»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
buggable 🎺🎺🎺 It's time for the monthly Accidental /win Lottery 😍😍😍 We have 12 ballots submitted by 8 users! DRUM ROLL PLEASE!... 00:00
And the winning number is 14! Congratulations to nine! You win a can of WD40!
00:00 Rawriful left 00:01 mcmillhj left, snarkyboojum joined, snarkyboojum left 00:02 cpage_ joined 00:07 cdg joined 00:12 cdg left 00:14 Cabanossi left 00:17 Cabanossi joined 00:23 MasterDuke joined 00:25 mcmillhj joined 00:32 snarkyboojum joined, snarkyboojum left 00:42 Sgeo joined 00:44 mcmillhj_ joined
tony-o Aaronepower: perl6 has enums 00:44
00:44 Cabanossi left
tony-o Aaronepower: docs.perl6.org/language/typesystem#enum 00:45
Aaronepower m: enum Day( Monday => "Monday"); 00:46
camelia ( no output )
00:47 Cabanossi joined 00:48 itaipu left
Aaronepower tony-o: The solution you gave me earlier for classify doesn't work. I can't get the two arrays. 00:49
00:49 mcmillhj_ left 00:50 raschipi joined
raschipi m: say "\c[ELF]" 00:52
yoleaux 31 Aug 2017 20:20Z <jnthn> raschipi: Yes, but you must then configure it as HTTP/2 only (pass :http<2> to Cro::HTTP::Server). Having an endpoint doing HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2.0 is the thing that requires TLS (because it uses ALPN to do the decision making).
camelia 🧝
tony-o Aaronepower: my @j = [{ duration => 1 }, { x => 0 }]; my (@trues, @falses) := @j.classify({ $_<duration>:exists ?? True !! False }).values; @trues.say; @falses.say 00:53
m: my @j = [{ duration => 1 }, { x => 0 }]; my (@trues, @falses) := @j.classify({ $_<duration>:exists ?? True !! False }).values; @trues.say; @falses.say
camelia [{duration => 1}]
[{x => 0}]
raschipi m: say "\c[England]"
camelia 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
00:53 Kyo91 joined
Aaronepower tony-o: Ah I was missing .values. Thanks! 00:54
tony-o np
Aaronepower tony-o: Though my new question is how could I have ever known that I needed .values? 00:55
raschipi m: 0xD4DB.chr
camelia ( no output )
raschipi m: 0xD4DB.chr.say
raschipi m: my @j = [{ duration => 1 }, { x => 0 }]; @j.classify({ $_<duration>:exists ?? True !! False }).^name
camelia ( no output )
raschipi m: my @j = [{ duration => 1 }, { x => 0 }]; @j.classify({ $_<duration>:exists ?? True !! False }).^name.say
camelia Hash[Any,Any]
00:55 mcmillhj_ joined
raschipi Because you can inspect the fact that you have a hash 00:56
Aaronepower Actually this doesn't work.
00:57 snarkyboojum joined
Aaronepower If one of the sides doesn't have any it crashes the program with `Too few positionals passed to '<unit>'; expected 2 arguments but got 1`. 00:57
TimToady um, note that .values can return the values in any order
tony-o TimToady good point 00:58
raschipi Better done with a hash slice, then? 00:59
ugexe m: my @j = [{ duration => 1 }, { x => 0 }]; my (@trues, @falses) := @j.classify({ $_<duration>:exists ?? <trues> !! <falses> }); @trues.say; @falses.say;
camelia Too few positionals passed to '<unit>'; expected 2 arguments but got 0
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
ugexe m: my @j = [{ duration => 1 }, { x => 0 }]; my (:@trues, :@falses) := @j.classify({ $_<duration>:exists ?? <trues> !! <falses> }); @trues.say; @falses.say; 01:00
camelia [{duration => 1}]
[{x => 0}]
01:00 mcmillhj_ left
TimToady ugexe: and notably, those are optional, so fixes Aaronepower++'s missingness problem 01:01
Aaronepower What is <trues>?
ugexe the same as 'trues' 01:02
Aaronepower ugexe: What is trues
TimToady Aaronepower: notice the colons in that example particularly
he's binding to named args
so it solves your problem
Aaronepower Interesting
TimToady basically, it's taking a hash and pretending it's an argument list and seeing how it would bind to the parameters declared by the 'my' 01:06
01:08 mcmillhj_ joined
TimToady so it's not really arguments, and not really parameters, but it works anyway, because tagmemics :) 01:09
01:11 mcmillhj left 01:13 mcmillhj_ left, u-ou- joined
u-ou- back 01:13
yoleaux 31 Aug 2017 23:56Z <skids> u-ou-: According to S04: "There is a C<when> statement modifier, but it does not have any breakout semantics; it is merely a smartmatch against the current topic."
u-ou- ahhh 01:14
ugexe m: (1..*).classify({1}); 01:15
camelia Cannot classify a lazy list
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
ugexe m: my (:@a, :@b) := (1..*).classify({1}); 01:16
camelia 2 unexpected named arguments passed (backtrace,exception)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
ugexe heh
TimToady yah, objects call also pretend to be object lists... 01:20
01:21 mcmillhj joined
TimToady *can 01:21
01:23 mcmillhj left, mcmillhj joined
MasterDuke TimToady: do you know anything about INTERPOLATE? i've been playing around with it, but have a question or two (some of which can be seen here irclog.perlgeek.de/moarvm/2017-08-29#i_15085184 if you're interested) 01:23
u-ou- do you need to put all the fields in a class Foo repr('CStruct') or just some? 01:25
all the fields = all the fields in the original struct 01:26
01:26 piojo joined 01:28 eliasr left, dogbert2 left
u-ou- some meaning the ones you want to access too 01:28
01:29 cdg joined 01:33 cdg left 01:34 Ven`` joined 01:46 ilbot3 left 01:47 imcsk8 left, imcsk8 joined 01:48 piojo left
TimToady MasterDuke: the basic problem there is, I suspect, that we can't know that a variable hasn't changed what it holds, so the default is pessimal 01:48
in the case of /(.*)$0/, the variable does change every time, for instance 01:50
01:50 devmikey left 01:51 ilbot3 joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v ilbot3
MasterDuke ooooh, right. i hadn't thought about $0, $1, etc 01:52
01:53 wamba left
MasterDuke TimToady: hm, would that also mean what i'm trying to do here isn't possible? irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6-dev/2017-...i_15098626 01:54
TimToady it's possible if you can prove the variable doesn't change inside the regex 01:55
unfortunately that's hard the moment you have a random block of code inside
MasterDuke or return if index matches, but check again at the next position if it doesn't? 01:56
01:56 Kyo91 left, imcsk8 left, imcsk8 joined
TimToady well, anything resembling /.*$foo { $foo = mumble } <!bar> / is still gonna be a problem 02:00
that is, partial success can still modify $foo and then fail 02:01
even /.*$foo { mumble() } <!bar> / could modify $foo inside mumble if it has closed over $foo 02:03
02:04 mcmillhj left
TimToady I seem to recall that INTERPOLATE tries to do some simple caching, but I don't remember how effective it is 02:04
MasterDuke hm, and that might not end up being any faster if you have to keep doing an index instead of an eqat 02:07
TimToady: any way to know if the variable came from "outside" the regex? i.e., not a named capture or backreference or anything like that 02:08
TimToady we might at least be able to do something with readonly scalars 02:09
and we should already be handling constant strings 02:10
but something like a parameter will at least stay the same till the next call, unless it's rw or copy 02:11
02:17 Kyo91 joined 02:22 kyan joined 02:26 noganex joined 02:29 noganex_ left 02:34 purcell joined
skids bisect: sub prefix:["∓"] ($thing) { return "AROUND$thing"; }; exit(∓43 ne "AROUND43") 02:36
bisectable6 skids, On both starting points (old=2015.12 new=d135728) the exit code is 0 and the output is identical as well
skids, Output on both points: «»
skids bisect: old=2014.1 sub prefix:["∓"] ($thing) { return "AROUND$thing"; }; exit(∓43 ne "AROUND43") 02:38
bisectable6 skids, Cannot find revision “2014.1” (did you mean “2014.12”?)
skids bisect: old=2014.12 sub prefix:["∓"] ($thing) { return "AROUND$thing"; }; exit(∓43 ne "AROUND43")
bisectable6 skids, Bisecting by exit code (old=2014.12 new=d135728). Old exit code: 1
skids, bisect log: gist.github.com/39a5a926eaea37a041...6de728a87f
skids, (2015-10-04) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/d0...b9afe3443c
02:41 cdg joined
MasterDuke TimToady: constants and things that are statically typed as Strs are turned into a literal in Actions 02:43
02:44 pilne joined 02:46 cdg left 02:50 Ven`` left 03:28 xtreak joined 03:33 u-ou- left, Kyo91 left 03:45 raschipi_ joined 03:47 ChoHag left, raschipi left, raschipi_ left 03:48 pilne left 03:50 Kyo91 joined 03:51 xtreak left 03:55 Kyo91 left 03:56 yht joined 04:03 Cabanossi left, purcell left 04:04 Cabanossi joined 04:15 skids left, yht left 04:32 Cabanossi left 04:35 Cabanossi joined 04:44 xtreak joined 04:47 cpage_ left 04:56 cdg joined 05:01 cdg left 05:04 Cabanossi left 05:05 Cabanossi joined 05:22 zakame left 05:25 cpage_ joined 05:28 andrzejku joined 05:29 zakame joined
andrzejku hi 05:34
teatime Hello.
andrzejku looking for beginners for project 05:35
teatime What kinda project? 05:36
andrzejku prepare Math challenges
samcv woo looks like i got another pretty big speedup. got `eq` 2x faster when both strings are flat but one is 8bit and one is 32bit storage types 05:42
underlying thing is used in other functions as well
and actually will speed up anything using MVM_string_get_grapheme_at_nocheck by 2x which is used a ton of places 05:43
teatime notes that samcv is either a night owl like himself, or from somewhere far away
samcv i'm in california 05:44
it's 10:44pm
teatime ah yeah not quite so late there
samcv s/himself/herself
how are you this night
teatime no I'm def. a himself
samcv what time is it there?
teatime pretty good, no complaints
I'm in WV, so it's 3 hours later.
samcv oh sorry thought you were talking about me. i just glanced
ah ok
teatime :)
samcv inlining makes all the difference for very hot paths
i was wondering why that function didn't perform as well as it should have 05:45
2x speedup as well with index 05:50
teatime aw yiss, 2x speedup 05:51
samcv pretty much 05:52
my thoughts exactly :)
now i have to write more for my grant update hah 05:58
i thought i was done
06:00 nadim joined, khw left 06:02 Cabanossi left 06:05 Cabanossi joined, abraxxa joined 06:08 xtreak left 06:10 abraxxa left 06:19 ufobat joined
andrzejku huh the thing which I love in Python and it is not Perl6 or Ruby is good autocomplete 06:23
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Skarsnik Hllo 07:33
Zoffix \o 07:34
07:39 xtreak joined, pecastro joined 07:41 buggable left, MasterDuke left, buggable joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v buggable 07:44 xtreak left 07:55 robertle left 08:13 ufobat joined 08:14 lizmat left, yht joined 08:17 cdg joined
Geth whateverable: efa71e2be7 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | 2 files
Update config file format

This way it is a bit more structured and easier to manage.
whateverable: f62ccfb43a | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | 2 files
New bot: Squashable

Tells when the next event is going to happen, announces changes to the repo, logs interesting events, gives free pizza.
It started very clean, how I ended up with 300 lines of code is completely beyond me. Hopefully I'll get my hands on refactoring it at some point.
08:18 cdg left 08:19 cdg joined 08:20 squashable6 joined
AlexDaniel squashable6: status 08:20
squashable6 AlexDaniel, Next SQUASHathon in ≈1 hour (2017-09-02 UTC-12⌁UTC+14)
teatime oh man 08:22
is that something I should get excited for
teatime finds the blog post. 08:23
08:23 cdg left
Zoffix \o/ 08:24
squashable6: help
squashable6 Zoffix, Available commands: status, log, quiet, loud # See wiki for more examples: github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Squashable
08:24 rindolf joined
Zoffix wonders how to get pizza :) 08:25
08:25 leont joined 08:26 [particle] left, [particle] joined
AlexDaniel blogs.perl.org/users/zoffix_znet/20...athon.html in case somebody missed it :) 08:28
Zoffix tries sleeping again... 08:32
08:32 zakharyas joined
AlexDaniel that's what I'm going to do too ) 08:33
I'll just make sure the bot does not crap out in the first second
samcv squashable6, squash me 08:34
squashable6 samcv, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Squashable
08:43 aborazmeh joined, aborazmeh left, aborazmeh joined
samcv Hot off the presses! Unicode grant status update 4! cry.nu/perl6/grant-status-update-4/ tons of exciting things 08:45
08:48 Cabanossi left
zakame nice! 08:50
08:50 Cabanossi joined 08:52 eiro left
AlexDaniel samcv++ \o/ 08:56
08:57 xtreak joined 08:58 Sgeo left, xtreak left
AlexDaniel squashable6: status 09:03
squashable6 AlexDaniel, Next SQUASHathon is just a few moments away (2017-09-02 UTC-12⌁UTC+14)
09:10 eiro joined 09:11 eiro left, cdg joined 09:16 cdg left 09:24 Sgeo joined
Skarsnik samcv, do you have any example of a common perl 6 operation that get speed up? 09:32
09:38 niceperl joined 09:42 TEttinger left 09:47 cdg joined 09:50 xtreak joined 09:52 cdg left 09:55 xtreak left 09:56 cdg joined
AlexDaniel squashable6: status 09:59
squashable6 AlexDaniel, Next SQUASHathon is just a few moments away (2017-09-02 UTC-12⌁UTC+14)
AlexDaniel squashable6: status 10:00
squashable6 AlexDaniel, 🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in 2 days and ≈1 hour
AlexDaniel \o/
10:01 cdg left
AlexDaniel forgot to change the channel though 10:01
10:01 squashable6 left, squashable6 joined
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ self-assigned issue “Add 「@a.push: |@b」 as a trap to avoid”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/602 10:02
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by AlexDaniel++! ♥
10:04 SHODAN left 10:06 wamba left
zakame so what can we do for this squashathon? 10:07
AlexDaniel zakame: anything on perl6/doc repo counts 10:08
zakame: the main goal is to resolve as many issues as possible: github.com/perl6/doc/issues 10:09
zakame gotcha
10:10 wamba joined
teatime AlexDaniel: I want to comment on github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1467 but can't login to github at the moment. might be noise, anyway. I am an avid user of compose key on linux, have used wincompose on windows and it works great. 10:17
AlexDaniel teatime: that's what I thought too. It looks exactly like something that could solve the problem 10:18
teatime I've used some others too; afaik wincompose is the one maintained one that works well.
*the only
10:18 Cabanossi left
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Add examples how to type unicode on Windows”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1467#i...-326545499 10:19
teatime thank you :)
10:20 cdg joined, Cabanossi joined, zakame left 10:24 cdg left 10:26 ShalokShalom_ joined
Aaronepower Is there any way to stop perl6 interpreter from printing out variables? Sometimes the variable is large amount of information and I don't want it printed out. 10:27
moritz Aaronepower: add a ; 1 at the end 10:28
Aaronepower moritz: Huh, that's a nice trick. 10:29
10:29 ShalokShalom left
Geth doc: f2040d0b43 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | doc/Language/traps.pod6
Attempt to document 「$foo.bar: |@a」 trap

See issue #602.
10:30 Kyo91 joined 10:33 zakame joined
Zoffix samcv++ # grant update 10:34
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Numeric values of signals mean nothing (traps)”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1474#i...-326548502
10:35 Kyo91 left
Zoffix Aaronepower: it also won't output variables if you produce any output; so adding, say(), for example will also avoid variable dumpage 10:35
squashable6: help
squashable6 Zoffix, Available commands: status, log, quiet, loud # See wiki for more examples: github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Squashable
AlexDaniel squashable6: status
squashable6 AlexDaniel, 🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in 2 days and ≈1 hour
AlexDaniel, Log and stats: gist.github.com/dfb6df7b310fd9e5f9...4598222959
Zoffix AlexDaniel: how to get free pizza? Or you get one after contribution? 10:36
AlexDaniel Zoffix: are you sure there has to be one? :)
Skarsnik when it's closed maybe?
Zoffix AlexDaniel: well, the poster promised free pizza…
AlexDaniel Zoffix: well, squashable6 prints one slice for every contribution 10:37
(and three slices for the first contribution :) )
err stats are printed a bit incorrectly 10:38
10:38 niceperl left 10:39 squashable6 left, aborazmeh left, squashable6 joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v squashable6
AlexDaniel squashable6: log 10:39
squashable6 AlexDaniel, Log and stats: gist.github.com/64dd6d0790d607d02b...86f463da33
AlexDaniel that's a bit better
stmuk_ a 🍕
AlexDaniel Zoffix: I think the poster should say “free 🍕” 10:40
10:42 buggable left, buggable joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v buggable
Zoffix AlexDaniel: that doesn't display on my terminal and logs say "????" 10:42
buggable: pizza me
buggable Zoffix, Enjoy this slice of Pepperoni and Mushrooms pizza, my friend! Yummy 🍕
Zoffix Why, thank you, kind robot!
AlexDaniel buggable: pizza me 10:43
buggable AlexDaniel, Enjoy this slice of Margherita pizza, my friend! Yummy 🍕
AlexDaniel this bot is unfair
anyway, back to doc hacking before I fall asleep
10:43 ShalokShalom_ is now known as ShalokShalom 10:45 notbenh left, mniip left, zakharyas left, notbenh joined 10:47 zakharyas joined
Geth doc: d39d6e8cfb | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | doc/Language/traps.pod6
No whitespace around infix ops trap

See issue #1481.
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “No whitespace around infix ops: 1<2 (trap)”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1481#i...-326551567 10:53
AlexDaniel Zoffix: I can change it to <) if it does not render right for most people 10:54
or whatever the closes texas equivalent is
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Mixed | and || in regexes (trap?)”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1141#i...-326552237 10:56
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Add 「@a.push: |@b」 as a trap to avoid”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/602#is...-326552585 10:59
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by zoffixznet++! ♥
Geth doc: 57ec082fee | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/Num.pod6
Clarify NaN

  - We follow IEEE and result doesn't vary by impl (at least on platforms we support)
  - Show ways of testing for NaN
.oO( Go for the Inf, stay for the NaN )
And now I have to run to work... 11:00
Zoffix &
AlexDaniel o/
ilmari Zoffix: s/float point/floating point/ ?
AlexDaniel and I have to get some sleep 11:01
tyil Zoffix: nice article on the 7 hugs :> 11:06
11:08 purcell joined 11:09 margeas joined 11:10 zakharyas left
BooK Zoffix++ # great post on hugging 11:11
teatime More hugs, less bugs!@ 11:12
BooK although I think the last section would benefit from an example (from irc logs)
11:14 xtreak joined
teatime heh is there an actual chimps-sprayed-with-water experiment. I thought that was an urban myth. 11:18
11:18 xtreak left
teatime although, please don't take that as unconstructive criticism. 11:18
teatime hugs Zoffix
11:21 piojo joined
teatime I suppose I should have used the bot. 11:23
11:23 gregf_ left 11:32 sena_kun joined 11:35 gregf_ joined 11:39 gfldex_work joined
Zoffix BooK: thanks 11:41
teatime: I recall reading of that experiment in some popular science book, so I'd assume it's am actual experiment
11:41 okl joined 11:43 MasterDuke joined 11:45 gfldex_work left
Zoffix teatime: yeah looks like it was never done: skeptics.stackexchange.com/questio...pray-condu 11:45
New life goal: get a bunch of people in a room, bannanas, and a fire hose :p 11:46
teatime Zoffix: really nice article. very introspective. perl/perl6 community is pretty inspiring. both in what they accomplish along these lines, and also in that they try / think about it.
11:46 okl left 11:49 leont left
Zoffix Though there are other similar experiments on humans that I know did happen and seen videos of: when a bunch of people in a waiting room are in cahoots and randomly all stand up for a few minutes, and the unaware strangers stand up with then even though they've no idea why everyone's standing up :) 11:53
11:53 abraxxa left
Zoffix slaps the "it was just a metaphor all along" excuse on the incorrect data in the article and moves on 11:54
sena_kun o/ 11:56
teatime :P
sena_kun are you talking about Asch experiments or what?
12:00 eliasr joined
Zoffix Sounds like the same idea yeah, but there was actually a video of it. Kinda funny, people with this sheepish, confused look stand up for no reason :P 12:00
teatime you know it's not necessarily so irrational or maladaptive 12:01
sena_kun un, okay.
teatime I mean like, *usually* when everyone is doing something there's a good reason for it 12:02
and especially if there's no cost, seems pretty reasonable to go along until you figure out wtf is going on :)
Zoffix Sure, if everyone starts running away and you're standing there trying to figure out why, you might get eaten by a bear :) 12:03
teatime exactly.
12:06 raschipi joined 12:08 leont joined, xtreak joined 12:09 xtreak left
Geth doc: 696b3f470c | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/Num.pod6
Fix typo; ilmari++
doc: 02e05e6a6c | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/Num.pod6
Add examples of statements producing NaN
12:18 kyan left
[Coke] moritz++ all this doc activity! 12:23
raschipi buggable: pizza me 12:28
buggable raschipi, Enjoy this slice of Deluxe pizza, my friend! Yummy 🍕
raschipi buggable: taco me 12:30
12:31 llfourn joined
Geth doc: eb2ed3593c | (Moritz Lenz)++ | README.md

  * mention that the HTML version is the go-to version
  * throw out panda
  * CamelCase GitHub
squashable6 🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by moritz++! ♥
moritz detects an unbalanced parenthesis in squashable6's output 12:33
[Coke]: the squashaton is not my doing at all
12:38 sena_kun left
Geth doc: bfa03eece3 | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/Num.pod6
Document Inf

Closes #1310
squashable6 🍕 zoffixznet++ closed issue “`Inf` is not documented”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1310
Zoffix sqash sqash sqash. 12:43
Though I notice unspace doesn't seem to be documented..
Skarsnik the native trait took a lot of stuff lol 12:44
Zoffix Ah, it's just not in search
Skarsnik hm I searched for trait and it pointed me as first result to state
kinda weird
Geth doc: 81160f6152 | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/syntax.pod6
Add word "unspace" to search

  .oO( I think this is how to do it... )
[Coke] is not sure how he feels about being one of the hug-zamples. 12:46
(mostly positive)
perlpilot .hug [Coke]
huggable hugs [Coke]
Skarsnik I wonder how much doc will be broken at the endx)
[Coke] moritz: I don't mean the SA, I mean your commits specifically.
Geth doc: 7e7c946ced | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/syntax.pod6
Add Inf+Inf\i to usecases for unspace
12:48 Cabanossi left
Geth doc: ca458052ef | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/Num.pod6
Link reference to "unspace" to its definition
12:49 Cabanossi joined
squashable6 🍕 moritz++ closed issue “FAQ entry “what is precompilation?””: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/446 12:49
Geth doc: d11fdf715a | (Moritz Lenz)++ | doc/Language/faq.pod6
FAQ entry: What is precompilation?

Closes #446
doc: e00050f466 | (Philippe Bruhat (BooK))++ (committed by Zoffix Znet) | doc/Type/Metamodel/ClassHOW.pod6
Add a missing invocant to the method definition (#1483)
squashable6 🍕 zoffixznet++ merged pull request “Add a missing invocant to the method definition”: github.com/perl6/doc/pull/1483
🍕 zoffixznet++ wrote a comment on “Add a missing invocant to the method definition”: github.com/perl6/doc/pull/1483#iss...-326571840
moritz $_ = "puell request"; s/puell/pull/ 12:51
Zoffix ? 12:52
Zoffix now wonders where a "puell" request is at :)
buggable: pizza me 12:53
buggable Zoffix, Enjoy this slice of Margherita pizza, my friend! Yummy 🍕
Zoffix yum
Zoffix will resume SQUASHathonning later in the day :)
12:56 grondilu joined
perlpilot er ... aren't the invocants mis-declared in that document? Shouldn't it be `method add_fallback(Metamodel::ClassHOW:D $obj: $condition, $calculator)` ? And why add the invocant at all? The entry on `can` talks about C<self>, but none of the others mention it by name. 13:05
Zoffix perlpilot: $foo.^add_fallback is $foo.add_fallback($foo) 13:06
perlpilot mayhap I need some caffeine :) 13:08
Zoffix err. I mean $foo.HOW.add_fallback($foo) 13:09
Zoffix thinks caffeine isn't a bad idea :P
13:11 purcell left 13:13 ChoHag joined 13:17 Cabanossi left 13:20 Cabanossi joined
[Coke] drinks a Coke Zero Sugar to up the caff. level. 13:23
.oO( cannibalism... )
13:26 rindolf left, zakame left
Geth doc: dfb46665b5 | (Steve Mynott)++ | bin/p6doc-index
speed up index lookup by indexing all we need to index
doc: ce49e90487 | (Steve Mynott)++ | bin/p6doc
lookup sub type definitions (under Type/) as well
squashable6 🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by stmuk++! ♥
13:27 kyan joined 13:32 Exodist joined 13:36 gregf_ left 13:45 raschipi left 13:47 zakharyas joined
tyil news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15136313 13:47
13:49 skids joined, niceperl_ joined 13:50 niceperl_ left 13:52 niceperl joined, zakame joined
Zoffix hopes the author of that comment won't get spammed with "but actually Perl is still in use!!!!" comments 13:53
Maybe it's just me, but IMO that just sounds desperate :) 13:54
13:54 raschipi joined
stmuk_ its a particularly nonsensical comment "headless browsers are perl" and "awk and sed aren't interpreters" 13:56
13:57 kyan left 13:59 andrzejku left 14:00 niceperl left 14:01 cdg joined 14:03 rindolf joined
raschipi I liked the "Web browser as a service" comment. 14:10
stmuk_ "standatalize"
I parsed that as "scandalize" 14:11
14:12 Kyo91 joined
Geth doc: a03443113b | (Steve Mynott)++ | 3 files
merge p6doc and p6doc-index, add dep
doc: 5c6fcd0594 | (Steve Mynott)++ | bin/p6doc
build index automatically on first run
doc: e9392079b4 | (Steve Mynott)++ | README.md
remove p6doc-index and explicitly mention existance of p6doc
timotimo i'm sorry i couldn't do anything much for the squashathon, i've been afk almost constantly for the last couple of hours 14:35
and in the next couple of hours i'll be afk even more
Skarsnik squashable6, status 14:36
squashable6 Skarsnik, 🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in 1 day and ≈21 hours
Skarsnik, Log and stats: gist.github.com/e1c37f6c51451400da...2b86b52efc
Skarsnik plenty of time left ^^
14:36 nuk9 left
jdv79 moritz: sup with the unicode bug in the logs? 14:52
14:52 jdoege left, wamba left
Zoffix It's a secret ploy to get someone to rewrite the logs in Rakudo :P 14:57
14:58 wamba joined
Zoffix (their Perl sauce: github.com/moritz/ilbot ) 15:00
15:04 Sgeo_ joined 15:05 cdg left 15:06 Sgeo left 15:12 ab6tract joined
ab6tract hey all! 15:12
quick question: how can i assert that my look behind begins at the start of the string?
m: 'say "What::Root::Thing" ~~ /<?after ^ "What::Root::"> .*/; say "What::Root::Thing" ~~ /<?after "What::Root::"> .*/'
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of constant string "say \"What::Root::Thing\" ~~ /<?after ^ \"What::Root::\"> .*/; say \"What::Root::Thing\" ~~ /<?after \"What::Root::\"> .*/" in sink context (line 1)
ab6tract m: say "What::Root::Thing" ~~ /<?after ^ "What::Root::"> .*/; say "What::Root::Thing" ~~ /<?after "What::Root::"> .*/ 15:13
camelia Nil
Zoffix m: say "What::Root::Thing" ~~ /^ <?after "What::Root::"> .*/
camelia Nil
15:13 khw joined
Zoffix Dunno 15:14
15:14 MasterDuke left
Zoffix kinda expected <after ^ ... to work :) 15:14
ab6tract Zoffix: me too :D
i tried a few different variations
15:14 MasterDuke joined
ab6tract Zoffix: in fact, that was the first form i tried 15:15
Zoffix ab6tract: I'd say it's a bug that it doesn't work. `$` for example works 15:17
m: say "XXXzYYYz" ~~ /... <before z> /
camelia 「XXX」
before => 「」
Zoffix m: say "XXXzYYYz" ~~ /... <before z$> /
camelia 「YYY」
before => 「」
ab6tract m: say "XXXzYYYz" ~~ /... <?before z$> / 15:18
camelia 「YYY」
ab6tract indeed
Zoffix: did you ever make a bot that can file bug reports to RT for me? :) 15:19
Zoffix Nope
ab6tract m: say "XXXzYYYz" ~~ /... <?before "z"$> /
camelia 「YYY」
15:22 rindolf left, setty1 joined
Zoffix Seems word boundary is also busted in `after` 15:23
m: say ".zXXXYzYYY" ~~ /<?after <|w> z> .../
camelia 「XXX」
Zoffix m: say ".zXXXYzYYY" ~~ /<?after <!|w> z> .../
camelia 「YYY」
Zoffix Both work, but this form:
m: say ".zXXXYzYYY" ~~ /<?after « z> .../
camelia Nil
Zoffix Doesn't
ab6tract very curious 15:25
Geth doc: c6fb691615 | (Steve Mynott)++ | bin/p6doc
use Terminal::ANSIColor if available to render pod
doc: 06ce2e73e2 | (Steve Mynott)++ | bin/p6doc
Display package where function was found in a hacky way :-(
ab6tract Zoffix: my bug reporting foo is quite rusty. would you mind filing it? if not i will try to do it later 15:32
15:37 ufobat left
Geth doc: c35ab2b5e4 | (Steve Mynott)++ | 2 files
remove Type:: prefix
Zoffix ab6tract: just email to [email@hidden.address] or log in to RT and use the secret bug filing web form I /msg'ed you 15:41
15:48 b2gills left 15:55 b2gills joined
stmuk_ I wondered why a new gnome install was spamming my desktop with help windows which I couldn't close 15:55
of course my headphones were resting on F1 15:56
timotimo my thinkpad has a "printscrn" button placed ridiculously impractically next to right alt. guess where the cat likes standing on the most
xfce4's built-in screenshot tool doesn't have any sort of protection against just holding down that key 15:57
Geth doc: f75c4997a1 | (Steve Mynott)++ | bin/p6doc
issue #1224 part 2 fix
15:58 andreoss joined
squashable6 🍕 stmuk++ wrote a comment on “p6doc mentions `Type::*`…”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1224#i...-326618274 15:58
🍕 stmuk++ closed issue “p6doc mentions `Type::*`…”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1224
16:05 wamba left, piojo left 16:06 Sgeo_ left 16:07 Sgeo joined
Geth doc: 2854b7dd13 | (Christopher Bottoms)++ (committed by Zoffix Znet) | doc/Language/syntax.pod6
Cleaning up "Separating statements by semicolons" (#1479)

  * Cleaning up "Separating statements by semicolons"
Trying to address #1477
  * More explanation, postcircumfix exception
... (6 more lines)
squashable6 🍕 zoffixznet++ merged pull request “Cleaning up "Separating statements by semicolons"”: github.com/perl6/doc/pull/1479
🍕 zoffixznet++ wrote a comment on “Cleaning up "Separating statements by semicolons"”: github.com/perl6/doc/pull/1479#iss...-326620543
🍕 zoffixznet++ wrote a comment on “Unnecessary style recomm…”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1477#i...-326620614
🍕 zoffixznet++ closed issue “Unnecessary style recomm…”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1477
16:10 Sgeo left
squashable6 🍕 zoffixznet++ wrote a comment on “Using .lines on generated data is wrong (traps)”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1472#i...-326621184 16:11
🍕 zoffixznet++ labeled issue “doc $*INITTIME”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1462 16:12
16:13 Geth left 16:18 andrzejku joined
Zoffix "11 branches" looks like perl6/doc branches are also in want of a squashing 16:22
andreoss is the jvm backend functional? nqp-j appears working but it crashes with NullPointerException while builing perl6.jar 16:23
yoleaux 31 Aug 2017 08:04Z <lizmat> andreoss: check Tux's Text::CSV's CHECK block for aliasing methods
31 Aug 2017 08:36Z <lizmat> andreoss: condensed to an "also" trait: sub trait_mod:<is>(Method:D $m, :$also!) { my $c := $m.package; $c.^add_method($_,$m) for @$also }
16:25 zakharyas left 16:27 robertle joined
Zoffix andreoss: last I heard was some devs having issues building it. Haven't seen anyone actively working on it lately. 16:27
.seen psch
yoleaux I saw psch 3 Jan 2017 18:33Z in #perl6: <psch> .seen TimToady
16:28 epony left 16:29 ab6tract left
andreoss is this multi-stage builing process documented somewhere? 16:30
Zoffix shrugs 16:31
Maybe in github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/nom/INSTALL.txt 16:32
stmuk_ andreoss: it may have been broken by the recent path security fix
Zoffix Ohhh right. 16:33
16:35 Skarsnik_ joined 16:37 kyan joined, Skarsnik__ joined, cdg joined, Skarsnik left
andreoss you mean empty PERL6LIB? 16:38
Zoffix It was something about not loading the stuff it needs from '.' dir 16:39
it = perl6 executable
16:40 Skarsnik_ left 16:41 cdg left 16:42 kyan left 16:46 dogbert2 joined
stmuk_ is Geth broked? 16:57
Zoffix ◀▬▬ │ Geth (~zofbot-ge@ns1.niner.name) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 16:59
Looks like it
nine: ping are you around. Geth pinged out
(and I still haven't had a chance to fix IRC::Client for the thing you mentioned... )
17:00 cdg_ joined
Zoffix m: use NativeCall; sub system(Str) is native {}; system 'ps | grep -i geth'; 17:00
camelia ( no output )
Zoffix m: use NativeCall; sub system(Str) is native {}; system 'killall geth';
camelia sh: killall: command not found
Zoffix Oh well :)P
stmuk_ I assume github.com/perl6/doc/commit/7c3ba1...dcfe9679f5 is likely to be more truthy than the original?
jdv79 well, i didnt know the autodarken welding lenses went bad until i just blinded myself 17:01
til, check before using a 15y old piece of equipment
oops, wrong chan
Zoffix stmuk_: don't know if the rest of the doc mention them, but if not, work including that many of the stat fields are obtainable via IO::Path methods like .s, .f, .d, etc. 17:02
stmuk_ yeah good point 17:03
Zoffix Geth_: 17:04
Geth_: help
Geth_ Zoffix, Source at github.com/perl6/geth To add repo, add an 'application/json' webhook on GitHub pointing it to geth.perl6.party/?chan=#perl6 and choose 'Send me everything' for events to send | use `ver URL to commit` to fetch version bump changes
17:05 Geth joined
nine Zoffix: I restarted geth 17:05
Geth_ doc: 5ede23fec1 | (Moritz Lenz)++ | doc/Language/glossary.pod6
Glossary entry for "binder". Closes #1390
squashable6 🍕 moritz++ closed issue “`binder` could use a Glossary entry”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1390
Geth_ doc: 7c3ba1ce6f | (Steve Mynott)++ | doc/Language/5to6-perlfunc.pod6
We probably don't have stat despite its presence in

Zoffix nine: oh, thanks :)
17:09 kyan joined
squashable6 🍕 zoffixznet++ closed issue “The shallowness of `.clo…”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1458 17:09
Geth doc: 90220b443f | (Steve Mynott)++ | doc/Language/5to6-perlfunc.pod6
goto is not yet implemented
Zoffix Geth hates me... 17:10
Geth doc: 70344ae41b | (Moritz Lenz)++ | CONTRIBUTING.md
CONTRIBUTING.md: small corrections
Zoffix oh well. I pushed github.com/perl6/doc/commit/fb2d3fc024
Zoffix & 17:13
Geth doc: e231aa6f58 | (Moritz Lenz)++ | doc/Type/Junction.pod6
Junctions: clarify what is meant by boolean context

Closes #1269
squashable6 🍕 moritz++ closed issue “Comparisons with a junct…”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1269
17:14 mr-foobar joined
moritz since I just closed an issue by brian d foy... does anybody know anything about the state of "Learning Perl 6"? 17:15
s/m/ /
17:15 silug left
stmuk_ I think you have to pay to learn about the status of it :) 17:16
17:16 mr-fooba_ left
squashable6 🍕 moritz++ wrote a comment on “<same> is not documented”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1259#i...-326636581 17:17
🍕 moritz++ labeled issue “<same> is not documented”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1259 17:18
🍕 moritz++ unlabeled issue “<same> is not documented”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1259
Zoffix moritz: yeah, it's basically delayed a bit
Zoffix digs for latest update email
Geth doc: 7f07a03520 | (Moritz Lenz)++ | doc/Language/regexes.pod6
Document <?same> in regex. Closes #1259
squashable6 🍕 moritz++ closed issue “<same> is not documented”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1259
raschipi moritz: And you regex book, how is it going?
moritz raschipi: it's going to be published by Apress; manuscript submission deadline is Dec 1st 17:22
andreoss stmuk_: this commit has added just a single line into some regex, how could it have broken JVM port?
moritz raschipi: and I have the manuscript mostly done, with a chapter on some example projects still missing
a first draft of the manuscript, I should say :-)
raschipi You know your book will put parsing on the hands of common programmers, right? It could be revolutionary.
Or better, are you goiung to cover parsing? 17:23
moritz raschipi: that's my hope. My sarcastic side says it's just going to be a niche book in the niche market of Perl 6
raschipi: yes
raschipi Your book wil kill ZALGO!
skids If someone could close RT#124848 that would be great... no reply option for that one for me in RT UI. 17:24
synopsebot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display...?id=124848
moritz so far I plan three main examples at the end: parsing mathematical expressions using a mixture of grammar + operator precedence parser, S-Expressions, and an idention-based language (simplification from python)
Zoffix moritz: assuming I got the latest email, I think it's a public kickstarter update: www.kickstarter.com/projects/14228...ts/1909345 17:25
17:25 wamba joined, itaipu joined
Zoffix "My initial target was ambitious even if everything went well, but as you can see in my various Perl 6 activity on @LearningPerl6, there are still many rough edges to work out. And, as the Perl 6 devs work on these, there's talk of a v6.d that will supersede the current v6.c version with some changes to the standard library" 17:25
Latest update to the preview PDF is from 27 days ago. 17:26
17:26 setty1 left
moritz so... he wants to wait until Perl 6 is dead, so it's not a moving target anymore? /s 17:26
Zoffix: thanks for digging that up 17:27
Skarsnik__ hm I think I donate for this. I have pdf acees?
Zoffix moritz: Also mentions that he's working on Perl 6 version of perl5's faq 17:28
Skarsnik__: yeah, it was like $50 tier on Kickstarter
Skarsnik__ I don't think I donated that much
Zoffix Skarsnik__: but I dunno, ping him on twitter.com/LearningPerl6 and ask if you could have a discount :)
Skarsnik__ btw was there some discusion to have a patreon like for Rakudo Perl 6 17:29
Zoffix "patreon"? What's that? 17:30
raschipi moritz: Do you think you'll publish it before or after the performance changes from TimToady land? It would be useful if the performance was there to avoid people being dissapointed.
Skarsnik__ I donated 20,00 $ so
I mean if it lead to a book it's fine ^^
moritz raschipi: I have no idea when the performance changes will land 17:31
andreoss Skarsnik__: what is the point of having 3rd parth if you can donate ditrectly to TPF?
Skarsnik__ performance change?
El_Che Skarsnik__: you need 25€ for the ebook. Ping hem and raise the plegde with 5. 17:32
andreoss *party
El_Che Skarsnik__: that will do it
moritz Zoffix: it's a croud-funding platform where people can pledge periodic/continuous support instead of just one-time support
Zoffix Ah
Skarsnik__ I prefer it to simple donation
Zoffix I prerer a simple donation.
moritz Zoffix: podcasts use it occasionally, on an per-episode or a monthly basis
Skarsnik__ the issue you pay VAT
El_Che I wanted the t-shirt pledge but I didn't pick that one because a huge part was just postage 17:33
(as in huge)
Skarsnik__ I like to think "Yeah I give 5€/month to this guy because I like his content"
17:33 Skarsnik__ is now known as Skarsnik
rightfold Can you customize how many list elements gist will show? 17:34
Zoffix rightfold: no
Other than overriding its .gist
s: (), 'gist', \()
SourceBaby Zoffix, Sauce is at github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/9096...st.pm#L795
Skarsnik Zoffix, I mean each people his liking to give money, but having a monthly thingy as another choice is good 17:35
andreoss rightfold: no
rightfold Zoffix: thanks
andreoss s: "", 'gist', 17:36
SourceBaby andreoss, Sauce is at github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/9096...Mu.pm#L581
andreoss what is the first one?
a type? 17:37
stmuk_ andreoss: I mean nqp/dd25a9246 and following related commits
Zoffix andreoss: it's args to sourcery routine of CoreHackers::Sourcery
buggable: eco Sourcery 17:38
buggable Zoffix, CoreHackers::Sourcery 'Helper for showing actual source code locations of core subs and methods': github.com/zoffixznet/perl6-CoreHa...s-Sourcery
Zoffix andreoss: ($object, Str $method, Capture $args?) or (&Callable, Capture $args?) 17:39
17:44 lizmat joined
AlexDaniel moritz: “detects an unbalanced parenthesis in squashable6's output” where? 17:45
squashable6: status
squashable6 AlexDaniel, 🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in 1 day and ≈18 hours
AlexDaniel, Log and stats: gist.github.com/a4e73e3b486fa324ea...bb9a18c2e7 17:46
Zoffix nice :) 17:47
AlexDaniel it works better than I thought it would :) 17:48
Skarsnik squashable6, foo 17:49
squashable6 Skarsnik, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Squashable
Skarsnik :)
Zoffix buggable: pizza
buggable Zoffix, Enjoy this slice of Meatzaa pizza, my friend! Yummy 🍕
lizmat afk again&
17:50 lizmat left
AlexDaniel buggable: pizza Zoffix 17:51
buggable AlexDaniel, Enjoy this slice of Chicken Mexican Red Wave pizza, my friend! Yummy 🍕
Skarsnik lol
tinita buggable: can i have a vegan pizza please?
huh 17:52
Zoffix \o/ 17:53
Zoffix gives tinita a slice of vegan pizza 17:54
It matches /:i \s* pizza /
tinita thanks *nom nom*
17:55 Kyo91 left
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ assigned issue “Add 「@a.push: |@b」 as a trap to avoid” to zoffixznet: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/602 17:57
🍕 AlexDaniel++ self-unassigned issue “Add 「@a.push: |@b」 as a trap to avoid”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/602
🍕 AlexDaniel++ unassigned issue “Add 「@a.push: |@b」 as a trap to avoid” from zoffixznet: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/602
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Add 「@a.push: |@b」 as a trap to avoid”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/602#is...-326645553
🍕 AlexDaniel++ closed issue “Add 「@a.push: |@b」 as a trap to avoid”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/602
18:02 Kyo91 joined 18:06 andreoss left 18:12 epony joined 18:13 epony left 18:19 brrt joined 18:21 raschipi_ joined 18:23 raschipi left 18:26 raschipi_ is now known as raschipi
Geth doc: 4bd6502d15 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | doc/Language/traps.pod6
List not using chdir as an option
doc: df4c43498e | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | doc/Language/traps.pod6
Document lines vs slurp.lines trap

Resolves issue #1472.
squashable6 🍕 rafaelschipiura++ wrote a comment on “Create language/unicode page”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1142#i...-326652744 18:29
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by rafaelschipiura++! ♥
18:31 yht left 18:32 Cabanossi left
Zoffix Dunno if it's avoiding chdir is "viable" option. The point of that entry is .Str of IO::Path isn't suitable to reference paths, as it doesn't consider the $!CWD attribute. `chdir` was listed as merely just as one of the means to demonstrate potential issue. 18:33
(also: the code you use might alter $*CWD without you being actively aware of it, and intro the issue) 18:34
AlexDaniel Zoffix: how is that possible?
Zoffix Or code that uses your code. Temp::File has (had?) this problem, where it deletes the wrong files.
AlexDaniel: that being what? 18:35
18:35 Cabanossi joined
AlexDaniel ah, you mean some module may chdir without me knowing? 18:35
Zoffix yeah
AlexDaniel well, my point is that nothing in a world should chdir without a very good reason 18:36
in fact, maybe nothing should ever use chdir… :-/
Zoffix And my point is that entry has little to do with chdir. 18:37
AlexDaniel Zoffix: sure, but someone who faces the issue may come to read this
and “hey, but you don't have to use chdir” is a good suggestion, no?
Zoffix And read "another viable option is to not use chdir" 18:38
This code deletes the wrong file. No chdir involved: unlink IO::Path.new("foo", :CWD<bar>).Str
Zoffix shrugs and goes back to lurking
AlexDaniel :O 18:39
18:39 mniip joined
AlexDaniel right 18:40
squashable6 🍕 moritz++ wrote a comment on “most pre-defined tokens …”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/864#is...-326655431 18:41
🍕 moritz++ closed issue “most pre-defined tokens …”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/864
Geth doc: d9a69dfda4 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | doc/Language/traps.pod6
Not an option, but a solution to another problem

Still worth a mention I think.
  Zoffix++ irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2017-09-01#i_15102655
AlexDaniel Zoffix: that's probably even better ↑
Zoffix AlexDaniel++
Geth doc: f54583e09c | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/traps.pod6
Mention other ways stringified IO::Path fails
18:48 espadrine joined
Geth doc: 309904c1ab | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/traps.pod6
Mark code as skip-test

  - Since unlink touches the filesystem
18:55 cdg_ left
Zoffix ab6tract: I guess you left before you got my message about secret RT form... I now filed the regex <after> thing as rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=132014 18:59
Geth doc: nxadm++ created pull request #1484:
Specify the version that introduced slurp
squashable6 🍕 nxadm++ opened pull request “Specify the version that introduced slurp”: github.com/perl6/doc/pull/1484
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by nxadm++! ♥
Geth doc: 52845fc02e | (Claudio Ramirez)++ | doc/Type/Proc.pod6
Specify the version that introduced slurp
doc: 22b7bb22a0 | nxadm++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/Proc.pod6
Merge pull request #1484 from nxadm/master

Specify the version that introduced slurp
squashable6 🍕 nxadm++ merged pull request “Specify the version that introduced slurp”: github.com/perl6/doc/pull/1484
doc: f9eb8ef426 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | doc/Language/traps.pod6
More stuff for issue #1472

This should make it closable.
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ closed issue “Using .lines on generated data is wrong (traps)”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1472
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Using .lines on generated data is wrong (traps)”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1472#i...-326660088
19:04 brrt left
Geth doc: 1a6b4274e5 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | doc/Language/traps.pod6
Make it sound better after the previous paragraph
19:06 pilne joined
Geth doc: nxadm++ created pull request #1485:
Specify rakudo release slurp introduction
squashable6 🍕 nxadm++ opened pull request “Specify rakudo release slurp introduction”: github.com/perl6/doc/pull/1485
🍕 zoffixznet++ wrote a comment on “Using .lines on generated data is wrong (traps)”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1472#i...-326661189
El_Che Please review github.com/perl6/doc/pull/1485, to see if the added note is desired.
Geth doc: 0c83985978 | nxadm++ (committed by Zoffix Znet) | doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6
Specify rakudo release slurp introduction (#1485)
squashable6 🍕 zoffixznet++ merged pull request “Specify rakudo release slurp introduction”: github.com/perl6/doc/pull/1485
🍕 zoffixznet++ wrote a comment on “Specify rakudo release slurp introduction”: github.com/perl6/doc/pull/1485#iss...-326661364
Zoffix El_Che: pre-6.d release we'll add some better system to indicate stuff like that, but in the meantime, the note is useful. 19:10
ugexe or people might start expecting all methods that were added after 2016.12 to be mentioned 19:13
Zoffix 2015.12 you mean :) 19:14
19:15 darutoko left
Zoffix Well, technically, *wink* *wink*, stuff like .parse-base and many other features added since Christmas aren't part of any official language release and shouldn't be documented as normal features. 19:16
raschipi Rakudo should document it's own features, I think. Only meantion if they are in the spec if that's the question. 19:17
El_Che Zoffix: I added it because I realize that even when I create my own linux packages, I don't always update all my machines to the latest release (I certainly update my laptop)
raschipi: I think that will mostly apply in the future 19:18
ugexe but why wouldnt you use older version of the docs?
El_Che ugexe: people just go to doc.perl6.org 19:19
raschipi It would also be very helpful if that feature was made avilable so that modules can provide this info through the same mechanism.
El_Che ugexe: doesn't look versioned to me
Zoffix raschipi: it is (or rather was) more of a question "what do we do with these new features people are asking about?". It's already basically solved, since we both have a way to specify language versions in Rakudo now as well as have plan to do quarterly language releases after 6.d
ugexe: 'cause there's just one website :)
I'm still on 2017.07 on my box and 2017.05 on my server. 19:20
El_Che ugexe: I would agree that versioned doc like the perl5 equivalent is a great idea
AlexDaniel hm, it seems that we don't have Signals enum documented at all
El_Che ugexe: although maybe too much work for a small communtiy
Zoffix It'd be relatively easy to find when particular methods were implemented 19:21
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Numeric values of signals mean nothing (traps)”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1474#i...-326663737
🍕 AlexDaniel++ edited issue “Numeric values of signals mean nothing (bug)”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1474
El_Che Zoffix: you tagged your changes well
Zoffix Like generating map.perl6.party/ on ~24 builds since Christmas and seeing the differences 19:22
Zoffix & 19:23
AlexDaniel c: releases class Foo { method TWEAK { say ‘hello’ } }; Foo.new 19:25
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦2015.12,2016.01.1,2016.02,2016.03,2016.04,2016.05,2016.06,2016.07.1,2016.08.1,2016.09,2016.10: «» ¦2016.11,2016.12,2017.01,2017.02,2017.03,2017.04.3,2017.05,2017.06,2017.07,2017.08,HEAD(9096889): «hello»
19:27 cdg joined
raschipi Zoffix: What's the 'Count' column in your routine list? 19:28
19:28 cdg left
Zoffix .count method's return value 19:28
m: dd [.arity, .count] with sub ($, $, $?) {}
camelia [2, 3]
raschipi thanks 19:29
19:31 kyan left
Geth doc: 83d60a4f5b | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | doc/Language/traps.pod6
Mention TWEAK

Resolves #1305
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ closed issue “BUILD trap should mention TWEAK”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1305
samcv how's the squashathon going 19:35
19:35 cdg joined
samcv should i look for issues to close or open 19:35
Zoffix samcv: going great
samcv: both :) 19:36
samcv good * everyone
Zoffix squashable6: log
squashable6 Zoffix, Log and stats: gist.github.com/12a48552c532eb8e87...8892784309
19:36 Rawriful joined
samcv j: say 'hi' 19:36
camelia java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /nqp/lib/Perl6/BOOTSTRAP.jar
in <anon> (gen/jvm/ModuleLoader.nqp:90)
in load_module (gen/jvm/ModuleLoader.nqp:77)
in <anon> (gen/jvm/CORE.setting)
in <anon> (gen/jvm/ModuleLoader.nqp:255)
in load_sett…
samcv is the jvm compyling atm?
should i attempt to fix jvm issues
Zoffix No, it's broken
samcv damn 19:37
Zoffix samcv: if you want :) Though this month's SQUASHathon is about our perl6/doc repo
samcv oh so it's a doc based squashathon
AlexDaniel samcv: I'll start bothering people about things like this after the SQUASHathon :)
samcv: this month, yes
Zoffix Each month will be a different thing 19:38
samcv ok i can do that too
AlexDaniel \o/
Zoffix |
AlexDaniel buggable: pizza samcv
buggable AlexDaniel, Enjoy this slice of Golden Chicken Delight pizza, my friend! Yummy 🍕
samcv nice
19:39 andreoss joined, cpage left, cpage joined 19:40 eliasr left 19:41 cpage_ left, cpage_ joined
samcv Zoffix, where should this page go github.com/perl6/doc/issues/891 19:42
i should add a link on our unicode page to my new documentation on MVM's implementation on strings too probably
19:42 buggable left, buggable joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v buggable
Zoffix samcv: maybe docs.perl6.org/language/regexes ? 19:43
AlexDaniel what about docs.perl6.org/language/unicode ?
samcv also i don't think you can do that
19:43 buggable left
samcv idk maybe we need a regex type that will pass back the base characters instead of the full characters 19:43
19:44 buggable joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v buggable
samcv like :m except opposite. instead of searching with base characters you return base charaters 19:44
AlexDaniel buggable: pizza samcv
buggable AlexDaniel, enjoy this slice of Cheese and Pepperoni pizza, my friend! Yummy 🍕
AlexDaniel .pizza samcv
19:44 buggable left
samcv m: say "7\x[308] " ~~ /^ \d+ $/ 19:45
camelia Nil
samcv well Zoffix it looks like it looks for plain numbers
raschipi samcv: Can you give this github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1142 one some love?
samcv but it doesn't if it's like
19:45 buggable joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v buggable, SCHAPiE left
samcv m: say "7\x[308]" ~~ /^ \d+ $/ 19:45
camelia 「7̈」
Zoffix samcv: that's only because you added anchors and there's nothing to match the extra spaces 19:46
m: say "7\x[308] " ~~ /^ \d+ /
camelia 「7̈」
squashable6 🍕 samcv++ edited a comment on “Create language/unicode page”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1142#i...-279243451
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by samcv++! ♥
samcv oh my
Zoffix \o/
19:46 Kyo91 left, buggable left 19:47 itaipu left, lostinfog joined
raschipi How can I alias a variable to a method, to introspect it? 19:48
19:48 buggable joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v buggable
Zoffix m: my $meth = "".^find_method: "say"; say $meth.^name 19:49
camelia Method
19:49 cpage left
raschipi At the moment I'm calling .^methods.kv and then indexing into the list. I tried with .grep but it complains that I'm stringfiying it. 19:49
Zoffix (there's also .^can)
19:49 cpage joined
Zoffix raschipi: .^methods».name.grep 19:49
^methods returns Method objects
19:49 Khisanth left
Zoffix (and they have .name method that returns a Str with their name) 19:50
buggable: pizza AlexDaniel
buggable AlexDaniel, enjoy this slice of Hawaiian pizza, my friend! Yummy 🍕
Zoffix \o/
Zoffix relocates
AlexDaniel \o/
raschipi Thanks Zoffiz, find_method is exactly what I was looking for.
19:50 cpage__ joined 19:51 cpage_ left, cpage__ is now known as cpage_, SCHAPiE joined
Skarsnik .poke AlexDaniel 19:51
AlexDaniel ouch
jdv79 .tell moritz sup with the logs and unicode?
yoleaux jdv79: I'll pass your message to moritz.
Skarsnik .poke AlexDaniel with a pony plushie
perigrin .pokémon 19:52
raschipi m: say my &a = Str.^methods.grep(*.name eq 'encode')[0]
camelia encode
Skarsnik Good night people ^^ 19:53
19:53 devmikey joined
AlexDaniel Skarsnik: good night! 19:54
19:59 Skarsnik left 20:01 Kyo91 joined 20:02 Cabanossi left, andrzejku left, Khisanth joined 20:04 setty1 joined 20:05 Cabanossi joined 20:13 AlexDani` joined 20:15 mr-foobar left, AlexDaniel left 20:16 mr-foobar joined, AlexDani` is now known as AlexDaniel
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ closed issue “Using » in place of .map is a trap”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/960 20:17
Geth doc: 89751a5c28 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | doc/Language/traps.pod6
Document » vs map trap

Resolves #960
AlexDaniel trapathon :) 20:18
Geth doc: 7c29082ecd | (Samantha McVey)++ | doc/Language/pod.pod6
POD: explain how to create links to sections of current document
doc: 1a3e704183 | (Samantha McVey)++ | doc/Language/unicode.pod6
Mention UTF8-C8 is used for filenames
samcv AlexDaniel, i'm guilty of that 20:23
m: "words".comb».trim.say
camelia (w o r d s)
samcv it appears to be the same on the surface
20:25 telex left
AlexDaniel samcv: I know! 20:26
20:26 telex joined
raschipi samcv: It won't have the same order if there are side effects. 20:26
Execution is out of order, but the result isn't. 20:27
samcv ah
ok that's what i thought raschipi
AlexDaniel, maybe you should add that? output is same but execution can be out of order?
that wasn't totally clear
AlexDaniel c: 2015.09 "words".comb».trim.say 20:28
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦2015.09: «(w o r d s)»
AlexDaniel c: 2015.09 "words".comb».trim».say
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦2015.09: «w␤o␤r␤d␤s»
AlexDaniel mhm
samcv: right, this example is totally fine as long as you don't ».say :)
samcv yeah 20:29
raschipi gather/take also has side effects
AlexDaniel I don't know if it should be mentioned there. Those who know it are free to use »
20:29 lizmat joined
AlexDaniel I've seen execution/result order confusion on this channel a couple of times 20:30
raschipi Is there any other issues besides the out-of-order execution and the deepmap semantics?
AlexDaniel raschipi: I don't think so
raschipi As it's already laid out in the hyperoperator docs, no need to repeat it in the traps section, just add a more explicit link telling people to look into those docs. 20:34
AlexDaniel “Duplicate small pieces of information rather than rely on linking” github.com/perl6/doc/blob/master/C...principles 20:36
it stands by itself on the traps page
raschipi Right, I stand corrected, then.
20:39 bdmatatu joined
raschipi Thinking about it now, it's good to list all issues in the traps page so that more experience users know if they need to study the thing more before using. Neither the .map or hyper pages have comparissons to each other, it's good to answer the question above (are these all the issues?) somewhere. 20:41
AlexDaniel raschipi: what if there are more issues and we just don't know about them? :) 20:42
Geth doc: 57e456de7a | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | doc/Language/traps.pod6
Fix .lines/.split links
AlexDaniel raschipi: but feel free to edit it the way you like
raschipi I will once I get home.
AlexDaniel raschipi++ 20:44
MasterDuke what's an example of something prohibited in regex interpolation unless `use MONKEY` is on? 20:45
samcv nice i just got commit access to perl6-pod-to-markdown 20:47
20:48 leont left, Kyo91 left, Cabanossi left 20:49 lizmat left 20:50 Cabanossi joined
AlexDaniel MasterDuke: anything that breaks the “anon regex { … }” hack? 20:58
MasterDuke: we're talking about github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1429 right
MasterDuke: ?
MasterDuke AlexDaniel: sortof 20:59
21:00 lizmat joined
MasterDuke i think there's a bug for the P5 regex flavor where you don't need `use MONKEY` when you are supposed to need it 21:00
but i'm trying to figure out how to test 21:01
Geth doc: e46f8374fe | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | doc/Language/operators.pod6
Link to traps anyway

It's OK to have small pieces of information copied. However, traps section is a bit more elaborate on another issue (deepmap semantics), so a link is appropriate.
21:06 skids left 21:09 raschipi left 21:20 TEttinger joined
jdv79 how many have joined the hackaton? 21:21
oh, its tomorrow, right? i can't cause holiday.
Zoffix jdv79: it's on "Saturday" and in some parts it's already Saturday 21:23
squashable6: status
squashable6 Zoffix, 🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in 1 day and ≈14 hours
Zoffix, Log and stats: gist.github.com/5ab4eaa09f6d7b95b0...cb971a1796
Zoffix jdv79: ^ that many people joined
21:24 Sgeo joined
AlexDaniel Zoffix: FWIW I like it this way. It's more flexible 21:25
by the way, we had 7000th commit to the doc repo today 21:27
jdv79 what is "unassigned"? 21:28
there are way more tickets on that repo than all those cats added up
AlexDaniel jdv79: that's when you unassign somebody who is assigned :) 21:30
jdv79 oh
AlexDaniel jdv79: ah, I think I see what you're saying 21:31
jdv79: or maybe not, I'm not sure. These are the stats of the current squashathon, not what the current situation is in the repo. But I guess I misunderstood something? 21:32
jdv79 its ok i guess. i read it as counts not actions. 21:33
makes sense. i had the wrong context. 21:34
be cool if outsiders showed up
21:35 niceperl joined
AlexDaniel jdv79: anyway, created this issue so hopefully will make it less confusing later: github.com/perl6/whateverable/issues/222 21:35
jdv79 where is it sat and people could be awake? japan and australia?
cool 21:36
AlexDaniel jdv79: well, UTC timesets range from -12 to +14 :)
time offsets*
Zoffix AlexDaniel: \o/ 21:37
AlexDaniel by the way, maybe +14 is not used anymore
Zoffix: \o/ ? :)
Zoffix AlexDaniel │ by the way, we had 7000th commit to the doc repo today
AlexDaniel aw yeahhh \o/
jdv79 moarvm has moar 21:38
doesn't seem to make sense
AlexDaniel jdv79: we can fix that today :P
jdv79 50K in parrot;) 21:39
roughly double rakudo
is the kernel the repo with the most commits at 693k? 21:41
Zoffix And yeah, I too think it's working (the all-timezone-Saturday). Takes the pressure off. I can relax tonight and still SQUASH some more stuff tomorrow :) 21:42
AlexDaniel yup 21:43
stmuk_ I'd say there are starting to be a lot more random twitter posts by people (zed shaw for example) and youtube videos for perl 6 now 21:44
eg. www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7wxTcUZ4eU
Zoffix Great :)
jdv79 feels like a silent movie from the early 20th century 21:48
different but fun presentation style 21:49
21:49 bdmatatu left
stmuk_ yeah I was expecting to see a woman tied to a railway track by a man with a moustache 21:53
21:56 Sgeo_ joined
Zoffix "This method uses rakudobrew recommended by rakudo.org" ouch 21:57
AlexDaniel m: my $x = ‘ailemac#’; say ‘I ♥ camelia’ ~~ /<{$x.flip}>/
camelia 5===SORRY!5===
Regex not terminated.
at /home/camelia/EVAL_0:1
------> 3anon regex { #camelia}7⏏5<EOL>
Regex not terminated.
at /home/camelia/EVAL_0:1
------> 3anon regex { #camelia}7⏏5<EOL>
Malformed regex
at /home/cameli…
AlexDaniel why does it say “/home/bisectable/git/whateverable/EVAL_0” ?
does it actually create a temp file like this? 21:58
Zoffix nah
m: 'foo'.EVAL
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /home/camelia/EVAL_0
Undeclared routine:
foo used at line 1
AlexDaniel so that's a rakudobug?
21:58 Sgeo left
Zoffix I'd say sop 21:58
21:59 Sgeo__ joined, setty1 left
Zoffix damn, the rakudo.org still recommends panda even 22:00
AlexDaniel ok, RT #132015
synopsebot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display...?id=132015
Zoffix or maybe not... it was in the video, but don't see where on rakudo.org it is
ah, it's in rakudobrew repo 22:01
was :) 22:02
22:02 Sgeo_ left
Zoffix Gonna rewamp the rakudo.org download page to fix outdated stuff tomorrow, unless someone beats me 22:02
.in 18h fix rakudo.org download page, bruh 22:07
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll remind you on 2 Sep 2017 16:07Z
Zoffix botsnack
synopsebot6 om nom nom
Zoffix swats synopsebot6 with a newspaper 22:08
Bad robot!
22:14 ChoHag left
Geth doc: e4f84cb7f9 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | doc/Language/traps.pod6
Document $() vs <{}> regex trap

Resolves #1429
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ closed issue “Implicit EVAL in regexes (trap?)”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1429 22:18
AlexDaniel hm, maybe I'm using curly quotes too frivolously 22:19
22:27 lostinfog left
AlexDaniel hm, we never link to RT tickets from docs? 22:27
isn't it a bit unethical to say “here's a feature you can use” when we know it has a bug? I'm trying to resolve github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1474 22:29
22:30 cdg_ joined 22:34 cdg left
Geth doc: 0affb676ac | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | doc/Type/Supply.pod6
Index Signal
doc: 39e3efc08d | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | doc/Type/Supply.pod6
Mention and link a known bug with signals

Resolves #1474.
Feel free to revert if you think that we should not add links to rakudo tickets. If you do so, please reopen #1474.
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ closed issue “Numeric values of signals mean nothing (bug)”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1474
ugexe if you're going to cross link docs to rt you might want to put the link in rt as well so that the doc gets fixed when the issue does 22:36
22:36 cdg_ left
AlexDaniel ugexe: ok makes sense 22:37
so when it's fixed, then what? We keep a “Note:” saying that versions of rakudo before 201*.** are known to have a bug?
Zoffix Sounds like that best reserved for some separate resource 22:38
ugexe well why list some bugs in the docs and not others? 22:39
AlexDaniel correct… list all of them? :-|
ugexe id say listing none of them in the docs makes the most sense personally 22:40
AlexDaniel yeah, amazing solution. /o\
ugexe i dont see the problem, so yeah 22:41
AlexDaniel sorry, but, if we know that there's a fat bug somewhere, it's a bit irresponsible to push it to the user side saying “here, we have a list of 1500 bugs, go through the list to see if your code is going to work or not” 22:42
ugexe if only it could somehow be organized without redundantly copying all the bugs into the docs... 22:43
22:43 devmikey left
AlexDaniel and if we document a feature saying “it does *this*”, then it is a blatant lie if we know that actually it doesn't work 22:43
we can always say that our docs are about perl 6 language and not rakudo, but this way we just get back to the “it's your problem” solution 22:44
which, let's admit, is less than awesome
ugexe if you only have 2 choices, then i guess
off the top of my head, i would say some type of index could be used and linked from each item in the docs. but thats just my 10 seconds of thought for a solution 22:45
Zoffix AlexDaniel: I think the a flawed ingredient in that logic is assumption that all users read all the docs *each* time they use a feature. I think it's be fairly rare for a user to be reading about a feature they're about to use AND have a compiler that's old enough to still have that bug AND for the bug to be so innocuous that the user doesn't realize they might be using a buggy routine. That's quite a lot of 22:52
work to keep doing to add very little benefit IMO and some detriment (the extra information is competing with other things to be read). We already have a place with all the fixed bugs documented: the ChangeLog
buggable: tag TESTNEEDED 22:54
buggable Zoffix, There are 41 tickets tagged with TESTNEEDED; See fail.rakudo.party/t/TESTNEEDED for details
22:54 silug joined
Zoffix With 41 bugs still needed tests to cover it's perhaps extra unwanted load to also track all the bugs on docs 22:54
Zoffix calls it a day 22:55
AlexDaniel Zoffix: well, let's take Signal as an example. Possibly I didn't learn about it from our docs (I guess it wasn't documented back then), but let's assume somebody comes today to learn about it. It works fine for signals that have same numeric values on different operating systems, so most likely you won't notice it right away
in fact, I haven't noticed in… 2 years?
I do understand your “flawed ingredient” argument, but my solution works in practice today 22:56
Zoffix OK :)
AlexDaniel if today somebody comes to learn about Signal, they will also see that it doesn't work quite right. In this particular case the problem is solved
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ opened issue “How to document rakudo bugs?”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1486 22:57
🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “How to document rakudo bugs?”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1486
AlexDaniel anyway, here's a ticket if somebody wants to discuss it more ↑
Zoffix Well, I'm changing my position. Let's try your way and see how it works out. If we find it not as useful as hoped, there's always an option of removing it. 22:58
AlexDaniel o/
buggable: bugs 23:07
buggable AlexDaniel, Total: 1687; BUG: 1088; UNTAGGED: 401; LTA: 179; NYI: 95; REGEX: 68; RFC: 59; JVM: 58; CONC: 54; TESTNEEDED: 45; REGRESSION: 34; PERF: 28; UNI: 28; SEGV: 26; IO: 22; NATIVECALL: 22; @LARRY: 21; POD: 21; TODO: 18; PRECOMP: 14; OO: 12; BUILD: 11; TESTCOMMITTED: 11; OPTIMIZER: 10; STAR: 7; BOOTSTRAP: 5; PARSER: 5; REPL: 5; GLR: 4; MATH: 4; OSX: 4; WEIRD: 3; WINDOWS: 3; RT: 2; SPES
23:07 niceperl left, andreoss left
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “How to document rakudo bugs?”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1486#i...-326702191 23:11
🍕 AlexDaniel++ edited a comment on “How to document rakudo bugs?”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1486#i...-326702191
23:13 wamba left
samcv oh nice! inlining MVM_string_get_grapheme_at_nocheck, so knuth_morris_pratt algo is 2x faster for flat strings and 40% faster for strands! woo 23:15
hadn't benchmarked strands, only had benched the flat strings
ugexe if the solution is "read the docs" then yes, its a now solution 23:17
23:23 grondilu_ joined 23:25 grondilu left 23:26 espadrine left 23:28 cdg joined 23:33 cdg left
samcv going to make `eq` 2.5 as fast for comparing 32bit strings and an 8 bit strings 23:33
everything is getting faster :)
now it uses an iterator but i'm going to have three different codepoints so it can either use two iterators if both are strands, use MVM_string_get_grapheme_at_nocheck, for both strings if both are flat, and if only one is flat, use an iterator for one and MVM_string_get_grapheme_at_nocheck, for the other 23:35
23:42 skids joined, cdg joined
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “tell that subs and their…”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1478 23:43
🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “html build process tries…”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1480 23:44
23:45 Rawriful left 23:47 cdg left
samcv and for eq for these other cases 23:51
1.7 vs 3.0 (strand 32bit, flat 8bit); 1.5 to 2.6 (flat 32 bit, strand 8bit)
so 1.75x faster on average for one strand and one flat
2.5x as fast for both being flat and different types. and as you (maybe) know, if they are both 8bit or both 32bit and both flat we use memcmp, but in 90% of cases that doesn't happen 23:52
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “List method flatmap is inappropriately discouraged”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1428#i...-326706326 23:53
🍕 AlexDaniel++ closed issue “List method flatmap is inappropriately discouraged”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1428 23:58
Geth doc: 1b1d26a46a | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | doc/Type/List.pod6
It's not bad practice, it's just discouraged

Resolves #1428.
Feel free to reopen if you have strong feelings about it.