»ö« | perl6-projects.org/ | nopaste: paste.lisp.org/new/perl6 | evalbot: perl6: say 3;' | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/ | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz_ on 27 June 2009.
jjore Is there any nice way within the perl6 "shell" to introspect an object like get it to dump the data it has and the things it responds to? 00:00
arnsholt $foo.perl gives a Perl representation for all built-in objects
jjore Great. 00:01
arnsholt But for match objects this may result in a veritable wall of text =)
So keep your pager ready
eternaleye rakudo: "foobarfoo" ~~ /foo $<stuff>=(...) foo/; say $<stuff> 00:17
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: ( no output )
eternaleye rakudo: "foo bar foo" ~~ /foo $<stuff>=(...) foo/; say $<stuff>
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«Use of uninitialized value␤␤»
eternaleye rakudo: "foobarfoo" ~~ /foo$<stuff>=(...)foo/; say $<stuff> 00:18
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«bar␤»
eternaleye jjore: see ^^^
pmichaud wtf?
rakudo: "foobarfoo" ~~ /foo $<stuff>=(...) foo/; say $<stuff>
eternaleye pmichaud: ?
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«bar␤»
pmichaud why did that fail the first time? 00:19
eternaleye No clue, mayve it just timed out?
pmichaud must've been.
jjore Ah, S06 had something that looked kind of like that but I didn't understand that's what it meant. 00:21
pmichaud afk for a while (wife made cherry pie for dessert!) 00:23
00:39 synth joined 00:55 icwiener left 00:59 sri_kraih left
pugs_svn r27410 | pmichaud++ | [t] Add a note about potential misunderstanding of "latin1" in hyper_latin1.t 01:33
01:39 DemoFreak left 01:41 LumberCartel left, LumberCartel_ joined 01:42 Minthe left
daemon night all ;) 01:48
01:48 LumberCartel_ left, LumberCartel joined
pugs_svn r27411 | lwall++ | [Cursor] canonicalize FOO:: to include final '' 01:54
02:06 last left 02:09 Limbic_Region left 02:35 LumberCartel left 02:42 amoc joined
pugs_svn r27412 | Darren_Duncan++ | trivial ws chg to test commit access 02:53
dduncan seems to work ... now for S11 updates ... 02:58
so, should I be updating the Version of a synopsis for each time I commit a change? (I assume that mere whitespace cleanup doesn't update the counter) 02:59
TimToady for a content change, sure, but don't feel guilty if you forget 03:00
for typos, don't bother
(or ws)
dduncan note, I can easily strip out all the other trailing whitespace in the synopsis too, though that would be a separate commit from my auth/ver change
TimToady as far as I now, nobody's ever used the version numbers for anything :) 03:01
dduncan in my mind the versioning seems kind of odd for this purpose ... normally such docs vnums would just be used when making releases that changed from the last ones
mind you, for things like the synopsis that are never really published but just used in VC, I can see a point to the increments, if one was going to refer to versions 03:02
minor nit/q ... : (unless the change is required for security, in which case it's the 03:15
fault of the insensitive clod who broke security :).
... there is no closing paren except the one in the smiley ... do you want it left that way or another closing paren added?
I make no change by default 03:16
araujo didn't know the logo of perl6 was a butterfly 03:21
03:28 cotto left
TimToady it's considered balanced already, insofar as :) is an optional closing paren if needed ) 03:31
dduncan question on : identifier { :name<Dog> :auth<www.some.com/~jrandom> :ver<1.2.1> }
name Dog
authority www.some.com/~jrandom
version v1.2.1
author Joe Random
the :auth is spelled below as 'authority' and also there is a separate 'author' 03:32
TimToady it's an intentional ambiguity
dduncan I think it should be possible in the meta protocol to say just 'auth' or 'ver' alternatively to get the same thing as in the signature
the longer versions can stay too
but being able to declare and read metadata with the same spellings is nice 03:33
03:34 amoc left
TimToady well, we have to go see explosions now for some reason... 03:36
bbl &
dduncan about to commit synopsis changes ... 03:40
03:42 amoc joined 03:43 frew_ joined
pugs_svn r27413 | Darren_Duncan++ | P6 Synopsis : with module full names, reversed canonical order of :auth and :ver so :auth is first 03:44
dduncan that was fairly straightforward 03:45
and I neglected to update the synopsis vnums, oh well 03:48
03:50 KyleHa joined 03:59 azawawi joined
azawawi hi 03:59
araujo hi
04:00 nihiliad joined 04:06 azawawi left 04:22 nihiliad left
pugs_svn r27414 | Darren_Duncan++ | P6 Synopsis : ws changes - all tabs to spaces 04:23
04:31 KyleHa left 04:46 skids left 05:07 FurnaceBoy is now known as FudgecakeBoy
pugs_svn r27415 | Darren_Duncan++ | P6 Synopsis : ws changes - remove trailing spaces 05:25
dduncan TimToady, so how was la bomba? 05:32
TimToady better than a BOM 05:33
dduncan so the Synopsis changes I was going to make today are done ... 05:35
if you or someone has spec edits on the go and need to merge ... 05:36
TimToady yes, I already checked them out :)
and the merges were all G, happily
dduncan the trailing ws one is a simple s/ +\n/\n/ which you can do manually if your text editor can do multi-file search'n'replace of you have a utility for such
nice for clean merges 05:37
one thing I noticed when doing the tab replacements is that a number of code samples weren't indented at all, which I imagine wouldn't have rendered into pod properly
there probably still are more unindented code samples
but those didn't have tabs 05:38
generally it was more the S32 files I think with such issues
TimToady yes, people forget to indent their verbatims 05:40
I've cleaned up a lot of those in the past myself
dduncan curiously, a lot of the literal tabs I found weren't just indenting lines, but were between words, for example: role\tFoo or class\tFoo 05:41
lots of those
which seems odd
TimToady I've been removing those a soon as I find them
dduncan as if someone slipped, then copy-pasted the others
TimToady *as
someone just really likes to line things up that don't make sense to line up 05:42
dduncan I don't know about other people, but one of my regular routines before many commits in my projects, and particularly before making a release, is to search for any trailing spaces or overlong lines and eliminate them, so to keep such things from messing up inter-release diffs ... and I never introduce tabs 05:43
usually it just takes a few seconds to test
over-long lines are also searched for 05:44
TimToady haven't been picky so far, since I'd rather see the content in whatever form it appears
dduncan I didn't do anything with the Synopsis about line length as I figured that was more lax
I just find that if whitespace issues are kept more consistent, then its easier to notice the actual content changes apart from the noise 05:45
TimToady at some point I'll have to take another pass through all that stuff and weed out the needlessly complex again
dduncan which is a large part of my rationale
05:46 justatheory_ left
dduncan another whitespace thing I noticed is that some files start with a blank line and others don't 05:46
TimToady those probably started with a BOM, actually
and it was put on a separate line so as not to confuse =encoding 05:47
dduncan I see
TimToady so probably best to leave a blank line in general
dduncan then I suppose the other files should have a line/bom added perhaps
TimToady for the next time someone's editor inserts the BOM 05:48
dduncan last I tried saving a Perl 5 file with a BOM, Perl 5 choked on it, and so I use UTF-8 without boms
TimToady though the mad BOMers seem to mostly only edit a few of the files
anyway, thanks for you whackage 05:49
05:49 REPLeffect left
dduncan well, when you have decent tools, its not that difficult ... especially if its kept on top of ... though if there are many occurrences and you want to inspect each one such as for tabs, it can get tedious 05:51
so, about 20 files didn't have a leading blank line
so I've added one 05:52
assuming that's better than removing the other blanks
though with my own projects I always have no blanks
pugs_svn r27416 | Darren_Duncan++ | P6 Synopsis : ws changes - to help BOMers, added leading blank line to files without 05:54
06:16 cotto joined 06:18 dduncan left 06:24 FudgecakeBoy is now known as FurnaceBoy 06:42 jauaor joined 06:53 Moolicious joined 06:58 Moolicious left 07:02 Pismire joined 07:10 Moolicious joined 07:17 synth left, barney joined 07:20 Moolicious left 07:29 Pismire left 07:31 tann joined 07:39 amoc left 07:41 FurnaceBoy left, amoc joined 07:58 meppl joined 07:59 iblechbot joined 08:05 zulon joined
zulon hello, me again 08:06
sjohnson MORNING!
zulon I was wondering: is there any perl6-mode for Emacs?
08:06 frew_ left
sjohnson i use Vim so i am not sure :[ 08:07
zulon ok
I currently use cperl-mode for Perl 5 08:08
but it colors weirdly in some situations
08:08 amoc left
sjohnson google not giving any leads eh :( 08:08
zulon (namely, "when / regex / {" colors the rest of the file as a regex)
I found an "enhanced" cperl-mode.el but it doesn't work at all 08:09
08:09 amoc joined 08:14 azawawi joined
azawawi hi 08:20
08:21 twigil joined
sjohnson hi 08:22
azawawi moritz_: ping 08:59
moritz_: grok + padre perl 6 integration... 09:00
moritz_: feather.perl6.nl/~azawawi/padre_perl6_help_1.png 09:01
moritz_: feather.perl6.nl/~azawawi/padre_perl6_help_2.png
@tell literal padre perl 6 grok integration is finished... see feather.perl6.nl/~azawawi/padre_perl6_help_1.png
lambdabot Consider it noted.
09:01 azawawi left 09:03 zulon left 09:11 tann left 09:12 amoc left 09:13 fridim_ joined 09:16 barney left 09:21 payload left 09:43 meppl left 09:53 DemoFreak joined 10:25 pmurias joined 10:34 kane__ left 10:36 iblechbot left 10:56 DemoFreak left 10:59 pmurias left 11:00 kidd_ joined 11:02 pmurias joined 11:04 masak joined
masak good day, fellow adventurers. 11:05
pmurias hi
lambdabot pmurias: You have 3 new messages. '/msg lambdabot @messages' to read them.
sjohnson yo
11:06 sri_kraih joined, last joined
jnthn oh hai masak 11:07
masak jnthn: hello. I've been coding a lot since I left last night. 11:08
have a few new bugs to report.
rakudo: undef ~~ /foo/
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«Object must be created by a class.␤in regex PGE::Grammar::_block50 (/tmp/TJt12bjt2l:1)␤called from Main (/tmp/TJt12bjt2l:2)␤»
masak I consider this a rakudobug.
jnthn Hmm, that's quite a wtf one. 11:09
rakudo: my $a = undef; $a ~~ /foo/
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«Use of uninitialized value␤»
masak submits it
next one :)
jnthn rakudo: my $a = undef; say $a.PARROT; say undef.PARROT;
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«Failure␤Failure␤»
masak rakudo: class A { has A @.as is rw }; my $x = A.new; $x.as[0] = A.new; say $x.as.perl
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«[A.new()]␤»
masak this works fine.
rakudo: class A { has A @.as is rw }; my $x = A.new; $x.as.push: A.new; say $x.as.perl 11:10
this doesn't.
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«Type check failure in push␤in Main (/tmp/K6H7uk3kMk:2)␤»
masak bug, right?
jnthn rakudo: class A { has A @.as is rw }; my $x = A.new; $x.as.push(A.new); say $x.as.perl
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«Type check failure in push␤in Main (/tmp/XygorqN5fj:2)␤»
jnthn rakudo: class A { has A @.as is rw }; my $x = A.new; say $x.as.of 11:11
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«Module()␤»
jnthn of wtf
masak submits that one too
jnthn Well
they're one and the same issue.
masak they are?
the feel very different to me...
jnthn Yeah. The second sort of explains the first.
masak oh, those two. 11:12
jnthn No, same root cause. That .of should say "A()"
masak absolutely.
jnthn ah, I misunderstood what you were submitting. :-)
masak I thought you meant this one and the undef ~~ /<foo>/ thing.
jnthn no, no - those are quite different :-) 11:13
masak thought so. :P
but it would have been really impressive had you spotted a connection. :P
jnthn They're both bugs in Rakudo. :-P 11:14
jnthn is has a happy because he booked his flight to attend YAPC::Asia last night
masak I should do that too. 11:15
jnthn You're doing YAPC::Asia too?
That's cool. :-) 11:16
I didn't decide what talks to submit yet. 11:17
masak oh, I'm reading sloppily. YAPC::EU.
jnthn Oh
Well that's a whole different continent. :-P
masak it would be really cool to do YAPC::Asia, but I think my budget constraints would have something to say about that.
11:17 kidd_ left 11:18 pmurias left
masak rakudo: class A {}; class B { has A @.as }; B.new.as.push(A.new) 11:18
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: ( no output )
masak essential part of that last bug there.
jnthn Yes, I know.
masak it needs to be the same class. 11:19
jnthn It's when the type is the same as...right.
Because it looks up the type before the proto-object is installed.
masak ah! yes, I just realized that.
pipes sticking out.
jnthn Aye, an unfortunate consequence of the way thigns are currently implemented. 11:20
I don't have a fast solution for that.
masak I still don't feel like an inner-circle Rakudo developer, but I'm starting to have a feel for how things go wrong when they go wrong. :)
jnthn Well, Rakudo guts aren't magic. It's just software. :-)
masak 'compiler pathologist' 11:21
speaking of that, I found a serious bug in the code of some guy named DCONWAY or something yesterday. 11:22
RT++ obra_++
jnthn Oh, I've heard of that guy. :-) 11:23
masak hm, actually, I didn't read the code as such, just observed it behaving wrong. 11:24
jnthn Which module, out of curiosity? 11:25
masak Perl6::Perldoc
I tried to run the SYNOPSIS, and it didn't work.
jnthn Ah. that's never good. 11:26
masak hope the next release is soon.
jnthn I spent like six hours hacking on the traits refactor yesterday.
It's close, but needs some polish yet. 11:27
Though I'm happy to nearly have finished the second of the big refactors I've needed to do for my Hague grant.
masak sounds good. 11:28
jnthn I'm sure you'll find some new bugs. ;-)
masak no doubt. :)
it's all for the good of the collective. :)
jnthn I suspect traits are way undertested too. I want to improve that.
masak my brain has been working overtime on various things related to DOM, XPath and CSS lately. 11:29
jnthn Ah, for work on Grandpa^WGrampa? 11:30
.oO( masak must hate the way I mangle his project names... )
masak no, it's OK. :)
jnthn I think the first time I comitted to Rakudo after it was renamed, I hadn't got that name straight in my head either. 11:31
masak well, it started with Grampa, but I sort of realized I have to take a few steps back and shave some yaks first.
jnthn I really should look a bit more at the web stuff and related projects sometime soonish.
I keep hearing about all of this cool stuff that's going on. :-) 11:32
masak rakudo: say ~('r' X~ <a o> X~ <k d> X~ <o a> X~ <d k> X~ 'o')
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«rakodo rakoko rakado rakako radodo radoko radado radako rokodo rokoko rokado rokako rododo rodoko rodado rodako␤»
jnthn Actually I think I wrote [radoku] ;-0
masak jnthn: it's a combination of cool stuff and boring behind-the-scenes work. :) 11:33
jnthn The second is normally to enable the first.
masak aye.
jnthn The traits refactor itself isn't so fun, but it gives us the ability to write custom traits.
masak "if I can do cool stuff, it's because I'm standing on the shoulders of boring behind-the-scenes work"
jnthn Or at least starts to. There'll be some bugs and tweaks and so on needed.
Aye. Such is how software tends to work. 11:34
masak rakudo: for 'uo', 'ou' X 'kd', 'dk' -> $a, $b { say 'ra', $b.substr(0,1), $a.substr(0,1). $b.substr(1), $a.substr(1) } 11:36
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«Statement not terminated properly at line 2, near ". $b.subst"␤in Main (src/gen_setting.pm:3279)␤»
masak rakudo: for 'uo', 'ou' X 'kd', 'dk' -> $a, $b { say 'ra', $b.substr(0,1), $a.substr(0,1), $b.substr(1), $a.substr(1) }
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«rakudo␤raduko␤rakodu␤radoku␤»
masak rakudo: for 'auo', 'ou' X 'kd', 'dk' -> $a, $b { say 'r', $a.substr(0,1), $b.substr(0,1), $a.substr(1,1), $b.substr(1), $a.substr(2) } 11:37
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«rakudo␤raduko␤rokud␤roduk␤»
11:37 fridim_ left 11:38 jauaor left
masak rakudo: for 'auo', 'oau', 'uao' X 'kd', 'dk' -> $a, $b { say 'r', $a.substr(0,1), $b.substr(0,1), $a.substr(1,1), $b.substr(1), $a.substr(2) } 11:38
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«rakudo␤raduko␤rokadu␤rodaku␤rukado␤rudako␤»
11:38 payload joined
jnthn heading out to meet a friend for lunch...back later 11:47
masak rakudo: say [X~] <a u o>, <a u o> 11:52
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«Statement not terminated properly at line 2, near "~] <a u o>"␤in Main (src/gen_setting.pm:3279)␤»
11:53 stepnem left 11:54 azawawi joined
azawawi hi 11:54
masak o/ 11:55
11:55 cognominal_ left 11:58 stepnem joined
azawawi masak: ping 12:00
masak: take a look at this: feather.perl6.nl/~azawawi/padre_perl6_help_1.png and feather.perl6.nl/~azawawi/padre_perl6_help_2.png
masak azawawi: pong 12:02
azawawi: nice!
azawawi masak: grok in action :) 12:03
masak indeed.
12:05 beggars joined
masak rakudo: for <a u o> X <a u o> X <a u o> -> $a, $b, $c { next if one($a, $b, $c) eq one($a, $b, $c); say $a, $b, $c } 12:05
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«aaa␤auo␤aou␤uao␤uuu␤uoa␤oau␤oua␤ooo␤»
masak rakudo: for <a u o> X <a u o> X <a u o> -> *@a { next if one(@a) eq one(@a); say @a }
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: ( no output )
masak shouldn't those two produce the same output? 12:06
12:09 azawawi left 12:10 ruoso joined
masak oh, I see now. no, they probably shouldn't. 12:15
12:17 Pismire joined
masak rakudo: for <a u o> X <a u o> X <a u o> -> $a, $b, $c { next if one($a, $b, $c) eq one($a, $b, $c) or [eq] $a, $b, $c; for <r k d> X <r k d> X <r k d> -> $d, $e, $f { next if one($d, $e, $f) eq one($d, $e, $f) or [eq] $d, $e, $f; say $d, $a, $e, $b, $f, $c } } 12:17
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«rakudo␤raduko␤karudo␤kaduro␤daruko␤dakuro␤rakodu␤radoku␤karodu␤kadoru␤daroku␤dakoru␤rukado␤rudako␤kurado␤kudaro␤durako␤dukaro␤rukoda␤rudoka␤kuroda␤kudora␤duroka␤dukora␤rokadu␤rodaku␤koradu␤kodaru␤doraku␤dokaru␤rokuda␤roduka␤koruda␤kodura␤doruka␤dokura␤»
masak the definitive list.
12:23 iblechbot joined
mikehh get a FAIL on t/spec/S10-packages/basic.rakudo but this passes the tests then exits with a segmentation fault 12:24
no other failures on parrot r39888 (Ubuntu 9.04 amd64) 12:25
masak has a feeling the basic.rakudo failure is a known/old one. 12:27
mikehh it has failed for me for a while - but the others all PASS 12:28
masak yes, I think some fixes were made in Parrot yesterday. 12:30
mikehh I had a couple of failures at parrot r39883 but just the one now at r39888 12:31
which is not a REAL fail but I think there is a problem with the exit code 12:32
12:44 last left, DemoFreak joined 12:45 pmurias joined
pmurias ruoso: hi 12:45
ruoso hi pmurias 12:46
12:48 kborer joined
pmurias ruoso: the reason i'm wondering about methods vtables is that they would allow us very fast method calls in the case when we don't now the object ri 12:48
ruoso pmurias, but then we would compromise the polymorphism too much
pmurias like interpreter->RI->vtable->mangled_name_for_goto_with_2_args(interpreter,frame) 12:49
ruoso: explain
ruoso because it would require everyone to compatibilize with the vtable 12:52
including high level implementations, like ClassHOW 12:53
12:54 edpratomo joined
ruoso but we could do the second-RI scheme I was saying 12:55
pmurias, you can also check if the SMOP_RI(interpreter) == known_RI 12:56
12:56 scottp joined, xinming joined
ruoso the specific case you mention, there isn't another interpreter implementation so far 12:56
pmurias in that specifc case an if might be a big speed 12:57
the second level RI seems a bit clunky 12:58
ruoso: having a vtable would just require all RI's to ->vtable = forward_all_methods_to_MESSAGE_vtable 12:59
ruoso pmurias, I see... but the question is: what gets a vtable slot?
and will that signature be fixed? 13:01
today everything can be specific to each object...
and $interpreter.goto is probably something that wouldn't get a vtable slot, since it's very specific to that object 13:02
edpratomo rakudo: my @bar = ([<a b c>], [<1, 2, 3>]); say any(map {$_}, @bar[0]).perl; 13:12
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«any(["a", "b", "c"])␤»
eternaleye rakudo: my $op = '+'; say &infix:{"$op"}.( 2, 3 ); say &infix:<<$op>>.( 4, 5 );
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«invoke() not implemented in class 'Undef'␤in Main (/tmp/Lubw8BrHth:2)␤»
edpratomo pugs: my @bar = ([<a b c>], [<1, 2, 3>]); say any(map {$_}, @bar[0]).perl;
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT«("a" | "b" | "c")␤»
eternaleye rakudo: my $op = '+'; say &infix:<<$op>>.( 2, 3 ); 13:13
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«invoke() not implemented in class 'Undef'␤in Main (/tmp/PWRNtx0WRg:2)␤»
eternaleye std: my $op = '+'; say &infix:{"$op"}.( 2, 3 ); say &infix:<<$op>>.( 4, 5 );
p6eval std 27416: OUTPUT«ok 00:05 58m␤»
masak eternaleye: why do you feel the need to quote $op in the hash indexing?
13:13 pmurias_ joined, pmurias left 13:14 xinming_ left
masak anyway, I don't think you can parameterize on operators that way. 13:14
eternaleye ISTR that $obj.$meth requires a coderef and $obj."$meth" uses a Str, so I was generalizing
masak eternaleye: well, .{$x} and .{"$x"} mean exactly the same.
13:14 pmurias_ is now known as pmurias
eternaleye But I wasn't sure exactly how multi names with categories are parsed 13:15
rakudo: my $op = '+'; say &infix:{$op}.( 2, 3 );
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«invoke() not implemented in class 'Undef'␤in Main (/tmp/1R9Gh3pVh3:2)␤»
13:15 payload1 joined
eternaleye I got the idea in looking at Geoffrey Broadwell's mail in p6u about the RPN calculator 13:16
13:16 payload left
eternaleye (He wanted to dispatch directly to the op without a given/when) 13:16
masak that'd be nice, yes.
'sides eval, I can't think of a way right now.
eternaleye Std says it's okay, though 13:17
std: my $op = '+'; say &infix:{"$op"}.( 2, 3 ); say &infix:<<$op>>.( 4, 5 );
p6eval std 27416: OUTPUT«ok 00:05 57m␤»
eternaleye Hm...
pugs: my $op = '+'; say &infix:{"$op"}.( 2, 3 ); say &infix:<<$op>>.( 4, 5 );
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT«pugs: Data.ByteString.head: empty ByteString␤»
eternaleye pugs: my $op = '+'; say &infix:{"$op"}( 2, 3 ); say &infix:<<$op>>( 4, 5 );
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT«pugs: Data.ByteString.head: empty ByteString␤»
eternaleye Hm
13:24 pmurias left 13:25 pmurias joined 13:35 DemoFreak left
masak oh, I didn't know that: empty-element tags in XML (<these />) SHOULD only be used for elements which are declared EMPTY. 13:35
that means that serializers shouldn't reach for the <empty /> serialization as soon as the element has no child elements. 13:36
13:38 scottp left
edpratomo pugs: for <a b c> X <1 2> -> $a, $b { say "\$a: $a \$b: $b" } 13:38
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT«$a: a 1 $b: a 2␤$a: b 1 $b: b 2␤$a: c 1 $b: c 2␤»
edpratomo rakudo: for <a b c> X <1 2> -> $a, $b { say "\$a: $a \$b: $b" }
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«$a: a $b: 1␤$a: a $b: 2␤$a: b $b: 1␤$a: b $b: 2␤$a: c $b: 1␤$a: c $b: 2␤» 13:39
masak rakudo++
edpratomo thanks
pugs: my @bar = ([<a b c>], [<1, 2, 3>]); say any(map {$_}, @bar[0]).perl; 13:41
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT«("a" | "b" | "c")␤»
edpratomo pugs++ , right ?
rakudo: my @bar = ([<a b c>], [<1, 2, 3>]); say any(map {$_}, @bar[0]).perl; 13:42
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«any(["a", "b", "c"])␤»
masak both look right to me. 13:43
oh wait. 13:44
that map thing is a no-op.
and I think Rakudo has it right, and Pugs is wrong.
edpratomo what do you mean by no-op? 13:45
masak that omitting it yields the same result.
edpratomo rakudo: "a" == any(["a", "b", "c"])
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: ( no output )
edpratomo rakudo: "a" eq any(["a", "b", "c"]) 13:46
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: ( no output )
masak (forgot 'say')
edpratomo rakudo: say "a" eq any(["a", "b", "c"])
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«Junction()<0xb68c1b48>␤»
edpratomo i have @bar = ([<a b c>], [1 2 3]>); and want to create an any junction from each elem 13:48
the expected any is any(<a b c>)
masak rakudo: my $array = [1,2,3]; say any($array.list).perl 13:50
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«any(1, 2, 3)␤»
masak there you go. use .list
13:50 Whiteknight joined
edpratomo rakudo: my @bar = ([<a b c>], [<1, 2, 3>]); say any(@bar[0].list).perl; 13:51
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«any("a", "b", "c")␤»
masak rakudo: sub foo { say pop }; foo(5)
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«say requires an argument at line 2, near " pop }; fo"␤in Main (src/gen_setting.pm:2436)␤»
edpratomo thanks
masak np
those conversions happen to me a lot. I've almost learned to handle the underlying Perl 6 data model. :) 13:52
13:55 Pismire left 14:00 payload joined, payload1 left 14:02 skids joined 14:13 KyleHa joined
KyleHa I wrote a test for RT #67236 (rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=67236), and I put it in S12-construction/construction.t, but I'm thinking there might be a better place for it. Any suggestions? 14:14
masak KyleHa: first off: again, kudos. KyleHa++
what about somehwere in S12-attributes? 14:15
KyleHa Yeah, you're probably right. I'll look at those. Thanks! masak++ 14:17
14:20 jan_ left
KyleHa recursive.t looks right. 14:22
masak aye.
pugs_svn r27417 | kyle++ | [t/spec] Test for RT #67236 14:27
jnthn back from lunch 14:29
masak jnthn: whoz op? 14:39
jnthn masak: lol 2 pac sux 14:42
masak 2 pac?
masak has visions of either Pac-Man or double containers 14:43
jnthn masak: Reference to the infamous IRC "conversation" from where we got "whoz up" :-) 14:44
masak oh, I see. :)
jnthn apart from they seemed to think that "2pac rox", iirc :-) 14:45
jnthn looks at the comments on use.perl.org/~chromatic/journal/39228 with a little concern. 14:47
masak I don't know what it is, but I'm always captivated by things chromatic writes. 14:54
14:54 IllvilJa joined
IllvilJa I've tried to find some example code showing how to create a constructor for a class in Perl 6 but failed. Anyone know where to find any such examples? 14:56
skids IllvilJa: submethod BUILD and the associated stuff 14:58
masak rakudo: class A { has $.foo; method new($foo) { self.bless(*, :foo($foo)) } }; say A.new(42).foo
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«42␤»
masak IllvilJa: there's an example.
jnthn svn.pugscode.org/pugs/t/spec/S12-co...on/BUILD.t also contains examples of BUILD - not quite a constructor, but sometimes what you want instead of one. 14:59
skids perlcabal.org/syn/S12.html
masak IllvilJa: see also the github.com/masak/druid codebase.
it's the only project (that I know of) that uses the fact that the BUILD submethods of all ancestors are called during construction. 15:00
15:01 M_o_C joined 15:03 amoc joined
IllvilJa Thanks for the help! Got me moving forward :-). 15:05
skids np. Do drop by with any more questions.
masak jnthn: it might be because I know chromatic better than I know rafael, and that I'm more familiar with the former's rethoric, but rafael really comes off as the person who refuses to listen in that discussion. 15:06
from a higher perspective, it's clear that they both want what's best for Perl 5; they just have different ideas of what that is. 15:08
15:09 nihiliad joined 15:10 twigil left
jnthn masak: Aye, I think so. 15:11
15:20 beggars left 15:22 payload left
masak rakudo: sub foo($_) { .say if !($_ % 100); foo($_+1) }; foo 0 15:24
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«0␤100␤200␤300␤400␤500␤600␤700␤800␤900␤maximum recursion depth exceeded␤in sub foo (/tmp/mWqxYDtONp:2)␤called from sub foo (/tmp/mWqxYDtONp:2)␤called from sub foo (/tmp/mWqxYDtONp:2)␤called from sub foo (/tmp/mWqxYDtONp:2)␤called from sub foo (/tmp/mWqxYDtONp:2)␤called from sub
..foo …
15:24 molaf joined, molaf_x joined
masak would it be possible to add tail-call optimisation to Rakudo? 15:24
15:24 molaf_x left 15:26 jan_ joined
eternaleye masak: It's probably mean finding what PAST::node structure corresponds to PIR's .tailcall directive 15:26
masak aye.
masak tries hacking it in manually through the PIR
eternaleye Then it's just a matter of seeing if a {,Multi}{Sub,Method} is the last chunk in a block and marking it as such 15:27
masak hey, when I try to run the PIR from Parrot, I get an IMCC syntax error -- even before I've made any changes. is that to be expected? 15:30
eternaleye masak: I cribbed the first chunk of pir from t/compilers/imcc/syn/tail.t - it works, now I'm trying to get a PAST from it 15:33
masak nice.
eternaleye How does one get imcc to dump a PAST tree?
jnthn whoa whoa whoa...not so fast. 15:34
You can't just assumre a tailcall is fine if the last thing is a call. :-)
15:34 payload joined
jnthn You also need to (at least) check there's no context vars declared in that sub. 15:35
And probably other bits. :-)
masak I was thinking about return type checking, too...
jnthn And that. :-)
eternaleye jnthn: Okay. I understand that I have no idea the actual prerequisites - I'm just trying to find out how the apporpriate PAST node is shaped
jnthn And what will $?CALLER look like if you've tail called.
15:36 frew_ joined
KyleHa a;ofofifoofggg;h;df]]];g 15:36
jnthn eternaleye: Ah. I'm not sure we have a PAST node for tail call just yet.
KyleHa '';ll;j./
eternaleye KyleHa: Do you have a cat, by any chance?
jnthn KyleHa: the cat's on your keyboad!
KyleHa That was my toddler, sorry.
jnthn eternaleye: I can't think of an especially easy way to emit one right off either.. :-/ 15:37
eternaleye Hmm... Maybe your toddler selected this channel on purpose... Better get them a computer soon ;D
masak toddlers type the darndest things.
eternaleye Now, if said toddler had invoked p6eval, I would be flabbergasted 15:38
15:38 Limbic_Region joined
masak std: '';ll;j./ 15:40
p6eval std 27417: OUTPUT«##### PARSE FAILED #####␤Syntax error at /tmp/NGBQ91bjyZ line 1:␤------> '';ll;j./␤ expecting postfix_prefix_meta_operator␤Undeclared routines:␤ j used at 1 ␤ ll used at 1 ␤FAILED 00:02 36m␤»
skids as opposed to cats, which type the damndest things.
KyleHa Nyuck nyuck nyuck. 15:41
15:41 KyleHa left
pugs_svn r27418 | pmurias++ | [re-mildew] added --yeast option to mildew which uses the yeast backend 15:48
r27418 | pmurias++ | yeast runs "say 'hi'"
15:48 nihiliad left
pmurias ruoso: mildew now has a --yeast option ;) 15:49
masak what is it with you guys and fungal growth? :P 15:50
eternaleye masak: It advances inexorably? 15:51
masak now that's a positive spin on it...
jnthn At yeast has applications in making beer. 15:55
erm, at least yeast...
masak true. 15:56
use.perl.org/~Aristotle/journal/39232 # Aristotle++ 15:59
eternaleye Indeed, Aristotle++ 16:03
pmichaud PAST node for tailcall: PAST::Op.new( :pirop('tailcall'), ... ) 16:04
but note that tailcalls in Perl 6 aren't nearly that simple 16:05
masak awww :)
pmichaud (Good morning, #perl6)
masak mornin', pm.
edpratomo perl6examples: add edpratomo 16:12
pmichaud edpratomo: I think that's out of date. Need a commit bit? 16:13
edpratomo yes please 16:14
masak community++
pmichaud added.
edpratomo thanks
pmichaud Perhaps as your first commit you could update the README to say "ask on #perl6 or perl6-users" or something like that. :-) 16:15
edpratomo :-)
16:16 cognominal joined 16:17 cognominal left 16:18 cognominal joined 16:21 alanhaggai joined 16:27 Patterner left 16:28 Chillance joined, azawawi joined
azawawi hi 16:28
masak o/ 16:29
azawawi masak: where does evalbot live?
masak azawawi: on a server owned by moritz_.
azawawi evalbot: where do u live? :) 16:30
16:32 Psyche^ joined, Psyche^ is now known as Patterner
eternaleye rakudo: say %ENV<HOSTNAME> 16:34
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«Symbol '%ENV' not predeclared in <anonymous> (/tmp/6RS9c7gZEB:2)␤in Main (src/gen_setting.pm:3279)␤» 16:35
eternaleye rakudo: say %*ENV<HOSTNAME>
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«␤»
16:35 pmurias_ joined
eternaleye rakudo: say %*ENV<HOST> 16:36
p6eval rakudo 6a4d66: OUTPUT«␤»
16:36 pmurias left, pmurias_ is now known as pmurias
pmurias azawawi: www.timtowtdi.org 16:36
azawawi: what do you want from the evalbot? 16:37
azawawi pmurias: i was thinking of adding grok support to it 16:38
masak what would the output be?
azawawi masak: documentation...
16:39 Pismire joined
masak might be a bit flood-y in some cases... 16:39
azawawi masak: maybe we can make it a pastebin link...
masak was just going to suggest that. :)
azawawi masak: the idea is still brewing in my mind :)
masak I see u4x as something that will eventually be on the web too. 16:40
azawawi masak: i was hoping literal will catch up with his grok effort... hence i supported him in padre perl 6 plugin 16:41
masak seems literal++ has been picking up some speed lately.
azawawi masak: literal+=10 ;)
masak I've promised to reciprocate by providing u4x documentation for all appearances of the symbol '+' in Perl 6. 16:42
maybe that's what I'll be doing tonight, then. 16:43
azawawi masak: cool that would be great
masak: any idea what is STD's STASH.pm ?
masak nope.
azawawi masak: i was hoping that it would be STD's Symbol table :) 16:44
masak: stashed... :)
16:45 payload left
azawawi masak: i bet rakudo will be finished before the 5.1xxx is released... 16:46
16:47 icwiener joined
masak azawawi: I don't feel the need to make such a bet. I just hope that people will not blow too much steam at each other, but will find some appropriate compromise that'll keep people productive in the Perl 5 core and Perl 5 community. 16:48
16:49 cognominal left, cognominal joined
pmurias azawawi: the first 5.1xxx would be 5.1000? 16:51
azawawi pmurias: p5 release process is really very slow these days... 16:53
16:56 DemoFreak joined
azawawi masak: will u4x contain any keyword/function documentation that is indexable? 17:00
masak yes, that's the point of it.
pmurias will it provide docs for user modules? 17:01
17:02 nihiliad joined
masak I don't believe Pod is specified enough for a sensible answer to that question to be possible. 17:02
but I sure would like for it to do so, yes. 17:03
my vision for grok is to be the perldoc for Perl 6.
(but taking cues from other similar CLI tools, such as ri) 17:04
azawawi masak: cool 17:07
17:07 SmokeMachine left, SmokeMachine joined, Whiteknight left
masak for the background to this idea, see my blog post "Pretending that Envy is one of the Perl virtues" -- use.perl.org/~masak/journal/38279 17:08
(second part is about what became u4x and grok) 17:10
azawawi masak: feather.perl6.nl/~azawawi/padre_about_box.png 17:11
moritz_ re
azawawi reads
pmurias ruoso: would it be hard to set up automatic running of smop tests?
masak azawawi: cute.
moritz_: oh hai
moritz_ what's up in the land of the lambdamøøse_ 17:12
masak moritz_: well, Hitomi is shaping up. I've adapted the XML grammar you put together for the Hitomi draft. 17:14
azawawi masak: nice article... I really love reading your articles again lol :)
masak azawawi: thank you. :) 17:15
pugs_svn r27419 | moritz++ | [t] move nested_use.t and the corresponding module files to spec/
r27420 | moritz++ | [t] merge hash_sub.t into spec/
pmichaud masak: from the comments on that article.... I wonder what it would take to resurrect the web-based "try Perl6" again?
pugs_svn r27421 | moritz++ | [t] merge syntax/parsing/filetest.t into spec
r27422 | moritz++ | [t] merge stmt_or_expr.t into spec/S04-statements/terminator.t
r27423 | moritz++ | [t] move list_quote_junction.t to spec/
masak pmichaud: I think it would be really beneficial.
pmichaud I agree.
masak I'm willing to help in any way required. 17:16
pugs_svn r27424 | moritz++ | [t] .WHAT fossile
r27425 | moritz++ | [t] move syntax/POD.t to spec/
r27426 | moritz++ | [t] each()/list() comprehension is gone.
pmichaud is Web.pm far enough along that we could do it? ;-)
masak I think so.
pmichaud hmmm.
pugs_svn r27427 | moritz++ | [t] merge postfix_if_and_is.t into terminator.t
r27428 | moritz++ | [t] merge parens.t into terminator.t
masak it's still a bit unwieldy, but it could work.
some XMLHTTPRequest logic might be required for it to work.
pmichaud maybe I'll give it a shot today (but if anyone else wants to pick it up, that'd be awesome)
pugs_svn r27429 | moritz++ | [t] merge oo/class_inclusion_with_inherited_class.t into spec/
r27430 | moritz++ | [t/spec] fix some smartlinks
masak pmichaud: I'd feel slightly ashamed to expose the current "REPL", though. :/ 17:17
it's really not adequate. I cannot emphasize this enough.
in my humble (but correct) opinion, fixing the brokenness of the REPL should come before exposing it through a neat Ajax web app. 17:18
moritz_ just like rakudo's REPL ;-)
masak moritz_: that's the one I'm talking about. 17:19
17:19 hudnix_ left
pmichaud is the only issue with the REPL the fact that it loses local variables from one line tot he next? 17:19
masak pmichaud: no, but that's the only one relevant for the web app, I think.
moritz_ oh. 17:20
pmichaud: it also misses the "P" part of the REPL ;-)
masak indeed it does.
pmichaud should the REPL carp about subroutine re-definitions?
masak pmichaud: not necessarily. 17:21
pmichaud because at some point, it will.
at least, the compiler will do so.
masak I think the "P" part of the REPL, as well as command history are two things that can be added at the web app layer.
pmichaud adding the "P" part of the repl isn't too difficult at all.
masak subroutine re-definitions can be suppressed I guess.
but it's not feasible to accumulate commands into a program and re-run them every time, for example. 17:22
that's a non-solution.
do we still have the source code for the old web app? 17:23
would be instructive to read it.
moritz_ it's in the pugs repo.
masak looks 17:24
moritz_ misc/runpugs/ maybe?
masak seems so.
"runpugs: a web terminal for interactive pugs"
17:25 arnsholt left
pmurias how switch the working copy to an older revision using git? 17:26
masak git co <sha1>
moritz_ pmurias: git checkout $sha1
masak oh, right, 'checkout' :) 17:27
masak must remember not to use his personal aliases when answering git queries
there's quite a lot of Perl 5 code in runpugs. 17:28
moritz_ aye
masak not that I mind -- I'm just wondering how easy/hard it'd be to do the same in Web.pm 17:29
guess I should make some simple Ajax experiments to find out.
azawawi masak: i hear the word runpugs :) 17:35
masak azawawi: it's a web app from the Golden Age, which allowed people to run Pugs on a web site. 17:36
pmurias hates the git revision names
masak pmurias: you know you don't have to enter all 40 hex digits?
pmurias how so?
masak pmurias: usually 6 or 7 are enough to uniquely identify the commit. 17:37
azawawi masak: i know... i helped in making that ajax beast :)
masak azawawi++
time to go home and prepare food. 17:39
see y'all around. o/
17:39 masak left, justatheory joined 17:41 justatheory left 17:50 azawawi left 18:02 nacho_ left
moritz_ whoa, rakudo's 'make spectest' with newest parrot froze my laptop 18:05
then I tried again, this time with a ulimit for the resident memory size 18:06
froze again.
18:10 lichtkind joined, Pismire left 18:13 rfordinal joined
jnthn moritz_: Ouch. 18:14
moritz_: Does it do that at a particular point?
moritz_ jnthn: no idea, I don't watch it intently
dalek kudo: dfa317f | moritz++ | t/spectest.data:
two more passing test files for spectest.data
18:15 rfordinal left
jnthn Yay, more passing tests. :-) 18:15
moritz_ oh, and my desktop PC stopped working. Guess there aren't enough computrons left in my room... 18:21
18:24 kidd_ joined
moritz_ I wouldn't mind my desktop PC freezing while I browse on my laptop 18:29
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lisppaste3 skids pasted "blathering for new users: MMD and colonpairs w/o scary types or fancy where clauses." at paste.lisp.org/display/83061 19:04
19:07 nihiliad left
jjore yearns for smalltalk after seeing skids' post. 19:08
pmurias is there a CLI smalltalk? 19:10
jnthn :3books is the same as
skids: Is that spec?
Tene pmurias: gst 19:11
pmurias: there's also the start of a smalltalk implementation for Parrot
jnthn (not disputing it is, just don't remember seeing it)
pugs_svn r27431 | kyle++ | [t] remove empty directories 19:13
moritz_ jjore: just read use.perl.org/~jjore/journal/39233?from=rss... system() is called run() in Perl 6 (and rakudo implements it) 19:18
pmichaud jnthn: yes, :3books is same as :books(3)
(it's spec) 19:19
19:21 pmurias left 19:23 alanhaggai left 19:24 frew|work joined 19:27 cognominal left 19:28 DemoFreak left 19:29 DemoFreak joined 19:30 pmurias joined
jnthn pmichaud: Heh, how cool isthat. 19:31
pmichaud jnthn: it's specifically so that we can do things like :3x and :3rd and :1st and the like
jnthn rakudo: sub foo(:$books) { $books.say }; foo(:3books) 19:32
p6eval rakudo dfa317: OUTPUT«Statement not terminated properly at line 2, near "(:3books)"␤in Main (src/gen_setting.pm:3279)␤»
jnthn aww
std: sub foo(:$books) { $books.say }; foo(:3books) 19:33
p6eval std 27431: OUTPUT«ok 00:02 38m␤»
jnthn Heh. I'm so going to implement that tomorrow. It amuses me.
(After I finish the traits fun...)
19:38 zamolxes left
pmichaud jnthn: Note that colonpair's definition changed significantly in STD.pm yesterday, too. 19:40
19:43 Pismire2 joined
pugs_svn r27432 | moritz++ | [t/spec] more test descriptions 19:53
moritz_ jnthn: so are you going to finish the trait fun tomorrow?
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jnthn moritz_: I hope so. 20:07
moritz_: Needed to take a decent break from stuff today.
Six days mostly in front of the computer from waking up to sleeping = really needed to spend today doing Other Bits. :-) 20:08
I'm not far from being done, just tracking down the final few issues.
moritz_ wow 20:11
20:11 cognominal joined
eternaleye jnthn++ # rewiring things that need improved 20:11
jnthn It's not anything like as complex a refactor as the method dispatch one. But I kinda had that better planned out and bits prototyped. 20:12
Overall, I'm fairly happy with how it's looking. 20:13
pmichaud jnthn: is a "rw" property change likely to cause you pain?
jnthn pmichaud: What do you expect that would touch?
pmichaud assignment, mainly.
jnthn But rw handling for attributes in actions, for example, now looks quite different.
pmichaud binding, a bit.
jnthn Are you wanting to work on it today?
pmichaud yes, somewhat. But I can stage it. 20:14
jnthn Because if you can take us regressing one test file with four tests in it until tomorrow, I think that is mostly what I was down to.
pmichaud oh, I can definitely take that.
wait, which file?
jnthn (I was completely baffled as to why it failed when so much else passed.)
20:15 edpratomo left
jnthn Let me fire off a spectest run now 20:15
To make sure that really is the current state of things.
pmichaud Sure, just comment it out of spectest.data
I don't have a problem regressing on that.
I'd feel much more comfortable about working on "rw" then.
I'm not entirely sure I'll get to "rw" today, but it's looking likely.
jnthn OK.
moritz_ pmichaud: fwiw, rakudo's spectest with a brand new parrot looked rather weird: froze one machine, and had only two problems on another 20:16
both amd64 + debian lenny
jnthn I'm going to merge in latest changes and then spectest.
pmichaud moritz_: "brand new parrot" meaning "parrot head" or "build/PARROT_REVISION" ?
moritz_ pmichaud: head 20:17
pmichaud moritz_: okay. I was about to run new tests on parrot head right now
moritz_ the one that supposedly had the GC issues fixed
pmichaud moritz_: I want to get an updated GC report.
As of yesterday 39883 was still giving problems (different from my original report) 20:18
jnthn pmichaud: BTW, a diff stat: 370 insertions(+), 467 deletions(-)
pmichaud jnthn++ # excellent!
most of that coming out of guts.pir ?
20:18 KyleHa joined, pmurias left
pmichaud or actions.pm ? 20:18
jnthn pmichaud: guts.pir got massively shorter
pmichaud good. 20:19
it should.
jnthn It lost all of the traits stuff
All of those are in traits.pm (yes, the setting!)
pmichaud nice.
jnthn With inline PIR in many.
But I suspect we can improve on that.
pmichaud that's fine
jnthn I just didn't want to re-write everything at once.
pmichaud I'm a little surprised that we don't need traits for the stage 1 compiler...? 20:20
jnthn Not at the moment.
Because we compile traits down to calls to trait_mod:is(...) and so forth.
pmichaud interesting. I guess the specific traits we need are in the compiler itself (e.g., 'rw') 20:21
jnthn Yes
Some are compiler handled.
I've tried to do that neatly.
pmichaud that seems very workable.
I'll let you know :-)
jnthn Oh, I'm sure you'll have some good feedback. :-) 20:22
pmichaud but overall I'm *very* happy with the way traits have been redesign in the spec 20:23
so I expect the code to likewise make me happier :-)
jnthn Yeah. 20:24
It made me fix up MMD first to make it happen too. :-)
pmichaud the fact that traits are in traits.pm make me very happy (and I'm a bit wowed by the fact that you did it :-) 20:27
20:27 tann joined 20:40 molaf left
moritz_ ok, on the machine that froze during the last spectest run it now went through (with about 1GB limit in both virtual and resident memory) 20:45
I still observer the "Method 'succ' not found for invocant of class 'Method'" failures on that one
*observe 20:46
20:54 skipper joined
moritz_ rakudo: say [X] [<a b c>] xx 3 20:55
p6eval rakudo dfa317: OUTPUT«a b ca b ca b ca b c␤»
moritz_ rakudo: say <a b c> X <a b c> X <a b c>
p6eval rakudo dfa317: OUTPUT«aaaaabaacabaabbabcacaacbaccbaababbacbbabbbbbcbcabcbbcccaacabcaccbacbbcbcccaccbccc␤»
moritz_ rakudo: say [<a b c>] X [<a b c>] X [<a b c>]
p6eval rakudo dfa317: OUTPUT«a b ca b ca b c␤» 20:56
KyleHa moritz_: Thanks for cleaning up after me.
moritz_ somehow [X] doesn't make sense at all without captures or slice context
KyleHa: if you're referring to p6l post, that item has been "dirty" for quite some time now 20:57
pmichaud I don't quite understand what the first was intended to produce.
moritz_ KyleHa: oh, and thanks for cleaning up after me (deleting empty dirs) 20:58
KyleHa Yeah, it has. I'm really talking about adding descriptions to tests I wrote but didn't understand (r27432).
moritz_ pmichaud: neither do I. but I'm supposed to write tests for [X], and I have no idea what the result should be.
KyleHa: ah, that. You're welcome.
pmichaud moritz_: I agree that [X] without slice context seems a bit confusing 20:59
moritz_ pmichaud: (RT #67064)
rakudo: my @a = <a b c>; say [X] @a, @a;
p6eval rakudo dfa317: OUTPUT«acbcacbcccbcacbcbcbcacbcccbcacbc␤»
moritz_ pmichaud: ok, thanks 21:00
KyleHa moritz_: I'm running your test-for-tickets reporter every five minutes now. 21:01
moritz_ KyleHa: I saw some of the mails, thank you 21:04
KyleHa: there's one thing you should modify... currently it says "... are now available in t/t/spec/S12-attributes/recursive.t" 21:05
KyleHa: that's because my git-svn clone only covered t/, yours seem to cover the whole pugs repo
so you need to remove a t/ somewhere in the interpolation 21:06
KyleHa Oh, OK. I'll fix that.
Done. My git-svn does cover all of pugs. I only made it to run the test reporter. I do my work in a regular svn checkout next door. 21:09
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pugs_svn r27433 | jnthn++ | [t/spec] Tweak fuding to make sure we don't try and compile is context - we don't get away with parsing unimplemented traits any more. 21:22
jnthn OK folks, triats refactor landing tonight after all. 21:24
moritz_ great.
jnthn Regressing S12-attributes/mutators.t since it tested lvalue subs (unimplemented) and Proxy (also unimplemented) and before was getting away with it to get some right answers! :-) 21:25
And also (temporarily) regressing S14-role/crony.t, but that should be resolved tomorrow when I fidn the Very Odd Bug. Odd because every single other roles test passes.
21:27 jauaor joined 21:29 dalek left 21:30 dalek joined, cotto left
jjore moritz_++ re: s/system/run/. Seems like an odd thing to change. 21:32
jnthn That dalek flood ws the traits commit. 21:33
OK, I'm off to learn some more hiragana, and relax a bit. Catch you all tomorrow.
moritz_ jjore: well, it's called system() in perl 5 because that's what the system call is called. It's called run() in Perl 6 because that describes what it does - runs programs
21:34 KyleHa left
moritz_ jjore: but it took me some time getting used to, too 21:34
skids jnthn++ l8r
jjore Yeah, but POSIX++, man! I get to use the same-ish API in all my reasonable programs. 21:35
dalek kudo: 0e8a86a | (Matthew Walton)++ | (3 files):
Move infix:<leg> to the setting.
moritz_ dammit, I forgot the -s switch again :/
(to generate the signed-off-by line) 21:36
jjore If run() is like Perl 5's IPC::Run it makes sense to rename it because it's more powerful than just accepting a string for /bin/sh or a list for fork/execve.
but I'd still want system() for the simple stuff.
cognominal jnthn, you forgot to add Albi to you travel map :) 21:38
moritz_ Matt-W++ 21:40
literal @tell azawawi I fixed that bug you mentioned 21:41
lambdabot Consider it noted.
dalek ok: af59b19 | (Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson)++ | (3 files):
Fix synopsis name parsing a bit.
ok: 749fd9a | (Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson)++ | :
Merge commit 'origin/master'

Tene jnthn: writing a blog post about the traits work?
jnthn cognominal: Hmm, for some reason I seem to be misisng the photos from that.
Tene: Yes, there'll be one for sure. 21:43
Tene :)
jnthn Tene: Now I'm more on top of the coding, I plan to catch up a bit on the blogging in the next couple of days.
skids rakudo.org can haz contentz? 21:44
21:44 icwiener left
jnthn cognominal: Not entirely sure where they got to either. 21:44
cognominal: That was not at all long after I'd just moved to Slovakia though, so everything was chaos then. :-) 21:45
cognominal jnthn, I don't remember you took photos. so that may be why iti is missing from your nice site 21:48
jnthn cognominal: That could well be the issue.
cognominal: I remember I was quite exhausted the night we arrived.
And didn't stay around much after the conference days.
cognominal I messed your trip too with the missed connexion with BooK 21:50
but the light was nice in the train
jnthn Heh, wasn't really anyones fault, just some confusion.
21:50 amoc joined
cognominal anyway, next year, we count on you for some presentation :) 21:51
jnthn Yes, next year I hope I can make it to France. :-)
cognominal s/presentation/talk/ 21:52
jnthn afk for a bit 21:56
jjore While writing ...subst( rx:i/ ... /, ... ) I'm told that colons cannot be used as delimiters in quoting constructs. Am I doing it right? 22:01
moritz_ jjore: you are. It's just that rakudo doesn't parse the :i correctly 22:02
jjore: you can write rx/ :i .. / instead, though
jjore Thanks! 22:03
moritz_ you're welcome 22:05
oh, and if you want to do a global replace, you can always say $str.subst(rx/:i .../, $replacement, :g) 22:06
jjore No, I'm just fixing up the editor hints at the end of a source file so it's only going to happen once.
but thanks
22:07 Pismire left 22:09 Pismire joined
moritz_ I didn't really read your blog post, just skimmed over the code 22:10
jjore No problemo. I figured I'd eventually make time to find out what the rest of my problems were but it wasn't at that moment. 22:11
Also, not right now either. I'm fixing a friend's computer today. 22:12
Your :i suggestion was well appreciated though.
moritz_ have fun :)
rakudo: say 'A' ~~ /:i a/; # just to be sure it actually works ;-) 22:13
p6eval rakudo 0e8a86: OUTPUT«A␤»
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