:29
Xliff OK. What's the best way to fix that, here?
AlexDaniel Xliff: “describe what you did to install it and ensure that same instructions are present in the README file of the module” :) 04:31
Xliff Does META6.json have a facility to allow specification of native dependencies? 04:32
AlexDaniel not that I know of, unfortunately 04:33
also it's very platform-specific
although… maybe not
I mean, it's pretty universal to demand “libogg” library, be it libogg.so or something else
Xliff Yeah. I'm going to add install instructions into README and insure it still installs. 04:34
OK. Setup info added to README.md and all installs OK. 04:41
AlexDaniel closable then \o/ 04:42
sacomo hi all 04:44
Xliff \o
AlexDaniel: Closed 04:45
AlexDaniel Xliff: \o/
sacomo anyone here have a p6 t-shirt from one of the merch sites on perl6.org? 04:46
AlexDaniel Xliff: fwiw for those not following the IRC discussion it is probably a bit confusing, a comment like “Added instructions for debian to the readme” can unconfuse things :) 04:49
04:50 curan joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v curan, spycrab0 left
Xliff AlexDaniel: OK. Noted. 04:58
04:59 BlackBerry9999 left 05:01 chenyf joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v chenyf 05:13 chsanch joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v chsanch 05:18 chsanch left 05:21 Khisanth left 05:35 sauvin joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v sauvin, Khisanth joined 05:36 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Khisanth 05:54 chsanch joined 05:55 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v chsanch 05:59 chsanch left
AlexDaniel squashable6: status 06:11
squashable6 AlexDaniel, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in ≈3 hours (2018-08-04 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
AlexDaniel 💤
06:15 chsanch joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v chsanch, domidumont joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v domidumont 06:17 abraxxa joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v abraxxa 06:20 chsanch left 06:21 domidumont left, domidumont joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v domidumont 06:23 abraxxa left 06:31 domidumont left 06:39 abraxxa joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v abraxxa 06:49 domidumont joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v domidumont 06:53 chsanch joined 06:54 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v chsanch 07:02 DarkMukke8 joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v DarkMukke8 07:04 DarkMukke8 left 07:09 disi3 joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v disi3 07:10 disi3 left
lookatme_q sacomo, what T-shirt ? :) 07:12
sacomo lookatme_q, there are three sites listed here perl6.org/whatever/ in the merchandising box. 07:13
I have never purchased t-shirts from any of those sites. I was wondering if anyone had experience with those, or the quality. 07:14
07:15 wodencafe25 joined 07:16 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v wodencafe25 07:17 wodencafe25 left 07:19 Guest99544 joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Guest99544 07:20 Guest99544 left
lookatme_q sacomo, don't have experience about that 07:26
sacomo cool, no worries. 07:30
lookatme_q little expensive for me :/ 07:32
07:42 sena_kun joined 07:43 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v sena_kun
07:45 chenyf left 07:46 psychoslave left 07:48 psychoslave joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v psychoslave
08:00 psychoslave left 08:03 HaraldJoerg joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v HaraldJoerg, chsanch left 08:08 benjikun joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v benjikun
08:13 rindolf joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v rindolf 08:18 zakharyas joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v zakharyas
sena_kun ok, this if fun, but $dayjob awaits. 08:20
08:21 ExtraCrispy left 08:24 chsanch joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v chsanch, domidumont left 08:25 domidumont joined 08:26 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v domidumont 08:28 chsanch left 08:42 scimon joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v scimon
scimon Can I just say. This spam attack at least means people know we're here :) 08:43
08:45 chsanch joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v chsanch
Xliff scimon: I have filters for that. 08:47
Does anyone know what the meaning behind this is:
has cairo_surface_t $.surface handles <reference destroy flush finish show_page>; 08:48
Ah! Nevermind. 08:49
scimon It's good that it's tomorrow. I couldn't sleep and got up at 3am (so 6 hours ago my time)... I'm not going to be a huge amount of help today. 08:50
Xliff m: class A { has $x; has $y; }; class B { has A $!a handles <x y> .= new(:0x, :0y) }; my $b = B.new.x; $b.x = 3; 09:00
camelia No such method 'x' for invocant of type 'A'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Xliff m: class A { has $.x; has $.y; }; class B { has A $!a handles <x y> .= new(:0x, :0y) }; my $b = B.new.x; $b.x = 3; 09:01
camelia No such method 'x' for invocant of type 'Int'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Xliff m: class A { has $.x; has $.y; }; class B { has A $!a handles <x y> .= new(:x(0) :y(0) ) }; my $b = B.new.x; $b.x = 3;
camelia No such method 'x' for invocant of type 'Int'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Xliff m: class A { has $.x; has $.y; }; class B { has A $!a handles <x y> .= new(:x(0) :y(0) ) }; my $b = B.new; $b.x = 3;
camelia Cannot modify an immutable Int (0)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Xliff m: class A { has $.x; has $.y; }; class B { has A $.a handles <x y> .= new(:x(0) :y(0) ) }; my $b = B.new; $b.x = 3; 09:02
camelia Cannot modify an immutable Int (0)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Xliff m: class A { has $.x; has $.y; }; class B { has A $.a handles <x y> .= new }; my $b = B.new; $b.x = 3;
camelia Cannot modify an immutable Any ((Any))
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Xliff m: class A { has $.x; has $.y; }; class B { has A $.a handles <x y> .= new }; my $b = B.new;
camelia ( no output )
Xliff m: class A { has $.x; has $.y; }; class B { has A $.a handles <x y> .= new }; my $b = B.new; $b.x.say
camelia (Any)
Xliff m: class A { has $.x; has $.y; }; class B { has A $!a handles <x y> .= new }; my $b = B.new; $b.x.say 09:03
camelia (Any)
Xliff m: class A { has $.x; has $.y; }; class B { has A $!a handles <x y> .= new }; my $b = B.new; $b.x = 3
camelia Cannot modify an immutable Any ((Any))
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
masak m: class A { has $.x is rw; has $.y; }; class B { has A $!a handles <x y> .= new }; my $b = B.new; $b.x = 3; say $b.x 09:06
camelia 3
masak public attrs are readonly by default (aka "the public accessor method generated for the actual (private) attr is an rvalue by default") 09:07
Xliff masak++
masak: What's the basic use case for trait:handles? 09:09
masak in a word, delegation
Xliff Yeah, I get that.
masak but I imagine, since you're asking, that short answer doesn't help much :)
Xliff Not really. I think I get it, but sometimes it's better to see a useful example, rather than something basic, like what is shown in the docs. 09:10
masak let's just say there's a style of OO programming based around composition and delegation for which `handles` greatly helps avoiding writing out very repetitive methods that only delegate to the wrapped object in the obvious way
Xliff So...
masak m: class Motor { method start { say "wrooom" } }; class Car { has Motor $.motor handles <start> }; Car.new.start 09:11
camelia wrooom
masak I didn't have to write `method start { $.motor.start }`
Xliff I was about to say just that. Thanks!
masak and that advantage only grows, the more you rely on composition and delegation
Xliff And that prevents unnecessary complexity from trying to determine whether Motor is a class or a Role. 09:13
masak it just needs to be something that typechecks 09:14
Xliff masak++: That helps, thanks!
masak hm, but my example wasn't super-realistic, I realize. because I accidentally relied on the Motor attribute working with a static method 09:15
scimon So. I have been wondering how would I go about getting something like sub trait_mod:<requires>( Sub $s, :$auth [$type] ) { ... } (basically a trait that's not 'is' )
masak m: class Motor { has $.sound; method start { say $.sound } }; class Car { has Motor $.motor handles <start> }; my Motor $motor .= new(:sound("wroooom!")); Car(:$motor).new.start
camelia Cannot coerce to Car with named arguments
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
masak m: class Motor { has $.sound; method start { say $.sound } }; class Car { has Motor $.motor handles <start> }; my Motor $motor .= new(:sound("wroooom!")); Car.new(:$motor).new.start 09:16
camelia Cannot look up attributes in a Motor type object
in method sound at <tmp> line 1
in method start at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
masak m: class Motor { has $.sound; method start { say $.sound } }; class Car { has Motor $.motor handles <start> }; my Motor $motor .= new(:sound("wroooom!")); Car.new(:$motor).start
camelia wroooom!
masak :)
Xliff: that's a more realistic (if slightly longer) example
Xliff: you can probably spot the relationships here between stuff like composition/delegation and Dependency Injection 09:17
Xliff Yes. I think I get it. I actually haven't looked into composition/delegation much, though. 09:18
Probably why I didn't immediately get the concept.
masak Xliff: everybody is raving about inheritance in OO, but inheritance is (IMHO) not such a strong idea. composition, on the other hand... 09:19
inheritance is a weak idea because the dependency relationship between base class and deriving class (*especially* as those evolve over time, especially in the hands of different teams) becomes very tricky 09:21
scimon Agreed
masak actually, "tricky" is too vague of a term. it has a lot of inherent "risk", in the precise meaning that's connected with monetary losses and project failure 09:22
El_Che masak: there is nothing more fun than subclassing without needing to think about the global design :) 09:23
masak I have a long-standing theory that inheritance is popular mostly because it seems an obvious idea from the point of view of the "ambient" philosophy we're left with after Plato and Aristotle 09:24
but they didn't say much about the risk :)
El_Che ambient philosophy? 09:25
masak I just mean the imprints that philosophy has made on the minds of people, even lots of people who may not have studied Plato and Aristotle directly, but only learned of it through some kind of cultural osmosis 09:27
I mean, Plato said "there's the world of Ideas, and then there's the messy world of things that're based on those ideas". well, that's classes and instances for you. 09:28
(paraphrased, by the way)
El_Che well, Aristotle ware revived in the Middle Ages and gained influence in Western culture then. But what I know of him (mostly the part about rethorics) doesn't match that world view 09:29
he's the man of maxima
rules that can result in the desired result 09:30
in rethorics I would see Aristotle more in the school of composition 09:31
masak yes. also in the school of JavaScript's prototypes. 09:32
El_Che adaptive programmig 09:33
a succesful orator knows how to change his discourse to his target audience
(from somewhere in the Poetics) 09:34
"The whole is more than the sum of its parts." <-- sounds like composition to me :) 09:36
masak as an occasional reductionist, I must protest 09:37
El_Che hehehe
masak if someone got more out of the parts than their sum, it might be because they're crap at addition 09:38
El_Che "It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.", Aristotle before Christmas 2015
masak yeah, pretty sure it was before
didn't know Aristotle was big on platitudes, tho
El_Che he's the king of the maxima we take for granted today 09:39
logical maxima
like the good of the many > good of the few
masak do you mean "maxims"? 09:40
"maxima" is the plural of "maximum"
El_Che maxima propositio
masak ah. 09:41
El_Che there must be something left of those Latin year I had in high school :)
axioma => maxima proposition
(of course we all know axioma from math)
09:46 atroxaper joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v atroxaper 09:47 tokomer joined 09:48 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v tokomer 09:50 Zoffix joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Zoffix
Zoffix "<Zoffix> (for spam attack: […] rather not devoice 300 people just for the spam attack to resume tomorrow)" 09:51
Totally called it. #zofbot got spammed 4 times 2 hours ago :)
squashable6: status
squashable6 Zoffix, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon is in 8 minutes (2018-08-04 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
Zoffix wooo 09:52
lizmat :-)
El_Che ZofBot is an unsung hero
lizmat an impressive 300+ emails in my mailbox this morning
Zoffix hehe
09:52 atroxape_ joined 09:53 atroxaper left, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v atroxape_
Xliff masak: Yes. Inheritance has its own problems. I am currently dealing with such an issue, ATM. 09:53
El_Che taxes? 09:54
Xliff I have a base class A::A, with descendent classes A::B, A::C and A::D. If I pass A::C to a method expecting A::A, it fails with a type error.
Zoffix sacomo: I think jmerelo has a P6 shirt. You should ask him where he got it next time you see him
El_Che Zoffix: iirc, he made it himself 09:55
(the hippy colours one, I suppose)
09:55 atroxape_ left
Zoffix oh 09:56
10:11 abraxxa left
jkramer m: (say ++$) xx 3 10:12
camelia 1
jkramer m: (say "{++$}") xx 3
camelia 1
jkramer Is it supposed to be like that?
Zoffix jkramer: yup
m: (say "$(++$)") xx 3
camelia 1
Zoffix jkramer: docs.perl6.org/language/traps#Usin...state_vars 10:13
squashable6: status 10:17
squashable6 Zoffix, 🍕🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in 2 days and ≈1 hour. See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
Zoffix \o/
lizmat so it's Saturday on this planet for 49 hours ? 10:18
TIL I guess
Zoffix "Saturday any timezone" :) 10:19
Ah, yeah, it's something like that
lizmat "Saturday" implicitely is tied to timezones / something political anyway :-)
Zoffix hm, UTC-12 to UTF+14 10:20
That's like 26hrs innit?
lizmat + the original 24
Zoffix Ah right
lizmat would make it 50
or do we have an off-by-one here ? 10:21
10:25 MasterDuke joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v MasterDuke
Zoffix 2018.06 zoffix@VirtualBox/tmp/tmp.EZaxijeQVK (master)$ zef uninstall HTTP::UserAgent JSON::Fast IO::Socket::SSL 10:32
!!!> Found no matching candidates to uninstall
2018.06 zoffix@VirtualBox/tmp/tmp.EZaxijeQVK (master)$ zef --depsonly install .
The following local path candidates are already installed: .
All candidates are currently installed
:/ something wrong with zef?
oh... it doesn't try to install anything if the module itself is installed 10:33
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ labeled issue “DateTime::Extended”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/241
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by FCO++! ♥
🍕 FCO++ wrote a comment on “DateTime::Extended”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410214364
🍕 FCO++ closed issue “DateTime::Extended”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/241
squashable6 🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by the-eater++! ♥
10:34 benjikun left
squashable6 🍕 the-eater++ labeled issue “TagLibC”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/49 10:35
10:36 benjikun joined
squashable6 🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by zoffixznet++! ♥
10:37 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v benjikun
10:42 astj left 10:43 chsanch left 10:44 chsanch joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v chsanch
squashable6 🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by Altai-man++! ♥
🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “MagickWand”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/143
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “MagickWand”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410216783
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “MagickWand”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/143
10:46 astj joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v astj, TimToady joined 10:47 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v TimToady
10:48 chsanch left
squashable6 🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by Xliff++! ♥
10:49 benjikun left
jkramer Zoffix: Thanks 10:51
10:51 astj left, benjikun joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v benjikun
squashable6 🍕 the-eater++ wrote a comment on “TagLibC”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410218657 10:54
masak m: (say "{++$}") xx 3
camelia 1
10:55 andrzejku joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v andrzejku
masak I'm surprised at that one. I'd appreciate a detailed, slow explanation :) 10:55
Zoffix: you seemed convinced it's correct -- am I missing something obvious?
masak m: sub foo { ++$ }; (say "{foo}") xx 3
camelia 1
Zoffix masak: did you see the description in the traps?
masak: docs.perl6.org/language/traps#Usin...state_vars
masak Zoffix: why does this one go 1 2 3 but the above one goes 1 1 1?
Zoffix: oh! 10:57
sacomo Zoffix, thanks.
masak Zoffix: no, I didn't see one, but from reading the URL I think I can guess.
Zoffix: thank you :)
10:57 zakharyas left
masak my guess is: it comes down to the block in the string re-cloning all the time 10:57
Zoffix yeah
masak good.
then I'm satisfied. :> no bug. 10:58
10:58 curan left
squashable6 🍕 Xliff++ opened issue “Digest::MurmurHash3”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/315 10:58
Geth ecosystem-unbitrot: Xliff self-assigned Digest::MurmurHash3 github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/315
Altai-man assigned to Xliff Issue Digest::MurmurHash3 github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/235

MattOates self-assigned Stats github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/57
  lizmat self-assigned P5localtime github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/108
  lizmat self-assigned P5readlink github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/107
  lizmat self-assigned P5built-ins github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/109
MattOates self-assigned Text::CSV github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/37
  lizmat self-assigned Slang::Roman github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/63
JJ self-assigned WebService::GitHub github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/15
  Altai-man self-assigned deredere github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/3
MattOates self-assigned Amazon::DynamoDB github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/304
  Altai-man self-unassigned deredere github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/3
  lizmat self-assigned Class::Utils github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/273
ad46de15c5 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | README.md remove redundant word
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Digest::MurmurHash3”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410219983 11:01
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Digest::MurmurHash3”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/315
sena_kun :)
Xliff For this squashathon, for modules that have bad tests and can be fixed, how should we mark those? 11:03
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “NativeCall”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/124
Xliff I just fixed the tests for Digest::MurmurHash3 and am about to submit a PR.
Ah! Nevermind. I see it. 11:04
sena_kun Xliff, you can push a PR which fixes tests, then mark the issue with `PR sent` and close. Also, IIRC MurmurHash is about native dependency: if I am not mistaken here, see if the README clearly states it, has at least brief instructions on how to install the dependency, mark with `native dependency`, install/test, if everything is green - closing. 11:05
11:06 atroxaper joined
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “NativeCall”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410221023 11:06
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “NativeCall”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/124
11:06 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v atroxaper
Xliff OK, who is involved in this, today? I want to set up a github organization for this squashathon 11:07
So people don't have to duplicate efforts/clutter their own github pages.
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “TagLibC”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410221520 11:08
sena_kun I'll spend all tomorrow for that, as today is workday here and I cannot really do a lot now. :S But I don't mind cluttering my github page. :> 11:09
Zoffix Xliff: what do you mean by clutter your own github page? 11:10
Which page?
Xliff github.com/perl6-unbitrot 11:12
Ulti Xliff is the unbitrot general from running ecosystem tests and the output is collected somewhere already? or do we have a specific list of things we're looking for that have already changed? 11:15
also sign me up
11:15 markoong joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v markoong
squashable6 🍕 Xliff++ labeled issue “Digest::MurmurHash3”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/235 11:15
🍕 Xliff++ closed issue “Digest::MurmurHash3”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/235
🍕 zoffixznet++ wrote a comment on “HTTP::UserAgent”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410223117
🍕 zoffixznet++ labeled issue “HTTP::UserAgent”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/191 11:16
🍕 zoffixznet++ closed issue “HTTP::UserAgent”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/191
Xliff Ulti: Is your nick the same on github?
Zoffix Xliff: I'm not following, what's the point of that org?
Ulti just PMd
Zoffix so the forked things to raise PR from arent from your personal account and everyone can see whats already going on? 11:17
Zoffix ah ok
squashable6 🍕 hakonhagland++ opened issue “The documentation for pr…”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2237
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by hakonhagland++! ♥
Ulti so is there a list of unbitrot targets somewhere? 11:18
Zoffix Ulti: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues
Xliff github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues
Zoffix huggable: squashathon
huggable Zoffix, nothing found
Zoffix huggable: squashathon :is: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues
huggable Zoffix, Added squashathon as github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues
Ulti cool 11:19
Xliff Everyone invited to the organization has admin privs
So feel free to invite other contributors.
squashable6 🍕 atroxaper++ labeled issue “Propius”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/84
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by atroxaper++! ♥
🍕 atroxaper++ wrote a comment on “Propius”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410223872
🍕 atroxaper++ closed issue “Propius”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/84
🍕 the-eater++ closed issue “TagLibC”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/49 11:20
Ulti the modules.perl6.org has a count of deps for a module right?
just trying to think is there a way to prioritise these a bit
squashable6 🍕 zoffixznet++ wrote a comment on “The documentation for pr…”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2237#i...-410224250 11:21
🍕 Xliff++ wrote a comment on “Digest::MurmurHash3”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410224257
🍕 Xliff++ reopened issue “Digest::MurmurHash3”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/315
sena_kun Ulti, see github.com/JJ/p6-river/blob/master...scores.csv
Zoffix Why is the docs repo being watched by the bot? 11:22
AlexDaniel: Why is the docs repo being watched by the bot?
Also, where's yoleaux
dpk: is the bot ded?
Ulti probably step one is unbitrot my own modules >;3
11:23 yoleaux joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v yoleaux
Ulti sena_kun: thanks! 11:23
Zoffix \o/
sena_kun Ulti++
11:23 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v yoleaux
dpk there's a bug where it joins channels before authing for some reason 11:23
Ulti also this is all remarkably well organised!
dpk so it doesn't manage to get into #perl6 because of +r
Zoffix dpk: make it send the auth pass as password to the server and that'll avoid that
dpk so i have to make it manually issue the command until i can get round to fixing the bug
Zoffix dpk: ah cool. We now removed +r so should be fine from now on
dpk hmm, does that work on non-freenode networks? 11:24
Zoffix dpk: no idea, but I know it works on freenode
dpk well i'm not willing to add any Freenode-specific code, so i'll have to investigate before that
Zoffix :)
dpk but thanks for the tip
Zoffix dpk: sorry, would you make it join #perl6-dev #moarvm too? Seems same issue existed there (and now the channels are no longer +r too) 11:25
squashable6 🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by MattOates++! ♥
dpk .visit #perl6-dev 11:26
11:26 Hor|zon joined
dpk .visit #moarvm 11:26
Zoffix dpk++
dpk (hopefully?)
Zoffix yeah, it's there now
squashable6 🍕 MattOates++ labeled issue “BioInfo”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/277
🍕 MattOates++ closed issue “BioInfo”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/277
Ulti is this /all/ the modules in the ecosystem 11:27
so we're checking them all manually?
or has a script already found failure to install
Zoffix Ulti: these failed on last release during a toast run
Ulti ah ok
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “BioInfo”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410225655
Ulti yeah I did fix something recently I think that already had a PR from yourself and a dupe 11:28
(because I am bad and should feel bad)
squashable6 🍕 MattOates++ wrote a comment on “BioInfo”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410225978 11:29
🍕 FCO++ closed issue “Trie”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/27 11:31
🍕 FCO++ wrote a comment on “Trie”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410226421
squashable6 🍕 MattOates++ labeled issue “Stats”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/57
squashable6 🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by lizmat++! ♥
11:32 Zoffix left
squashable6 🍕 MattOates++ wrote a comment on “Stats”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410226792 11:33
🍕 MattOates++ closed issue “Stats”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/57
11:33 pmurias joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v pmurias
SmokeMachine did the SQUASHathon started earlier? 11:34
sena_kun it is.
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ wrote a comment on “P5localtime”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410227352 11:35
🍕 lizmat++ closed issue “P5localtime”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/108
Ulti you missed the IBO (initial bug offering)
squashable6 🍕 MattOates++ labeled issue “Text::CSV”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/37
🍕 MattOates++ wrote a comment on “Text::CSV”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410227642
🍕 MattOates++ closed issue “Text::CSV”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/37
🍕 lizmat++ labeled issue “P5localtime”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/108
🍕 MorayJ++ wrote a comment on “Use sentence case throughout titles and headings”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2223#i...-410227673 11:37
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by MorayJ++! ♥
🍕 lizmat++ unlabeled issue “P5localtime”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/108
🍕 lizmat++ labeled issue “P5readlink”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/107
🍕 lizmat++ wrote a comment on “P5readlink”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410227842
11:38 chsanch joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v chsanch
buggable New CPAN upload: P5localtime-0.0.5.tar.gz by ELIZABETH modules.perl6.org/dist/P5localtime:...:ELIZABETH 11:38
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ labeled issue “P5built-ins”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/109 11:40
🍕 lizmat++ wrote a comment on “P5built-ins”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410228611 11:41
🍕 lizmat++ closed issue “P5built-ins”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/109
Ulti its times like this you realise how far Perl 6 has come in the last couple of years!
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “P5readlink”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410228786 11:42
squashable6 🍕 MattOates++ wrote a comment on “API::USNavalObservatory”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410229447 11:45
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “API::USNavalObservatory”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410229883 11:47
🍕 Altai-man++ unlabeled issue “API::USNavalObservatory”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/313 11:49
El_Che Zoffix: just saw a new trick of the spammers. The join with a nick, wait a little, change it and spam 11:50
squashable6 🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by JJ++! ♥
🍕 MattOates++ wrote a comment on “API::USNavalObservatory”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410231040 11:53
🍕 MattOates++ closed issue “API::USNavalObservatory”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/313
🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “API::USNavalObservatory”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/313 11:54
🍕 lizmat++ labeled issue “Slang::Roman”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/63
🍕 lizmat++ closed issue “Slang::Roman”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/63
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “API::USNavalObservatory”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410231283
🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “deredere”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410231496 11:55
11:57 koto joined
jkramer Should I close squashaton tickets as soon as I made a PR for the module or should I wait til it gets accepted? 11:57
11:57 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v koto
koto jkramer, you can close as soon as it's sent. 11:58
jkramer ok
lizmat just added the "broken beyond repair" label
koto unfortunately, some authors can take a lot of time to accept, so the delay makes it harder to track overall progress, imho.
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ labeled issue “v5”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/1 11:59
koto damage beyond repair...
squashable6 🍕 jkramer++ labeled issue “Foo::Bar”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/217
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by jkramer++! ♥
🍕 jkramer++ closed issue “Foo::Bar”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/217
🍕 jkramer++ wrote a comment on “Foo::Bar”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410232361
12:00 sena_kun left, koto is now known as sena_kun
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ closed issue “v5”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/1 12:00
squashable6 🍕 MattOates++ wrote a comment on “Amazon::DynamoDB”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410232683
🍕 MattOates++ unlabeled issue “Amazon::DynamoDB”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/304
jkramer Hmpf. github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/218 => modules.perl6.org/dist/Foo
Which one is it? :)
lizmat hehe, 12:03
sena_kun now a question... If I have a module, e.g. Cro::HTTP, it has some "X" that it is providing, as in "provides" section I have e.g. `Cro::HTTP::Foo` etc. If `Cro::HTTP` is "module", then how do I call `Cro::HTTP::Foo`?
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “Gumbo”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410233152
🍕 JJ++ closed issue “Gumbo”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/200
🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “deredere”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410233243 12:04
🍕 JJ++ closed issue “deredere”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/3
🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Gumbo”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/200
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “deredere”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/3
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ labeled issue “Class::Utils”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/273
🍕 lizmat++ closed issue “Class::Utils”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/273
🍕 jkramer++ labeled issue “NASA”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/125 12:15
🍕 jkramer++ wrote a comment on “NASA”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410235601
🍕 jkramer++ closed issue “NASA”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/125
12:23 ChoHag joined
squashable6 🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by tbrowder++! ♥
12:24 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v ChoHag 12:27 stux|RC-- joined
squashable6 🍕 jkramer++ labeled issue “TestML”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/39 12:28
🍕 jkramer++ wrote a comment on “TestML”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410238463
🍕 jkramer++ closed issue “TestML”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/39 12:29
🍕 jkramer++ labeled issue “YAML”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/6 12:31
🍕 jkramer++ wrote a comment on “YAML”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410239034
Ulti just created a new label, since not really convinced fixing everything is necessarily the right call with more complex modules, but posting a detailed issue to fix ?
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: jkramer self-assigned YAML github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/6 12:32
jkramer Should I close issues when the only problem is a failing dependency and I made a PR to fix the other module and closed the corresponding issue? 12:33
sena_kun Ulti, if you cannot fix a complex module, yes, you can comment with a detailed error and that'd be an improvement. I think we can decide on what to do with such modules later, but the primary goal is to make work as many modules as we can, I think.
jkramer, try to install it with fixed dependency(it can be not always the only issue), if it works -> yes, label `failing dependency`, comment on `Foo is fixed now, closing`, and we're done. 12:34
El_Che jkramer: I would leave ticker on the consuming module, so the author is aware the problem is there
jkramer sena_kun: I did, it installs fine with the dependency installed 12:35
sena_kun instructions say not to close such modules, but I think if it works now, then no issue present, really.
jkramer Well it doesn't work YET (as in 'zef install' doesn't) because the PR to the dependency isn't merged yet 12:36
squashable6 🍕 MattOates++ labeled issue “Amazon::DynamoDB”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/304
jkramer But after installing the dependency manually it does
squashable6 🍕 MattOates++ wrote a comment on “Amazon::DynamoDB”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410240277
🍕 MattOates++ closed issue “Amazon::DynamoDB”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/304
Ulti sena_kun: yeah I think a good way to get things to work is just gentle prods too, when I've found some PR or issues in my modules I tend to actually fix what was broken plus do just a little bit more work whilst Im there too 12:37
like last time someone prodded me about Stats I did some more work on functionality I've not yet pushed up
hmmm an ecosystem bitrot service might not be a bad thing to build, so you can just register as an authority as being ok with spam about your modules being uninstallable 12:40
like I was kind of shocked my module had stopped being installable and it was just a change to precision of how rats/nums got stringified and my test was badly written relying on stringification rather than numerically checking 12:41
hmm does Travis and similar not have some kind of periodic checking functionality? 12:46
feels like a genuinely missing piece
sena_kun they check only commits afaik.
but we have toast.perl6.party/ 12:47
which is awesome.
Xliff Whee! 12:49
MasterDuke Ulti: pretty sure travis does have some periodic thing, i think my module is set to get checked every two weeks or something like that
12:49 zakharyas joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v zakharyas
Xliff Digest::MurmurHash3 has a build dependency on docker, and the docker image fails provision. 12:49
It's using rakudo-star
Is there a way to pull a later version of rakudo via docker? 12:50
Ulti MasterDuke: ahh ok I will hunt around in the settings for that 12:52
sena_kun: ahh cool I guess the only thing missing is the bit that prods me :)
I can probably make a little client my side to do that
MasterDuke Ulti: i just found where it's set. travis-ci.org/<user>/<repo> and then "Settings" and then at the bottom is a "Cron Job" section 12:53
Ulti awesome thanks
that will keep me out of the bitrot charts at least
MasterDuke np
Ulti did feel a bit too obvious a feature 12:54
weird mine is set to monthly as default
jkramer How did the issues get populated? I assume there's some script building/testing all modules and reporting all fails? 12:56
MasterDuke Xliff: i think hoelzro manages the docker stuff
jkramer: toast.perl6.party/
jkramer MasterDuke: Thanks 12:57
MasterDuke toaster tested the modules, then AlexDaniel created a script to populate github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot
squashable6 🍕 Xliff++ wrote a comment on “Digest::MurmurHash3”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410245385
jkramer I ask because one module seems to build, but it takes quite some time to do so. Looks like build was killed because it took too long. 12:58
squashable6 🍕 Xliff++ wrote a comment on “Digest::MurmurHash3”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410245567
🍕 Xliff++ reopened issue “Digest::MurmurHash3”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/235
hoelzro MasterDuke, Xliff: I currently only maintain an image for rakudo star
squashable6 🍕 Xliff++ labeled issue “Digest::MurmurHash3”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/235 12:59
hoelzro adapting it to create a more bleeding edge rakudo wouldn't be super hard, though
El_Che I am working in that direction, but haven't had much time
(having the dockerbuild create images when the rakudo-pkgs are created) 13:00
squashable6 🍕 Xliff++ labeled issue “Algorithm::BloomFilter”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/307
El_Che proof of concept works
squashable6 🍕 Xliff++ wrote a comment on “Algorithm::BloomFilter”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410245999
MasterDuke jkramer: you could try using shippable. i think jmerelo set it up for the docs build 13:02
jkramer lol the module is literally testing sleep() :D 13:04
squashable6 🍕 jkramer++ labeled issue “Test::Time”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/40 13:09
🍕 jkramer++ wrote a comment on “Test::Time”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410248397 13:10
13:13 ZzZombo joined, ZzZombo left, ZzZombo joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v ZzZombo, chsanch left
squashable6 🍕 jkramer++ labeled issue “Test::Scheduler”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/41 13:14
ZzZombo Eh, what did I do to deserve the mail inbox flood?
squashable6 🍕 jkramer++ wrote a comment on “Test::Scheduler”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410249230
13:14 chsanch joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v chsanch
ZzZombo Just so you know, there are currently more than 400 emails from perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot. 13:15
13:15 Zoffix joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Zoffix
Zoffix lizmat: post it :) Make it look like a ton of people use Perl 6 :P 13:15
I think mine took about 3 minutes to just get to "d" 13:16
and I killed it then
El_Che ZzZombo: someone forgot to disable emails from perl6 repos :)
I did long time ago
ZzZombo El_Che, it wasn't a problem before for me.
I like to peek inside P6 activity once in a while. 13:17
El_Che I look into the github notifications regularly
Zoffix ZzZombo: sorry about that. When we did realize that people get notifications and emails it was already too late.
13:18 chsanch left
sena_kun has 4200+ mails from perl6 organization 13:18
13:19 ZzZombo left, ZzZombo joined, ZzZombo left, ZzZombo joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v ZzZombo
Zoffix has zero mails from any github notifications :P 13:20
sena_kun Odd. When installing with zef, I am getting an apparently new version of module(0.1.3), and it fails because of error. But this error was fixed a long-long ago and the version was bumped after it, to 0.1.3. 13:23
So I am getting latest version, but non-latest sources. o.0 13:24
13:25 ChoHag left
Zoffix sena_kun: which module? 13:25
sena_kun MPD::Client. 13:26
zef install MPD::Client gives me(and toaster too) `Variable '$hits' is not declared`, but...
Zoffix Xliff: yo. Can you set the temp.perl6.party/eco.png 13:27
sena_kun github.com/scriptkitties/p6-MPD-Cl...a3c0046bad <- fix
Zoffix gah
sena_kun and then github.com/scriptkitties/p6-MPD-Cl...5b76c32b39 <- version bump.
Zoffix Xliff: yo. Can you set the perl6-unbitrot's logo to something other than the default image? Like to temp.perl6.party/eco.png
Xliff: so in users' lists it shows up nice and pretty
Xliff: or give me ops and I'll upload it myself
squashable6 🍕 jkramer++ labeled issue “Text::Markdown::Discount”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/33 13:28
🍕 jkramer++ closed issue “Text::Markdown::Discount”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/33
🍕 jkramer++ wrote a comment on “Text::Markdown::Discount”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410253066
Zoffix sena_kun: hm, weird. I just get a bunch of "Could not connect socket: Connection refused" errors in the tests and there aren't any "$hits" variables in the code anywhere at all 13:30
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “MPD::Client”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410253576
Zoffix sena_kun: BTW zef has `look` command `zef look MPD::Client`
sena_kun Zoffix, well, that's because you don't have mpd installed & run.
so it's predictable. But I wonder what's wrong with this version difference.
Zoffix Yeah, but wouldn't an error about undeclared variable be thrown before anything attempts to connect to anything?
sena_kun it would, yes. 13:31
Zoffix Yeah, if I do `zef look MPD::Client` I too get a version with a bunch of hits vars
sena_kun Zoffix, you tried `zef install MPD::Client`, not clonned repo?
pizza afk& 13:32
jkramer Should anything be done about deprecated/obsolete/abandoned modules (i.e. somehow have it removed from modules.perl6.org) or just close the issue with an appropriate comment?
Zoffix sena_kun: when I clone the repo and do `grep -FIRn hits` I get nothing, but if I `zef look MPD::Client` and do the same, I get a bunch of matches 13:33
squashable6 🍕 jkramer++ wrote a comment on “Pod::To::Markdown::Fenced”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410255267
Zoffix jkramer: removal is up to the author. You can ping them and ask for removal or fixing for newer version, but I wouldn't waste time trying to fix any module installation problems 13:34
jkramer Yeah I wasn't gonna fix it, the README clearly states the module is obsolete, broken and should not be used :)
13:35 skids joined, ZzZombo left
Zoffix .tell sena_kun Ah, found the problem. That module is hosted on CPAN ( modules.perl6.org/search/?q=MPD%3A%3AClient ) and I guess the author simple never released a new release to CPAN after making changes in the repo 13:35
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll pass your message to sena_kun.
13:35 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v skids
squashable6 🍕 jkramer++ closed issue “Pod::To::Markdown::Fenced”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/89 13:36
🍕 jkramer++ wrote a comment on “Pod::To::Markdown::Fenced”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410256461
13:36 pmurias left
Geth modules.perl6.org: 15e1980632 | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | lib/ModulesPerl6/Controller/Dist.pm
[REAPP] Look for lowercased readmes to render as well
13:38 pmurias joined, diakopter left, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v pmurias
squashable6 🍕 jkramer++ labeled issue “Geo::Coder::OpenCage”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/208 13:41
🍕 jkramer++ closed issue “Geo::Coder::OpenCage”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/208
Zoffix squashable6: pizza
squashable6 Zoffix, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Squashable
Zoffix squashable6: pizza me 13:42
squashable6 Zoffix, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Squashable
Zoffix buggable: pizza
buggable Zoffix, enjoy this slice of Vegan pizza, my friend! Yummy 🍕
Zoffix vegan? yuk
jkramer The bot seems to have a bug 13:43
13:43 kerframil joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v kerframil
jkramer Wait a second, how is vegan pizza even possible? Is it still legally called pizza without cheese? 13:43
Zoffix Which bot has bug? 13:44
TIL "In Italy, pizza is eaten with a fork and knife in restaurants" 13:45
Great. Now I'm hungry -_- 13:46
13:46 Zoffix left
AlexDaniel lizmat: it's not an off by one, it was 1 day and 1 hour and 59 minutes, the bot rounds it down 13:46
13:46 kaare__ left
AlexDaniel which is arguably LTA but not totally wrong :) 13:46
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Archive::Libarchive”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/291 13:47
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by AlexDaniel++! ♥
🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Archive::Libarchive::Raw”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/290 13:48
🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Desktop::Notify”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/237
🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Image::Libexif”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/179 13:49
🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Image::QRCode”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/178
13:50 kaare_ joined, Libre joined 13:51 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v kaare_, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Libre
sena_kun 13:53
yoleaux 13:35Z <Zoffix> sena_kun: Ah, found the problem. That module is hosted on CPAN ( modules.perl6.org/search/?q=MPD%3A%3AClient ) and I guess the author simple never released a new release to CPAN after making changes in the repo
squashable6 🍕 jkramer++ wrote a comment on “GeoIP::City”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410261116 13:54
🍕 jkramer++ closed issue “GeoIP::City”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/206
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “App::Football”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410261298
🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “MPD::Client”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/144 13:56
AlexDaniel wow, what a start 13:57
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “MPD::Client”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410261916
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “MPD::Client”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/144
AlexDaniel buggable: pizza sena_kun
buggable sena_kun, enjoy this slice of Margherita pizza, my friend! Yummy 🍕
sena_kun just had one, though more simple. <3 13:58
AlexDaniel Zoffix: so my plan is that we can then go through all `native dependency` tickets and compose a single `apt install …` command for toaster
13:59 spycrab0 joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v spycrab0
sena_kun AlexDaniel, I have a list of natives needed(though not debian packages). 13:59
so I can share it later.
to improve && construct a command.
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “App::Football”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410262755 14:00
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “App::Football”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/300
AlexDaniel sena_kun: hm… I think I can also use that if I write a script to search for the .so file using apt-file
14:01 Libre left, domidumont left
sena_kun AlexDaniel, gist.github.com/Altai-man/cac8fae7...4ee05f1d19 <- something around here. It has some `.h` included and some rough edges, but I did it quickly. 14:02
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “App::MPD::Notify”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/298 14:03
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “App::MPD::Notify”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410263695
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “App::MPD::Notify”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/298
🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “App::MPD::AutoQueue”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/299
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “App::MPD::AutoQueue”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410263864 14:04
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “App::MPD::AutoQueue”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/299
🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Cro::HTTP”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/261 14:07
jkramer Maybe there should be a "obsolete/abandoned/deprecated" label 14:08
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Cro::HTTP”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410265179
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Cro::HTTP”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/261
jkramer Or a "there's no point in fixing this" label
14:11 lizmat left
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Cro::HTTP::Test”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/259 14:12
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Cro::HTTP::Test”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410266337
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Cro::HTTP::Test”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/259
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “App::Nopaste”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410266630 14:13
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “App::Nopaste”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/296
14:13 diakopter joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v diakopter
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “P5built-ins”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410266813 14:14
🍕 AlexDaniel++ reopened issue “P5built-ins”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/109
🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Pastebin::Gist”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/99
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Pastebin::Gist”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410267071 14:15
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Pastebin::Gist”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/99
🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Pastebin::Shadowcat”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/98
AlexDaniel jkramer: try `low priority` for that
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Pastebin::Shadowcat”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/98
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Pastebin::Shadowcat”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410267117
14:16 lizmat joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v lizmat
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “WWW::DuckDuckGo”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410267467 14:16
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “WWW::DuckDuckGo”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/22
jkramer AlexDaniel: I'm talking mostly about modules that should not be on modules.perl6.org anymore as they're obsolete/deprecated
sena_kun jkramer, the issue is that such modules are not necessary to be deleted. 14:17
I mean, there may be some historical reasons.
Of course, I author wants, they can remove the module from ecosystem(I did it once, No Regrets(tm)), but it is not always the case.
MasterDuke jkramer: there was a big discussion about that recently, i believe the end result was to leave them listed unless the author chooses to remove them 14:18
sena_kun also, I wonder if we want to make squashable6 a bit more silent when I work. :>
jkramer MasterDuke: I don't say we should remove them, I just think a label for those issues would be useful because there seems to be quite a few of those modules :) For now I just ping the author and close the issue 14:20
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Cairo”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/274
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Cairo”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/274
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Cairo”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410268545
jkramer masak: This one for example, I'm sure it's not needed anymore? github.com/masak/data-pretty
14:21 lizmat left
jkramer It doesn't build because it uses Parcel which seems to be a type removed from P6 long ago, and also .perl/dd basically do the same thing 14:21
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Slang::Roman”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410269055 14:22
14:23 lizmat joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v lizmat
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Gumbo”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410269424 14:23
🍕 AlexDaniel++ reopened issue “Gumbo”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/200
🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Cro::HTTP::Session::Redis”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/260 14:24
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Cro::HTTP::Session::Redis”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410269730
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Cro::HTTP::Session::Redis”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/260
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Class::Utils”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410269734
🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Cro::WebSocket”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/257 14:27
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Cro::WebSocket”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410270784
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Cro::WebSocket”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/257
14:29 ChanServ sets mode: -v jhill
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Cro::OpenAPI::RoutesFromDefinition”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/258 14:30
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Cro::OpenAPI::RoutesFromDefinition”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410271750 14:31
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Cro::OpenAPI::RoutesFromDefinition”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/258
AlexDaniel jkramer: ah, I see what you mean now
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “GeoIP::City”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/206 14:32
AlexDaniel jkramer: ↑
jkramer \o/ Thanks :)
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Pod::To::Markdown::Fenced”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/89
AlexDaniel jkramer: feel free to add tags yourself :)
timotimo is there enough space in the message to also display the tag itself? 14:33
14:33 ChoHag joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v ChoHag
AlexDaniel timotimo: yes, I think so 14:33
squashable6 🍕 jkramer++ labeled issue “Data::Pretty”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/243
🍕 jkramer++ wrote a comment on “Data::Pretty”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410272692 14:34
🍕 jkramer++ closed issue “Data::Pretty”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/243
🍕 AlexDaniel++ unlabeled issue “GeoIP::City”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/206 14:35
🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “GeoIP::City”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/206
AlexDaniel timotimo: it just goes through a generic code path: github.com/perl6/whateverable/blob...#L246-L248 14:36
working on it :)
14:38 ChanServ sets mode: -v grumble
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Pod::To::Markdown::Fenced”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/89 14:38
🍕 AlexDaniel++ unlabeled issue “Pod::To::Markdown::Fenced”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/89
AlexDaniel always one label per event, heh
let's try that 14:40
14:40 squashable6 left
jkramer How do I know which module is meant in an issue when there are two with same name like Net::ZMQ? 14:41
14:41 squashable6 joined
jkramer Also how do I know which zef picks when I do "zef install Net::ZMQ"? :) 14:41
14:41 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v squashable6
squashable6 gist.github.com/90d97a0755c66358e7...803f4c9882 14:42
sena_kun jkramer, one of those two is the one I refactored last summer, and it works(I hope very much). :)
14:42 squashable6 left
sena_kun but I guess both fail because of libzmq absence. 14:42
AlexDaniel timotimo: ↑ that didn't work :D
14:42 squashable6 joined 14:43 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v squashable6
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ unlabeled issue “Pod::To::Markdown::Fenced” (deprecated module): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/89 14:43
🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Pod::To::Markdown::Fenced” (deprecated module): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/89
AlexDaniel timotimo: good? ↑
squashable6: status
squashable6 AlexDaniel, 🍕🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in 1 day and ≈21 hours. See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
AlexDaniel, Log and stats: gist.github.com/6b4728c95a91e6fc79...be1f23a2d9
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-assigned Template::Protone github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/45 14:44
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Template::Protone” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/45
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Template::Protone”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410275827
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Template::Protone”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/45
Geth whateverable: 5cf2cc4b74 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | bin/Squashable.p6
Print label name for labeled/unlabeled events
ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-assigned Discord github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/233
Altai-man self-assigned Java::Generate github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/163

  Altai-man self-assigned Odoo::Client github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/112
  Altai-man self-assigned HTML::Restrict github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/197
  Altai-man self-assigned Matrix::Client github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/134
  Altai-man self-assigned Color::Named github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/272
  Altai-man self-assigned Color::Scheme github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/271
  Altai-man self-assigned Bitcoin::RPC::Client github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/276
bca8f9246a | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | populate-issues.p6 Add TODO because apparently there's a bug
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Discord” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/233
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Discord”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410276497
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Discord”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/233
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Pod::To::Markdown::Fenced”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410276823 14:47
sena_kun >===> Searching for: Java::Generate 14:49
>No such method 'IO' for invocant of type 'Any' 14:50
AlexDaniel wow, well :)
sena_kun and I cannot reproduce it with local repository. 14:51
timotimo AlexDaniel: fantastic 14:52
squashable6 🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by Tyil++! ♥
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Odoo::Client” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/112
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Odoo::Client”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410279335 14:56
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Odoo::Client”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/112
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “HTML::Restrict” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/197 14:59
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “HTML::Restrict”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410280411
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “HTML::Restrict”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/197
15:01 stux|RC-- left, stux|RC joined
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Matrix::Client” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/134 15:01
🍕 Tyil++ wrote a comment on “App::Assixt”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410281162
🍕 lizmat++ wrote a comment on “P5built-ins”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410281174
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Matrix::Client”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410281214
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Matrix::Client”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/134
15:02 Zoffix joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Zoffix
Zoffix sena_kun: your zef is outdated. A newer one would tell you source-url is missing from META 15:02
sena_kun Zoffix, ooh, it might be the case. Thanks a lot!
15:03 domidumont joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v domidumont
Zoffix sena_kun: PRed: github.com/Altai-man/perl6-Java-Generate/pull/1 15:04
15:04 domidumont left
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Java::Generate” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/163 15:04
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Java::Generate”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410282141
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Java::Generate”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/163
sena_kun Zoffix++
15:05 scimon left
tyil coming from github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/302, where did someone see App::Assixt fail, as I just tested it in a clean docker env, and it works fine there
Zoffix tyil: in toast.perl6.party/module?module=Ap...it=2018.06 15:06
tyil thanks
Zoffix tyil: it's listed as kill. So I think it wasn't a failure, but it just took more than 10m to install (with all the deps) and got killed
AlexDaniel it did install in my run: toast.6lang.org/module?module=App:...it=2018.06 15:07
tyil oh, testing and installing with all the deps can certainly take a long time
AlexDaniel makes me think that this code is incorrect: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...p6#L51-L52 15:08
AlexDaniel it was intended that it will filter out flappers that succeeded in at least one of the toast dbs, but apparently it doesn't work
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Bitcoin::RPC::Client” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/276 15:09
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Bitcoin::RPC::Client”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/276
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Bitcoin::RPC::Client”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410283436
moritz is there an easy way to find out if one of my modules has bitrotted? 15:10
timotimo moritz: travis offers "cronjob" build schedules
moritz that involves looking at every module, which doesn't quite meet my standard of "easy" 15:11
tyil travis will email you when the cron fails as well I think 15:12
timotimo yes
tyil so you'll get notifications in your mailbox when it happens
timotimo correct
moritz but it means I have to set up travis for all modules in the first place
El_Che moritz: I have some idea about that, I'll work on that when I have time. In the backlog for now :)
moritz I mean, there#s currently this big unbitrot action
15:12 meribold joined 15:13 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v meribold
tyil I'm not sure if there's a quick and easy way to set it up for all your projects 15:13
timotimo setting up travis testing could be a goal in the unbitrot squashathon, too
something volunteers can help with
needs a bit more guidance, i'm sure
tyil I mainly use gitlab now, there it's just adding a yml file to the repo
travis requires manual clicking labour to set up new projects 15:14
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “DOM::Tiny” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/245
ecosystem-unbitrot: 00251fc428 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | README.md
Remove trailing whitespace
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “DOM::Tiny”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410285010
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “DOM::Tiny”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/245
moritz I *think* I've added travis to my modules, but not the regular execution
gah, internet from Deutsche Bahn is quite spotty and high-latency 15:15
El_Che moritz: you're spoilt
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: lizmat self-assigned DateTime::TimeZone github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/240 15:16
squashable6 🍕 moritz++ wrote a comment on “Math::Model”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410286139 15:18
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by moritz++! ♥
Zoffix Bahn? isn't it a highway? You get free internet from a highway?
timotimo no, that's "autobahn"
moritz can somebody please apply the "works for me" label to github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/139 ? 15:19
El_Che bahn is road
timotimo but "deutsche bahn" is trains
moritz I have trouble using github with this connection
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Math::Model” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/139
🍕 AlexDaniel++ closed issue “Math::Model”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/139
moritz thanks!
Zoffix Ah, fancy still
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Math::Model”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410286648
🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “App::Assixt” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/302
🍕 AlexDaniel++ closed issue “App::Assixt”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/302
15:20 ChoHag left
lizmat Zoffix: it seems that p6bannerbot doesn't +v |Tux| 15:20
Zoffix oh crap... right. There's a bug in IRC::Client that makes it ignore nicks
15:20 ExtraCrispy joined
timotimo you mean /nick? 15:20
15:20 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v ExtraCrispy
Zoffix No, it ignores nicks with some chars, because it follows the IRC RFC but some servers allow more chars in nicks than RFC 15:21
timotimo ah
Zoffix I think [ and | chars are affected
timotimo good thing we have some special-case friends :) 15:22
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ labeled issue “DateTime::TimeZone” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/240
🍕 lizmat++ closed issue “DateTime::TimeZone”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/240
🍕 lizmat++ wrote a comment on “DateTime::TimeZone”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410287460
15:23 ChanServ sets mode: +o Zoffix
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Color::Named” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/272 15:23
15:23 Zoffix sets mode: +vvvv stux|RC Hor|zon p6bannerbot jhill, Zoffix sets mode: +v grumble
atroxaper I know it is not a best time for questions, but... In Java world a class can have ‘ThreadLocal’ attribute. It means the attribute of an object of such class will has a value for an each thread. Can I have something similar in Perl 6? Maybe not as a class attribute, but in form of ‘special’ global storage. If I will use %!storage{$*THREAD.id} then I will face a garbage issue cause I cannot know when a thread has gone. Or can I? 15:23
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Color::Named”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410287934 15:24
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Color::Named”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/272
timotimo atroxaper: the ThreadPoolScheduler currently doesn't quit threads
Zoffix atroxaper: I think %!storage{$*THREAD.id} is not threadsafe, because you're autovivifying keys there from multiple threads.
timotimo that's also true 15:25
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Color::Scheme” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/271
atroxaper timotimo: i can make a thread by hand, but not by thread pool
timotimo that's right
moritz atroxaper: Perl 6 programs tend to not interface much with threads directly, so it's not a high priority; but I can see it as a useful feature for lower-level stuff 15:26
atroxaper It means there is no solution 'out of the box'?
moritz if you launch threads yourself, you can subclass Thread, and put a storage attribute in there 15:27
Zoffix lizmat: I just got a SEGV with your word script
timotimo well, i mean, there's NativeCall and pthread :)
lizmat Zoffix: repeatedly? :-( 15:28
moritz class ThreadWithStorage is Thread { has $.local-storage }
and then access $*THREAD.local-storage
maybe default it to an empty hash
timotimo also, $*THREAD does role { has $.local-storage }
Zoffix lizmat: no, happened the first time I ran it and it didn't happen more than that 15:29
lizmat Zoffix: I thoight we could reliably read from a hash from multiple threads even if we make changes to the hash ?
timotimo the problem is specifically reading while another thread adds
15:29 meribold left
Zoffix lizmat: and in my .race'd version, it crashed once with "expected at least two arguments": www.reddit.com/r/dailyprogrammer_i...r/e3jhaau/ 15:29
lizmat: I think maybe .race's guts got a.... race... in them
lizmat timotimo: or deletes ?
atroxaper moritz: Actually I write a lib. There is Log4j logging library in Java. It has NDC and MDC feature (wiki.apache.org/logging-log4j/NDCvsMDC) Log has context for current thread and put in the log message. It is useful for http server for example for track message for one sessions. 15:30
Zoffix This is on 24-core box on 2018.06-289-g38de1e5 BTW
lizmat: oh, oh and I bumped degree on that race to 24 15:31
lizmat Zoffix: how did you do that, syntactially ?
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-assigned Net::Ethereum github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/122
Zoffix lizmat: `race for @words.race: :24degree {`
lizmat 2x race ? 15:32
Zoffix lizmat: two words, but IIRC it's just one RaceSeq
atroxaper moritz: it means I cannot manage threads myself :(
Zoffix like, `race` prefix on `for` when looping over a raced Seq already just tells it to not switch into serial 15:33
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Net::Ethereum” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/122
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Net::Ethereum”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410290806
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Net::Ethereum”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/122
15:34 pmurias left
MasterDuke lizmat: i just got `chains of -1 elements: Index out of range. Is: -1, should be in 0..^Inf in sub MAIN at ldwl-race.p6 line 44` 15:34
`Actually thrown at: in block at ldwl-race.p6 line 44 in sub MAIN at ldwl-race.p6 line 42` 15:35
sena_kun Color::Scheme has source-uri of... Color::Named. And I don't see apparent github repo to fix that. 15:36
I guess I'm writing an email to the author...
MasterDuke lizmat: gist.github.com/MasterDuke17/99a00...3ddc67e2c3 gist of error with --ll-exception
squashable6 🍕 Skarsnik++ wrote a comment on “Gumbo”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410291932 15:37
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by Skarsnik++! ♥
lizmat MasterDuke: was that with a higher :degree ?
Zoffix s: ^4 .race, 'race'
SourceBaby Zoffix, Sauce is at github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/e0a2...eq.pm6#L36
MasterDuke lizmat: unmodified 15:38
moritz wow, traveling really is an adventure... first a technical problem with the door, then something something with police, then missing travel documents (from the train, not mine), now the train has to be checked for technical defects on a side rail, connections unclear...
Zoffix lizmat: yeah, .race on RaceSeq is just `self` and `race for ...` just desugars to a .race call on the stuff: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast...#L558-L605
El_Che moritz: where are you headed?
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ reopened issue “Net::Ethereum”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/122 15:39
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Net::Ethereum”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410292455
Zoffix SEGV doesn't wanna show up again
15:40 g- left
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Net::Ethereum”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410293257 15:41
🍕 jkramer++ labeled issue “DB::Pg” (native dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/250 15:42
🍕 jkramer++ labeled issue “DB::Pg” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/250
🍕 jkramer++ closed issue “DB::Pg”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/250
🍕 lizmat++ wrote a comment on “P5built-ins”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410294362 15:45
🍕 lizmat++ closed issue “P5built-ins”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/109
15:45 ExtraCrispy left
squashable6 🍕 jkramer++ labeled issue “GD” (native dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/215 15:46
🍕 jkramer++ labeled issue “GD” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/215
🍕 jkramer++ closed issue “GD”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/215
🍕 lizmat++ unlabeled issue “P5built-ins” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/109
lizmat MasterDuke: that would mean that @ldwl would be empty :-( 15:48
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Sparky” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/62
buggable New CPAN upload: P5tie-0.0.10.tar.gz by ELIZABETH cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/E/EL/....10.tar.gz
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Sparky”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410295348 15:49
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Sparky”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/62
🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Sparky::Plugin::Hello” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/61
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Sparky::Plugin::Hello”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410295508
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Sparky::Plugin::Hello”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/61
MasterDuke lizmat: yeah, i would assume there's some problem with race
15:50 p6bannerbot left, p6bannerbot joined, Zoffix sets mode: +o p6bannerbot
lizmat or that Lock.protect doesn't protect :-( 15:51
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Bailador” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/279
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Bailador”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410296035
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Bailador”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/279
15:51 zakharyas left
Zoffix FWIW there's R#1709 15:52
synopsebot R#1709 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/1709 [ASYNC][tests committed] A race in HyperRace causing rare crash/hang
15:53 |Zoffix| joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v |Zoffix|, |Zoffix| left
lizmat ok, without the $lock.protect, it pretty much dies instantly, so it would seem that Lock.protect does work (most of the time) :-) 15:56
15:57 |Zoffix| joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v |Zoffix|, |Zoffix| left
Zoffix cool. fixed IRC::Client to handle | in nicks 15:57
lizmat Zoffix++ 15:59
15:59 domidumont joined 16:00 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v domidumont
timotimo moritz: i hope the AC doesn't fail during the standstill 16:01
diakopter the sun is standing still?
16:01 ChanServ sets mode: -v susmus
lizmat diakopter: yeah, and the earths turns around it :-) 16:01
diakopter hah 16:02
timotimo there's a pink invisible camel in between the earth and the moon
Zoffix How do you know it's pink if it's invisible?
sena_kun gist.github.com/Altai-man/37d6446d...14f34dfcfc <- is this e-mail content would be nice enough or not really? 16:03
timotimo i just know it.
16:03 rindolf left
moritz timotimo: we'r a-rollin' again, AC did not fail 16:03
El_Che it eats pink shrimps like flamingos
timotimo good
16:06 domidumont left
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Sparky::Plugin::Notify::Email” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/60 16:06
16:06 domidumont joined
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Sparky::Plugin::Notify::Email”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410300408 16:06
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Sparky::Plugin::Notify::Email”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/60
16:06 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v domidumont
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-assigned Sparky::Plugin::Notify::Telegram github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/59 16:07
¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-unassigned Sparky::Plugin::Notify::Telegram github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/59 16:09
16:10 Zoffix left
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “JSON::RPC” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/164 16:10
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “JSON::RPC”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/164
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “JSON::RPC”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410301614
🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “JSON::Infer” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/165 16:12
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “JSON::Infer”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410302025
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “JSON::Infer”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/165
🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “JSON::Hjson” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/166
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “JSON::Hjson”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410302157
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “JSON::Hjson”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/166
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Inform”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410302980 16:15
🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Inline::Perl5” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/171 16:16
🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Inline::Perl5” (native dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/171 16:17
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Inline::Perl5”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410303525
🍕 AlexDaniel++ closed issue “Inline::Perl5”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/171
AlexDaniel squashable6: status
squashable6 AlexDaniel, 🍕🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in 1 day and ≈19 hours. See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
AlexDaniel, Log and stats: gist.github.com/7d4dd98243abe2b518...7b6b8bdf55
16:18 cpage_ joined
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Color::Scheme”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410303930 16:18
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Color::Scheme”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/271
🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Color::Scheme” (issue sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/271
16:19 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v cpage_
sena_kun I feel like we may want to do a new toast && update repository info. 16:19
16:19 rindolf joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v rindolf
sena_kun s/toast/toasting/ 16:19
AlexDaniel sena_kun: maybe, but why? 16:20
because of HTTP::UserAgent ?
sena_kun AlexDaniel, yeah.
we may go throught it manually thuogh. 16:21
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “LMDB” (native dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/158
16:21 eliasr joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v eliasr
sena_kun *through 16:21
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “LMDB”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410304743
16:22 cpage left, cpage_ is now known as cpage, atroxaper left
AlexDaniel sena_kun: I'm not sure. Maybe it will be easier to go through all of them manually: gist.github.com/AlexDaniel/9c14490...dbd9a857a1 16:23
a lot of them are already closed, some are listed twice
there are not too many 16:24
Geth ecosystem: 65b21b1507 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Remove `v5` from the ecosystem

It has bitrotted, and there doesn't seem to be any future for it in its current form. So better to remove it from the ecosystem.
Please do **NOT** merge this PR if you're not **FROGGS**
sena_kun indeed.
lizmat arggh
I forgot that I have rights in that repo
AlexDaniel xD
Geth ecosystem: e96d329a1d | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Revert "Remove `v5` from the ecosystem"

This reverts commit 65b21b1507d17421ad6dcdabc09f3c9028b8fc7f.
This was meant to be a PR for FROGGS to merge.
rindolf hi all 16:27
lizmat: hey
lizmat rindolf o/
rindolf lizmat: sup? 16:28
lizmat per almost ready
rindolf lizmat: what?
lizmat sup per almost ready 16:31
rindolf: so are you going to help with the Squashathon ? 16:32
rindolf lizmat: ah
lizmat: dont know
AlexDaniel heh! We're down by 100 and Saturday didn't even start yet for most people 16:33
lizmat github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues # still 241 issues open
AlexDaniel ah, not 100 yet
lizmat 74 closed 16:34
AlexDaniel it was 314 not 341 :D
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ labeled issue “Concurrent::Progress” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/263 16:35
🍕 lizmat++ wrote a comment on “Concurrent::Progress”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410308704 16:36
🍕 lizmat++ closed issue “Concurrent::Progress”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/263
16:37 domidumont left, Neo11 joined, Neo11 left 16:40 diz9 joined, diz9 left 16:54 domidumont joined 16:55 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v domidumont
squashable6 🍕 bbkr++ wrote a comment on “GeoIP::City”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410314323 16:57
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by bbkr++! ♥
16:58 Zoffix joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Zoffix
Zoffix NEW in 6.d: smarter $*ARGFILES that now switch to always being fed from $*IN when inside `sub MAIN`. This lets you use IO subroutines in their shortcut forms without your `sub MAIN`'s args interfering: raw.githubusercontent.com/perl6/ma...959034.jpg 17:00
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ labeled issue “Coroutines” (broken beyond repair): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/262 17:03
xinming Is it possible to speciffy function to either return Str or Hash?
timotimo yes, but is it useful? 17:04
xinming something like sub abc returns (Str|Hash) { ... }
for some json, the old code uses return and decode manually,
Later, add option :decode, So, it'll either return Str or Hash 17:05
timotimo sounds like you want a multi sub :)
xinming m: sub abc returns (Str|Any) { False ?? "1" !! 123 }; abc.say;
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Malformed trait
at <tmp>:1
------> 3sub abc returns7⏏5 (Str|Any) { False ?? "1" !! 123 }; abc.
Zoffix xinming: yeah, but you gotta use a subset
m: subset Ret where Str|Hash; sub abc(--> Ret) { 42 }; abc
camelia Type check failed for return value; expected Ret but got Int (42)
in sub abc at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Zoffix m: subset Ret where Str|Hash; sub abc(--> Ret) { "x" }; abc
camelia ( no output )
xinming ok, got it
Zoffix xinming: at least for now. I imagine in the future you'll be able to specify that directly inside
xinming actually, I know I can do multi sub, Why I asked here is, wether design will allow anonymous return type junctions. :-) 17:06
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: ronaldxs self-assigned Grammar::Modelica github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/203
squashable6 🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by ronaldxs++! ♥
xinming Ok, got it, Thanks.
🍕🍕🍕 <--- What is is this unicode mean?
Zoffix u: 🍕
unicodable6 Zoffix, U+1F355 SLICE OF PIZZA [So] (🍕)
Zoffix xinming: SQUASHathon is advertized as a gathering where you get free digital pizza. 17:07
So... that is it :)
squashable6 🍕 ronaldxs++ labeled issue “Grammar::Modelica” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/203
xinming Ok, Got it
AlexDaniel buggable: pizza xinming
buggable xinming, enjoy this slice of Deluxe pizza, my friend! Yummy 🍕
17:09 buggable left, buggable joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v buggable
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ wrote a comment on “Coroutines”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410317593 17:09
17:09 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v buggable
lizmat .tell tadzik please check github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/262 17:09
yoleaux lizmat: I'll pass your message to tadzik.
Zoffix Ah, I love people. "Here's one of cool features you'll see in the next major lang version" (that I literally spent only like 15 minutes testing, implementing, and documenting)... 5 minutes later "ZOMFG!! PERL 6 IS NOT FOCUSING ON CRITICAL THINGS!" 17:15
lizmat Zoffix: where ?
Zoffix I wonder if on anti-social media people are actually nice to each other :) 17:16
lizmat twitter.com/zoffix/status/1025426527469617157 ?
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ closed issue “Coroutines”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/262
diakopter Zoffix: what do those people think are more critical things 17:17
xinming multi method execute (Str $api, *@params) { } multi method execute (Str $api, *@params, :$decode) { <---- Why willthis always dispatch to the method with :$decode one? 17:19
within second method, I do something like, self.execute($api, |@params) 17:20
Zoffix lizmat: twitter.com/zoffix/status/1025429306770644993
xinming I get method calliing recursion
AlexDaniel that's correct, we focus on many things
lizmat xinming: short answer: make it :$decode!
and possibly make that candidate occur *before* the other one 17:21
named parameters are not taken into account in MMD, unless they are obligatory, and then only when tie-breaking is needed 17:22
AlexDaniel diakopter: some can argue that performance and stability are more important, but so what… we have people working on that too
lizmat Zoffix: sigh
lizmat notes it for the P6W 17:24
Zoffix AlexDaniel: less talk! More perf work!
Cancel the SQUASHathon :P
AlexDaniel right
17:24 nuclearsandwich joined 17:25 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v nuclearsandwich
squashable6 🍕 ronaldxs++ labeled issue “Grammar::Modelica” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/203 17:27
🍕 ronaldxs++ wrote a comment on “Grammar::Modelica”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410322148
🍕 ronaldxs++ closed issue “Grammar::Modelica”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/203
17:28 Zoffix left 17:33 stmuk_ joined 17:34 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v stmuk_
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Tyil self-assigned IO::Path::Dirstack github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/184 17:34
17:35 stmuk left
squashable6 🍕 masak++ wrote a comment on “Data::Pretty”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410325079 17:38
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by masak++! ♥
Xliff What is the preferrable form for source-url in META6.json?
yoleaux 13:44Z <Zoffix> Xliff: yo. Can you set the perl6-unbitrot's logo to something other than the default image? Like to temp.perl6.party/eco.png so in users' lists it shows up nice and pretty or give me ops and I'll upload it myself
squashable6 🍕 masak++ reopened issue “Data::Pretty”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/243
AlexDaniel oh nice! I misspelled the word “privileges” :)
Xliff Is it better to use https:// or [email@hidden.address]
Zoffix: You should have ops. 17:39
But I will change it.
17:40 Minkar joined, Minkar left
Xliff .tell Zoffix Profile image updated. 17:40
yoleaux Xliff: I'll pass your message to Zoffix.
17:41 Zoffix joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Zoffix
Zoffix Xliff: thanks. FWIW only you are the "Owner"; the rest of the people are members and can't change/invite people: github.com/orgs/perl6-unbitrot/people 17:41
yoleaux 17:40Z <Xliff> Zoffix: Profile image updated.
Zoffix Xliff: I use http:// IIRC on Windows git:// will require `git` to be installed, while `` one can be checked out with a web agent 17:42
17:43 koto joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v koto
Zoffix (not really sure tho) 17:43
Xliff That's my thought, too. 17:44
But all 3 repos I've checked out have [email@hidden.address]
17:44 Zoffix left
lizmat https:// surely ? 17:44
squashable6 🍕 Tyil++ wrote a comment on “IO::Path::Dirstack”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410327041 17:45
🍕 Tyil++ closed issue “IO::Path::Dirstack”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/184
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: lizmat self-assigned Hash::MultiValue github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/190
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ labeled issue “Hash::MultiValue” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/190
17:45 sena_kun left
Geth ecosystem: 508d1bf528 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Revert "Revert "Remove `v5` from the ecosystem""

This reverts commit e96d329a1dae3dee024e70c5351c2282286a62a7.
As indicated by FROGGS
17:47 chsanch joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v chsanch
lizmat and that marks the end of an era :-( 17:47
tyil sad 17:48
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Hash::MultiValue”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410327829
🍕 AlexDaniel++ closed issue “Hash::MultiValue”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/190
lizmat the repo is still there
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Xliff self-assigned Algorithm::LBFGS github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/306 17:50
squashable6 🍕 Xliff++ labeled issue “Algorithm::LBFGS” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/306
🍕 Xliff++ closed issue “Algorithm::LBFGS”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/306
17:51 dwarring joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v dwarring
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ labeled issue “IUP” (native dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/180 17:51
xinming lizmat: Thanks for the :$decode! hint, and will re-adjust the order of the function
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ labeled issue “Image::Resize” (native dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/177 17:53
🍕 lizmat++ labeled issue “Image::Resize” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/177
🍕 lizmat++ wrote a comment on “Image::Resize”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410329477 17:54
🍕 lizmat++ closed issue “Image::Resize”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/177
AlexDaniel lizmat: why not close github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/180 ?
lizmat fine by me :-)
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ closed issue “IUP”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/180 17:55
masak lizmat: you know instead of reverting a revert, you can cherry-pick the original commit? ;)
lizmat yes, I know, "git revert" was shorter to type
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-assigned App::jsonv github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/293 17:56
AlexDaniel lizmat: ooh, but nobody tried installing it, right?
masak lizmat: :)
lizmat AlexDaniel: no, I did not
AlexDaniel lizmat: right… :)
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ reopened issue “IUP”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/180
🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “App::jsonv” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/293 17:57
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “App::jsonv”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410330197
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “App::jsonv”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/293
lizmat 80!
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “DB::ORM::Quicky” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/251 17:59
🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “DB::ORM::Quicky” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/251
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “DB::ORM::Quicky”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410330923
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “DB::ORM::Quicky”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/251
18:00 lizmat left
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Electron” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/230 18:01
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Electron”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410331422
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Electron”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/230
18:02 chsanch left
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “LibCurl” (native dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/156 18:06
18:06 lizmat joined
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-assigned LibCurl github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/156 18:06
¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-assigned Finance::GDAX::API github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/223 18:07
18:07 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v lizmat
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “LibCurl”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410333136 18:08
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “LibCurl”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/156
buggable New CPAN upload: Async-Command-0.0.1.tar.gz by MLDEVINE cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/M/ML/...0.1.tar.gz 18:09
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Finance::GDAX::API” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/223
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Finance::GDAX::API”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410333591 18:10
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Finance::GDAX::API”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/223
Xliff Does anyone know who created the docker file for rakudo star? 18:11
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “App::AizuOnlineJudge” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/303
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “App::AizuOnlineJudge”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410333967
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “App::AizuOnlineJudge”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/303
El_Che Xliff: hoelzro iirc
Xliff Is it on github?
El_Che github.com/perl6/docker 18:12
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-assigned Algorithm::Viterbi github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/305
¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-assigned App::FindSource github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/301 18:15
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “App::FindSource” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/301 18:16
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “App::FindSource”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410335202
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “App::FindSource”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/301
🍕 ingydotnet++ wrote a comment on “YAML”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410335250
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by ingydotnet++! ♥
hoelzro waves
Xliff: I can answer any questions you have about it
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-assigned App::OrgSleep github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/295 18:19
MasterDuke hoelzro: while you're here... have you done much performance testing of IO::String?
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “App::OrgSleep” (native dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/295 18:20
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “App::OrgSleep”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410336271
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “App::OrgSleep”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/295
hoelzro MasterDuke: not that I remember
yikes - /ignore squashable6
MasterDuke ah. it seems pretty slow
hoelzro =S
I'll happily accept any contributions resulting in a speedup!
Xliff hoelzro! I was just talking about you! :) 18:21
hoelzro Xliff: howdy!
MasterDuke heh, i'll see if anything jumps out at me
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-assigned Audio::Encode::LameMP3 github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/287
Xliff Is 2018.04 the lastest version of Rakudo for Docker?
hoelzro I believe so - did I miss a more recent release? 18:22
El_Che no, 2018.06 is in RC stage 18:25
timotimo yo ro 18:27
El_Che yolo? 18:28
timotimo yo ho ro
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Algorithm::Viterbi”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410338597
🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Audio::Taglib::Simple” (native dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/283 18:37
🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Audio::Taglib::Simple” (issue sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/283 18:38
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Audio::Taglib::Simple”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410341413 18:39
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Audio::Taglib::Simple”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/283
🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Audio::Encode::LameMP3” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/287 18:43
hoelzro hi timotimo! 18:44
squashable6 🍕 masak++ unlabeled issue “Data::Pretty” (deprecated module): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/243
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: masak self-assigned Data::Pretty github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/243
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Audio::Encode::LameMP3” (native dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/287 18:45
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Audio::Encode::LameMP3”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410342924
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Audio::Encode::LameMP3”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/287
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-assigned Log::ZMQ github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/146 18:46
¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-assigned Net::ZMQ github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/116
timotimo masak: something random i just found out: if you turn the lines of "next if ..." into one if with a chain of ||s it goes from ~3.8s on my machine down to ~2.2s on my machine
hah, i don't remember having committed those things to rakudo for the recursive version of "send more money" %) 18:49
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Net::ZMQ” (native dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/116 18:50
koto timotimo, ping? 18:51
timotimo hello koto 18:52
koto o/
timotimo, I somewhat remember we were at this point before, but 1)IIRc you have write rights for Net::ZMQ, don't you? 2)Is it possible to grant me some write rights? Otherwise some PRs want merge. 18:53
timotimo i can grant you access! 18:54
koto Oh, that'd be great. Thanks a lot.
timotimo um, at least i hope so
18:54 koto is now known as sena_kun
timotimo is that the one in arnsholt's github? 18:54
sena_kun well, otherwise we can merge PRs, so no worries.
timotimo OK, i don't actually have access there, i don't think
to add new contributors, that is
i hope the PRs are good :P 18:55
dalek t-ZMQ: 5a8c3ca | (Ales Huzik)++ | README.md:
README.md: .-date{-str} → .-data{-str}
t-ZMQ: 930fe29 | timo++ | README.md:
Merge pull request #19 from alesguzik/patch-1

  README.md: .-date{-str} → .-data{-str}
yoleaux 9 Apr 2018 19:31Z <AlexDaniel> dalek: You still there? :)
t-ZMQ: 3511b0a | FROGGS++ | lib/Net/ZMQ4/Util.pm6:
Expose zmq library version
timotimo i didn't test them out locally
t-ZMQ: 4442cb7 | timo++ | lib/Net/ZMQ4/Util.pm6:
Merge pull request #20 from FROGGS/master

Expose zmq library version
sena_kun well, first one is definetely great, the second one shouldn't break anything, though I'll check it now. 18:56
timotimo thanks
sena_kun and one more(mine) is coming, but I need some time to write it before. :>
timotimo :)
AlexDaniel can we switch Net-ZMQ to use Geth? 19:03
.tell dalek I miss you!
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to dalek.
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ labeled issue “Time::localtime” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/29
AlexDaniel sena_kun: oh wow! My module! :) Thanks 19:04
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ wrote a comment on “Time::localtime”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410347707
🍕 lizmat++ closed issue “Time::localtime”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/29
sena_kun AlexDaniel, what do you mean by Geth | Net-ZMQ? 19:05
timotimo AlexDaniel: the owner of the repo has to do it
AlexDaniel sena_kun: commits to Net-ZMQ were announced by dalek, but we no longer use it
sena_kun aaah, got it.
geekosaur dalek was the old notifier bot, I think it uses something that is being shut down at some point? Geth is the new notifier bot
diakopter dalek was old old 19:06
ooooooooooold 19:07
xinming dev perl6 program needs a lot of patience, Since restart cycle is too slow :-) 19:08
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ labeled issue “Slang::AltTernary” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/64
19:09 domidumont left
sena_kun timotimo, github.com/arnsholt/Net-ZMQ/pull/21 <- please. 19:11
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Net::ZMQ”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410349541 19:12
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Net::ZMQ”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/116
🍕 lukasvalle++ wrote a comment on “Net::Pcap”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410350248 19:15
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by lukasvalle++! ♥
diakopter ^ I suggested this like foreverz ago 19:17
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: dwarring self-assigned HTML::Canvas github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/199
squashable6 🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by dwarring++! ♥
diakopter I meant that to reply to the "remove v5" thing
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Net::Pcap”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410350918 19:18
masak timotimo: nice 19:19
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: AlexDaniel self-assigned Sprockets github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/58 19:22
squashable6 🍕 lukasvalle++ labeled issue “Net::Pcap” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/117
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: dwarring self-assigned CSS::Properties github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/275 19:23
lizmat diakopter: sometimes it takes a little longer for wished to be granted :-) 19:24
AlexDaniel for $filename.split('.') { 19:25
next $ext = $_ when any(@extensions);
lizmat so what's wrong with [email@hidden.address] as a source URI ?
squashable6 🍕 dwarring++ wrote a comment on “CSS::Properties”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410352451
AlexDaniel timotimo: ↑ by any chance do you know what's the meaning of this?
or anybody who still remembers that is-deeply was once called is_deeply
`next $ext = $_` is the bit that I don't get
so `next LABEL` I understand, but that's not a label 19:26
sena_kun does zef supports specifying a particular module version by author? I have `"Net::ZMQ:auth('github:gabrielash')"`, but it gives error.
[Coke] drowns in pizza.
yoleaux 1 Aug 2018 14:32Z <AlexDaniel> [Coke]: if we ever consider any alternative to IRC, that'd be Matrix and not anything else. Today though we'd have to let Matrix mature a bit before doing the move
lizmat AlexDaniel: what's wrong with [email@hidden.address] as a source URI ? 19:27
squashable6 🍕 dwarring++ labeled issue “CSS::Properties” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/275
🍕 dwarring++ closed issue “CSS::Properties”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/275
19:27 chsanch joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v chsanch
AlexDaniel lizmat: I think if you try to install from that and don't have ssh-agent set up, it will just fail to authenticate 19:28
lizmat: which is why https links are somewhat better as they work for everyone
dwarring Some issues are just toaster timeouts toast.perl6.party/module?module=CS...it=2018.06
yoleaux 2 Jun 2017 11:16Z <tbrowder> dwarring: i installed latest version and both courier and times-roman show True for IsFixedPitch. i'm not positive about your methods but i think the default value of IsFixedPitch should be False, and the Adobe spec says the absence of it is False.
2 Jun 2017 12:12Z <tbrowder> dwarring: you need to actually test the module with a Font::AFM object, then the IsFixedPitch test fails for Courier using ok (expected True)
AlexDaniel lizmat: but I could be wrong, that's just my understanding of the situation
yoleaux 2 Jun 2017 12:54Z <tbrowder> dwarring: i have submitted a PR for new tests that show the problem
3 Jun 2017 00:33Z <tbrowder> dwarring: Font::AFM, version 1.24.1 works great now!
AlexDaniel dwarring: yeah, that happens. Just mark it with `works for me` and close 19:29
dwarring: I'll try to improve toaster this month if I have time, but for now we'll have to work with what we have
dwarring cool
lizmat AlexDaniel: apparently the correct form is: git://github.com/yowcow/p6-String-CamelCase.git
at least for META::Test
AlexDaniel lizmat: interesting, yeah. That one has no user specified so maybe it's ok 19:30
AlexDaniel shrugs
[Coke] hoelzro: hio
hoelzro hey [Coke]! 19:31
[Coke] "and not anything else", sheehs.
19:32 benjikun left
AlexDaniel [Coke]: heh, well, sort of. You'd need an alternative that has open source clients, open source servers and is federated. I don't think there is any 19:33
otherwise the question is “why this proprietary X that you're suggesting and not matrix” 19:34
squashable6 🍕 zoffixznet++ labeled issue “WWW” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/23
🍕 zoffixznet++ closed issue “WWW”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/23
19:34 benjikun joined
dwarring HTML::Canvas really is bit-rotted 19:34
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: lizmat self-assigned String::CamelCase github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/56
19:34 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v benjikun
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ labeled issue “String::CamelCase” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/56 19:35
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: zoffixznet self-assigned p6lert github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/2
AlexDaniel note that we can bridge a matrix room to slack, gitter, most likely also irc and anything else you like, so if you like slack you'd be able to use it too
squashable6 🍕 zoffixznet++ labeled issue “p6lert” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/2
🍕 zoffixznet++ closed issue “p6lert”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/2
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: zoffixznet self-assigned WWW::P6lert github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/21
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ wrote a comment on “String::CamelCase”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410354879
🍕 lizmat++ closed issue “String::CamelCase”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/56
🍕 zoffixznet++ labeled issue “WWW::P6lert” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/21
🍕 zoffixznet++ closed issue “WWW::P6lert”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/21
🍕 lizmat++ wrote a comment on “String::CamelCase”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410354945
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-unassigned Log::ZMQ github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/146 19:36
19:38 tokomer left
AlexDaniel c: 2014.01 for ^25 { next 'test' } 19:38
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦2014.01: «»
AlexDaniel what does it mean?
hmm github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/ed...ceb5ff889e 19:39
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-assigned LibYAML github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/154
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “LibYAML” (native dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/154
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: dwarring self-assigned PDF::API6 github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/106 19:40
¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: dwarring self-assigned PDF::Class github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/105
¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: dwarring self-assigned PDF::Content github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/104
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “LibYAML”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410356378 19:41
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “LibYAML”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/154
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: dwarring self-assigned PDF::Lite github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/102
lizmat 98 closed !
DrForr Also I'm fiddling with a pluggable Spreadsheet system. The place I'm playing at right now floats on Google Spreadsheets, so I want to have something that others can slot basic things into. 19:43
squashable6 🍕 dwarring++ closed issue “HTML::Canvas”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/199 19:46
19:47 ChoHag joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v ChoHag
El_Che DrForr: back in Europe? 19:47
19:48 chsanch left
DrForr I'm packing tonight for the flight. 19:48
El_Che flying back to the USA afterwards until you sign for a new job? 19:49
DrForr Actually no, the places so far want in-person interviews which means being in the UK for the foreseeable.
El_Che That's a good thing, probably 19:50
otherwise it could take longer
19:52 |oLa| left
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Cro::ZeroMQ” (native dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/256 19:54
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Cro::ZeroMQ”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410359542
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Cro::ZeroMQ”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/256
🍕 lukasvalle++ wrote a comment on “Net::Packet”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410359595
🍕 lukasvalle++ labeled issue “Net::Packet” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/118
19:55 ChoHag left, Guest85043 joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Guest85043
squashable6 🍕 dwarring++ labeled issue “PDF::Lite” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/102 19:56
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-assigned Audio::Libshout github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/285
DrForr Yeah, I'm still targeting a few places over there, and I'm also expecting to talk with a bunch of people at TPCiG which will lead to more stuff. I'm just going to keep myself flexible, though tugging around a large bag of long-term necessities won't help; maybe I can ask someone to hold onto that for a few weeks.
squashable6 🍕 dwarring++ wrote a comment on “PDF::Lite”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410360143
🍕 dwarring++ closed issue “PDF::Lite”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/102
19:57 Guest85043 left
squashable6 🍕 dwarring++ labeled issue “PDF::Content” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/104 19:57
🍕 dwarring++ wrote a comment on “PDF::Content”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410360259
🍕 dwarring++ closed issue “PDF::Content”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/104
🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Audio::Libshout” (native dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/285
🍕 dwarring++ labeled issue “PDF::Class” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/105 19:58
DrForr Right now I want a few days of self time, I haven't had personal space for nearly 2 months.
squashable6 🍕 dwarring++ wrote a comment on “PDF::Class”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410360410
🍕 dwarring++ closed issue “PDF::Class”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/105
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Audio::Libshout”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410360423
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Audio::Libshout”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/285
🍕 dwarring++ labeled issue “PDF::API6” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/106
🍕 dwarring++ wrote a comment on “PDF::API6”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410360497
🍕 dwarring++ closed issue “PDF::API6”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/106
lizmat 105 closed ! we're at 1/3 now
19:59 domidumont joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v domidumont 20:00 domidumont left
xinming What is the best way to rebuild all installed modules? 20:01
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Sprockets” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/58 20:02
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Sprockets”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410361354
🍕 AlexDaniel++ closed issue “Sprockets”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/58
AlexDaniel ↑ this was really fun :)
.seen vendethiel 20:03
yoleaux I saw vendethiel 1 Aug 2017 14:07Z in #moarvm: <vendethiel> nvm
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-assigned Crust github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/255 20:09
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Crust” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/255 20:10
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Crust”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410363220
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Crust”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/255
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: dwarring self-assigned PDF::Font::Loader github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/103 20:12
squashable6 🍕 dwarring++ labeled issue “PDF::Font::Loader” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/103
20:13 ChoHag joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v ChoHag
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “WebService::GitHub” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/15 20:14
🍕 dwarring++ wrote a comment on “PDF::Font::Loader”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410364562
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “WebService::GitHub”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410364594 20:15
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “WebService::GitHub”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/15
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: dwarring self-assigned Font::FreeType github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/220
squashable6 🍕 dwarring++ labeled issue “Font::FreeType” (native dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/220 20:16
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “WWW::SilverGoldBull”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410365532 20:19
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “WWW::SilverGoldBull”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/20
🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “WWW::SilverGoldBull” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/20
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-assigned WWW::vlc::Remote github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/19 20:20
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “WWW::vlc::Remote” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/19
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “WWW::vlc::Remote”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410365802
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “WWW::vlc::Remote”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/19
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-assigned Audio::Icecast github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/286 20:22
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Audio::Icecast” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/286
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Audio::Icecast”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410366302
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Audio::Icecast”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/286
🍕 dwarring++ closed issue “Font::FreeType”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/220 20:25
🍕 dwarring++ wrote a comment on “PDF::Font::Loader”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410368377 20:31
🍕 dwarring++ closed issue “PDF::Font::Loader”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/103
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-assigned CommonMark github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/270 20:35
20:35 cognominal-p6 left
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ labeled issue “Avro” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/280 20:36
20:36 cognominal-p6 joined
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ closed issue “Avro”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/280 20:36
20:36 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v cognominal-p6
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “CommonMark” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/270 20:39
🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “CommonMark” (native dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/270
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “CommonMark”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410370249
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “CommonMark”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/270
🍕 drforr++ wrote a comment on “CommonMark”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410370473 20:40
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by drforr++! ♥
🍕 vendethiel++ wrote a comment on “Sprockets”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410370552 20:41
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by vendethiel++! ♥
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-assigned WebService::FootballData github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/16 20:43
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “WebService::FootballData” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/16
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “WebService::FootballData”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410371155
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “WebService::FootballData”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/16
sena_kun ok, 199 now. 20:44
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ labeled issue “CompUnit::Repository::Tar” (issue sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/267 20:45
🍕 lizmat++ wrote a comment on “CompUnit::Repository::Tar”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410371629
🍕 lizmat++ closed issue “CompUnit::Repository::Tar”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/267
🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Wikidata::API” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/10 20:47
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Wikidata::API”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410372161 20:48
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Wikidata::API”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/10
20:48 psychoslave joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v psychoslave
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “WebService::AWS::S3” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/17 20:50
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “WebService::AWS::S3”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410372785
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “WebService::AWS::S3”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/17
20:50 psychoslave left
squashable6 🍕 ronaldxs++ wrote a comment on “DOM::Tiny”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410373148 20:52
🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Web::RF” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/18
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Web::RF”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410373244
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Web::RF”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/18
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-assigned Web::RF github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/18
20:54 eliasr left
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “DOM::Tiny”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410373730 20:54
Geth ecosystem: cae94256f5 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Removed Text::Diff from ecosystem

It is not ready for production, tests fail, clearly still in development, but mostly untouched for the past 8 years. Author did not respond to an issue posted last April when it was also broken.
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ labeled issue “Text::Diff” (issue sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/36 20:56
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-assigned Verge::RPC::Client github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/24
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Verge::RPC::Client” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/24
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Verge::RPC::Client”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410374251
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Verge::RPC::Client”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/24
🍕 lizmat++ wrote a comment on “Text::Diff”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410374275 20:57
🍕 lizmat++ closed issue “Text::Diff”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/36
20:59 skids left 21:03 donpdonp joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v donpdonp
donpdonp for $stmt.allrows { } <- Unexpected block in infix position (missing statement control word before the expression?) 21:04
squashable6 🍕 bbkr++ wrote a comment on “GeoIP::City”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410375966
donpdonp ive tried various verions of that, cant get it work.
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ labeled issue “Text::Indented” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/35 21:05
🍕 lizmat++ labeled issue “Text::Indented” (issue sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/35
🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “HTTP::Server::Tiny” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/193
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “HTTP::Server::Tiny”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410376264
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “HTTP::Server::Tiny”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/193
🍕 lizmat++ closed issue “Text::Indented”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/35 21:06
🍕 lizmat++ wrote a comment on “Text::Indented”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410376499
El_Che lizmat: maybe add a "Feel free to send a PR to add it again after blah foo bar" in the upstream isssue. It sounds less aggressive
donpdonp sigh, previous line was missing a ;
lizmat El_Che: which one do you mean?
El_Che github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410374275 21:07
wait no
that one
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-assigned HTTP::Signature github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/192 21:08
lizmat 16 months to react to an issue ?
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “HTTP::Signature” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/192 21:09
El_Che it's a pro forma niceness
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “HTTP::Signature” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/192
El_Che not expecting a response
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ unlabeled issue “HTTP::Signature” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/192
lizmat El_Che: you're right, I should take a break :-)
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “HTTP::Signature”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410377238
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “HTTP::Signature”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/192
El_Che lizmat: you just need a copy pastable text ready :) 21:12
lizmat hope it is more acceptable now 21:13
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-assigned IO::Glob github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/185
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “IO::Glob” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/185
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “IO::Glob”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410378160 21:14
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “IO::Glob”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/185
El_Che lizmat: it's great
sena_kun .o0 ( somebody, please, stop me ) 21:15
AlexDaniel no why
sena_kun there is a style in total denial. :]
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-assigned Git::PurePerl github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/204 21:23
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “DateTime::TimeZone”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410380211 21:24
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: lizmat self-assigned Text::LTSV github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/34 21:25
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Sprockets”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410380653 21:26
21:27 ChoHag left
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “DOM::Tiny”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410381320 21:29
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: lizmat self-unassigned Text::LTSV github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/34
lizmat time to get some sleep& 21:30
timotimo good luck, lizmat
sena_kun lizmat, o/
DrForr "Did you sleep good?" "No, I made a few mistakes."
AlexDaniel lizmat: o/ 21:32
masak good night, lizmat. dream of bugfixes and optimizations :) 21:38
21:40 sena_kun left, sena_kun joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v sena_kun
sena_kun ugh. 21:41
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “File::Find::Duplicates” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/225 21:46
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “File::Find::Duplicates”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410384605
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “File::Find::Duplicates”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/225
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-assigned File::Find::Duplicates github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/225
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Git::PurePerl” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/204 21:48
21:48 markong joined, markoong left, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v markong
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Git::PurePerl”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410385040 21:48
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Git::PurePerl”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/204
AlexDaniel sena_kun: hey hey hey :) 21:52
sena_kun: I have some, hmm, good news I think!
sena_kun like what one?
AlexDaniel sena_kun: deathbyperl6.com/perl-toolchain-su...ncy-hello/
sena_kun: ugexe++
sena_kun that's great, though I already saw that. :) 21:53
AlexDaniel sena_kun: cool, so what do we do? :) 21:54
sena_kun: we have 25-ish tickets marked as `native dependency` 21:55
sena_kun eeh, should we do something... I might have skimmed over it too fast, maybe. can you please clarify to a dead-brainer?
we have approximately 70 according to my list. 21:56
22:00 molaf joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v molaf
AlexDaniel sena_kun: I'm thinking we should send PRs for missing native dependencies 22:00
sena_kun: I'm currently working on a script to modify issue texts… I was doing it because of a misspelling, but we can use it to tweak the instructions for native deps 22:01
sena_kun for next unbitrotting? or do you want to redo issue repo? 22:02
AlexDaniel sena_kun: for this one. No need to redo it, my script will just tweak the instructions in existing tickets
sena_kun: and we'll have to reopen 25 issues, yes
sena_kun oh, then fine. 22:03
also, is this feature with natives is good enough?
I mean, how does it handle e.g. different GNU/Linux distributions?
>Maybe one day we will figure out a way to resolve versions for native/bin dependencies, possibly via backends/plugins that access e.g. apt-get ( although this related more to the previously mentioned dependency hints ). 22:04
so it cannot do that yet. then I don't see how is it, hmm, well, it is clearly better, but still. 22:05
AlexDaniel greppable6: \:native 22:06
greppable6 AlexDaniel, 2 lines, 2 modules: gist.github.com/1b2a4ec2df6a5bc2ec...9ee7199227
AlexDaniel greppable6: \<native\>
greppable6 AlexDaniel, 2 lines, 1 module: gist.github.com/76340a50fc7cac643d...8787ec866a
sena_kun I cannot say I am against, but I'd rather not add up workload for this event. maybe as a topic for next one.
easy issues are mostly gone and we still have ~200 tickets. 22:07
22:08 rindolf left
AlexDaniel sena_kun: OK I agree, we'll make it a stretch goal :) 22:09
sena_kun: if we reach 0 we'll reopen :)
sena_kun AlexDaniel, agreed, +1.
ok, I am done for today. 22:12
AlexDaniel sena_kun++ 22:14
thank you! That was amazing 22:15
sena_kun I was just slacking off from working on Comma. :) Maybe need to try one more rouod of implementing features tomorrow(oops, already "today" for me). 22:17
squashable6 🍕 bbkr++ wrote a comment on “Geo::Region”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410390653 22:18
22:24 markong left
squashable6 🍕 vendethiel++ wrote a comment on “Sprockets”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410391775 22:25
🍕 ijneb++ opened issue “`Db::Pg` and `epoll`”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/316 22:26
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by ijneb++! ♥
22:26 HaraldJoerg left
squashable6 🍕 bbkr++ wrote a comment on “Foo”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410392069 22:27
🍕 bbkr++ labeled issue “Geo::Region” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/207 22:29
🍕 bbkr++ closed issue “Geo::Region”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/207 22:36
🍕 bbkr++ wrote a comment on “Geo::Region”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410393417
🍕 bbkr++ wrote a comment on “Rabble”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410393908 22:39
🍕 bbkr++ labeled issue “Rabble” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/79
daemon whts with the weird unicode at the prefix to the bot 22:40
is it trying to do an action 0x01 I think?
22:40 skids joined
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Rabble”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410394141 22:40
22:40 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v skids 22:41 raSter^22 joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v raSter^22
raSter^22 A fascinating blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout MattSTrout.com/ 22:41
22:41 raSter^22 left
benjikun They get by the bannerbot :/ 22:42
daemon ah
AlexDaniel u: 🍕 22:43
unicodable6 AlexDaniel, U+1F355 SLICE OF PIZZA [So] (🍕)
AlexDaniel daemon: ↑
daemon not in my font set
comes up as a block of kludge
22:44 zv joined
AlexDaniel daemon: SQUASHathon is advertized as a gathering where you get free digital pizza. That is it :) 22:44
22:44 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v zv, zv is now known as Guest48133
daemon free digital bar would be far greater appreciated ;) kinda curious I do not have that char though, I seem to have most of them 22:44
AlexDaniel daemon: can you see it in your browser? colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log...8-03#l1935
daemon yeah no problem there 22:45
it will be the font im using
Droid Sans Mono for Powerline 12
same as oh-my-zsh recommends or zsh recommends I forget which
it usually works for most things
22:45 Guest48133 left
AlexDaniel but it should use a fallback if it can't find the emoji in your current font 22:45
daemon hexchat falls back to ascii blocks if it cannot find a match 22:46
that is a small [ ] with 4 digits in it representing the char
which really does not work well for utf stuff
AlexDaniel it should be 6 digits :) 22:47
daemon legacy all the way i.itsosticky.com/1eg588q.png 22:48
really need to put a more modern application type irc client together in mono or something
AlexDaniel 0 0 0 0 haha :)
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-assigned Rabble github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/79
AlexDaniel what editor do you use?
daemon freebsd(ee) linux/freebsd(vim) linux(nano) windows(notepad++,vscode,visualstudio) 22:49
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Rabble” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/79
daemon depends what system I am in and what I am doing really
AlexDaniel I was hoping you'd say emacs so that I can recommend erc :) 22:50
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Rabble”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410395558
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Rabble”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/79
daemon one thing I never got to grips with
in truth I never really got to grips with vim, vi yes vim not so much
so I likely use it a touch less efficiently than is possible
benjikun why? 22:51
daemon because I grown up with ee and vi
they just seem more natural to me
benjikun I see
daemon that being said ... pico was a fork of ee and nano is a fork of pico 22:52
likewise vim is an extension of vi
so I guess all is as should be :P
benjikun I just use vim now 22:54
The only others I've really used (in terminal that is) are joe and nano
daemon ah I tried joe a ... what seems like a lifetime ago
cannot even remember what it was like, so most likely did not get on with it lol 22:55
the worst experience in my life was using ed to fix a simple config file
benjikun lol
daemon for anyone wondering what that is (and never had the fun and adventure): www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?ed(1) 22:56
no VT100 serial connection into a router
took me almost 4 hours to figure out where the bloody typo was
22:57 skids left 23:00 chaoscon12 joined, chaoscon12 left
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-assigned Net::Curl github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/123 23:19
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Net::Curl” (native dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/123
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Net::Curl”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410399656 23:20
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Net::Curl”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/123
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Altai-man self-assigned Growl::GNTP github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/201 23:22
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Growl::GNTP” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/201 23:23
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Growl::GNTP”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-410400123
🍕 Altai-man++ closed issue “Growl::GNTP”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/201
23:27 sena_kun left
buggable New CPAN upload: Algorithm-LBFGS-0.0.3.tar.gz by TITSUKI cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/T/TI/...0.3.tar.gz 23:29
Geth ecosystem: 6013565f66 | (Itsuki Toyota)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Remove p6-Algorithm-LBFGS
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ edited issue “v5”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/1 23:44
AlexDaniel squashable6: shut up
squashable6 AlexDaniel, .oO( Mmmm… pizza! )
AlexDaniel squashable6: ok be loud again for now 23:49
squashable6 AlexDaniel, ALRIGHT, LET'S DO IT!!!
titsuki_ bisectable: use experimental :pack; say Blob.new(1..10).unpack("C*"); 23:52
bisectable6 titsuki_, On both starting points (old=2015.12 new=e0a27ce) the exit code is 0 and the output is identical as well
titsuki_, Output on both points: «(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)␤»
titsuki_ bisectable: say Blob.new(1..10).unpack("C*"); 23:53
bisectable6 titsuki_, On both starting points (old=2015.12 new=e0a27ce) the exit code is 1 and the output is identical as well
titsuki_, Output on both points: «Use of the 'unpack' method is experimental; please 'use experimental :pack'␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/SVNBbJoY0L line 1␤␤»
AlexDaniel titsuki_: I think you're looking for these commits: + Moved pack/unpack support to lib/experimental.pm6 [9472fdfd][edc6ac6b] 23:56
titsuki_ AlexDaniel: I faced an unpack error that still recommends to use "use experimental" even if I surely call ""use experimental": travis-ci.org/titsuki/p6-MeCab/jobs/406780390 23:59