pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | pugs: [~] <m oo se> (or rakudo:, kp6:, smop: etc.) || We do Haskell, too | > reverse . show $ foldl1 (*) [1..4] | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/
Set by TimToady on 25 January 2008.
00:08 pmichaud left 00:09 dalek joined, pugs_svnbot joined, Juerd left, Juerd joined
Juerd Okay, so feather *is* vulnerable. Anyone can haz root. 00:10
pugs_svnbot r19865 | jnthn++ | [spectests] Start to lay out some S12 tests, plus add a couple of very basic ones.
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/19865
lambdabot Title: Changeset 19865 - Pugs - Trac
pugs_svn r19865 | jnthn++ | [spectests] Start to lay out some S12 tests, plus add a couple of very basic ones.
Juerd Exploit and die :)
00:14 jonathan1 joined 00:15 jonathan1 is now known as jnthn
pugs_svn r19866 | jnthn++ | [spectest] Fix typo in methods tests. 00:19
pugs_svnbot r19866 | jnthn++ | [spectest] Fix typo in methods tests.
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/19866
lambdabot Title: Changeset 19866 - Pugs - Trac
jnthn The bots! They're everywhere! 00:20
00:20 jferrero joined
rakudo_svn r25613 | jonathan++ | [rakudo] Start getting the S12-class spectests. 00:24
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TimToady mncharity: for the bootstrap, yes, there's only one grammar; otherwise, no, there could be any number of different Perl grammars floating around. The Perl grammar is just the base grammar from which many other grammars derive. 01:15
and STD is (mostly) written for the standard parser, not the bootstrap parser
even in the boostrap grammar, we can't assume that the first term is matched by expect_term, because it has to be mixed in with expecting statements in some spots 01:17
hence the $seen parameter
the grammar's structure is very much driven by the need to keep all alternatives out where the autolexer can see the longest tokens 01:18
so we have to make sure statements and terms are matched in the same | set
(either that, or make EXPR smart enough to report in advance what set of regex would match as a longest token; but this way seemed easier) 01:19
but all of the metholated methods are smart enough to report their longest token set 01:20
that's what I was playing with when I got bogged down with shoulder trouble 01:21
(and in fact I think metholate doesn't even put the gather/take code out there at the moment because I was just playing with the longest token harvesting)
well, okay, in the bootstrap grammar we could probably get away with <statement_control> || <expect_term> 01:27
but for real life it has to be |
BTW, the *really* fun part of generating the longest-token set is figuring out which hyperoperators are valid with getting into recursive tokens :) 01:28
s/with/without/ 01:29
01:31 jferrero left
pasteling "TimToady" at pasted "notional longest-token table for expecting a term (not well-quoted)" (790 lines, 20.2K) at sial.org/pbot/30248 01:38
TimToady I generated the table above for the fun of it several months ago 01:39
and it was generated "simply" by asking expect_term what it expected 01:40
the bits on the right of each pattern are the "fates" that get passed into rules that have already had their longest token matched externally 01:41
anyway, that whole thing turns into something like a tagged DFA 01:44
mncharity I'm still missing something. Indeed when one has lots of Perl instances, and lots of Perl-like grammars inheriting from Perl, themselves with lots of instances... isn't distinguishing among them still the job of self() ? why the introduction of an additional mechanism? 02:05
TimToady what additional mechanism? 02:10
can you point me at some suspect code? 02:12
or are you worried about the longest token matching itself? 02:16
or the fact that longest-token matching predetermines the dispatch of subrules? 02:17
I don't know what you're uneasy about 02:18
02:19 Limbic_Region left
mncharity hi, let's see 02:22
I remain unclear on why EXPR is using $here.expect_term rather than self.expect_term. since self() has the search state, of a specific grammar instance, of a specific grammar derived from Perl. so why $here? 02:24
TimToady self is the search state at the start of the expression, it's not the search state in the middle of the expression 02:25
mncharity !
so self() has a strpos, and then some other things have their own copies of strpos? 02:28
TimToady All of the methods in the grammar basically work that way...if you look at Cursor.pm at something like _PLUSr you'll see the same thing happening
you get a self in at the top, but for the life of the method the current match state lives in $to 02:29
mncharity (I had been thinking 'entire search state' == 'grammar instance self() + +env vars + ...matches kicking around somehow'. no?)
02:29 Lorn joined
TimToady yes, if you want to actually write methods that match things, you have to keep track of string positions exactly at each moment 02:30
and the string position changes at the end of every possible way a* can match
mncharity ok +anything in frame vars on the call stack.
hmm... /me ponders
TimToady anyway, Cursor.pm basically *works*, but it's just too slow in pugs without predeciding the longest tokens 02:31
which is why I was working on that part 02:32
mncharity (/me doesn't yet understand what exactly Cursor is doing, and its relationship to everything else)
(/me also doesn't yet understand the difficulty involved in "predicting the longest token". RxHash.longest_token_match in prelude.rb was 3 lines.) 02:33
meppl good night 02:34
TimToady if you write a separate lexer with known tokens, yes, it's easy 02:35
we're not writing a separate lexer, we're getting the grammar to write its own lexer
02:35 meppl left 02:36 justatheory joined
TimToady and we don't know the set of tokens in advance because we don't know the grammar in advance 02:36
all we know is that by the time we get to a set of | alternatives, if we know exactly what language we're in, we can cache that token set from then onward
02:36 justatheory left
TimToady for that language 02:36
mncharity redsix stored pos in a single StringScanner object. which slid back and forth with the search and backtracking. yare stored pos as a local() var, which p5 took care of unwinding on backtracking. Cursor... I'm not yet clear on. I started red_STD on the pos-in-StringScanner plus jiggling model.
02:36 justatheory joined
TimToady the cursor engine doesn't really do backtracking exactly, or rather, it doesn't do it by returning explicitly 02:38
instead, it relies on lazy lists of choice points, and you backtrack simply by taking the next gathered option
mncharity ah, ok 02:39
TimToady so the continuations are implicit to gather/take
makes it very clean, actually
and if you assume that gather/take is efficiently implemented, it won't waste any energy backtracking if it doesn't need to 02:40
obviously there's some setup/teardown for gather/take, but if you only ever use the first item in the option list, you never go back to the continuation
and evenutally it just gets GC'd
also obviously, if you can avoid taking the gather/take hit in the first place, that's even faster 02:41
so :ratchet will eventually use "andthen" instead
mncharity duh. click. so the STD stuff doesn't have explicit continuation information. so that's all being maintained by Cursor-ness, which is getting folded into Match objects?
TimToady but I ran into troubles with that under pugs
mncharity hmm, so why isnt MatchContinuation a real class? 02:42
TimToady where are you finding that? 02:43
mncharity s/doesn't have/isn't passing/
TimToady I used to pass a second parameter with the explicit continuation, then I decided it was simply part of the self along with the grammar
made the code a lot simpler 02:44
02:45 Auzon joined
mncharity re MatchCursorGrammar, no where, you mentioned that $here contained both Match and Cursor and Grammar info... 02:45
TimToady that's why when you metholate STD it turns 'grammar Perl' into 'grammar Perl is Cursor'
so all derivatives of the grammar know how to actually run a match 02:46
and it just comes through as self (and $here, $to, whatever) 02:47
mncharity One part I'm still missing is how self() in methods can be anything other than the instance object on which they are called, namely, a grammar instance. so the concept that self() can have non-grammar instance stuff...?
TimToady but that means all these methods return one of these objects, and the actual match info is embedded in the history
when we make the transition back from method view to rule view, that's when it looks like a Match sub object again
mncharity ponders 02:48
TimToady also, we have to set up $/ when calling user closers
grammar Perl is Cursor; Cursor carries all the moment-to-moment match state
mncharity comprendo 02:49
TimToady see all the has declarations at the start of Cursor.pm
and $.prior is the chain of prior cursurs that need to be visited to construct Match
mncharity bleep. prior cursors? one is stashing a stack of Grammars? 02:50
TimToady the reason .pos is separate from .from and .to is so that we can do backward matching for <before>
a list of successful matches, some of which contain bindings to names or $1 02:51
which have to be unwound if we backtrack, but that happens automatically by throwing away $here values
because the next thing you pull from a gather will have the previous state, and not any subsequent state 02:52
these are all immutable values, basically
mncharity the role (no pun intended) I've seen so far for Cursor so far is in "grammar Perl is Cursor;". there are other uses of Cursor?
TimToady I don't necessarily envision any 02:53
but I am singularly lacking in vision at times :)
nevertheless, this applies to all pattern match in Perl 6, not just grammars
mncharity so a chain of prior Cursors is actually a chain of Perl grammar instances, no?
TimToady I want /a|b|c/ to automatically do DFA matching to the extent that it can 02:54
and that just falls out of longest token
yes, but the Perl part of the state object currently contains on $.ws_from and $.ws_to 02:55
02:55 Lorn left
TimToady mostly so we can cache if we already matched a whitespace here 02:55
mncharity (I'm still thinking of DFA'ness and all other optimizations as something a "sufficiently smart compiler" does transparently, at compile or run time, by groveling over the final grammar instance. rather than an emergent property of how the grammar is implemented.) 02:56
(so all the DFA-etc remarks get "bleeped out" for me as "compiler optimization I don't have to worry about implementing)
(I'm not sure that's the right model or not:) 02:57
TimToady as with most tradeoffs in dynamic languages, doing it at the *last* possible moment conveys some big benefits
and the last possible moment is right when the | is first called
just as method dispatch is based on the class hierarchy and methods we see *right now* 02:58
this is just a slightly smart form of dispatch tuned for pattern matching
and in fact, ties into normal multiple dispatch also if the rules methods have extra args 02:59
mncharity re "Perl part of the state object", hmm... "grammar Perl is Cursor;" not "class Grammar is Cursor;"?
TimToady sure, maybe someday
I just don't put in levels of indirection where they aren't needed yet, except where they are... :) 03:00
declarators like "grammar/class/module" are also just macros really 03:01
mncharity :). so every time you say 'Cursor' above, you are really saying 'instance of Grammar'. so prior is a list of instances of Grammar.
a Cursor is never instantiated, except as inherited by a Grammar. 03:02
TimToady yes, and note that it might even be a different grammar as we go back along the chain
mncharity s/as inherited/via inheritance into/
TimToady well, Cursor could be used by something other than grammar in theory 03:03
the "grammar" level is there more for humans than the computer currently 03:04
it's more like "parser" really
mncharity to what extent could grammar instances be immutable? ie, what is handled by cloning a new instance, and what by assignment? 03:05
TimToady Cursor does everything by cloning
assignment just means you've changed a state that might not backtrack correctly unless you figure out how to back it out 03:06
mncharity (a few days ago, I thought of a Grammar as an abstract specification of a (CS) grammar. so you analyzed and massaged it, and used something kind of separate to run it.) 03:07
TimToady (though doubtless there are places one can cheat on that...)
mncharity (then a day or two ago, I thought of a Grammar as mutable search state. which got banged on by the search process. and the original abstract grammar was obtained by reflection.) 03:08
(now Grammar is an instantaneous immutable state-of-search... and I find myself far from where I started, in a strange new land.) 03:09
03:11 drbean_ joined
mncharity "Cursor does everything by cloning" translates as "Grammar does everything by cloning", yes? modulo any non-backtracked state which can be done via mutation. 03:11
pugs_svn r19867 | lwall++ | [metholate] put back bodies of matchers 03:12
pugs_svnbot r19867 | lwall++ | [metholate] put back bodies of matchers
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/19867
lambdabot Title: Changeset 19867 - Pugs - Trac
mncharity Grammar as .y file, vs Grammar as .tab.c, vs Grammar as memory dump of running yacc. 03:13
TimToady I put back the more normal version of metholate so you can see how the actual metholated methods come out (don't forget to cheat first) 03:14
mncharity so now I'm trying to run down the yacc to shave it
and I'm having... forget what it's called... predator is confused which yak it is after... 03:16
"predator confusion"? 03:17
TimToady just pick on and gnaw on it :)
mncharity ponders menu 03:19
pugs_svn r19868 | lwall++ | [metholate] remove another temp hack 03:23
pugs_svnbot r19868 | lwall++ | [metholate] remove another temp hack
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/19868
lambdabot Title: Changeset 19868 - Pugs - Trac
mncharity re gnaw one, the food reviews say... 03:24
Grammar as abstract CompSci-grammar spec makes for easy analysis, but is not trivial to get performance out of. thus yare's "a method in a p5 grammar class, depending on its arguments, either returns a full Rule object, or is an express call into a cached optimized runtime emitted from it. 03:27
03:27 v3nux left
mncharity Grammar as a search, with method calls as simply steps in that search, is refreshingly simple after that. 03:28
TimToady well, I'm sure the output of metholate could make your eyes go crossed too. :) 03:29
I'd suggest looking at a very simple rule and see how it looks after metholate
maybe I could paste one for you
mncharity Though I suppose that simplicity wane as one tries to integrate continuations and general backtracking. Rather than "you can't go far in the p6 grammar without hitting a token, so you can ignore backtracking except in a few places, which can be overcome in detail with a bit of mess (maybe - a hypothesis)". 03:31
Grammar as immutable search state of the moment... I haven't tasted yet. eyes still crossed. 03:32
pasteling "TimToady" at pasted "metholated token ident" (26 lines, 599B) at sial.org/pbot/30249 03:33
TimToady the actual matching starts at .MATCHIFY
everything before that is deciding whether to autolex 03:34
we could in theory get rid of the map by knowing that the 'r' of STARr means "ratchet" 03:35
mncharity I'm not really familiar with p6 gather/take semantics, but ruby has nice fast blocks+yield - used for everything (iterating over arrays, etc). so maybe a metholate_to_rb.
calm invoked on fate. sigh. 03:36
TimToady the fate of '?' is called to look up the longest tokens of a subrule
so the autolexer in this case knows that if it needs to know what is in <alpha>, it can call the .alpha method with a fate of ? to fetch its longest tokens 03:37
03:38 blindfish left
TimToady something is still wrong in there with the "if not @try" 03:38
mncharity so <alpha>\w+ would peek for <alpha>\w on '?' ? 03:39
TimToady it would fetch <alpha>'s longest token set and tack \w+ on the end for its own set
the code that sets @try is currently commented out for pugsian and debugging reasons 03:41
for the moment the autolexer is actually using some yaml files of the regexen that metholate pokes down into /tmpyaml 03:42
anyway, that all works, or is a few tweaks from working again 03:44
it's the longest token matcher that I got bogged down on...
and I feel like if I got that working efficiently, all the rest of the pugs overhead wouldn't matter very much 03:45
(or whatever engine does the gather/take semantics)
ratchet would then just be a further optimization
mncharity re longest t m, i think i'm starting to see why that could be a headache on this Grammar model. in the
TimToady well, the funny thing is I've already done the headachey part of extracting the current set of tokens on the fly at the last moment 03:47
I just have to turn it into something like a tagged DFA, which I can't do when my shoulder keeps me from sleeping at night...
me being more of an NFA guy... 03:48
mncharity Grammar is abstract model, it's just Rule objects' emit() methods chatting with each other, and then emit()ing whatever match code they want. each Rule could have it's own complete implementation of the grammar, optimized for "what the grammar looks like entered via me". even more than one,
one for capture ws, one for <?foo>, one for <foo>, one for <!foo>, etc. 03:49
TimToady a Rule can be entered via more than one grammar in the Perl model, so it has to keep those straight 03:50
mncharity so the longest t m is not an issue. but the carpet gets pulled away from 'rules are like methods', they end up rather unlike methods, at least in the absence of a really nice mop.
TimToady the methods can still be called, but you can't know which order to call them without knowing the grammar 03:51
mncharity re entered, ah yes. thus the "who am I called on" caching hair of yare. so potentially n implementations, times m subclasses. if one wishes. 03:52
TimToady that crossed with the problem of doing recursive descent when some of the descending is predetermined outside the normal call 03:55
mncharity at least in the Grammar as abstract model, the methods... are sort of hacks. no, perhaps they could properly be Rule is Method objects. but in the absence of a backend language which permits that, they are just ways to find (via reflection) and get at (fetchers for) "unrelated" Rule objects whose allocation then needs to be managed separately.
TimToady well, if pugs supported full-fledged method objects, this might be easier 03:56
but as it stands, I'm just passing extra parameters, and the "real" rule is what starts at the .MATCHIFY 03:57
also, I'm not entirely sure I have my story straight on alternations that are buried at deeper than the top level of a rule
03:58 justatheory left
mncharity re "crossed with the problem of ... some of the descending is predetermined outside the normal call", not sure I understand, but i don't think so? the Grammar as abstract model seems a superset of the Grammar as runtime models. they would simply be a particular choice of emit()ed runtime. 03:58
TimToady I'm probably okay as long as I can gen a unique identifier for the alternation for a cache id
04:00 TreyHarris left, TreyHarris joined
TimToady yes, but currently my emitter is metholate, I don't have any pugs code emitting pugs code 04:00
mncharity re buried alternations... yeah, while the regexp engine was a pain, redsix's "I'm just going to do full backtracking, and worry about ratchet stuff being required for a correct parse later" was somewhat more restful than the current "I think I can get by with fudging the backtracking like so... but I have a really really bad trackrecord of making such calls correctly".
TimToady the longest token matcher is called as a kind of interpreter over a set of regex 04:01
I basically said to myself, ratcheting is just an optimization, and if gather/take is right I don't really need it so much, and can ignore the optimization for now and feel good about having the right semantics 04:02
mncharity in retrospect at least, would you be happier with a p5-based STD.pm, directly runnable rather than the preprocess->pugs?
TimToady p5 doesn't do gather/take, alas 04:03
I could probably fudge something with coro 04:04
course, I do happen to know the two places in the grammar that require backtracking :)
mncharity alternate regex engine core? choice point gathering isn't the only option...
oh, yeah, I meant to ask... which two? :) 04:05
TimToady I would tend not to trust any p5 regex engine not to run out of steam just when I need it
interpolating "$foo.bar.baz.whatever()" vs "$foo.bar.baz.whatever"
and deciding whether [= is the start of [=] or [=$iterator] 04:06
mncharity great. tnx. re steam,
any particular flavor of steam?
TimToady note that both spots are commented as backtracking in STD
actually, it might not have to backtrack on reduce ops if I get my longest tokens straight 04:07
well, typically reentrancy, and closures really being closures with their own pads 04:08
mncharity re comments, hmm, there's a third occurrence of "backtrack", associated with <suppose>. not mentioned because currently not used?
(oh, there's is one <suppose>) 04:09
TimToady that's backtrack on panic, so kinda doesn't count
mncharity ok
TimToady it's mostly just an idea for really good error messages
mncharity righ
TimToady certainly not necessary for bootstrap
but if we noticed something looked suspicious, we just remember it and if the parse fails, see if it *might* have done better with a different guess 04:10
but it will fail the parse in any case
but the sort of thing p5 hardwires with "maybe you had a runaway string starting on line 432"
mncharity re steam, I guess performance or bug or don't have p6 runtime to transition to, or... that's what comes to mind. sigh. I didn't get warm fuzzies from the fact that moving subs around in the yare file could result in different behavior, tickling p5 bugs or not. :/ part of the reason the code is such a mess. did _not_ want to refactor it without much better test suite. 04:12
TimToady if I could emulate backtracking, I think metholate could spit out a pretty decent chunk of Perl 5 code that doesn't rely on regex at all 04:13
doubt it would be very fast with all the OO though... 04:15
but again, might be fast enough with longest tm
pasteling "mncharity" at pasted "a p5 bt api" (28 lines, 1.1K) at sial.org/pbot/30250 04:16
TimToady there is a tagged RE engine that p5 can use, but it was a little buggy
mncharity basically just return undef from a continuation to indicate match failure, and exceptions to fail() larger chunks of things. 04:18
TimToady bt stands for?
mncharity sorry, backtrack
red_STD is currently using the same approach. false for failure, anything else (well, except for nil) on success. 04:19
so if one doesn't mind a bit of mess, one can just hand code it. assuming continuations are subs. 04:20
TimToady exceptions can't backtrack down into a subrule unless you have real continuations
likely wouldn't matter for bootstrap 04:21
mncharity re hand code, that's whats going in the star,etc variants at the bottom of red_STD prelude.rb
TimToady but yes, the undef on failure mode was basically what the "andthen" was for
it actually interoperates okay with the gather/take model of backtracking too 04:22
(except under pugs :)
mncharity re exceptions... "up" to a subrule? rules just wrap a try/catch around their bodies, and one can escape up the continuation chain when one fails into a rule commit.
04:23 thestarslookdown joined
TimToady in any case, you have to have some way of threading the continuations independently of the up-and-down of recursive descent 04:24
whether you use real continuations or some kind of stackless approach 04:25
mncharity ah, yes
TimToady but I will think about a p5-emitting metholate, thanks 04:26
as with the ruby approach, you still have to backtranslate the closures too 04:27
and things like EXPR 04:28
unless I go with some kind of hybrid p5/pugs approach
which might also work
mncharity yare and redsix are both explicit continuations. red_STD is currently explicit continuations within a regex(), with "since there are token()s everywhere, maybe we can get by with having two separate calling api's, a limited use one for within a cluster of regex, within a boundary of tokens, and one for tokens, without an explicit continuation.".
TimToady (slowly:)
mncharity :/ sigh :) 04:29
TimToady or maybe I should just emit smop... 04:30
or just write a Perl parser in C. I've done that before... :) 04:32
Auzon Only once? ;)
mncharity for a high level language, p6/p5/rb/python, there doesn't seem to be that much closure code to translate. compared to the magnitude of other pain around. so translated-closures + a backtrack story could target various things. which gets one to "it *thinks* it parsed the file".
TimToady an AST beats a kick in the head 04:33
mncharity I've found the next step ends up being "but the only way to know if the parse is correct is to compile and run the test. if it passes, I guess the parse was more likely correct than not, in general". but maybe that's just because i didn't do "testing in detail" of individual syntactic constructs, so everything came out in integration phase. 04:34
TimToady well, I daresay any compiler that can produce an AST of STD.pm is close to something either very nice or very nasty 04:35
mncharity re AST, yeah, but eyeballing large volumes of ast for correctness... not fun.
oh, so the point is, if you have to go on through compilation to test your parser, then you have the additional constrain of needing a target language with a p6 compiler/runtime. which I guess means pugs, ruby, or... I'm not sure what the current p5 runtime looks like - if kp6 could magically parse all of t/ , how much of compile and run is done? dunno. 04:40
but if one understands the language well enough to select the key microtests, then that kind of brute force testing is much less important. 04:41
TimToady mmm, I do love Blair's After Death sauce... 04:43
mncharity googles for grade D utilitarian utopia
wrong channel. Blair's After Death sauce?
mncharity googles for Blair's After Death sauce
TimToady you'll feel like you're in a utilitarian utopia once the endorphins kick in :) 04:44
mncharity re sause - it's puzzling without a cultural context pointer... Massachussetts "extreme heat", or Arizona "extreme heat"? 04:46
TimToady it's about 15x tabasco sauce hot 04:47
not nearly as hot as eating a habanero directly, of course, with is about 150x 04:48
but hot enough for me
mncharity :) 04:49
TimToady thing I notice about eating a habanero is that your face starts sweating profusely even before you can taste it. 04:50
mncharity now why does that make p6 development come to mind...? maybe it's just the channel. :P 04:51
TimToady hey, my face has been sweating for 7 years now or so... 04:52
and I'll really be in trouble if Duke Nukem Forever actually comes out this year...
mncharity :)
TimToady on the other hand, I remind myself that Tolkien's sequel took 14 years to write... 04:53
and that did okay eventually
though I can't quite imagine someone throwing $300M on the table to make movies of Perl 6... 04:56
mncharity oky... /me tries to focus. end-of-day approacheth.
TimToady amazing how that happens...
hope this helped
mncharity so I have to figure out what flavor of Grammar to use for red_STD. lots-of-grammarlets, or fudge around $here.
re helped, oh, very much so. clearer understanding, and a mind bending experience. what more could one ask for? 04:57
more important that clearer understanding perhaps, the things I was stuck in puzzledment on got knocked down. thanks:) 04:59
TimToady I think this will also help me get back into it after my bad-shoulder months, thanks!
mncharity :)
beyond red_STD... I just have this feeling that things are so close... redsix was running against t/... I was not unhappy with it... it was just the regex engine and p6 grammar and runtime (no sig/cap) which were a kludge. ;) but since then there is yare and STD and the kp6-ruby ideas. different languages, but those were the needed bits. 05:02
and kp6's ast. the redsix ast was rather... traditionally non-minimalistic. 05:03
TimToady seems like we've prototyped most of the bits of it several different ways now
and I think there's a sense in which all these prototypes were needed for one reason or another 05:05
pugs itself is a wonderful way to bootstrap the test suite 05:06
even if it is never developed further
mncharity yeah. past failure modes were... hit missing bit; foundation you are building on let's you down; and ... something social... effort loses champion or community. anything else?
long term, I actually really look forward to a haskell-based p6. non-local deep transformation of code is something all the aspect oriented cruft can't buy you in a traditional language, but haskell gives you free (well, at little additional cost). 05:08
TimToady or mental model wasn't sufficiently rich for a viable design
Juerd <@TimToady> and I'll really be in trouble if Duke Nukem Forever actually comes out this year...
haha :)
Juerd loves internet culture 05:09
05:09 penk joined
TimToady well, it gives it free to people with an IQ in excess of 200 :) 05:09
Juerd All four?
TimToady that seems about right
I only consider myself a 4-sigma event 05:10
and I find that's not quite good enough for Haskell :)
well, maybe I was good enough when I was young enough to really be 4-sigma :)
Juerd Sigma is the symbol for standard deviation? 05:11
TimToady *nod*
Juerd context++
TimToady I just wish I even had above average Constitution to go with it... 05:12
mncharity why various prototype components of p6 haven't grown into a full p6: component insufficiently understood for successful implementation; hit missing component; foundation it was building on failed under the weight; effort lost champion/community. 05:13
how's that for a synthesis / cautionary check-list for the future? 05:14
TimToady did you see my "suffienctly rich" comment?
or however that's spelled?
mncharity looks...
"sufficiently rich for a viable design"... I parsed that as "component insufficiently understood for successful implementation", but was unsure I captured the nuance? 05:15
err, "mental model wasn't sufficiently rich for a viable design"
Juerd Whose mental model though? 05:16
TimToady more like "too simple an approach to work on the complex problem"
mncharity ahh...
TimToady any approach using past technologies tends to presume the same limits as those technologies 05:17
and not design in the aspects necessary to transcend those limits 05:18
mncharity mncharity: why various prototype components of p6 haven't grown into a full p6: component insufficiently understood; implementation approach inadequate; hit missing component; foundation it was building on failed under the weight; effort lost champion/community.
TimToady which is kind of the *why* of the other tools letting us down
mncharity not sure I buy that last part
TimToady well, it's not important to my mind; the only true failure is if everyone quits and nobody learns anything from it 05:19
"w...hich is, of course, mandatory in the long run" --Ozymandius 05:20
mncharity eg, if p5.10's reentrant regexps actually worked, rather than comming with "oh, but you better not do X after going through one, or a bug with crash you",... that's just a tool failure. or I suppose an design failure to recognize "a usable reentrant engine doesn't exist yet". 05:21
TimToady then doubtless it will manifest some failure mode based on the fact that it uses a different runloop than normal Perl code... :)
or the very fact that p5 does *not*, in fact, do anything resembling DFA matching... 05:24
mncharity the problem with calling it a design failure is the slipper slope to "the choice of any tool is a design failure, because every tool is somehow broken". not "not appropriate for task, but appropriate for task if it actually worked, but doesn't, quite enough". 05:25
lol # re DFA
TimToady well, the design failure is trying to climb 582 rungs of the ladder in one hop, perhaps. :) 05:26
05:26 cathyal joined
Juerd Or perhaps designing such a ladder in the first place :) 05:26
TimToady if I go with a p5 emitter for metholate, I may take another look at TRE (tagged re)
I looked at it a bit when I was thinking of using a p5 dfa from inside pugs 05:27
Juerd What is metholate?
TimToady that's a long story
Juerd Never mind then :)
TimToady short answer, a program that you do "cheat STD.pm | metholate | pugs" and it runs
Juerd Sounds rather magical 05:28
Does it finish pugs on the fly?
TimToady it turns p6 regexen into p6 code that uses no regexen, just method calls
mncharity re 582 rungs, not sure. flying requires more prep and is riskier than walking, but for some terrain, anything else is, well, not insane, but perhaps even slower.
TimToady it has finished off pugs frequently
Juerd Oh, I think I saw that :)
TimToady yes, it's the worst way, except for all the others :) 05:29
mncharity s/slower/less attractive/
TimToady one could take a more deliberate evolutionary pace, but then we'd see the very same social ossification that p5 underwent
that is another failure mode 05:30
as spectacularly successful failure mode, to be sure... 05:31
but the folks who think p6 is killing progress on p5 don't realize that we already saw it happening before 2000
Juerd They also don't realise that mostly, people who work on Perl 6 have lost interest in Perl 5 or were never Perl 5 contributors in the first place. 05:33
TimToady (often for the same (social) reasons in either case) 05:34
by which I don't mean to level blame at anyone in particular
mncharity I'd be really happy suggesting yare as a building block for p5 work, despite its mess, if noop code changes didn't tickle p5 buts, cause anon sub's to break, resulting in really puzzling time-sucking failure modes. but I don't now if it's been tried on 5.10. perhaps a day spent "refactor, and see if it keeps working" would not be misspent.
TimToady it just became a very conservative culture
Juerd And if indeed many people went from P5 to P6, P6 would be done by now perhaps 05:35
TimToady maybe not, there's an optimal number of cooks in the kitchen at any given point
and we haven't been too far off that
05:36 cathyal left
mncharity if yare worked, basically all STD would need was p5 translations of the closures. 05:36
TimToady for bootstrap, yeah 05:37
and STD is by and large written with the assumption that | could be emulated with || for the boostrap
mncharity listens to the clock tick in a sunny but deserted kitchen. thinks throwing a kitchen party would be much nicer.
easy enough to do |. may even have been done. it's just adding : after all. 05:38
TimToady I mean the longest token part irrespective of the ordering of alternatives 05:39
which : doesn't have much to do with
it really needs a DFA (or non-bt NFA) to do that right 05:40
on the other hand, 5.10 does trie optimization, which is most of it
not sure if there's a way to turn off the ordering semantics tho 05:41
mncharity oh, right. well, re "it really needs a DFA (or non-bt NFA) to do that right", you really mean "it really needs a DFA (or non-bt NFA) to do that FASTEST", yes?
wouldn't want to confuse "right" with "fast". ;)
TimToady no, I mean "correctly"
05:41 peeps[work] joined
mncharity explain? 05:41
TimToady unless you want to run all the alternatives, and then see which one was longest matching
mncharity discovers another corner I don't quite understand...
TimToady in that sense it's just an optimization 05:42
mncharity re all the alternatives + longest, exactly.
TimToady a|bc|\w+ might match \w longer or shorter than bc
in the general case you have to run all legs of <foo>|<bar>|<baz> 05:43
DFA just runs them in parallel
and if <foo> <bar> or <baz> have side effects, then it's manifestly *incorrect* to run them willy nilly 05:45
you really want to know which leg contains the longest token before you commit to any side effects
that's what all this declarative/procedural language in S05 is all about
so in that sense you *can't* have correct semantics with a backtracking engine 05:46
at least, not with interruptable/resumably subrules
mncharity starts to worry, then chants "boot strap, boot strap, ..." and pictures a "mission creep" with red x circle plackard.
TimToady if each rule could do its longest token, and then suspend itself until told to go further, you could still get correct (albeit) slow behavior
with the metholate approach, we don't have to do the suspend part, just the resumable part :) 05:47
which is what all those @fate parameters are for
mncharity another advantage for resumeable escapes... but something for another day. my smalltalk fu isn't up to it. 05:48
TimToady speaking of another day, I got up before 6:00 today, so I should probably totter off to bed. 05:49
mncharity not sure whether ruby callcc is up to it or not.
TimToady well, there's always scheme :P 05:50
mncharity righto. been a very interesting afternoon/evening chat. tnx
TimToady night &
06:01 kanru2 left
pugs_svn r19869 | putter++ | [misc/red_STD]: very minor progress on EXPR. 06:12
06:13 Schwern left
pugs_svnbot r19869 | putter++ | [misc/red_STD]: very minor progress on EXPR. 06:13
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/19869
lambdabot Title: Changeset 19869 - Pugs - Trac
06:13 Auzon left
mncharity I now understand what someone said about lots of bots. 06:15
that last commit was basically some pre-conversation edits. haven't had to decide yet how to proceed. 06:17
g'night all
06:17 mncharity left 06:24 manfred joined
spinclad rats, finished backlogging 12 minutes late. 06:30
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jrockway > reverse . show $ (*) 6 9 09:23
lambdabot "45"
jrockway > reverse . show $ (*) 6 9 where 6 * 9 = 24
lambdabot Parse error at "where" (column 26)
09:49 thoughtpolice left 10:09 manfred left
pugs_svn r19870 | nwc10++ | Improve C compiler line number directives so that errors in the parts copied 10:15
r19870 | nwc10++ | verbatim from the original .sm0p files are reported as coming from the .sm0p
r19870 | nwc10++ | files, and generated code is reported as coming from the .c file.
pugs_svnbot r19870 | nwc10++ | Improve C compiler line number directives so that errors in the parts copied
r19870 | nwc10++ | verbatim from the original .sm0p files are reported as coming from the .sm0p
r19870 | nwc10++ | files, and generated code is reported as coming from the .c file.
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/19870
lambdabot Title: Changeset 19870 - Pugs - Trac
Khisanth two svn bots? 10:27
diakopter hm 10:31
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pugs_svn r19871 | putter++ | [misc/red_STD] EXPR() attains "2+3*4". 12:52
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pugs_svn r19872 | putter++ | src/perl6/STD.pm: an EXPR() fix 13:13
mncharity Khisanth: re two bots, twice the karma :) 13:17
a tweak: why various prototype components of p6 haven't grown into a full p6: component insufficiently understood; implementation approach insufficiently powerful; hit missing component; foundation it was building on failed under the weight; effort lost champion/community. 13:20
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pugs_svn r19873 | putter++ | [misc/red_STD] added read-eval-print-loop debugging aids, and some whitespace tokens. blindly dropped .ws() calls into EXPR(). 15:09
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moritz_ is STD.pm supposed to be runnable by pugs, or to be correct Perl 6? 16:53
I noticed @array[-1] in there
which isn't valid Perl 6 anymore 16:54
[particle] it's supposed to be valid perl 6 16:55
wolverian fix! :) 16:56
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moritz_ low hanging fruit ;) 16:57
pugs_svn r19874 | moritz++ | [STD.pm]: @array[-1] is now @array[*-1]
moritz_ I guess it will kill metholate's output, because pugs doesn't like @array[*-1]
16:59 buchetc left
TimToady we can fix it with cheat or metholate, so go ahead 17:16
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pugs_svn r19875 | lwall++ | [cheat] translate [*-1] to [-1] 17:20
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pugs_svn r19876 | lwall++ | [t/spec/*.t] :todo whackage 18:05
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pugs_svn r19877 | lwall++ | [STD] missing .ws after expect_infix 18:19
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pugs_svn r19878 | moritz++ | [STD] perlhints updates 19:30
moritz_ I've now seen STD and a few PGE grammars...
and all quote literal text 19:31
to improve readabilty
shouldn't we change rules to require quoting of literal text, and allow subrule calls without <...>? 19:32
and in regexes introduced with m/ ... / or mm/.../ etc. the current syntax could be used
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pmurias moritz_: i asked also asked for it, the answer is how do you pass parameters to a subrule? 19:49
moritz_ pmurias: rule(@args) 19:50
just like normal sub/method calls
better huffman coding, more method <-> regex analogy 19:51
pmurias moritz_: it sort of conflicts with () as a grouping construct 19:53
moritz_ we need to think of some kind if disambiguation
currently we have disambiguations syntax in the other direction 19:54
rule comp_unit { :my $begin_compunit is context = 1; :my $endstmt is context<rw> = -1; :my $endargs is context<rw> = -1;
cognominal_ for (@argv { given $_ { ... } } would deserve to be forgiven @argv { ... }
would TimToady bless that :) 19:55
moritz_ cognominal_: 'for' sets $_ by default
pugs: for <a b c> { $_.say }
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[aā¤bā¤cā¤]
cognominal_ so I can skip the given
wolverian pugs: .say for <a b c>
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[aā¤bā¤cā¤]
moritz_ yes
wolverian you don't even need the $_ :)
cognominal_ so much for my pun 19:56
moritz_ cognominal_: as long as the pointy block has no signature
cognominal_: you lost ;-)
pmurias does longest token search descend into subrules? 19:57
moritz_ dunno 19:58
cognominal_ so I can write for (@argv) { when 'whatever' { } when 'foo' {} } ?
moritz_ yes
cognominal_ it makes sense
moritz_ 'given EXPR' just sets $_ to EXPR 19:59
as an read only alias, iirc
so anything that sets $_ instead is just fine
20:00 manfred left
pugs_svn r19879 | moritz++ | [STD] more perlhints 20:00
cognominal_ we are so used to bad languages that the Perl6 natural way seems strange
we are so used to code that we don't know how to program
moritz_ aye 20:01
funny, I found a p5ism today in TimToady's STD.pm code
cognominal_ :) 20:02
moritz_ so even the best of us aren't immune to history
cognominal_ I am happy the implementation takes so long so that TimToady can to the best for his second shot 20:03
perl4 was nice syntactically but perl5 is so ugly
s/to/do/ 20:04
moritz_ sub calls with mandatory '&' are pretty?
cognominal_ making place to references wasted perl syntax
moritz_ disagrees
cognominal_ I forgot about that 20:05
TimToady pmurias: yes, longest token descends into subrules, and even back out again if the entire subrule is pure 20:16
(that's why we don't put {*} into subtokens like <sigil>, in fact, so that they can be composed into longer tokens) 20:22
since {*} represents an unknown side effect
bbl & 20:23
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cognominal_ prefix . implies an invocant of $_ or self? 20:42
moritz_ $_
cognominal_ ok 20:43
21:16 obra_work is now known as obra
pugs_svn r19880 | moritz++ | [perlhints] updated README to new format 21:22
r19881 | moritz++ | [perlhints] remove data/, that information is now inlined into STD 21:24
21:24 Caelum joined
moritz_ the current state of perlhints is "needs more hacking" 21:24
or to be blunt: "unusable"
21:37 chris2 left
pmurias moritz_: perlhints require STD to run on something to be truly usable 21:47
moritz_ pmurias: I know, but earlier versions had a very primitive stand alone mode
pmurias: every description has a list of literals that can occur in that token 21:48
pmurias: so ./perlhints * would find infix:<*>, postfix:<*> from regexes, whatever star etc.
pmurias: not ideal, but better than nothing
it will only work the way I intend it to do when TimToady defines a way to access the parse tree, and sombody implements that 21:49
pmurias moritz_: the perlhints should have a link to the spec 21:52
moritz_ pmurias: aye
pmurias: feel free to add them
atm the specs aren't that linkable 21:53
when I point you to S03, well, you've got a myriad of operators defined there
pmurias a smartlink style link would be usefull 21:55
21:55 polettix joined
pmurias sleep& 21:56
21:56 pmurias left
moritz_ good night 21:56
... and I'm alone again 21:57
... if you ignore all other 132 people and bots in this channel ;) 21:58
21:59 moritz_ sets mode: +ooo [particle] Juerd Tene 22:08 ebassi joined
pugs_svn r19882 | moritz++ | [perlhints] mostly unbroken now 22:16
r19883 | moritz++ | [STD] more perlhints tweaks
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