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Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
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haxmeister ok this funtoo xml is wrecked 01:17
very bad improper format
raschipi The standard demands that you refuse to parse it. 01:22
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mienaikage I'm going to try and get the Perl 6 track launched on exercism, hopefully get some more people to give the language a go 🙂 02:07
raschipi mienaikage: I always wanted to do it, but didn't because it didn't have a Perl6 track. 02:11
mienaikage There is a Perl 6 track there, it's currently in the upcoming section 02:16
I've been poking around with the repo for it over the past few months 02:17
There's about 20 exercises at the moment
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raschipi I have seen it. Thanks for your help. 02:26
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raiph .tell timotimo Do you have any ideas for comments or an answer to stackoverflow.com/questions/4382143...l-structs? 05:48
yoleaux raiph: I'll pass your message to timotimo.
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bioexpress Hello, I tried the "::=" operator and it told me, that it is not yet implemented. Is it already known, when the "::=" operator will be implemented? 05:52
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moritz bioexpress: no, we don't have a time-based roadmap 06:00
sammers moritz, question about := 06:01
m: my $s := 123; say $s; $s := 321; say $s;
camelia 123
sammers is that the expected behavior? 06:02
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bioexpress thx 06:07
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moritz sammers: yes 06:07
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sammers thanks 06:11
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sammers for ::= that will throw an immutable error? 06:12
or will it allow for re-binding with ::= as well? 06:13
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moritz I think it doesn't allow rebinding, but the design docs are not very clear 06:32
haxmeister that was a nasty hack job.. 06:34
logic isn't great but I memorized a lot of syntax so that's good
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sammers thanks moritz 06:39
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sjn good *, #perl6 09:00
nine Good hacking day, sjn! 09:03
u-ou * * * 09:05
sjn yeah, weather turned all gray and wet today \o/ 09:08
sjn is trying to figure out TelegramBot
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timotimo raiph: i think you could use a coercive type in the native sub's argument list for one direction at least. also, you could always write a trait that'll wrap the native sub and do conversions as necessary 09:46
yoleaux 05:48Z <raiph> timotimo: Do you have any ideas for comments or an answer to stackoverflow.com/questions/4382143...l-structs?
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stmuk_ does anyone have a PI? 10:03
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timotimo i actually have one. one of the earlier models, though 10:08
stmuk_ I've only found rakudo practical on a PI3 10:10
timotimo yeah, we can consider it again when we've decreased the memory requirements by half or something 10:11
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AlexDaniel m: say π 10:42
camelia 3.14159265358979
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Zoffix 2 days ago, we were talking about IO stuff and I said nqp-only Perl 6 read was 4.4x slower than Perl 5's version, but I actually forgot the chomp in Perl 5 version, so the actual difference is just 3.5x 18:58
And well, even then it's not a perfect comparison 'cause we do all the grapheme stuff 18:59
timotimo hold on
ah, that was with built-in chomp config for the file handle, yeah?
isn't there "autochomp" in perl5, too? 19:00
19:00 aindilis left
Zoffix On command line yeah 19:00
or maybe that's just appending "\n" on print
Basically, I timed: 19:01
time perl -C -wlE 'open my $fh, "<:encoding(UTF-8)", "foo"; while (<$fh>) { chomp }'
time perl6 -e 'use nqp; my $fh := nqp::open("foo", "r"); nqp::while(($_ := nqp::readlinechompfh($fh)), nqp::null)'
on a 10mb file
timotimo mhm 19:02
Zoffix with 10000000 lines
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raiph timotimo: thanks for guidance re SO question 19:31
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timotimo i had initially misunderstood the question, i think, because i talked about how to do things with native subs/methods 19:38
but the question was more about structs/classes
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raiph timotimo: yeah, I concluded I wasn't going to be able to add value beyond christoph's answer so just upvoted their's 19:56
BenGoldberg s: SetHash, 'push', () 19:58
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timotimo yeah, i also gave christoph's answer a +1 20:00
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BenGoldberg After installing perl6 on bash on windows, running certain commands (p6doc, zef, panda) produces "Dynamic variable $*REPO not found" ... how do I fix this? 20:18
El_Che BenGoldberg: how did you install it? 20:19
BenGoldberg sudo apt-get install rakudo 20:20
El_Che can yoy try this pkg? github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg/releas...2017.03_03 20:21
the ubuntu 16.04 one
robertle_ even sid only has 2016.12, not sure that's worth installing anymore.. 20:22
timotimo "$*REPO not found" sounds like you have a rather old version; can you tell us your perl6 --version?
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BenGoldberg "This is perl6 version 2015.11 built on MoarVM version 2015.11" 20:23
timotimo that's really bad 20:26
you won't be able to run any package manager's recent versions with that
as you've already found out :)
BenGoldberg When running "sudo /opt/rakudo/bin/install_zef_as_root", I got this error message: "/opt/rakudo/bin/moar: error while loading shared libraries: libmoar.so: cannot enable executable stack as shared object requires: Invalid argument" 20:29
El_Che /opt/rakudo/bin/fix_windows10 20:30
BenGoldberg It's not there.
El_Che did you pick 16.04? 20:31
BenGoldberg I ran "sudo dpkg -i perl6-rakudo-moarvm-ubuntu16.10_20170300-03_amd64.deb" 20:32
El_Che you need to download the 16.04 pkg
windows runs ubuntu 16.04 on it's last service pack (creator's upgrade)
the previous runs Ubuntu 14.04
howover, the ubuntu 16.04 pkg works on both 20:33
BenGoldberg And 16.10 doesn't exist on windows yet?
El_Che indeed
it's the same rakudo
just compiled on the stated os 20:34
thing is pretty self contained, so the 16.04 version does also work on 17.04
maybe I need to clarify in the readme
BenGoldberg Do I need to uninstall the wrong one, or can I just dpkg the correct one and the wrong one will go away? 20:35
BenGoldberg is not an expert
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BenGoldberg Err, not a linux expert 20:35
El_Che normally it will overwrite the old one, but remove it first to be sure
BenGoldberg Ok. 20:36
So just rm -rf /opt/rakudo ?
El_Che no
sudo apt-get remove --purge perl6-rakudo-moarvm-ubuntu16.10
got to go, ping me if you have problems 20:37
BenGoldberg El_Che++ 20:39
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raschipi robertle_: Install Perl6 from experimental. I'm running 2017.03. 20:53
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nadim hi, an example of P6 data dump in DHTML format, optinions welcome drive.google.com/open?id=0B2cpZf_W...XZzUnUtVzg 22:45
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