pugs.blogs.com | pugscode.org | pugs.kwiki.org | paste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | <stevan> Moose... it's the new Camel ":P | .pmc == PPI source filters!
Set by Alias_ on 16 March 2006.
svnbot6 r10527 | lwall++ | Last array_cap test can't match C in $0; @bases only contains G, A, and T 00:11
TimToady audreyt: speaking of which, I'm failing the last five tests of that file with an imcc error using embedded parrot. 00:12
which is why my smokes have five more failures than yours... 00:13
00:29 elmex joined 00:42 rashakil__ joined, Quellism joined 00:53 Ymmv joined 00:55 ludan joined 00:56 mako132_ joined 01:05 rashakil joined
TimToady audreyt: I'm beginning to think we've defaulted lvalues wrong in assignment parsing, and that only "obviously scalar" lvalues should default to scalar assignment parsing. 01:37
$a, @foo[1], @foo[$a], @foo[+expr] are fairly obviously scalar. 01:39
01:39 Ymmv joined
audreyt well 01:39
that goes back to 01:40
@foo[+func()] and %bar{~func()}
lambdabot Unknown command, try @list
audreyt and it must cascade, so @foo[@bar[1]] is scalar too
TimToady but in general the harm of accidentally guessing list is just a misparse in the presence of commas. 01:41
audreyt yes.
TimToady and $a = 1, $b = 2 is about as complicated as it gets.
audreyt well, and also flattening.
@foo[func()] = %blah; 01:42
lambdabot Unknown command, try @list
audreyt but I gree it seems saner than ($foo[1])=
TimToady well, sure, but I'd say that's obviously intended to be list.
audreyt I'd agree.
TimToady I keep wondering how often we'd have to explain why exactly lvalue subscripts default differently than rvalue. 01:43
audreyt so, fix the S* yet again? it helps that this new default is easier to implement.
right, because it agrees with rvalue.
TimToady So I'd even be inclined to say that nothing more complicated than $x gets scalar by default.
audreyt @foo[1] = func(); 01:44
lambdabot Unknown command, try @list
audreyt I think 1 is as good as +1
and +1 needs to be scalar 01:45
01:45 sri__ joined
audreyt forcing [+1] instead of [1] is, like, bad 01:45
TimToady yeah...
so basically we need a category "obviously scalar". I can argue the recursion either way. 01:46
problem with recursion is @foo[@reallylongvariablename[$x]] tends to hide the scalaraness. 01:47
the 2nd @ makes it look like a slice
I think a very short list of scalars would be best, and no recursion. 01:49
01:49 shachaf joined
audreyt otoh, @ary[%foo{$this}] is quite obviously scalar to me... 01:49
@ary[+%foo{$this}] is a bit weird 01:50
lambdabot Unknown command, try @list
TimToady yeah, and a lot of indirection in numeric programming... :/
audreyt nod.
I think recursion is a good idea for this..
TimToady and @foo[+@bar[$x]] makes it look like you're asking for the len until you see the subscript 01:51
audreyt indeed
TimToady okay, then yes on recursion, but still a very short list. 01:52
audreyt but no peeking at return type of protos for funcalls.
TimToady right.
audreyt k.
in that sense, + and ~ becomes metasyntactic 01:53
[+...] and {~...} that is
TimToady [+...]
reminds me of {|a|...} from Ruby.
audreyt *nod* 01:54
TimToady 'course, it's not really, since [+$a and $b]
audreyt ok. I think I can get that into 6.2.12 if it's specced in time :)
TimToady did you see my carpage about array_cap.t? 01:55
audreyt yes.
TimToady anything else you want last-minute speccage on?
audreyt couldn't get embedparrot going here
so will look a bit later and/or switch to the old laptop
well, nothing I can think of right now 01:56
TimToady btw has $x is just a lexically scoped alias for $!x, much like "our"
so not visible in reopened class. 01:57
audreyt oh hm.
class { has $!x; method m { $x } }
TimToady I don't think so.
on the "our" principle 01:58
audreyt S12 line365 says otherwise
TimToady means you can force yourself to say $!x everywhere, which is arguably good
yeah, hadn't thought of the our connection back then. 01:59
audreyt ok. aslong as there's away to force $x disambig
and "has $.x" doesn;t' allow bare $x
and neither does "has $!x"
TimToady right.
audreyt I think the "has $x" sugar is survivable
cmarcelo audreyt: when you have time, look at my messages when you were idle (I paste it if you need).. 02:06
audreyt TimToady: btw, a syntactic question 02:09
cmarcelo: yes, I'm adding atomically{} to Pugs
give me 5 mins, almost there
TimToady: consider 02:10
sub foo {
is rw;
is this the same as "sub foo is rw" ?
and if yes, I have another unification in mind :)
cmarcelo "atomically {}" as in STM? pugs interpreter already support atomic blocks? 02:11
audreyt yes.
cmarcelo ps: prelude is working just fine here now... 02:12
audreyt yay
TimToady what unification do you have in mind?
audreyt namely, have the 02:13
class { ... }
form return something that is a genuine Code
and unify the bareword-as-class detection by having 02:14
class Foo { ... }
install a &Foo that is the closure
to be used as the coercer/constructor
and have the "class Foo {...}" form return that thing as well
this means Foo is always &Foo
which returns ::Foo when called with null-dimension args 02:15
and all "is ..." traits hang to the closest closure
end of probably-insane idea.
this is so that
sub foo is atomic {...}
{ is atomic; ... }
falls out automagically
TimToady have to think about it some. defined(Foo) and such 02:16
audreyt *nod* 02:17
TimToady can probably unify the syntax, just not sure about the semantics 02:18
{ is sig\(...); ... } for you Ruby lovers. 02:19
well, that's really from Smalltalk
merlyn speaking of smalltalk, I'm reviewing Kent Beck "Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns" for use in an OOP talk, and I am reminded of just how darn *good* it is. Everything in that book should be easy to do in Perl6. And I mean that in both directions. :) 02:20
02:21 rashakil_ joined 02:31 justatheory joined
audreyt gaal++ # comp unit version field for bytecode 02:41
blib6/lib/*.yml is now obsolete again... please remove before making pugs (but the err msg this time aroudn is netter now)
TimToady okay, assignment is respecced. was it soon enough to get into .12? :) 02:48
audreyt yes :) 02:49
TimToady of course, I glossed over the question of "what is a literal?"
audreyt there's some pun involving "due respec" here but I can't quite see it... 02:51
oh btw
[-1] should be fine too 02:52
as is [-func()]
TimToady right
I was also wondering about ? and !, but left them out
audreyt interestingly, that forces +int 02:53
though arguably int is more arrayish than +.
but oh well.
TimToady yes
Hmm. @foo[+$i++] is a bit ugly. 02:54
merlyn or even @foo[+++$i]
TimToady that wouldn't even parse right
merlyn @foo[+ ++$i] ?
TimToady maybe we should define it in terms of precedence
lambdabot Unknown command, try @list
TimToady that's what it'd have to be right now 02:55
audreyt I like the prec idea. 02:58
TimToady defining by precedence wouldn't be terribly clean either, since there are lots of tight operators that imply listiness, such as unary @
audreyt in the symunary prec, we handpick "scalarish" things
anything tighter than it is considered literal-scalarish 02:59
then the nestedness follows from that as .[] is tighter
though that doesn't quite apply to .(). oy. 03:00
03:00 rdice joined
TimToady could drive it as low as additive, if we hand-unpick xx 03:00
could also say in the range from autoincrement to additive (with exceptions) 03:02
but a little strange to disallow @foo[.chars]
but we really can't allow general methods there if we don't allow general subs. 03:04
so maybe we just fudge and say "scalar math and string operators". 03:05
and maybe just unaries. 03:06
audreyt yeah. 03:12
03:12 glasser joined
glasser i am told that the lambdacamels know the secret of ghc under darwinports on osx intel 03:13
audreyt there is no secret...
glasser in fact, i am told that you know the incantation, audrey :)
audreyt well I've made a bindist :) 03:14
clkao grins
glasser merci
audreyt np :)
glasser hmm, one could make a portfile that builds out of cvs head... 03:15
(like emacs-devel)
03:16 coumbes joined
audreyt but you need a bindist to bootstrap, unless you are willing to wait 5hr for unregisterised stage1 03:16
glasser ah good point. (i think i was actually doing that on mac ppc)
clkao so looking forward to hackathons 03:17
glasser oh, so once this is installed i'll be able to install it again via dp or something?
clkao: i'm on for tuesday
clkao yay
glasser svk on afs it is
(though i think i just missed ghudson today :) )
clkao i managed to say hi before he fled 03:18
i think he stayed for less than 30min
audreyt glasser: once it's installed you can easily make form any ghc trunk checkout, yes 03:22
yay, it's done... bbiab 03:27
svnbot6 r10528 | audreyt++ | * Expose Software Transactional Memory to the userland.
r10528 | audreyt++ | * Provisional (unspecced) syntax:
r10528 | audreyt++ | my ($x, $y);
r10528 | audreyt++ | async {
r10528 | audreyt++ | atomically {
r10528 | audreyt++ | $x = $y + 1;
r10528 | audreyt++ | $y = $x + 1;
r10528 | audreyt++ | }
r10528 | audreyt++ | } for 1..5;
r10528 | audreyt++ | say "($x, $y)" # Guaranteed to be (9, 10)
r10528 | audreyt++ | * Bump CompUnit version to 2; existing .yml in blib6/lib and other
r10528 | audreyt++ | places need to be removed.
obra hi gang 03:31
clkao lo
TimToady howdy 03:33
?eval my $x = 0; my $y = 0; my @foo = ({ atomically { $x = $y + 1; $y = $x + 1; } }) xx 5; @foo>>.(); say "($x, $y)"; 03:38
03:38 evalbot_10525 is now known as evalbot_10528
evalbot_10528 Error: unexpected ">" expecting "::", term postfix, comment, operator, postfix conditional, postfix loop, postfix iteration, ";" or end of input 03:38
TimToady ?eval my $x = 0; my $y = 0; my @foo = ({ atomically { $x = $y + 1; $y = $x + 1; } }) xx 5; @foo.>>.(); say "($x, $y)";
evalbot_10528 Error: unexpected ">" expecting ".", subroutine name, array subscript, hash subscript or code subscript
TimToady ?eval my $x = 0; my $y = 0; my @foo = ({ atomically { $x = $y + 1; $y = $x + 1; } }) xx 5; @foo.Ā».(); say "($x, $y)"; 03:39
evalbot_10528 Error: unexpected "\\" expecting ".", subroutine name, array subscript, hash subscript or code subscript
TimToady ?eval my $x = 0; my $y = 0; my @foo = ({ atomically { $x = $y + 1; $y = $x + 1; } }) xx 5; @fooĀ».(); say "($x, $y)";
evalbot_10528 Error: Cannot cast from VList [VCode (MkCode {isMulti = False, subName = "<anon>", subType = SubBlock, subEnv = Just (MkEnv {envContext = CxtItem (mkType "Any"), envLValue = False, envLexical = MkPad (padToList [("$?1",[(<ref>,<ref>)]),("$_",[(<ref>,<ref>)]),("$__evalbot_print",[(<ref>,<ref>)]),("$code",[(<ref>,<ref>)]),("$lang",[(<ref>,<ref>)]),("$x",[(<ref>,<ref>)]),("$y",[(<ref>,<ref>)]),("&?BLOCK_EXIT",[(<ref>,<ref>),(<ref>,<ref>),(<ref>,<ref>)
TimToady ?eval my $x = 0; my $y = 0; my @foo = ({ atomically { $x = $y + 1; $y = $x + 1; } },) xx 5; @fooĀ».(); say "($x, $y)"; 03:40
evalbot_10528 Error: Cannot cast from VList [VCode (MkCode {isMulti = False, subName = "<anon>", subType = SubBlock, subEnv = Just (MkEnv {envContext = CxtSlurpy (mkType "Any"), envLValue = False, envLexical = MkPad (padToList [("$?1",[(<ref>,<ref>)]),("$_",[(<ref>,<ref>)]),("$__evalbot_print",[(<ref>,<ref>)]),("$code",[(<ref>,<ref>)]),("$lang",[(<ref>,<ref>)]),("$x",[(<ref>,<ref>)]),("$y",[(<ref>,<ref>)]),("&?BLOCK_EXIT",[(<ref>,<ref>),(<ref>,<ref>),(<ref>,<ref
TimToady ?eval my $x = 0; my $y = 0; my @foo = (sub () { atomically { $x = $y + 1; $y = $x + 1; } },) xx 5; @fooĀ».(); say "($x, $y)"; 03:41
evalbot_10528 Error: Cannot cast from VList [VCode (MkCode {isMulti = False, subName = "<anon>", subType = SubRoutine, subEnv = Just (MkEnv {envContext = CxtSlurpy (mkType "Any"), envLValue = False, envLexical = MkPad (padToList [("$?1",[(<ref>,<ref>)]),("$_",[(<ref>,<ref>)]),("$__evalbot_print",[(<ref>,<ref>)]),("$code",[(<ref>,<ref>)]),("$lang",[(<ref>,<ref>)]),("$x",[(<ref>,<ref>)]),("$y",[(<ref>,<ref>)]),("&?BLOCK_EXIT",[(<ref>,<ref>),(<ref>,<ref>),(<ref>,<r
TimToady aah well, I'll stop wasting bandwidth.
QtPlatypus ?eval my $a = Bool::True | Bool::False; $a 03:46
evalbot_10528 \(Bool::False | Bool::True)
QtPlatypus ?eval my $a = Bool::True | Bool::False; my $b = $a && not $a; $b 03:47
evalbot_10528 \Bool::False
TimToady eek 03:48
Building Pugs-6.2.11...
unknown RTS option: -N2
Build failed: 256 at util/build_pugs.pl line 96. 03:49
make: *** [pugs] Error 2
that's after realclean... 03:50
glasser audreyt: durr, I'm dumb today... how do I actually install your bindist? 03:56
TimToady also getting some: Unrecognised flags: -p when I reconfigure 03:59
TimToady wanders off to find some dinner. & 04:00
04:04 Captain_Fourier joined
Captain_Fourier hello 04:04
audreyt glasser: sh configure make make install etc 04:08
TimToady: fixed
Captain_Fourier hmm is perl6 out yet 04:09
or should i just play with pugs
svnbot6 r10529 | audreyt++ | * oops, left debug flags in
audreyt Captain_Fourier: you can also play with parrot if you are interested in VMs 04:10
svnbot6 r10530 | audreyt++ | * older Cabals doesn't have -p.
glasser oh i see 04:14
bah, it installs, but it does not run, because i don't have libreadline where it wants it 04:18
maybe i should have given some args to configure
audreyt mm 04:21
install libreadline5 via ports first
Captain_Fourier is there a good tutorial on pugs 04:22
audreyt Captain_Fourier: svn.openfoundry.org/pugs/docs/articles/tpr.pod
Captain_Fourier thanks
audreyt np :) 04:23
Captain_Fourier i read that using perldoc right? 04:24
audreyt yes
or pod2html
Captain_Fourier yum 04:26
04:28 mako132_ joined
svnbot6 r10531 | audreyt++ | * Pugs.Prim.Numeric: remove a defaulting warning. 04:41
audreyt goes back looking at HsJudy 04:47
04:47 glasser joined
svnbot6 r10532 | audreyt++ | * Restore object finalization outside STM blocks. 04:50
r10532 | audreyt++ | * Relax Thread.yield() to be usable in atomic blocks.
glasser Oh wow, we've got STM in perl 6 now? 04:54
cmarcelo audreyt: =) 04:55
glasser What sorts of things can you put in an atomic block?
audreyt "safe" things 04:57
things that you can put into evalbot
conceptually, things that only affects the memory, and can be cancelled.
svnbot6 r10533 | audreyt++ | * restore object destruction outside STM for real 04:59
audreyt no "eval" currently as it conceptually invokes compiler 05:00
may be relaxed later 05:01
try{} is fine though
spinclad audreyt, cmarcelo: sorry i've been away, and sorry for poor testing. 05:09
cmarcelo spinclad: np.. did you see the test program I commited? 05:10
spinclad not yet, will svn up first
can take a quick look tonight and give more time to it tomorrow 05:11
audreyt spinclad: no prob, don't need to be sorry :)
cmarcelo spinclad: ok.. tks =) 05:12
audreyt cmarcelo: ok. so for GHC, the two "10" are different heap objects 05:17
for both StablePtr and StableName purposes 05:18
it seems that a general "Set" has to be implemented as JudyHS with StablePtr as value 05:20
the BitSet itself is probbly only good for things that are isomorphic to Int32
05:23 khisanth_ joined 05:24 khisanth_ is now known as Khisanth
cmarcelo audreyt: so, with only StablePtr and StableName isn't possible to use Haskell values as indexes... or even worse, as the two 10's aren't the same heap obj, using them as index AND "guarding" them from the GC wouldn't be easy... 05:27
spinclad i presume two refs to the same 10 will count as the same... 05:28
cmarcelo audreyt: general "Set" => but using what to index.. didnt get it.. 05:29
audreyt cmarcelo: use Storable image, or a custom-defined class 05:30
svnbot6 r10534 | szabgab++ | examples/perldoc.p6 - naive perldoc reader
r10534 | szabgab++ | -This line, and those below, will be ignored--
r10534 | szabgab++ | AM perldoc.p6
audreyt give me a sec
05:32 stevan__ is now known as stevan
cmarcelo spinclad: i think so, but sometimes he creates two "different" 10's then. in my test i explicit create a 10, and [1..10] creates another. 05:32
spinclad 05:39
and each time you run that same [1..10], it's another 05:40
or could be (thinking of maclisp smallnums and bignums) 05:41
cmarcelo audreyt: i'm reading Storable docs now.. Is it derivable? or the programmer must instance explicitly for each new type?
spinclad: what do you mean? 05:42
audreyt cmarcelo: DrIFT and SerTH are possible directions 05:45
svnbot6 r10535 | audreyt++ | * one possible way to encode haskell value into Value with Hashable
audreyt cmarcelo: Hashable is one possibility (just checked in)
spinclad smallnums XX fixnums up to some size fit in a pointer, so pointer identity was identity for them; larger fixnums and bignums could have multiple copies of the same value. 05:48
05:51 knewt joined
audreyt cmarcelo: also cf. www.eecs.tufts.edu/~rdocki01/docs/e...UniqueHash 05:57
we can reuse that definition
so that toList is only possible on BitSet for ReversibleHash instances 05:58
and generally you can only use get/set on them
makes (some) sense? 05:59
cmarcelo audreyt: yes (i'm digesting all the info)... but, 06:00
(if "digesting" sounded odd, ignore hehe)... String isn't UniqueHashable, for example right?
06:01 ayrnieu joined
cmarcelo or arbitrary integer.. in your instance for Hashable Integer, it "may" happen a collision? or i'm missing something? 06:02
audreyt that would be correct, yes 06:05
actually, the classes in www.eecs.tufts.edu/~rdocki01/docs/e...index.html 06:06
is a very good API design guide
cmarcelo audreyt: actually, thinking about it now, using StablePtr as Indexes forces the existence of Indexes objects in memory, and this isn't always necessary... 06:07
audreyt StableName has no such problem
also, if using StablePtr 06:08
you can hook a Finalizer
so that it's freed when the judy itself is freed
BitSet roughly corresponds to www.eecs.tufts.edu/~rdocki01/docs/e...umSet.html 06:09
I think we can safely demand Enum on a
that solves the bijection problem
unlike EnumSet, we are in IO, so maybe it's okay to allow IO too on to/from Enum conversions 06:10
06:12 shachaf joined
audreyt class EnumIO a where 06:12
toEnumIO :: Int -> IO a 06:13
fromEnum :: a -> IO Int
instance Enum a => EnumIO a where
toEnumIO = return . toEnum
fromEnumIO = return . fromEnum
that's one possibility. 06:14
(s/fromEnum ::/fromEnumIO ::/)
and then BitSet will demand EnumIO a 06:15
cmarcelo nice! well, I'll try to come up with a better BitSet2 (unifying it back to BitSet) using this classes. but this demands (Enum a), won't restrict BitSet scope too much?
audreyt and you can either derive Enum
or write your own toEnumIO / fromEnumIO instances
well, but that's all we can promise really
we can go one step further and stub this definition of toEnumIO
toEnumIO = fail "This is one-way hash, sorry" -- default implementation in EnumIO 06:16
so that Integer can supply fromEnumIO as irreversible hash
but toEnumIO and fromEnumIO are bad names.
maybe hashIO and unhashIO separated to two classes 06:17
and toList will demand the stronger class ReversibleHash
which is a subclass of Hash
anyway... you got the idea already. improvise :)
maybe HashIO and ReversibleHashIO...
cmarcelo ok =).. 06:18
audreyt cmarcelo++
brb 06:20
spinclad cmarcelo: yes, that looks strangely familiar :) 06:21
but /me has timed out for tonight... will debug tomorrow 06:22
cmarcelo spinclad: bye! =)
audreyt goes fixing the remaining 4 fails
sleep(3) well, spinclad 06:23
cmarcelo @localtime audreyt
lambdabot Local time for audreyt is Sun Jun 4 08:23:27 2006
spinclad .oO{ thanks ... ooh, look, shiny }
audreyt it's 2:23pm here
cmarcelo audreyt: is this correct?
spinclad @localtime cmarcelo
lambdabot Local time for cmarcelo is Sun Jun 4 03:23:58
audreyt no; I'm using feather.perl6.nl
spinclad .oO{ 03:25... brazil? } 06:25
cmarcelo audreyt: i'm going to sleep now, will try to get something commited before your next "wake cycle"...
audreyt cool
cmarcelo spinclad: yes =)
fglock is brazilian too, right?
spinclad ys
s//e/ 06:26
audreyt cmarcelo: once we got this working, I'll convert Pugs.Prim to use that instead of IntSet
spinclad also ruoso i seem to recall
audreyt since it's conceptually the same thign as a StateT IntSet 06:27
but I suspect much faster. we'll see if the FFI overhead is too high
cmarcelo YAPC::Brasil happened few weeks before I discover #perl6 I think... =P
spinclad .oO{ & }
cmarcelo audreyt: Pugs.Prim conversion => cool. 06:29
well. bye
06:29 cmarcelo left
audreyt spinclad: shut the computer down; it helps 06:29
06:30 iblechbot joined 06:36 Aankhen`` joined
audreyt bbiab 06:37
06:55 Captain_Fourier left 06:57 chihchun joined 08:01 penk joined
svnbot6 r10536 | audreyt++ | * shift-from-function-array-arg.t - mark as TODO; pending capturizing. 08:04
r10537 | audreyt++ | * slow-parse-fail.t: this is now 1)fast 2)passing
r10538 | audreyt++ | * pair_boolean.t: revive this test; Pair objects are always true. 08:10
r10539 | audreyt++ | * empty_list_in_map.t: fix plan 08:14
r10538 | audreyt++ | * pair_boolean.t: revive this test; Pair objects are always true.
08:14 chihchun joined
svnbot6 r10540 | audreyt++ | * "sub f (@x) {}" now causes the argument of f(...) to be evaluted 08:16
r10540 | audreyt++ | in item, not slurpy, context. This means f([1,2,3]) now works
r10540 | audreyt++ | as specced.
08:16 chihchun joined 08:34 andara joined 08:46 Odin- joined 08:51 Odin-LAP joined 09:16 evalbot_10528 is now known as evalbot_10540
svnbot6 r10541 | audreyt++ | * hash.t: Now that defaulting works the other way around, hashes 09:26
r10541 | audreyt++ | resume the bias-to-the-right behaviour, consistent with Perl 5:
r10541 | audreyt++ | my %hash = (x => 1, x => 2);
r10541 | audreyt++ | %hash<x>; # 2
r10542 | audreyt++ | * want.t: fix context expectation 09:32
09:35 andara joined
svnbot6 r10543 | audreyt++ | * f(()) should pass &f an empty list, not "undef". 09:47
09:48 elmex joined
svnbot6 r10544 | audreyt++ | * subroutine.t: unTODO passing tests. 09:48
09:51 iblechbot joined
svnbot6 r10545 | audreyt++ | * splice.t: fix context expectations 09:51
r10546 | audreyt++ | * HTML::Entities - unTODO passing tests and chase for context changes 09:54
r10547 | audreyt++ | * Perl6::Container::Array: adjust test TODOness
10:01 vytautas joined 10:02 kanru joined
svnbot6 r10548 | audreyt++ | * unicode.t: "\xABCD" is unicode literals, not UTF8 codepoints! 10:10
r10549 | audreyt++ | * hyperop.t: fix test count
r10550 | audreyt++ | * use_perl_6.t: fix test count
r10551 | audreyt++ | * arith.t: fix test plan
10:11 chris2 joined
svnbot6 r10552 | audreyt++ | * unTODO, fix test plan, etc. 10:13
10:13 ludan joined 10:32 nperez joined
svnbot6 r10553 | audreyt++ | * ext/Perl6-Grammar/: Makefile.PL. 10:42
r10553 | audreyt++ | * This module is somewhat duplicated with lrep's grammars,
r10553 | audreyt++ | the .pg grammars in src/Pugs/Parser/, and Parrot/Perl6's grammars.
r10553 | audreyt++ | Not sure what to do with it, but it passes tests, so it's still in.
r10554 | audreyt++ | * yaml_harness: hand-adjust the first child to run 2/3 of
r10554 | audreyt++ | other children, to balance against the fact that ext/
r10554 | audreyt++ | is more time-consuming.
10:44 szbalint joined
svnbot6 r10555 | audreyt++ | * Set::Infinite: Fix inconsistent use of $.set and @.set. 10:51
andara ?eval my $g=($x){return $x+1};my $f=sub ($n_,$f_) { return $f_($n_+1)} };say $f($n,$g); 10:52
svnbot6 r10556 | audreyt++ | * Pugs.Eval: %.foo is now consitently a hash and never an array or otherwise.
r10556 | audreyt++ | Ditto for @.foo.
10:53 evalbot_10540 is now known as evalbot_10554
evalbot_10554 user error (incompatible version number for compilation unit) Error: unexpected "}" expecting comment, operator, ";" or end of input 10:53
andara ?eval my $g=($x){return $x+1};my $f=sub ($n_,$f_) { return $f_($n_+1)} ;say $f($n,$g);
10:53 evalbot_10554 is now known as evalbot_10555
evalbot_10555 Error: Undeclared variable: "$x" 10:53
andara ?eval my $g=($x){return $x+1};my $f=sub ($n_,$f_) { return $f_($n_+1)} };say $f(5,$g);
svnbot6 r10557 | audreyt++ | * reverse.t: unTODO passing test.
evalbot_10555 Error: unexpected "}" expecting comment, operator, ";" or end of input
andara ?eval my $g=($x){return $x+1};my $f=sub ($n_,$f_) { return $f_($n_+1)} ;say $f(5,$g); 10:54
evalbot_10555 Error: Undeclared variable: "$x"
audreyt you want "sub ($x)"
or "$x->"
andara thanks!
audreyt er I mean "->$x" 10:55
andara ?eval my $g=sub ($x){return $x+1};my $f=sub ($n_,$f_) { return $f_($n_+1)} ;say $f(5,$g);
evalbot_10555 OUTPUT[7 ] Bool::True
andara ?eval my $n=5;my $f=sub ($n_,$f_) { if($n_<2) { return 1} else {return $n_*$f_($n_-1)} };say $f($n,$f); 10:56
evalbot_10555 Error: Undeclared variable: "$f_"
audreyt ?eval y $g = {$^x+1}; my $f = { $^f($^a_+1)}; $f(5,$g);
evalbot_10555 Error: No such method in class Any: "&y"
audreyt ?eval my $g = {$^x+1}; my $f = { $^f($^a_+1)}; $f(5,$g);
evalbot_10555 7
andara Does perl6 have recursive lambdas?
audreyt sure do
andara what's wrong with my code then? 10:57
audreyt ?Eval { $_ ?? $_ * &?BLOCK($_-1) !! 1 }.(10)
?eval { $_ ?? $_ * &?BLOCK($_-1) !! 1 }.(10)
evalbot_10555 3628800
audreyt ?eval my $n=5;my $f=sub ($n_, $f_) { if ($n_<2) { 1} else { $n_*$f_($n_-1, $f_)} }; say $f($n,$f); 10:59
evalbot_10555 OUTPUT[120 ] Bool::True
audreyt andara: you didn't give the $f_() invocation its fixpoint
so on the second time around $f_ wasn't bound
$_f($n_-1, $f_), instead of $_f($n_-1)
andara stupid of me. thanks audrey
audreyt you can curry the $f_ using $f.assuming(f_ => $f_)
also can ben written as $f.assuming(:$f_) 11:00
andara ?eval for 5 -> $n { for (sub ($n_,$f_) { if($n_<2) { return 1} else {return $n_*$f_($n_-1,$f_)} }) -> $f { say $f($n,$f) }};
11:00 evalbot_10555 is now known as evalbot_10557
evalbot_10557 Error: unexpected "$" expecting comment, operator or ")" 11:00
nperez heh, spam on parrot rt 11:04
11:05 TimToady joined
audreyt yay, all tests passed for me. 11:08
audreyt dinner &
andara ?eval for 5 -> $n { for sub ($n_,$f_) { if($n_<2) { return 1} else {return $n_*$f_($n_-1,$f_)} } -> $f { say $f($n,$f) }} 11:09
evalbot_10557 Error: unexpected "$" expecting comment, operator or ")"
audreyt andara: to play with \calculus, try this 11:11
?eval (-> $n { -> $f { say $f($n,$f) }.( sub ($n_,$f_) { if($n_<2) { return 1} else {return $n_*$f_($n_-1,$f_)} }) }).(5)
evalbot_10557 OUTPUT[120 ] Bool::True
audreyt or, with lexical shadowing 11:12
?eval (-> $n { -> $f { $f($n,$f) }.( -> $n, $f { $n<2 ?? 1 !! $n*$f($n-1,$f) }) }).(5)
andara so you use .() to pass the argument values, not for ()
evalbot_10557 120
audreyt yeah. for is iterator
andara yes, but shouldn't it work on 1-elt lists like for 5-> ? 11:13
audreyt ?eval for 5 -> $n { -> $f { $f($n,$f) }.( -> $n, $f { $n<2 ?? 1 !! $n*$f($n-1,$f) }) } 11:14
evalbot_10557 undef
audreyt ?eval for 5 -> $n { -> $f { say $f($n,$f) }.( -> $n, $f { $n<2 ?? 1 !! $n*$f($n-1,$f) }) }
evalbot_10557 OUTPUT[120 ] undef
audreyt it's a parsebug, I think 11:15
andara np. I like the .() notation fine, it's closer to \calc 11:16
audreyt ?eval for 5 -> $n { for (-> $n, $f { $n < 2 ?? 1 !! $n*$f($n-1,$f) }) -> $f { say $f($n, $f) } }
evalbot_10557 OUTPUT[120 ] undef
audreyt actually it works
you need the explicit () after the "for" 11:17
for ... {}
is always interpreted such that the {} is the loop body
andara couldn't have worked that out for myself. thanks a lot! 11:18
audreyt no prob :) it helps to have an installed version of pugs that tells you which column offset the parsefail occurs
andara cheers 11:21
11:43 rindolf joined
beppu ?eval my $string = "hello"; $string =~ s:/hello/goodbye/; $string; 11:49
evalbot_10557 Error: unexpected end of input expecting "\\", "$/", "$!" or ":"
beppu ?eval my $string = "hello";
evalbot_10557 \"hello"
QtPlatypus ?eval my $string = "hello"; $string =~ s/hello/goodbye/; $string; 11:50
evalbot_10557 \"<Subst>"
prefiks ?eval my $string = "hello"; $string ~~ s/hello/goodbye/; $string 11:51
evalbot_10557 \"goodbye"
beppu prefiks: thank you!!!
QtPlatypus Can anyone explain what I did?
prefiks $a =~ $b == $a = $a ~ $b 11:52
11:52 neoesque joined
beppu what does the ~ operator do nowadays? 11:52
prefiks string concatenation 11:53
11:53 rashakil joined
beppu feels like such a noob. 11:53
ayrnieu ?eval [~] <a b c>
evalbot_10557 "abc"
beppu i see....
nperez the whole angle brackets for literals throws me everytime i see it
11:54 iblechbot joined
beppu I was too embarassed to ask how to do these basic things. ;) 11:54
QtPlatypus I thouth that $a ~= $b == $a = $a ~ $b
?eval my $a =1; $a += 2;$a
nperez ?eval $a ~= $b == $a = $a ~ $b
evalbot_10557 \3
Error: Undeclared variable: "$a"
prefiks hm... then =~ will assign + stringifaction ;) 11:55
QtPlatypus ?eval my $a =1; $a =+ 2;$a
evalbot_10557 \2
QtPlatypus Now I understand
wolverian ?eval ~1
evalbot_10557 "1"
beppu QtPlatypus: I think you can think of perl 6's ~= as perl 5's .= .
nperez ?eval my $a =1; $a =~ 1; say $a;
evalbot_10557 OUTPUT[1 ] Bool::True
wolverian prefiks, prefix:<~> is a generic stringification operator. =~ just means = ~ 11:56
QtPlatypus I thouth that $a =~ $b is $a = ~ $b
wolverian QtPlatypus, it is.
QtPlatypus Now thingss make sence to me.
beppu ?eval [~] "hello", ", ", "world" 11:57
evalbot_10557 "hello, world"
prefiks ?eval [\~] "hello", ", ", "world"
evalbot_10557 ("hello", "hello, ", "hello, world")
beppu that \ was magical -- does it have a name? 11:58
wolverian triangulation? :) it is equivalent to 'scan' in functional languages.
ayrnieu [~|+] <0 1 2> # guess.
?eval [~|+] <0 1 2> # guess.
wolverian > scan (+) [1,2,3]
evalbot_10557 Error: unexpected "[" or "|" expecting program
lambdabot Not in scope: `scan'
wolverian oops
> scanl1 (+) [1,2,3]
lambdabot [1,3,6]
QtPlatypus ?eval [~~] "All","All","All"
evalbot_10557 Bool::True
wolverian ?eval [\+] 1,2,3
evalbot_10557 (1, 3, 6) 11:59
wolverian see :)
beppu that's powerful...
all these new ways to loop...
QtPlatypus ?eval [\,] (0..4) 12:02
evalbot_10557 Error: No such method in class List: "&prefix:[\\,]"
12:02 nperez joined
beppu ?eval [,] 0..4 12:04
evalbot_10557 (0, 1, 2, 3, 4) 12:05
beppu I wonder why \, doesn't work.
12:07 frodo72 joined
prefiks say &prefix:<,> 12:07
?eval say &prefix:<,>
evalbot_10557 Error: Undeclared variable: "&prefix:,"
prefiks ?eval say &prefix:<+> 12:08
evalbot_10557 OUTPUT[<SubPrim(+)> ] Bool::True
wolverian seems to be a special case
QtPlatypus Prefix , doesn't exist. 12:10
?eval +0
evalbot_10557 0 12:11
QtPlatypus ?eval ,0
evalbot_10557 Error: unexpected "," expecting program
prefiks ?eval say &infix:<+>
evalbot_10557 OUTPUT[<SubPrim(+)> ] Bool::True
prefiks ?eval say &infix:<,>
evalbot_10557 Error: Undeclared variable: "&infix:,"
wolverian oh, right 12:13
[\,] 1,2,3 is ,1,2...
prefiks it uses infix op i think... 12:14
QtPlatypus ?eval [,]
prefiks ?eval [\*] 1,2,3
evalbot_10557 ()
(1, 2, 6)
prefiks ?eval *1*2*3
evalbot_10557 6.0
12:14 frodo72 is now known as PolettiX
QtPlatypus It doesn't use the perfix , 12:14
12:15 PolettiX is now known as frodo72
prefiks example with < should be better choice ;) 12:16
12:17 frodo72 is now known as froh-doh, frodo72 joined 12:30 elmex joined 12:43 justatheory joined, Ymmv joined 12:54 avar joined 12:59 gaal joined 13:00 lisppaste3 joined
pasteling "masak" at pasted "can't make pugs. something with DrIFT.Perl5. here's what it says" (16 lines, 968B) at sial.org/pbot/17569 13:25
masak anyone encountered this before? 13:26
audreyt sec 13:27
kill all .hi and .o files recursively 13:28
" perl Makefile.PL ; make realclean" should do this if you don't mind wasting a bit time
masak i'll try
audreyt otherwise just rm dist/build/src/DrIFT
and continue make'ing
13:29 oylenshpeegul joined
masak seems to be working after make'ing realclean. thx 13:31
13:38 nothingmuch joined 13:48 oylenshpeegul left, oozy joined 13:54 apple-gunkies joined 13:57 bjoern_ joined
audreyt can someone help writing a test for S03? 14:09
in order for it to be implemented in time for release
the various "simple" lvalue-carrying-context forms need to be tested
14:12 weinig is now known as weinig|work 14:26 dolmans joined
audreyt journal up; g'nite *wave8 7 14:36
journal up; g'nite *wave* & 14:37
15:03 Ymmv joined 15:16 rashakil_ joined 15:18 jsiracusa joined 15:29 KingDiamond joined 15:41 lichtkind joined 15:53 weinig|work is now known as weinig
gaal ouch, gmane doing s/@/[at]/g is painful in code 15:57
15:59 iblechbot joined
rindolf Hi gaal 16:02
gaal: how was the beach party?
gaal: nntp.perl.org does that too.
gaal: you can try using NNTP.
gaal hi rindolf. was great, but I was still a little under the weather. apparently it did me good, because I'm better now. 16:04
16:04 weinig is now known as weinig|work
rindolf gaal: great. 16:04
gaal anyway, that was re: a link I followed. I subscribe to lists I'm interested in, generally speaking
but this is not important. :)
16:07 amnesiac joined 16:30 cmarcelo joined 16:35 cmarcelo left 17:02 cmarcelo joined 17:03 sri_ joined 17:32 Limbic_Region joined 17:35 elmex_ joined 17:40 elmex joined 17:41 elmex joined 18:02 prefiks joined 18:18 ludan joined 18:22 penk joined 18:26 penk joined 18:51 prefiks joined 18:55 mako132_ joined 18:57 trym joined 19:00 weinig|work_ joined 19:09 trym_ joined, penk joined 19:30 cognominal joined 19:47 chris2 joined, weinig|work_ is now known as weinig|work 19:50 macroron joined 20:03 SamB joined 20:20 penk joined 20:26 Captain_Fourier joined
Captain_Fourier what languages does parrot work with 20:26
elmex :) nice question 20:33
Captain_Fourier no i have a project i want to use it for 20:34
elmex i guess ask the mailing list
Captain_Fourier but it would be using parrot to turn ocaml into javascript
integral (there's #parrot on irc.perl.org, that might be more awake, but the ML is good)
Captain_Fourier: umm, that's not what parrot does
parrot's a VM itself, so it can run bytecode produced by compilers. it's not designed for translating between languages 20:35
so you could run ocaml *alongside* javascript if both compiled to parrot bytecode.
Captain_Fourier oh i thought there was a reversal process where parrot bytecode can be transformed back into the language 20:36
cognominal part of parrot is a parser called pge that impements most of the synopsis 12. If you want to parse stuff and generate stuff from it, that can be a good bet.
Captain_Fourier ok
cognominal In a sense pge is very high level, on the other hand, I am not sure you cam yet use it without knowing the parrot assembler 20:37
see ./compiler/pge in the parrot distribution 20:38
Captain_Fourier ok
cognominal anyway you are on the wrong channel. go to #parrot on irc.perl.org 20:39
20:39 prefiks joined
Captain_Fourier ok 20:39
cognominal see dev.perl.org/perl6/doc/design/syn/S05.html about the specification of the parser (in the Perl6 realm) 20:41
it is S05 and not S12. silly me
Captain_Fourier hmm 20:44
cognominal parrot is moving fast so the tests are often more up to date than the doc
so be sure to see ./t/compilers/pge
anyway go to #parrot 20:45
Captain_Fourier ok 20:49
21:04 weinig|work is now known as weinig
szbalint TimToady: typo in S03: s/argumetns/arguments/ 21:14
stevan audreyt: ping 21:19
21:21 elmex joined
Captain_Fourier ?eval "Hello Channel".split(" ")[0] 21:27
evalbot_10557 \"Hello"
21:37 mako132_ joined
beppu Captain_Fourier: Coincidentally, that line is valid ruby, too. 21:49
Captain_Fourier yeah im wondering which is faster
ruby or perl6
TimToady audreyt: the following segfaults my pugs: regex Y { [x]? <x>} /a/ 21:52
It seems to be space sensitive. If I delete the space just inside the {, it doesn't segv. 21:53
21:53 mako132_ joined
TimToady if I change the first x to a . it says 21:54
error:imcc:syntax error, unexpected '\n', expecting '('
in file 'EVAL_1' line 58
anyway, this is the cut-down version of what is coredumping my ext/Perl6-Grammar/t/basic.t test.
I haven't cut down the array_cap.t failure, but it gets this error message: 21:57
error:imcc:syntax error, unexpected ']'
in file 'EVAL_22' line 79
hth &
21:59 weinig joined 22:26 unobe______ joined, unobe______ is now known as unobe 22:33 fhork joined 22:44 avar joined 22:47 weinig is now known as weinig|away, weinig|away is now known as weinig 22:48 weinig is now known as weinig|away
prefiks ?eval my @a=(1,2,3); @a>>++ 23:01
evalbot_10557 Error: Can't modify constant item: VInt 1
prefiks ?eval sub postfix:<!>($arg){ [*] ^$arg};my @a=(1,2,3); @a>>! 23:02
evalbot_10557 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
prefiks ?eval sub postfix:<!>($arg){ [*] ^$arg}; 5!
evalbot_10557 0.0
prefiks ?eval sub postfix:<!>($arg){ [*] 1..$arg}; 5!
evalbot_10557 120
prefiks ?eval sub postfix:<!>($arg){ [*] 1..$arg};my @a=(1,2,3); @a>>!
evalbot_10557 (1, 2, 6)
Captain_Fourier ?eval sub prefix:<#>($arg) { [++] 'a'..$arg; #'a' 23:09
evalbot_10557 Error: unexpected "p" expecting comment, subroutine parameters, trait or block
Captain_Fourier ?eval sub prefix:<!>($arg) { [++] 'a'..$arg; !'a' 23:10
evalbot_10557 Error: unexpected "[" expecting comment, ";", statements or "}"
audreyt ++ is not infix
Juerd Captain_Fourier: What did you think [++] would mean? 23:11
Maybe we can suggest an alternative operator that does what you want. 23:12
Captain_Fourier string concatanation
Juerd Captain_Fourier: That's ~
prefiks ~
Juerd So, in list reduction form: [~]
Captain_Fourier ?eval sub prefix:<!>($arg) { [~] 'a'..$arg; !'a'
evalbot_10557 Error: unexpected end of input expecting term postfix, comment, operator, postfix conditional, postfix loop, postfix iteration, ";" or "}"
Captain_Fourier ?eval sub prefix:<!>($arg) { [~] 'a'..$arg; !'g'
Juerd Now I do wonder where you got ++ for strings from :)
evalbot_10557 Error: unexpected end of input expecting term postfix, comment, operator, postfix conditional, postfix loop, postfix iteration, ";" or "}"
audreyt ?eval sub prefix:<!>($arg) { [~] 'a'..$arg }; !'g'
Juerd Captain_Fourier: That probably doesn't work, for two reasons.
Captain_Fourier ?eval sub prefix:<!>($arg) { [~] 'a'..$arg;} !'g'
evalbot_10557 "abcdefg"
Juerd You're missing the closing }
evalbot_10557 "abcdefg"
Juerd And you probably can't use an operator WHILE defining it, but I'm not sure about that. 23:13
Captain_Fourier recrusive operators!
Juerd ?eval sub postfix:<!>($n) { $n == 1 ?? 1 :: $n * ($n - 1)! } 4! 23:15
evalbot_10557 Error: unexpected ":" expecting comment, operator or "!!"
Juerd Heh
Nice that it explicitly mentions !! in the error message :)
?eval sub postfix:<!>($n) { $n == 1 ?? 1 !! $n * ($n - 1)! } 4!
evalbot_10557 Error: unexpected "!" expecting term postfix, comment, operator, ">>+&<<", ">>+<<<", ">>+><<", ">>xx<<", ">>~&<<", ">>~<<<", ">>~><<", ">>%<<", ">>*<<", ">>/<<", ">>x<<", "\187+&\171", "\187+<\171", "\187+>\171", "\187xx\171", "\187~&\171", "\187~<\171", "\187~>\171", "\187%\171", "\187*\171", "\187/\171", "\187x\171", "+&", "+<", "+>", "xx", "~&", "~<", "~>", "%", "*", "/", "x", "??", postfix conditional, postfix loop, postfix iteration, ";" or "
23:15 bjoern_h joined
Juerd Not nice that it mentions almost the entire language now ;) 23:16
?eval sub postfix:<!>($n) { $n == 1 ?? 1 !! $n * ($n - 1)! }; 4!
evalbot_10557 Error: unexpected "!" expecting term postfix, comment, operator, ">>+&<<", ">>+<<<", ">>+><<", ">>xx<<", ">>~&<<", ">>~<<<", ">>~><<", ">>%<<", ">>*<<", ">>/<<", ">>x<<", "\187+&\171", "\187+<\171", "\187+>\171", "\187xx\171", "\187~&\171", "\187~<\171", "\187~>\171", "\187%\171", "\187*\171", "\187/\171", "\187x\171", "+&", "+<", "+>", "xx", "~&", "~<", "~>", "%", "*", "/", "x", "??", postfix conditional, postfix loop, postfix iteration, ";" or "
audreyt fixing that ;)
Juerd And wow, >>x<< are all different ops :)
audreyt write a test? actually
Captain_Fourier recursively defined operators would be interesting
audreyt Captain_Fourier: write a test for that? 23:17
Juerd Captain_Fourier: Certainly, but I wonder how they could be parsed :)
Captain_Fourier ok
is there a guide for writing a test
audreyt and do you have a commit bit yet? if not, may I hve your email plase
Juerd That means you need to install the parsing bit immediately when the signature is known :)
Captain_Fourier: Just look at the other tests
Captain_Fourier commit bit?
Juerd Captain_Fourier: In general, you write: ok(test, "it works"), where test is a boolean expression, and "it works" is a somewhat better description than "it works". 23:18
audreyt Captain_Fourier: the username/passwd for checking in into svn.openfoundry.org/pugs/
Juerd Captain_Fourier: A commit bit means you get to commit the test into pugs yourself.
Captain_Fourier yeah i dont have that
Juerd Captain_Fourier: Which means you don't have to waste audreyt's time by sending a patch, that she than has to apply: you're getting write access to pugs so you can do it yourself :) 23:19
audreyt I can send you one. which email addr should I send it to?
Juerd Captain_Fourier: You'll get one :)
Captain_Fourier [email@hidden.address]
i think i just guarenteed spam from that email
Juerd was, a year or so ago, very surprised about the commit bit policy surrounding pugs, but nowadays thinks it's weird that so few projects work like this :) 23:20
Captain_Fourier: Indeed :)
But no worries - you'd get spam sooner or later anyway
Captain_Fourier ok
Juerd At least now you have something to blame for it
Captain_Fourier yeah 23:21
23:22 cognominal joined
audreyt Captain_Fourier: do you already have a svn checkout of pugs? 23:22
Captain_Fourier i have a darcs checkout
audreyt oh ok. sadly darcs is readonly
I kept meaning to improve that with svk's tailor.py support
(or remedying the lack of) 23:23
obra audreyt: that might make a good hackathon target
Captain_Fourier tailor is great svn->darcs
audreyt but for the time being, please do a svn checkout too
Captain_Fourier not the other way
audreyt obra: not without clkao present
clkao need a python/perl bilingual to do darcs
obra audreyt: conveniently, that won't be a problem
clkao audreyt: i will be in boston after yapc
obra We'll have him until 9 july
audreyt ooooh!
obra Thanks to Best Practical 23:24
"Now it's a corporate priority to have him here for hackathons"
audreyt blames, er, annotates, er, praises Best Practical
obra clkao: should we tell #perl6 about the thing we need to announce on monday?
Juerd audreyt: I was wondering why darcs is still used for pugs 23:25
audreyt Juerd: so we can get a constant influx of committers that uses ++ for string concat
Juerd audreyt: They'd probably have used svn or svk if darcs wasn't there
audreyt I doubt that, really :) 23:26
Captain_Fourier im sorry i like darcs
audreyt Captain_Fourier: no need to be sorry, lotsa people here prefer darcs to svn 23:27
me included
Captain_Fourier plus i probably wouldnt have tried pugs if i didnt have ghci installed
audreyt *nod*
Captain_Fourier: btw, commit bit sent, check your email; try adding yourself to AUTHORS and commit it
welcome aboard :) 23:28
Juerd Yay, committers++
(Both in the karma and in the +=1 sense)
audreyt Captain_Fourier: so maybe write a t/operators/recursive_definition.t 23:30
look at other tests in the same dir for how
Captain_Fourier ok 23:32
23:33 cognominal joined
Captain_Fourier so my test would go into that file 23:36
audreyt yup 23:38
Captain_Fourier ok cool will do 23:39
audreyt Captain_Fourier++
I need to run for a bit... be back in ~6 hours, hopefully with lots of offline commits :) 23:44