6.2.12 released! | paste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | pugs.blogs.com | pugscode.org | pugs.kwiki.org
Set by audreyt on 26 June 2006.
00:04 shachaf joined
meppl gute nacht 00:14
Juerd Schlaf gut
And thanks for the multi channel spam
meppl gute nacht juerd
Juerd Danke :)
audreyt TimToady: #yapc is on the other network 00:47
( /connect irc.perl.org ) ( /join #yapc )
00:58 christopher joined 01:08 mako132_ joined
Juerd audreyt: I've killed: 15945 ? Rl 5226:59 ./pugs -C Parse-YAML Prelude.pm 01:16
audreyt okay. thanks
Juerd audreyt: Please watch your runaway processes :)
audreyt sorry :)
Juerd I only noticed because the backup gzip started overlapping :) 01:17
01:17 Ally joined
svnbot6 r10960 | fglock++ | v6.pm - 'module name-0.01' compiles to 'package name; $name::VERSION = '0.01';' 01:25
r10960 | fglock++ | - '%*ENV<HOME>.say;'
r10960 | fglock++ | - '$*ERR.say(123)'
r10960 | fglock++ | - 'is export'
01:26 fglock joined
audreyt fglock++ 01:29
audreyt cheerleads for v6.pm
fglock re v6.pm - it could already execute a trimmed-down Test.pm (w/o variable typing)
audreyt parse type and drop them 01:30
that's what I did
you can do it too :)
fglock: will you be around on thursday~sunday
during the hackathon?
fglock cheating is soo easy :)
audreyt there will likely to be an influx to #perl6
fglock I hope so 01:31
audreyt cheating is the best way to get things done
the house of card is a noble house
but seriously, a type annotation has three effects (compile time storage allocation; compile time typecheck; runtime constraint)
you can't do all of them at this moment trivially
so it's best to parse them anyway
and handle the parse later
fglock ok 01:32
I'm trying to do without a compile-time env - but full-Moose will need it
audreyt you will need it if you are to implement proper importing 01:33
or BEGIN block
so it's doomed
but comp-time env with p5 is particularly easy
as you just reuse the p5 stashes
fglock I could use 'local', right? 01:34
audreyt yes.
fglock does local interacts cleanly with threads?
audreyt you can also clear stash at end of compilation
I believe so, even with shared vars
fglock how?
audreyt %Namespace:: = (); 01:35
fglock !
audreyt sub f { 5 }
%main:: = ();
...triggers a bus error her, wow
must be some unsafe bus driving
01:36 stevan joined
fglock stevan: hi! 01:36
audreyt but it works with %Namespace:: 01:37
just not main
stevan: turns out with the contributor agreement, TPF can take your existing code on CPAN and re-release it with any other open source license; but allison said they won't do thta :)
fglock I'll be back later & 01:38
audreyt ...and I'll sleep :) &
01:39 fglock left
stevan fglock: hello 01:40
ahhh,.. I missed him 01:41
01:47 jiing_mIRC joined 01:51 bpphillips joined 01:58 justatheory joined 02:13 hikozaemon joined 02:31 cdpruden joined 02:50 PortalMes joined, PortalMes left 03:17 aufrank joined 03:29 rlb3 joined 03:32 bpphillips left 03:37 weinig is now known as weinig|sleep 03:38 jsiracusa joined 04:05 jkanter joined 04:11 markstos joined
markstos I tried installing v6.pm, but there appears to be some kind of bootstrapping problem: rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=20152 04:12
lambdabot Title: "#20152: can&#39;t find own compile method"
markstos So then I thought I try compiling pugs, but Mandriva has a GHC 6.4 RPM, but the ChangeLog says I need 6.5.... this just became a little more involved than I was hoping. 04:14
cmarcelo markstos: you don't need GHC 6.5 for compiling pugs. 04:19
markstos: and you don't need pugs to use v6.pm as far as i know... 04:20
markstos cmarcelo: I realized I didn't need pugs to try v6.pm-- I was just trying to different approach to try Perl6. 04:21
The ChangeLog says: "Removed support for GHC 6.4.0 and added support for GHC 6.5"
It looks like I've having a problem compiling pugs anyway: "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgmp" I'll take another look at INSTALL and see if it mentions something related. 04:22
wolverian markstos, that is 6.4.0, not the 6.4 series
04:23 fglock joined
cmarcelo <markstos> I tried installing v6.pm, but there appears to be some kind of bootstrapping problem: rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=20152 04:24
lambdabot Title: "#20152: can&#39;t find own compile method"
fglock markstos: ping
markstos fglock: I'm here. Hello!
fglock did you run Pugs::Compiler::Rule Makefile.PL? this is needed to bootstrap the part of the compiler that is written in p6 04:25
svnbot6 r10961 | fglock++ | v6.pm - sub names are mangled;
r10961 | fglock++ | - detailed signature parsing;
r10961 | fglock++ | - added 'use v6-pugs' to Test.pm
r10961 | fglock++ | - Test.pm emits completely! - doesn't run yet, needs more operators
clkao (!)
did you fix the pod parsing as well? ;)
markstos fglock: I'll try again now. 04:26
fglock clkao: I removed to pod; didn't try
clkao: there are some operators missing in the emitter, so most subs will not run 04:27
clkao lol
is it correct to remove the pod?
fglock I'll fix the pod later :) 04:28
I removed the pod in my local copy only
clkao XD
fglock: i got lost how to make grammer/pod parse everything correctly. 04:29
even the current one with =begin doesn't really work, i tried to change the pod in test.pm to use =begin and =cut
anyway, great work!
markstos fglock: I tried again: It still doesn't pass "make test"-- it fails the same way not finding the compile() method. 04:31
fglock does Pugs::Compiler::Rule pass?
markstos flock: No there are lots of failures, starting with: "Can't locate object method "rule" via package "Pugs::Grammar::Rule" 04:33
Would you like me to post something more complete? 04:34
I sent something to cpantesters, but I don't think it's gone through yet.
fglock one sec...
you should have 2 files in lib/Pugs/Grammar/Rule/ - the .pmc file must have a newer date 04:37
markstos looks
Yes, I have them both, and .pmc is newer. 04:38
fglock what message you get with: perl -MPugs::Grammar::Rule -e 42 04:40
markstos Can't locate object method "rule" via package "Pugs::Grammar::Rule" at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/Pugs/Compiler/Regex.pm line 52 04:42
but I see that: "/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/Pugs/Grammar/Rule/Rule.pmc" exists, and passes "perl -cw " 04:43
fglock sorry, did you type Pugs::Compiler::Rule instead of Pugs::Grammar::Rule? 04:44
markstos fglock: I checked, and I did not. I copy/pasted the command you wanted me to run. 04:45
I 04:46
I'm using Mandriva Linux 2006--- nothing too special about my Perl install.
fglock: Thanks for your help with this!
I was just hoping to be able to play with Perl6 a little.
fglock Pugs::Grammar::Rule doesn't use Pugs::Compiler::Rule - weird message 04:47
markstos I was a little surprised to find no one is making Pugs binaries for Linux, at least that I found through pugscode.org
fglock there is a debian distribution
markstos When I try compiling Perl6::Pugs, I get "cannot find -lgmp" 04:49
Oh well, it seems like my Perl6 experiment wasn't meant to be this week! 04:50
fglock I'm sorry, I can't help with the v6 problem - would you try later? there will be more people around - audreyt and ingy maybe
Captain_Fourier markstos, what distro you need binaries for
fglock and there will be a pugs hackathon by the end of the week 04:51
markstos Mandriva Linux.
fglock: I appreciate your help! The Perl6-on-Perl5 concept is really amazing. 04:52
Captain_Fourier: but other RPM-based distros would probably work, or even a staticly linked binary...
fglock markstos: packages.debian.org/unstable/interpreters/pugs - maybe you can install this
lambdabot Title: "Debian -- pugs"
Captain_Fourier hmm 04:53
fglock markstos: as a last resort, try renaming the non-pmc file, so that perl can only find the pmc - but I think the problem is actually in another place 04:57
does this work? perl -MPugs::Grammar::Rule::Rule -e 42 04:59
that's the pmc file
markstos It turns out 6.2.9 was already packaged for Mandriva, and that was easy to install, so I'm happy. 05:00
markstos looks into fglock's question
fglock: No: "Can't locate object method "rule" via package "Pugs::Grammar::Rule" at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/Pugs/Compiler/Regex.pm line 52." 05:01
Captain_Fourier markstos, good stuff
what kept you from finding it
markstos Is the namespace wrong there? Is there an issue with "::Rule" versus "::Rule::Rule" ? 05:02
fglock Rule::Rule is the main Grammar file for Rules; it is called from ::Rule 05:03
. 05:04
but the error message just don't make any sense - it is about another file 05:05
pasteling "markstos" at pasted "fglock: full error" (8 lines, 760B) at sial.org/pbot/18048 05:06
markstos fglock: I thought more error context would be helpful. 05:07
fglock cool - I think I found the problem - one sec. 05:08
moving Rule/Rule.pl out of the way may fix it - would you try? 05:10
05:10 jmacclure joined
fglock actually, no - because Rule.pmc tests the checksum 05:12
the problem is that Rule/Rule.pl has a 'use v6-pugs' line - this should not have been executed, but it was - it should only happen if the file date was wrong 05:14
how about force installing Pugs::Compiler::Rule again 05:15
markstos OK. I'll try that.
fglock your compiler is not bootstrapped - Perl 6 needs Perl 6 to work :) 05:17
markstos I tried, but "make install" reported that every file was "unchanged", so nothing different happened.
fglock: It seemed like a kind of bootstrapping issue, but I wasn't sure what to do about it.
fglock try rm the files, so that it can fix the file dates 05:18
markstos fglock: I rm'ed the pmc file, and that made it get re-installed, but the error remains. 05:19
fglock can you rm both files?
and Makefile.PL again 05:20
then make install
markstos fglock, I'm sure what the second file you have in mind is? Is it something that "make distclean" would miss ? 05:22
fglock Rule.pl and Rule.pmc in /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/Pugs/Grammar/Rule/ 05:23
markstos fglock: I did as you requested, and the issue persists. 05:25
fglock: Do you have the same kind of setup, with these modules installed into your system Perl tree? 05:26
fglock yes
markstos because I noticed some "use lib" lines in the source that required some relative paths, that seemed like they might work differently for the developers than most people.
fglock it should work without that 05:27
I've got a computer with RedHat - I'll try installing the modules there, later 05:28
sleep time for me
05:28 cmarcelo joined
markstos fglock: me, too-- good night! 05:28
05:29 markstos left
fglock & 05:29
05:33 cmarcelo left
svnbot6 r10962 | Darren_Duncan++ | ext/Relation/ : copied lib/Relation.pm to lib/Relation/Example.pm 05:46
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svnbot6 r10963 | Darren_Duncan++ | ext/Relation/ : started evolving Relation.pm into a collection of generic Roles, and Example.pm into a collection of trivial classes that compose those roles 08:35
dduncan on the other hand, perhaps I'll discard example.pm, and change relation.pm back into classes, but such that are easy to override the storage representations of 08:40
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audreyt markstos's reported bug was because Mandriva was the only distro to have turned off .pmc support temporariy 11:14
if he had upgraded to latest perl prepared by rgs then the problem should go away
rgs: is that correct?
rgs depends on the version of mdv 11:15
audreyt "2006" he says
rgs I don't think there was an update for this one
audreyt hm.
is one planned/possible, or should I tell him to build his own perl? 11:16
and which one of mdv version can be upgraded to fix?
rgs the policy is that for base packages ("main") only security fixes gets updates
or heavy bug fixes 11:17
audreyt that's understandable
so what should I tell markstos?
rgs he can rebuild the rpm quite easily, iirc he just has to delete something from the ccflags
audreyt ok. can you post the ccflags instruction (as I don't have Mandriva here) 11:18
to rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=20152 ?
lambdabot Title: "#20152: can&#39;t find own compile method"
rgs audreyt: ok, will do (going out to lunch now) 11:20
audreyt anke
11:22 jsiracusa joined 11:31 theorbtwo joined
paultcochrane ? 11:48
rgs rt.cpan.org seems to be down... 11:49
audreyt worksforme 11:50
just a bit slow
maybe write to [email@hidden.address] and Cc [email@hidden.address] if you can't connect to rt.cpan.org? 11:51
rgs done now
audreyt woot
rgs I mean, connection done :)
it's damn slow. 11:52
bug report updated ! 12:00
audreyt rgs++ 12:02
fglock: work that info into v6.pm POD maybe?
12:02 weinig|sleep is now known as weinig|work
rgs meeting abduction & 12:02
12:09 visq__ joined
svnbot6 r10964 | fglock++ | v6.pm - pass t/01-pod.t; 12:09
r10964 | fglock++ | - $! is global
r10965 | fglock++ | v6.pm - added 'BUGS' section; explain 'Can't locate object method "compile"' error 12:21
12:22 bpphillips joined 12:29 ludan joined 12:37 szbalint_ is now known as szbalint 12:40 Limbic_Region joined
Limbic_Region Juerd ping 12:40
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Juerd Limbic_Region: pong 12:53
13:11 jsiracusa joined
renormalist Hi all! Is *anyone* using (X)Emacs with the pugs/util/cperl-mode.el? I would love to hear *any* feedback whether it works for you as good as it seems to work for me. I also wrote a journal entry about the request for trying: use.perl.org/~schwigon/journal/30074, so please have a look if you are an Emacs and Perl6 user and send me feedback whether it works. (I just found some tuits to work on it a bit.) 13:14
lambdabot Title: "Journal of schwigon (5350)"
Limbic_Region Juerd - not sure if you are aware, but connecting to #parrot on irc.perl.org is a no go from feather - "Closing Link feather.perl6.nl (No more connections allowed in your connection class)" 13:16
Juerd - I don't know if there is anything you can do about it as it is likely an IRC thing, but thought you should know 13:17
13:17 tuber joined 13:18 tifo joined
svnbot6 r10966 | clkao++ | We are using best and might have YAML::Syck, don't do things like YAML::DumpFile. 13:25
renormalist temaileedir 13:28
damn, wrong focus :-) 13:29
13:30 justatheory joined 13:32 neoesque joined
Limbic_Region renormalist - just be glad it wasn't your root password 13:33
13:33 fglock joined
theorbtwo Limbic_Region: Tell the perl.org admins about it, they'll change the connection class. 13:33
13:34 visq joined
Juerd Limbic_Region: irc.perl.org admins can increase the number of simultaneous connections. I'm connected, so I'll ask around 13:35
Limbic_Region thanks Juerd
I have only been lurking in #parrot anyway
but since I can actually build parrot again I might get sucked back in
Juerd Feather got a positive treatment on freenode, so I assume magnet won't be a problem :) 13:36
13:39 christopher joined 13:43 broquaint joined 13:45 rzoz_ joined, rzoz_ left 13:48 Aankh|Clone is now known as Aankhen``
renormalist Limbic_Region, puh, right ... 13:48
svnbot6 r10967 | fglock++ | v6.pm - s/BUGS/REQUIREMENTS/ - added more instructions; 14:04
r10967 | fglock++ | - this is CPAN version 0.002
fglock now it's only 998 versions away from 1.0 14:05
PerlJam 998 versions to go, 998 versions. take one down, patch it around, 997 versions to go. 14:06
14:08 renormalist joined 14:10 vytautas joined 14:11 hcarty joined 14:17 macroron joined 14:46 stevan joined
stevan fglock: ping 14:47
14:55 prefiks joined
fglock stevan: pong 14:58
svnbot6 r10968 | fglock++ | v6.pm - 'expr unless/if expr;' 15:01
stevan fglock: hey 15:04
fglock: I heard that you began the moose integration with v6
fglock stevan: yes 15:07
15:08 ludan joined, vel joined
ludan ola 15:08
stevan fglock: where can i see this?
15:09 chris2 joined
fglock there is a sample file moose.pl that shows what's already done - one sec. 15:09
stevan ok
fglock Pugs-Compiler-Perl6$ perl -Ilib lib/v6.pm --compile-only moose.pl
stevan has it been checked in? 15:10
fglock It should be 15:11
stevan oh,..sorry I was looking in the wrong directory
fglock ok
compare the output with the original moose.pl 15:12
accessors are not implemented yet 15:13
audreyt I really wonder if we should cleanup perl5/ and move misc/pX/Common/ there to save typing
stevan it would be easier to find there :)
audreyt the X in pX in particular is hard on my fingers
since it can't be autocompleted
fglock: thoughts? :) 15:14
fglock I'm ok with that - maybe update the links in the blog too
please do :)
audreyt okie
stevan ok,.. I am going with nothingmuch for some breakfast 15:15
fglock stevan: did it work?
stevan fglock++ # very very nice
fglock thanks!
stevan fglock: I had to remove my pugs checkout recently, so I cant test it at the moment
also,.. I am very hungry and nothingmuch will kill me if I dont get off the computer 15:16
but I will look when I return :)
fglock stevan: it is in cpan - you can download moose.pl from the web repo
'install v6-pugs'
stevan yes, but I will need a fresh pugs checkout for the hackathon ;)
bbiab 15:17
fglock audreyt: Test.pm compiles, but there are still some problems with Perl::Tidy and unimplemented ops
audreyt woot 15:18
fglock I'm working to make your talk obsolete :) 15:19
just kidding 15:20
15:21 gaal joined
audreyt fglock: no, that's the way to go :) 15:22
gaal morning all
audreyt scw: I'll move your project as well
scw: hopefully it's okay with you
gaal takes a deep breath of IP packets
stevan gaal: moose!!!!!!!!
gaal megamoose
I think we did good to come to the moose last night :) 15:23
fglock lunch &
stevan gaal: nothingmuch is downloading all the moose pictures from his camera right now 15:25
svnbot6 r10969 | audreyt++ | * Move the v6 components (Pugs-Compilter-Perl6, Pugs-Compiler-Rule,
r10969 | audreyt++ | Pugs-Grammar-MiniPerl6) to "perl5/", as they are now Pugs proper
r10969 | audreyt++ | and should be built/tested by default.
stevan (which is why we still have not eaten)
15:26 hexmode joined
stevan the shoots of the entire room mooseing are excellent 15:26
the naked ingy moose,.. that one is a little disturbing
clkao XD
stevan its actually more of a strip tease
15:37 aufrank joined
aufrank a build issue: HsSyck and fps are rebuilt with each make and make install, but on OSX 10.3.9 I need to run ranlib on the libraries before the make can finish successfully 15:42
so I end up running ranlib on those archives in another terminal while the make is going on
because if I do the ranlib after the make has failed, the libraries just get rebuilt when I run make again so the ranlib doesn't stick 15:43
15:46 hcarty left
xerox yo audreyt 15:48
audreyt yo
xerox keynote is SO effective!
my presentation ruled :)
audreyt++ presentation advices 15:49
audreyt yay
url? :)
xerox it's in italian though
audreyt still :) 15:50
xerox uploading
haskell.galois.com/~paolo/tmp/La Bellezza in Matematica.pdf
audreyt danke 15:51
xerox np!
15:53 stephanepayrard_ joined
audreyt xerox: hey, you showed my favourite Pythagoras proof! 15:53
xerox ah-ha!
audreyt complete with the Yang-Hui binominals 15:55
xerox heh, boo Pascal :P 15:57
15:58 hexmode joined 15:59 coumbes joined 16:02 masak left
svnbot6 r10970 | fglock++ | added perl5/Pugs-Compiler-Perl6/MANIFEST 16:19
r10971 | fglock++ | v6.pm - updated MANIFEST 16:22
16:23 fglock joined 16:25 DebolazX joined
scw audreyt: ok, so I'll work under perl5/ now :) 16:25
16:27 marmic_ joined
audreyt yay :) 16:29
audreyt goes shopping for adapter
DebolazX Hmm... no scrottie here.. 16:30
16:36 buetow joined 16:41 snowstalker joined 16:45 snowstal1er joined 16:50 stephanepayrard joined 16:51 shachaf_ joined 16:54 Limbic_Region joined 16:57 frederico joined 17:09 nelt joined 17:29 shachaf joined 17:33 elmex joined 17:40 coumbes joined, shachaf joined, nothingmuch joined
nelt eval? 1+1 17:47
ZuluOne I think you were after
?eval 1+1
17:47 evalbot_10929 is now known as evalbot_10971
evalbot_10971 2 17:47
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kolibrie wakes up from his nap and heads to the lightning talks 18:17
18:20 stephanepayrard joined, stephanepayrard_ joined 18:21 ludan joined 18:27 rlb3 joined 18:32 Limbic_Region joined 18:40 rindolf joined
rindolf Hi all! 18:48
TimToady: here?
audreyt: here?
gaal: here?
anybody: here?
rindolf: here?
I'd better stop "spamming" the channel.
Aankhen`` I'm sorry, I'm not here right now. :-( 18:49
ZuluOne me neither 18:50
rindolf Lightning Talks? 18:57
There's both Lightning and Lightening. English is crazy. 18:58
Aankhen`` Lightening is probably a typo.
Unless you're talking about the verb lighten.
ZuluOne indeed 18:59
rindolf Aankhen``: I know. But it's still an English word.
Aankhen`` nods.
rindolf Which most spell-checkers don't catch.
Some people I know made this mistake, and it even had this confused. 19:00
rindolf is Israeli.
Aankhen``: do you know szabgab?
Aankhen`` Ah.
I'm afraid not.
rindolf Gabor Szabo, that is?
Aankhen``: well, he's a Hungrian-Israeli who sort of did a benevolent hijack of the Israeli Perl Mongers from gaal. 19:01
Aankhen`` Oh, I see.
rindolf Aankhen``: but he started the monthly meetings, and the YAPC's (now OSDC's etc.)
Aankhen`` Okay.
rindolf Aankhen``: he did a lot for the mongers. 19:02
Aankhen`` Kewl.
rindolf He's now a Perl/Web/QA/Subversion consultant (or is he a contractor) and trainer. 19:03
He's very busy now.
Aankhen`` Wah.
Very active.
rindolf I think I he gave me the root password to perl.org.il, but I'm not sure.
Did you hear about Test::Live?
Aankhen`` I don't think so...
rindolf We added tests to one of Alias' modules on an Israel.pm meeting. 19:04
Aankhen`` Neat.
rindolf Also some comments in the code, where we said "What the hell are we supposed to do?"
I like interactive sessions.
Well not exactly "WTH?" but along these lines.
Aankhen`` Hehe. 19:05
rindolf I think some of the Linux kernel source is very funny.
Aankhen`` Alright, I really need to crash.
rindolf Aankhen``: bye.
Aankhen`` I'll catch up with you guys in the morning.
A pleasure talking to you, as always. :-)
rindolf Hi ZuluOne 19:06
ZuluOne: are you a Pugs hacker?
ZuluOne not exactly
more of a lurker
in fact, s/not exactly/no/ 19:07
rindolf ZuluOne: OK.
ZuluOne: got any CPAN modules or anything FOSSie?
ZuluOne: not that I'll hold it against you if you do.
ZuluOne define "got"
rindolf There's an Israeli BSD contributor who's flaming people for not contributing enough, or that their code is GPL, or that they are "bad programmers". 19:08
ZuluOne: he thinks 95% of the code is in the bottom 5%.
ZuluOne: do you have a PAUSE ID?
ZuluOne I worked on enlightenment a few years ago; more recently POV-Ray and TA Spring. 19:09
rindolf ZuluOne: did you contribute any code to open source projects?
ZuluOne: oh nice.
ZuluOne: POV-Ray is not exactly open-source from what I understand.
ZuluOne: in ANSI C, right?
ZuluOne not exactly
rindolf ZuluOne: I see.
ZuluOne They have made a vague attempt at converting to C++, but it is still full of Cisms.
19:10 weinig|work joined
ZuluOne The source is available, and you can make and distribute patches, but you can't redistribute modified versions. 19:10
rindolf ZuluOne: I hate it when projects convert from C to C++.
ZuluOne: unless it's C/C++.
ZuluOne: it happened to BMPx now.
I like ANSI C better than C++.
ZuluOne: like qmail or something? 19:11
ZuluOne I know nothing of qmail's license.
rindolf ZuluOne: oh, it's horrible.
ZuluOne: I'm stuck with qmail on iglu.org.il.
I already converted all the mailing lists from ezmlm to Sympa.
Sympa now takes 10% of the memory, though, but at least it's portable. 19:12
I wrote some Perl scripts to do that.
ZuluOne: see www.shlomifish.org/open-source/anti/qmail/
Limbic_Region rindolf - out of curiosity, why the 20 questions with ZuluOne?
lambdabot Title: "The Anti-qmail Page"
rindolf Limbic_Region: I'm bored. 19:13
Limbic_Region: or at least in a talkative mood.
ZuluOne: I hope I'm not disturbing you.
ZuluOne not at all
but I have to go out now
rindolf I also know people dislike when other people tell too much about themselves.
ZuluOne: OK, bye. 19:14
ZuluOne back later
Limbic_Region I was just wondering if you recognized the handle and were trying to determine if ZuluOne was someone specific
rindolf ZuluOne: you shouldn't get life get in the way of IRC.
Limbic_Region: no, I didn't.
ZuluOne eq [email@hidden.address]
19:17 rashakil joined 19:27 coumbes joined 19:28 dduncan joined 19:31 EarleMartin is now known as h3, h3 is now known as EarleMartin 19:54 cognominal joined, stephanepayrard joined 19:55 fglock_ joined 19:56 visq joined 20:14 lollan joined, hexmode joined
svnbot6 r10972 | fglock++ | v6.pm - emitter - added ternary<?? !!>, prefix:<~> 20:18
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kolibrie gaal: what is the name of the file where the memory heap can be set for ghc? 20:39
svnbot6 r10973 | fglock++ | v6.pm - emitter - added infix:<~=>, '$*OS', infix:<//> 20:45
kolibrie gaal: nevermind, found it: config.yml appears to be generated when you run Makefile.PL 20:53
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svnbot6 r10974 | fglock++ | v6.pm - emitter - added prefix:<!> 20:57
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svnbot6 r10975 | Sage++ | Added conditional statement translation (i.e. a ? b : c -> a ?? b !! c). 21:15
21:41 Limbic_Region joined
audreyt unobe++ # .dmg builds at www.unobe.com/packages/ 21:41
lambdabot Title: "Index of /packages/"
audreyt unobe: is this Universal or PPC?
Limbic_Region www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=558143 # Question about coolness of Moose 21:42
lambdabot Title: "Lets talk Moose"
Limbic_Region seen stvn
jabbot Limbic_Region: I havn't seen stvn, Limbic_Region
21:59 froh-doh joined
unobe audreyt: sorry, just looked on this: it's PPC 22:01
audreyt k
which GHC do you use?
(maybe I'll take your script and package up an MacIntel one)
unobe i finished the make smoke, and there are 114 failing tests
audreyt (but please check it in and tell me how to do that :))
unobe: uh-oh. "make upload-smoke"? 22:02
I'll take a look
unobe 6.4.2
oh no, it was just make smoke. i'll check in the scripts now. 22:03
audreyt k
"make upload-smoke" uplaods your smoke result
so I can look thru the matrix
22:19 pjcj joined, weinig|work is now known as weinig 22:30 iblechbot joined
svnbot6 r10976 | unobe++ | Added name to list of authors. 22:31
r10977 | unobe++ | Added small packager for OS X (PPC).
audreyt unobe++
unobe i also uploaded my smoke tests
22:31 jsiracusa joined
audreyt danke 22:33
unobe bitte 22:34
(i'm fuzzy on the spelling)
Debolaz2 audreyt: How was Norway? :) 22:39
audreyt Debolaz2: it was wonderful
though 11pm picnic in the sun light
is a bit eerie.
unobe: parrotembed? 22:41
(as in, you built with parrot embedded) 22:42
Debolaz2 audreyt: I was gonna say hello to you, but completely forgot. :-| 22:49
ZuluOne I return. 22:55
thereby throwing a control exception...
(sorry, am tired)
23:21 SamB joined 23:29 cmcavoy joined
cmcavoy i just got home from yapc...i'm trying to cpan install pugs, and am getting this error: src/syck/syck.o: unknown symbol `_printf$LDBLStub' 23:29
does that jump out at anyone? 23:30
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daxim hello world 23:54
after three days, I finally managed to build pugs 23:55
currently running smoke, but its really slow
cmcavoy i'm trying to build it myself
daxim time ~/pugs/pugs 01-tap.t says real 0m25.240s o_o
and that's just like a dozen say instructions 23:56
cmcavoy it fails with a ghc error: src/syck/syck.o: unknown symbol `_printf$LDBLStub'
did you see that at all when you were building?
daxim let me check my buffer
cmcavoy thanks
daxim no, didn't get that. is that at the make step? 23:57
cmcavoy yeah
i've been trying to do it through the cpan shell...i may go by hand
daxim yes, better use a fresh svn checkout 23:58
cmcavoy ok