pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | pugs: [~] <m oo se> (or rakudo:, kp6:, elf: etc.) (or perl6: for all) | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/
Set by Tene on 29 July 2008.
00:03 bacek joined 00:05 [particle] joined 00:20 justatheory joined 00:28 PZt left 00:30 [particle] left 00:31 PZt joined 00:38 meppl joined 00:40 hercynium joined 00:54 [particle] joined 01:13 Myoma left 01:44 meppel-san joined, justatheory left 01:47 Schwern joined 01:54 meppl left 01:59 Schwern left 02:03 lambdabot joined, xinming left 02:05 meppel-san is now known as meppl 02:17 [particle]1 joined 02:28 [particle] left 02:33 meppl left 02:47 kanru left 02:51 ingy joined 02:52 ingy left, ingy joined
s1n @karma s1n 02:56
lambdabot You have a karma of 3
s1n @karma pmichaud
lambdabot pmichaud has a karma of 5
Auzon perlbot karma s1n
perlbot Karma for s1n: 14
Auzon perlbot karma pmichaud
perlbot Karma for pmichaud: 609
s1n why are those different?
Auzon A bit better :)
I dunno. I just know that lambdabot stopped counting 02:57
s1n Auzon: i read your gsoc blog from yesterday, nice work
Auzon Thanks :)
s1n Auzon++
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japhb Given all the parser maniacs around here, many of whom are using Perl 5 to do the dirty work ... I need a parser for shell-like argument parsing. It's fine if it's Perl (5 or 6)-style quoting instead (better, even), but the key thing is that I'm parsing a space-separated string into arguments, embedded spaces have to be quoted or escaped, and it would be nice to be able to have a nice set of escapes available for non-keyboard-enterable ch 04:09
aracters. Is there a Perl *5* module that does this already?
japhb trying to fight his automatic reaction to write something from scratch and poke at it forever ...
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pugs_svn r21957 | moritz++ | [t/spec] partially unfudge num.t for rakudo 06:53
r21958 | moritz++ | [t/spec] partially unfudge type based mmd tests for rakudo 06:55
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pugs_svn r21959 | moritz++ | [t/spec] more unfudging for rakudo 07:03
07:05 masak joined 07:07 Schwern left
pugs_svn r21960 | moritz++ | [t/spec] more tests for native types 07:08
r21961 | moritz++ | [t/spec] more unfudging: S03-operators/arith.t 07:11
r21962 | moritz++ | [t/spec] unfudged S03-oeprators/assign.t a bit 07:18
r21963 | moritz++ | [t/spec] more unfudging for rakudo 07:23
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pugs_svn r21964 | moritz++ | [t/spec] more unfudging 07:27
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masak TimToady: can I exit a gather block with `last`? since gathers are AIUI dynamic, how would I exit a gather context (or the equivalent, just indicate that no more takes will be made) from another sub? is there a way to query a gather on the elements already taken? 08:16
moritz_ 'last' would exit the closest lexical block that catches the control exception that 'last' throws 08:18
masak hm
moritz_ so gather { while 1 { take 1; last } }
the last would exit the while loop
masak aye
can I put a label on the gather block, then? 08:19
moritz_ since control exceptions are dynamically scoped... dunno :) 08:20
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moritz_ and I think if you need the number of elements already taken, you really want an array on which you push 08:21
masak maybe.
moritz_ my @a = @@( gather { take 1; take 2, 3 } ); would that be [1], [2, 3]? 08:22
otoh pushing to an array doesn't sound lazy
masak otth, the laziness of gather is unspecced. 08:31
moritz_ is it? 08:32
masak aye.
08:32 xinming left
moritz_ it is implicitly specced by IRC conversations with TimToady ;) 08:33
masak I guess whether gather will be lazy or not will be specced at the last possible moment :P
moritz_ S02:3098 could be seen as an implicit specification of the lazyness 08:35
masak wha'? 08:37
"Likewise any non-alphanumeric character is assumed to be equivalent to a dot."
moritz_ sorry, S03:3098 08:38
TimToady S04:588 specs gather to be lazy
masak ah
I read through that, and didn't construe it as speccing gather as lazy 08:39
also, the first pugs test on that paragraph says :todo<unspecced> 08:40
TimToady I don't know what "returns a lazy slice" could mean other than that 08:41
masak TimToady: sorry, I seem to be suffering from selective blindness :/
TimToady it also talks about the relationship of gather with loops just below that 08:42
08:43 pmurias left
masak TimToady: re my earlier questions: (1) can one tell a gather context that taking has ended? (2) is there a variable or similar that contains already taken values? 08:43
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TimToady 1), see the aforementioned loops 08:43
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TimToady 2) try binding the gather to an array and ask it how many elements it has 'reified' (however we end up doing that) 08:44
but in general asking any lazy list for its length is not what you want
because you're not supposed to care about the state of your lazy feed in general 08:45
logically the list is all there, even if it hasn't been calculated yet
and asking for its length causes it to be calculated
masak TimToady: can I use the control builtins 'next', 'last' etc on loops that are not in the current sub?
TimToady certainly 08:46
you won't even get a warning if the label is lexically scoped
masak ah, that probably solves most of my questions about breaking out of a gather, too
TimToady @foo = gather LABEL: for 1..* { ...} is legal syntax
lambdabot Maybe you meant: faq ft todo yow
08:47 pmurias joined
masak that's good to know. 08:47
TimToady @shutup lambdabot
lambdabot Unknown command, try @list
masak TimToady: re (2) again: so my best shot at knowing which values I've taken is to push them to an array inside the gather? 08:48
TimToady if you need such sequence points you probably shouldn't be using a gather
masak I see. 08:49
TimToady if you need to know how many elements you've taken, I'd suggest counting the return values of the takes: my $sum += take @values; 08:50
but there's no guarantee that the gather will stop taking things after that, so any reliance on $sum is a race condition anyway 08:51
lazy lists in general are allowed to "work ahead" if they feel like it
masak no, I envision sometimes wanting to know the exact values taken so far. I have no real use case, though. also, there's the problem of how to refer to a particular gather.
TimToady and many algorithms are more efficient if you can batch the work 08:52
moritz_ which makes it nearly impossible to test if something is truely lazy
except by taking infinite lists, which risks infinite loop if the lazyness isn't done right yet
from the testing POV that's a real problem 08:53
TimToady well, an eager list could be construed as a lazy list that happens to have an arbitrarily large batch size :)
and indeed, a lazy list is allowed to choose to be completely eager if it feels like it 08:54
moritz_ maybe for testing purposes we could have a pragma that enforces strict lazyness?
TimToady well, just feed the take with something that you can control the rate off, I suppose 08:55
moritz_ doesn't understand that 08:56
TimToady gather for 1..* { take $_; sleep 1 } will take a while to run out of memory :) 08:57
moritz_ and then hope that the harness has a timeout 08:58
TimToady note that the sleep is presumably running in a different threed than the outside of the gather
well, you also throw a "last if $_ > 10" or some such into the loop
08:59 meppl joined
TimToady presuming you have some way of checking the partial result from the outside thread 08:59
moritz_ but that doesn't help if the gather is allowed to look ahead
TimToady but as I said, that probably involves drilling down into a lazy array for its reified status
moritz_ ENOSPECYET ;-) 09:00
TimToady well, I doubt the schedular is going to feel like looking much past a "sleep 1"
that's not one of the algorithms that's likely to get optimized into batches :) 09:01
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TimToady but yes, perhaps a pragma would be able to instruct the optimizer in this case just to give warm fuzzies to the tester. :) 09:02
moritz_ loves warm fuzzies ;) 09:03
pmurias moritz_: shouldn't a decent harness have timeout support?
masak I'm trying to learn more about Parrot and PIR by implementing a non-lazy, non-dynamic gather in Rakudo. so far I've come to the conclusion that I need some ambient "gather object" that I can push the taken items to. 09:04
still mulling over how to do this in PIR
moritz_ pmurias: it should 09:05
masak: did you know that jonathan is working on lazy lists?
masak no, but that's good news.
I figure step two of a gather implementation would be making it lazy
and step three making it dynamic.
thing is, I don't _need_ lazy or dynamic right now. I'd just like to use gather :) 09:06
moritz_ ;) 09:07
TimToady metholate used lazy gather/take to do backtracking when STD was targeting pugs
masak to me, gather/take seems to be Perl 6's current way to expose continuations. 09:08
pmurias coroutines
masak ...which are build on continuations, right? 09:09
or at least can be.
TimToady yes, gather/take is basically coroutines without constraining it to the subcall interface 09:10
masak I really like that view of gather/take.
I wonder if we will see a lot of zero-argument takes which only transfer control
(or, if that's not possible, takes of meaningless values) 09:11
TimToady well, I return () all over the place in STD.pmc to indicate failure
(and presumably initiate backtracking where appropriate) 09:12
09:12 meteorjay left
TimToady well, I'd better go to sleep soon... 09:15
masak TimToady: good night. 09:16
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pugs_svn r21965 | pmurias++ | [smop] start of Code implementation 13:33
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pugs_svn r21966 | moritz++ | partially revert r21965 which was a bit too eager 13:43
r21967 | masak++ | [gather.t] removed :todo<unspecced> because nowadays gather is specced lazy 13:52
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moritz_ masak: did you review gather.t? 14:13
masak: if it conforms to current specs, consider moving it to spec/
spec/S04-statements/ presumably 14:14
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masak moritz_: I could do that. :) just have to review $work first 14:20
14:20 Ara5n is now known as Arathorn
moritz_ masak: no hurry ;) 14:20
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masak moritz_: ok, I fudged it up. when I run ./perl6 on the resulting file, though, I get a double free from Parrot. does that mean I should refrain from moving it into t/spec ? 15:14
moritz_ masak: no, move it to spec nonetheless
masak does so 15:15
moritz_ masak: as long as it's not included in rakudo's t/spectest_regression.data it's not run by default
masak ah, true 15:16
pugs_svn r21968 | masak++ | [t/statements/gather.t] fudged for rakudo
[particle] masak++ 15:17
pugs_svn r21969 | masak++ | [gather.t] moved into t/spec/S04-statements
masak now, food 15:18
moritz_ masak++
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pmichaud pugs: my @a = 1..3; for 0, @a { .say; @a = (); } 15:55
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT[0ā¤ā¤]
pmichaud pugs: my @a = 1..3; for 0, @a { .say; }
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT[0ā¤1 2 3ā¤]
moritz_ it doeesn't interpolate. 15:56
pmichaud pugs: my @a = (1,2,3); for 0, @a { .say; }
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT[0ā¤1 2 3ā¤]
moritz_ and it doesn't do copy semantics as well
pmichaud you mean pugs doesn't do it, or Perl 6?
moritz_ pugs 15:57
moritz_ is deeply puzzled by what pugs does
pmichaud okay. I was expecting both to give "0\n1\n2\n3\n"
moritz_ pugs: my @a = 1..3; for 0, |@a { .say }
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT[0ā¤1 2 3ā¤]
moritz_ too
pmichaud pugs: my @a = (0, 1..3); for @a { .say } 15:58
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT[0ā¤1ā¤2ā¤3ā¤]
pmichaud pugs: my @a = 1..3; for (0, @a) { .say }
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT[0ā¤1 2 3ā¤]
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masak moritz_: may I ask what caused you to abandon your wiki plans? 16:44
moritz_ masak: the translation step from wiki markup (I chose something like POD) to HTML
masak: it proved to be quite ugly
masak oh
I think we've found quite the opposite here 16:45
PGE rocks
moritz_ do you use PGE directly?
masak through rakudo
though we're not as fancy as POD so far
just paragraphs + internal links
moritz_ well, I was able to translate most things, but I couldn't prevent XSS (aka html code injection) 16:46
and I found a few nasty parrot bugs that made me use pugs instead
masak we handle code injection, I think
moritz_ for which CGI.pm actually works quite decently
masak we intercept <>&'"
moritz_ yes, that's what it's all about
masak moritz_: p5 CGI.pm?
moritz_ no, ext/lib/CGI/ 16:47
masak oki
Juerd masak: Did you know I have a creole wiki syntax grammar available, even though it's 100% untested?
masak Juerd: URL?
moritz_ in the end I ended up using REQUEST_URI anyway, so really didn't need much of CGI :/ 16:48
Juerd masak: file://feather/home/juerd/creole
masak moritz_: we hesitate to use CGI.pm too much
Juerd 100% untested is not true. I did comment out some thing to make (an old version of) rakudo be able to parse it at least.
moritz_ masak: well, you don't need fancy URL parsing for wikis anyway 16:49
Juerd Ugh, don't use or copy Perl 5's CGI.pm
moritz_ masak: my plan was to have an edit box on every page, so no extra URLs for that
masak Juerd: creole looks interesting
Juerd masak: Creole is the only acceptable alternative to mediawiki as far as I'm concerned 16:50
masak Juerd: noted.
Juerd Also, it having an actual spec helps :)
masak :)
moritz_ Juerd: I just used ext/lib/CGI/ for the URL and POST parameter parsing
Juerd masak: Note that I used "rule" everywhere. I wasn't aware of token and things like it.
masak Juerd: over time, we want to migrate to Web.pm in november 16:51
Juerd masak: Yay
masak Juerd: was this long ago?
pmichaud Creole is quite good, yes
masak Juerd: help with fleshing out Web for this purpose much appreciated
pmichaud several items in it are based on PmWiki syntax
Juerd masak: Last time I touched it was May this year
16:51 jhorwitz joined
Juerd pmichaud: Did you work on creole too? 16:52
pmichaud not directly
but PmWiki was one of the strong influences on it
masak I have now added Creole to the list of markups we will look into
pmichaud I highly recommend simply implementing Creole markup, or POD
pugs_svn r21970 | pmurias++ | [smop]
r21970 | pmurias++ | fixed Makefile adding garbage to the output;
r21970 | pmurias++ | back and friends are passed to Code.mold during postcircumfix:<( )>
Juerd POD isn't very useful for a wiki, I found
pmichaud in fact, simply having a P6 grammar and parser for Creole would be a very good product/definition 16:53
Juerd pmichaud: I once wrote a grammar but couldn't test it back then
pmichaud: feather:~juerd/creole
Probably sucks, but could perhaps be a starting point
pmichaud I'll look into it, definitely 16:54
I was pleasantly surprised at how little work I had to do to get PmWiki to support Creole syntax (well, at least 0.4. I haven't looked at 1.0 yet)
Juerd I have no idea if it can work the way I wrote it, but I found translating the specs to a grammar a nice mental exercise, and surprisingly doable.
Perl 6 regex syntax really rocks, especially ''. 16:55
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pmichaud it does rock. One can almost write complete programming languages in it. ;-) 16:55
Juerd The only thing that I really dislike much is <[]>, but I can't think of a good alternative either 16:56
pmichaud if there aren't any ranges involved, stuff like <[abc]> can be written as < a b c >
Juerd <[]> is because "a-z is no longer acceptable", but whatever I write tends to match character classes of *non* alphanums :)
pmichaud (PGE doesn't support < a b c > yet, but it's specced) 16:57
pmurias pmichaud: where does the lol code emitting stuff live? 17:02
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pmichaud it's not checked into the repo yet 17:02
it really needs a few refactors to PCT::HLLCompiler for prime-time use 17:03
masak cperl-mode in Emacs does a surprisingly good job of syntax-highlighting Perl 6 code. 17:04
pmurias pmichaud: i wanted to base a m0ld backend on it 17:05
pmichaud pmurias: I'll check it in this weekend, or I can mail you a copy 17:07
pmurias [email@hidden.address] 17:09
pmichaud: is it written in pir or in Perl 6? 17:12
pmichaud PIR 17:14
pmurias does rakudo have enough features for me to rewrite it in Perl 6? 17:16
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pmichaud well, it's not really part of rakudo -- it's part of the Parrot Compiler Toolkit 17:26
i.e., it's just another code generator for PCT
17:26 eternaleye joined
pmichaud it might be doable in rakudo, or NQP -- at the time I was going for what would get it implemented for me the quickest, since I had a tight deadline :-) 17:27
17:27 ruoso joined
ruoso Hello! 17:27
ruoso at a local free software conference... hosting a Perl 6 hackathon
masak ruoso++ 17:28
17:35 pim joined
pim Hello 17:35
moritz_ hi
masak y0
pim May i write a program in perl6 actually?
masak pim: yes, it's true! 17:36
moritz_ rakudo: say "yes, you can (small ones)"
p6eval rakudo 29834: OUTPUT[yes, you can (small ones)ā¤]
masak you can finally write Perl 6
pim: what do you want to write?
I wrote a jukebox frontend today
(actually, it was just the Schwartz transform on a list of files, but still) 17:37
ruoso pmurias: I'll implement .() in code to call BIND on the signature... but that will probably require adding a new fixed register on the molds that code receives
[particle] pmichaud: you wrote a lolcode emitter for pct? 17:38
ruoso pmurias: I think the current lexical scope deserves one of the fixed registers
masak rakudo: my @a = (1,2,3,4,5); say map { $_[0] }, sort { $^a[1] <=> $^b[1] }, map { [$_, rand] }, @a
p6eval rakudo 29834: OUTPUT[34125ā¤]
pim Many things, but i just come discover perl is going to change completly, I come to read Perl6 on wikipedia, I write in Perl5 since a long time, but did not thing about it.
masak on second thought, maybe I should just have used pick() 17:39
pim: Perl 6 is almost here. but you can use it already, for great justice
moritz_ pim: Perl 6 isn't mature yet. It's nice to play with it, but don't think about starting "real" projects in Perl 6 yet 17:40
masak people who use Perl 6 are happier, healthier and have better sleep patterns
moritz_ lol
pmichaud particle: yes, I wrote a lolcode emitter for PCT for a lightning talk at YAPC::EU :-)
pim What means almost? I know, some companies are about to perform their upgrades.
pmichaud and then used it to convert NQP code into LOLCODE
including running NQP's tests as LOLCODE
moritz_ pim: from 5.8.8 to 5.10. Not to Perl 6 ;)
masak pim: "almost" means that whatever those companies are upgrading to, it's not Perl 6 17:41
"almost" means a bug find rate of at least one per day
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masak it means you'll be spending half the time developing your app, and the other half delving into Perl 6 internals 17:42
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masak it's... not for production 17:42
pim Okayyy, I suppose i mistake, in fact, it was probably a test thez told me to see my reaction : no reaction!
masak pim: but do try Perl 6! use it for a hobby project or something 17:43
the time will be well invested, and you can write "years of Perl 6 experience" in a few years
on your resume
pim: do you have any specific questions about Perl 6 features? 17:44
pim Can i today get documentation about Perl6? that will not change so mutch?
moritz_ will write "Perl 6 test suite pumpkin" in his resumee
masak spec.pugscode.org 17:45
pim: try that one.
moritz_: and deservedly so. moritz_++
moritz_ and I'm about to write a short tutorial-style perl 5 to perl 6 guide
masak nice!
pim thank you, is there french documentation today?
masak moritz_: have you looked at the one in the Pugs repo?
moritz_ pim: not that I know of 17:46
masak pim: not that I know if
moritz_ pim: there is German documentation, though - a bit
masak: yes. Not what I had in mind (acutally I improved it a few days ago)
masak pim: Google Translate might help, with the usual caveats
moritz_: good that you know of it
pim Or make a translater in Perl6!!! 17:47
masak pim: then you might want to look into Perl 6 Grammars
pim Will Perl6 be a freeware?
[particle] of course!
masak they do recursive parsing, which you will need to parse natural sentence structures
pim: very free! 17:48
Juerd pim: No, open source
pim: It's free software, but "freeware" is typically not very free in the "as in speech" meaning of the word.
pim Open source, same licence, I means Artistic Licence. 17:49
Juerd artistic 2, very probably.
pim I should read it once.
masak is Parrot under Artistic 2.0?
Juerd Someone at the yapc said "autistic license". I forgot the joke though.
[particle] yes, parrot is artistic 2.0 17:50
masak good
[particle] so will be rakudo
masak isn't it automatically, since it resides in the parrot repo?
pim Parrot, rakudo : many V.Machines!! How will perl do with it? 17:51
pmichaud rakudo's copyright may end up being different from parrot's, though
rakudo will definitely be artistic 2.0
[particle] masak: rakudo will not reside in the parrot repo when parrot 1.0 is release
masak pim: rakudo is a Perl 6 implementation running on top of Parrot, a VM
[particle] *released
masak [particle]: ok
pim Sorry :O(
masak pim: apart from Perl 6, Parrot supports a host of other languages 17:52
pmichaud afk, lunch
masak pim: that's how it's going to handle it :)
pim Yes i red it today, merci bien!
masak de rien
pim More concretly : May i use perl6 on Debian GNU Linux today? and how? 17:53
masak pim: I imagine there's a yum package for Parrot 17:54
moritz_ masak: yum isn't for Debian ;) 17:55
masak oops, sorry :) I meant apt
it's been too long since I was a debian user, clearly
moritz_ pim: usually we get parrot from the svn repository, build it and use it locally (ie without installing) 17:57
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moritz_ Juerd: may I remind you to set up a feather account for StephenPollei? (in case you have tuits atm ;-) 17:58
Juerd: if it's documented somewhere I can also do it
ruoso hmm... { ... }.($foo) should be translated to a capture that contains the actual capture present in the syntax... because postfix:() receives the code as the invocant 17:59
and postfix:() will also be used to method invocation, which has the invocant as the objec, and not the method object
pim masak: yum is not part of Debian you mean RPM package probably.
masak pim: no, I meant apt 18:00
pim: but if you can, you should probably follow moritz_' advice and download via svn
pim: do you use svn?
pim no, i did searh today, not in official distribution. 18:01
moritz_ packages.debian.org doesn't list a parrot package; there had been a package a while back (maintained by rafl++), but it seems to have bitrotten and has been removed
and parrot has the ports/debian/ dir, but I don't know if it's functional
pim masak: rarely, i don't even remember how to use it. 18:02
masak pim: www.parrotcode.org/source.html
there you will find many means of downloading
lambdabot Title: Parrot Source Code & Packages - parrotcode
pim Ok, but i can compile it i'm programming in C as well a little and am used to compile. 18:03
masak pim: unless you find a binary package (unlikely), you will need to compile, yes 18:04
there are instructions in the README once you've downloaded the source tree
moritz_ on Debian it boils down to 'perl Makefile.PL; make'
pim masak: many thanks ;O)
masak pim: good luck!
moritz_ although my magic line is 'make realclean && perl5.10.0 Configure.pl --cc='ccache gcc' && make -j 2 test' 18:05
masak moritz_: why the 5.10.0? what do the --cc and -j flags do?
moritz_ masak: because the Test::Harness that comes with 5.10 gives better output, sometimes 18:06
StephenPollei cc cahanges his complier
and the j does it parrelel
moritz_ masak: the cc options uses ccache for compiling
with 2 jobs in parallel
masak moritz_: oh right, the Test::Harness that only worked on Linux. 18:07
ooh, parallelis
moritz_ masak: as a linux-only user I can't comment on that ;)
pim Thank's to all of you.
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ruoso pmurias: does a mold frame goto its back when it reaches its end? 18:16
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rafl moritz_: pkg-parrot has been created on alioth 18:19
moritz_: but not much happened there yet, as it seems.
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rafl moritz_: a while ago i asked alison about the current state and if it'd be ok for me to join that group or if it's ok with them if i uploaded something new in the meantime, but nothing happened yet. 18:20
ruoso pmurias: I'm implementing set_reg as a high-level method for the mold frame 18:21
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TimToady ruoso: I consider .() to be a postfix macro, not a real method call 18:28
pim I just compiled parrot and ran the test : All tests successful, 18 tests and 665 subtests skipped.
masak pim: congrats
pim: now for the next step: compiling Rakudo Perl 6
moritz_ 665 skipped sub tests? sounds like a lot
moritz_ compiles and looks how many are skipped for him 18:29
pim Okay thank's, that was about to be my question.
moritz_ pim: next step: cd languages/perl6; make spectest_regression
18:29 speckbot joined
masak pim: after that, you can haz Perl 6! 18:29
pim Okay : thank you! 18:30
moritz_ (if you don't have libicu installed, you'll get a few more skips than me. Likewise for opengl)
pim I tried to install parrot (eg with argument confirm_install or something like) but it returned an error after some time, i post the error... 18:31
moritz_ pim: the folks on irc.perl.org #parrot will be much more interested in that than we are 18:32
(although there's some intersection between the two channels)
pim Thank you for the information but i think it's probably a simple problem. 18:35
An just a line to post : src/parrot_debugger.c:147: rōæ½xE9fōæ½xE9rence indōæ½xE9finie vers ōæ½xAB Parrot_set_config_hash ōæ½xBB
moritz_ try LC_ALL=C make confirm_install to get english error messages
pim i think it's a config problem 18:36
moritz_ there were some changes to the parrot debugger lately
could you send a mail to [email@hidden.address] please?
pim rōæ½xE9fōæ½xE9rence indōæ½xE9finie = undefined reference to 18:37
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moritz_ (considering that I learned French for 11(!) years in school I understand sadly little ) 18:37
pim thanks you : effectively it's just when compiling the debugger i suppose. 18:38
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masak moritz_: suddenly, we succeeded in compiling our libraries down to PIR over here :) 18:39
the trick was to do it for all files except the main one 18:40
running time is halved!
pim Thank you to all of you for your informations. I'll tell you what's new.
moritz_ masak: cool ;) 18:41
masak: did you also precompile modules (assuming you use some)?
masak which modules would that be? 18:42
I mean, we have a few .pm files that we wrote ourselves
it was those that we now precompiled to PIR
moritz_ yes, that's what I meant
masak hence the 50% speedup
pugs_svn r21971 | ruoso++ | [smop] YAY! We have code blocks working... with signature binding and all... 18:48
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masak ruoso++ 18:50
ruoso for those who are curious... test/21_code.m0ld is a good example on how code blocks are going to be initialized 18:51
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pugs_svn r21972 | ruoso++ | [smop] default block signature is set when no signature is sent on code creation 18:54
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ruoso bbl & 19:01
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pugs_svn r21973 | lwall++ | [STD etc.] squeezing out unnecessary calls to lazymap under ratchet 19:12
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masak Juerd: ok, we have november running on the console on feather now 19:16
is there a SOP for setting up something using Apache on feather? 19:17
Juerd You have console access? Not even I have that :)
(I could, but it's disconnected)
See feather.perl6.nl
masak Juerd: I'm in ur console, haking ur feather :)
Juerd: ok
ah, so ~/public_html 19:19
19:19 Squern left
Juerd ~/public_html is only for static content 19:19
masak ah, so not ~/public_html
Juerd Read on
masak reads whole page before saying anything
Juerd Did you just say something? :) 19:20
masak Juerd: no, that was a CTCP action :) 19:21
Juerd Heh
masak I'll attempt the instructions under the first FAQ, then 19:24
Juerd: that seems to have worked -- no errors along the way 19:29
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masak Juerd: what's supposed to be accessable after I've started apache? feather.perl6.nl/~masak/apache/test.cgi isn't. 19:31
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Juerd masak: See the port number in the config file 19:43
masak: feather.perl6.nl:port/
masak ah.
that was the part I missed 19:44
CGI works! 19:45
masak dances some
smg how about fcgi?
masak well, that's it for today. 19:48
I'll try to hook in november some other day 19:49
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pim_ I tried to join parrot but nobody's there :0| 19:57
Auzon it's on irc.perl.org
pim_ Ok
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pmurias TimToady: re consider .() a macro so function call isn't postcircumfix:<( )> underneath? 20:08
TimToady sure, but semantically they both turn into APPLY, not a method call 20:11
pmurias what 20:12
's the difference?
pmurias hates when an accidently pressed difference forces him to ask a question prematurely 20:13
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pmurias TimToady: is there anything in the spec which rules out translating foo() into &foo.postcircumfix:<( )>? (found only the Method call vs Subroutine call) 20:21
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pugs_svn r21974 | pmurias++ | [smop] removed a warn used for debugging the build system 20:32
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TimToady foo(42) doesn't turn into &foo.postcircumfix:<( )>, but into &foo.postcircumfix:<( )>(42), and then you have trouble 20:54
() has to be a special form
one of the few true primitive constructs
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