»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
00:00 dustinm` left, Cabanossi joined 00:04 dustinm` joined
skids o/ 00:06
00:07 Actualeyes joined
curt_ AlexDaniel: github.com/grondilu/libdigest-perl6/issues/18 00:07
AlexDaniel oh 00:08
00:08 cyphase left
AlexDaniel did notice 00:08
skids wonders if any bigint libs have extensive 2s compliment guts. 00:13
00:15 khw left
skids Someone was working on better uint handling in MoarVM, wasn't there? I have to hack around negative uints quite often. 00:16
AlexDaniel u: chess 00:17
unicodable6 AlexDaniel, U+2654 WHITE CHESS KING [So] (♔)
AlexDaniel, U+2655 WHITE CHESS QUEEN [So] (♕)
AlexDaniel, 12 characters in total: gist.github.com/62ae66d4189ee14ba2...e5828f3989
skids Is the other color RED or BLACK? 00:18
u: KNIGHT 00:19
unicodable6 skids, U+265E BLACK CHESS KNIGHT [So] (♞)
skids, U+2658 WHITE CHESS KNIGHT [So] (♘)
skids, 6 characters in total: gist.github.com/7464e87366755316ac...5683890ad6
skids Heh. The white one looks much blacker to me :-)
TimToady which one looks darker depends on how many times I type Alt-I 00:24
lookatme morning ~~ 00:28
BenGoldberg whines, I don't have Alt-I -- I have to rely on a browser bookmarklet to invert things. 00:33
Speaking of unicode chess pieces, see: 1kchess.an3.es/play-level-2k 00:36
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awwaiid 7+ talks on Perl6 at TPC-2017-DC! www.perlconference.us/tpc-2017-dc/talks/ . Hope to see LOTS of you there! 01:53
01:54 skids left
awwaiid We should get some rakudo hack time going. I really enjoyed meeting up with hoelzro at Strange Loop last year to do some slight REPL hacking :) 01:55
01:58 MasterDuke_ is now known as MasterDuke, itaipu left
MasterDuke i hope to make it to TPC-DC 02:02
japhb *sigh* I'll be in DC for the first time in *decades* that very week -- on vacation with my family. Had no idea there was going to be a TPC there. 02:03
MasterDuke .tell skids i have been playing around with making MoarVM's uint support a little better, but it's not really my strong suit. feel free to jump in and help out! 02:04
yoleaux MasterDuke: I'll pass your message to skids.
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grondilu m: say grammar { rule TOP { ^ <ident> | <ident>\[<ident>\] $ }.parse: "foo[bar]" 04:56
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing block
at <tmp>:1
------> 3<ident>\[<ident>\] $ }.parse: "foo[bar]"7⏏5<EOL>
expecting any of:
statement end
statement modifier
statement modifier loop
yoleaux 17 May 2017 23:28Z <AlexDaniel> grondilu: Some sha tests are failing when installing Digest, perhaps worth taking a look
grondilu m: say grammar { rule TOP { ^ <ident> | <ident>\[<ident>\] $ } }.parse: "foo[bar]" 04:57
camelia 「foo[bar]」
ident => 「foo」
ident => 「bar」
grondilu m: say ?grammar { rule TOP { ^ <ident> | <ident>\[<ident>\] $ } }.parse: "foo[bar]"
camelia True
grondilu m: say grammar { rule TOP { ^ <a=ident> | <b=ident>\[<ident>\] $ } }.parse: "foo[bar]"
camelia Nil
grondilu how comes naming captures makes the parse fail??
m: say "foo[bar]" ~~ / <a=ident> | <b=ident>\[<ident>\] / 04:59
camelia 「foo」
ident => 「foo」
a => 「foo」
grondilu :/
05:06 curan joined 05:08 alphah joined 05:12 lowbro joined, lowbro left, lowbro joined 05:18 khw left
Geth doc: antquinonez++ created pull request #1313:
remove duplicate word
05:28 Cabanossi left 05:29 Cabanossi joined 05:31 alphah left 05:34 xtreak joined
Geth doc: 75102c5f16 | (Antonio Quinonez)++ (committed by Moritz Lenz) | doc/Language/grammars.pod6
remove duplicate word
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noub hi, somebody speak russian? 06:34
can somebody help with \n and \r\n in grammars? i have file with \r\n lines containing \n 06:39
06:40 domidumont1 left
noub how say: 'can take \n, but not \r\n' in token? 06:41
not sequence \r\n?
moritz m: say "\na\r\n".perl 06:42
camelia "\na\r\n"
lookatme noub,
read file in binary mode
moritz thought rn became one grapheme
m: say "\r\n".chars
camelia 1
lookatme or \r\n will convert to \n automate
moritz hm, seems like it does
m: say so "\r\n" ~~ /^\n$/ 06:43
camelia True
06:43 xtreak left
moritz m: say so "\r\n" ~~ /^\c[LINE FEED]$/ 06:43
camelia False
moritz m: say so "\n" ~~ /^\c[LINE FEED]$/
camelia True
06:43 xtreak joined
moritz noub: match \c[LINE FEED] for the single \n 06:43
noub i think this is not really problem if it will convert to \n if i can take to token string between "Descr=" and \' \' or \" \" or without and to comma 06:45
something like { "Descr=" (<quotation-multiline-text-with-commas> | <multiline-text-without-commas> ) } 06:46
if text between \"\", than could contain '""' 06:47
i need comething like in CSV-example, but more complex 06:48
moritz you can model that as / \" ~ \" [ <-["]>+ | '""' ]* /
noub moritz: thx, i'll try this 06:49
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nine Now that's a nice view from a conference location: niner.name/pictures/2017-05-18%20-%...t/Wien.jpg 07:07
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lookatme nine, where is this ? 07:12
07:12 Cabanossi left 07:14 Cabanossi joined
nine lookatme: Security Summit 2017 in Vienna at www.thirty-five.at/ 07:15
lookatme oh, thanks 07:16
07:20 wamba left
Voldenet How to say "parse as int or use 0" in perl6? 07:21
m: sub ($n) { try { CATCH { return 0 }; return $n.Int*2 } }("a").say
camelia 0
moritz m: sub maybe-int(Str $x) { $x.Int // 0 }; say ('abc', 42).map: &maybe-int
camelia Type check failed in binding to parameter '$x'; expected Str but got Int (42)
in sub maybe-int at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Voldenet m: sub ($n) { try { CATCH { return 0 }; return $n.Int*2 } }(2).say
camelia 4
moritz m: sub maybe-int(Str $x) { $x.Int // 0 }; say ('abc', '42').map: &maybe-int 07:22
camelia (0 42)
moritz you don't need try/CATCH because .Int returns a Failure
Voldenet ah, a failure is not like an exception
say ('abc', '42').map: { .Int // 0 }
evalable6 (0 42)
Voldenet i forgot m:... but it still worked :D 07:23
moritz magical realism!
lookatme How about .?Int // 0 07:26
m: sub f($x) { $x.?Int // 0; }; f(class F {}.new());
camelia ( no output )
lookatme m: sub f($x) { $x.?Int // 0; }; say f(class F {}.new());
camelia 0
moritz m: sub f($x) { $x.Int // 0; }; say f(class F {}.new()); 07:27
camelia No such method 'Int' for invocant of type 'F'
in sub f at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
moritz it really depends on what you / Voldenet want :-)
lookatme em.
07:29 skids left
moritz the "parse as" seemed to imply to me that the basis was a Str. I might be wrong, of course 07:29
Voldenet yeah, it's string
actually they're all Cool
because it's a shell script
lookatme If it's all string, .Int would be work fine 07:30
07:31 noub left 07:35 xinming_ joined 07:38 xinming left, xtreak left, xtreak_ joined 07:40 zacts left 07:44 rindolf left 07:46 zakharyas joined
Voldenet How do I say "if all elements in a Seq are equal" 07:47
m: my @f = [1, 1, 2, 1]; say(@f.grep({ @f[0] !~~ $_ }).elems == 0)
camelia False
Voldenet m: my @f = [1, 1, 1, 1]; say(@f.grep({ @f[0] !~~ $_ }).elems == 0)
camelia True
Voldenet kind of works, but the syntax... erm
not to mention that smart match will invoke the Callable 07:51
and I certainly don't want that
07:51 ab6tract joined
ab6tract Voldenet: you could use a bag 07:51
Voldenet m: my &fn = { $^a; }; my &fn2 = { $^b; }; my @f = [&fn, &fn2, &fn, &fn]; say(@f.grep({ @f[0] !~~ $_ }).elems == 0)
camelia True
ab6tract m: my @f = [ 1 xx 5]; say so @f.Bag.keys == 1 07:52
camelia True
ab6tract m: my @f = [ 1 xx 5, 2]; say so @f.Bag.keys == 1
camelia False
Voldenet Most certainly
ab6tract not sure how applicable it is for Seqs, though.. 07:53
07:53 zacts joined
ab6tract m: my @f = [&fn, &fn2, &fn, &fn]; say so @f.Bag.keys == 1 07:56
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared routines:
fn used at line 1. Did you mean 'fc'?
fn2 used at line 1
ab6tract m: my &fn = { $^a; }; my &fn2 = { $^b; }; my @f = [&fn, &fn2, &fn, &fn]; say so @f.Bag.keys == 1
camelia False
ab6tract Voldenet: hope it helps
m: my &fn = { $^a; }; my &fn2 = { $^b; }; my @f = [&fn, &fn, &fn]; say so @f.Set.keys == 1 07:58
camelia True
ab6tract set of course works too
08:02 rindolf joined 08:04 jonas2 joined 08:08 parv joined 08:12 Cabanossi left
Voldenet I tried to make some piece of code that'd figure out how to transform one list into another and made this horrible piece of code: 08:13
08:14 dakkar joined
Voldenet > echo -e "a A\nb B\nc C\nd\ne" | perl6 transform.p6 08:14
08:14 Cabanossi joined
Voldenet it's just for practice, got any suggestions or syntaxes i should've used? 08:14
masak Voldenet: it's a matter of taste, but I tend to do smaller things and more pure transformations inside of a .map 08:20
Voldenet: so I'd be tempted to have that entire loop as a `for lines() { ...; push @fns, $ret }` instead 08:21
or, I guess, if you wanted to be fancy, `gather for lines() { ...; take $ret }`
but I realize I hardly ever use `gather` anymore
I should blog about that :)
Voldenet I tend to use a lot of .map because it can be optimized later ;) 08:22
map here can even work in parallel most of the time, which would help if I turned a transformation functions into service calls
lookatme gather take would be faster than map 08:25
Voldenet Oh, really? :O
lookatme And `{}()` is clear enough, no need enclosed with `()` 08:27
I mean line 19 - 23
Voldenet Oh, right.
hm, can gather take be parallelised later?
masak I think both `for` and `map` could have a `hyper` or `race` added in front... 08:28
might be wrong, though
Voldenet yeah, lines().hyper and @t.race would work 08:30
08:31 lowbro joined, lowbro left, lowbro joined
Voldenet (because in the first case I'd need the order preserved) 08:31
lookatme masak, Is `gather take` automate paralleled ?
Voldenet m: my @x = gather { for 1..10 { take start { sleep($_/10); $_ }}}; say await @x 08:32
camelia (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
masak lookatme: no 08:33
Voldenet one could do this
lookatme oh, seem like **faster** is depend on situation 08:34
but `gather take` can make lazy list 08:35
Voldenet well, the .grep.Set will make full evaluation anyway 08:38
so there's no reason to make it a lazy list
with lazy eval, i'd probably use .cache anyway, which destroys the point 08:39
(I guess lazy approach could use less memory though)
(...but would cost performance, so it's a tradeoff, if my intuition isn't wrong) 08:40
lookatme em, yeah, lazy list has its advantage, but not suitable for every case 08:48
eater building on freebsd is slow :( 08:49
lookatme rakudo is slow? 08:50
eater nah 08:51
lookatme oh . 08:52
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tadzik Zoffix: oh, when. Asap, I guess, so it can be useful for the cpan transition 09:11
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grondilu How do I parse an algebraic expression with a grammar? I've tried several times, and never quite succeeded :( My last attempt: gist.github.com/grondilu/09e443f28...d7eeb55677 09:56
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Zoffix grondilu: you could look at "EXPR" parser in nqp. 10:48
There might even be a way to use it in Perl 6
m: use QAST:from<NQP>; say grammar Mathy is HLL::Grammar { token TOP { <EXPR> } }.parse: '2+2'
camelia ===SORRY!===
Cannot find method 'submethod_table' on object of type NQPClassHOW
Zoffix which isn't this I guess...
grondilu: also: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shunting-yard_algorithm 10:50
10:58 curan left 11:04 Zoffix left 11:09 itaipu left 11:12 Cabanossi left 11:14 Cabanossi joined 11:18 wamba left 11:19 bjz_ joined, bjz left 11:29 KDr2 left 11:30 eyck left 11:41 eyck joined
Voldenet hm, is it even possible with perl's parser? 11:43
(the a+b+c case) 11:44
11:45 curt_ joined
Voldenet because "expr -> binary | unary | '(' expr ')', binary -> expr '+' expr" is left-recursive 11:45
even easier "expr -> expr '+' expr | '(' expr ')' | digit" 11:48
11:50 aborazmeh left
masak Voldenet: I tend to rewrite left-recursive stuff as using the `%` metaoperator 11:51
so `expr -> expr '+' expr` would become something like `rule add-expr { <mult-expr>+ % "+" }` 11:52
grondilu .tell Zoffix thanks! I used one of the external links to write this: gist.github.com/f1b52ab99dcfd503b0...041e641531
yoleaux grondilu: I'll pass your message to Zoffix.
Voldenet hmm, any info on this? 11:53
docs.perl6.org/language/grammars doesn't even contain any %
ah, /language/regexes does 11:54
11:54 bjz_ left 11:55 bjz joined
Voldenet hm, but how does it actually help 12:00
m: say grammar Algebra { rule TOP { ^^ <expr> $$ }; rule expr { '(' <expr> ')' | <expr>+ % '+' | '1' }}.parse("1+1");
yeah, it's recursive
12:00 wamba joined
camelia (timeout) 12:00
12:00 kurahaupo left, kurahaupo joined 12:03 Zoffix joined
Zoffix m: say 1+2+3 12:03
camelia 6
Zoffix See, it's possible :)
Voldenet Oh I know it's possible. :P
I just know how to do this using perl6 grammars
s/know/don't know/
slight difference ;)
Zoffix Perl 6 parses itself using a perl6 grammar (pretty much)
grondilu maybe it does but if so it's quite convoluted 12:05
12:06 kurahaupo left, kurahaupo joined
Zoffix Sure. You can setup your own precendence and stuff; all handled by it 12:08
Like this: github.com/perl7/perl7/blob/master...#L112-L116
m: say grammar Algebra { rule TOP { ^^ <expr> $$ }; regex expr { "(" <expr> ")" || \d+ || <expr>+ % "+" }}.parse("1+1");
camelia 「1+1」
expr => 「1+1」
expr => 「1」
expr => 「1」
Voldenet Ah, right, | is longest alternation 12:09
no wonder it just finds them all, :D
12:11 lowbro joined, lowbro left, lowbro joined 12:13 Zoffix left
Voldenet hmm, what happens if... 12:14
m: say grammar Algebra { rule TOP { ^^ <expr> $$ }; regex expr { "(" <expr> ")" || \d+ || <expr>+ % "+" }}.parse("test");
camelia (timeout) 12:15
Voldenet ah, the flavours of recursive
grondilu yeah if it does not find, it keeps searching
(or so I think) 12:16
Voldenet m: say grammar Algebra { rule TOP { ^^ <expr> $$ }; regex expr { "(" <expr> ")" || \d+ || <invalid> || <expr>+ % "+" }; invalid { <-[\d]>+ }}.parse("test");
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing required term after infix
at <tmp>:1
------> 3 || <expr>+ % "+" }; invalid { <-[\d]>+ 7⏏5}}.parse("test");
expecting any of:
Voldenet m: say grammar Algebra { rule TOP { ^^ <expr> $$ }; regex expr { "(" <expr> ")" || \d+ || <invalid> || <expr>+ % "+" }; regex invalid { <-[\d]>+ }}.parse("test"); 12:17
camelia 「test」
expr => 「test」
invalid => 「test」
Voldenet Now I guess I know how one could write that, but it sounds like a convoluted pain. 12:18
12:19 CIAvash left, dj_goku left
Voldenet Can one use LR parser instead? :) 12:21
12:24 raschipi joined
Voldenet meh, nevermind 12:25
I guess it's a funny exercise in writing grammars, teaches one how to see it as a code more :) 12:27
[Coke] Some simple doc tickets if someone wants to help out: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1312 github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1311 12:28
Geth doc: 662da2d416 | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/testing.pod6
Fix #1312
doc: 5a39a32693 | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/io-guide.pod6
Fix #1312
doc: a970484899 | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | xt/words.pws
Add CatHandle to words

Fixes #1311
doc: e5b9bce3b4 | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/io-guide.pod6
Fix typos

Fixes #1311
dogbert11 so #1311 was fixed twice :) 12:48
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[Coke] zoffix++ 12:59
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moritz en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiocular_O a nice Unicode trivia 15:16
timotimo beautiful 15:19
moritz .u ꙮ 15:20
moritz and my terminal font even renders it
for just one word.
15:21 AlexDani` joined, domidumont joined, AlexDani` is now known as AlexDaniel
AlexDaniel unidump: ꙮ 15:21
unicodable6 AlexDaniel, gist.github.com/9b1155fc92f073eff1...a23dfdd15b
AlexDaniel m: my $ꙮ = 7; say ‘o’ x ꙮ 15:23
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared routine:
ꙮ used at line 1
AlexDaniel m: my $ꙮ = 7; say ‘o’ x $ꙮ
camelia ooooooo
AlexDaniel m: my \ꙮ = 7; say ‘o’ x ꙮ
camelia ooooooo
timotimo that's so fantastic 15:24
AlexDaniel someone has to draw a spider using this thing for eyes
unidump: ꙭ 15:26
unicodable6 AlexDaniel, gist.github.com/dfda0400aa3adfaa57...23f5fa5f75
AlexDaniel m: say ‘ꙭ’.uc
eater < > is so nice to define commands 15:27
AlexDaniel m: ‘ꙫ’.uc.say
AlexDaniel they definitely had some fetish for eyes and letter O
eater: hm. What do you mean exactly?
u: ocular 15:28
unicodable6 AlexDaniel, U+A669 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER MONOCULAR O [Ll] (ꙩ)
AlexDaniel, 7 characters in total: gist.github.com/6123d01a50062de088...1825f81153
moritz »ꙮ«
15:29 Rawriful joined
AlexDaniel »ꙮ̋« 15:30
eater AlexDaniel: Proc::Async.new(<rm -rf /vagrant>)
I was typing it like ["rm", "] 15:31
15:31 yuit5 left
eater *["rm", "-rf", "/vagrant"] 15:31
AlexDaniel eater: alright, yes. But be careful when you use «» or <<>>
eater Why so?
AlexDaniel m: my $x = ‘my folder’; dd «rm -rf $x» 15:32
camelia ("rm", "-rf", "my", "folder")
AlexDaniel m: my $x = ‘my folder’; dd «rm -rf "$x"»
camelia ("rm", "-rf", "my folder")
AlexDaniel a little bit similar to what you'd do in a shell 15:33
eater AlexDaniel: github.com/PostCocoon/P6-SystemPac...ps.pm6#L28
this is what Im doing currently
it's a slurpy parameter and flattens the arrays together 15:34
AlexDaniel that's probably alright :)
in whateverable project I always use stuff like ["rm", "-rf", "/vagrant"] :)
ugexe if you trust the input it doesn't really matter, since it can just as well delete all the files using perl6 IO 15:36
eater but < > doesn't parse anything right? it's just "rm -rf /vagrant".words or am I wrong? 15:37
ugexe you are right
timotimo right, for example:
eater \o/
timotimo m: say <foo\ bar> 15:38
camelia (foo\ bar)
timotimo m: say <foo\ bar>.perl
camelia ("foo\\", "bar")
AlexDaniel eater: I'm not sure how ‘xbps-install’ works, but most likely you need ‘--’ 15:39
that is, cmd(<xbps-install -y -->, $packages)
eater good call! 15:40
thanks AlexDaniel
AlexDaniel (otherwise you may run into issues if one of your packages starts with ‘-’… probably not going to happen, but still) 15:42
eater yeah :D
the integration tests for this project are gonna be fun
spawning vagrant boxes
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hahainternet so i asked a question yesterday i'm just going to blatently repeat today, using something like 'regex whatever { <@listoftokens>}' in a grammar doesn't seem to backtrack, i'm presuming because the regex only ever matches the first of the list and won't try alternatives 15:48
can anyone provide advice on debugging and/or programmatically adding a bunch of sym tokens so i can distinguish but group them?
AlexDaniel m: my @a = <aa a c>; say ‘ab’ ~~ /<@a>‘b’/ 15:52
camelia 「ab」
AlexDaniel m: my @a = <aa a c>; say ‘ab’ ~~ /<@a> {say ‘here’} ‘b’/ 15:54
camelia here
AlexDaniel hm, not sure
hahainternet yeah i don't quite understand the internal workings 16:00
16:03 itaipu joined 16:05 kyclark joined
grondilu when using the "%" modifier in a regex, is it possible to capture the separator? 16:06
timotimo yup
16:07 domidumont1 joined
grondilu m: say "foo,bar" ~~ /<ident>+ % $<sep> = <[,;]>/; say $<sep> 16:07
camelia 「foo,bar」
ident => 「foo」
sep => 「,」
ident => 「bar」
grondilu m: "foo,bar" ~~ /<ident>+ % $<sep> = <[,;]>/; say $<sep>
camelia [「,」]
grondilu nice
timotimo m: say "a,b.c|d!e" ~~ / <ident>+ % $sep=<[,.|!]> /
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '$sep' is not declared
at <tmp>:1
------> 3say "a,b.c|d!e" ~~ / <ident>+ % 7⏏5$sep=<[,.|!]> /
timotimo m: say "a,b.c|d!e" ~~ / <ident>+ % $<sep>=<[,.|!]> /
camelia 「a,b.c|d!e」
ident => 「a」
sep => 「,」
ident => 「b」
sep => 「.」
ident => 「c」
sep => 「|」
ident => 「d」
sep => 「!」
ident => 「e」
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jnthn hahainternet: tokens are just methods, so it should be possible to build up a grammar (or role to mix into a grammar) using .^add_method('foo:sym<bar>', token { <$bar> }) 16:09
hahainternet jnthn: roger, having said that, that is rather ugly and i'm not sure if it's explained well in the docs that things will behave this way 16:10
i don't even know if what i described is the actual cause
however, regardless, thanks for the answer, i'll do that :)
jnthn I'm pretty sure that <@foo> isn't something that can be backtracked in to 16:11
'cus I've a good idea of the contortions that would be required to make that work :P
hahainternet well that's none of my business as i don't know the contortions
but i just mean i was surprised by the behaviour until i thought about it 16:12
and it'd be nice to add as a caveat somewhere
i should file bugs i know :(
jnthn I meant "can't be backtracked into" more in the "in the current implementation" sense, more than in the "impossible to do ever" sense. 16:13
16:13 mcmillhj joined
jnthn But yeah, a mention in the docs that you can't backtrack into it would be good 16:13
16:13 mcmillhj_ joined
jnthn Laziest way is to just file a link to this chat in the irclog :P 16:13
timotimo what's the difference between <@foo> and just @foo? 16:14
jnthn Same as between <$foo> and $foo 16:15
(EVAL-y behavior)
timotimo ah so you could have a list of pieces of regex and it'd be put into like an alteration 16:16
grondilu created a "Symbolic" repo for formal calculus in Perl 6. github.com/grondilu/Symbolic
^oviously that's very ambitious so I don't know if I'll be able to make it any useful, but if anyone is interested, check it out. 16:17
16:17 beginner joined
hahainternet i guess all i needed was just @tokenlist then 16:17
as my tokens were all plaintext, no regex incorporation
but i think adding methods is the smartest option to make it backtrackable
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timotimo so numpy has a "nanmin" function that gives you the smallest number in an array ignoring NaN 16:32
perl6 doesn't need that because apparently NaN is never min-er than another number
a NaN inside a list that you pass to max will dominate
hahainternet jnthn: hmm, using ^add_method doesn't actually seem to work, i'll simplify my code into a test case 16:33
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ugexe did you ^compose or whatever after? 16:36
timotimo twitter.com/FakeUnicode/status/865...4525392896 <3
16:36 ChoHag joined
hahainternet ugexe: i did not 16:36
it doesn't seem to make a difference, i'm a bit out of my depth here though 16:39
ugexe m: my $foo = role :: { .^add_method("foo", method { say 1 }); }.new; $foo.foo 16:40
camelia 1
ugexe m: my $foo = class :: { .^add_method("foo", method { say 1 }); }.new; $foo.foo
camelia No such method 'foo' for invocant of type '<anon|71032176>'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
hahainternet ugexe: i'm actually using it to add tokens to a grammar, if that makes any difference
ugexe works as a punned role
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hythm Hi #perl6. are there required modules needed before getting perl6-debug-m working? I installed perl6 by running: 17:07
git clone github.com/tadzik/rakudobrew ~/.rakudobrew; cd ~/.rakudobrew; ^Ckudobrew build moar; rakudobrew build zef; zef install linenoise; zef install Grammar::Debugger
but for some reason I get this error when I lunch perl6-debug-m: Non ast passed to WANTED: NQPMu 17:08
timotimo sorry, perl6-debug-m is b0rked at the moment ;(
17:08 setty1 joined
timotimo Grammar::Debugger is something different, though. you use that by putting a use statement into your code 17:09
hythm hmm, Thanks timotimo.
raschipi Bork bork bork. 17:10
hythm Yeah Grammar::Debugger is not working for me. this gist has the error and also the output of installing perl6:
so basically if I added use Grammar::Debugger to the code, it throws error when try to parse TOP regex. 17:15
17:15 raschipi left 17:21 setty1 left
hythm looks like I will have to troubleshoot a grammar issue manually, which i know it will be difficult :D 17:30
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Zoffix hythm: which rakudo version are you using? Recall what I mentioned: 2017.03 rakudo might now have the issues you're experiencing. Did you try using that version? Also, none of these issues will get fixed if we don't know about them, so it's in your own best interest to report them. 17:55
huggable: rakudobug
huggable Zoffix, Report bugs by emailing to [email@hidden.address]
Zoffix gets jealous of hythm's 48.192s parse time... 17:56
Usually ~70s on my boxes :(
17:57 Ven joined
Zoffix m: say (70-48.192)*(97*1.5) 17:57
camelia 3173.064
17:58 Ven is now known as Guest50345
Zoffix would save me ~1hr of time a month 17:58
hythm Zoffix, I tried 2017.03 but there is no difference. I want to report the bug, but I don't know what to report. I made simple programm has simple Grammar and Grammar::Debugger worked fine. So I'm trying to see if this is really a bug or I have something wrong in my code 18:03
this is a gaming laptop :P
Zoffix hythm: "Cannot invoke this object (REPR: Null; VMNull)" error is not very useful to users, so there's a good chance it can be improved even if it's a problem with your code. "Non ast passed to WANTED: NQPMu" is a definite bug and users should never see such errors 18:05
hythm I will report a bug and mention this error I get "Cannot invoke this object (REPR: Null; VMNull)", if that is sufficant
alright, I will report that then 18:06
Zoffix What to report: instructions for how to reproduce the issue on someone else's computer; so which versions of software/OS you're using and what code you ran
hythm noted
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TimToady Voldenet: I'm surprised nobody mentioned reduction operators, since things like bags always have to run a sequence to completion, but a reduction can short circuit, even on an infinite list 18:14
TimToady checks...
18:14 Cabanossi joined
TimToady m: say [==] 1...* 18:14
camelia False
TimToady yup
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Zoffix neat 18:16
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Voldenet TimToady: nice, how do I do that with functions? 18:18
erm Callable
Zoffix [[&callable]] 18:19
m: say [==] 1, 1, 1, |(1...*)
This hang tho
m: say [==] 1, 1, 1, |(1, 2, 3...*)
18:20 setty1 left
camelia (timeout) 18:20
Voldenet m: my $i = 0; my &a = { }; my @b = (^5).map({ &a }); say [~~] @b
camelia Type check failed in assignment to &a; expected Callable but got Hash (${})
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Zoffix Actually no, the first one was right
Voldenet m: my $i = 0; my &a = { $_ }; my @b = (^5).map({ &a }); say [~~] @b
camelia True
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Voldenet hm, the real problem is that it evaluates the method during ~~ operation 18:20
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TimToady you want to test that you have the same function? then you'd use [===] for identity 18:22
Voldenet mmm, === feels so js-y :P 18:23
TimToady m: say [===] &sin, &sin, &sin
camelia True
TimToady m: say [===] &sin, &sin, &cos
camelia False
Zoffix m: say [==] (1, 1, 1, |(1...*))
camelia False
TimToady yes, arglist slip is not lazy 18:24
Zoffix Ah. I see
TimToady doesn't give a rip whether something seems js-y or not; we designed our various equality operators by our own selves 18:25
Voldenet I still find it moderately funny, because it's identity operator in js as well :-) 18:26
not that I don't like familiarity
TimToady convergent evolution, and all that :)
Zoffix yeah, JS got `use strict` and soon (already?) will get the /s switch for regexes, like Perl 5 18:27
TimToady mebbe they'll borrow Perl 6 regexes in another 15 years or so... 18:28
Zoffix :)
Voldenet js is a serious and modern language now, it has classes 18:29
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pmurias Voldenet: the classes in js despite being mostly syntax sugar do make a big difference 18:31
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Voldenet actually, if I were to choose the important feature in JS, i'd pick async and promises 18:32
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Voldenet it greatly improved quality of most code 18:32
and one could argue that anything above C and its structs is syntax sugar ;) 18:34
because you're just implicitly passing objects
timotimo but that's only run-time 18:35
at compile time you're free to stack on as much as you want 18:36
hythm Zoffix: Reported the issue I get rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=131326
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robertle ugexe: travis may need updating now that rakudobrew does not build panda anymore... 20:50
ugexe why? 20:51
20:51 Ven_ joined
ugexe users write their own .travis.yml 20:51
jnthn I think the Perl 6 language support docs on Travis may still mention panda 20:52
tadzik they should perhaps mention to not rely on master but rather on a specific tag
(or commit)
robertle right, sorry! 20:53
jnthn It looks like there's a link at the top to fork/fix the page
robertle I was under the (wrong) impression that the part inclusing panda is part of the basioc perl6 stuff rather then my custom bit... 20:54
tony-o: I have updated my version derived from your "pluggable" again, suports the lexical "require" now: github.com/robertlemmen/perl6-pluggable 20:56
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ugexe hehe you beat me by a few minutes robertle... im getting slow 21:08
robertle beer helps :) 21:09
user3 why can't I compile this to MoarVM byte code: perl6 --target=mbc -e "say 'Hello, world'" 21:11
I get the error message: "Cannot dump this object; no dump method"
21:11 skids left
user3 I've done the basic installation for rakudo Moar 21:12
jnthn It needs an output file, since it's a bunch of binary, so it decides not to dump it on your terminal
timotimo user3: you have to --target=foobar.moarvm
or, wait 21:13
jnthn --output=foo.moarvm
timotimo and then you can dump that with moar --dump foobar.moarvm
21:14 Cabanossi left
jnthn Yeah, worth noting that compiling a script is only really a debugging aid; only modules are usefully usable in compiled form (so far, at least) 21:14
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jnthn And you don't need to do that manually, it's handled automatically 21:15
awwaiid japhb: you should come by and say hi :)
ugexe put your script in a module, and have your script just be `use My::Script` to compile scripts
ya know we already use wrappers around installed scripts... there is no reason we don't just use those wrappers as the perl6 entry point and do that automatically on install 21:17
jnthn Only caveat is that a MAIN needs an is export sticking on it 21:18
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ugexe hmm no way to import them explicitly? 21:19
jnthn At Perl 6 level not a way to import things that aren't exported. But yeah, the whole import mechanism works by being given the UNIT of the imported thing, which is normally just used to find EXPORT, EXPORTHOW and friends. 21:21
But of course &MAIN could be dug out of it :)
timotimo hm, it's not lexical-only? 21:23
well, i guess top-level lexicals would show up in the module itself perhaps? 21:24
jnthn timotimo: UNIT is the top-level lexical scope
And on being loaded a module stashes that somewhere the module loader can get at it 21:25
Which is how EXPORT and GLOBALish and friends are located
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timotimo ah, i see 21:27
21:29 cdg left
user3 ok so I did this: perl6 --target=mbc --output=foobar.moarvm -e "put 'hello, world'" 21:30
And this: moar --dump foobar.moarvm > foobar.mbc
Then I tried "moar foobar.mbc" I get the error message "Unhandled exception: Bytecode stream corrupt (missing magic string)"
I also tried "moar foobar.moarvm" I get the error message "Unhandled exception: While looking for 'ModuleLoader.moarvm': no such file or directory at <unknown>:1 (foobar.moarvm:<dependencies+deserialize>)"
timotimo oh, no
i thought you wanted to dump the contents of the moarvm file 21:31
21:31 cdg joined
user3 i just want to compile the code a bit to improve performance 21:31
timotimo you will have to invoke the code with the perl6 script or at least steal the commandline flags it uses
in that case, do it like jnthn and ugexe suggested
put everything into modules because these get precompiled for you automatically
21:31 nadim left
timotimo then just have a "program" that does "use MyApp::Entrypoint" or whatever you call that module 21:32
ugexe all of your MAINs have to be in one module
user3: github.com/ugexe/zef/blob/master/bin/zef and github.com/ugexe/zef/blob/master/l...ef/CLI.pm6 21:33
robertle jnthn: in your latest blog post re funding, what does "non-blocking await" mean? isn't blocking the whole point of await? 21:34
21:37 dct joined
Voldenet robertle: await actually yields continuation 21:39
non-blocking, that is
and blocking await probably does some magic with a thread
while capturing the thread in the process
(actually I'm not sure how await could be blocking, but probably because it takes a thread) 21:40
jnthn I thought I'd written this up somewhere but I don't find it
hythm m: class A { multi method a(Str :$b) { say "First" }; multi method a() { say "Second" } }; A.new.a # (named arg) Why dispatch to first method 21:41
robertle not sure I understand: my current thread calls await on a promise, which will block until the promise is kept/broken. right? that's the point, isn't it?
camelia First
jnthn Anyways, the Perl 6.c semantics - for lack of time to do anything better - is that await will use a condition variable
robertle makes sense
hythm m: class A { multi method a(Str $b) { say "First" }; multi method a() { say "Second" } }; A.new.a
camelia Second
jnthn This "works", but it means that a real OS thread is blocked 21:42
Voldenet hythm: named arguments are optional, but
m: class A { multi method a(Str:D :$b) { say "First" }; multi method a() { say "Second" } }; A.new.a # (named arg) Why dispatch to first method
camelia Second
Voldenet m: class A { multi method a(Str:D :$b) { say "First" }; multi method a() { say "Second" } }; A.new.a("x") # (named arg) Why dispatch to first method
camelia Cannot resolve caller a(A: Str); none of these signatures match:
(A $: Str:D :$b, *%_)
(A $: *%_)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Voldenet m: class A { multi method a(Str:D :$b) { say "First" }; multi method a() { say "Second" } }; A.new.a(:b("x")) # (named arg) Why dispatch to first method 21:43
camelia First
timotimo m: await do for ^64 { start { sleep 0.1 } }; say now - INIT now
camelia 0.4066006
21:43 mcmillhj left, mcmillhj_ left
timotimo m: use v6.d.PREVIEW; await do for ^64 { start { sleep 0.1 } }; say now - INIT now 21:43
camelia 0.40641964
timotimo huh?
robertle jnthn: but if you change that then the real OS thread after the await could be a different than the one before the call, right?
jnthn The idea behind non-blocking await is that, when an `await` takes place on the thread pool, we instead take a continuation
Geth ecosystem: 335cd23715 | (Curt Tilmes)++ | META.list
Move LibYAML repo to yaml github
jnthn And then, when the thing awaited on is done, the continuation is scheduled on the thread pool
robertle ok, so even the perl thread could be a different one after the await? 21:44
jnthn robertle: Yes, that is an upshot, which is why non-blocking await is being brought in as part of 6.d
Note that this only happens on threads managed by the thread pool 21:45
21:45 skids left
Voldenet robertle: that's the whole point of await 21:45
jnthn And if you're using a thread pool you already don't know what thread the code will run on
robertle understood now. sounds cool, but also potentially a bit surprising. you don't usually expect th thread that runs your code to change ...
hythm Voldenet yes I needed the define smiley :D. Thanks
Voldenet hythm: (;
jnthn If you are doing something where you really need more control, and work with `Thread` directly, or if you `await` in the main program thread, then you'll get the same semantics as today 21:46
Voldenet jnthn: does perl have something like AsyncLocal?
jnthn Voldenet: A dynamic variable will work out for that 21:48
A key difference between await in Perl 6 and await in C#, even once the non-blocking stuff happens, is that the a continuation is taken involving the whole call stack between the place that does the `await` and the thread pool 21:49
Whereas in C# it's a pre-rotuine code transform
That's why there's no equivalent to `async`; we don't need one 21:50
Or, arguably, the equivalent is `start` :)
robertle continuations are an internal-only thing in perl6, right? I can't create a continuation in perl6 code?
jnthn Correct
gather/take uses them also
21:50 alimon left
Voldenet You technically could write your own version of await by wrapping it 21:51
and then decorating the result
jnthn gather/take is also an exmaple of something where various languages have a "yield" feature that transforms a routine at compilation, whereas in Perl 6 you don't need to do that
21:51 espadrine left
robertle I played with gather/take, but you can't use that across threads. continuing a continuation in another thread is quite cool! 21:52
if you could do that in your own code...
21:53 user3 left 21:54 dct left
jnthn A `start` block will capture the dynamic variables in scope at the point it was taken 21:54
Voldenet robertle: you can kind of use gather take across threads
robertle Voldenet: how? I tried that a bit...
jnthn m: my $*x = 1; await start { $*x++; await Promise.in(1); $*x++ }; say $*x 21:55
camelia 3
jnthn So I figure ^^ gets you the AsyncLocal style functionality
Voldenet m: @x = gather { for ^10 -> $v { take start { $v*2 } }; say await @x
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '@x' is not declared
at <tmp>:1
------> 3<BOL>7⏏5@x = gather { for ^10 -> $v { take start
Voldenet m: my @x = gather { for ^10 -> $v { take start { $v*2 } }; say await @x
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing block
at <tmp>:1
------> 3$v { take start { $v*2 } }; say await @x7⏏5<EOL>
expecting any of:
statement end
statement modifier
Voldenet m: my @x = gather { for ^10 -> $v { take start { $v*2 } }}; say await @x
camelia (0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18)
jnthn Voldenet: There you're just taking a bunch of Promise objects, so all the threading happens outside of the gather/take.
(Which is fine and useful) 21:56
But yeah, gather/take is not intended for concurrent use
The iterator pattern is inherently synchronous.
robertle yeah, and shifting the promise across thread boiundarioes seems to await on it (right??)
jnthn A Promise is just a data structure 21:57
21:57 Cabanossi left
jnthn And await is just an operation that means "continue with the stuff after this point once the Promise is done" 21:57
await actually can work on a Channel and a Supply too
This lot was special cased 21:58
In 6.d, instead `await` accepts anything that does the `Awaitable` role
robertle jnthn: but that's what you are changing: it's no longer just waiting...
jnthn (6.d.PREVIEW, I should say)
Opening the doors to folks making their own things usable with await too :) 21:59
timotimo it's the best kind of waiting
Voldenet the best kind of waiting is fire-and-forget
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Voldenet ;) 21:59
m: start { say "i'm confident this will surely work" } 22:00
camelia ( no output )
Voldenet ;-)
jnthn robertle: What's changing is that await will not always mean "blocking an OS-level thread"
robertle: At the end of the day, that's just a means to an end, the end being that the code after the await continues when the result is available. 22:01
Voldenet eh, but why 'not always' instead of 'never'? :)
timotimo the OS-level threads were already being pre-empted :P
which is kind of like a continuation being taken and resumed
jnthn Voldenet: No; the non-blocking behavior of await only applies if you're running code in the thread pool
Voldenet ah, right, because if you're running your own thread... you're running your own thread 22:02
jnthn Voldenet: This is an effort to let people who want tighter control over what thread they're on to have it, but not have to totally throw away using higher-level things like await
Occasionally - like when writing native bindings - it's really important to have control over that. 22:04
timotimo oh yes
22:04 lizmat joined
jnthn The most recent case I had was writing the SSH::LibSSH binding, where I have a single thread interacting with it, essentially running an "event loop" 22:05
22:06 _kristian left
Voldenet well, a lot of things have to use event loop, like renderers 22:06
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Voldenet + they must really have their own thread, so it's understandable 22:06
jnthn Yeah, GUI stuff is also good at caring
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jnthn Final note: besides the Awaitable role, there's also an Awaiter role 22:07
Meaning that we should be able to do stuff like "if I call await on a GUI thread, it will make sure the result is marshalled back to the UI thread after" 22:08
A bit like .Net's SynchronizationContext
Voldenet and .ConfigureAwait(false)
jnthn Related to that, yes
jnthn should go and get some sleep... 22:09
timotimo good rest, jnthn :)
Voldenet gn
jnthn 'night
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hythm I would like to call multi methods without args,and the dispatching need to happen from withing the parameters, would this be a bad practice? example to clarify: 22:30
m: class A { has $.var; multi method a(Str :$s = $!var ) { say "First" }; multi method a(Any :$s = $!var) { say "Second" } }; A.new(var => "string").a; 22:31
camelia First
hythm m: class A { has $.var; multi method a(Str :$s = $!var ) { say "First" }; multi method a(Any :$s = $!var) { say "Second" } }; A.new.a;
camelia Second
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Voldenet this doesn't look like a bad practice, just a bit convoluted 22:38
+ depends on actual use case 22:39
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hythm If it will be convoluted and might give problems later I think I will not proceed this way, my intention was to keep the scripts under bin* cleaner(for example caliing methods as "$obj.method-name; instead of $obj.method-name(arg 1=> "a",...) and hide most of the work in lib/*,in program executable, and I wanted to hide most of the work under lib/* 22:46
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timotimo hythm: you can have the invocant as a parameter by putting it before a : and you should be able to put a "where" constraint on it 22:51
m: class A { has $.var; multi method a(A $ where { .var ~~ Str }) { say "is string" }; multi method a(A $ where { .var ~~ Int }) { say "is int" } }; A.new(var => "hi").a; A.new(var => 99).a 22:52
camelia Cannot resolve caller a(A.new(var => "hi"): ); none of these signatures match:
(A $: A $ where { ... }, *%_)
(A $: A $ where { ... }, *%_)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
timotimo actually, a subsignature could work here
22:53 mcmillhj_ joined, mcmillhj joined
timotimo m: class A { has $.var; multi method a(A $self(Str :$var)) { say "is string" }; multi method a(A $self(Int :$var)) { say "is int" } }; A.new(var => "hi").a; A.new(var => 99).a 22:53
camelia 5===SORRY!5===
Shape declaration with () is reserved;
please use whitespace if you meant a subsignature for unpacking,
or use the :() form if you meant to add signature info to the function's type
at <tmp>:1
------> 3ss A { has $.var; …
timotimo m: class A { has $.var; multi method a(A $self (Str :$var)) { say "is string" }; multi method a(A $self (Int :$var)) { say "is int" } }; A.new(var => "hi").a; A.new(var => 99).a
camelia Cannot resolve caller a(A: ); none of these signatures match:
(A $: A $self (Str :$var), *%_)
(A $: A $self (Int :$var), *%_)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
timotimo m: class A { has $.var }; say A.new.Capture.perl
camelia \(:var(Any))
timotimo haha 22:54
i forgot the :
hythm lol
timotimo m: class A { has $.var; multi method a(A $self (Str :$var):) { say "is string" }; multi method a(A $self (Int :$var):) { say "is int" } }; A.new(var => "hi").a; A.new(var => 99).a
camelia is string
is int
timotimo i forgot the : in the example with "where", too
22:55 kyan joined
hythm I understood what you mean, gonna test that on my code timotimo 22:55
timotimo m: class A { has $.var; multi method a(A $ where { $_.var ~~ Str }:) { say "is string" }; multi method a(A $ where { .var ~~ Int }:) { say "is int" } }; A.new(var => "hi").a; A.new(var => 99).a
camelia is string
is int
timotimo there you go
works with one way, as well as the other
hythm perfect :) Thank you
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Geth doc: b6076e3d53 | (Robert Lemmen)++ | doc/Language/operators.pod6
add ~ operator for Buf
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