»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
00:01 mcmillhj left 00:05 ufobat left
DracoChartin Anyone know if someone is working on a data frames package like pandas for python or like dplyr from R but for perl6? 00:08
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radiopc214 Is there a maximum time for promises? I'm trying to use a promise that is 3 hours long, but it seems to max out at 2 hours 00:59
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Zoffix radiopc214: nope. Over here I use a month-long Promise: github.com/zoffixznet/perl6-buggab...in.pm6#L63 01:07
radiopc214: how do you determine that it maxes out at 2hr? 01:08
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radiopc214 I'm using it to record audio and the amount of time I choose to record in minutes can be anything like 170min (which is what I'm trying to do) but whenever the recording process actually begins, it defaults to saying 120min only 01:12
Even 121min goes down to 120min
01:13 espadrine_ left
Zoffix Hard to say why it'd do that without seeing the code. 01:13
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Geth ecosystem: 3458179560 | (Fernando Correa de Oliveira)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Add SupplyTimeWindow to the ecosystem

See it at github.com/FCO/SupplyTimeWindow
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Kaiepi is is repr('CPointer') only meant to be used for stuff internally or is there anything useful you can do with it for nativecall stuff? 02:51
02:55 Zoffix joined
Zoffix Kaiepi: don't know much about NativeCall, but CPointer is mentioned in the docs, maybe they explain what it's for: docs.perl6.org/language/nativecall...f_Pointers 02:56
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Kaiepi oh, i didn't notice the example for it there 02:57
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Kaiepi sweet, is repr('CPointer') is going to simplify writing Editline's bindings a fuckton hastebin.com/ifizipazar.pl 03:23
Zoffix \o/ 03:24
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AlexDaniel squashable6: next 03:49
squashable6 AlexDaniel, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in 1 day and ≈6 hours (2018-04-07 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
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Zoffix really wishes for .parent attribute on QAST::Node -_- 04:01
04:01 mcmillhj joined
Zoffix Or at least a .replace method 04:01
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Kaiepi next squashable looks like something i'll be able to participate in 04:13
i'm not so great at writing documentation, but tests i can write fairly well since i like to try to break stuff
AlexDaniel \o/ 04:14
sounds great
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Kaiepi took a little while to figure out, but i worked out a way to deal with struct pointers without explicitly needing to use .deref with it constantly hastebin.com/owokoniqed.rb 04:37
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stmuk . 06:52
El_Che: fine! My jokes seemed to down well I just need to port a version to perl 6 now :) 06:53
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araraloren Hi 07:52
Is there a way ignore decode error ? 07:53
moritz there's the utf8-c8 encoding that can handle invalid UTF-8 07:54
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araraloren oh, i will try 07:54
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buggable New CPAN upload: XML-XPath-0.9.1.tar.gz by UFOBAT cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/U/UF/...9.1.tar.gz 10:44
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pmurias .tell Zoffix 8.737675311215749e+198, div_In on the js backends does the work on bignums rather then by dividing doubles 11:15
yoleaux 4 Apr 2018 17:39Z <Zoffix> pmurias: what does `say 8.737675311215749e+198` print on the JS backend? I can't get MoarVM's nqp::div_In to avoid drift and I'm coming to the conclusion that current approach of converting to doubles first ain't gonna cut it and we need to divide using big decimals. That's how JVM does it and it gives right answers.
pmurias: I'll pass your message to Zoffix.
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damnlie heyo if you are interested to come to NLPW this year please register on a website: www.perlworkshop.nl 12:13
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AlexDaniel squashable6: next 15:36
squashable6 AlexDaniel, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in ≈18 hours (2018-04-07 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
15:39 Zoffix joined, zakharyas joined
Zoffix nqp: my $o := QAST::Op.new: my $kid := QAST::SVal.new: :value<foo>; for @($o) { say($_.HOW.name: $_) } 15:42
camelia QAST::SVal
Zoffix Is there some hackish magic to get access to $o if all you got is $kid?
Don't want to add the overhead of stuffing parents into kids for all the nodes and also there're these cases where one thing has more than one parent: 15:43
nqp: my $kid := QAST::SVal.new: :value<foo>; my $o := QAST::Op.new: $kid, QAST::Stmts.new: $kid; for @($o) { say($_.HOW.name: $_) } 15:44
camelia QAST::SVal
tony-o mst: i'm not sure about how dbix is written but it seems to me that the decoupling of data and querying can be done by extracting the sql generating bits from the ORM calls
not sure if that would be a headache in dbix ^
15:45 Kaiepi left, Kaiepi joined
mst tony-o: (1) there's no such thing as dbix (2) actually, no, that isn't nearly enough, we've already got that. 15:45
what you need is an object layer atop a relational layer atop an SQL generating layer 15:46
"column names and relationships" live in the middle layer
15:47 kybr joined 15:56 mcmillhj joined
jnthn tony-o: I'm not really a good person to review/comment on ORM things (I see mst is doing that, so yay :)), but glad to see progress on it. :-) I do notice that :model<Customer> means we're doing things with strings where maybe types would be nicer, but I guess circularities make for some fun there 15:58
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timotimo jnthn: i hope it was okay to say edument sponsored the remote debugger work; i thought you might want to have that mentioned, but i forgot to ask :S 16:00
jnthn timotimo: Yeah, it's fine to say that. I mean, it's public knowledge. :-)
timotimo true 16:01
i started the talk on modules.perl6.org and ended it on screenshots from the commaide website :)
jnthn :)
timotimo before the talk i thought i should point out that you can use the debugger remote library to attach a program to itself :D
jnthn Live demos? :)
timotimo yup
jnthn lol
That's beautiful
16:01 mcmillhj left
jnthn Did you actually use the debugger to debug itself while developing it? :D 16:02
timotimo not yet
Bowlslaw lol
timotimo i'll probably use a second instance of the debugger shell to debug the first one, though 16:03
it'd be very easy to accidentally "suspend" without args and deadlock the thing
tony-o jnthn: it also accepts types at the moment, i use a string because it means i don't need to 'use <whatever>' first
jnthn ooh, yes
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tony-o mst what do you mean there is not such thing as dbix? 16:15
mst tony-o: DBIx is the namespace on CPAN for DBI extensions, of which there are hundreds (at least) 16:16
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tony-o that's what i thought, just wanted to be sure 16:18
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rouking Do you folks know of anyone actively working on Qt5 bindings for p6? I'd write them myself if Qt was in C, but it's C++ and I'd rather not dive into that 16:20
I found a repo on github, but it seems empty 16:21
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radiopc214 Is there any reason my code won't begin promises longer than 2 hours? My code's at pastebin.com/2BMiKCh0 with the important pieces between 227-232 and the promise actually being made between 286-297 16:30
I've been boggling my mind for days without any luck
16:32 dogbert17 joined
Zoffix radiopc214: I see one error on line 104. You're awaiting Proc::Async object rather than the Promise returned from the .start method. 16:39
e: my $p := Proc::Async.new: "cal"; $p.start; await $p
evalable6 (exit code 1) April 2018
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2 3 4 _␈ _␈5 6 7
8 …
Zoffix, Full output: gist.github.com/141abb57f939ca1ddf...1236e5c7a3
radiopc214 Duly noted, Zoffix! 16:41
16:41 Ven joined
Ven o/ 16:41
yoleaux 20 Dec 2017 02:53Z <Zoffix> Ven: your post was still listed as a draft, 3hr past midnight. Based on irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2017-12-19#i_15600534 I assumed that was a mistake and published the post. I hope it was ready 😓
Ven oh, yeah...
16:41 Ven is now known as Ven``
Ven`` I forget. 16:41
Zoffix Also, `my $is-failed = $journal.out.slurp.contains('Driver is not running'); $journal.out.close; return !$is-failed;` can be written as `not $journal.out.slurp(:close).contains: 'Driver is not running'` 16:44
.slurp/.lines take :close param that close the handle for you when the content is consumed 16:45
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Zoffix same as with a bunch of other methods; you can just call the method on the object returned from `run`; no need for any variables gist.github.com/zoffixznet/5cdde8f...3b210cb567 16:47
radiopc214: so what's the problem again? You say it won't *start* promises longer than 2 hours? Is there some error message? 16:48
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radiopc214 Zoffix: It starts the promise, but the maximum time is always 2 hours. There are some cases where I want it to be 3 hours or even 2 hours and 1 minute, but it always does only 2 hours 16:49
Zoffix radiopc214: and what sort of messages do you get in SysLog? I see there's code for killing stuff after a certain time... 16:54
16:57 pierre joined
Zoffix radiopc214: also, is $time accurately decoded? Reading the spec ( opensoundcontrol.org/node/3/#timetags ) it says time tags are absolute seconds since Jan 1, 1900, stored in 64-bit int, with seconds in the first 32bits, yet the way that variable is used is as if the $time was a relative time. 17:02
17:02 araraloren_ left, pierre left
Zoffix I guess there's no way for me to somehow run that code locally and reproduce the problem? 17:03
(and would I have to wait 2hr before seeing whether fix worked?)
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radiopc214 Zoffix: The code is unfortunately reliant on several services I use, making it hard to run it locally on other devices 17:08
Zoffix figured
radiopc214 Zoffix: As well, the error reported doesn't happen after two hours, but at the beginning. I just did some more testing, and the service accepts up to 126 minutes for the recording time 17:09
17:10 Ven`` left
Zoffix radiopc214: what does the error say? 17:10
radiopc214 I'm putting together a pastebin that shows the error 17:11
Zoffix: The error is at pastebin.com/QZJRVKSd 17:15
Zoffix radiopc214: that error says your `my Str $path = @message.shift;` on line 169/170 is getting an `Any` not a `Str` 17:19
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radiopc214 Zoffix: Yes and with recordings under 126 minutes $path seems to be getting a Str and not just a spew of what I assume is nonsense 17:23
I suppose perhaps $time is being misinterpreted and results in an overflow of data, causing subsequent data to become corrupted 17:24
Zoffix There's also a warning "Character(s) in 'N' format wrapped in unpack"
Yeah, probably.
m: say now - Date.new('1900-01-01').DateTime.Instant 17:25
camelia 3731937981.792310
Zoffix m: say 3731937981.log: 2 17:26
camelia 31.79727786502931
17:27 wamba joined
Zoffix "The first 32 bits specify the number of seconds since midnight on January 1, 1900" ... but... that's almost full :/ 17:27
m: say (Date.new('1900-01-01').DateTime.Instant + 2³²).DateTime 17:28
camelia 2036-02-07T06:27:49Z
Zoffix oh, nm
17:29 zakharyas joined
Zoffix radiopc214: are you able to dump two $datagram s? One working and one that contains the problem? 17:29
Kaiepi ? hastebin.com/eruricawun.pas 17:31
shouldn't Editline be able to be constructed when the module's required after Editline::Tokenizer?
Zoffix Kaiepi: and it works fine in normal script not in repl, does it? 17:32
Kaiepi lemme check 17:33
yeah, it works in scripts 17:34
Zoffix yeah, a bunch of compile-time things don't work in REPL (yet) like RT#131900
synopsebot RT#131900 [open]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=131900 [REPL] REPL loses custom operators 17:35
Zoffix Filed as R#1690 17:38
synopsebot R#1690 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/1690 [REPL] REPL messes up namespaces when Foo is `use`d after Foo::Bar
17:47 Sgeo joined
radiopc214 Zoffix: The $datagram dump (for both successful and unsuccessful) is at pastebin.com/t1Uf6z1B 17:51
It seems like the data doesn't get passed at all during an unsuccessful run
Zoffix yeah, not really sure what determines when IO::Socket::Async.Supply decides to emit data... 18:05
18:05 Kaiepi left
radiopc214 Zoffix: Entirely fair. I'll log off and see if I can find some more info. Thanks for all the help! 18:06
Zoffix No problem. 18:07
18:07 radiopc214 left
Bowlslaw is there a way to view this in vim? like a 'man' command or something?: github.com/Tux/CSV/blob/master/lib...t/CSV.pod6 18:08
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El_Che Bowlslaw: first google link (not tried it myself): github.com/c9s/pod-reader.vim 18:09
18:09 vcv left
Zoffix that looks to be for Perl 5's pod 18:10
Bowlslaw yeah i have the perl 5 one 18:11
[Coke] perl6 --doc ../path/to/pod.6
should perl6 --doc ignore the =for elvis directive at the end? 18:12
(it's rendering it today)
... is that really all pod6 in that file? 18:13
18:13 pierre_ left
Zoffix p6doc doesn't show docs of modules, does it? 18:13
[Coke] (I see a lot of =over, e.g.) 18:14
Zoffix $ p6doc Text::CSV 18:15
No Pod found in /home/zoffix/rakudo/install/share/perl6/site/sources/5D1F6B1BE93CAF75E747AF0222CA78BCD8A5CD40 18:16
Looks like it does, but not if pod is ina separate file
[Coke] bin/p6doc DOM::Tiny works here.
18:16 Kaiepi left
Bowlslaw :O 18:16
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Bowlslaw for %vowels.sort(*.key)>>.kv -> ($vowel, $index) { ... } 20:19
that is some crazy syntax >_>
i guess it's no less strange that perl 5's hash sorting 20:20
El_Che you mean the >> ? 20:21
Bowlslaw i know that operator; it applies whatever is before it to everything, right? 20:23
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FROGGS_ Bowlslaw: $my-array.foo() calls a method foo on the array object, $my-array>>.foo() calls method foo on every element of the array 20:49
so, it like a map or a loop or 'each' in other languages 20:50
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Bowlslaw yes 20:51
FROGGS_ I prefer >>.foo (or even ».foo) over .map(...) because you've got one parentheses less to remember to close 20:53
which is handy not only in one liners
El_Che nice 20:55
Bowlslaw i like fancy operators symbols too ;_;
FROGGS_ hehe
Bowlslaw why ». ?? 20:56
what the...
FROGGS_ well, it is there in your character map... unused... probably lonely and sad :D
Bowlslaw indeed, it is sad, and lonely, and unused
just looks so weird in code 20:57
the unicode support in perl 6 is really cool, but just...strange for me to use haha
FROGGS_ that's what I think when looking at xml
Bowlslaw yay xml configuration files
they make me so happy
FROGGS_ you've got the choice... you dont have to use » 20:58
hehe, yeah
20:58 mcmillhj left
El_Che Bowlslaw: you just need a new keyboard, like this one media0.giphy.com/media/l2Jeja1WW50.../giphy.gif 20:58
Bowlslaw I do like JSON tho
FROGGS_ json is awesome
Bowlslaw El_Che: LOL
FROGGS_ but I wonder when json5 actually arrives... 20:59
Bowlslaw do we really need anything new in JSON ?
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FROGGS_ comments? 20:59
trailing commans
I just need these two
Bowlslaw hmmm 21:00
El_Che FROGGS_: you're describing yaml
21:00 wamba left, tt left
FROGGS_ nah, yaml is a bit overkill to me 21:01
Bowlslaw euughhh yaml...
FROGGS_ it is too much dwim, so I sometimes do not know what I'll get
Bowlslaw whitespace...
El_Che I seem to do all my configs in yaml
whenever I have to do json or xml configs I feel unloved 21:02
FROGGS_ and that's the first step: being not sure what to get, then loosing trust, then avoiding it
I enjoy json pretty much 21:03
Bowlslaw json is bestson
21:03 skids left
FROGGS_ that actually fits to Homer J. Simpson... 21:03
(because of the one episode where he finds out what his middle name is) 21:04
21:04 b2gills left
Bowlslaw hahahha 21:04
FROGGS_ probably the most funny moment in entire movie history :P 21:05
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Zoffix Bowlslaw: but note that ». is *not* the same as .map. It's a compiler hint that it can autothread and it also cares about nodality of the method you're calling. 21:12
m: dd (<a b c>, (42, (50, 100)))».uc
camelia ($("A", "B", "C"), $("42", $("50", "100")))
Zoffix m: dd (<a b c>, (42, (50, 100))).map: *.uc
camelia ("A B C", "42 50 100").Seq
Bowlslaw hmmm 21:14
21:14 mcmillhj left
Bowlslaw cool 21:15
Zoffix You can also just unpack the pairs, without going into kv 21:16
m: my %vowels = "the cat is a dog".comb.Bag; for %vowels.sort(*.key)>>.kv -> ($vowel, $index) { dd [$vowel, $index] }
camelia [" ", 4]
["a", 2]
["c", 1]
["d", 1]
["e", 1]
["g", 1]
["h", 1]
["i", 1]
["o", 1]
["s", 1]
["t", 2]
Zoffix m: my %vowels = "the cat is a dog".comb.Bag; for %vowels.sort: *.key -> (:key($vowel), :value($index)) { dd [$vowel, $index] }
camelia [" ", 4]
["a", 2]
["c", 1]
["d", 1]
["e", 1]
["g", 1]
["h", 1]
["i", 1]
["o", 1]
["s", 1]
["t", 2]
Zoffix m: my %vowels = "the cat is a dog".comb.Bag; for %vowels.sort: *.key { dd [$:key, $:value] } 21:17
camelia Too many positionals passed; expected 0 arguments but got 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Zoffix ah, right.
m: my %vowels = "the cat is a dog".comb.Bag; for %vowels.sort: *.key { {dd [$:key, $:value]}(|$_) }
camelia Required named parameter 'key' not passed
in block at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Zoffix m: my %vowels = "the cat is a dog".comb.Bag; for %vowels.sort: *.key { {dd [$:key, $:value]}(|.Capture) } 21:18
camelia [" ", 4]
["a", 2]
["c", 1]
["d", 1]
["e", 1]
["g", 1]
["h", 1]
["i", 1]
["o", 1]
["s", 1]
["t", 2]
Zoffix m: my %vowels = "the cat is a dog".comb.Bag; for %vowels.sort: *.key { {dd [.key, .value] }
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing block
at <tmp>:1
------> 3owels.sort: *.key { {dd [.key, .value] }7⏏5<EOL>
expecting any of:
statement end
Zoffix m: my %vowels = "the cat is a dog".comb.Bag; for %vowels.sort: *.key { dd [.key, .value] }
camelia [" ", 4]
["a", 2]
["c", 1]
["d", 1]
["e", 1]
["g", 1]
["h", 1]
["i", 1]
["o", 1]
["s", 1]
["t", 2]
Bowlslaw i think the first way is clearer 21:19
what is sort(*.key) ?
sort accepts arguments?
Zoffix Yeah, tells it how to sort.
21:19 b2gills joined
Zoffix And *.key is a lambda that takes 1 arg (each of the things being sorted) and calls method .key on it 21:20
Bowlslaw ahhh a lambda
Zoffix m: say (* * * * * * *)(2, 3, 4, 5)
camelia 120
Bowlslaw why do many stars?
Zoffix m: say (* × * × * × *)(2, 3, 4, 5) # same thing with other symbol for multiplication ops
camelia 120
Zoffix Same thing: a lambda, but this one takes 4 args. 21:21
Each star (that's a term) is a placeholder for the arg. And in the first example it knows which one is a placeholder and which one is multiplication because almost everywhere Perl 6 expects a term to be followed by an operator to be followed by a term
that lamda's called WhateverCode and those stars are called Whatever 21:22
tobs m: say (* * * ** *)(2,3,4)
camelia 162
tobs why is it so smart ( •᷄⌓•᷅ )
Zoffix There's also hyperwhatever that's like a normal whatever code mapped over a list 21:23
m: say (**²)(^10)
camelia (0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81)
Bowlslaw LOL 21:24
Zoffix tobs: cause it expects a term to be followed by an operator: so you get 1st* = term; 2nd* = op (multiplication); 3rd* = term; now it expects an op, and ** is it, and then it expects a term, so 4th* is the Whatever representing the last arg
b2gills You don't need to use `*.key` in `.sort`, it will sort by key and then value by default 21:25
Zoffix neat
21:25 mcmillhj joined
Bowlslaw ah cool, wonder why they have that in the example 21:27
Zoffix Who?
Bowlslaw docs.perl6.org/type/Hash#Looping_o...and_values 21:28
Zoffix Guess the author of that part of the docs didn't know of the default sort 21:29
It's not even documented that that's its behaviour
Bowlslaw I think it's better to be explicity when first learning, but the default sort is pretty common-sense
Zoffix s: %(), 'sort', \() 21:30
SourceBaby Zoffix, Sauce is at github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/7faf...ap.pm6#L79
Zoffix b2gills: are you sure it sorts by value too? Glancing at that code, looks like only the key
21:30 mcmillhj left
El_Che Bowlslaw: can you create a ticket with the remark? JJMerelo is working on the docs and he appreciates issues like that 21:31
Zoffix Oh, you can't have more than one key that are the same, dugh
Bowlslaw I changed it in my code and i have the exact same result
El_Che: sure, i'd be happy to. Should I mention the default behaviour of sort and how it's not mentioned in the doc...? 21:32
Zoffix m: (:42a, :100a, :10a, :50a, :60a).sort.say
camelia (a => 10 a => 42 a => 50 a => 60 a => 100)
Zoffix neat
El_Che pretty much a copy paste of the conversation will do, I think :)
Bowlslaw haha ok, where should I do this?
Zoffix Bowlslaw: github.com/perl6/doc/issues 21:33
Bowlslaw: we also have IRC log you can just link to: irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2018-04-05#i_16010857
Look a magic trick!
m: (:42a, :100a, :10a, :50a, :60a).Capture.sort.say
camelia ()
Zoffix I made all those pairs disappear \o./
ZofBot: there's nothing up my sleeves! 21:34
ZofBot Zoffix, 06 cusr 206
Bowlslaw cool 21:35
that was my first contribution to an open source project >_>
El_Che \o/
Zoffix \o/
Bowlslaw need...more... 21:36
El_Che Bowlslaw: pbs.twimg.com/media/DaDAHRpX4AAX2Ch.jpg:large
21:36 Phil21 joined
Zoffix Oh 21:37
Bowlslaw LOL
Zoffix Bowlslaw: need more you say? There are a couple of "good first issue" labels: github.com/perl6/doc/issues?q=is%3...t+issue%22 21:40
Also, we gonna have squashathon in a few hours
squashable6: next
squashable6 Zoffix, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in ≈12 hours (2018-04-07 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
Bowlslaw cool, thanks
21:41 mcmillhj joined 21:42 rindolf joined
Bowlslaw what of "TPF Grant" ? 21:42
"Hash documentation needs to be updated to strongly prefer %( ) method of creating Hash's #1380" 21:43
I just saw that when reading the Hash docs
NOTE: Hashes can also be constructed with { }. It is recommended to use the %() hash constructor, as braces are reserved for creating Block objects and therefore braces only create Hash objects in specific circumstances.
in "Hash Assignment"
geekosaur if your tpf grant question was about newcomer tasks, those ... aren't 21:44
Zoffix Bowlslaw: TPF = The Perl Foundation. JJMerello is currently doing a grant with them. And I guess these are the issue they marked to be sure to do. You could ping them and ask if it's OK to do those issues or if those are tagged for solely for them to do
geekosaur those are awaiting funding for someone to put in a lot of work
oh, taken by one, ok
21:45 Aceeri_ left
Zoffix looks sideways at that note. 21:45
21:45 pierre_ joined
Zoffix I rather it encouraged people to learn the rules of when the stuff gets turned into blocks and when into hashes rather than type extra stuff out of paranoia 21:46
Bowlslaw should i close the issue i made? 21:47
21:47 mcmillhj left
Zoffix Bowlslaw: I guess, yeah. I didn't read the Any.sort doc closely enough before claiming it wasn't documented. Sorry :( 21:47
Bowlslaw weeps bitterly 21:48
El_Che I get the make it easy for Perl 5 programmers (I am one), but when the "backwards" compatility has negative effects, it's good to discourage it (or remove it). It's not like perl5 code will run out of the box because of the {}
Zoffix I don't see it as easy for Perl 5 programmers. I see it as easy for me. 21:49
It's easier to type {} than to type %()
El_Che Zoffix: you used to be one :)
Zoffix It's easier to type :foo{ } than to type :foo(%())
21:50 pierre_ left
Zoffix Looks better too 21:50
Zoffix crawls back into #perl6-dev to fight QAST monsters
21:50 Zoffix left
Bowlslaw %() 21:51
looks like cookie monster
El_Che haha
timotimo hey, you know what i haven't had on my laptop for a while?
Bowlslaw www.chimpstickers.com/en/store/sti...e-monster/
geekosaur free disk spacE?
lizmat a cat ?
timotimo nope, a bottle of nice still water 21:52
not to worry, it's a thinkpad, after all
21:53 pharv left
timotimo oh crap 21:53
i had thunderbird open while i was wiping the water off my keyboard
21:56 pharv joined 21:58 mcmillhj joined 21:59 Cleverson joined 22:00 rindolf left 22:01 cj joined
cj TimToady: /join #python 22:01
sorry for the noise. :-)
Bowlslaw PYTHON!?
Bowlslaw explodes
timotimo Bowlslaw: NO LOL 22:02
cj TimToady: I was just talking/thinking about you this morning while talking to my ladyfriend, Andi.
cj El_Che: from #python
14:58 < Yhg1s> BPL: you can use super incorrectly primarily because there was no way to ensure you were using it correctly or not.
14:58 < _habnabit> which is true of most things in python, which is unfortunate 22:03
14:59 < cj> s/python/programming/ for greater selection
15:01 < _habnabit> cj, some languages try a lot harder than python
so I guess they're coming around?
I didn't actually intend to tell TimToady to /join #python. I wanted to make sure I was spelling his name correctly using tab complete, and then I forgot to meta-backspace before my next irssi command 22:04
timotimo that was rather funny, though :D
cj I have to say it was in fact!
timotimo Bowlslaw: there is an explanation to "NO LOL", which is that the python channel has (or used to have) "NO ROSETTACODE, NO LOL" in the topic
maybe not in all caps
Bowlslaw lol 22:05
22:05 mcmillhj left 22:06 pharv left 22:07 pharv joined
Cleverson Hi all, the perl6 REPL on Windows doesn't display correctly some accented letters belonging to Brazilian Portuguese, my language. Thus, words like "acentua􏿽xE7􏿽xE3o" causes a "malformed UTF8" error. I assume I should pass the "--encoding" option to perl6, but I can't figure out how to spell the possible modes as in "--encoding=mode". For example, the code page on my Windows command prompt is 850, but perl6 --encoding=850 doesn't work, is 22:07
timotimo Cleverson: sorry, the message was cut off after "doesn't work, is" 22:08
Cleverson isn't valid. Any hint please? 22:10
Bowlslaw That reminds me: does Perl 6 have repl functionality like Haskell? With Haskell, I can load my current file into the repl and use all of my current file's symbols, tab completion, etc
timotimo Bowlslaw: i'm just wildly guessing here, but perhaps running chcp 65001 in the cmd.exe before running perl6 will help?
er, addressed the wrong person, that was for you, Cleverson 22:11
anyway, Bowlslaw, it should be enough to "use MyModule" (maybe you have to "use lib '.'" first to have it search your local directory)
22:12 mcmillhj joined
Bowlslaw xd 22:13
22:13 pmurias left
Ulti Cleverson: that's usually a property of the terminal you are using rather than Perl 6 22:14
22:14 Kaiepi left 22:15 Kaiepi joined
timotimo i'd like to point outt that the REPL is sadly rather unreliable and can have rather interesting bugs 22:15
so it's usually better to write your programs in an editor that has a "run my code immediately" key binding
Cleverson timotimo: Hi, chcp 65001 changed the codepage, but now, typing accented letters on the keyboard simply doesn't enter them, i.e. they don't display, neither while typing nor as the say command result. 22:16
22:16 pharv left 22:17 pharv joined
timotimo oh crap :( 22:17
22:17 mcmillhj left
timotimo well, to be fair, having utf8 everywhere on linux is also a new phenomenon. i can remember when i was still a teenager it could be tricky to get it right 22:18
Cleverson timotimo: OK, I can do it, just would like to use the REPL as I'm quite learning the language itself...
El_Che timotimo: your definition of new is pretty flexible :)
timotimo El_Che: OK, maybe linux has had it for at least 10 years now, but my irc lives on this OpenBSD system and i'm still not seeing the separating line between nicknames and text in weechat. it's still a column of "?" symbols 22:20
and the line between read and unread messages is a row of ????????????
El_Che really? wow 22:21
irssi has some utf8 settings that must be enabled, maybe it's also the case for weechat?
timotimo it's surely at least 80% my fault for not knowing anything about it
but it's surprising that i'd have to even lift a finger to get utf8 22:22
the rest of weechat seems to do utf8 just fine, i.e. if someone pastes some wacky unicode characters in chat i can see them
El_Che my experience with the bsds (long time ago) was lifting a lot of vingers :)
Bowlslaw www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-l...Irssi.html 22:23
22:24 mcmillhj joined
El_Che Bowlslaw: it's over midnight here. You want to keep me awake all night 22:25
Cleverson Still on my encoding issue, just for information, a compiled plain "hello world" in c, as well as Python 2.7, have the same problem too, but Python 3.6 and Ruby 2.4 don't, so I assume it can definitely be fixed in perl6. 22:28
Bowlslaw lol 22:31
22:33 mcmillhj left 22:39 pharv left
Bowlslaw does anyone have experience with loading a csv file into a sql database? 22:40
timotimo some sql command lines actually let you directly load csv, i think 22:41
22:41 skids joined, pharv joined
Bowlslaw :O 22:41
timotimo COPY zip_codes FROM '/path/to/csv/ZIP_CODES.txt' WITH (FORMAT csv);
that's postgresql
Bowlslaw waaaaaaaaaat
timotimo you'd be surprised, SQL is probably at least 100x more powerful than you might have dreamed! 22:42
Bowlslaw so it seems
22:42 TEttinger joined
Bowlslaw i've only been a professional dev for 4 months now and I learn new stuff about SQL almost every day 22:42
timotimo it's a lovely and magical journey <3 22:43
22:43 Cleverson left
Bowlslaw wow 22:44
that saves me from a lot of coding
and puts the focus on the important part; generating the reports ;)
don't you just love abstraction sometimes
22:45 TEttinger left, TEttinger joined
El_Che Bowlslaw: you'll call your first born eSQèLe if it's a girl 22:45
timotimo i'd say the knowledge of COPY requires at least a drop of blood to be spilled, maybe even part of a finger being sacrificed 22:46
Bowlslaw El_Che: lol...what?
El_Che you need to pay your dues for sql 22:47
the knowledge does not come free
timotimo Bowlslaw: you may think this practice is kind of medieval, but remember that sql was invented in the 6th century before christ 22:48
22:48 pharv left, pharv joined
timotimo El_Che: it'll be past 1am soon, we should both find some sleep 22:48
El_Che good idea :)
El_Che off
timotimo Edgar F. Codd: A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks. Communications of the ACM, 13(6):377–387, 1970. 22:50
^- not sure if you could say "this is where SQL started", but i think it's fairly close
Bowlslaw begins ritual of somming larry wall
Bowlslaw grips ceremonial dagger and slices palm of hand
timotimo i saw larry wall today. it was kind of weird; someone picked him up and waved him about
www.flickr.com/photos/hobbified/668680956 ← it was actually this larry wall 22:51
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Herby_ o/ 23:26
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rouking Do you folks know of anyone actively working on Qt5 bindings for p6? I'd write them myself if Qt was in C, but it's C++ and I'd rather not dive into that 23:33
23:33 dct joined 23:36 mcmillhj left
MasterDuke rouking: not aware of anybody. would be very happy to see it happen though 23:37
23:40 Bowlslaw left
b2gills rouking: It might be easier to see if there are C bindings for Qt, and make a Perl 6 binding for that. 23:41
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