»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
Thrush Thanks for all your help, you guys. I'm signing off. 00:00
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Zoffix ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ ❗❗❗❗ ❕❕❕❕ 00:36
NOTICE: Main Development Branch Renamed from “nom” to “master”: rakudo.org/2017/10/27/main-developm...to-master/
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ ❗❗❗❗ ❕❕❕❕
geekosaur weee
geekosaur preps to nuke rakudobrew and start over again... 00:38
AlexDaniel weeeeelll for that you'd need rakudobrew to adapt
geekosaur hm, actually I suppose that won;;t work until rakudobrew itself is updated; it knows about nom
Zoffix rakudobrew build moar master
AlexDaniel github.com/tadzik/rakudobrew/pull/127
.tell tadzik plz github.com/tadzik/rakudobrew/pull/127 00:39
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to tadzik.
00:43 Cabanossi left, troys is now known as troys_, Aceeri left, Cabanossi joined 00:44 epony joined
timotimo how hard can it be to write a blog engine … 00:51
Zoffix wrote the one that drives rakudo.party in an afternoon :P 00:52
timotimo heh. 00:53
what kind of features does it have? i take it it's a static site generator?
Zoffix No, dynamic. With a command to pull from repo and repo got markdown files: github.com/zoffixznet/perl6.party/...aster/post 00:54
errr. wait don't look there!
timotimo er, oops?
Zoffix hides all the unfinished drafts :)
bitrauser spoilers D:
timotimo but how does your command differentiate between draft and release? a field in the markdown perhaps? 00:55
Zoffix And this is basically all the code for it github.com/zoffixznet/perl6.party/...y/Posts.pm and github.com/zoffixznet/perl6.party/...ter/app.pl
timotimo: the posts have metadata at the top (the `%%` things): raw.githubusercontent.com/zoffixzn...-Update.md
drafts have `%% draft: true` in the metadata 00:56
timotimo neat
Zoffix On top of markdown, the features is just some shortcuts for IRC quotes, links to routine/class docs and and markdown massager to make posts suitable for copy-pasting to blogs.perl.org :)
timotimo it also has the glot.io snippet support right? 00:57
Zoffix Oh right yeah, that too
This: github.com/zoffixznet/perl6.party/...js#L14-L74
timotimo this test.p6 seems extremely useful
thanks for sharing that
Zoffix + code mirror for highlights; + this for backend to access glot.io API github.com/zoffixznet/perl6.party/...pl#L49-L67 00:58
timotimo i should go to bed
have a good one! :)
Zoffix You too \o
Zoffix de-computers too
00:58 Zoffix left
timotimo hope your recovery goes faster than mine 00:58
AlexDaniel runs also. Hope you folks have fun renaming “nom” to “master”! :) 00:59
01:10 troys_ is now known as troys, cpage_ left 01:12 Cabanossi left 01:13 Cabanossi joined 01:18 bitrauser_ joined 01:21 bitrauser left
Geth doc: ed2009e9e1 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Programs/01-debugging.pod6
grammar fix
01:27 wander left 01:29 ryn1x joined 01:30 HoboWithAShotgun joined
HoboWithAShotgun hello friendly friends. 01:32
can i have a subset that defines an array of 8 integers?
tbrowder hi, HWAS
01:33 greppable6 joined
Herby_ o/ HoboWithAShotgun 01:33
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tbrowder ref: rename nom to master, i just asked for advice on #perl6-dev per the note on the rakudo site. 01:35
01:41 travis-ci joined
travis-ci Doc build errored. Tom Browder 'grammar fix' 01:41
travis-ci.org/perl6/doc/builds/293450741 github.com/perl6/doc/compare/db2e0...2009e9e1a0
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buggable [travis build above] ✓ All failures are due to: timeout (1 failure). 01:41
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Xliff Is there a P6 module for creating/manipulating Google Sheet docs? 02:02
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jdv79 what would be a good way to get a string down to x chars long where a char is a byte? 02:14
well, at most x chars 02:15
02:15 ufobat left
Zoffix HoboWithAShotgun: yeah, subset Meow of Array where {.elems == 8 and .elems.all ~~ Int }; 02:16
HoboWithAShotgun: but we have typed, shaped arrays: my Int @a[8];
Xliff OK, GoogleSheets API is RESTful, which I am not surprised about, AT ALL. 02:17
I may take a stab at this in the near future. 02:18
Zoffix m: Buf.new('foobar♥meows'.encode.head: 8).decode('latin1').say
camelia foobarâ
Zoffix jdv79: dunno, something like that? ^
02:18 noganex joined
Zoffix chars as bytes.. I'm not sure what you mean. 02:18
jdv79 i have a byte size limit but utf8 makes substringing less obvious 02:19
02:19 eliasr left
Xliff jdv79: So, force single character strings? 02:19
jdv79 no. just get the biggest substring i can fit
Xliff Er... Single BYTE encoded stringss
So single OR multi-byte characters that fit into a buffer of a specified size? 02:20
jdv79 yes
02:21 noganex_ left
jdv79 i just brute forced it by chopping in a loop until the byte size fites 02:22
but that's lame 02:23
Zoffix m: sub trim-to ($str, $bytes) { $str.comb.map: { state $b = buf8.new; my $d = .encode; return $b.decode if $b + $d > $bytes; $b.append: $d } }; 'foobar♥meows'.&trim-to(8).say
camelia Attempt to return outside of any Routine
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Zoffix bug?
m: sub trim-to ($str, $bytes) { my $b = buf8.new; for $str.comb { my $d = .encode; return $b.decode if $b + $d > $bytes; $b.append: $d } }; 'foobar♥meows'.&trim-to(8).say 02:24
camelia foobar
Zoffix m: sub trim-to ($str, $bytes) { my $b = buf8.new; for $str.comb { my $d = .encode; return $b.decode if $b + $d > $bytes; $b.append: $d } }; 'foobar♥meows'.&trim-to(9).say
camelia foobar♥
Zoffix m: sub trim-to ($str, $bytes) { my $b = buf8.new; for $str.comb { my $d = .encode; return $b.decode if $b + $d > $bytes; $b.append: $d } }; 'foobar♥meows'.&trim-to(7).say
camelia foobar
Zoffix jdv79: something like that? vOv
Zoffix goes to bed
jdv79 i think so - thanks
02:24 Zoffix left
jdv79 nite 02:24
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HoboWithAShotgun has begun hacking on Unit::SI 03:00
i can already write: say 12V / 0.5A; # prints 24Ω 03:01
03:04 wamba left
Juerd HoboWithAShotgun: Does V*A give you W or VA? 03:04
geekosaur heh
03:07 ryn1x left 03:12 Cabanossi left 03:13 ryn1x joined 03:14 Cabanossi joined
HoboWithAShotgun it says watts 03:17
03:18 ryn1x left
HoboWithAShotgun this is the first iteration: hastebin.com/qomaqodiyo.rb incomplete of course 03:19
i will now engage in righteous slumber 03:21
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Xliff HoboWithAShotgun: Yow! I was doing something similar, trying to port the P5 version to P6. 04:46
github.com/Xliff/p6-math-units 04:47
.tell HoboWithAShotgun Yow! I was doing something similar, trying to port the P5 version to P6. github.com/Xliff/p6-math-units
yoleaux Xliff: I'll pass your message to HoboWithAShotgun.
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pmurias :( when searching for prefix ^ the doc page makes me go to 'docs.perl6.org/routine/?$CIRCUMFLEX_ACCENT' 09:03
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sena_kun should `perl6 -Isome_path -Ianother_path some.pl6` work? 09:56
or, rather, it doesn't fail for sure, but does it load modules as I think it should? 09:57
...it is not. 10:00
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ufobat_ thats what i do, and it worked for me 10:09
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Piotr_ pmurias: are You looking for 'docs.perl6.org/language/operators#prefix_^' ? 10:13
pmurias Piotr_: mostly reporting that searching for that on docs.perl6.org is broken 10:17
HoboWithAShotgun Xliff: of course you do. it's not as if there were a list. 10:20
yoleaux 04:47Z <Xliff> HoboWithAShotgun: Yow! I was doing something similar, trying to port the P5 version to P6. github.com/Xliff/p6-math-units
10:26 Guest10069 left
Geth doc: 6ee01ac517 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Programs/01-debugging.pod6
xref to env vars
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travis-ci Doc build passed. Tom Browder 'xref to env vars' 11:00
travis-ci.org/perl6/doc/builds/293606710 github.com/perl6/doc/compare/ed200...e01ac517ba
11:00 travis-ci left
Geth doc: 752bafa604 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Programs/00-running.pod6
add info on new env var
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Geth doc: c17d628b1f | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | 8 files
“nom” → “master”
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patrickz Hey! Is there any documentation how to create modules that contain C code and thus need a compiler during install? 12:51
DrForr Not sure how much documentation there is, but I'd definitely check out Inline::Perl5, plus if you're distributing the library separately you can always use NativeCall for an interface. 12:54
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patrickz I already looked at Inline::Perl5, but that module looks a bit overkill using a Configure.pl and Makefile.in. 12:55
12:56 synopsebot left
patrickz The library is just a tiny little bit of supporting C code that is more easily done in C than perl6. 12:57
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jnthn patrickz: I think Digest::SHA1::Native does something like that 13:07
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patrickz jnthn: Will have a look. 13:08
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piojo_ .tell tyil You might be interested to know that I fixed the BSON::Document date encoding/decoding to agree with the format mongodb uses 14:31
yoleaux piojo_: I'll pass your message to tyil.
tyil piojo_: awesome!
yoleaux 14:31Z <piojo_> tyil: You might be interested to know that I fixed the BSON::Document date encoding/decoding to agree with the format mongodb uses
tyil thanks
14:31 setty1 left 14:32 setty1 joined
piojo_ :) 14:36
Does anyone know if DBIish is thread safe (in practice)?
moritz back when I wrote some code in it: no 14:37
most of the underlying DB libraries assume that you use the DB handle on the same thread where you opened it
piojo_ moritz: I'm doing that, but something's going wrong anyway 14:38
14:39 Coleoid joined
piojo_ I posted about it on stackoverflow, because I can't exactly post a good test case here. (But maybe I should post somewhere else, because it's not syntax highlighted on SO.) stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/perl6 14:41
DrForr Good, we need traffic on SO. Even though I don't (yet, sigh...) participate... 14:46
14:47 Piotr_ joined
AlexDaniel do I get it right that “latest” on travis is HEAD? 14:50
piojo_ Yeah, recently there's been one guy posting almost every day. It's cool. Fun to see questions waiting. :)
AlexDaniel or is it the latest release?
piojo_ Haha, did everybody just go to stackoverflow and upvote the recent questions and answers? 14:53
14:53 ivans left
DrForr Not I, I hardly use my account. THough again that should change. 14:55
moritz piojo_: I found a bug in your example code while skimming your question 14:59
see the answer on SO
I didn't have the time to actually try it with the bug fixed 15:00
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piojo_ moritz: Thanks a lot! I'll test it, though if I might have to wait until Monday if I can't reproduce on my home computer 15:03
I'll let you know if that was it
but that really looks like the problem! I forgot %h«» interpolates but %h<> doesn't 15:04
moritz but don't use %h«...» there 15:05
piojo_ I need to break the habit of using %h<> so often
moritz it splits the key on whitespace
piojo_ Oh yeah, I know it woud be wrong
but it would also work.
(in this case)
moritz no
because it interpolates $*THREAD but not .id
piojo_ oh, indeed. haha. Then it would have to be $*THREAD.id() 15:06
but like I said, I really need to break that habit.
moritz right
AlexDaniel answering my own question: “latest” = HEAD on the default branch 15:11
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ugexe github.com/CurtTilmes/perl6-dbi-async - this uses DBIish and uses threads to do connection pooling 15:25
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ugexe and keying on $*THREAD.id doesn't mean you are keying on an id that will always point at the same thread 15:27
key on just $*THREAD I believe
jdv79 is it true that a "non-capturing group" aka [] can be made capturing by naming it? 15:28
moritz jdv79: you can do something like $<foo>=[...]
jdv79 seems to work but the docs seem conflicted about that
moritz m: 'abc' ~~ /$<newname>=[.]/ 15:29
camelia ( no output )
moritz m: say 'abc' ~~ /$<newname>=[.]/
camelia 「a」
newname => 「a」
moritz m: say 'abc' ~~ /$<newname>=./
camelia 「a」
newname => 「a」
jdv79 yeah, weird. the docs call [] non-capturing:)
moritz well
it doesn't capture, it groups
it's just that $<...>= captures the next atom
jdv79 its a named capture, isn't it?
moritz whatever it is
jdv79 haha
15:30 HoboWithAShotgun joined
jdv79 that's gonna confuse people but ok 15:30
15:30 wamba left
moritz so here, with [] you just define what's part of an atom 15:30
nobody said regexes were easy...
jdv79 i guess its just the docs for me. creating a named capture using non-capturing grouping 15:31
15:31 ryn1x joined
jdv79 not sure how to reword that correctly though. i'll bug it i guess. 15:31
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Geth ecosystem: cc9b1a1600 | (Nick Logan)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Remove some dead links
moritz jdv79: IMHO it's better to think of [] as just a "group" 15:38
and () as a "capturing group"
and $<...>=... is a modifier that makes anything after it capture
15:38 kyan joined
jdv79 hmm, how come i can't do $0.?Str 15:48
in other words is there a way to tersely convert a match to a string if it matched and Bool false if it didn't 15:49
moritz $0 && $0.Str
jdv79 kinda like my $var = $<var>.?Str // $default-var if it worked 15:50
i thought maybe there was something shorter
piojo_ Oh, I'm interested in that, too
jdv79 its good. tanks.
15:51 wamba joined
piojo_ I found myself setting: my %data = from-json (%data<field> // "{}"); 15:51
and that just seemed really ugly
not everything can be beautiful, I guess 15:52
15:52 mempko left
piojo_ Err, didn't mean to use the same variable twice. Should be my %result = from-json (%data<field> // "{}"); 15:53
perlpilot what was ugly about it?
moritz needs to be '{}'
jdv79 yeah, i think {} interplates away
15:54 rindolf left
moritz %result = $_ ?? from-json $_ !! {} given %data<field>; 15:54
perlpilot I'd call that one more ugly
piojo_ it makes more sense, though. 15:55
ugexe it would break on invalid json such as bare 0, no? 15:56
15:56 Cabanossi left
piojo_ ugexe: in my case it's coming from a database (a JSONB field), so it must be a string 15:56
but yeah, if needed we could change it to $_.defined 15:57
15:57 Cabanossi joined
piojo_ moritz: thanks, I should learn to use trailing "given" 15:58
stmuk pl6anet.org/drop/rakudo-star-2017.10-RC0.tar.gz
16:00 Morfent joined
AlexDaniel :O 16:00
piojo_ stmuk: Thanks! I'll install that on windows/work
16:00 rindolf joined
AlexDaniel stmuk++ 16:01
stmuk I haven't tried it on Windows yet TBH. That might be "interesting" :)
piojo_ oh, haha
I was wondering why it was .tar.gz
and I forgot star was for linux, too 16:02
because it doesn't work on archlinux, I started thinking it was just a windows thing.
I mean, I mean there's no package for archlinux
stmuk its a source tarball
piojo_ I'm sure the download works fine.
yeah, we package our source installs
but that's not working for rakudo star.
ugexe m: my %result; %result<foo> = Any; my $x = %result<foo>.?Str // 42; # an annoying problem with `.?Str // ...` 16:03
camelia Use of uninitialized value %result of type Any in string context.
Methods .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can be used to stringify it to something meaningful.
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
piojo_ It's one of the snobbish distros that has complex wrapper scripts for most source builds
AlexDaniel star: say 42
camelia 42
AlexDaniel what should be done to update this ↑ ?
moritz currently, I still do that manually 16:04
piojo_ moritz: you definitely solved the DBIish issue. Thanks! I'll add a note to the relevant code so no other noob can read over it and accidentally think the technique is correct.
moritz if somebody wants to automate it, even better
16:05 HoboWithAShotgun left
perlpilot m: my %result; %result<foo> = Any; my $x = (%result<foo> // 42).?Str; # ugexe :) 16:06
camelia ( no output )
16:06 sproctor left 16:09 ryn1x joined
piojo_ I just realized perl6 is hard in exactly the same way c++ is hard 16:12
It gives you enough rope to shoot yourself in the foot. 16:13
AlexDaniel /:-o
16:17 wander joined 16:21 darkmorph left
El_Che piojo_: I was under the impressions that arch linux had rakudo packages 16:22
piojo_: if not, it can be added to github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg 16:23
16:23 cdg left, cdg joined
El_Che piojo_: until now, no one has asked for arch support 16:24
jdv79 m: "ab" ~~ /(.)*/; my %h = :k($0>>.Str); %h<k>[0] = "c"
camelia Cannot modify an immutable Str (a)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
piojo_ El_Che: that's interesting. There's a forum thread about it, but I don't know whether they've asked for help
jdv79 why is that immmutable? didn't >>.Str just create an array of mutable strings?
ugexe m: say ((^5)>>.Str).WHAT 16:26
camelia (List)
piojo_ I'll try installing it again (via the source-based package manager)
ugexe m: "ab" ~~ /(.)*/; my %h = :k(@ = $0>>.Str); %h<k>[0] = "c" 16:27
camelia ( no output )
16:27 zakharyas left
jdv79 i forgot about the @= part 16:28
thanks ugexe. I knew Array.new worked but seemed verbose.
16:28 scovit joined
jdv79 i don't see taht in the docs 16:31
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ugexe its probably mentioned somewhere for examples like -> $foo, $, $, @ { } 16:34
docs.perl6.org/type/Signature#inde...gnature%29 its vaguely mentioned here 16:36
16:37 darkmorph joined
jdv79 i looked on the Lists lang page 16:37
16:37 greppable6 left
jdv79 docs.perl6.org/language/list 16:37
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jdv79 i'll but it 16:39
ugexe well not sure why it would be
16:39 domidumont left
jdv79 that's where GLR type issues are laid out no? 16:40
ugexe m: say my @ = 1,2,3; say my $ = 1; # its more generic than that
camelia [1 2 3]
jdv79 that's where i went first to look
ugexe oh i thought it was type/List
not language/List 16:41
jdv79 ah
16:41 troys joined, darkmorph left 16:43 HoboWithAShotgun joined, ryn1x left 16:45 napo1eon left 16:52 raiph joined
jdv79 the closer i look its not as simple as i thought. my example is an array in both cases. the slots are just containers or not 16:52
seems weirder now
16:53 itaipu joined
jdv79 m: "ab" ~~ /(.)*/; my %h = :k($0>>.Str); say %h<k>.WHAT, %h<k>[0].VAR.WHAT; %h<k>[0] = "" 16:56
camelia (Array)(Str)
Cannot modify an immutable Str (a)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
jdv79 m: "ab" ~~ /(.)*/; my %h = :k(@=$0>>.Str); say %h<k>.WHAT, %h<k>[0].VAR.WHAT; %h<k>[0] = ""
camelia (Array)(Scalar)
jdv79 why did an array get created without containers in the first example thhere?
and/or why did it in the second snippet? 16:57
17:00 itaipu left 17:04 Kyo91_ left 17:06 ryn1x joined
AlexDaniel hm, so Hacktoberfest still counts repos you have commit bit for 17:07
17:07 mempko joined
AlexDaniel just registered for fun and it shows 14/4 contributions 17:08
so you can claim the t-shirt if you have 4 pull requests anywhere
17:11 ryn1x left 17:13 Piotr__ joined
AlexDaniel squashable6: next 17:13
squashable6 AlexDaniel, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in 6 days and ≈16 hours (2017-11-04 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
AlexDaniel woo-hoo, 6 days!
alright, let's decide on the topic for this month 17:14
buggable: testneeded
buggable: tag testneeded
buggable AlexDaniel, There are 38 tickets tagged with TESTNEEDED; See fail.rakudo.party/t/TESTNEEDED for details
17:16 Piotr_ left 17:19 domidumont joined 17:23 HoboWithAShotgun left, ryn1x joined 17:25 Kyo91_ joined 17:26 Cabanossi left, mempko left 17:27 Cabanossi joined 17:28 number8 joined
number8 hello, everyone! i'm trying to store all regex captures in a single line doing something like $string ~~ m:g/ (pattern)? / ... but how can i store all captures in an array? 17:30
timotimo you can use comb instead, if you pass :match inside it'll give you the match objects corresponding to every match rather than just the matched string 17:32
17:32 scovit left
timotimo m: my @results = "hello how are you today?".comb(/ \w(\w+)\w /, :match); .[0].say for @results 17:33
camelia 「ell」
17:35 mempko joined
number8 timotimo: awesome, thank you. i have to read the comb documentation because i thought it only returned a list of the individual elements of a sequence... 17:35
17:36 epony left
timotimo you can also use $string.match(/ (pattern)? /, :g) for the same purpose 17:36
and i think if you my @results = $strign ~~ m:g/ (pattern)? / it'll also give you what you want 17:37
[Coke] AlexDaniel: "nom regression" indicates that it regressed when we cut over to nom from the previous master. so yes, don't rename those. 17:39
number8 i tried that last one but it stored the 「capture」 in that format, whereas i'm only interested in the capture as a string
AlexDaniel [Coke]: oh! 17:40
[Coke] (they're *old*. :)
17:40 Coleoid left
[Coke] most of them at this point probably need a larry review and a "that's just the way it is now" 17:40
@larry, not larry specifically
17:41 epony joined 17:43 wamba left 17:46 mempko left 17:52 kyan left 17:56 Cabanossi left 17:58 Cabanossi joined, epony left
AlexDaniel bisectable6: uptime 18:05
bisectable6 AlexDaniel, 5 days, 15 hours, 18 minutes, and 28 seconds, 433.74KB maxrss. This is Rakudo version 2017.09-479-g7cf5ce7ef built on MoarVM version 2017.09.1-609-g1a9be0ad4 implementing Perl 6.c.
18:05 piojo_ left
timotimo number8: aha! then i expect comb without :match will give you exactly what you want 18:05
18:13 epony joined 18:18 bisectable6 joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v bisectable6, benchable6 joined, committable6 joined, squashable6 joined, unicodable6 joined 18:22 lostinfog left 18:36 Kyo91_ left 18:41 HoboWithAShotgun joined, horrad joined 18:44 horrad left 18:45 domidumont left, horrad joined 18:46 horrad left 18:48 horrad joined
number8 timotimo: it did! thanks for your help :) 18:49
18:53 horrad left
timotimo cool 18:54
knight__ When I have hash, and hash has some key and value is array and array contains a hash. If I do %hash<key> that returns array of hashes not one hash 18:58
for example
ideone.com/SyVg7z 18:59
Why it does not return a whole hash in array?
I do not understand it.
moritz m: my %hash := {1=>[{a=>3, b=>4}]}; dd %hash 19:01
camelia Hash % = {"1" => $[:a(3), :b(4)]}
moritz the hash is flattened out
m: my %hash := {1=>[{a=>3, b=>4},]}; dd %hash
camelia Hash % = {"1" => $[{:a(3), :b(4)},]}
lizmat one argument rule 19:02
moritz m: my %hash := {1=>[{a=>3, b=>4},]}; dd %hash<1>[0]
camelia Hash <element> = ${:a(3), :b(4)}
HoboWithAShotgun good evening sunshines
m: role R {}; multi sub infix:<*>(R $a, R $b) { $a * $b; }; my $a = 2 does R; my $b = 3 does R; say $a * $b 19:03
camelia Ambiguous call to 'infix:<*>'; these signatures all match:
:(Int:D \a, Int:D \b --> Int:D)
:(R $a, R $b)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
HoboWithAShotgun can i make this unambiguous?
ugexe m: my %hash := {1=>({a=>3, b=>4})}; say %hash<1>[0] 19:05
camelia {a => 3, b => 4}
19:05 darutoko left
knight__ ugexe: interesting 19:06
I am parsing it from JSON, is there any option? 19:07
19:08 Coleoid joined
El_Che I created a Ubuntu 14.04 pkg for using it with travis on my own projects. The rakudobrew community version is too slow for long jobs. Does it make sense to provide an alternative language support based on packages? Now I just install the deb from the repo (travis-ci.org/nxadm/rakudo-pkg#L515), but releases could be uploaded to e.g. to bintray to provide more versions 19:08
HoboWithAShotgun m: my %hash := {1=>[{a=>3, b=>4}]}; say %(%hash<1>); 19:11
camelia {a => 3, b => 4}
19:11 raschipi joined
HoboWithAShotgun that's really a trap imho, your code knight, should be correct 19:11
ugexe m: my %hash := {1=>[{a=>3, b=>4}, {c=>3}]}; say %(%hash<1>); 19:12
camelia {a 3
b 4 => {c => 3}}
AlexDaniel m: role R {}; multi sub infix:<*>(R $a, R $b) is default { $a * $b; }; my $a = 2 does R; my $b = 3 does R; say $a * $b
camelia MoarVM panic: Memory allocation failed; could not allocate 131072 bytes
AlexDaniel m: role R {}; multi sub infix:<*>(R $a, R $b) is default { nextwith $a, $b }; my $a = 2 does R; my $b = 3 does R; say $a * $b 19:13
camelia 6
AlexDaniel HoboWithAShotgun: what about this? ↑
HoboWithAShotgun i think it's because a hash is just a list of pairs so {a=>3, b=>4} is actually [:a(3), :b(4)] and that [[:a(3), :b(4)]] gets then flattened somehow? 19:14
19:14 knight__ left
ugexe one argument rule 19:14
19:15 knight__ joined
knight__ sorry, my inet connection... 19:15
Somebody wrote something?
Is it "bug"?
AlexDaniel knight__: irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/today 19:16
knight__ Thx
19:24 robertle joined
number8 does anyone know why $0 is Nil in a line like this: for $current_line.comb(/ (this matches and i want it captured) /) { ... 19:28
19:29 cdg left, cdg joined
ugexe m: say (1..9).comb(/(1|2|3) {say $0}/) 19:30
camelia 「1」
(1 2 3)
19:31 Mrofnet joined
AlexDaniel number8: do you want to capture just one thing or multiple things? 19:31
moritz number8: .comb just returns a list of strings
if you want matches, use .match
HoboWithAShotgun ugexe: one argument rule?
AlexDaniel m: for ‘abb add’.comb(/ a <( .. /) { say $_ }
camelia bb
number8 AlexDaniel: just the pattern inside parens
AlexDaniel m: for ‘abbz addz’.comb(/ a <( .. )> z /) { say $_ } 19:32
camelia bb
19:32 poohman joined
AlexDaniel number8: I don't know what you're doing exactly, but maybe this ↑ will help 19:32
poohman hello
AlexDaniel o/
HoboWithAShotgun m: my @a = [[1]]; say @a.perl; @a = [[1], [2]]; say @a.perl 19:33
camelia [1]
[[1], [2]]
number8 moritz: i know, and that's partially what i want, but i also want a substring (the capture) within the string that comb returns
HoboWithAShotgun what the fuck, seriously?
AlexDaniel .hug HoboWithAShotgun
huggable hugs HoboWithAShotgun
moritz number8: example?
ugexe docs.perl6.org/language/functions#...onventions 19:34
19:34 Morfent left
AlexDaniel HoboWithAShotgun: yeah, it has to be [[1],] 19:34
number8 AlexDaniel: i'm using comb to catch multiple instances of the same pattern in one line of text
poohman m: say "Test hello"
camelia Test hello
19:34 cdg left 19:35 ryn1x left
HoboWithAShotgun i don't care about the rationale, that's wrong. 19:35
ugexe what if the solution was wrong somewhere else? 19:36
raschipi The one argument rule is by definition correct
19:36 troys is now known as troys_
number8 moritz: for example, i want to read a file line by line: for $filename.IO.lines -> $current_line { ... 19:36
moritz number8: we could help you much better if you provided an actual, concrete example
AlexDaniel no he is actually right, it's really weird
for example
m: say ((50))
camelia 50
AlexDaniel m: say [[50]]
camelia [50]
moritz it is weird, yes
but we haven't found a better solution
HoboWithAShotgun it makes every notation of a datastructure erratic 19:37
lizmat HoboWithAShotgun: no, the rule is consistent
ugexe thats a bold claim
lizmat anything iterable used as a single value / parameter, will be iterated over / flattened
HoboWithAShotgun sure you can have an array of arrays, but all arrays must have at least two elements...
raschipi m: my @a := [[1]]; say @a.perl;
camelia [1]
moritz HoboWithAShotgun: or you just use a trailing comma 19:38
AlexDaniel HoboWithAShotgun: oh, you're misunderstanding it! [42,] is not two elements
number8 then for each line i want to find ALL instances of / .* (THIS) .*/
moritz m: say [[1,],].perl
camelia [[1],]
AlexDaniel number8: / .* <( THIS )> .* /
raschipi m: my \a := [[1]]; say a.perl;
camelia [1]
moritz number8: just leave out the .* on both ends
AlexDaniel or that ↑
ugexe .lines.map: { if $_ ~~ / ... / { say $0 } }) 19:39
AlexDaniel depending on what your actual example is
19:39 ryn1x joined
moritz that's why I'm asking for an *actual* example 19:39
HoboWithAShotgun m: my @a = [[1,]]; say @a.perl; 19:40
camelia [1]
moritz ugexe: or .lines.grep(/.../)
HoboWithAShotgun m: my @a = [[1,],]; say @a.perl;
camelia [[1],]
19:40 Merfont joined
ugexe moritz: but if he wants the value its easier to grep at the end for .defined than to do another map to get the actual value 19:40
HoboWithAShotgun m: my @a = [[1,],]; say @a.elements;
camelia No such method 'elements' for invocant of type 'Array'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
AlexDaniel .elems
HoboWithAShotgun m: my @a = [[1,],]; say @a.elems;
camelia 1
HoboWithAShotgun ok, fine. it's still weird 19:41
19:41 Morfent joined
lizmat HoboWithAShotgun: that is what the GLR was all about 19:41
and this was discussed at length, for months, if not years 19:42
raschipi It was weirder before, right?
lizmat to figure out something that is consistent
HoboWithAShotgun hey, i am totally new to this
19:42 Cabanossi left
lizmat it was *not* consistent 19:42
before the GLR
there's even a signature for it
19:43 Cabanossi joined, number8 left, Mrofnet left
HoboWithAShotgun chuckles ( The Year of The Great List Refactor ) 19:43
lizmat m: sub a(+@a) { @a }; dd a( (1,2,3) ); dd a( (1,2,3),(4,5,6) )
camelia [1, 2, 3]
[(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)]
AlexDaniel HoboWithAShotgun: that's alright, but there's no reason to shout bad words :) To be fair I did that too yesterday, but that was because for a second I thought that I released 2017.10 with something really bad…
19:44 ryn1x left
AlexDaniel HoboWithAShotgun: false alarm though :) 19:44
HoboWithAShotgun sounds like the opening credits of Babylon5
lizmat m: sub a(+@a) { @a }; dd a( (1,2,3) ); # note the (1,2,3) gets flattened, because it's the only parameter and Iterable
camelia [1, 2, 3]
jast I didn't know Babylon 5 focused so much on refactoring
19:44 Merfont left
lizmat m: sub a(+@a) { @a }; dd a( (1,2,3),(4,5,6) ) # note that (1,2,3) and (4,5,6) do *not* get flattened, because there's now 2 Iterables given 19:45
camelia [(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)]
lizmat HoboWithAShotgun: ^^ hope that makes sense?
El_Che 2017.10 was already released?
AlexDaniel HoboWithAShotgun: FWIW there's at least one case where one argument rule leads to completely different behavior depending on the input… but I can't find a ticket for that
lizmat El_Che: yes, yesterday
El_Che ah crap, I missed that 19:46
AlexDaniel in fact there's 2017.10 star already, if I'm not mistaken
El_Che I saw a RC, so I thought it was a pre release
AlexDaniel ah, it may be
El_Che: by the way, I pinged you right after the release :) irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2017-10-26#i_15359701 19:47
El_Che my bad
lets roll some new packages :)
AlexDaniel \o/
El_Che (I spent the time in between refactoring stuff, let's see if something broke :) ) 19:48
19:49 Coleoid left
El_Che funnu enough partly was converting smalls script from perl 5 to perl 6, and from bash to perl 5 :) 19:49
AlexDaniel El_Che: by the way, you can subscribe to perl6-compiler mailing list here: perl6.org/community/
19:50 Kyo91_ joined
El_Che I'll do that 19:50
AlexDaniel El_Che: (to receive release announcements)
El_Che I got some help for creating a JS page on github pages so I can always link to the latest stable build 19:53
that's handy
19:58 ryn1x joined, raschipi left 19:59 mson left 20:02 raiph left 20:06 knight__ left 20:10 Mrofnet joined 20:11 raiph joined, poohman left 20:13 Morfent left, Piotr_ joined
HoboWithAShotgun ah, guys, my cake turned out superduper. soft and moist and oozing chocolate 20:16
have some?
20:17 ryn1x left
lizmat starts saliving :-) 20:17
20:17 Piotr__ left
lizmat loves verbing 20:17
HoboWithAShotgun likes the term "slashdotting" 20:18
:= solving a task/problem - by letting others do the work / - by blindly copying other peoples worjk 20:19
.oO( also known as “open-source” )
HoboWithAShotgun actually i think i mixed that up with cargo-culting, what did slashdotting then mean again 20:22
timotimo getting featured on slashdot and your web server going down under the enormous traffic, that's slashdotting to me 20:23
20:30 as_ joined
geekosaur your web site/blog/whatever went viral and everyone's trying to load it at once 20:31
also I have decided I don't like the way programmers sneer about 'cargi culting' 20:32
like it or not, that's how the human brain works
mspo IT is heavily fashion driven 20:33
that is reality
marketing of technologies is weird but can pay off big time if you manage to start a trend 20:34
HoboWithAShotgun oh, i'm all for copying the closest existing piece of code and massage it into your needs, saves a lot of time sometimes
but: you must understand it. 20:35
geekosaur that's not the problem. the problem is the attitude we bring to it
mspo oh I was thinking of something else :) 20:36
20:37 bdmatatu left
perlpilot geekosaur: you think cargo culting is a pragmatic solution that we shouldn't look down upon? 20:37
geekosaur sigh
what did I just say
perlpilot I dunno, that's why I'm asking for clarification. 20:38
geekosaur you may well be part of the problem then.
'cargo culting' is our natural way of understanding the world around us.
guiding people to actually understand things is good,
Being snotty about it is NOT. 20:39
perlpilot gotcha.
geekosaur and even the label is a severe put-down
lowin How do I read environment variables?
as_ %*ENV?
geekosaur m: say %*ENV<HOME>
camelia /home/camelia
perlpilot lowin: they're in %*ENV
lowin perlpilot, I tried %*env<REMOTE_ADDR> 20:40
throws an error
as_ lowercased
perlpilot lowin: "ENV" and "env" are not the same thing
lowin oh my bad
as_ hi, i have something about the new atomic operations
why we neeed the utf character at all?
timotimo you don't need the character 20:41
20:41 Cabanossi left
as_ if the variable has to be declared as 'atomicint' anyway 20:41
timotimo: what do you mean? ascii versions?
perlpilot as_: call it another hint.
as_ but it is hard to type
geekosaur as_, because you can operate on it normally as well if you don;t need the atomicity
but to be atonic it *needs* to be stored a particular way 20:42
as_ i think if i need an atomic variable i would want perl to think about it, not me
geekosaur as well as the atomic op itself being special
as_ like "atomicint" forces all operations to be atomic
perlpilot as_: in this case *you* do need to think about it :)
20:42 Cabanossi joined
as_ that can be an acceptable tradeoff 20:42
geekosaur as_, but that is impossible
most things perl 6 does cannot be atomic
as_ no. if i say "atomic" - what things cannot be atomic? 20:43
geekosaur they can be done under an atomic lock but they cannot themselves *be* atomic
jnthn as_: The ops are exposing low-level, hardware-provided, atomic operations. 20:44
as_ my atomicint $a; $a<ATOM>++ vs. my $i; $i++
timotimo you can't atomically divide, for example
geekosaur the only things that can be atomic are specific CPU operations with their specific restrictions
perl 6 can expose this to some extent, but because it;s the hardware/CPU that controls it it will always be limited in any higher level language
as_ thread support is now very simple 20:45
jnthn lol
perlpilot as_: along one axis maybe
as_ but atomic operations are a bit more difficult syntactically
geekosaur so you think that can automatically be done for anything else?
jnthn Anyone who puts "thread" and "simple" in the same sentences hasn't done enough with threads ;-)
20:46 ifim joined
as_ jnth: for the user, not for you :) 20:46
geekosaur as_, perl 6 cannot rewire your CPU.
*the CPU controls this*.
jnthn as_: There are function version if you don't want to type the atom :)
geekosaur languages do not. Operating systems do not.Programmers do not.
lowin Another stupid question. How can I get the size of an string in bytes?
perlpilot lowin: bytes or chars?
lowin bytes
as_ jnthn: i mean i don't want to type <ATOM> or its ASCII replacement as soon as i claimed the variable is an atomicint 20:47
perlpilot lowin: then you don't want a string
lowin What do I want then
geekosaur buf8
El_Che perl5 autodie is a new requirement of moar I see
[Coke] lizmat: I should go see Thor next week, yes? 20:48
jnthn lowin: A string can be represented in many different ways, (latin-1, utf8, utf16, etc.) and the number of bytes will differ.
20:48 bdmatatu joined
lizmat [Coke]: yeah, it's fun (mostly) 20:48
jnthn lowin: So you'd want to do $str.encode('utf-8').bytes for example
lowin jnthn, appreciate it. thanks
geekosaur lowin, despite what other languages may have mistaught you, a string is not a string. A string has a specific encoding and a specific representation (in perl 6, graphemes). it could also be Unicode codepoints, ISO8859 characters, etc. 20:49
lizmat [Coke]: definitely a more Guardians of the Galaxy feel than the previous Thor movies
jnthn as_: We can't do that, because native types don't actually knwo what kind of thing they are
[Coke] lizmat: cool. I've been super jazzed for it since the first trailer. :)
lizmat (and that includes using the Immigrant Song prominently in the movie)
as_ jnthn: ah - that explains (a bit)
jnthn as_: So we can't multi-dispatch on int vs atomicint for example
But also, from a language design perspective, we give different semantics different operators. 20:50
as_ jnthn: does it mean i can use simple 'int' and use atomic operations with it?
jnthn Thus + for numeric addition and ~ for string concat
[Coke] gives up on $dayjob and goes on strike for 2 days!
geekosaur I am somewhat tempted to argue that atomicint should be a internal thing not part of perl 6 as such.
lizmat [Coke]: www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QxtIQ1F1ig # but you've probably already seen that
jnthn as_: You can...sort of. But atomic operations are restricted to the sizes the CPU can do them on
geekosaur [perl 6 might make visible synchronization/locking stuff at a higher level, whose implementation uses atomicint under the hood 20:51
jnthn as_: atomicint is simply an alias to whichever size is doing to work
uh, is *going* to work
lowin geekosaur, I come with C background. If you have asked me last week, I'd tell you "there is no such thing as a 'string', just an array of bytes packed together"
as_ cheers:)
jnthn So you can write portable code
geekosaur but you will get stuff like this where as_ thinks atomicint is a high level operation that can be treated in high level ways, when fandamrnally a raw CPU operation and you MUST do exactly and only what the CPU will permit
perlpilot Even with all the new Perl 6 books, it seems we need a few more
geekosaur *fundamentally it is a 20:52
20:52 cdg joined
[Coke] lizmat: heh. Nice, I hadn't seen that cut with just the song. 20:52
jnthn geekosaur: Well, it's a "make the hard things possible" kidna thing. I'd like it to be possible to implement lock-free data structures in Perl 6. 20:53
20:53 darkmorph joined
geekosaur yes. but that should be implementation layer not public layer 20:53
because you cant make atomicint a proper Perl 6 type without breaking the CPU invariants 20:54
jnthn At the end of the day, though, we'd want to provide some standard way to access this functionality (that folks can use it their modules), and that'd mean it gets documented, and I'm not sure that sticking "this is implementation layer" and "this is public layer" in the docs will make a great deal of difference. 20:56
[Coke] ghosts
20:56 cdg left
jnthn *so that 20:56
20:57 epony left, wamba joined
lizmat El_Che: autodie needed for Moar ??? 20:58
jnthn ah, gotta go away for a bit...bbl
timotimo lizmat: Configure.pl, if anything
or the exprjit compiler
El_Che lizmat: buildtime
20:58 cdg joined
El_Che it's new, I add to add it to the docker container 20:58
lizmat why would one need that as a prereq? feels like unnecessary laziness to me
(from the person doing work on Configure.pl) 20:59
El_Che other distros had it already in the installed perl pkgs, centos splitted that
so it needed to be added
lizmat ah, so it's not a recent change in Configure.pl causing this ?
El_Che it is
between 2017.09 en 10
lizmat: travis-ci.org/nxadm/rakudo-pkg/job...46517#L869 21:00
(ignore the exit 0 result, and explicit exit 1 was missing on that build)à
lizmat if I look at Configure.pl, I don't see a mention of autodie in there? 21:01
timotimo probably under lib/ 21:02
21:02 troys_ is now known as troys
El_Che The same succesful build is here, for reference: travis-ci.org/nxadm/rakudo-pkg/jobs/293870092 21:02
lizmat tools/expr-template-compiler.pl
but those aren't needed for building ??
timotimo i think the template compiler only has to run for developers? 21:03
or do we not have the results from that ni our source tarballs?
El_Che I don't do any magic in the build
21:03 darkmorph left
El_Che and autodie was not used in 2017.09 21:03
"cd /MoarVM*; perl Configure.pl --prefix=$PREFIX" 21:04
that's it
timotimo we don't check it into git i don't think
i *think* we could, but brrt will know for sue 21:05
lizmat the only two occurrences of autodie in the MoarVM tree are in those two files
El_Che These are the config parameters of that build: travis-ci.org/nxadm/rakudo-pkg/job...46517#L670
lizmat changed in 2017-05-15 and 2017-07-18
ah, but they got merged between 2017.09 and 2017.10 perhaps ? 21:06
I would be in favour of removing the autodie dependency 21:07
21:09 mson joined, bdmatatu left
El_Che lizmat: did you say "remove the perl 5 dependency"? :P 21:09
lizmat no, autodie
El_Che kidding :)
lizmat perl 5 dependency removal is longer term
first we need nqp to be distributed everywhere :-)
El_Che world domination part 21:10
21:11 epony joined 21:12 mempko joined 21:13 setty1 joined
El_Che i wonder if someone uses my 386 packages. Is there a usecase for a slow rakudo? 21:15
if you need a tiny machine, there are faster solutions, I guess 21:16
lizmat had her first 386 machine 29 years ago
El_Che All my target OS'es pass: travis-ci.org/nxadm/rakudo-pkg <--pkgs should be up shortly 21:17
21:17 ryn1x joined
geekosaur I can't even remember when. I do remember what, it was an Intel Inboard/386 card stuffed into an ITT XTRA 21:17
21:18 sena_kun left
El_Che mine was 23j ago 21:18
the faster consumer pc on the market for about 3 months
lizmat it was one the first on the NL
El_Che :)
lizmat market
Olivetti, with 4MB RAM :-) 21:19
El_Che lizmat: an on other 1st in NL story? Wasn't that also the case with a mac?
lizmat and special floating point bug of the early 386 batches
I think so yes :-)
I was also one of the first people in NL having functional email and IRC in 1977 21:20
El_Che I am feeling leet today, I have 3 open laptops at the moment :)
21:20 stmuk_ joined
El_Che lizmat: now you're showing off 21:20
lizmat although they were called "personal notes" and "TERM-talk" at the time
perlpilot I don't think you had IRC in 1977 21:21
El_Che I was one of the first people I know around here, and that was 1994 :)
21:21 as_ left
lizmat en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PLATO_(computer_system) 21:21
geekosaur bitnet relay chat? :p
El_Che here = "physical surroundings"
lizmat specifically: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PLATO_(compu..._community 21:22
geekosaur PLATO. now that's an old memory...
lizmat my distance record in chatting was from Amsterdam to Hawaii :-) 21:24
21:24 miki76 joined
geekosaur (I didn't get to use it, in the 70s I was too busy trying to make sense of my broken internal communications to worry about someone else's >.> ) 21:25
HoboWithAShotgun that's probably the nicest description for drug abuse i ever heard ^^ 21:26
geekosaur noit drugs, sadly
unless you want to count neurotransmitters without any outside interference
21:27 Piotr__ joined 21:28 perlpilot left
lizmat geekosaur: glad you made it to #perl6 here and now nonetheless! 21:28
HoboWithAShotgun being able to willingly alter your brain chemistry, that'd be a huge advantage
geekosaur like anyone knww how to back then 21:29
21:31 Piotr_ left
HoboWithAShotgun like anyone does know today 21:32
i don't mean by taking pills or so. i mean by willing it. 21:33
21:38 cdg left, hoelzro joined
HoboWithAShotgun m: use Test; throws-like { fail "something happened" }, Exception, message => /something \s happened/; 21:51
camelia 1..3
ok 1 - code dies
ok 2 - right exception type (Exception)
ok 3 - .message matches /something \s happened/
ok 1 - did we throws-like Exception?
HoboWithAShotgun m: use Test; throws-like { fail "something happened" }, Exception, message => m:s/something happened/;
camelia Use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context.
Methods .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can be used to stringify it to something meaningful.
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
ok 1 - code dies
ok 2 - right exception t…
HoboWithAShotgun m: use Test; throws-like { fail "something happened" }, Exception, message => :s/something happened/;
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing required term after infix
at <tmp>:1
------> 3ption, message => :s/something happened/7⏏5;
expecting any of:
HoboWithAShotgun m: use Test; throws-like { fail "something happened" }, Exception, message => /something happened/:s; 21:52
camelia 5===SORRY!5===
You can't adverb
at <tmp>:1
------> 3ption, message => /something happened/:s7⏏5;
expecting any of:
pair value
Other potential difficulties:
Space is not significant here; please use quotes or :s…
HoboWithAShotgun arrrgh
HoboWithAShotgun resorts to the docs
21:53 Zoffix joined
Zoffix HoboWithAShotgun: use rx instead of ? 21:53
'm' matches immediatelly against $_ 21:54
geekosaur ^
Zoffix alternatively, put :s inside regex
geekosaur also the :s goes inside
with that form
HoboWithAShotgun m: use Test; throws-like { fail "something happened" }, Exception, message => m:s/something happened/;
camelia Use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context.
Methods .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can be used to stringify it to something meaningful.
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
ok 1 - code dies
ok 2 - right exception t…
geekosaur (with rx it goes on the 'rx')
HoboWithAShotgun m: use Test; throws-like { fail "something happened" }, Exception, message => rx:s/something happened/;
camelia 1..3
ok 1 - code dies
ok 2 - right exception type (Exception)
ok 3 - .message matches rx:s/something happened/
ok 1 - did we throws-like Exception?
HoboWithAShotgun m: say "x y" ~~ m:s/x y/ 21:55
camelia 「x y」
HoboWithAShotgun i'm missing something
m: use Test; throws-like { fail "something happened" }, Exception, message => rx/:ssomething happened/; 21:56
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unrecognized regex modifier :ssomething
at <tmp>:1
------> 3 happened" }, Exception, message => rx/:7⏏5ssomething happened/;
HoboWithAShotgun inside?
geekosaur ~~ is a special form, not a normal operator. so m// or // works there only because of that special form
Zoffix ~~ thunks; in that form it doesn't gey run until $_ is already aliased
geekosaur /:s x y/
HoboWithAShotgun m: use Test; throws-like { fail "something happened" }, Exception, message => /:s something happened/;
camelia 1..3
ok 1 - code dies
ok 2 - right exception type (Exception)
ok 3 - .message matches /:s something happened/
ok 1 - did we throws-like Exception?
Zoffix HoboWithAShotgun: yes inside, but separate it from stutf 21:57
HoboWithAShotgun ahh
21:57 ryn1x left 21:58 raiph left, Zoffix left 21:59 ryn1x joined 22:01 ifim` joined, nadim_ left 22:02 ifim left 22:06 Kyo91_ left 22:10 Piotr__ left 22:11 mempko left 22:13 margeas left 22:15 coda joined
HoboWithAShotgun m: my @a = 1,4,3; my @b = 3,4,1; say (@a <<~~>> @b).grep({$_}).elems; 22:18
camelia 1
22:18 margeas joined
HoboWithAShotgun m: my @a = 1,4,3; my @b = 3,4,1; say (@a <<~~>> @b).grep(*).elems; 22:18
camelia 3
HoboWithAShotgun m: my @a = 1,4,3; my @b = 3,4,1; say (@a <<~~>> @b).grep(* ~~ True).elems; 22:19
camelia Potential difficulties:
Smartmatch against True always matches; if you mean to test the topic for truthiness, use :so or *.so or ?* instead
at <tmp>:1
------> 3b = 3,4,1; say (@a <<~~>> @b).grep(* ~~ 7⏏5True).elems;
HoboWithAShotgun m: my @a = 1,4,3; my @b = 3,4,1; say (@a <<~~>> @b).grep(*.so).elems;
camelia 1
HoboWithAShotgun helpful error messages++ 22:20
HoboWithAShotgun facepalms and replaces ( @$.si-signature Z @$signature ).grep({ $_[0] != $_[1] }).elems == 0; by 22:22
@$.si-signature ~~ @$signature
this was 3 at night code to my defense :) 22:23
22:23 ivans left 22:25 niceperl joined
El_Che I must say, build time of rakudo seems to be a lot faster nowadays. Did they get faster cpus, or did you guys/gals did a great job? :) 22:36
creating a docker image of the latest ubuntu + compilation + packaging of rakudo 2017.10= 7 min 25sec 22:37
github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg/releas...g/v2017.10 22:38
22:39 niceperl left 22:41 Cabanossi left 22:42 Cabanossi joined 22:44 troys is now known as troys_ 22:46 setty1 left 22:50 wamba left, cpage_ left
tbrowder still looking for an emacs replacement: has anyone used ultraedit? looks like a good unicode editor, and customizable for p6. 22:52
not free, but powerful per their site docs 22:53
El_Che tbrowder: my windows colleagues seemed to liked it 5j ago
although pretty basic
tbrowder their latest release was august. 22:54
El_Che ah, I didn't know they had mac and linux versions
tbrowder 30-day free trial, paid license alloes use on 3 machines, works on win, linux, and mac 22:55
El_Che what os do you run? 22:56
tbrowder linux mostly (debian 8) on laptops and remote server, windows for wife and rest of family 22:57
El_Che and you code on all those machines or just the linux ones? == do you need a OS independent editor 22:58
tbrowder er, i admit i use win for some things, but i don’t code on it. 22:59
22:59 troys_ is now known as troys
El_Che :) 23:00
23:01 margeas left, patrickz left 23:02 margeas joined 23:05 callyalater joined
callyalater m: sub a(Regex $r1) { return rx/ <$r1> a / }; my regex letter_b { b }; my $new = a(&letter_b); say $new; "ba" ~~ $new; "ca" ~~ $new; say so "ba" ~~ $new; say so "ca" ~~ $new; 23:06
camelia rx/ <$r1> a /
callyalater m: sub a(Regex $r1) { return rx/ <$r1> a / }; my regex letter_b { b }; my $new = a(&letter_b); say $new; say "ba" ~~ $new; say "ca" ~~ $new; say so "ba" ~~ $new; say so "ca" ~~ $new; 23:07
camelia rx/ <$r1> a /
callyalater m: say ""; sub postfix:<!> (Int $n) { [*] 2..$n; }; say "{6!}"; 23:10
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Negation metaoperator not followed by valid infix
at <tmp>:1
------> 3ix:<!> (Int $n) { [*] 2..$n; }; say "{6!7⏏5}";
expecting any of:
infix stopper
callyalater m: sub postfix:<!> (Int $n) { [*] 2..$n; }; say ""; say "{6!}";
23:14 callyalater left 23:15 cpage_ joined, ryn1x left 23:16 margeas left 23:17 margeas joined
Geth doc: dfca757ae8 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Programs/01-debugging.pod6
fix broken link
23:23 ryn1x joined 23:34 coda left 23:35 ryn1x left 23:36 ifim` left 23:41 ryn1x joined
HoboWithAShotgun i am missing something trying to implement == for my role. I have this infix: hastebin.com/cetumowoda.pl 23:48
my testcase is simple: ok !(12V == 12A) 23:49
but that prints "== 12A, 12A" twice 23:50
so the sub gets called twice, always both operands being identical
that's not what i expected
23:51 Zoffix joined
Zoffix HoboWithAShotgun: what was the expected behaviour? 23:51
HoboWithAShotgun I would expect seing "== 12V, 12A", once 23:52
Zoffix HoboWithAShotgun: which candidate does callwith() call? 23:53
HoboWithAShotgun i *thought* callwidth calls the == of Int 23:54
because $a and $b are Ints Doing Unit::SI 23:55
23:55 Cabanossi left
Zoffix What does nextcallee.file say? 23:56
HoboWithAShotgun but even if that is wrong, it doesnt explain why i see the same value for $a and $b
let me quickly put that on github 23:57
23:57 Cabanossi joined
Zoffix nqp: class Foo { has %!quote_lang_cache; method x() { %!quote_lang_cache{'x'} := 42; say(nqp::existskey(%!quote_lang_cache, 'x')) } }; Foo.new.x() 23:58
camelia 1
Zoffix nm, brainfart
Oh wait no. How come nqp code is doing `my %quote_lang_cache := nqp::hash();` ? Why assign nqp::hash? 23:59
23:59 mson left