»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
00:00 cyphase joined 00:01 [particle] joined
tbrowder timotimo: thanks, flat vs '|' is confusing 00:02
timotimo mhm 00:04
timotimo goes to bed, or something
raiph isn't flat vs 00:06
tbrowder: isn't flat vs '|' just a case of a listop vs an unary (one item) prefix op? 00:08
m: say flat (1,2),(3,4); say |(1,2),3,4 00:09
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(1 2 3 4)␤1234␤»
00:13 [particle] left 00:20 [particle] joined
raiph tbrowder: Forget my previous comment. Have you read the p6doc pages for `flat` and for prefix (routine) `|`? I just spent a while playing around with them and they worked for me as per the doc. 00:21
Perhaps they do something different in NQP? 00:22
timotimo yes, it's different in nqp, as it doesn't have "flat"
raiph Ah, well, a mention of `flat` would be confusing then I guess. :) 00:23
00:24 daxim left 00:28 [particle] left, mcsnolte left
raiph tbrowder: So I guess what jnthn meant on slide 21 is *implicit* flattening 00:30
Xliff ooh! Compiling with debug is USEFUL! 00:31
Well, now I know what is causing the SEGV, the problem is due to a bad attribute in a tree-like data structure. :( 00:34
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ZoffixLappy huggable, higher level async constructs :is: See this talk: is.gd/Perl6JW 00:47
huggable ZoffixLappy, Added higher level async constructs as See this talk: is.gd/Perl6JW
00:48 bjz joined 00:50 cpage_ left 00:51 cpage_ joined 00:57 dvinciguerra_ left
ZoffixLappy You can't buy video or slides from Damian 'cause it's his income basically :) 01:02
01:03 ZoffixLappy left, Actualeyes joined 01:04 [particle] left, Sgeo_ left 01:06 Sgeo joined 01:08 [particle] joined 01:12 sufrostico left 01:13 cdg left 01:14 cdg joined 01:17 [particle] left 01:18 kalkin-_ joined, kalkin- left 01:20 jellisii joined, cdg left 01:21 daxim joined 01:22 jellisii left 01:25 [particle] joined
tbrowder ref flat: Damian described the '|' as approximately an insertion operator which acts to flatten an array... 01:30
01:32 addison left 01:34 [particle] left 01:38 [particle] joined
gfldex m: my @a = 1,2,3,4,5; @a[2] = |<a b>; dd @a; my @b = @a.clone; dd @b; 01:44
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Array @a = [1, 2, slip("a", "b"), 4, 5]␤Array @b = [1, 2, slip("a", "b"), 4, 5]␤»
01:44 ilbot3 left
gfldex a slip is a List that is treated differently by a List iterator. If a List iterator encounters a Slip, it will decent into the Slip and return all it's values. It will then continue with the rest of the elements of the outer List. 01:45
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Zoffix jnthn, so Damian praised your work a lot during the talk today :) Got any learning materials to recommend? I'm currently half-through github.com/edumentab/rakudo-and-nq...ls-course/ what else would make me better able to hack on rakudo? 02:25
02:25 Guest42010 left 02:26 woodruffw joined, woodruffw left, woodruffw joined 02:32 rgrinberg joined
Zoffix We need to get more people from the West coast in here.... (so quiet in the evenings :P) 02:40
02:40 ShimmerFairy joined
dalek c: d38d74b | (Zoffix Znet)++ | html/.htaccess:
Force a single subdomain for all server aliases.

Closes #285
02:42 [particle] joined
Xliff Zoffix: I yam every-coast 02:42
<- Night owl 02:43
dalek c: 7e455dc | (Zoffix Znet)++ | / (6 files):
Normalize docs subdomain used in links
Xliff \o/ # Fixed SEGV 02:48
dalek c: 81da19c | (Zoffix Znet)++ | CONTRIBUTING.md:
Make convenience links
c: 937d36e | (Zoffix Znet)++ | STYLEGUIDE.md:
Add styleguide for absolute links to the docs site
Zoffix Xliff++
dalek c: f216efe | (Zoffix Znet)++ | STYLEGUIDE.md:
Fix typo
Xliff Fixed test!! \(^O^)/ 03:02
Was worried, thar! 03:03
Zoffix Oh, another good item from the talk: Damian said this time next year there may be a Perl 6 book out :) 03:14
Xliff Nice! 03:15
Aaannd..... I am out of the woods.
Until I yam foolish and dive in again.
(which will be soon.... yes....) 03:16
Zoffix Pic from Damian's talk. That link supposed to be a good material on concurrency by jnthn++ www.meetup.com/Toronto-Perl-Mongers...451584175/ 03:22
jdv79 damian went that far north? why? 03:23
Zoffix He loves us :)
jdv79 it just commonwealth love. its not real.
Zoffix :)
03:24 Khisanth left 03:25 yanmc joined, yanmc left, yanmc joined 03:35 tadzik left 03:39 Khisanth joined, huggable left 03:40 huggable joined 03:41 raiph left
Xliff is now playing: A Tribe Called Quest - Scenario 03:41
Here we go YO! Here we go YO! 03:42
Xliff dances
\m/...(>.<)…\m/ 03:43
03:53 bjz_ left
Xliff m: sub f { fail "Blargh" }; try f; say $! if $! 03:53
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Blargh␤ in sub f at <tmp> line 1␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
Xliff m: sub f { die "Blargh" }; try f; say $! if $! 03:54
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Blargh␤ in sub f at <tmp> line 1␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
Xliff Now just need to figure out why xmlXPathCompile doesn't throw exceptions on bad expressions..... :p 03:58
04:05 tadzik joined 04:21 M-matthew joined, M-Illandan joined 04:25 khw left
Xliff is now playing: Incubus - Make Out Party 04:30
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Xliff .tell FROGGS 08findnodes.t finished and all tests passing! Expect a PR, soon. 06:22
yoleaux Xliff: I'll pass your message to FROGGS.
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sortiz \o #perl6 06:29
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grondilu junctions on sets are not quite what would be expected IMHO: 07:54
m: say set(<foo bar>).any
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«any(foo => True, bar => True)␤»
grondilu we need to use .keys to do something meaningful
m: say set(<foo bar>).keys.any
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«any(foo, bar)␤»
grondilu it's a bit LTA, isn't it? 07:55
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llfourn grondilu: yeah that seems wrong to me 08:32
Roamer` hm, well, to be fair, the documentation does hint at the fact that sets are more like hashes than lists - it mentions "keys" in the very first example and then says that they may be treated as hashes 08:36
but, yes, it did throw me for a loop, too, yesterday :)
08:37 [particle] left 08:42 jkramer left
abraxxa why are there no 2016.05 and 2016.06 release announcements? 08:42
sortiz 'cus only R* releases are public? 08:44
08:47 jkramer joined
jkramer Ahoy again. In method prototypes to prevent the user from calling a method with unknown parameters? Ie I have a "method foo() {...}" but calling $foo.foo(:meh(123)) doesn't throw an error 08:50
08:51 araujo_ left 08:55 sftp joined 08:57 [particle] joined
sortiz jkramer, In Perl6 all methods have in their signature an implicit *%_ for "Interface consistency" 09:00
So any named argument not explicitly declared ends in %_ 09:01
09:03 tlvb| joined
sortiz (Unless the method declares an explicit *%foo) 09:05
09:09 mls_ joined
jkramer sortiz: Alright, thanks :) 09:10
09:16 mls_ is now known as mls 09:17 [particle] left
gregf_ m: sub foo(){ ... }; 10.map({ foo(a => $_) }) # throws an exception? 09:18
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Unexpected named parameter 'a' passed␤ in sub foo at <tmp> line 1␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
gregf_ oh and a map on an int o_O
09:20 Actualeyes left
sortiz gregf_, What I said applies to methods, not to subroutines. 09:22
m: class Foo { method foo() {} }; say Foo.^methods[0].signature.perl;
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«:(Foo $: *%_)␤»
sortiz m: sub foo() {}; say &foo.signature.perl;
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«:()␤»
09:22 Actualeyes joined
gregf_ ah - ok; sortiz++ 09:24
09:27 bjz left 09:28 TEttinger left 09:33 [particle] joined 09:38 labster left 09:47 [particle] left 09:58 fhorck_ left, sortiz left
jkramer Is there a nice idiomatic way for finding differences between arrays? 09:59
I need to find the elements of @a that are not in @b and vice versa. Anything neater than grepping?
gfldex jkramer: see docs.perl6.org/language/setbagmix 10:00
timotimo yeah, constructing sets
jkramer Perfect, thanks!
gfldex m: my @a = 1,2,3; my @b = 1,2,3; say so @a >>==<< @b; 10:01
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«True␤»
timotimo m: my @a = 1, 2, 3, 5; my @b = 1, 2, 3, 4; say @a Zcmp @b 10:02
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(Same Same Same More)␤»
gfldex jkramer: depending on your problem hyper operators may be helpful too
10:02 nowan joined
timotimo oh, with Z, it'll stop at the shorter list 10:02
whereas >>==<< will throw an exception if the lists aren't equal length
stop at == ignore any differences after ... 10:03
gregf_ well jkramer wants the intersection i guess 10:04
timotimo right
gregf_ so <1 3 4> intersect <1 2> would return 1
timotimo well, that or the symmetric difference
that'd be (&) 10:05
gregf_ m: <1 3 4> & <1 2>
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«WARNINGS for <tmp>:␤Useless use of "&" in expression "<1 3 4> & <1 2>" in sink context (line 1)␤»
timotimo that's not (&), that's &
m: say <1 3 4> (&) <1 2>
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«set(1)␤»
gregf_ timotimo++
10:06 pmurias left
gregf_ m: <foo bar test baz>.grep({ <foo quux test hello>.grep(/$_/) }) # ugly and 2 loops :| 10:06
camelia ( no output )
gregf_ *missed a print* 10:07
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jkramer Hmm, @x (-) @y seems to work, but also seems to return a hash. Am I missing something? 10:13
10:13 [particle] left
jkramer m: for <foo bar baz> (-) <foo bar qux> { say $_ } 10:13
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«baz => True␤»
timotimo it's not a hash, but iterating over a set behaves just like iterating over a hash
it's associative, after all, not positional
gfldex m: dd <foo bar baz> (-) <foo bar qux>; 10:14
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«set("baz")␤»
timotimo you can of course iterate over its .keys
gregf_ m:say ( <foo bar baz> (-) <foo bar qux> ).^name
m: say ( <foo bar baz> (-) <foo bar qux> ).^name
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Set␤»
jkramer Ah, alright, didn't know that about sets. Yep, .keys it is then. Thanks
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pmurias jnthn: I didn't have any significant problems implementing nqp::handlelexpayload etc. on the js backend 10:35
jnthn pmurias: Cool \o/ 10:36
10:42 bjz joined 10:49 Actualeyes left 10:51 Actualeyes joined
jnthn Zoffix: Phew, glad Damian likes the concurrency stuff. :) Well, doing some of the exercises on that course would help a bit also, but there's not much for it beyond that than digging in to something and asking questions. :) 10:53
10:56 [particle] left
Zoffix cool 11:00
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jkramer How can I turn an even-numbered Seq into a Hash without assigning it to a %hash variable? 11:45
11:45 kid51 left, brrt joined
jkramer Ah, pairup maybe 11:45
Hmm no 11:46
gregf_ prolly calling .Hash? 11:47
11:47 kid51 joined
gregf_ m: say set(<foo bar baz>).Hash #? 11:47
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«{bar => True, baz => True, foo => True}␤»
11:48 kid51 left, zakharyas left
jkramer Ha, yeah maybe. That'd be too obvious though 11:48
timotimo iirc pairup takes two elements at a time and returns a pair of the two 11:49
jkramer Works \o/
gregf_ m: say set(<foo bar baz>).keys.map( { $_ => 1 }).^name #or else
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Seq␤»
gregf_ m: say set(<foo bar baz>).keys.map( { $_ => 1 }) #or else
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(foo => 1 baz => 1 bar => 1)␤»
11:50 zakharyas joined
timotimo um, he's asking for a Seq, not a Set :) 11:50
gregf_ ah - my bad. *seeing double since morning - blames Java*
11:53 brrt left 11:55 _mg_ left
jkramer When I have a method that expects some Routine as argument, can I define what the Routine's prototype should look like? Ie. take a Str and return and Int or whatever? 11:55
Signature is probably the better word 11:56
Roamer` hmm, that's actually a good question, I'd like to know, too :) 11:57
I guess one could check the signature of the parameter passed 11:58
but that would be after the fact
12:00 domidumont left 12:02 brrt joined, [particle] joined
BrokenRobot jkramer: yes, just like you'd have a normal sub: sub (Str) {...} or you can do pointy blocks: -> Str { ... } 12:03
And yes, those are called Signatures
12:04 dakkar left 12:05 Actualeyes left
timotimo important difference: the default type for a pointy block is Mu rather than Any 12:06
jkramer Nice, thanks
12:06 brrt left 12:07 Actualeyes joined
BrokenRobot m: -> $x {}(Mu) 12:07
camelia ( no output )
BrokenRobot timotimo++ TIL
jkramer BrokenRobot: Hmm, not sure if that's what I meant. I'd like to define the type of the sub in the signature of the method that expects the sub. Ie. method foo(sub (Str) $my-sub returns Int) or something like that 12:08
psch m: sub f(&g:(Int $, Str $)) { say &g.signature }; f -> Int $, Str $ { }; try f -> Str $, Int $ { }; say $! if $! 12:10
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(Int, Str)␤Constraint type check failed for parameter '&g'␤ in sub f at <tmp> line 1␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
BrokenRobot jkramer: ^ that's how :) psch++
jkramer Awesome, thanks :)
He, could've thought of the & sigil myself actually
12:11 iH2O left 12:13 dakkar joined 12:15 mcsnolte joined
llfourn m: class A { has @.a; }; my @a = 1..3; my %args = %( :@a ); A.new(|%args).a.perl.say' # how to DWIM here? 12:16
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Two terms in a row␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3rgs = %( :@a ); A.new(|%args).a.perl.say7⏏5' # how to DWIM here?␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ statement end␤ …»
llfourn m: class A { has @.a; }; my @a = 1..3; my %args = %( :@a ); A.new(|%args).a.perl.say # how to DWIM here?
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«[[1, 2, 3],]␤»
llfourn (I don't want an array of arrays)
BrokenRobot m: class A { has $.a; }; my @a = 1..3; my %args = :@a; A.new(|%args).a.perl.say; 12:18
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«[1, 2, 3]␤»
llfourn hmmm why does that work? 12:19
psch m: class A { has @.a; }; my @a = 1..3; my %args = %( :a(|@a) ); A.new(|%args).a.eager.perl.say
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«[slip(1, 2, 3),]␤»
psch ...well, minus the eager
i think that's somewhat insightful at least. the array Attribute container doesn't get flattened into 12:20
llfourn m: my @arg = 1..3; my %a = :@arg; my %b = %( :@arg ); say %a.perl,%b.perl;
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«{:arg($[1, 2, 3])}{:arg($[1, 2, 3])}␤»
BrokenRobot llfourn: you ask for singular, so the singular (Array) gets assigned to it. If you use @ sigil, you ask for itemS, so the Array becomes a single item in it... 12:21
jkramer psch: Where can I find out more about this &f:(...) syntax? Google fails me :(
BrokenRobot That's my interpretation of it, at least.
llfourn (they look the same if im not mistaken)
psch jkramer: docs.perl6.org/syntax/Constraining...0Callables
jkramer Thanks!
psch jkramer: there really isn't more too it though. you just attach a signature to a Callable-sigiled Parameter and the arguments' Signature has to match it vOv 12:22
(where "attach" means "write next to the Parameter in the Signature" i suppose :) )
llfourn BrokenRobot: also I did use the @ sigil?
BrokenRobot llfourn: yes, and I didn't. 12:23
I'm not sure what you're asking :/
jkramer psch: Ah yes, I was hoping I could also define the return type, but the documentation suggests I can only constrain the parameter signature
llfourn BrokenRobot: yes you did?
psch jkramer: well, return type can be specified in a Signature as normal :)
m: sub f(--> Int) { "foo" }; f()
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Type check failed for return value; expected Int but got Str ("foo")␤ in sub f at <tmp> line 1␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
llfourn my %args = :@a;
psch llfourn: BrokenRobot is talking about the Attribute
jkramer "as normal" - I've never seen this before :D
BrokenRobot Yes
m: sub foo (*%x) { dd %x }; my @arg = 1..3; my %a = :@arg; foo |%a 12:24
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«{:arg($[1, 2, 3])}␤»
llfourn psch: ah I didn't catch that thanks
jkramer --> works, thanks a bunch :) Is this also documented somewhere? It seems like I'm always googling the wrong terms for this kind of stuff 12:25
BrokenRobot I was gonna try to explain why the $ works and @ doesn't, but I'm not deciphering this super nested NQP call chain ^_^ github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/nom/...Mu.pm#L126
12:26 _mg_ joined
BrokenRobot (it gave us like a 4x speed boost though) 12:26
llfourn m: class A { has @.a; }; my @a = 1..3; my %args = %( :@a ); my \cap-args = \( :@a ); A.new(|%args).a.perl.say; A.new(:@a).a.perl.say; A.new(|cap-args).a.perl.say; # expected these to be the same :S 12:27
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«[[1, 2, 3],]␤[1, 2, 3]␤[1, 2, 3]␤»
12:27 [particle] left
llfourn so basically passing stuff to a hash itemizes stuff 12:27
BrokenRobot Ah
llfourn even if you |slip flatten it, it doesn't come out the same
timotimo --> ought to be documented with the rest of signatures 12:28
cognominal hi, why the REPL is started in strict mode ?
how would I impose no strict from the command line 12:29
BrokenRobot What's a strict mode? :/
gregf_ m: foo(Int $x, --> Int, Str $y){ 100; }; foo(1,"bar")
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Unable to parse expression in argument list; couldn't find final ')' ␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3foo(Int7⏏5 $x, --> Int, Str $y){ 100; }; foo(1,"ba␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix …»
12:29 Amnez777 left
psch BrokenRobot: normal mode, without 'no strict' :) 12:29
BrokenRobot What's no strict? 12:30
psch m: no strict; $x = 5; say $x
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«5␤»
.oO( why do we even have this.... )
psch i don't recall if there's more restrictions we lift under 'no strict'
12:30 Actualeyes left
psch hysterical raisins! 12:30
BrokenRobot :)
cognominal yea, but no strict is lexical. That does not carry from one line of the REPL to the other
BrokenRobot cognominal: out of curiosity, why not just use the normal mode? 12:32
It's like asking for trouble: training yourself in writing deliberately broken code.
12:32 [particle] joined 12:33 FROGGS joined
perlpilot Perl has always been happy to let users ask for rtouble 12:33
cognominal this is just a convenience. When writing short code, declaring everything is a nuisance. 12:34
historically, Perl was used for very short programs and not having to declare variable was considered a feature
psch i guess you'd have to set $*STRICT to something falsey before initializing the hll compiler 12:35
cognominal this changed overt time when Perl programs got bigger
psch we don't have an easy way to do that right now i think
shouldn't be too hard to write a cl switch for though
llfourn m: my @a = 1..3; my \cap = \( :@a ); say (|cap) # so captures are empty when | outside of routine call?
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«()␤»
cognominal there is not such this as right or wrong per se . There is context where things are right or wrong.
BrokenRobot llfourn: say is a routine call 12:36
llfourn BrokenRobot: it's in ( ) so it's not part of it
cognominal psch: I tried to start with perl6 -m strict to no avail
BrokenRobot llfourn: ah, right
m: my @a = 1..3; my \cap = \( :@a ); dd (|cap)
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«slip()␤»
cognominal perl6 -M strict works fine though
psch cognominal: yes, as i said, we don't have anything that does it right now
BrokenRobot weird
m: my @a = 1..3; my \cap = \( :@a ); dd cap 12:37
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«\(:a([1, 2, 3]))␤»
psch | is prefix for .Slip, which is .list.Slip in Any
m: my @a = 1..3; my \cap = \( @a, :@a ); dd (cap.Slip) 12:38
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«slip([1, 2, 3],)␤»
psch not quite sure why that loses the named there, but that's all it loses
llfourn psch: ah that makes sense I guess, but yeah it I think the pairs should be there
12:38 FROGGS left
psch m: say \(a => [1,2,3]).list 12:39
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«()␤»
llfourn m: my @a = 1..3; my \cap = \( :@a ); my $h = %( :@a ); cap.perl.say; %h.perl.say # the $ shows the difference between the two
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Variable '%h' is not declared. Did you mean '$h'?␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3 :@a ); my $h = %( :@a ); cap.perl.say; 7⏏5%h.perl.say # the $ shows the difference␤»
psch llfourn: actually, well, Capture.list gives you only the positionals
llfourn m: my @a = 1..3; my \cap = \( :@a ); my %h = %( :@a ); cap.perl.say; %h.perl.say # oops
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«\(:a([1, 2, 3]))␤{:a($[1, 2, 3])}␤»
llfourn psch: yeah but I think | should not do .list in this case. 12:40
because it doesn't do that in routine calls
12:40 [particle] left
psch llfourn: but | in routine calls doesn't apply to Captures 12:40
llfourn yes but I think they should try to do the same thing 12:41
psch llfourn: i mean, yeah, i can see how slipping a Capture is weird, but i don't agree with the reason
CIAvash m: class A { has @.a; }; my @a = [1,2,3]; my %args; %args<a> := @a; A.new(|%args).a.perl.say
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«[1, 2, 3]␤»
llfourn fair enough
CIAvash: interesting, so you can still get the array container inside the hash :) 12:42
psch m: class A { has @.a; submethod BUILD(:@a) { @!a = @a } }; my %args = a => [1,2,3]; dd A.new(|%args) 12:43
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«A.new(a => [1, 2, 3])␤»
psch or BUILD around it to not force weird stuff on your users :)
12:44 rgrinberg joined
CIAvash I remember that being mentioned when I asked about a similar thing before. 12:44
llfourn hmm now can you make the default container for a hash an array container...or does that even make sense? 12:45
psch m: my %h of Array; say %h<foo>.VAR
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Array␤»
12:45 [particle] joined
psch m: my %h; say %h<foo>.VAR 12:46
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Any␤»
llfourn m: my %h of Array; my @a = 1..3; %h = :@a; say %h.perl
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(my Array % = :a($[1, 2, 3]))␤»
llfourn but still the $ there
psch well, yes, because it's an item 12:47
llfourn I suppose my question is can you make non-itemized hash values 12:48
psch i think that's conceptually impossible
a Pair is always 1:1
llfourn but I don't really think I fully grasp wha...yeah :)
12:49 Actualeyes joined
llfourn m: my @a = 1..3; \( :@a ).perl.say; # but when you put them in captures they don't have the $ 12:49
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«\(:a([1, 2, 3]))␤»
12:50 [particle] left
llfourn (and behave differently when flattened) 12:50
psch m: my @a = 1..3; say \( :@a ).hash<a>.VAR
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«[1 2 3]␤»
psch there's no container
llfourn ah
right so can you make a hash where the values are not put into containers? 12:51
(I mean without constructing each key with := )
moritz it's called a Map 12:52
a hash is defined by having containerized elements, just like arrays 12:53
to allow assignment
llfourn moritz: that's handy
llfourn goes back to the original example 12:54
m: class A { has @.a; }; my @a = 1..3; my %h := Map.new( (:@a) ); A.new(|%h).a.perl.say # yay! 12:55
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«[1, 2, 3]␤»
12:55 mcmillhj joined
moritz m: say chars [*] 1..100 12:55
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«158␤»
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llfourn is there a junction friendly way of doing .WHAT so ("a"|"b").WHAT yields any(Str,Str)? 13:05
psch "if you care about the values of a Junction you should be using a Set" i think the saying goes 13:06
13:06 Actualeyes left
llfourn psch: I don't care about the values in the junction 13:06
moritz m: sub what($x) { $x.WHAT }; say what('a'|'b')
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«any((Str), (Str))␤»
llfourn moritz: why does that work? 13:07
moritz llfourn: because the default type of paramaters is Any, so calling what autothreads over the junction 13:08
llfourn ahhh
thanks :)
13:10 tlvb left, sufrostico joined 13:11 lizmat joined 13:13 zakharyas left 13:14 tlvb joined 13:15 zakharyas joined
timotimo also, .WHAT isn't a method invocation, but basically an nqp:: op called on the value 13:15
BrokenRobot m: (*.WHAT.say)("a"|"b") 13:19
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(Whatever)␤No such method 'CALL-ME' for invocant of type 'Bool'␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
BrokenRobot :/ how come?
m: (*.uc.say)("a"|"b")
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«any(A, B)␤»
BrokenRobot Ah, what timo said.. basically :)
cognominal I was wrong about 'no strict' carrying over subsequent lines int the REPL. It does because it is lexical
dalek c: de23b7c | (Zoffix Znet)++ | / (6 files):
13:24 Actualeyes joined 13:27 sufrostico left 13:29 dj_goku left
dalek c: 83f00cf | (Zoffix Znet)++ | / (2 files):
Make old style sheet sassy
13:32 dj_goku joined
dalek c: 534d9b8 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | app.pl:
Indicate when we are done processing sass
BrokenRobot Coding Perl 5 after Perl 6 is a nightmare.
masak I actually find it's not so bad 13:35
maybe you need to up your Perl 5 :P
13:35 rindolf joined
moritz the transition is hard 13:35
BrokenRobot Well, the transitionary period is a nightmare.
moritz and giving up on some niceties is grating
I so miss :$foo for foo => $foo when I do Perl 5 13:36
and expresive signatures
(i miss :$foo in python as well)
perlpilot greetings 13:37
BrokenRobot \o
perlpilot masak: Do you use Moops or other syntactic niceties in Perl 5? 13:38
moritz Moops? Moose? 13:39
13:39 g4 left
BrokenRobot metacpan.org/pod/Moops 13:39
masak perlpilot: I do use Moose when I can. 13:40
perlpilot: I haven't gone as far as using Moops.
oh, I *miss* things when coding in Perl 5
llfourn moritz: what does :$foo in python look like?
masak but I wouldn't call coding in it a nightmare.
llfourn: `foo=foo`, I guess 13:41
BrokenRobot Heh, fair enough. It's just miss-erable :)
llfourn ah right.
moritz in python, I miss named-only parameters 13:42
(though I hear they are coming)
perlpilot masak: yeah, it's more like death by a thousand cuts kinda thing. It's all those little annoyances that grate on your brain because it's not Perl 6. :)
mst moritz: Function::Parameters ?
lizmat waves, Really 13:43
mst Moo + Type::Tiny is sufficient for me for the moment
perlpilot lizmat: o/
mst but my current code is going to fatpack back til 5.8
I'll be breaking out the shiny later
13:44 Sgeo_ left 13:45 Amnez777 joined 13:46 [particle] left
moritz 5.8? teh horror 13:46
no //
BrokenRobot shudders 13:47
hoelzro morning #perl6
BrokenRobot morning
13:47 [particle] joined
perlpilot morning hoelzro 13:47
hoelzro o/ BrokenRobot, perlpilot
I have a quick question about live vs on-demand supplies, I want to make sure I understand them properly 13:48
gregf_ those named args have been made available in ruby > 2.2.*
13:48 Actualeyes left
hoelzro for live supplies, they generate values, and for each value, they send it to whomever is listening, yes? so if I tap it after an event, that tapper will not receive that event, correct? 13:48
13:49 yqt left
hoelzro for on-demand supplies, it's the exact same, only with the change that the very *first* tapper receives all of the events that have been emitted thus far, right? 13:49
perlpilot hoelzro: I'm no expert, but that sounds correct to me.
hoelzro because the supply doesn't run until tapped, much like a unix FIFO?
s/unix FIFO/process attached to a unix FIFO/ 13:50
lizmat hoelzro: too jetlagged at the moment to give a good answer to that
hoelzro =)
13:51 Actualeyes joined
gregf_ s/2.2/2.1/ 13:51
jnthn hoelzro: A live supply is like a TV broadcast. If you weren't watching stuff, it's gone and you missed it. It's a stateless stream of stuff. 13:53
BrokenRobot hoelzro: I thought on-demand supplies all tappers get all values
m: my $s = supply { emit $_ for ^5 }; $s.tap: *.say; $s.tap: *.say 13:54
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«0␤1␤2␤3␤4␤0␤1␤2␤3␤4␤»
BrokenRobot m: my $s = supply { emit $_ for ^5 }; $s.tap: *.say; $s.tap: *.say; $s.tap: *.say
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«0␤1␤2␤3␤4␤0␤1␤2␤3␤4␤0␤1␤2␤3␤4␤»
jnthn hoelzro: An on-demand supply is like watching a video on Netflix or so. When you start watching it, you start getting frames. If somebody else starts watching it, they get their own stream of the frames. etc.
And if you stop watching, that doesn't impact anyone else. 13:55
hoelzro jnthn: so as BrokenRobot suggests, once you tap an on-demand supply, you get the entire history?
jnthn No.
You *start a new history*.
Though there is no history in supplies really
13:55 rindolf left
hoelzro oh, I figured as much 13:55
jnthn There *is* a type of Supplier that buffers.
13:56 [particle] left
BrokenRobot m: my $s = supply { for ^5 { say "generating $_; emit $_ } }; $s.tap: *.say; $s.tap: *.say; $s.tap: *.say 13:56
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Unable to parse expression in double quotes; couldn't find final '"' ␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3tap: *.say; $s.tap: *.say; $s.tap: *.say7⏏5<EOL>␤ expecting any of:␤ method arguments␤»
BrokenRobot m: my $s = supply { for ^5 { say "generating $_"; emit $_ } }; $s.tap: *.say; $s.tap: *.say; $s.tap: *.say
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«generating 0␤0␤generating 1␤1␤generating 2␤2␤generating 3␤3␤generating 4␤4␤generating 0␤0␤generating 1␤1␤generating 2␤2␤generating 3␤3␤generating 4␤4␤generating 0␤0␤generating 1␤1␤generating 2␤2␤generatin…»
BrokenRobot gets it now o/
jnthn m: sub s() { supply { say 'here'; emit rand; } }; s.tap(*.say); s.tap(*.say)
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«here␤0.533383130413306␤here␤0.177299685829522␤»
BrokenRobot :o
jnthn A supply block is run per tapping of an on-demand supply. 13:57
As illustrated above :)
hoelzro but those are two separate supplies, yes?
jnthn ah, maybe more clear then is:
m: sub s() { supply { say 'here'; emit rand; } }; my $s = s(); $s.tap(*.say); $s.tap(*.say)
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«here␤0.076437799520763␤here␤0.164639854251952␤»
jnthn It's each tapping that starts a new flow of values
(With an on-demand supply) 13:58
So you can think of a supply block as running per tapping, just as Netflix starts streaming a movie per person who starts watching it.
perlpilot I don't know what's in the docs right now, but that TV/netflix analogy sounds like it might be a good addition
hoelzro oooh I see
BrokenRobot +1 really good analogy 13:59
hoelzro so supply { ... } is on-demand, and Supplier.new is live, yes?
jnthn Yes
13:59 pmurias left
jnthn And note that things like Supply.interval is on-demand too; you're starting a distinct timer. 14:00
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jnthn (On each .tap) 14:02
14:03 girafe joined
dalek c: becddba | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Language/concurrency.pod:
Include TV broadcast/Netflix analogy for supplies jnthn++
hoelzro so it's kind of like an async gather/take
14:03 dvinciguerra_ left
dalek c: 5f65feb | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Language/concurrency.pod:
Improve Netflix portion of the analogy
BrokenRobot coins "on-demand supplies and chill" phrase :) 14:05
tough crowd :P
llfourn coughs 14:06
mst stop humping the VM, dude, just cos it keeps saying 'moar' doesn't mean it's capable of consent
llfourn coughs twice
BrokenRobot :) 14:07
14:07 pmurias joined, dvinciguerra_ joined
perlpilot llfourn: you're supposed to turn your head in there somewhere 14:07
llfourn turns head 14:08
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jkramer I just wrote a potentially useful thing in P6. Since it's the first thing I've written in P6 that's not a dumb example I'd appreciate feedback regarding optimization/design etc. gist.github.com/jkramer/98e9ac48cb...14da847344 14:21
It's a beanstalk client lib, doesn't support all commands yet and doesn't catch all potential beanstalk errors, but seems to be working. 14:23
14:25 freezerburnV left, vytas left
psch m: say "" ~~ /^ (\d ** 1..3)**4 %% '.' <?{ 0 <= all(@0) < 256 }> $ /; 14:25
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
psch m: say "" ~~ /^ (\d ** 1..3)**4 %% '.' <?{ 0 <= all(@0) < 256 }> $ /; 14:26
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«「」␤ 0 => 「127」␤ 0 => 「0」␤ 0 => 「0」␤ 0 => 「1」␤»
psch jkramer: i'd probably use something like that as the type for $.host
BrokenRobot jkramer: you can write :port($.port)) as :$.port 14:27
jkramer psch: It's not necessarily an IP address
pmurias just added a -Ofun option to nqp-js 14:28
psch oh, right
yeah, that makes sense
14:29 [particle] left
jkramer BrokenRobot: Thanks, didn't know that 14:29
psch m: my $x where .so;
camelia ( no output )
psch m: my $x where .so; $x = ""
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Type check failed in assignment to $x; expected <anon> but got Str ("")␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
BrokenRobot huh
m: my $x where .so; $x = "dasd" 14:30
camelia ( no output )
BrokenRobot $_ is available in where even without curlies?
jkramer: the rest looks good to me
If only too many parentheses :) 14:31
jkramer .so is just like using a Scalar in boolean context in P5?
BrokenRobot jkramer: yeah, basically
jkramer What does it stand for? :D 14:32
BrokenRobot "so" is a low-precedence version of the reverse of "not"
It's not an acronym. It's a play on "is so" "is not"
jkramer Ah, ok
BrokenRobot And in this case, it's a method-call version of it. 14:33
jnthn m: say so not True
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«False␤»
jnthn :)
14:33 harmil joined
BrokenRobot docs.perl6.org/routine/so#class_Mu 14:33
14:33 Actualeyes joined
jkramer Is it actually necessary though? I mean if I say 'if $some-string {...', isn't it implicit? 14:34
BrokenRobot jkramer: it's implicit, yes
m: my $x where $_; $x = ""
camelia ( no output )
BrokenRobot m: my $x where $_; $x = "ds"
camelia ( no output )
BrokenRobot m: my $x where { $_ }; $x = "ds"
camelia ( no output )
CIAvash BrokenRobot: irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2016-06-25#i_12734545 :)
BrokenRobot m: my $x where { $_ }; $x = ""
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Type check failed in assignment to $x; expected <anon> but got Str ("")␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
BrokenRobot CIAvash: it doesn't seem to though ^ 14:35
Rather... it does it partially?
m: my $x where $_ eq "ds"; $x = "ds" 14:36
camelia ( no output )
BrokenRobot wtf
m: my $x where $_ eq "ds"; $x = "dsdsds"
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Type check failed in assignment to $x; expected <anon> but got Str ("dsdsds")␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
BrokenRobot Well, then I've no idea why my $x where $_; $x = "" doesn't complain
m: my $x where dd $_; $x = "dsdsds" 14:38
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Str <element> = "dsdsds"␤Type check failed in assignment to $x; expected <anon> but got Str ("dsdsds")␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
CIAvash hmm
harmil @arnsholt or others involved in snake, my github.com/harmil/sixstrictor project (pure-Perl Python 2) as mentioned on reddit is about 80% of the way through with the parser. Actions will be a whole other ball of wax. I wonder if I should use your runtime and retro-extend it for Python 2? 14:39
14:41 Actualeyes left, [particle] joined
pmurias harmil: hi, unifying efforts would be great 14:42
14:42 Actualeyes joined
pmurias harmil: keep in mind that snake is far from complete yet 14:42
harmil I assumed. It seems to have come along further than previous efforts, though.
14:43 kyclark joined
pmurias harmil: why python 2 instead of 3? 14:43
14:43 mcmillhj left
harmil Because the vast majority of Python code out there is Python 2, and it's not forward-compatible, so I'd like to have a library that parses the largest subset of code. Perl 6, IMHO, is as valid a migration path for Python 2 as Python 3... 14:45
14:45 _mg_ left 14:46 kyclark left
CIAvash m: my $x where ''; $x = ''; 14:47
camelia ( no output )
CIAvash m: my $x where {''}; $x = '';
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Type check failed in assignment to $x; expected <anon> but got Str ("")␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
BrokenRobot m: my $x where False; $x = '';
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ Smartmatch against False always fails; if you mean to test the topic for truthiness, use :!so or *.not or !* instead␤ at <tmp>:1␤ ------> 3my $x where 7⏏5False; $x = '';␤Type check failed in assignment to $x;…»
BrokenRobot m: say '' ~~ ''
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«True␤»
BrokenRobot m: say '' ~~ 'dasdas'
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«False␤»
BrokenRobot Ah, I see. 14:48
14:48 acrussell left
pmurias harmil: I have to get afk, will be back much later today and tommorow 14:49
CIAvash m: my $x where {''}(); $x = '';
camelia ( no output )
14:49 pmurias left
BrokenRobot m: {''} ~~ '' 14:49
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Block object coerced to string (please use .gist or .perl to do that) in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤»
BrokenRobot So basically if it's Code, it calls it and passes the type if the return is true. If not, it smartmatches it and in that situation, $_ works even if it's '' 14:51
m: my $x where $_ eq "ds"; $x = "ds"
camelia ( no output )
BrokenRobot m: my $x where $_ eq "dsdsds"; $x = "ds"
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Type check failed in assignment to $x; expected <anon> but got Str ("ds")␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
BrokenRobot And I guess here it magically makes a block?
14:52 freezerburnV joined
masak a thunk, not a block 14:52
BrokenRobot "Your search - site:docs.perl6.org thunk - did not match any documents. " :( 14:54
perlpilot gets the feeling that we'll eventually settle on being more explicit about the timing of certain things because otherwise you get "ETOOMAGICAL" 14:55
BrokenRobot: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thunk
BrokenRobot That's actually a word :o 14:56
CIAvash "A thunk is a piece of code that may not execute immediately, ..." design.perl6.org/S06.html#Subrouti...de_objects 14:57
BrokenRobot Well, yeah, that's what I found annoying in Perl 5. You pop open a doc and there's a gazillion pages explaining all of the special cases. 14:58
Same reason I hate Russian. Every rule has exceptions :)
mst that's why english is so awesome, we don't really have rules in the first place
you just sort of have to figure it out 14:59
BrokenRobot Yeah :)
14:59 [particle] left
perlpilot And just when you think you have a handle on "the rules" ... we make up new ones on the spot and start using them. 15:00
harmil pmurias: I'll be around. 15:02
hoelzro english is weakly typed ;)
mst english is hopper.jpg typed
harmil perlpilot: keep in mind that English is as much about hiding information as revealing and illuminating it. 15:03
All natural languages are quickly repurposed to creating hidden channels available only to specific subcultures. It's what we apes do. 15:04
perlpilot harmil: Sure. And while it's fun to do that consciously, it often happens "en passant" without anyone realizing until afterwards. 15:05
15:06 TimToady joined
dalek c: ecad048 | (Wenzel P. P. Peppmeyer)++ | doc/Language/typesystem.pod:
doc :$.attr shortcut in constructor calls
perlpilot huh ... I thought that was already documented, but perhaps I'm still thinking of the synopses as documentation 15:07
15:07 Actualeyes left, [particle] joined
gfldex perlpilot: a full text search of :$. did not bear fruit 15:08
Pod::To::BigPage++ :)
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ZoffixMobile gfldex, that'll work with $!foo too. And based on what $.foo actually is, I'm guessing it'd work for any method, not just an attribute. 15:19
ZoffixMobile wonders about :&foo
gfldex ZoffixMobile: you know where typesystem.pod is, right? :->
ZoffixMobile m: sub foo { 'bar' }; my %h = :&foo; say %h 15:20
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«{foo => sub foo () { #`(Sub|63921304) ... }}␤»
ZoffixMobile gfldex, fair enough :) If I don't forget, I'll doc it :)
m: sub foo { 'bar' }; my %h = :&foo(); say %h 15:21
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«No such method 'CALL-ME' for invocant of type 'Pair'␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
masak m: my %h = :&say; say %h.perl
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«{:say(sub say (| is raw) { #`(Sub|48386440) ... })}␤»
15:23 ZoffixMobile left
gfldex .oO( syntaxy-things.pod ) 15:26
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kyclark Can someone help me understand this? pastie.org/10893089 15:36
gfldex kyclark: try &even 15:37
perlpilot m: sub even ($x) { $x %% 2 }; say grep &even, [1..4];
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(2 4)␤»
kyclark Ooo, that works!
perlpilot kyclark: even and even() are calls, &even is just a mention, which is what grep, map, etc. need
gfldex m: my $even = -> $x { $x %% 2 }; say grep $even, [1..4]; 15:38
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(2 4)␤»
gfldex m: my \even = -> $x { $x %% 2 }; say grep even, [1..4];
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(2 4)␤»
gfldex nope :)
15:39 huggable left 15:40 huggable joined
gfldex m: constant even = -> $x { $x %% 2 }; say grep even, [1..4]; 15:40
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(2 4)␤»
perlpilot kyclark: Take everything I said in the context of the code you provided. (since gfldex is being ornery :) 15:41
gregf_ m: sub even ($x) { $x %% 2 }; say [1..4].grep(&even), grep &even, [1..4] # prefers the former :| 15:43
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(2 4)(2 4)␤»
15:43 tharkun left
gregf_ m: class MyInt is Int { method even(){ self %% 2 } }; say [1..4].map({ MyInt.new($_) }).grep({.even}) 15:46
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(2 4)␤»
15:54 abraxxa left
BrokenRobot m: use MONKEY-TYPING; augment class Array { method evens { self.grep: * %% 2 } }; [1..10].evens.say 15:56
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(2 4 6 8 10)␤»
kyclark How can I declare a MAIN sub that will work if given any number of arguments (e.g., 0 or more)? 15:58
BrokenRobot m: ([2..10] but role { method evens { self.grep: * %% 2 } }).evens.say
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(2 4 6 8 10)␤»
BrokenRobot tehe
pmichaud good morning, #perl6
BrokenRobot kyclark: make it slurpy: sub MAIN (*@args) { ... }
gfldex kyclark: sub MAIN(*@many){} 15:59
BrokenRobot kyclark: make it slurpy: sub MAIN (*@args, *%named-args) { ... } # if you want to capture --named=args too
15:59 mohae left
BrokenRobot pmichaud: \o 15:59
WeeChat-- # automatically changing \o to \o\ for no good reason
pmichaud it looks like "\o" to me. 16:00
16:01 ssotka joined
BrokenRobot m: &say.wrap: { put @_.grep: * %% 2 }; [2..10].say 16:01
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«2 4 6 8 10␤»
BrokenRobot pmichaud: yeah, I had to delete the extra "\" :)
16:02 yqt joined
kyclark Can you tell what I'm trying to do with this? How can I make it work? ['a'..'z'].classify( /[aeiou]/ ) 16:02
BrokenRobot m: ["a".."z"].classify( /[aeiou]/ ).say 16:03
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Method '!cursor_start' not found for invocant of class 'Str'␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
BrokenRobot neat...
m: ["a".."z"].classify( { /[aeiou]/ ?? 'vowels' !! 'consonants' ).say 16:04
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Missing block␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3{ /[aeiou]/ ?? 'vowels' !! 'consonants' 7⏏5).say␤ expecting any of:␤ statement end␤ statement modifier␤ statement modifier loop␤»
BrokenRobot Ah, wrong regex 16:05
m: ["a".."z"].classify( { /<[aeiou]>/ ?? "vowels" !! "consonants" }).say
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«{consonants => [b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x y z], vowels => [a e i o u]}␤»
BrokenRobot m: &classify.signature.say
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«($test, + is raw, *%named)␤»
BrokenRobot Dunno aout the !cursor error 16:06
m: ["a".."z"].classify(rx/<[aeiou]>/).say
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Method '!cursor_start' not found for invocant of class 'Str'␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
BrokenRobot I guess it can only take Code 16:07
gfldex m: my %h = ['a'..'z'].classify( { $^a ~~ <a e i o u>.any ?? "v" !! "c" } ); dd %h
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Hash %h = {:c($["b", "c", "d", "f", "g", "h", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"]), :v($["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"])}␤»
kyclark What about this (doesn't work)? [1..10].classify({$_ %% s ?? 'even' !! 'odd'}) 16:09
BrokenRobot m: ["a".."z"].classify(* eq <a e i o u>.any).say
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«P6opaque: no such attribute '$!reified' in type List when trying to get a value␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
BrokenRobot Damn. classify sure loves to spill the guts
kyclark: what's "s"?
kyclark Oh, that might explain it.
m: [1..10].classify({$_ %% 2 ?? 'even' !! 'odd'}) 16:10
camelia ( no output )
BrokenRobot m: [1..10].classify({$_ %% s ?? 'even' !! 'odd'})
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5===␤Null regex not allowed␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3[1..10].classify({$_ %% s ?7⏏5? 'even' !! 'odd'})␤Malformed replacement part; couldn't find final ?␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3].classify({$_ %% s ?? 'even' !! 'odd'})7⏏5<EOL>…»
kyclark m: [1..10].classify({$_ %% 2 ?? 'even' !! 'odd'}).say
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«{even => [2 4 6 8 10], odd => [1 3 5 7 9]}␤»
kyclark woo-hoo!
BrokenRobot m: 'foo' ~~ s ?oo?ar?
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Cannot modify an immutable Str␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
BrokenRobot m: my $x = 'foo'; $x ~~ s ?oo?ar?; say $x
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«far␤»
BrokenRobot ^ that's why the error was bad. 16:11
m: [1..10].classify(* %% 2).say
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«{False => [1 3 5 7 9], True => [2 4 6 8 10]}␤»
hoelzro resuming my supply inquiry from earlier - Channel.Supply creates a live supply, right?
kyclark BrokenRobot, that is so...bad ass. 16:12
BrokenRobot m: [1..10].classify(* %% 2).grep(*.key)[0].value.flat.say
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(2 4 6 8 10)␤»
BrokenRobot kyclark: it's basically equivalent to { $_ %% 2 } 16:13
kyclark This was where I was trying to get:
m: for @args.classify(* %% 2).values -> @n { say join(' + ', @n), ' = ', [+] @n; }
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Variable '@args' is not declared␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3for 7⏏5@args.classify(* %% 2).values -> @n { sa␤»
kyclark Oh, right, that won't work outside my script.
BrokenRobot :)
kyclark m: for [1..10].classify(* %% 2).values -> @n { say join(' + ', @n), ' = ', [+] @n; }
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 10 = 30␤1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 = 25␤»
gfldex m: dd [1..10].classify(* %% 2)
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(my Any %{Any} = Bool::False => $[1, 3, 5, 7, 9], Bool::True => $[2, 4, 6, 8, 10])␤»
BrokenRobot FWIW, camelia can take a URL to a gist 16:14
m: gist.github.com/zoffixznet/9e03fc4...ed2c1ebfd3
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«{False => [1 3 5 7 9], True => [2 4 6 8 10]}␤»
kyclark Mind. Blown.
BrokenRobot :D
That's what we do... :)
gfldex m: dd [1..10].classify(* %% 2){True}
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Array <element> = $[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]␤»
BrokenRobot gfldex: neat! 16:15
16:15 _mg_ left
jnthn hoelzro: That's a little more interesting. In the sense that if you tap, then close, then tap again you might miss values in the middle, then yes. But if multiple things tap then they're effectively competing over the values. 16:15
hoelzro: That is so you can for ^4 { react { whenever $channel -> $value { } } } to have 4 workers that will compete for work from the channel. 16:16
hoelzro: oops, start react ... :)
hoelzro yikes
kyclark gfldex, can you explain that last {True} bit?
BrokenRobot kyclark: it's a hash key lookup
well, Map? 16:17
kyclark Oh, yes.
jnthn hoelzro: Which is actually rather fitting with channels in general, if you think about it, 'cus you can only receive a value once.
BrokenRobot m: my Map $x = True => 'blah'; say $x{True}
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Type check failed in assignment to $x; expected Map but got Pair (:True("blah"))␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
hoelzro ok, thanks jnthn; I've been looking into a lockup in integration/advent2013-day14.t, and I think the problem is in the impl of Channel.Supply
mhmm, that makes sense
BrokenRobot m: my $x = Map.new: True => "blah"; say $x{True}
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
jnthn hoelzro: If you want a live supply from a channel, then obtain the supply precisely once and than .publish to get a live supply that many things can tap
gfldex kyclark: that's why I use dd to print the values. It also provides type information.
BrokenRobot cues in of a dog in front of the computer
jnthn hoelzro: Which is how you go from on-demand to live in general, fwiw :) 16:18
hoelzro ah =)
BrokenRobot m: my %h = True => "blah"; say %h{True}
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«blah␤»
BrokenRobot :S
m: my %h = True => "blah"; say %h<True>
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«blah␤»
BrokenRobot What sorcery is this....
m: True.Str.say 16:19
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«True␤»
BrokenRobot Ahh
jnthn BrokenRobot: Hashes have string keys and...that :)
BrokenRobot :)
kyclark I help teach Perl 5 to a metagenomics class, so I'm going through all my old assignments and trying to write them in Perl 6. It is simply amazing. 16:20
BrokenRobot \o/
kyclark Explain to me why both of these do what I want: 16:23
m: ['z'...'a'].sort.say
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z)␤»
kyclark m: [10...1].sort.say
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)␤»
kyclark How does it know to sort numerically?
psch m: say &infix:<cmp>.signature
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(Mu, Mu)␤»
psch m: say &infix:<cmp>.candidates.signature 16:24
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Method 'signature' not found for invocant of class 'List'␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
psch m: say &infix:<cmp>.candidates>>.signature
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«((\a, \b) (Real:D \a, \b) (\a, Real:D \b) (Real:D \a, Real:D \b) (Int:D \a, Int:D \b) (int $a, int $b) (Num:D \a, Num:D \b) (num $a, num $b) (Blob:D \a, Blob:D \b) (Str:D \a, Str:D \b --> Order:D) (str $a, str $b --> Order:D) (Range:D \a, Range:D \b --> Or…»
BrokenRobot kyclark: Perl 6 has types basically :)
m: 'z'.^name.say; 10.^name.say
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Str␤Int␤»
psch m: say &infix:<cmp>.candidates[4,9]>>.signature
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«((Int:D \a, Int:D \b) (Str:D \a, Str:D \b --> Order:D))␤»
psch that's the two important ones here i'd say
BrokenRobot So if you give cmp two Ints it'll sort numerically
psch m: say 1 cmp 2; say "a" cmp "b" 16:25
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Less␤Less␤»
psch and sort uses cmp by default
kyclark Yes yes yes!
BrokenRobot :)
psch m: say ^10 .sort: { $^a cmp $^b * (-1 * $++ %% 2) } # /o\ 16:26
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(0 7 8 1 9 4 3 6 2 5)␤»
kyclark If my students read in a bunch of numbers from a text file, though, will this break?
psch m: say <1>.WHAT
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(IntStr)␤»
16:27 dogbert17 joined
pmichaud jnthn: /o 16:27
jnthn: o/
jnthn Hi, pmichaud o/
psch hm, actually i think we don't get allomorphs from IO, do we?
jnthn pmichaud: Have fun at YAPC? :)
pmichaud jnthn: Yes, very much so.
16:27 dakkar left
pmichaud jnthn: looking forward to the next event, whenever it might be. 16:27
perigrin did see pmichaud in the corner of his talk
psch m: say <1 11 12 20>.sort
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(1 11 12 20)␤»
BrokenRobot kyclark: you'd have to coerce them to Ints or some such
psch err, that didn't actually help
perigrin sadly I didn't have much more time to say hi.
kyclark m: <10 9 1 foo 4>.sort.say 16:28
psch m: say <1 2 11 12 20>.sort
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(1 4 9 10 foo)␤»
rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(1 2 11 12 20)␤»
psch m: say <1 2 11 12 20>>>.Str.sort
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(1 11 12 2 20)␤»
psch kyclark: looks like "if it uniformly looks like it's Int-y, do it Int-y"
pmichaud perigrin: yes, that was an enjoyable talk.
perigrin thank you :) 16:29
jnthn pmichaud: Cool...well, probably not literally cool if it was in Florida, but... :)
BrokenRobot m: multi pass (Int $x) { say "Int" }; multi pass (Str $x) { say "Str" }; pass val(2, "2")
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Value of type Int uselessly passed to val() in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤Cannot resolve caller pass(List); none of these signatures match:␤ (Int $x)␤ (Str $x)␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
kyclark psch, what did you do there with the >>>?
BrokenRobot grr
pmichaud Actually Florida wasn't too bad, temperature wise. It's hotter here in Dallas right now.
jnthn is finding the Prague summer more than warm enough
psch kyclark: >> is a hyper method op
perigrin jnthn: actually the AC here is quite strong, the hotel was a little chilly.
jnthn perigrin: heh, I'd probably have loved that :)
BrokenRobot kyclark: calls the given method on each item of the list
psch kyclark: it calls the method on the RHS on all elements of the list on the LHS (potentially out of sequence, but returns in order)
jnthn is a winter kind of person :)
16:29 dakkar joined
pmichaud and yes, the hotel had the typical American AC-freezing-interior-in-the-summer thing going on. :) 16:30
perigrin is a summer kind of person, but slightly less summer than Florida in June/July/August typically.
16:30 stevieb9 left
psch kyclark: it's kind of like .map({$_.$method}), except that it doesn't guarantee in-order execution, only ordered return 16:30
16:30 jack_rabbit left
kyclark You keep stressing the out-of-order possibility, is it because it's possible to parallelize the operation? 16:32
psch exactly. i'm not sure we do that yet though
16:33 kalkin-_ is now known as kalkin-
kyclark OK, so what about something like this? 16:33
m: [1..10] >> { $_ * 2 }.say
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Unsupported use of >> to do right shift; in Perl 6 please use +> or ~>␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3[1..10] >>7⏏5 { $_ * 2 }.say␤»
psch kyclark: the single >> is a methodop, not an infix 16:34
kyclark I think I've actually asked this here before, but I forget
16:34 dakkar left
psch m: [1..10]>>.&({ $_ * 2 }).say 16:34
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«[2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20]␤»
pyrimidine kyclark: glad to see you back!
kyclark Thanks, pyrimidine. 16:35
This is easier, no?
m: [1..10].map: * * 2.say
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«2␤2␤2␤2␤2␤2␤2␤2␤2␤2␤»
kyclark Oh, hrm.
m: [1..10].map: * * 2
camelia ( no output )
tbrowder Zoffix (or anyone): consider this gist <gist.github.com/tbrowder/b71479ca1...a02b2>, is my version of a proper parse for the pod 6 table test correct?
pyrimidine m: 2.say
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«2␤»
psch m: say map 1..10: * * 2 :
kyclark I get the right answer in my REPL
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20)␤»
kyclark Yes, that's it. 16:36
psch kyclark: TIMTOWTDI :)
hoelzro jnthn: does emit() (as in the one that goes in supply { ... }) cause a control exception?
kyclark BTW, this blows up my REPL: 16:37
m: [1..10].map: * ** 2.WHAT
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Invocant requires an instance of type Int, but a type object was passed. Did you forget a .new?␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
kyclark I wanted to do something like this:
m: [1..10].map: * ** 2.grep: * < 50
camelia ( no output )
psch m: [1..10].map: * ** (2.grep: * < 50) 16:38
camelia ( no output )
psch that's how it parses
kyclark this works:
m: [1..10].grep: * < 5
camelia ( no output )
kyclark m: say [1..10].grep: * < 5
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(1 2 3 4)␤»
16:38 [particle] joined
jnthn hoelzro: Yes 16:38
hoelzro: done also
kyclark This works: 16:39
m: say grep * < 50, [1..10].map: * ** 2
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(1 4 9 16 25 36 49)␤»
hoelzro ok, that may explain why the fix I tried last night didn't work =/
kyclark And this works: 16:40
m: say grep * < 50, map * ** 2, [1..10]
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(1 4 9 16 25 36 49)␤»
BrokenRobot m: say grep * < 50, [1..10].map: *²
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Cannot resolve caller Numeric(Whatever: ); none of these signatures match:␤ (Mu:U \v: *%_)␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
kyclark I'm intrigued by this idea I think I saw in a talk by Damien:
m: say [1..10] ==> * ** 2
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Sorry, do not know how to handle this case of a feed operator yet.␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3say [1..10] ==> * ** 27⏏5<EOL>␤»
BrokenRobot awwww.. we didn't do superscripts for this case?
16:41 harrison_ joined
psch m: say &postfix:<²> 16:41
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Undeclared routine:␤ postfix:<²> used at line 1. Did you mean 'postfix:<i>', 'postfix:<ⁿ>', 'postfix:<-->', 'postfix:<++>'?␤␤»
psch BrokenRobot: i think that's kind of like why .WHAT doesn't Whatever curry 16:42
BrokenRobot It's not an op, it's done in grammer
Ah t'bad
japhb OK, now I want to know what postfix:<ⁿ> does ...
BrokenRobot japhb: what'd you think? :) 16:43
psch probably nothing, 'cause we don't have it? :)
BrokenRobot m: say 6²
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«36␤»
BrokenRobot m: say 6²²²²
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«1127400835818465130246515434079544622236496408864545313869983108525695859756300042859793699471701282603490303071099371257462530081270238260169633679684869958563124451130648728041498601762862967958374766976221542376477543005102834131170639418855873012778926…»
psch m: say &postfix:<ⁿ>
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«sub postfix:<ⁿ> (Mu $, Mu $) { #`(Sub+{<anon|62317104>}|66693952) ... }␤»
psch ohh
shows what i know!
m: say 1ⁿ
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Confused␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3say 17⏏5ⁿ␤»
japhb Hmmm, looking at the grammer, it looks like it's a placeholder for the superscript notation 16:44
BrokenRobot huh
japhb src/core/Numeric.pm:proto sub postfix:<ⁿ>(Mu $, Mu $) is pure { * }
src/core/Numeric.pm:multi sub postfix:<ⁿ>(\a, \b) { a ** b }
There it is in the setting
BrokenRobot It's in Numeric 16:45
japhb yup
psch m: say (2, 2)ⁿ
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Two terms in a row␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3say (2, 2)7⏏5ⁿ␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ postfix␤ statement end␤ statement modifier␤ …»
BrokenRobot m: postfix<ⁿ>(2, 3).say
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Undeclared routine:␤ postfix used at line 1␤␤»
BrokenRobot m: &postfix<ⁿ>(2, 3).say
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Undeclared routine:␤ postfix used at line 1␤␤»
BrokenRobot m: postfix:<ⁿ>(2, 3).say 16:46
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«8␤»
BrokenRobot has no idea how to give to args to a postfix op :S
Well, other than the above
psch BrokenRobot++
japhb Yep, I was right: 16:47
src/Perl6/Actions.nqp: method postfix:sym<ⁿ>($/) {
src/Perl6/Actions.nqp: make QAST::Op.new(:op<call>, :name('&postfix:<ⁿ>'), $*W.add_constant('Int', 'int', $power));
hoelzro jnthn: is it still the case that $lock.protect({ thing-that-causes-control-exception; }) will not unlock $lock after the control exception is fired?
jnthn hoelzro: I fear we still have that issues, yes.
BrokenRobot japhb: ahh
16:48 harrison_ left
hoelzro ok 16:48
BrokenRobot This has an unfortunate consequence tho: 16:49
m: say ²²
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«4␤»
BrokenRobot m: say ²²²
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«4194304␤»
BrokenRobot (it's already rakudobugged)
16:51 [particle] left 16:53 kyclark left 16:55 mohae joined 16:56 [particle] joined 16:58 BrassLantern joined, BrassLantern left, BrassLantern joined 17:04 [particle] left, kyclark joined 17:06 MilkmanDan is now known as MilkmanDan[Han]
nine jnthn: is the same true for return as that's also a control exception now? 17:09
jnthn nine: It probably was true before if so. The *real* underlying problem is with LEAVE and some general reentrancy issues around phasers. 17:11
nine: The moment that's fixed, we use LEAVE to implement protoect and we're all sorted
17:14 araujo joined 17:15 araujo left
kyclark Where are the docs on creating new operators? 17:15
gfldex kyclark: docs.perl6.org/language/functions#..._Operators 17:16
kyclark Thanks. 17:19
Is there a concept of "Nothing" in P6?
gfldex m: dd Nil 17:20
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
psch m: my @a := 1, Empty, 2; say @a.perl
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(1, 2)␤»
gfldex .oO( undefined-things.pod )
17:22 tlvb left, tlvb joined
kyclark How would you rate this? 17:23
17:23 fhorck joined
kyclark pastie.org/10893185 17:23
m: pastie.org/10893185
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Confused␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3http:7⏏5//pastie.org/10893185␤ expecting any of:␤ colon pair␤»
17:25 kyclark left
psch ^A^Ks the half-finished response 17:25
17:25 kyclark joined
kyclark Sorry, I blew up my window. So, I was asking about this: pastie.org/10893185 17:26
psch is glad about ^Y
[Coke] is in 21C weather right now. brisk but nice
(compared to orlando or dallas. :)
psch kyclark: somewhat weird. you are using multis to distinguish between valid values, but you're still using an if in your "main" candidate to distinguish cases that could be solved by a multi
17:26 [particle] joined
kyclark Can you suggest a Better Way? 17:27
Dang, have to retrieve kid. BRB.
psch m: multi postfix:<!>(1) { 1 }; multi postfix:<!>(Int $x where * > 1) { $x * ($x - 1) }; multi postfix:<!>($) { Nil }; say 5! 17:28
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«20␤»
psch m: multi postfix:<!>(1) { 1 }; multi postfix:<!>(Int $x where * > 1) { $x * ($x - 1) }; multi postfix:<!>($) { Nil }; say 2!
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«2␤»
17:29 mohae_ joined
psch m: multi postfix:<!>(1) { 1 }; multi postfix:<!>(Int $x where * > 1) { $x * ($x - 1) }; multi postfix:<!>($) { Nil }; ($_! // 'Nada').say for 5...0 # to be more faithful i suppose 17:29
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«20␤12␤6␤2␤1␤Nada␤»
17:30 fhorck left 17:31 mohae left
BrokenRobot docs for custom operators you say? perl6.party/post/Anguish--Invisible...Data-Theft 17:36
17:37 kyclark left 17:39 kyclark joined
BrokenRobot psch: factorial of 0 is 1, isn't it? 17:40
17:40 _mg_ joined
psch BrokenRobot: i don't think kyclark was looking for factorial 17:40
BrokenRobot: unless i missed something 17:41
BrokenRobot Oh, never mind then.
kyclark I was doing factorial, yes.
psch pastie.org/10893185 no ! after the ($x - 1) :)
BrokenRobot m: sub postfix:<!>{ [*] 1..$^a }; ($_! // "Nada").say for 5...-1
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«120␤24␤6␤2␤1␤1␤1␤»
psch yeah, if it had been factorial that'd been my solution
although not with placeholder but with Int >= 0 17:42
in a formal Signature
BrokenRobot m: multi postfix<!> ($ where < 0) { Nil }; multi postfix:<!>{ [*] 1..$^a }; ($_! // "Nada").say for 5...-1
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Missing block␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3multi postfix7⏏5<!> ($ where < 0) { Nil }; multi postfix␤ expecting any of:␤ new name to be defined␤»
BrokenRobot blarg
The [*] Empty being 1 is messing up the elegance lol 17:43
psch www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=0!
it doesn't? :P
that we don't have a shorthand for 0^..^* is what's messing up the elegance imo 17:44
BrokenRobot Heh, well that yeah, but messes up for negatives
17:45 yqt left
BrokenRobot wait a second... 17:45
17:48 setty1 joined
BrokenRobot m: sub postfix:<!> { ({[*] 1..$++} ... *)[$^a] // Nil }; ($_! // "Nada").say for 5...-1 17:50
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«120␤24␤6␤2␤1␤1␤Nada␤»
17:51 kurahaupo left
BrokenRobot m: sub postfix:<!> {({[*] 1..$++}...*)[$^a]}; ($_! // "Nada").say for 5...-1 17:51
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«120␤24␤6␤2␤1␤1␤Nada␤»
17:51 kurahaupo joined, kurahaupo left, zakharyas left
BrokenRobot .u ellipses 17:52
yoleaux No characters found
17:52 kurahaupo joined
BrokenRobot .u ellipsis 17:52
yoleaux U+0EAF LAO ELLIPSIS [Lo] (ຯ)
BrokenRobot m: sub postfix:<!> {({[*] 1..$++}…*)[$^a]}; ($_! // "Nada").say for 5…-1
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«120␤24␤6␤2␤1␤1␤Nada␤»
psch i don't know if i would advocate for a factorial implementation that's O(n²) :P
BrokenRobot huggable: factorial :is: m: sub postfix:<!> {({[*] 1..$++}…*)[$^a]}; ($_! // "Nada").say for 5…-1
huggable BrokenRobot, Added factorial as m: sub postfix:<!> {({[*] 1..$++}…*)[$^a]}; ($_! // "Nada").say for 5…-1
BrokenRobot psch: the answer is always MOAR COARS :D 17:53
psch but that's not even parallelizable /o\
psch ponders a hardware implementation of moarvm
BrokenRobot Oh right, I meant the answer is FASTAR COARS :D 17:54
17:56 _mg_ left, labster joined
kyclark OK, so not to sound too Haskelly, but if Nil is basically Nothing, is there a Just (x)? 17:57
BrokenRobot What's (x)?
kyclark I guess there's Int (x) 17:58
psch that's this weird monad stuff, isn't it?
kyclark So a sum type (is that right?) where MyType = Nil | Int x
17:58 FROGGS joined
psch m: subset MaybeInt where Int|Nil; # i guess? 17:59
camelia ( no output )
kyclark Maybe I need to think about this on my own some more.
BrokenRobot kyclark: what is this for? An Int can be undefined
psch i'm really not good at haskell
also, assigning Nil into a container probably doesn't do quite do what you think
BrokenRobot m: my $x; say $x:defined ?? "Nope" !! "Nap";
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Variable '$x:defined' is not declared. Did you mean any of these?␤ &defined␤ &undefine␤␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3my $x; say 7⏏5$x:defined ?? "Nope" !! "Nap";␤»
BrokenRobot *sigh*
m: my $x; say $x.defined ?? "Yup" !! "Nap";
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Nap␤»
BrokenRobot m: my $x = 5; $x = Nil; say $x; my $y; say $y; 18:00
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(Any)␤(Any)␤»
psch m: my $x is default(pi); $x = 10; $x.say; $x = Nil; $x.say
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«10␤3.14159265358979␤»
kyclark pastie.org/10893219 I'm not sure where I'm going with this. Thinking about pattern matching, I guess. 18:04
gfldex kyclark: if you want to indicate failure use Failure see: docs.perl6.org/type/Failure
psch fwiw, Nil only really comes up in failed matches if you're not returning it yourself
or, well, IO too i suppose 18:05
gfldex kyclark: you may want to have a look at rosettacode.org/wiki/Sorting_algori...ort#Perl_6 18:07
m: say [].defined; 18:08
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«True␤»
dalek c: b655f6f | coke++ | .gitignore:
ignore generated dir
gfldex matching on undefined values may not get you what you think it would
dalek c/coke/pod6: 0890707 | coke++ | / (574 files):
Rename .pod files to .pod6
18:15 rindolf joined
pmichaud afk # meeting 18:15
kyclark I'm flailing here, but I'm curious to do something like: my %count; <a b b c>.map: $count{*}++ (e.g., count how many times each item in a list occurs) 18:18
BrokenRobot kyclark: use a set
psch m: my %count = <a b b c>.Bag; say %count.perl
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«{:a(1), :b(2), :c(1)}␤»
BrokenRobot or bag
yup :) 18:19
psch set always has 1 as value
or True, actually i think?
BrokenRobot Yeah, I realized the second I said it :)
m: my %c = set <a b c c>; say %c
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«{a => True, b => True, c => True}␤»
18:19 diakopter left
ilmari m: <a b b c>.Set.perl.say 18:20
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«set("a","c","b")␤»
BrokenRobot huggable: Bag
huggable BrokenRobot, Immutable collection of distinct objects with integer weights: docs.perl6.org/type/Bag
BrokenRobot huggable: BagHash
huggable BrokenRobot, Mutable collection of distinct objects with integer weights: docs.perl6.org/type/BagHash
kyclark m: bag 'ksjdferuiqfdkasdoij'.comb.grep(/<[aeiou]>/) 18:21
camelia ( no output )
kyclark m: say bag 'ksjdferuiqfdkasdoij'.comb.grep(/<[aeiou]>/)
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«bag(a, i(2), e, u, o)␤»
kyclark So cool, but:
m: say 'ksjdferuiqfdkasdoij'.comb.grep(/<[aeiou]>/).bag
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Method 'bag' not found for invocant of class 'Seq'␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
BrokenRobot m: "foobarber".comb.Bag.hash.say
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«{a => 1, b => 2, e => 1, f => 1, o => 2, r => 2}␤»
BrokenRobot m: say 'ksjdferuiqfdkasdoij'.comb.grep(/<[aeiou]>/).list.bag
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Method 'bag' not found for invocant of class 'List'␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
kyclark That's exactly what I wanted
BrokenRobot orly
Oh, capital Bag 18:22
m: say 'ksjdferuiqfdkasdoij'.comb.grep(/<[aeiou]>/).Bag
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«bag(a, i(2), e, u, o)␤»
kyclark How can I know when to use Capital or not?
Oddly, ".hash" and ".Hash" both work.
18:22 mcmillhj joined
psch if it's a method named after a type it's probably capitalized 18:22
BrokenRobot kyclark: it's pretty much always capital. I think the're just a few cases where lowercase variants are available
And I think capitals always will work
kyclark Good to know. Also, ".list" and ".List" are both good 18:23
BrokenRobot .list and .hash are the only two I know OTTOMH
perlpilot I think .item .hash and .list are the only lower-case variants.
(but I guess there's no Item type so ... what BrokenRobot said :) 18:24
hobbs m: multi foo (Any:U) { say "undefined." }; multi foo (Any:D) { say "defined." }; foo(Any()); my Int $x; foo($x); $x = 42; foo($x)
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«undefined.␤undefined.␤defined.␤»
hobbs kyclark: maybe that enlightens you a little on your pattern matching question?
BrokenRobot hobbs++ 18:25
kyclark Wow, gonna take me a bit to soak that in.
So it's like "Type:Adjective"?
What other ways can that be used? MOAR EXAMPLES. 18:26
BrokenRobot kyclark: :D :U and :_ (which means either of the first two)
They're called Smileys or something
perlpilot m: sub foo(Int:X) { }
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Invalid type smiley 'X' used in type name␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3sub foo(Int:X7⏏5) { }␤»
hobbs right, Int contains the potential to be defined or undefined, but Int:D and Int:U restrict to one or the other 18:27
:D gets more mileage, as you might expect
perlpilot Though, given the limited number of type smileys, you'd think this would be one of those instances where it could given you some suggestions
BrokenRobot That's why it's so happy :) 18:28
m: class Foo:version<> {}
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5===␤Cannot use adverb version on a type name (only 'ver' and 'auth' are understood)␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3class Foo:version<>7⏏5 {}␤ expecting any of:␤ generic role␤Other potential difficulties:␤ Pair with <> r…»
BrokenRobot ^ as in here
18:34 acrussell joined 18:37 daxim left
BrokenRobot just got a raise 18:39
kyclark Does Perl6 have __DATA__?
BrokenRobot kyclark: don't think so, though I don't know much Perl 6 18:40
kyclark Well, I guess I could try it first.
BrokenRobot kyclark: oh, I think you could make it with Pod tho
kyclark Sounds legit.
BrokenRobot 'cause all the pod is now a proper object and stuff
DrForr_ =finish might be something to look for.
kyclark OK, so this is just sick: $file.IO.lines ==> grep * !~~ /^\>/ ==> my @lines;
perlpilot kyclark: it's =begin data now (it that's implemented)
18:40 daxim joined
kyclark THAT WORKS! 18:40
BrokenRobot sweet 18:41
kyclark So the next step is I want to "comb" the lines and shove them into a Bag
perlpilot kyclark: also, here-docs can be as useful as data section
DrForr_ Oh, yeah, =finish is the __END__ equivalent.
kyclark Something like: $file.IO.lines ==> grep * !~~ /^\>/ ==> map: .comb ==> my Bag %count;
BrokenRobot do it :D
I need to learn the feeds :/ Damian was showing them yesteday and they looked totally mind blowing. 18:42
kyclark It says "Confused"
moritz feeds are mostly not really implemented
BrokenRobot moritz: that's too bad 18:43
DrForr_ ==> and <== were working somewhat in the demos he was doing at YAPC.
BrokenRobot I hope when they *are* implemented, there'll be a nice Unicode char for them :) ==> is too many chars 18:44
DrForr_ There are plenty of arrows around :)
BrokenRobot There are plenty of stars too, but we still don't have non-Texas WhateverStar :) 18:45
moritz iirc feeds are supposed to be a potentially concurrent feature
BrokenRobot Yeah
18:45 pmurias joined
BrokenRobot m: sub term:<★> { * }; say ^10 .grep: ★ %% 2 18:47
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Cannot resolve caller Real(Whatever: ); none of these signatures match:␤ (Mu:U \v: *%_)␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
BrokenRobot Well, that was too much to hope for, eh
moritz somehow I've never internalized HyperWhatever and/or found a good use case for it 18:49
18:49 brrt joined
perlpilot moritz: you and me both 18:50
BrokenRobot me too
kyclark Can you merge Bags?
Combine them? 18:51
timotimo sure
with (+) should work
BrokenRobot m: my $bag1 = <a b c>.Bag; my $bag2 = <z y x>.Bag; say $bag1 (+) $bag2
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«bag(a, c, b, x, y, z)␤»
moritz would have expected .push, much like Hash.push
BrokenRobot m: my $bag1 = <a b c>.Bag; my $bag2 = <z y x>.Bag; say $bag1 ⊎ $bag2
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«bag(a, c, b, x, y, z)␤»
moritz oh wait, is Bag a value type? 18:52
BrokenRobot m: my $bag1 = <a b c>.Bag; my $bag2 = <z y x>.Bag; say $bag1.puhs: $bag2
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Method 'puhs' not found for invocant of class 'Bag'␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
BrokenRobot m: my $bag1 = <a b c>.Bag; my $bag2 = <z y x>.Bag; say $bag1.push: $bag2
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Cannot resolve caller push(Bag: Bag); none of these signatures match:␤ (Any:U \SELF: |values is raw)␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
moritz m: my $bag1 = <a b c>.Bag; my $bag2 = <z a b>; say $bag1 (+) $bag2
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«bag(a(2), c, b(2), z)␤»
perlpilot Bags are immutable
moritz ok
TimToady BagHash is mutable
moritz then the operator is more sensible
BrokenRobot m: my $bag1 = <a b c>.BagHash; my $bag2 = <z y x>.BagHash; say $bag1.push: $bag2 18:53
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Cannot resolve caller push(BagHash: BagHash); none of these signatures match:␤ (Any:U \SELF: |values is raw)␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
TimToady m: my $bag1 = <a b c>.BagHash; $bag1<b>++; say $bag1
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«BagHash.new(a, c, b(2))␤»
18:54 BrassLantern left
BrokenRobot m: my $bag1 = <a b c>.BagHash; $bag1<b c>++; say $bag1 18:56
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Cannot resolve caller postfix:<++>(List); none of these signatures match:␤ (Mu:D $a is rw)␤ (Mu:U $a is rw)␤ (Int:D $a is rw)␤ (int $a is rw)␤ (Bool:U $a is rw)␤ (Bool:D $a is rw)␤ (Num:D $a is rw)␤ (Num:U $a is rw)…»
BrokenRobot tsk trsk 18:57
perlpilot you needed more >>
BrokenRobot Needs moar DWIMM
m: my $bag1 = <a b c>.BagHash; $bag1<b c>>>.&postfix:<++>; say $bag1
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«BagHash.new(a, c(2), b(2))␤»
moritz m: my $bag1 = <a b c>.BagHash; $bag1<b c>>>++; say $bag1 18:58
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«BagHash.new(a, c(2), b(2))␤»
BrokenRobot :o
perlpilot Welcome to Perl 6 ;) 18:59
BrokenRobot :)
perlpilot you can put some . in there if it makes you feel better ...
m: my $bag1 = <a b c>.BagHash; $bag1<b c>.>>++; say $bag1
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«BagHash.new(a, c(2), b(2))␤»
perlpilot m: my $bag1 = <a b c>.BagHash; $bag1<b c>.>>.++; say $bag1
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«BagHash.new(a, c(2), b(2))␤»
moritz or use the non-texas version of >>
moritz is currently keyboard-challenged (no compose key configured) 19:00
BrokenRobot m: my $bag1 = <a b c>.BagHash; $bag1<b c>»++; say $bag1
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«BagHash.new(a, c(2), b(2))␤»
kyclark My particular exercise is for genomics students to count the GC content of a DNA file. It's easy so far to go line-by-line in a file and get a Bag for each: 19:01
moritz I should patch irssi to accept vim digraphs in the input box
perlpilot moritz: If you've got vim, you don't need a compose key :)
kyclark m: say 'CACCAATTATGGTGTATGA'.comb.Bag
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«bag(C(3), G(4), T(6), A(6))␤»
BrokenRobot :)
kyclark But now I want to add that to a counter. Maybe just a regular hash?
BrokenRobot kyclark: see examples just above :) 19:02
m: my $dna = say 'CACCAATTATGGTGTATGA'.comb.Bag; $dna<T> += 2; say $dna
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«bag(C(3), G(4), T(6), A(6))␤Type Bool does not support associative indexing.␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤Actually thrown at:␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
BrokenRobot m: my $dna = 'CACCAATTATGGTGTATGA'.comb.BagHash; $dna<T> += 2; say $dna
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«BagHash.new(C(3), G(4), T(8), A(6))␤»
19:02 jjido joined
moritz I'm somwhat disappointed that those examples don't involve 'GATTACA' 19:03
perlpilot heh
BrokenRobot that's such a good movie ♥
Wait.. is that why it's called Gattaca?
perlpilot ding!
BrokenRobot hah :D 19:04
moritz I'm pretty sure it's no coincidence that it's spelled by those four letters :-)
mst cackles
BrokenRobot: took me years to get it too
BrokenRobot :)
hoelzro jjj 19:06
geekosaur tends to notice that anymore
kyclark This is the best I can manage so far: pastie.org/10893253
Sorry, just repasted with example data. In a FASTA format, the sequence headers are noted with ">" at the beginning of a line 19:07
geekosaur it helps that half the cancer-genome organizations make sure their initials are in that set, so I see them every other day or so while perusing the medical news on sciencedaily...
kyclark Earlier I'd mentioned that this works: $file.IO.lines ==> grep * !~~ /^\>/ ==> my @lines;
I feel like I ought to manage a purely functional one-liner that would screen out headers, ".comb" the lines, and create a Bag 19:08
perlpilot kyclark: Maybe you could write a FASTA parser module for others to use :)
kyclark I'd started on that road, but the BioPerl folks already made a P6 parser
It's very niiice. 19:09
BrokenRobot kyclark: my take on it: gist.github.com/zoffixznet/118ee58...87ffc328ab 19:13
kyclark Yep, that's it. 19:14
BrokenRobot I guess second grep can just be .grep('G'|'C')
kyclark That new regex is confusing to me.
moritz you could also do something fancy like:
BrokenRobot kyclark: {!/^\>/} is a code block that's basically { $_ !~~ /^\>/ } 19:15
kyclark When the feeders completely work, that will be amazing.
moritz my $bag = [(+)] $file.IO.lines.grep(none(/^'>'/)).map(*.comb.Bag);
BrokenRobot With the snorgasbord of methods, I still SAGN for negative grep 19:16
.ngrep: /foo/ <=> .grep: { !/foo/ }
Or may be not :)
moritz m: my $bag = bag(<a b c d a b a c a d a b>); say $b<a b>:p 19:17
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Variable '$b' is not declared␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3g = bag(<a b c d a b a c a d a b>); say 7⏏5$b<a b>:p␤»
moritz m: my $bag = bag(<a b c d a b a c a d a b>); say $bag<a b>:p
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(a => 5 b => 3)␤»
kyclark moritz nailed it too. Now I need to read up on "none"
moritz kyclark: hint: it's a Junction 19:18
BrokenRobot huggable: Junction
huggable BrokenRobot, Logical superposition of values: docs.perl6.org/type/Junction
BrokenRobot I also have slides: tpm2016.zoffix.com/#/30 (press Right key for two more) 19:19
kyclark $file.IO.lines.grep({!/^\>/})>>.comb.flat.Bag works too 19:21
BrokenRobot $file.IO.lines.grep({!/^\>/}).joib.comb.Bag 19:22
kyclark $file.IO.lines.grep({!/^\>/}).map(*.comb).flat.Bag
BrokenRobot kyclark: » is autothreaded tho :)
kyclark Mmmm, parallelization 19:23
BrokenRobot kyclark: yeah.. NIY but will be
kyclark Map is not, won't be?
BrokenRobot won't be
awwaiid .race.map is though :)
BrokenRobot No point
and ».&({ codes })
kyclark Feeders will be, too, right?
BrokenRobot Right
19:23 Actualeyes left
BrokenRobot And Junctions too 19:24
awwaiid you can use .race now, btw
BrokenRobot FSVO use :)
awwaiid well. last I knew
BrokenRobot Tho jnthn++ will be fixing it soon, IIRC
awwaiid ah. I think I got it to work in some cases
kyclark What is "race"? Docs?
BrokenRobot kyclark: search for "race"
kyclark: "hyper" is related to it 19:25
awwaiid docs.perl6.org/routine/race -- @list.race returns a fancy thing that runs in parallel
BrokenRobot I also have slides :) tpm2016.zoffix.com/#/26
awwaiid jnthn.net/papers/2015-yapcasia-concurrency.pdf
ya 19:26
BrokenRobot: oh are you Zoffix now?
BrokenRobot m: sleep 1 for ^4 .race: :batch; say now - INIT now;
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«1.00596108␤»
awwaiid I guess I should just assume everyone is Zoffix going forward
BrokenRobot kyclark: ^ four 1-second sleeps run in just 1 second
DrForr_ WE ARE ALL ZOFFIX. 19:27
kyclark Uh, OK. I need to read.
awwaiid because you're supposed to be sleep()/$work? 19:28
BrokenRobot :D
awwaiid heh
geekosaur of course now you need a new identity... 19:29
DrForr_ n/ick AlanSmithee
BrokenRobot Haha :)
moritz nah, his wife thinks he is having an affair, and his affair thinks he is with his wife, and he wants to to keep up the illusion to both :-)
19:30 Bodger1234 left 19:31 wamba left
mst long standing traditional approach for mathematicians 19:32
dogbert17 o/ #perl6
DrForr_ Assume a spherical mistress.
mst I don't tend to do it that way, it would deprive the two women of the option to go on a date with each other instead and plot against me
BrokenRobot AlanSmithee? For movies too
Oh the wife thing
dogbert17 how many people have installed CSS::Sass? It doesn't work for me :( 19:33
BrokenRobot dogbert17: \o
Oh :(
dogbert17: what's the error?
dogbert17: you *are* talking about the Perl 5 module, right?
19:33 zakharyas joined
dogbert17 BrokenRobot: Error: Can't load '/root/.cpanm/work/1467139323.24978/CSS-Sass-3.3.4/blib/arch/auto/CSS/Sass/Sass.so' for module CSS::Sass: /root/.cpanm/work/1467139323.24978/CSS-Sass-3.3.4/blib/arch/auto/CSS/Sass/Sass.so: undefined symbol: _ZTVN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE at /usr/lib/perl/5.18/DynaLoader.pm line 184. 19:33
tried to install with cpanm 19:34
BrokenRobot dogbert17: why is it in /root though :/ Did you install Mojolicious the same way?
dogbert17 BrokenRobot: yes 19:35
19:35 addison joined
dogbert17 became desperate :) 19:35
BrokenRobot 1 sec
dogbert17: let's move to #perl, 'cause I've no idea why that error exists :) 19:36
dogbert17 ok
19:39 vendethiel joined, huggable left 19:40 huggable joined, khw joined, hankache joined 19:41 darutoko left
moritz seems to be related to using the wrong linker (gcc instead of g++ or something like that) 19:41
hankache hello #perl6 19:42
moritz \o hankache
hankache hiya moritz
moritz: I am trying the vps from OVH 19:43
just did rakudobrew build moar on a fresh ubuntu server and got the following error when lauching the REPL: 19:44
Couldn't load Rakudo REPL.pm: MVMContext representation does not support elems
any ideas what this is? 19:45
hoelzro hankache: it's a recent breakage 19:46
due to 5a4963f
it has something to do with pseudo stashes and a change to iterators, afaict 19:47
dalek c: 4cca4f5 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | / (2 files):
Make SASS processor optional to avoid extra deps
hankache hoelzro ah no worries then. I feared it has something to do with the config 19:48
BrokenRobot dogbert17: try that ^ 19:49
dogbert17 BrokenRobot: you're fast :)
BrokenRobot That's what she... oh wait
moritz hankache: try to build the last release 19:50
BrokenRobot dogbert17: does it work? I need to relocate; just want to make sure you're set before I depart :)
hankache moritz will do
d^_^b is it possible to use promises and run/shell? where each run/shell will create a promise and be done independently 19:51
BrokenRobot d^_^b: I think that's what Proc::Async is for
d^_^b: docs.perl6.org/type/Proc::Async
dogbert17 BrokenRobot: perhaps I have messed up my system ... but the following shows up
Mojolicious version 6.66 required--this is only version 6.58 at app.pl line 4.
19:51 kyclark left
BrokenRobot dogbert17: 1 sec 19:51
dalek c: f5eebe0 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | app.pl:
Reduce Mojolicious prereq
BrokenRobot dogbert17: try that
cpanm -vn Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack
d^_^b BrokenRobot: good call 19:53
BrokenRobot d^_^b: this is my script that restarts huggable. You'd just make many of them: gist.github.com/zoffixznet/01c5201...84524ddd3c
for all your commands 19:54
dogbert17 BrokenRobot: it starts :)
BrokenRobot great
That'll be $150 in support fees plus tax :)
dogbert17 BrokenRobot++
BrokenRobot &
dogbert17 BrokenRobet: what do you think about gist.github.com/dogbert17/ad42869f...022b40d57c 19:55
19:56 jjido_ joined
BrokenRobot dogbert17: no idea about that topic :) 19:56
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dogbert17 BrokenRobot: maybe I should ask sexy-coder-girl instead :) 19:57
BrokenRobot She doesn't know either :)
dogbert17 moritz might know if he's around 19:58
btw, have any books ever been released about Mojolicious? 19:59
moritz dogbert17: I don't think app_lifetime => False means that the process exit waits for the stread
hum 20:00
but that's what it says in the docs for new()
dogbert17 moritz: that's worrying since I more or less stole that text from the Thread.new method
everyone is so fast on the keyboard :)
moritz m: Tread.new(code => { sleep 42 }).run()
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Undeclared name:␤ Tread used at line 1. Did you mean 'Thread'?␤␤»
moritz m: Thread.new(code => { sleep 42 }).run()
jnthn app_lifetime => False should mean the VM doesn't exit until it has joined the thread.
20:01 acrussell left
jnthn Note that all thread pool threads are app_lifetime => True 20:01
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
moritz m: Thread.new(code => { sleep 42 }, :app_lifetime).run()
camelia ( no output )
moritz jnthn: oh, that explains a lot
dogbert17: ok, then the docs are fine
dogbert17 jnthn: default when creating a Thread seems to be False
moritz right 20:02
it's just that the thread pool always passes :app_lifetime
jnthn dogbert17: Yes, matches my recollection of how I did it
dogbert17 moritz and jnthn: thx for the wisdom 20:03
I'll commit then
jnthn The thread pool is a higher level construct used to schedule stuff, and generally something should always be waiting on that stuff (if it cares) to either get its result or at the very least process its errors.
dogbert17 agreed 20:04
d^_^b BrokenRobot: cant look mobile. got it working will check it out later. thanks 20:06
dogbert17 while I have your attention, there are two thread methods that seem to do the same thing, i.e. finish and join. Any reason why?
20:06 jjido_ left, jjido joined
jnthn dogbert17: Probably because I called it .join because that's what the thing is called everywhere else, and somebody was like "omg I'm SO confused with joining an array!!1!" and so we ended up with finish also. 20:07
In hindsight I should be less diplomatic about API design sometimes. :P 20:08
20:08 dvinciguerra_ left
jnthn Or less democratic, at least :) 20:09
dalek c: cd72a4c | (Jan-Olof Hendig)++ | doc/Type/Thread.pod:
Added docs for Thread.app_lifetime. moritz++ jnthn++ zoffix++
dogbert17 jnthn: interesting, maybe I should doc join as well then 20:10
jnthn dogbert17: Yeah, you can. Though `join` is what anyone used to programming with low-level threads will already expect, tbh.
dogbert17 jnthn: the more docs the merrier :) 20:11
jnthn Oh, I'm not saying don't doc it, just that in my mind its existence is more justified than .finish :)
(We'll keep both for the long haul, I've no doubt.) 20:12
dogbert17 jnthn: I'll add it later tonight :)
jnthn dogbert17++ 20:15
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Xliff m: my $a = 1; say qq<a = $a>; 20:43
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«a = 1␤»
kyclark Is there any better way to do this (sort a list by the lengths of the members)?
m: say <the a doggie cat an>.sort({$^a.chars <=> $^b.chars})
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(a an the cat doggie)␤»
hoelzro kyclark: you can do @a.sort(*.chars)
kyclark Yes, OK -- but why? :-) 20:44
hoelzro if you give sort a unary function, it applies the function to the elements and uses the results for comparisons
kyclark "sort" needs a sub, so exactly how is "*.chars" used?
hoelzro *.chars is a sub 20:45
perlpilot *.chars is a unary sub
hoelzro Whatever (*) is amazing
kyclark so it automatically applies that to $^a and $^b?
perlpilot hoelzro: until it's confusing ;)
kyclark: something like that. (There's no $^a and $^b, just a single $_)
hoelzro *.chars is sort for -> $a { $a.chars } 20:46
perlpilot sort(*.chars) is ... what hoelzro said
20:47 itaipu left 20:48 colomon left, itaipu joined 20:49 zakharyas left
kyclark Is there a built-in or de facto Pod::Usage-type thingie? 20:49
perlpilot There's not one for Pod that I know of, but rakudo can make a usage from the signature(s) of your MAIN 20:50
20:52 brrt left
kyclark "If &by accepts only one argument, the list elements are sorted according to by($a) cmp by($b) . The return values of &by are cached, so that &by is only called once per list element." 20:52
Got it!
perlpilot kyclark: Are you familiar with the Schwartzian Transform? 20:53
kyclark Yes.
perlpilot kyclark: another way to think of it is that it automatically does that for you
kyclark Yes, that's great. Thanks.
As for the MAIN, how could I describe that I want at least two arguments? 20:54
That is, in the generated usage statement?
E.g., for a sorting program.
20:54 jjido left
kyclark sub MAIN (@args where @args.elems >= 2) { 20:55
FROGGS m: sub MAIN($foo, $bar) { }
yoleaux 06:22Z <Xliff> FROGGS: 08findnodes.t finished and all tests passing! Expect a PR, soon.
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Usage:␤ <tmp> <foo> <bar> ␤»
FROGGS m: sub MAIN($a, $b, *@more) { } 20:56
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Usage:␤ <tmp> <a> <b> [<more> ...] ␤»
FROGGS <tmp> is the program name here
20:56 jjido joined
kyclark Yes, sweet. 20:57
perlpilot m: sub MAIN( [$a, $b, *@_] ) { } # curious
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Usage:␤ <tmp> <Positional> ␤»
20:58 TEttinger joined
kyclark perlpilot, what is it you're describing in the signature? 20:59
FROGGS it unpacks to to the stuff in [ ] 21:00
kyclark How would you access what you described as *@_?
FROGGS m: sub MAIN(*@more [$foo, $bar, *@_]) { say @_ }; MAIN 1, 2, 3, 4
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«[3 4]␤Usage:␤ <tmp> [<more> ...] ␤»
FROGGS m: sub MAIN(*@more [$foo, $bar, *@_]) { say @_ }; MAIN 1 21:01
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Too few positionals passed; expected at least 2 arguments but got only 1 in sub-signature of parameter @more␤ in sub MAIN at <tmp> line 1␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
FROGGS the error message explains pretty well what [] is there
I love it :o)
kyclark Yes! That rocks.
21:02 _mg_ left
FROGGS gnight 21:03
21:03 FROGGS left
Xliff First time hes been here in days and I miss him by ----><----- 21:05
21:06 jjido left, rgrinberg joined, jjido joined
Xliff There is definitely an endless loop issue related to type checking in rakudo that might be exposed by NativeCall 21:07
However for the life of me I can't golf a concise use case. I just run into it when working on p6-XML-LibXML
If anyone is interested in seeing it, you can check out github.com/Xliff/p6-XML-LibXML.git and switch to the 08elements branch. Then "perl6 -Ilib t/06leements.t" 21:11
21:13 jjido left 21:14 kyclark left 21:15 jjido joined 21:16 kyclark joined, tlvb left, tlvb joined 21:17 kyclark left 21:18 kyclark joined
Zoffix moritz, I saw you on the road today: i.imgur.com/0x6Hv9l.jpg 21:20
perlpilot There's a "moritz" car dealership near here. I see cars with his name on them all the time. 21:21
21:22 tlvb left 21:23 tlvb joined, tlvb left
Xliff Brickyard Way, Zoffix? 21:24
21:24 mcmillhj left
Zoffix Yeah... it's a way... to um... the brickyard :P 21:25
Xliff It's on the street sign in your photo! :P 21:28
Xliff is now playing: Jonny L - Further
\m/...(>.<)…\m/ 21:29
Zoffix Never heard of 'im :)
And the "revolution will not be televised"... that I "got" last time was because Bernie Sanders supporters use it not because of some song or whatver it was :) 21:30
Though it's nice to hear a song with a real solo for a change youtu.be/lJuSZ6c1HYg?t=3m47s 21:31
Xliff LOL!
Zoffix They don't make them like they used to anymore :)
Xliff I was referring to the latter of course.
Zoffix :)
Xliff Nice to know Sanders supporters know enough about history to "lift" from it.
Zoffix :) 21:32
21:32 ptolemarch left
perlpilot Zoffix: is this where the picture was taken (roughly) ? www.google.com/maps/place/Brickyar...79.7802226 21:32
Xliff Zoffix: In case you wanna hear what I referenced earlier www.youtube.com/watch?v=utLprz9vJ9...eadRecords 21:33
perlpilot If so ... I'm having trouble finding that brickyard ;)
21:33 nic__ joined
nebg hello everyone... i'm using vim and gvim as editor for vim... i would like to know if there is some automcompletion feature or what do you use to write perl ? since i installed perl-support as plugin and it's ok but doesn't have autocompletion feature for methods in a package... and i tried perl omnicompletion... but it just doesn't work... can somebody help me or give me some suggestions about it ? 21:33
21:33 nic__ is now known as nicq20
Xliff ROFLMAP perlpilot. 21:33
Look at the street sign.
Zoffix perlpilot, yeah that's the place and no there's no brickyard. A school on one end and retirement home on the other
Xliff It's like...right in front of you when you open that photo.
Zoffix perlpilot, dammit! you exposed my lie! :D 21:34
Xliff \m/...(>.<)...\m/
Zoffix perlpilot, did you find that spot because you knew I lived in Brampton (or Canada) already or using just the pic alone?
perlpilot nebg: you probably want something like github.com/thoughtstream/Damian-Co...-Vim-Setup
Zoffix: pic alone and some educated guessing. 21:35
nicq20 nbeg: Personally, I use Atom. Has some good Perl6 modules for it.
oops. 21:36
perlpilot Zoffix: plus with google maps it took me like 30 seconds to find a vantage point where I could go "yep, that looks like the place"
Xliff perlpilot: Here... try this one. www.google.com/maps/@43.7008734,-7...312!8i6656
Zoffix :)
nicq20 nebg: Personally, I use Atom. Has some good Perl6 modules for it. atom.io
21:39 kid51 joined
perlpilot Zoffix: what made me even try was I accidentally clicked on the picture and it zoomed in and then I was musing over the mythical "enhance" function you always see in TV and movies and then I thought ... "how hard would it be to find this location using just google maps and what's in the image" 21:40
Plus there weren't an onerus number of "Brickyard Way"s in google maps :) 21:41
Xliff LOL!
perlpilot (of course, I checked the EXIF data first to see if would be that easy ;) 21:42
nebg: also, there's this talk from the recent perl conference: www.youtube.com/watch?v=9u6O0dLuqhI 21:45
nicq20: maybe you should look at that talk too :)
21:45 jjido left 21:46 jjido_ joined
perlpilot is totally scatter-brained right now .... must be time to go home 21:46
nebg why people on perl5 channel is so arrogant while here it is so nice ?
Xliff Ah EXIF. People tag their photos and assume that such data won't be used against them. :/
nebg just a joke obviously
perlpilot nebg: which part? 21:47
nebg the first one :) 21:48
but not too much a joke :)
21:48 firstdayonthejob joined
perlpilot nebg: well, it's more true than not, so it's hard to tell. 21:48
hobbs in that it's rude and not funny :)
nebg hobbs, perlpilot yeah it's true... so even you noticed that right ? 21:49
i was thinking i was the only one
kyclark Help me understand this:
grep 'c', <a b c d c>
m: say grep 'c', <a b c d c>
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(c c)␤»
kyclark m: say grep True, (True, False, False)
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ Smartmatch against True always matches; if you mean to test the topic for truthiness, use :so or *.so or ?* instead␤ at <tmp>:1␤ ------> 3say grep7⏏5 True, (True, False, False)␤Cannot use Bool as Matcher with…»
kyclark Actually, my REPL blows up
perlpilot nebg: you'll note that I (among others) are also on #perl. I'm not any different on this channel than on the other (at least I don't think I am. It's hard to self assess sometimes) 21:50
kyclark m: say grep {False}, (True, False)
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«()␤»
nebg perlpilot, i don't know that's my impression...
they don't take it easy... 21:51
perlpilot nebg: so you may just be noticing that there's a greater quantity of arrogant people or nice people. #perl has been around far longer and so has had far more time to collect many different people
nebg: maybe #perl6 just isn't "popular enough" to garner enough arrogant people. I don't know.
nebg perlpilot, yeah it my be :) XD
hobbs or maybe, making that kind of judgment after 2 minutes is an insanely bad idea. :) 21:52
perlpilot nebg: #perl6 does encourage niceness though. And I like to think that we're biasing the community that way a little bit. Only time will tell.
geekosaur perlpilot, if it were just number of people, #haskell wouldn't be one of the nicest channels on freenode
you don't just need people, you need a sense of community and a consensus on how that community should be encouraged to behave 21:53
perlpilot geekosaur: Larry founded the Perl 5 community too. I don't think he was "more arrogant" or something in the past to cause that community to be harsher than this one. 21:54
geekosaur: yes, I know it's not all his fault :)
21:54 jjido_ left, sufrostico joined
nebg perlpilot, yes... perl5 anytime i ask something... it's like risking a ban... always people flaming me... and telling me to read the doc... the fact is that i'm a noob and many times i just need a small advice and can't understand the doc... it seems they don't contemple noobs 21:55
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gfldex kyclark: see github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/nom/...ds.pm#L690 21:56
21:57 DarthGandalf joined, rindolf left
perlpilot geekosaur: I think there's a tendency for people with big brains to lean towards egoism and pedanticism and harshness and it takes real concerted effort to keep things from heading that direction. Maybe #perl6 has had more effort in that regard. (#haskell too) 21:58
21:58 lichtkind left
gfldex m: my &m = my method ::(Any:D){ dd %_ }; m(42, a=>1); 21:59
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«{:a(1)}␤»
perlpilot now I *know* it's time for me to go home. :-)
gfldex we don
we don't doc %_ :(
kyclark gfldex, so I can't grep for a Bool?
21:59 skids left
perlpilot Everybody: have an awesome rest of your day and week! 21:59
perlpilot *poof*
22:00 perlpilot left
gfldex kyclark: not on the buildin types 22:00
kyclark This doesn't work, either, but is it closer? 22:02
m: grep * == True, (True, False, False)
camelia ( no output )
gfldex m: sub s { dd @_ }; s(1,2,3);
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«[1, 2, 3]␤»
gfldex i don't think we doc that either
m: dd( grep * == True, (True, False, False) )
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(Bool::True,).Seq␤»
kyclark Here's what I'm trying. Given two strings, find the characters that are different. 22:03
22:03 RabidGravy left, firstdayonthejob left
kyclark m: my $a = "foo"; my $b = "bar"; my @pairs = $a.comb.list Zeq $b.comb.list; 22:03
camelia ( no output )
kyclark m: my $a = "foo"; my $b = "bar"; my @pairs = $a.comb.list Zeq $b.comb.list; say @pairs;
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«[False False False]␤»
kyclark Sorry... 22:04
m: my $a = "foo"; my $b = "boo"; my @pairs = $a.comb.list Zeq $b.comb.list; say @pairs;
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«[False True True]␤»
gfldex m: my $s1 = "hello world"; my $s2 = "hello camelia"; dd $s1.comb (-) $s2.comb;
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«set("r","w","d")␤»
kyclark In my case, I'm looking to teach students to find SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms), so knowing the position is important, not just the number of mismatches. 22:05
22:05 firstdayonthejob joined
gfldex so you are looking for substrings that differ? 22:05
Xliff "Read the docs" is not an polite answer for people who want to learn something, anymore
Especially if it is accompanied by fire. 22:06
Roamer` gfldex, no, kyclark is looking for the exact positions where the character in that position in the first string is not the same as the character in that position in the second one
gfldex, so "foo" and "boo" would report differences only in position 0
kyclark In my @pairs, I can see the positions that mismatch (False). First I'd like to count how many False's there are.
Xliff Many times the quality, quantity or both of the docs may make specific answers hard to find.
gfldex so you want the index (as in Integer) where they differ?
kyclark BTW, "Zeq" is wicked pissa. 22:07
Knowing the positions of the False values would be perfect.
It's common to show alignments of one sequence above another and symbols showing same/diff in between. 22:08
So first I might ask students to identify how many SNPs are found between two sequences. Then perhaps print seq1, symbols showing matches, and seq2. 22:09
Hence the idea for "grep False, @pairs
Roamer` m: my $a = "foo"; my $b = "boo"; my @pairs = $a.comb.list Zeq $b.comb.list; say @pairs; my @pairpairs = @pairs Z ^Inf; say @pairpairs.grep(*[0] == False).map(*[1]) 22:10
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«[False True True]␤(0)␤»
Roamer` oof, okay, sorry
m: my $a = "foo"; my $b = "boo"; my @pairs = $a.comb.list Zeq $b.comb.list; my @pairpairs = @pairs Z ^Inf; say @pairpairs.grep(*[0] == False).map(*[1])
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(0)␤»
Roamer` m: my $a = "foox"; my $b = "feon"; my @pairs = $a.comb.list Zeq $b.comb.list; my @pairpairs = @pairs Z ^Inf; say @pairpairs.grep(*[0] == False).map(*[1])
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(1 3)␤»
kyclark In Haskell, I do this: filter (==True) [True, False,True]
jnthn kyclark: I'm only half reading, but did yo use grep with :k ?
Roamer` kyclark, does this work for you?
kyclark jnthn, what is :k? 22:11
jnthn m: my $a = "foox"; my $b = "feon"; my @pairs = $a.comb Zeq $b.comb; say @pairs.grep(!*[0], :k)
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(1 3)␤»
22:11 rgrinberg left
jnthn kyclark: Short for "keys" 22:12
Xliff jnth++ # Faster than me again
jnthn m: my $a = "foox"; my $b = "feon"; my @pairs = $a.comb Zeq $b.comb; say @pairs.grep(!*[0], :kv)
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(1 False 3 False)␤»
jnthn m: my $a = "foox"; my $b = "feon"; my @pairs = $a.comb Zeq $b.comb; say @pairs.grep(!*[0], :kp)
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Unexpected adverb 'kp' passed to grep on @pairs␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤Actually thrown at:␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
jnthn m: my $a = "foox"; my $b = "feon"; my @pairs = $a.comb Zeq $b.comb; say @pairs.grep(!*[0], :p)
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(1 => False 3 => False)␤»
jnthn m: my $a = "foox"; my $b = "feon"; my @pairs = $a.comb Zeq $b.comb; say @pairs.grep(!*[0], :v)
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(False False)␤»
Xliff For arrays :k == index
jnthn :v is the default (give me the matched values)
And :k means give me the keys (indices) that matched 22:13
kv is a list of the two alternating, and p is pairs
Note that it's a pun on slice adverbs
gfldex m: my $s1 = "hello world"; my $s2 = "hello camelia"; my Str $target; for $s1.comb Z, $s2.comb -> [$l, $r] { $target ~= $l eq $r ?? $l !! $l.uc }; say $target
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«hello WORLD␤»
jnthn m: my @a = 1..10; my @b = 2, 5, 1; say @a[@b]:p
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(2 => 3 5 => 6 1 => 2)␤»
jnthn For example 22:14
Roamer` I guess it'll take me some *more* time to appreciate all the ways in which Perl 6 extends the idioms I'm so used to in Perl 5 :) 22:17
kyclark jnthn, that's quite interesting. I've been sitting here thinking. I can't figure out the first arg to grep !*[0]
gfldex m: my $s1 = "hello world"; my $s2 = "hello camelia"; my Str $target; for $s1.comb Z, $s2.comb -> [$l, $r] { $target ~= $l eq $r ?? " " !! $r }; say ($s1, $target, $s2).join("\n"), 22:18
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«hello world␤ camel␤hello camelia␤»
kyclark Roamer`, yours worked, but it's a hella lotta work. I can't imagine teaching that to beginner biologist hackers.
Roamer` kyclark, it's the "whatever" thing - anything that accepts a block of code with a single argument (grep, map, sometimes sort), also accepts an expression that has * (pronounced "whatever") where you would otherwise place the argument 22:19
gfldex grep !*[0], same as (nearly) grep({not $_[0]},
Roamer` kyclark, so grep(!*[0]) is equivalent to my grep(*[0] == False) is equivalent to grep { $_[0] == False }
kyclark But why treat the "thing" as an array? 22:20
Roamer` ah, now that's a good question :) 22:21
m: use v6.c; my $a = "foox"; my $b = "feon"; my @pairs = $a.comb Zeq $b.comb; say @pairs.grep(!*, :k)
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(1 3)␤»
Roamer` just !* also works :)
gfldex m: my $a = "foox"; my $b = "feon"; my @pairs = $a.comb Zeq $b.comb; say @pairs.grep({dd $_ }, :kv) 22:22
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Bool @pairs = Bool::True␤Bool @pairs = Bool::False␤Bool @pairs = Bool::True␤Bool @pairs = Bool::False␤()␤»
22:22 itaipu left
Roamer` so, yeah, the elements of the @pairs array are actually *not* pairs, they are booleans 22:23
aka ints
so why does grep(!*[0]) work?
kyclark Yes, I should have chosen a better name
m: my @pairs = (False, True, True); say @pairs.grep(!*) 22:24
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(False)␤»
kyclark m: my @pairs = (False, True, True); say grep !*, @pairs
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«(False)␤»
gfldex m: say True[0]
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«True␤»
22:24 itaipu joined
kyclark Oh, hmm, the 2nd one doesn't work for me at home 22:24
gfldex Bools are not Ints
kyclark m: True{False} 22:26
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Type Bool does not support associative indexing.␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤Actually thrown at:␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
gfldex it's an enum that is declared very early in the settings
kyclark That blows up my REPL, BTW
gfldex they implement the role Enumeration (that we don't got doced yet) 22:27
Roamer` yeah, well, I know that bools are enums, so enums are... what... something weird that has a pair aspect?
okay, that's interesting
...will it stay that way? :) or has it not been documented because it may actually change? :)
gfldex github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/nom/...eration.pm 22:29
i need to check roast
there are no spectests for the role, so I wont add them to the docs 22:30
22:30 Peter_R joined
Roamer` nice... so yesterday I was forcibly remined that a set is more like a hash than a list, today I learned that an enum is secretly a pair... it seems that this type system has turtl... err, types all the way down :) 22:31
(which is certainly not a bad thing)
gfldex, yeah, keeping it as an implementation detail makes sense
gfldex to come back to why [0] works on enums. Pretty much all types got Any in their inheritance chain and as such can be turned into a list.
actually there should be spec tests 22:32
if you want to type check if you got an enum you need to match against Enumeration 22:33
m: say True ~~ Enumeration, Bool ~~ Enumeration
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«FalseFalse␤»
gfldex that might actually be a bug
m: my enum E <:a(1) b>; say E ~~ Enumeration 22:34
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«False␤»
gfldex that's an introspection hole (in my eyes) 22:35
dalek c: 6b34606 | (Jan-Olof Hendig)++ | doc/Type/Thread.pod:
Added docs for Thread.join
kyclark So, this works: 22:37
m: my $a = "foo"; my $b = "boo"; my @match = $a.comb Zeq $b.comb; my @bad = grep * == False, @match; say @bad;
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«[False]␤»
kyclark How did I miss this before?
Roamer` kyclark, I thought you were also interested in the positions... 22:39
kyclark That, too
Roamer` that's why I didn't suggest it back then
(and also I wasn't looking in this window back when you asked camelia about grep True, I rejoined later)
gfldex m: my $s1 = "hello world"; my $s2 = "hello camelia"; my Str $target; for $s1.comb Z, $s2.comb -> [$l, $r] { $target ~= $l eq $r ?? " " !! $r }; say ($s1, $target, $s2).join("\n");
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«hello world␤ camel␤hello camelia␤»
gfldex i'm pretty sure that is what you want 22:40
Roamer` ah, that's nifty 22:41
22:41 nicq20 left
kyclark pastie.org/10893466 This basically does what I want. 22:43
Just repasted with sample in/output 22:44
22:44 jjido left, ZoffixLappy joined
ZoffixLappy waves from the Damian Conway's talk :} 22:45
gfldex you may want to replace `say` with `put`
kyclark What is the difference?
gfldex say will truncate long outputs 22:46
kyclark Now why would it do that? 22:47
22:47 jjido joined
gfldex say was cool before dd 22:47
ZoffixLappy <gfldex> Bools are not Ints
m: say True ~~ Int # they actually are an Int enum
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«True␤»
ZoffixLappy kyclark, say is output for humans to read stuff. For more exact tool use put. say calls "gist" method :) 22:49
m: class Foo { method gist { "just brief stuff" }; method Str { "details" } }; say, put given Foo.new
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Unsupported use of bare "say"; in Perl 6 please use .say if you meant $_, or use an explicit invocant or argument, or use &say to refer to the function as a noun␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3tuff" }; method Str …»
kyclark OK, I thought "say" was just "print" + NL
ZoffixLappy m: class Foo { method gist { "just brief stuff" }; method Str { "details" } }; .say, .put given Foo.new 22:50
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«just brief stuff␤details␤»
gfldex .say is nice if you don't want log/debug output fill up your harddisk/screen
ZoffixLappy kyclark, only in Perl 5 :)
Roamer` kyclark, just for the record, if you only need @bad for the count, you could do something weird like say @matches.grep(* == False).iterator.count-only
ZoffixLappy welll. and other langs that do that I guess :)
Roamer` m: my @matches = (True, True, False, True, False); say @matches.grep(!*).iterator.count-only;
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Method 'count-only' not found for invocant of class '<anon|158132656>'␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
ZoffixLappy docs.perl6.org/routine/say
Roamer` m: use v6.c; my @matches = (True, True, False, True, False); say @matches.grep(!*).iterator.count-only; 22:51
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«Method 'count-only' not found for invocant of class '<anon|158132656>'␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
Roamer` err, what? it works for me here in 2016.06...
22:51 addison left
ZoffixLappy Roamer`, there were changes with that recently :) 22:51
Roamer`, IIRC we're awaiting a change in MoarVM for that to work again 22:52
kyclark Roamer`, that is great to know. Thanks.
gfldex there was a bug that made .count-only go away, but may come back soon
kyclark Thanks for your patience and help! Laters. 22:55
22:55 kyclark left 22:56 kyclark joined, kyclark left, jack_rabbit joined
gfldex m: sub s { dd @_ }; dd &s.signature 22:56
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«:(*@_)␤»
gfldex m: sub s { dd @_, %_ }; dd &s.signature 22:57
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«:(*@_, *%_)␤»
gfldex now that's just cheating!
Roamer` :)
jnthn gfldex: It's actually been designed that way in S06 for donkeys years, iirc :) 22:59
Roamer` okay, I'm off for the night... thanks for the patience and the insights from me, too!
dalek c: 43ac722 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Language/typesystem.pod:
Improve :$attr shortcut docs
ZoffixLappy That's it. I've now made a commit to Perl 6 while at a Perl 6 talk :)
ZoffixLappy is hardcore ^_^
gfldex you are very commited to Perl 6 23:00
ZoffixLappy Well, I'm not playing with the full deck, but not yet committed :P
23:01 jjido left
ZoffixLappy That commit isn't perfect though. The shortcut works with hashes too. I'm unsure what's the best place to document that stuff. 23:01
m: my $foo = 'foo'; my %h = :$foo; 23:02
camelia ( no output )
ZoffixLappy m: my $foo = 'foo'; my %h = :$foo; say %h
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«{foo => foo}␤»
23:02 jjido joined 23:05 sortiz joined
ZoffixLappy damn. big crowd up in here :) 23:05
Yey Perl 6 \o/
sortiz \o #perl6 23:06
ZoffixLappy \o
23:06 itaipu left
dalek c: 5a75e16 | (Wenzel P. P. Peppmeyer)++ | doc/Language/functions.pod:
doc automatic signatures for @_ and %_
23:09 jjido left 23:10 firstdayonthejob left, girafe left, jjido joined 23:12 addison joined 23:13 cdg joined 23:21 labster left 23:22 skids joined
ZoffixLappy m: sub infix:<😸> { $^a ~ $^b }; say 'foo' 😸 'bar' 😸 'mer' 23:23
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«foobarmer␤»
ZoffixLappy Damian wanted this to be the concat op :)
timotimo is that some fancy unicode character? my terminal doesn't how it 23:27
23:28 mcsnolte left
ZoffixLappy .u 😸 23:28
ZoffixLappy Well, he just said "cat emoji" so I'm guessing there :P
timotimo oh! 23:29
fantastic 23:30
23:33 tbrowder left
ZoffixLappy m: my %h = :foo; sub bar (%h) { say %h; %h<foo> = 42; say %h }; bar %h; say %h 23:38
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«{foo => True}␤{foo => 42}␤{foo => 42}␤»
ZoffixLappy This is pretty LTA :(
"this" being ability to mutate the contents 23:39
23:39 huggable left 23:40 huggable joined, addison left
ZoffixLappy m: my @h = :foo; sub bar (@h) { say @h; @h[0] = 42; say @h }; bar @h; say @h 23:40
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«[foo => True]␤[42]␤[42]␤»
gfldex m: my %h = :foo; sub bar (%h is copy) { say %h; %h<foo> = 42; say %h }; bar %h; say %h
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«{foo => True}␤{foo => 42}␤{foo => True}␤»
gfldex m: my %h = :foo; sub bar (%h is readonly) { say %h; %h<foo> = 42; say %h }; bar %h; say %h 23:41
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«{foo => True}␤{foo => 42}␤{foo => 42}␤»
ZoffixLappy bisect: my @h = :foo; sub bar (@h) { say @h; @h[0] = 42; say @h }; bar @h; say @h 23:46
bisectable ZoffixLappy: on both starting points the exit code is 0 and the output is identical as well
sortiz Your are passing mutable containers by reference, no? 23:48
ZoffixLappy No idea... Damian just said params are immutable and I recalled they weren't in this way, so I was wondering if it were a bug 23:49
gfldex m: my %h = :foo; sub bar (%h is readonly) { say %h; %h = (); say %h }; bar %h; say %h
camelia rakudo-moar 5a4963: OUTPUT«{foo => True}␤{}␤{}␤»
gfldex what exactly is readonly in this example? 23:50
ZoffixLappy no idea
gfldex so either the trait should complain or the hash should become readonly
23:53 tbrowder joined
tbrowder please consider rakudo PR: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/805 23:54
sortiz 'is readonly' in a subroutine parameter is a NOP, 'cus is the default, so do not change the container semantic. 23:57