6.2.11 released! | pugs.blogs.com | pugscode.org | pugs.kwiki.org | paste: sial.org/pbot/perl6
Set by audreyt on 1 February 2006.
00:52 justatheory joined 01:46 justatheory joined 01:49 putter joined
putter stevan: tunes.org/wiki/Methods_of_Reflection 01:49
audreyt: a parser using D: languagemachine.sourceforge.net/ (not quite as nifty as it might seem at first glance - its backtracking is a bit weak - no memory of failed rules - backtracked to some state, if nothing has changed, it will retry the same rule that just failed) 01:53
dduncan I just saw the news ... apparently ActiveState is free as a bird again 01:54
probably good for anyone that uses their stuff 01:55
01:57 Cryptic_K joined 02:26 Limbic_Region joined
scook0 audreyt: I'm getting immediate segfaults on a newly-nuked-and-rebuilt pugs 02:39
Ubuntu/x86, with default config.yml (except for -O0) 02:40
02:42 p5evalbot joined 02:50 _SamB_ joined 02:52 _SamB_ is now known as SamB 03:00 vel joined 03:06 putter joined
putter scook0: ping? 03:06
?eval 3 03:07
03:07 evalbot_8948 is now known as evalbot_8949
evalbot_8949 3 03:07
putter ?eval5 3
evalbot_8949 Error: unexpected "3" expecting operator, postfix conditional, postfix loop, postfix iteration, ";" or end of input
putter wonders how to talk with the newly joined "p5evalbot" 03:08
scook0: suggest either upgrading to 6.4.1 or editing Makefile.PL to disable readline. 03:09
03:14 kanru joined 03:21 xinming joined
xinming audreyt: ping 03:28
?eval rule ha { <[a..z]+> }; my $s = "test"; $s ~~ s/<ha>//; $s.say 03:32
evalbot_8949 *** Cannot parse PGE: <ha> *** Error: end of file OUTPUT[test ] bool::true
03:43 xern joined 04:04 stevan_ joined, elmex_ joined 04:13 KingDiamond joined 04:15 justatheory joined 04:25 putter joined
putter ?eval rule ha { <[a..z]>+ }; my $s = "test"; $s ~~ s/<ha>//; $s.say 04:26
evalbot_8949 OUTPUT[ ] bool::true
04:26 weinig joined
putter ?eval rule ha { <[a..z]>**{2} }; my $s = "test"; $s ~~ s/<ha>//; $s.say 04:27
evalbot_8949 OUTPUT[test ] bool::true
putter ?eval rule ha { <[a..z]>**{2} }; my $s = "test"; $s ~~ s/<ha>//; $s.say 04:28
evalbot_8949 OUTPUT[test ] bool::true
putter hmm. well, that last is working on r8944. but not evalbot_8949. curious. 04:29
xinming: but your example fails because of the <[a..z]+> typo. a better error message would be good. but... we probably need better rules infrastructure to do that. 04:31
& 04:47
04:52 txg joined
txg Hello, I've heard that in Perl6's regexes $0 will be the first match, but in Perl5 $0 returns your program's name. How do I get my own program's name in Perl 6, then? 04:55
anybody? 04:57
04:58 elmex joined 05:11 _SamB_ joined 05:13 stevan joined
audreyt txg: $*PROGRAM_NAME 05:15
txg: basically, pretend that English.pm is in scope at all times ;) 05:16
audreyt is on a 28.8k dialup -- the situation should improve in a couple hours
txg audreyt, thanks!!!
audreyt np :) see docs/quickref/var 05:17
audreyt reminds herself again that p6doc should include docs/quickref in a saner manner
putter: re the language machine, looks attractive even just as an excuse to delve into D 05:18
audreyt goes find 1)food 2)better network coverage 05:19
txg audreyt, btw, is there a more consise "what's new in Perl 6 REGEXES" than the Synopsis #5 ?
audreyt txg: sure, as usual 05:20
stevan hey audreyt
audreyt stevan: yo
how goes?
stevan failry well,.. and you?
audreyt pretty well... been making good use of my acm.org account 05:21
stevan :)
05:21 _SamB_ is now known as SamB
stevan has been reading and re-reading his metaclass books mostly 05:21
txg audreyt, thanks! hmm..err... where exactly is "docs/quickref/rules" ?
audreyt how's your timeslices looking in the upcoming weeks?
05:21 chihchun joined
audreyt txg: in the pugs tree 05:21
stevan audreyt: have you seen Class::MOP? 05:22
txg audreyt, oh, got it. I'll download pugs ;)
audreyt txg: svn.openfoundry.org/pugs/docs/quickref/rules/
no, looking
txg or....I'll get this link ;)
thanks again, audreyt !
stevan well, we have one project at $work, with the threat of possible others,..
audreyt np :)
stevan: we, wow, amazing
stevan so as long as things stay quiet I will have time
audreyt s/we/er/
cool 05:23
I'll have timeslice about 5 days from now
have tofinish $job before I go to israel
I'll definitely check C::MOP out. it looks very versatile 05:24
stevan ok,.. that will work out well
audreyt cool
I'll go find food then :)
audreyt waves... bbiab &
stevan adiois
stevan resumes wandering off to sleep & 05:25
05:34 txg joined
txg audreyt, Hi! Sorry to bug you again, I just realized that, like $0 and $*PROGRAM_NAME, if $/ is now used to store returned matches, where is the $/ from Perl 5? Gone? 05:35
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meppl guten morgen 07:53
07:54 DesreveR joined, Cryptic_K joined 07:55 Alex24NJ joined 08:34 GeJ joined, txg joined
txg Hi! Anybody home? 08:34
I just found out that in perl 6 regexp's the [...] will not define a group of characters anymore. How can I do this (i.e.: define a group of chars to be matched) in Perl 6? 08:36
08:37 KingDiamond joined
txg <[...]> 08:37
got it
gaal re: var export. first, I think we shouldn't be using a Perl-accessible node on %*INC to store stuff, because most of the time the stuff we are storing there isn't meaningful to the P6 code. 08:50
second, I don't know what to put there for variables, unless it's the TVar itself
in which case point A is strengthened (this is not something P6land should see) 08:51
but also, the way we arrange for varibles to be created must change, because we need to reduce part of the creation -- enough to call newTVar -- immediately upon parsing 08:52
What is the correct set of possible export providers? 08:53
That is, if I request an import from X, what can X be?
The global (ugh) store of exportables must be keyed by Xs 08:54
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nothingmuch audreyt: ping 09:40
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masak ingy: ping 11:03
11:03 drbean joined 11:28 elmex joined
masak ingy, I think there is a spelling error in the synopsis of search.cpan.org/~ingy/Perldoc-0.20/...er/Kwid.pm 11:59
I got it working by changing "stringref => $html" to "stringref => \$html"
this is completely the wrong forum, sorry 12:00
12:31 DesreveR is now known as r0nny 12:32 DaGo joined
gaal there's no way to say "next twice", is there? that is, skip not just this iteration in a (say) for, but also the next one? 12:37
and: we don't have sub arg pattern matching in pugs yet, do we? 12:40
what holds all the matches? eg, I want the p6 equiv of 12:54
my @animals = $text =~ /(moose|elk|wapiti)/g 12:55
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ <- part I'm intereseted in 12:56
13:03 rantanplan_ joined
gaal urp, that's supposed to work in p6 according to feather.perl6.nl/~eric256/t_index/t...rl5_g.html (with minor syntactic updates) but it doesn't on my machine 13:08
?eval my $text = "a moose and a wapiti"; my @animals = $text ~~ rx:P5:g/(moose|elk|wapiti)/; @animals 13:09
evalbot_8949 [Match.new( ok => bool::true, from => 2, to => 7, str => "moose", sub_pos => (), sub_named => {} ), Match.new( ok => bool::true, from => 7, to => 13, str => "wapiti", sub_pos => (), sub_named => {} )]
13:10 iblechbot joined
gaal eep. on my machine that dies; in any case i 13:10
'm not sure this is the right behavior either.
13:24 rantanplan_ joined 13:49 bsb joined
meppl is something like my $object = Foo::$variable.new(...); possible? 13:49
nothingmuch audreyt: ping 14:02
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gaal bsb: ping 15:25
audreyt: ping
bsb gaal: pong 15:36
just got a network connection again 15:37
nothingmuch uueahfaegta 15:38
nothingmuch still has to write all the talks
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gaal well, somebody had to do it 19:54
svnbot6 r8950 | gaal++ | Getopt::Std - simple command-line parsing library
efunneko Having problems building pugs - 6.2.11 19:55
Preprocessing library Pugs-6.2.11... 19:56
Setup: got error code while preprocessing: Pugs.Embed.Parrot
Build failed: 256 at util/build_pugs.pl line 87.
make: *** [pugs] Error 2
Has anyone seen this?
19:56 xern joined
gaal efunneko: can you give some more lines of the output? 19:58
if anything looks relevant
efunneko Not much else looks relevant.
I will grab some more ... 19:59
gaal well, in a pinch, try turning off parrot embedding.
efunneko I tried with and without parrot.
I did see this problem reported in some #perl6 logs from a week ago
Unfortunately, Audrey just logged into the guys box and it worked for him. Perhaps something with my shell? 20:00
I did have 6.2.9 running previously.
gaal what parrot version do you have?
efunneko parrot 0.4.1 20:01
gaal though, come to think of it, it sounds like a problem in the .hsc file, not anything in parrot
efunneko Seems that way. I tried to manually run hsc2hs and it didn't seem to have a problem, but this just caused a problem later. 20:02
gaal cpan tarball or head? 20:04
efunneko I actually tried both with the same result
gaal hmm. sorry, worksforme and I can't think of anything :(
efunneko Separate directories - the svn one had previously built in the 6.2.10 timeframe.
Would "ghc-pkg: cannot find package plugins" mean anything (prints this when `perl Makefile.PL`) 20:05
gaal nothing relevant, no. 20:11
efunneko oh well. Thanks for your time.
gaal np, ask again later 20:12
efunneko Will do. I will do some reading to try to understand what is failing.
cognominal hum, what is pil-n exactly? 20:13
gaal thanks for the repory
cognominal it is an intermediate representation?
gaal s/y$/t/
cognominal: stevan was explaining it here in detail yesterday I think
cognominal ok, I will watch my logs 20:14
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svnbot6 r8951 | gaal++ | Getopt::Std - skip things that aren't options 20:45
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Alias_ seen audreyt 21:44
jabbot Alias_: audreyt was seen 16 hours 20 minutes 19 seconds ago
Alias_ darn
21:45 Alias_ left 22:11 revdiablo joined 22:14 iblechbot joined 22:18 revdiabl1 joined 22:42 macli joined 22:44 Limbic_Region joined 22:47 Alex24NJ joined
gaal how is s///e spelled now? should s:e/// work in pugs? (it doesn't) 22:51
szbalint I tried, but atm it doesn't work atm 22:52
/e is spelled as s/something/{ code() }/ afaik 22:53
gaal indeed. should it?
szbalint according to dev.perl.org
gaal ah, right!
thanks :) 22:54
svnbot6 r8952 | gaal++ | PPT cat - add options. -v and those that imply it don't currently work.
szbalint s/atm$// 22:55
gaal eep! PCRE doesn't grok unicode :-) 22:56
/./ bytifies, it seems.
svnbot6 r8953 | gaal++ | PPT cat - fix -v somewhat, though PCRE seems to force byte mode :( 22:57
r8952 | gaal++ | PPT cat - add options. -v and those that imply it don't currently work.
22:57 drbean joined
gaal zzZ & 22:57
szbalint hm 23:01
Is it my bad eyes or why did r8952 appear twice? :)
23:06 pmccann joined 23:10 Alex24NJ left
xinming szbalint: where it appears twice? 23:17
szbalint 23:54:22 < svnbot6> r8952 | gaal++ | PPT cat - add options. -v and those that imply it don't currently work.
23:57:26 < svnbot6> r8952 | gaal++ | PPT cat - add options. -v and those that imply it don't currently work.
xinming szbalint: maybe your ISP is broken. :-) 23:19
szbalint: I don't see this here.
szbalint weird. 23:20
comet^ I see that too and I'm in a different country. 23:22
xinming doesn't know why then. :-/ 23:23
szbalint Probably just freenode servers playing. :) 23:26
bsb szbalint: I see it twice 23:27
23:43 pmccann_ joined