Check your feather email | | paste: | | [set by audreyt on 2006-08-29 05:26:57 -0700]
Set by Akwa|user on 14 September 2006.
00:00 markstos_ joined 00:09 frederico joined 00:20 beppu_ joined 00:25 Aankh|Clone joined 00:30 nekokak joined 00:43 justatheory joined
mugwump ajs_work: yeah, that article needs a little work. 00:45
PGE doesn't make bytecode
00:46 dduncan joined
mugwump it makes a parse tree. TGE converts that into an expression tree, then another round to a opcode tree, then it can become bytecode 00:46
(actually it makes PIR, which is converted by imcc to bytecode, but that's another thing)
01:05 dduncan left
TreyHarris svn log -v -rBASE:HEAD 01:05
01:17 mako132_ joined 01:29 kanru joined
mugwump ?eval "foo bar".split(/<ws>/) 01:53
01:53 evalbot_r13688 is now known as evalbot_r13694
evalbot_r13694 ("f", "o", "o", "", "b", "a", "r") 01:53
mugwump slaps evalbot_r13694
?eval "foo bar".split(/<ws>+/)
evalbot_r13694 ("f", "o", "o", "", "b", "a", "r") 01:54
mugwump ?eval "foo bar".split(/<[ ]>/)
evalbot_r13694 ("foo", "bar")
obra seen audreyt 01:56
jabbot obra: audreyt was seen 7 hours 19 minutes 43 seconds ago
TreyHarris uh-oh. I get: *** Cannot parse regex: <ws> *** Error: Error: Can't locate object method "__RUN__" via package "Pugs::Runtime::Match::HsBridge". 01:58
that's when typing that into "./pugs", with my PERL6LIB set to ./blib6/lib 01:59
am I missing something?
my PUGS_EMBED wasn't set... but I thought pugs embedded perl 5 by default now 02:02
ah, well, i'll rectify that, clean and make...
02:03 Aankhen`` joined 02:11 kyrbe joined 02:27 vel joined
svnbot6 r13695 | markstos++ | [t/perl5] 02:34
r13695 | markstos++ | Add simple README.
02:37 Qiang joined 02:41 mauke joined 03:05 spoop joined
mugwump ajs_work: I updated 03:11
TreyHarris nothingmuch: ping? 03:12
oh, i guess it's still 6am there 03:13
03:23 kanru joined
rindolf ingy: here? 03:43
03:45 Aankhen`` joined 04:03 Eidolos joined 04:08 Aankh|Clone joined
TreyHarris anyone on now with Module::Signature clue? 04:13
audreyt I've heard of it... 04:18
TreyHarris lol :) 04:19
i don't know how to fix this. when i use sudo to install CPAN modules, it always fails. i just discovered the reason is that when it tries to check the module signature, it runs gnupg, which erroneously says that the module's signature is invalid because my ~/.gnupg belongs to me and not root. if i chown my .gnupg to root, i can install modules, but then i can't use gnupg as myself...
audreyt a recent version of supports sudo only on install 04:20
so you can invoke cpan as yourself
and have it run sudo on your behalf
iirc. CPANPLUS also supports that
you can also set make_install_make_command to "sudo make install" 04:21
as well as
TreyHarris hmm. i have root's cpan configs set to install into the system, and my person cpan config set to install into my home directory. so if I do that, Makefile.PL will install into my home directory, but as root, which is the wrong thing in two ways :)
i guess just "not a supported configuration for Module::Signature" :-) 04:22
audreyt in that case set $GNUPGHOME
when invoking cpan as root
to point to another set of ~/.gnupg
will fix it.
TreyHarris ahh, that's a good idea. thanks!
audreyt np :)
04:29 kyrbe left 04:43 penk joined 05:02 ofer0 joined 05:14 weinig joined
mjk audreyt: i intend to call "expo" function in from visual c++,is ok, 05:29
05:29 mdiep joined
mjk but when use "perl -MO=Bytecode,-H,-opower.plc" compile to power.plc , vc call "expo" is failed, why? 05:30
can you help me
05:36 ofer0 joined
svnbot6 r13696 | mugwump++ | Hobble Pugs-Compiler-Perl6 t/regex.t into at least running 05:44
06:09 marmic joined 06:21 agentzh joined
agentzh TimToady: thanks! 06:21
lambdabot agentzh: You have 1 new message. '/msg lambdabot @messages' to read it.
06:23 traecer joined 06:31 iblechbot joined 06:41 frankg joined
svnbot6 r13697 | audreyt++ | * Fix some incorrect plan lines. 06:50
r13698 | audreyt++ | * "1.5 ~~ 1^..^2" is not for this release; TODO it.
06:59 Southen_ joined 07:02 kastol joined 07:07 rgs joined
agentzh ?eval say "Hi" when 1; 07:10
07:10 evalbot_r13694 is now known as evalbot_r13698
evalbot_r13698 Error: Unexpected "when" expecting comment, operator, ":", ",", statement modifier, ";" or end of input 07:10
07:11 rgs joined 07:13 kane-xs joined 07:17 zakharyas joined 07:23 xinming joined, traecer joined 07:28 b00t joined 07:31 drrho joined 07:43 ludan joined
TreyHarris audreyt: should the prereqs for Pugs::Compiler::Rule be added to pugs' prereqs given in INSTALL? 07:45
oh, wait... Pugs::Compiler::Rule itself is given as a prereq. but isn't it part of pugs? 07:48
07:57 obladoc joined
agentzh can ``when'' be used as a statement modifier? it seems quite natural. 07:58
Juerd Yes 08:01
TreyHarris Juerd: you can? that is unspecced. 08:03
I brought this up on p6-l a couple weeks ago
Juerd Oh
I thought it was specced. 08:04
?eval given 5 { 3 when 5; 4 }
evalbot_r13698 Error: Unexpected "when" expecting comment, operator, statement modifier, ";" or "}"
Juerd Oh.
TreyHarris as currently specced, it's not a statement modifier; and even if it were, outside of a given it would cause the enclosing block to be terminated, which i think would not be desired behavior...
08:06 baest joined
TreyHarris my proposal was that when basically become an alias for "if $_ ~~ " outside of blocks that want given/when breaking behavior (right now, given and CATCH) 08:06
then it could naturally be a statement modifier. 08:07
agentzh *nod* 08:33
08:33 elmex joined
agentzh is still busy making slides. 08:33
08:34 bsb left 08:37 ofer0 joined 08:42 rodi joined
kane-xs_ audreyt: yeah, CPANPLUS supports that.. we coded that together :) i think recently ported that feature to support sudo 08:46
08:53 TreyHarris joined
TreyHarris ?eval /msg nickserv identify spitatme 09:05
evalbot_r13698 Error: Unexpected end of input expecting "\\", variable name or "/"
TreyHarris oops :-)
time to change that password :-)
Juerd 09:06
09:06 ruoso joined
Juerd If you wish. 09:06
Juerd spits :)
TreyHarris it's memorable ;-)
rodi ducks
09:06 buetow joined 09:07 axarob joined
TreyHarris now that's changed, i can type again. :-) my throw-away passwords are all derivable from an aspect of the service/servername via an algorithm that if i say anything more about would be guessable. but it results in smashed-together english words of various sorts, sometimes humorously :-) 09:10
keeps me from having to write stuff down but lets me have a different password for each thing i use that wants a password. 09:11
09:11 jferrero joined
TreyHarris ?eval say "\x00ABhi\x00BB" 09:14
evalbot_r13698 OUTPUT[Ā«hiĀ» ] Bool::True
09:16 chris2 joined
TreyHarris ?eval say "\x7FBD\x91CC\x9808" 09:17
evalbot_r13698 OUTPUT[ē¾½é‡Œé ˆ ] Bool::True
TreyHarris bleh, and i thought i had finally figured out this utf8 irc thing. the *first* of those three characters displayed... 09:18
TreyHarris shrugs
Juerd Awwh 09:19
Juerd hĆ¢ÅŸ Ć¼tfā‘§ wĆørkƭƱ qĆ¹itā‚¬ wēłl. 09:20
s/Ʊ/Ć±Ä£/ 09:21
Perl should complain when you output a text string, by the way
TreyHarris hĆ¢
hĆ¢ļæ½_ Ć¼tfļæ½Qļæ½ wĆørkƭƱ qĆ¹itļæ½Bļæ½ wļæ½Sļæ½Bl.
Juerd It seems you have latin1 working :)
TreyHarris and ē¾½ 09:22
isn't that odd.
Juerd TreyHarris: Depends.
TreyHarris: Do you run screen?
TreyHarris yes. but my LOCALE is set to en_US.utf8, and I started it with -U 09:23
which i was told was the magic incantation
Juerd Does that locale *exist*?
TreyHarris locale -a says it does...
Juerd Spelled like that?
For example, in locales, UTF-8 and utf8 *are* different.
TreyHarris no, i did that from memory 09:24
ahh... but I have en_US.utf-8. not UTF-8
Juerd Next... does irssi know you're utf8'ing now? 09:25
TreyHarris well, i better fix my incorrect casing first...
09:29 TreyHarris joined
TreyHarris ok... try that message again, Juerd :) 09:29
why shouldn't pugs let me output that, by the way? or did i misunderstand you? 09:30
Juerd hĆ¢ÅŸ Ć¼tfā‘§ wĆørkĆ­Ć±Ä£ qĆ¹itā‚¬ wēłl. 09:32
Because that would assume knowledge of the outside environment, that it doesn't have yet. 09:33
09:33 b00t joined
Juerd Though until we can tell it that we're utf8 ready, this is probably the best way to handle it ;) 09:33
TreyHarris: How's this?
TreyHarris i only got the same characters 09:34
Juerd Okay. Does your irssi know about your utf8? 09:36
TreyHarris term_type = utf8
Juerd /set term_charset utf8
Err, UTF-8
TreyHarris ah... my irssi doesn't have term_charset. only term_type 09:37
is that my problem?
Juerd Mine the other way around
TreyHarris my irssi docs say term_type, but they are inconsistent as to whether they want 'utf-8' or 'utf8' or 'UTF-8', they use all three 09:40
i figured it out, maybe 09:49
looks like I have to give *both* screen -U *and* :utf8 on to each window 09:50
just one or the other isn't sufficient
mugwump I had to get a trunk irssi for good unicode support
wolverian that's an old irssi
mugwump but that was a while ago
wolverian you should get 0.8.10 for the recode support 09:51
09:52 kane-xs_ joined
TreyHarris wolverian: doesn't matter... maybe irssi isn't playing nice, but just cat'ing a utf8 file was giving me question marks until i did both -U and :utf8 09:53
so it wasn't irssi's fault
wolverian my locale is UTF-8, so screen follows that automatically
TreyHarris ah. just plain "UTF-8"? my locale -a doesn't have that.
so I'm using en_US.UTF-8 09:54
wolverian I'm using fi_FI.utf8
mugwump I'm on en_NZ.UTF-8 09:55
wolverian is that a new hallucinogen?
TreyHarris smacks his head
mugwump checks PIHKaL 09:56
TreyHarris ahh. i see now that since i have and ssh involved too, my source machine's locale has "en_US.UTF-8", but my destination machine has "en_US.utf8".
rodi out of curiousity, what are people using for input methods for characters not present on their respective keyboards?
wolverian rodi, altgr+various combinations, or scim+anthy for japanese 09:57
09:57 Alias_ joined
TreyHarris it looks like of a) terminal font, b) terminal charset, c) local host LOCALE, d) remote host LOCALE, e) screen run with -U, f) screen window in which irssi is running has :utf8 set, g) irssi has term_type set to UTF-8... 09:58
every one of those has to be explicitly set. accepting defaults, even if the docs claim it should work, is not sufficient.
wolverian weird.
mugwump I wish xkb would let you assign arbitrary unicode chars to key combos 09:59
wolverian I suppose some people might have set screen to not follow locale
wolverian shrugs
TreyHarris ah well. enough madness for now. sleep. thanks for all the help!
mugwump So I could bind the hotsprings character to something
TreyHarris ?eval say "\x7FBD\x91CC\x9808" 10:02
evalbot_r13698 OUTPUT[ē¾½é‡Œé ˆ ] Bool::True
TreyHarris ok, mugwump, you're right, irssi isn't helping either. (only the first character displays.) but that displays on my other screens, so I'm set I think :-)
TreyHarris Zzzzzz 10:03
Alias_ I met the oddest person today 10:04
Statistically at least
A Good Female Australian Muslim Programmer with a Functional language fetish
Juerd mugwump: It does that 10:05
Alias_ The odds of all those combining must be exceptionally rare
Juerd mugwump: find Compose stuff on your computer
mugwump Juerd: but any arbitrary codepoint?
Juerd mugwump: AFAIK, yes
mugwump hmm 10:06
it uses words like "EuroSign", "dead_ogonek", etc
Juerd And literals 10:07
dead_ogonek are keyboard symbols 10:08
Not result character
The resulting character is after the colon, in quotes
mugwump do you have an example? 10:10
Juerd Plenty in my Compose files.
But I can't copy/paste
And since you need to locate the right file anyway, I'm not going to type a line :) 10:11
mugwump is there a file I should be looking in in the dist (or as typically installed at...) ?
Juerd /usr/share/X11/locale 10:14
find Compose there
mugwump ah yes... cool
oh wow, lots already there in the en_US.UTF-8 10:15
Juerd Yea :)
mugwump Darn, not enough free keys on this laptop 10:16
mugwump re-binds his menu key to Multi_key
Juerd I use the menu key too
On my laptop, which has no winkeys, the right alt. 10:17
mugwump cĀ¤Ćøl 10:19
10:19 rodi left 10:20 rodi joined
Juerd Vā‚¬ry Ā¢Ć“Ć“Å‚ 10:21
mugwump At last ā€“ relief for typographers ā€” Said the unicode-endowed page 10:22
10:22 frankg joined
mugwump hmm, actually I think my en dashes and em dashes are getting recoded 10:23
Juerd I saw en dashes. 10:24
Though on a text terminal, they're the same perhaps 10:25
After all, m is as wide as n
I have unicode working in Mutt since yesterday
And already I've received two cyrillic spams.
How did they knowL
s/L/?/ 10:26
mugwump wĒ’de hĆ nyĒ” shƬ awful, but at least I can type it in pinyin easily armed with these key combinations 10:30
Juerd Hā‚‚O 10:36
HeheĀ² :)
10:40 iblechbot joined 10:57 markstos_ joined 11:09 ofer0 joined, axarob left 11:22 Alias_ left 11:23 foo\ joined 11:28 KingDiamond joined 11:34 xinming joined 12:01 shizu joined 12:06 rindolf joined
rindolf Hi all. 12:06
ingy: ping.
[particle] notes it's 5am ingy time 12:07
...but it's 5am particle time, too
rindolf [particle]: I see.
[particle]: are you up early or up late? 12:09
[particle] i'm up early. 12:16
got up at 4:30, 1.5hrs early :(
12:38 nothingmuch_ joined 12:58 fglock joined 13:00 ofer1 joined 13:03 elmex joined 13:27 rodi joined, crem joined
svnbot6 r13699 | fglock++ | Pugs-Compiler-Rule-0.19 in CPAN 13:29
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lanny Hmm. Why are the Synopses generated from the same revision different on different websites? Re: and 14:34
lambdabot Title: S29
14:37 Gothmog__ joined 14:38 kanru joined
rodi lanny: AFAIK, S29 lives in the pugs repo, and those two are different pugs revs. I think the other synopses mostly live in the syn repository. 14:43
It's weird. I think if you check out the synopses directly, S29 is just a few-line placeholder. 14:44
lanny Even granted that TimToady changed S29 a few days ago. The pages should be in sync
And it's only a lead-up to me asking why the smartlinks I put in place for t/builtins/math/*.t aren't showing up. :) 14:45
rodi haha, gotcha. you make a good point, though- last touch on that was r13589. Well, I'm out of ideas. That didn't take me long ;) 14:46
lanny Even scarier when I look at I don't find the files at 13699 I do in my co of 13699 14:49
Ah. Well that explains that. They aren't under svk control in my co. :/ 14:51
Ok. hits and populates the missing ones. But is *the* S29 so the original observation is still correct; different S29s on different websites 14:57
and broken smartlinks 14:58
15:06 Odin-LAP joined 15:17 weinig joined 15:29 putter joined
lanny @tell agentzh Not sure if this should be directed to you but Synopsis seem to be different between latest smokes on and feather. 15:31
lambdabot Consider it noted.
putter @tell audreyt r13604 "* splatty_in_caller_position.t: It's f(|@args), not f(*@args)." looks like it deleted 15 t/regex test files. was that intentional? 15:33
lambdabot Consider it noted.
15:34 justatheory joined 15:41 Aankhen`` joined 15:46 buubot joined
lanny quit 15:48
15:49 Gothmog__ is now known as Gothmog_, elmex joined 15:50 buubot joined
putter fglock: ping? 16:03
16:25 Psyche^ joined 16:26 hexmode joined 16:32 vel joined 16:39 Psyche^ is now known as Patterner
TreyHarris @tell lanny the reason S29 is not in sync is that S29 is still considered "non-stable" and under community control so anyone with pugs commit can edit it, and there's no maintainer or gatekeeper. the other synopses have maintainers (with TimToady as uber-maintainer). so they're in two different svn repos. the text link is to deal with not being able to symlink from one svn repo to another portably 17:13
lambdabot Consider it noted.
17:15 Ser_ joined 17:26 hexmode joined 17:27 fglock joined
fglock putter: pong 17:29
17:29 mdiep joined
ajs_work @tell lanny more generally, S29 in the pugs repo is the "working copy" and will eventually be/replace the authoritative version once it reaches stability. 17:31
lambdabot Consider it noted.
17:33 buetow joined
putter hi fglock 17:33
repeat patch inbound...
err, range patch...
not the whole thing. 17:34
just the logic plumbing
13701. 17:35
fglock putter: cool - if you implement the basics in PCR, then can plug "real code" into it 17:36
(real code = iterators)
putter it was kind of neat that with goto passing @_ along, much of the range logic doesn't need to understand the runtime's calling conventions. 17:37
the parts that do, I left for you, as I really don't. ;)
TimToady I just made :ratchet autoanchor on both ends unless overridden by :p or :c (on the assumption that subrule calls supply :p) 17:39
TreyHarris how is <ws> defined? I'm still trying to understand 17:40
TimToady so token { \d+ } is equiv to m/ ^ \d+: $ /
TreyHarris ?eval "foo bar".split(/<ws>/)
TimToady that's not what <ws> i sfor. 17:41
TreyHarris oh, evalbot's down
TimToady <ws> is the optional whitespace matcher used by :sigspace.
TreyHarris TimToady: yes, I know, but somebody else typed it and i'm trying to understand it :)
TimToady so it can be the null string between non-word chars.
TreyHarris it's apparently the null string between word characters, too
TimToady well, in that case it should work.
that's a bug 17:42
fglock TimToady: do you have a test case for <ws> ?
TreyHarris ah, ok
pasteling "putter" at pasted "svnbot is apparently on vacation... r13701 commit message." (12 lines, 818B) at
TimToady you mean like the one TreyHarris just typed? I think that's already in the test suite somewhere. 17:43
putter fglock: just let me know if you have any questions or issues. cheers.
TimToady well, I guess not...
fglock putter: looking - thanks! 17:44
putter :)
lunch. bbl &
TreyHarris i couldn't find <ws> tested directly in the test suite
it's used a couple places... but not tested 17:45
unless m:p5 /<ws>/ is not a valid way to look for it
TimToady I did a recursive grep for "split.*ws" but didn't find it. 17:47
a lot of them are <?ws> 17:49
rodi I asked a question about this yesterday- doc/Perl6/Overview/Rule.pod has a number of built-in assertions listed that are not in S05. Some have tests, some don't. I'd happily do the bookeeping of adding some tests and links if I had a clearer idea of which list is "official-er"
TimToady S05 is officialer. I haven't even looked at Overview/Rule. But if Overview points out holes in S05 we should plug 'em. 17:51
PerlJam rodi: which does docs/Perl6/Overview/Rule.pod have that aren't in S05?
rodi PerlJam: the ones I've noticed: <dot>, <lt>, <gt>, <fail>, <null>, <ident>, <self>, and <'...'>. <ident> is used in S05, if I recall correctly, but not defined. 17:53
TreyHarris ajs_work: reading your most recent mail. under your proposal, how would one specify the proto of a multi that takes several (but not all) types for its args? conjunct them?
PerlJam <null> is in S05 17:54
rodi sorry, <null> is defined, just not in the list with <before pattern>, <after pattern>, etc.
PerlJam some of those others are the same. 17:55
TreyHarris er... for example
ajs_work: por ejemplo, delete
fglock does <null> captures? do I have to use <?null> instead? 17:56
PerlJam fglock: yes and yes. 17:57
though capturing <null> may not hurt :)
fglock how about <before pattern> and <?before ...>
TreyHarris "our List proto delete(Array|Hash $container: *@indices)"?
17:58 rindolf joined
rindolf Hi all. 17:58
ingy: here?
rodi fglock: I don't think <before pattern> and <after pattern> currently capture in pugs.
PerlJam fglock: as I understand things <assertion> always "captures" what is matched into the Match object and <?assertion> does not.
TreyHarris perhaps Array and Hash do "Indexed" or some such, then you can use "our List proto delete(Indexed $container: *@indices)"... 17:59
PerlJam fglock: though I believe that it is captured lazily if such a thing makes sense
(i.e., it keeps track of .from and .to but doesn't actually copy the part of the string that matched until you ask for it
) 18:00
TreyHarris though that means that Indexed forces the requirement of implementing .delete on its... erm. "implementors"? what's the word for a user of a role?
fglock PerlJam: lazy captures are a problem - if it captures once, it returns a match, but if it captures many, it returns an array - it is difficult to deal with the return value
[particle] why would a *zero-width* assertion capture?
fglock PerlJam - oh, the string is never copied until you ask for it 18:01
[particle] ...and capturing <null> will likely be slower than non-capturing <?null> due to implementation
fglock [particle]: yes, I'm asking if non-<?...> always captures or not
TreyHarris is there a reason that @array<0> souldn't work? 18:02
PerlJam It's a good rule that <X> always captures and <?X> always does not.
(though from an implementation perspective, I kind of wish it were the other way) 18:03
but that's just me
[particle] <before foo> returns a zero-width Match object in PGE 18:05
$.from and $.to are null
...but $.pos is set
18:14 weinig is now known as weinig|away
fglock putter: not enough coffee - I can't even understand my own code right now 18:15
18:16 bernhard joined
putter back 18:27
fglock: :)
fglock back in few mins & 18:44
19:08 amnesiac joined 19:16 rashakil joined 19:23 TimToady_ joined
fglock putter: in the current logic, you need to initialize the state, with something like: my @state = $_[1] ? @{$_[1]} : [ 0 ]; # current count 19:29
hmm - it's starting to make sense to me - adding a match counter non_greedy_plus() may be enough 19:33
19:42 nothingmuch joined
nothingmuch yo yo yo homies 19:43
fglock nothingmuch: yo-yo
nothingmuch yo man you need to show some rezpect or imma get upset 19:44
you know what i'm sayin?
fglock nah 19:45
pasteling "fglock" at pasted "putter: ranges implementation under way" (16 lines, 478B) at 19:47
fglock high level functions are scary
20:25 Daveman joined 20:26 kastol joined 20:32 timbunce joined 20:40 arguile joined 20:43 timbunce joined
fglock putter: r13702 - non_greedy_plus() now accepts (min, max) - added some tests; no emitter side yet 20:49
changing this to accept an iterator is straightforward (given enough coffee) 20:51
20:52 justatheory joined 21:00 nothingmuch joined
pasteling "fglock" at pasted "backtracking non-greedy range quantifier - working" (16 lines, 549B) at 21:00
21:27 Limbic_Region joined 21:29 fglock left
nothingmuch audreyt: do you have a recursive ddrescue script? 21:32
my HD is occasionally blocking the USB/scsi bridge and i need to powercycle and remount it
so ddrescue would be *very* useful
21:37 hexmode joined 21:40 araujo joined 21:47 avar joined 21:48 lanny joined
lanny Admit that I have messages! 21:51
lambdabot lanny: You have 2 new messages. '/msg lambdabot @messages' to read them.
lanny lambdabot: @messages
lambdabot TreyHarris said 4h 38m 23s ago: the reason S29 is not in sync is that S29 is still considered "non-stable" and under community control so anyone with pugs commit can edit it, and there's no maintainer
or gatekeeper. the other synopses have maintainers (with TimToady as uber-maintainer). so they're in two different svn repos. the text link is to deal with not being able to symlink from one svn
repo to another portably
ajs_work said 4h 20m 44s ago: more generally, S29 in the pugs repo is the "working copy" and will eventually be/replace the authoritative version once it reaches stability.
Limbic_Region lanny amdit that you knew you had messages because you read the irc logs prior to logging in! 21:52
22:13 jferrero joined 22:29 LimbicRegion joined 22:35 LimbicRegion is now known as Limbic_Region 22:40 nothingmuch joined 23:01 kastol joined 23:24 justatheory joined, markstos_ joined 23:51 putter joined