»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
IOninja Not really, due to nodality... 00:01
m: (^3, [1, 2, 3])».Numeric.say
camelia ((0 1 2) [1 2 3])
IOninja m: (^3, [1, 2, 3]).map(*.Numeric).say
camelia (3 3)
00:01 mcmillhj joined
IOninja huggable: eco 1-character 00:02
huggable IOninja, nothing found
IOninja look hrdr!
buggable: eco 1-character
buggable IOninja, M 'M, the 1-character Map: non-nodal, non-autothreading .map(*.some-method)': github.com/zoffixznet/perl6-M
IOninja Hmm 00:03
00:03 unicodable6 joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v unicodable6 00:06 mcmillhj left 00:07 KDr2_c left, mcmillhj joined
IOninja m: grammar { token TOP { <foo>+ }; token foo { <bar>**1 { make ~$/ } }; token bar { \d+ | <[a..z]>+ } }.parse: '1a2b33cc'; say $<foo>».made 00:07
camelia [1 a 2 b 33 cc]
IOninja m: grammar { token TOP { <foo>+ }; token foo { <bar>**1 { make ~$/ } }; token bar { \d+ | <[a..z]>+ } }.parse: '1a2b33cc'; say $<foo>.map: *.made
camelia (1 a 2 b 33 cc)
IOninja One's an Array other's not :/ 00:08
skids m: grammar { token TOP { <foo>+ }; token foo { <bar>**1 { make ~$/ } }; token bar { \d+ | <[a..z]>+ } }.parse: '1a2b33cc'; say dd $<foo> 00:09
camelia [Match.new(ast => "1", list => (), hash => Map.new((:bar([Match.new(ast => Any, list => (), hash => Map.new(()), to => 1, orig => "1a2b33cc", from => 0)]))), to => 1, orig => "1a2b33cc", from => 0), Match.new(ast => "a", list => (), hash => Map.new((:bar…
00:10 itaipu left 00:11 itaipu joined
IOninja m: grammar { token TOP { <foo>+ }; token foo { <bar>**1 }; token bar { \d+ | <[a..z]>+ { make ~$/ } } }.parse: '1a2b33cc'; sub foo { "[$^a]".say; }; $<foo>».&foo 00:11
camelia [1]
IOninja m: grammar { token TOP { <foo>+ }; token foo { <bar>**1 }; token bar { \d+ | <[a..z]>+ { make ~$/ } } }.parse: '1a2b33cc'; sub foo is nodal { "[$^a]".say; }; $<foo>».&foo
camelia [1]
IOninja `is nodal` on a sub don't do nothing?
00:11 Cabanossi left 00:12 raschipi joined, mcmillhj left 00:13 Cabanossi joined, rindolf left
TimToady skids: re $!braid, the class is not Cursor, but NQPCursor; see gist.github.com/TimToady/474bdc4ac...45bdcdf62c 00:15
00:15 cibs left 00:17 risou is now known as risou_awy
skids Hrm. I'll see if changing that line in .FOREIGN_LANGUAGE works when I get done breaking my local build. 00:17
00:17 cibs joined
IOninja m: use MONKEY; augment class Array { method foo is nodal { "[{self}]".say; } }; ([1, 3, 4], [1, 3])».foo 00:18
camelia No such method 'foo' for invocant of type 'Int'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
IOninja Guess it works in setting only...
and yeah, I was wrong ».made and map: *.made are the same
TimToady skids: but do see the gist; I had to pull NQPCursor out of the cursor's mro, since it's not visible 00:21
00:21 raschipi left
skids I think it might be in Grammar.nqp. 00:21
I will put that trick in my quiver though :-) 00:22
BenGoldberg .tell pukku You said you are interested in a DOM manipulator which doesn't change the order of attributes when you stringify it... first, look at github.com/zostay/perl6-ArrayHash; then, look at DOM::Tiny, specifically the source of DOM::Tiny::HTML. Note that there are precisely three places where Hash.new is used; if these were changed to ArrayHash, I'm 99% sure that you'd have a solution.
yoleaux BenGoldberg: I'll pass your message to pukku.
00:23 geekosaur left, bjz left, mcmillhj joined 00:24 geekosaur joined
TimToady skids: why it doesn't work, I dunno; I guess structural equivalence is not good enough between NQPCursor and Cursor, despite being derived from the same role; maybe jnthn++ has an opinion 00:25
jnthn: the original referent is irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2017-03-09#i_14230054 00:28
00:28 mcmillhj left 00:31 girafe left 00:37 bjz joined
BenGoldberg m: Int.^add_method( 'sink', method (Int:) { say "sunk" } ); Int.^compose; say 'pe'; say 'rl6'; 00:38
camelia pe
BenGoldberg wonders why the Int returned by the first say doesn't get it's .sink called on it. 00:39
00:39 mcmillhj joined
IOninja m: Bool.^add_method( 'sink', method () { say "sunk" } ); Bool.^compose; say 'pe'; say 'rl6'; 00:40
camelia pe
IOninja m: Int.^add_method( 'sink', method () { say "sunk" } ); Bool.^compose; say 'pe'; say 'rl6'; 00:41
camelia pe
BenGoldberg whu? 00:42
m: dd say ''
BenGoldberg Oh, it's returning Bool, *blushes*, /me wonders why'd he'd thought it was an Int. 00:43
00:45 Dunearhp left, lukaramu_ left, Dunearhp joined 00:47 mcmillhj left
IOninja BenGoldberg: Bool *is* an Int. But you didn't recompose the Bool after messing with Int 00:50
BenGoldberg Ahh.
BenGoldberg is thinking that adding a .sink to e.g. Int and/or Bool, and playing with callframe, would be an interesting way to produce lots of fun debugging info. 00:52
00:56 Cabanossi left 00:58 Cabanossi joined 01:06 zakharyas left, zakharyas joined 01:07 cdg joined
BenGoldberg m: class Foo { method ^parameterize(Mu:U \p, Mu \t) { say "in parameterize, t is {t}" } }; Foo[3].new; 01:09
camelia in parameterize, t is 3
01:09 TimToady left 01:10 cdg left, cdg joined, zakharyas left 01:11 TimToady joined 01:12 lichtkind left 01:13 risou_awy is now known as risou
BenGoldberg Aha! I've got an idea for a possible solution for the NativeCall callback memory leak problem. 01:13
Basically, add a method ^parameterize(Mu:U \p, Signature:D $s) to NativeCall::Types::Pointer, which mixes something into Pointer so that two-way marshalling of perl Callables and C function pointers can happen, *and* when it goes out of scope, that's the moment when stuff gets freed. 01:14
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Geth whateverable/master: 6 commits pushed by (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ 04:46
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naxieAlDle unidump: 🙌 04:58
unicodable6 naxieAlDle, gist.github.com/a1d5930e674129bf11...3bbeb2ae4a
04:58 cibs left
naxieAlDle feedback is welcome 04:59
samcv: ↑ ^_^ 05:00
05:00 cibs joined
TEttinger that's wonderful, naxieAlDle 05:04
I wonder if there's a way to generate all those gists beforehand and just link to existing ones (potentially for a site to refererence)
naxieAlDle interesting idea 05:05
TEttinger all zillion chars in unicode 9
naxieAlDle right now you can use more than one character
TEttinger ah ok
naxieAlDle unidump: ✓✗
unicodable6 naxieAlDle, gist.github.com/997468ea4d379ea446...82f819737a
naxieAlDle and also, the result is going to improve over time, I think. If I'm not mistaken, some properties are not showing up 05:06
TEttinger oh man, there are MORE???
naxieAlDle but yes, that could be a nice addition to docs 05:07
TEttinger: no, that's a full list! But some properties are empty
TEttinger I like that they're public, gist.github.com/Whateverable
sooo... somebody's testing ligatures. gist.github.com/Whateverable/1f6c6...f3f36aa20e 05:08
sjn would have loved it if 🙌 hd the alias "YAY!" :)
TEttinger what's the plan with ligatures?
naxieAlDle dunno, should work? 05:09
m: say "aaaastaaa" ~~ m:i/st/;
camelia 「s」
05:09 BenGoldberg left
naxieAlDle hm :) 05:10
buggable: UNI 05:12
buggable: tag UNI
buggable naxieAlDle, There are 30 tickets tagged with UNI; See perl6.fail/t/UNI for details
05:15 mcmillhj left 05:16 mcmillhj joined 05:23 mcmillhj left
naxieAlDle night o/ 05:24
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Todd Hi All, what works in rhel, does not in Fedora. 06:19
sub XDisplayName(Str:D $name) is native('X11') returns Str { * };
annot locate native library 'libX11.so': libX11.so
$ rpm -qa \*libX11\* libX11-1.6.4-1.fc25.i686 libX11-1.6.4-1.fc25.x86_64 libX11-common-1.6.4-1.fc25.noarch
what is going on? 06:20
samcv I have a libX11.so at /usr/lib
Todd $ ls -a /usr/lib64/libX11* /usr/lib64/libX11.so.6 /usr/lib64/libX11-xcb.so.1 /usr/lib64/libX11.so.6.3.0 /usr/lib64/libX11-xcb.so.1.0.0
ls -a /usr/lib/libX11* /usr/lib/libX11.so.6 /usr/lib/libX11-xcb.so.1 /usr/lib/libX11.so.6.3.0 /usr/lib/libX11-xcb.so.1.0.0 06:21
it got something in both usr and usr64
samcv Todd, that works for me on my arch computer 06:22
Todd # ln /usr/lib64/libX11.so.6 /usr/lib64/libX11.so
# ln /usr/lib/libX11.so.6 /usr/lib/libX11.so
fixzed the issue. Is this a bug in NativeCall? 06:23
06:23 Peter_WR left
samcv maybe, if it doesn't automatically pick a version it could be 06:23
not 100% sure
06:24 Peter_R joined
Todd Where to file such a bug? 06:24
samcv Todd, rt.perl.org/Search/Simple.html?q=nativecall any of these bugs yours?
06:24 mcmillhj joined
samcv if they are not, then send the bug report by email to [email@hidden.address] 06:24
Todd I have an account over there, I am just on the comptuer that has the log on info. I will eMail to [email@hidden.address] (or wait till tomorrow and do it on the other computer) 06:25
Thank yoU!
06:27 ufobat joined
samcv great thank you 06:27
ufobat good morning :)
06:29 mcmillhj left
samcv morning ufobat 06:29
Todd Can anyone fix the syntax for me on the following:
# char *XFetchBytes(Display *display, int *nbytes_return)
sub XFetchBytes(Str:D $display, int32 $length) is native('X11') returns Str { * };
Calling XFetchBytes(List) will never work with declared signature (Str:D $display, int32 $length --> Str)
samcv Todd, can you share some code and i can try it out 06:30
ufobat Todd, are you calling it like this XFetchBytes ("foo", 1)
Todd What is the best way to send it? eMail it to [email@hidden.address] ?? 06:31
ufobat gist.github.com/ maybe?
Todd I can probably shorten it to four lines and place it here
gist looks like I need to sign up for something 06:33
ufobat ah you probably need to have a github account, yeah
Todd #!/usr/bin/perl6
# char *XFetchBytes(Display *display, int *nbytes_return)
sub XFetchBytes(Str:D $display, int32 $length) is native('X11') returns Str { * };
06:34 mcmillhj joined
Todd my $Bytes; my $Length; $Bytes = XFetchBytes ( ":0.0", $Length ); 06:35
print "\$Length <$Length>\n\$Bytes <$Bytes>\n\n";
ufobat ufobat> Todd, are you calling it like this XFetchBytes ("foo", 1)
thats your mistake
Todd well five lines; looks a lot smaller without the comments. here is the reference I am using:
ufobat try this: my $Bytes; my $Length; $Bytes = XFetchBytes( ":0.0", $Length );
samcv Todd, try vpaste.net/
Todd tronche.com/gui/x/xlib/utilities/X...Bytes.html 06:36
06:36 xtreak left
ufobat there must be no space between sub-name and opening '(' 06:36
if there is a blank the (":0.0", $foo) will be a list passed to the subroutine 06:37
06:39 mcmillhj left, xtreak joined
samcv m: say (1,2,4) 06:40
camelia (1 2 4)
samcv m: say(1,2,4)
camelia 124
06:41 Cabanossi left 06:42 Cabanossi joined
Todd for some reason my browser popped me overt to something weird 06:45
06:45 mcmillhj joined
Todd vpaste.net/9rhJO 06:45
$Bytes = XFetchBytes( ":0.0", $Length ); 06:46
is giving
Cannot unbox a type object (Any) to int.
ufobat probably your $Length is undefined?
Todd my $Length; $Bytes = XFetchBytes( ":0.0", $Length ); 06:47
ufobat maybe try: my int32 $Length = 10;
Todd Segmentation fault (core dumped) 06:49
ufobat i am not sure whether 'my int32' is a bad idea in this example. i think usually 'Int' is the best?
Todd oops. What did I do?
ufobat Todd, well yeah, at least youre in the C world now ;)
Todd C gives me a head ache
ufobat i cant help you any further, sorry 06:50
Todd Int for int32 also seg faults
06:50 mcmillhj left
Todd thank your for hte help anyway. Much apreciated 06:50
06:51 RabidGravy joined
Todd In the C world "int *nbytes_return" means a pointer to address on an "int", which is a form of Integer, probably 32 bit. 06:52
Is me passing "$Length" to it properly tranlated to the pointer and all? 06:53
Just out of curiousity, isn't Perl written in C? 06:54
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Todd my browser is still acting weird, so I am going to exit and log back in (love clicking on those street signs) 07:04
07:04 Todd left 07:05 Todd joined
Todd I am back in. Any luck with the seg faults? 07:05
07:07 mcmillhj joined 07:10 Cabanossi left 07:12 Cabanossi joined, mcmillhj left 07:18 mcmillhj joined 07:23 mcmillhj left
Todd I am looking through perl6 docs for Str:D and finding a bunch of stuff but no explaination. What does it do? 07:28
07:28 mcmillhj joined
gfldex docs.perl6.org/syntax/$COLOND 07:29
Todd Reading 07:30
07:31 wamba left 07:32 xtreak left
Todd so the ":D" means to use "defined". So "Str:D" means to only use "defined strings". Would "int:D" mean to only use a "defined integer"?? 07:33
And what would the difference be between "Str" and "Str:D"? Is one short hand for the other?
ufobat my Str $foo; and now $foo is undefined 07:34
07:34 mcmillhj left
ufobat m: my Str:D $foo; 07:34
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable definition of type Str:D requires an initializer
at <tmp>:1
------> 3my Str:D $foo7⏏5;
expecting any of:
ufobat m: my Str:D $foo = "whoa!";
camelia ( no output )
ufobat m: my Str:U $foo;
camelia ( no output )
ufobat m: my Str:U $foo = "whoa!";
camelia Type check failed in assignment to $foo; expected Str:U but got Str ("whoa!")
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
ufobat Str means string but you dont care whether it is defined or not. with :U or :D you do care 07:35
07:35 xtreak joined
Todd by "defined", do you mean it has a "my", or do you mean "initialized"? 07:37
ufobat it is more "initialized"
Todd "more" 07:38
ufobat but thats not perfectly true, because something that is initialized can set to a "undefined" value afterwards, it is/was still initilized, right?
Todd Here is where I am confused. In the C code "char *XDisplayName(char *string);" , "char *string" is a C pointer to a string. 07:39
07:39 mcmillhj joined
Todd In Native call, it gets changed to 07:40
sub XDisplayName(Str:D $name) is native('X11') returns Str { * };
ufobat i think in C you could do a: char *string;
Todd What is confusing me is how does native Call know to translate the value i am sending it to a C pointer and does "Str:D" have anythingto do with that? 07:41
ufobat this pointer points to nowhere now? right?, thats probably the equivalent of Str:U in this example
samcv `my $var` => undefined `my $var = 'blah'`
Todd sam, what are you trying to tell me? 07:42
Does the ":U" mean "undefined"?
ufobat i dont know NativeCall yet, but i'd assume that Str:D would convert to a char * The Documentation said (C String) docs.perl6.org/language/nativecall...ing_Values 07:43
is this a char *?
yeah :U is undefined
07:44 mcmillhj left
Todd so "my $var;" is just shothand for "my Str:U $var;" ???? 07:45
ufobat no 07:47
my $var; <- now ware could be anything
Todd So what exactly is a "Defined string (Str:D)"? Is the purpose to undo conversatoins with other languages that are not “lexiconical”? 07:48
samcv defined string is any string that has been defined
m: my Str $thing #this string is undefined
camelia ( no output )
samcv m: my Str $thing; say $thing.WHAT; #this string is undefined
camelia (Str)
ufobat for example real world person allways have a Str:D $name 07:49
samcv Todd, yeah the :U means undefined
ufobat whereas pets sometimes have no name, so Str $name would be appropriate
samcv pets?
ufobat ever called your cat at home just "cat"?
Todd would not [my $var = "hello"] define it as a "Str:D"?
samcv i see your point ufobat 07:50
yes Todd
07:50 sunnavy joined
samcv an empty string is defined, but is coerces to False 07:50
for example. and 0 as a number is defined but evals as False
07:50 mcmillhj joined
Todd So how does C know "Str:D $name" is a C pointer to a string (array of characters)? 07:51
07:51 bjz left
samcv though there's `Nil` which is an undefined value. but that's a little different. but there's several ways something can not be defined 07:51
when programming in perl 6? well there's a translation layer
MoarVM uses dyncall library to do it 07:52
Todd Does it figure it out on its own? What is a pointer and what is not?
Be nice if it did 07:53
samcv yeah it mostly does Todd
i mean as long as you actually supply the correct types
like if you try using a string when the C function wants an integer, weird things happen
or if you use the wrong size of integer or whatever 07:54
Todd I think I am not providing the correct types.
samcv show me your code again?
Todd Will do. I has gotten more complex
samcv also you may be interesting in gpxtrixie which will create a bunch of code for you. it's not always 100% correct. but you can take what you need and leave the rest. you'll need clang and uh some other thing 07:55
it supports gcc but i never have gotten it working with that
07:55 mcmillhj left
samcv github.com/Skarsnik/gptrixie 07:55
i couldn't find gccxml on my distro, so i just used the clang one which is castxml 07:56
Todd vpaste.net/Ley6g
07:56 bjz joined 07:57 mcmillhj joined
Todd I will look a gptrixie 07:57
did vpaste work?
samcv yep. also which part is not working 07:58
Todd Calling XStoreBytes(List) will never work with declared signature (Str:D $display, Str:D $str, int32:D $len) in method CALL-ME at /usr/share/perl6/sources/24DD121B5B4774C04A7084827BFAD92199756E03 (NativeCall) line 326 in block <unit> at ./XFetchBytesTest.pl6 line 39
It does not like the way I am declaring (Str:D $display, Str:D $str, int32:D $len) 07:59
# XStoreBytes(displayptr, string, numbytes) sub XStoreBytes(Str:D $display, Str:D $str, int32:D $len) is native('X11') { * }
Do you feel safe running my code? 08:00
samcv yeah i read it. code is fine
I get this printed out: `$Display = <:0>`
seems accurate
Todd The first native call works. I put it in to help figure out the other two 08:01
samcv ah
08:01 mcmillhj left
samcv ok so it's XStoreBytes that doesn't work 08:01
ok yeah it's returning a Display pointer 08:02
Todd yes. If you comment it out, XFetchBytes is whining too.
samcv looks like you need a command to get the Display* and then use that to fetch and store bytes 08:03
since it wants a display pointer
08:04 bwisti left
Todd I thought it was either to hard code ":0.0" or to send it the result in $Display. 08:04
NativeCall would change it over to a C pointer 08:05
samcv i think it may be a special C type. but at minimum i know it's a pointer
the XDisplayName returns a char * not a Display *
Todd In my case it returns four characters, not one. 08:06
samcv XDisplayName you mean?
Todd Yes, maybe it is look for an integer? 08:07
samcv no that seems fine. the problem is that you don't want the display name, you want the display pointer
Todd not ":0.0"
samcv some special object
so you need something that returns a Display *
08:07 dotness left, mcmillhj joined
samcv Todd, ftp://www.x.org/pub/xorg/X11R7.5/doc/man/man3/XOpenDisplay.3.html looks like you want this 08:08
you give it a char * aka a string of the display name, then it gives you back a Display *
which you can use for the other calls
Todd by chance is "char" is C short hand for "array of characters"? In Modula2 (where I come from), "char" is a single byte 08:09
samcv yep exactly a char * is an array of characters and a char is defined as one bytes 08:10
that holds a ascii number usually. though you can store utf-8 in a char *
Todd so "char *" is an array of characters and "*char" is a pointer to either an array of characters or a single character? 08:11
samcv no they are the same thing 08:12
char* and char * are the same thing
err wait
where do you see *char
Todd so "char *XDisplayName(char *string);" means it is returning a pointer to an array of characters and I am supplying it a pointer to an array of characters 08:13
samcv yep
Todd And NativeCall get the dubious task of unravelling it? 08:14
samcv yep
Todd So "char *XFetchBytes(Display *display, int *nbytes_return)" means
1) it will return a pointer to an array of characters
samcv yeah that * is attached to the 'char' not the function name btw
char* XFetchBytes is what most people would write 08:15
or a space or something, not attach it to the other thing
Todd 2) I will provide is some unkown type called "Display *display"
samcv yes that is a pointer to a display object
i assume it's similar to what would be a filehandle. since you have to open the display before you can use any of the functions 08:16
Todd 3) "int *nbytes_return" will tell me how long the returned array of characters is
samcv so think of it like that
08:16 mcmillhj left
samcv yeah you give it a pointer to an int, and it puts the correct value in there 08:17
Todd So what is the type I shospecify in Native Call for the return lenth or just let Natice call figure it out?
samcv so that value will probably change after you run it
wait what did you say in that last sentence?
length? uh. it just says int so i'd just make it an int or something. though Int might work too 08:18
Todd I am trying to figure out hwo to tell NativeCall that I want it to turn those two pointers into a Perl string
samcv you had it say returns Str right? 08:19
that should be all you need
Todd yes
08:19 wamba joined
Todd I want those two pointer turned into a perl string 08:20
samcv well you get the actual string back always if you have it return a Str
only if you made it say "returns Pointer" would you get a pointer
which is not as useful to you
NativeCall::Types::Pointer<0x55da56b3d490> 08:21
$Display = <:0>
that seemed to work fine
gist.github.com/0f84ddcac905b40d57...d7ffb72b45 at least i know i got a pointer back. so that's nice
Todd I am testing something interesting. hold a sec
08:22 n1ce left, mcmillhj joined
samcv but for XFetchBytes you need $display to be a Pointer not a Str 08:23
08:23 n1ce joined
Todd Segmentation fault 08:24
samcv did you try and take bytes 08:25
without giving it any
El_Che it's been a while since I tried nativecall, but it was fun
samcv also can you explain what those actually do
El_Che the C api I wanted to wrap, less so
samcv hehehe
El_Che lib-ldap 08:26
Todd I ctrl-v and center clicked. There is stuff in both buffer
El_Che undocumented internal data type
and then I saw a squirrel and forgot about it
08:27 mcmillhj left 08:29 mcmillhj joined
Todd Well, shortening it to 08:29
sub XFetchBytes(Str:D $display) is native('X11') returns Str { * }; 08:30
Figureing NativeCall would figure it out gave me a seg fault
El_Che in my short experience most of it was figuring how to match data types 08:31
08:31 kanishka joined 08:36 mcmillhj left, rindolf joined
Todd I looked up "Display" and got "hostname:number.screen_number" over at 08:38
so it looks like I am giving it the right stuff
08:39 xtreak left 08:42 xtreak joined, mcmillhj joined 08:46 xtreak left 08:47 mcmillhj left
Todd I have been looking at 08:48
and although it is very verbose, it does not show what the C call looks like and how to was rewritten in NativeCall. That is a YUUUGE oversight. 08:49
samcv idk if it supports returning integer pointers, but i haven't tried that before
Todd Isn't NativeCall suppose to turn all those pointer into real values? 08:50
It occures to me that I may not be calling the correct C line to read the clipboard
samcv well i've only tried it for char * and some other pointer types
Todd and I may be doign the seg fault to myself 08:51
samcv i don't think that one is related to clipboard but
08:53 mcmillhj joined
samcv Todd, jtanx.github.io/2016/08/19/a-cross...on-details 08:53
see this
maybe this is what you want
Todd Wasn't helpful as it did not give the hooks. Rats! 08:55
samcv it looks fairly complicated 08:56
to do X11 clipboard if you read the section
but i would try installing github.com/jtanx/libclipboard and then using that api to get the clipboard. because it's pretty damn involved
then use their nice api to get clipboard
Todd I didn't see it 08:57
08:58 mcmillhj left 09:00 abraxxa left
Todd oh poop. There is a ton more to the clipboard that just asking for it 09:00
samcv yeah
09:02 koki1 left
Todd okay. I will stick with doing a shell to xclip. 09:02
samcv i wouldn't use a shell 09:03
Todd qx?
samcv just use proc or proc async
qx uses a shell
you can skip running a shell and run the program directly
09:04 mcmillhj joined
Todd This guy? docs.perl6.org/syntax/proc 09:04
samcv docs.perl6.org/routine/run
i would try run
run 'xclip', '-p'; then that should do what you want
Todd Maybe it is all the C code tonight, but gee wiz the proc page is confusing. 09:05
samcv well there's more to it i guess
El_Che samcv: did you get a camelia sticker? 09:06
samcv no i don't have one
did somebody mail me one?
El_Che I hoped so, but it doesn't look that way 09:07
if I make it to yapc eu, I'll mail one then
Todd Hi sam, would you mind showing me how to call "xclip -selection clipboard -o" with "run"
samcv Todd, yeah the proc page sucks
09:07 abraxxa joined
samcv thanks El_Che 09:08
sec Todd
09:08 salv0 joined
Todd If I ever get getting at this and I want to propose soem verbage to one of those pages, do 1) the powers that be get annoyed and 2) do I just post it to the bug area you sent me earlier? 09:08
09:09 mcmillhj left 09:10 Cabanossi left 09:11 TEttinger left
Todd This looks pretty: perl6advent.wordpress.com/2014/12/...om-perl-6/ 09:12
samcv uhm the docs have their own ticket tracker
09:12 Cabanossi joined
Todd It looks like "run" will only return you the exit code 09:13
samcv nah, i'm working on what it is. hold on 09:15
09:15 mcmillhj joined
Todd perl6 -e "say q:x /xclip -selection clipboard -o/" 09:15
works. But does it call a shell?
samcv yep
moritz you can also use say run('yourcomamnd', :out).out.slurp-rest
DrForr ;x is an adverb modifier. 09:16
moritz read the docs for run. They have some examples, and more explanation
samcv ok fixd it Todd
09:16 abraxxa left
samcv Todd, gist.github.com/samcv/6d41202ee555...c77174f67b here you go 09:16
Todd Thank you! 09:17
samcv the page on run really needs to be a lot better
Todd gasp!
I coudl be C
moritz nah, in C it would be 20 lines instead of 2 :-) 09:19
09:19 abraxxa joined
Todd and a bottle of asprin 09:21
the code you send only prints out
my $proc = run('xclip', '-selection', 'clipboard', '-o', :out); #my $proc = run('echo', 'wat', :out); say $proc.out.get;
09:22 mcmillhj left
moritz .get only gives you the first line 09:23
.slurp-rest gives you all the output
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Geth doc: cdd2fceed5 | (Samantha McVey)++ | doc/Type/IO.pod6
Make `run` documentation better

Explain how to capture output, and don't include confusing irrelevant information about other commands.
samcv there we go, that's at least somewhat better
will take some time for the site to update though Todd. hopefully this will make it easier for the next person. 09:25
09:28 mcmillhj joined 09:29 xtreak joined
Todd I am playing with it. Yippee! 09:30
09:33 mcmillhj left, shdb left
samcv :) 09:33
Geth ecosystem: scmorrison++ created pull request #306:
Add Web::Cache to ecosystem
Todd Hi Sam, what would give me the return code from that run command along with the text? Do I have to run the line twice? 09:36
$? is the code
09:38 robertle joined 09:39 mcmillhj joined
moritz Todd: you must call $proc.out.close 09:39
Todd: and then it's in $proc.status, if I remember correctly 09:40
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Geth ecosystem: 2806f19851 | (Sam Morrison)++ | META.list
Add Web::Cache to ecosystem

See github.com/scmorrison/perl6-Web-Cache
ecosystem: 1bc15b5af8 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ | META.list
Merge pull request #306 from scmorrison/master

Add Web::Cache to ecosystem Thanks!
09:44 mcmillhj left 09:47 shdb joined 09:50 mcmillhj joined 09:52 g4 joined 09:54 mcmillhj left 10:00 mcmillhj joined
Todd Hi Sam, I wrote myself up an example with qx, qxx, and run. Maybe you could use some of it the manual? vpaste.net/nIwaM 10:02
$proc.out.close messed up the data on the print commands above it 10:05
what is close suppose to do? 10:06
10:06 mcmillhj left
moritz close the output pipe 10:06
Todd how do you get the data to stick? 10:09
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DrForr Superglue? 10:09
10:10 wamba left
Todd wait, I was echoing commads from the clipboard 10:10
10:11 mcmillhj joined
Todd This is a better example, as it includes the close. Also has less run on statements vpaste.net/IQ0zZ 10:14
10:15 xtreak left, wamba joined 10:16 mcmillhj left
Todd what is the best way to go about popping up an informational window with an "okay" for the user to click to get rid of the window? 10:18
10:19 Ven left 10:22 Ven joined, mcmillhj joined
moritz Todd: www.linuxjournal.com/article/2807 is an easy way 10:24
10:24 xtreak joined 10:27 mcmillhj left 10:28 faraco joined
Todd Thank you. I had been using zenity 10:28
Is there a perl module that will work on both Linux and that "other" operating system with all the bugs? 10:29
10:29 itaipu left
faraco o/ 10:31
10:33 mcmillhj joined
faraco I got rakudo tarball, not sure what moarvm offers compared to JVM. 10:34
DrForr MoarVM is more mature than the JVM implementation.
El_Che faraco: at the moment rakudo is the most complete/Stable implementation
faraco moarvm to go. 10:36
10:36 itaipu joined
jnthn Also, the startup time is a good bit shorter with MoarVM :-) 10:36
10:38 mcmillhj left
Todd I got to call it a night. Thank you all for the wonderful help, especially Sam! 10:38
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IOninja DrForr: wasn't there some sort of improvement comming to blogs.perl6.org? I'm trying to login to give a piece of my mind to this blog post, but it keeps telling me "permission denied" even after I reset my password :/ 11:16
Here, "Perl Developer Survey 2017" to "paint the picture of Perl in 2017!" blogs.perl.org/users/bip/2017/03/pe...-2017.html 11:17
11:17 mcmillhj left
IOninja And the entire survey is about Perl 5, with a single question "have you tried Perl 6" for Perl 6. 11:17
11:18 abraxxa left
masak perhaps a thread where Perl 6 should figure more prominently: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13830177 11:21
(there's already a link to an advent post)
IOninja guess my next grant report will be on perl6.party... Can't login to blogs.perl.org at all now..
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faraco Is there any company that already adopted Perl 6 in their production use? 11:47
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IOninja faraco: judging by the number of people who were asking questions while mentioning the code was part of their work, quite a few. 11:50
11:50 bjz_ left 11:51 mcmillhj left
IOninja faraco: but the question is a bit vague. For example, I'm the only developer in my company. If I start writing in Perl 6 alone, will that mean my company adopted anything? What if I use Perl 6 for all the one-liners and one-offs but use another lang for web apps? Is that "adopting" it? 11:51
faraco: and in the past year, 95% of new code I wrote was for open source projects... It's still production use, even though there's no "company" behind the code. 11:52
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SmokeMachine u: arrow 12:24
unicodable6 SmokeMachine, U+02C2 MODIFIER LETTER LEFT ARROWHEAD [Sk] (˂)
SmokeMachine, 617 characters in total: gist.github.com/e8e2461279d01d6f2b...0c599be7b8
raschipi m: say so 2
camelia True 12:25
12:25 mcmillhj joined
naxieAlDle unidump: ½ 12:26
unicodable6 naxieAlDle, gist.github.com/89e1ee6b4b23e6e070...7643346d78
raschipi naxieAlDle: Nice bot, congrats.
12:26 cgfbee joined
naxieAlDle :) 12:26
12:27 wamba left
perlawhirl hi perlers 12:27
raschipi Heya perlawhirl
naxieAlDle o/
raschipi naxieAlDle: You should contact www.fileformat.info and help them improve their Unicode information pages 12:28
perlawhirl parts 4 and 5 of my matplotlib in p6 series are up: www.0racle.info/
i mainly ask because... what the "reddiquette", should i make a new post?
perlawhirl is new to blogging 12:29
raschipi perlawhirl: in oposition to what?
perlawhirl ha... i dunno
raschipi Making posts with your own blogposts in reddit might get one bannned for SPAM, be careful
naxieAlDle raschipi: “Character.getNumericValue() -2” haha 12:30
IOninja naxieAlDle++ that's fancy
12:31 mcmillhj left
perlawhirl raschipi: i get it. i was truly unsure tho... i don't post on reddit often. all good i'll make a new post 12:31
naxieAlDle raschipi: TEttinger suggested to pregenerate these pages and include them in our docs somewhere. I kinda like this idea
IOninja perlawhirl, post a new reddit post. No one will ban you in r/perl6, I don't know what raschipi is talking about
raschipi perlawhirl: just participate in the comments and keep it on topic and you'll be fine
Well, in r/perl6 it may be, but I was talking in general 12:32
IOninja Even in general... I doubt anyonr got banned for posting on-topic information they produced themselves. 12:33
12:35 aborazmeh joined, aborazmeh left, aborazmeh joined
perlawhirl IOninja: I though he was being sarcastic, tbh 12:35
raschipi IOninja: For example, if you post the same thing to 10 subreddits and don't talk to the users, one might get in trouble.
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timotimo somehow i'm having difficulty backlogging when todd's been around :\ 13:29
ZzZombo how can I remove a character from <punct> in a regex match, so it won't match, say, apostrophes?
IOninja timotimo: hehe, I gave up backlogging months ago :) 13:31
Too much volume.
timotimo i'm glad we split the channel into #perl6 and #perl6-dev 13:32
IOninja Definitely. 13:33
I think there's #perl6-toolchain too
13:33 aborazmeh left 13:34 lukaramu_ joined, user___ left
timotimo yes, and #perl6-release 13:34
i'm not in either of those
IOninja I think #perl6-release got closed down
Due to lack of need.
13:37 lukaramu left
Geth modules.perl6.org/tags: f864e5358f | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 5 files
Start sketching out tags support
perlpilot ZzZombo: <+punct-[']> 13:41
ZzZombo thanks! 13:42
perlpilot IOninja: #perl6-release has 8 people and 3 bots still :) 13:43
13:43 wamba joined
perlpilot 7 people now that I've left and told my IRC client to stop auto joining 13:45
IOninja ... 2 bots now :) 13:48
13:48 curan joined
timotimo masak: a data point from the stats of perl6advent's wp-admin says that accesses coming from hacker news are a tiny number. only 6 so far. 35 visitors coming from "search engines" during its "today" period 13:49
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raschipi I was thinking: we're further away from the first publication of Unicode than it was from the first publication of ASCII at the time. 14:03
perlpilot raschipi: eh? 14:05
you mean the most recent modification is further away in time from the first publication? 14:06
raschipi Unicode is an older standard than ASCII was when Unicode was published.
perlpilot ASCII started in 1960 and was first published in 1963. Unicode was first published in 1991, when did work on Unicode start? 14:07
14:08 llfourn joined
raschipi 88: unicode.org/history/unicode88.pdf 14:08
I conted the date of the first written document published
because it's a bright line
14:13 mcmillhj joined 14:29 cale2 joined
cale2 What is the best way to pass a file in to a MAIN function? 14:30
Should you specify the parameter type as "IO::Path", or simply pass a Str and do `$file.IO` to turn it into one? 14:31
14:32 skids joined
perlpilot cale2: you're going to get a string from the command line in any case. 14:32
jnthn Might be able to do IO(Str) in the signature also
perlpilot yep, I just tried that and it works fine. 14:33
cale2: so ... what jnthn said :)
14:33 Mudada joined
cale2 Ah, I was forgetting to put .IO on the end of it 14:34
Does this coerce it to an IO role-fulfiller? 14:35
14:35 Ven left
perlpilot cale2: IO(Str) in the sig you mean? That's "accept a Str, but call .IO on it" essentially. 14:36
masak timotimo: I, I meant mostly that someone/we could point out that Perl 6 does very well in the problem space the HN thread was discussing.
14:37 Ven joined 14:40 cdg joined 14:41 cdg left, cdg joined
DrForr my $text = $filename.IO.slurp; is a good alternative and lets you use the filename later in error messages. Not to dissuade you from the IO(Str) solution, but it feels more useful to me. 14:42
raschipi u: 🐨 14:43
unicodable6 raschipi, U+1F428 KOALA [So] (🐨)
IOninja DrForr: IO::Path stringifies to filename tho
cale2 I like "slurp" more, but I needed to call "get" on the file handle so it will get the first line and effectively delete it from there on out
m: say 'ABCD'[$_] for ^4;
camelia ABCD
Index out of range. Is: 1, should be in 0..0
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1

Actually thrown at:
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Mudada Hi, i just tried to install a package with zef in osx but it throws me an error which i can't understand, `CompUnit::Repository install target is not writeable/installable: /Users/username/auto Need a valid installation target to continue` i tried with sudo so i dont think it's a permission problem, does anyone ever get this and solved it ? 14:44
IOninja Strings aren't arrays.
DrForr Ah, also good to know. I'm going to write a simple brace-rebalancing thing for Perl6::Tidy over the weekend so the module can at least do something mildly useful out of the gate.
cale2 IOninja: I forgot, .comb can coerce strings to arrays
14:45 g4 left, cdg left, Unavowed left
IOninja Mudada: never experienced such error :/ 14:45
cale2 m: say 'ABCD'.comb.[$_] for ^4;
camelia A
14:45 Unavowed joined, drrho left
IOninja Ugh. I've reached the point. I hate Perl 5. It's unprogrammable after long period of programming Perl 6. 14:47
14:47 perlawhirl left
IOninja and modules.perl6.org's dev server apparently just forkbombed my devbox too -_- 14:47
raschipi IOninja: what other languages can you stand? 14:48
IOninja raschipi: JS 14:49
raschipi yuck
IOninja Heh
perlpilot js is becoming more perl-like over time. 14:50
.oO( "use strict" )
Mudada rofle 14:51
.oO( … “use strict” ? )
IOninja doesn't see the resemblance 14:52
raschipi I try to avoid even make files because of the semantic whitespace. 14:54
naxieAlDle raschipi: but… what do you use instead?
I've been looking for a decent alternative since forever
14:56 drrho joined, Mudada left
cale2 m: say <a b c d e f g>.index("b"); 14:58
camelia 2
naxieAlDle cale2: GOTCHA!
cale2 yeah... what happened there? 14:59
moritz strings happened
m: say <a b c d e f g>.Str
camelia a b c d e f g
moritz m: say <a b c d e f g>.Str.index('b')
camelia 2
naxieAlDle cale2: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/992
moritz m: say <a b c d e f g>.first('b', :k)
camelia 1
naxieAlDle wtf bdfoy downvoted it? ×D 15:00
15:01 TeamBlast left
IOninja naxieAlDle: he seems to be downvoting all your replies on that thread: ) 15:01
raschipi naxieAlDle: CMake
cale2 So adding :k should fix it
naxieAlDle IOninja: not just this thread, I noticed :) 15:02
15:02 TeamBlast joined
IOninja He clearly likes you ;) 15:02
DrForr O gods. 15:06
[Coke] hurls nolanlawson.com/2017/03/05/what-it...aintainer/ which was a good read. 15:08
DrForr "If you're gonna spew, spew into this." 15:09
15:09 Cabanossi left
IOninja tl;dr. Summarize it in one sentence! :) 15:09
15:12 Cabanossi joined
stmuk "If there’s one thing I’ve learned in open source, it’s this: the more work you do, the more work gets asked of you. " 15:23
moritz fwiw this is not only true in open source
it's basically everywhere
cale2 I like that wayne's world reference
[Coke] "the best thing about my job is that when I do it well I have to do your job too!"
IOninja mhm
moritz at work, or volunteering with dishes or cooking at home or in a sports club or whever 15:24
IOninja Which why learning to say "No" is important.
timotimo "Latest commit b8527e9 on 10 Oct 2016" 15:25
er, ww 15:26
Woodi_ I think it is important when you helping and when someone is trying to abuses good heart...
cale2 "Nobody opens an issue or a pull request when they’re satisfied with your work"
Is that normal? I thought that's what stars were for
moritz stars get much less attention 15:27
then issues/pull requests
timotimo i very rarely use the star feature on github
moritz fwiw I try to be happy about pull requests and bug reports, because it means somebody cares about my stuff
and sometimes I manage to do that :-)
timotimo yeah 15:28
Woodi_ cale2: that's other problem :) good is taked for granted :) hard to appreciate that...
cale2 "You feel guilty about that too, since you know open source is frequently regarded as an exclusive club for privileged white males, like yourself." What does race have to do with github contributions....
Geth modules.perl6.org/tags: d01a07b730 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 8 files
Fully working tags handling implementation
moritz cale2: indirectly through education and free time, which often comes through wealth
cale2 or sex for that matter 15:30
timotimo do we have an env var or something taht turns off precompilation?
nine timotimo: nope.
stmuk I think there is a pragma
timotimo pragma isn't good enough for what i want to do
nine What do you want to do?
timotimo i'm looking to help our perl6-debugger users put breakpoints into other modules
for that to work these other modules have to go through perl6-debugger's Compiler instance, too 15:31
because it generates different code, i.e. calls into the debugger after every line
cale2 moritz: success is definitely exponential. Or it feels that way. It feels like I was working in a factory and studying just yesterday
nine timotimo: src/core/CompUnit/PrecompilationRepository.pm:16
15:36 wamba joined
naxieAlDle “Nobody opens an issue or a pull request when they’re satisfied with your work” – no, it simply means that nobody is using your project :P 15:37
moritz but I can totally relate to the feeling 15:38
naxieAlDle and if somebody found something lacking, then you simply have a user… 15:39
timotimo nine: i see! 15:40
cale2 that's a good point 15:41
timotimo at some point we'll surely want a debugger that understands moarvm bytecode and its line annotations and such 15:43
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timotimo perhaps an implementation that instruments the bytecode using the spesh architecture 15:43
that particular piece of infrastructure has seen many uses so far, it's pretty neat
cale2 Is there a way to delete an item from an array without creating a hole? docs.perl6.org/syntax/$COLONdelete 15:56
:delete just seems to make a hole in the list with (Mu)
Geth doc: 6ec652dbda | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | doc/Type/IO.pod6
remove trailing whitespace
doc: 8c7795d380 | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | doc/Language/objects.pod6
Prefer Amerenglish.

  (pass xt/aspell.t)
timotimo yes, splice
it'd probably be good to point towards splice from that entry 15:57
also, you can use grep :) 15:58
cale2 I'm using grep to find the thing to delete 15:59
@wrong-answer.=splice(@wrong-answer.grep($correct-answer, :k), 1);
pretty verbose :/
timotimo wait, you're using grep, but you're also using :delete?
did you perhaps mean "first" instead of "grep"? 16:00
cale2 It was previously @wrong-answer[@wrong-answer.grep($correct-answer, :k)]:delete;
Sad there isn't a pretty way to do this
timotimo so why don't you @wrong-answer.grep(* ~~ !$correct-answer)?
jnthn Maybe: @wrong-answer .= grep: * !=== $correct-answer;
timotimo er, why did i put the ! there 16:01
jnthn Or !~~ depending on what you want
cale2 Oh that would work
SmokeMachine naxieAlDle: great bot! What do you think if when you give more than one char it make the tables with more than one value column? Not more tables for each char?
timotimo oooh 16:02
that could be neat
cale2 ah much prettier: my @wrong-answer = %data.values.grep(* !~~ $correct-answer);
IOninja my @wrong = keys %data.values ∖ $correct 16:04
my $wrong = %data.values ∖ $correct 16:05
cale2 IOninja:
"\" is difficult to search for in docs. What is that doing? 16:06
naxieAlDle SmokeMachine: sounds like a nice PR :)
IOninja cale2: "Set difference operator." docs.perl6.org/language/setbagmix....ix_%28-%29 16:07
naxieAlDle SmokeMachine: this is the whole sub: github.com/perl6/whateverable/blob...#L186-L202
SmokeMachine naxieAlDle: I'll try! :)
IOninja cale2: it's not \ it's ∖
u: ∖ 16:08
unicodable6 IOninja, U+2216 SET MINUS [Sm] (∖)
cale2 is that a joke?
oh... they look exactly the same
IOninja No.
On some fonts, yes, they're hard to distinguish
b2gills For me \ (set minus) is slightly thicker and longer than ∖ (reverse solidus) 16:09
naxieAlDle heh, well, with some fonts it's hard to distinguish these: 0Oo l1i :P
tony-o in monaco they're exactly the same
16:10 Cabanossi left
cale2 calling .pick on a Seq doesn't work... 16:11
stmuk in inconsolata they all look different
naxieAlDle m: say <a b c>.Seq.pick 16:12
camelia a
naxieAlDle m: say <a b c>.Seq.pick
camelia c
naxieAlDle cale2: do you have an example?
16:12 Cabanossi joined 16:16 ufobat left
cale2 oh the issue is that I can't call .push on a Seq 16:17
can I just convert that back to an Array with .Array
IOninja yes
timotimo there used to be speculation for a "lazy push" called "plan" 16:19
not sure what the status of that in general is
16:20 firestarter joined
firestarter hey guys 16:20
timotimo greetings
firestarter i have a question for you
timotimo are you going to ask me a very personal question?
(just a dumb joke) 16:21
firestarter this time it will be professional, if you don't mind
i have a grammar, which has a proto TOP token
and when i call parse with an actions class 16:22
the TOP method on my actions doesn't get called
but when i change the TOP regex into a non-proto version, it gets called
timotimo you have a method "TOP" in both cases, yeah?
firestarter yes
16:22 araraloren joined
timotimo i recall there was a stackoverflow question about proto tokens and their interaction with action methods recently 16:23
jnthn A proto just delegates to one of the candidates, so the methods are also per candidate
timotimo right, was about to say that
jnthn So you'd write a method TOP:sym<foo>($/) { ... } etc.
timotimo so you'd have a multiple methods in your action class
firestarter wow, didn't know that
IOninja timotimo: don't worry, you're not really going to ask them anything? :)
firestarter is it possible to consolidate these methods without explicitly specifying all of them?
i'm talking about the action methods 16:24
skids You could break the proto out to a level below TOP and make TOP just call that rule, then put an action on TOP.
jnthn Alternatively, don't use a proto but just an alternation in TOP instead 16:25
timotimo IOninja: :D
jnthn Protos are actually just a way of spreading an alternation out into a bunch of methods, to allow extension/overriding in subclasses and/or to make it easy to process the different branches differently in the actions 16:26
IOninja swaps the brains of modules.perl6.org... 16:27
timotimo uh oh! :)
firestarter thanks for the explanation
16:27 itaipu joined, bdmatatu left, lichtkind joined
lichtkind cheers 16:27
firestarter and guys... how do you debug your code?
lichtkind does anyone know what MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL is?
IOninja .... if I remember which box its on :/
timotimo so, uh, S05-subst*/match.rakudo.moar ... is it supposed to fail right now? 16:28
IOninja firestarter: copius amounts of `dd`
timotimo lichtkind: it allows you to use EVAL with things other than constant strings
jnthn firestarter: If it's a grammar you're debugging, see Grammar::Tracer
skids firestarter: Also be aware of RT#125374
synopsebot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=125374
firestarter but do you use some sort of IDE? i come from the python world, so PyCharm was like my swiss knife
naxieAlDle lichtkind: basically, you have to explicitly state that you're aware of what you're doing :)
IOninja m: my $c = "say 'all your base are belong to us'"; EVAL $c
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
EVAL is a very dangerous function!!! (use the MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL pragma to override this error,
but only if you're VERY sure your data contains no injection attacks)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3ll your base…
timotimo we do hvae a few perl6 plugins for atom, but nothing that'll put it onto the same level as PyCharm 16:29
IOninja lichtkind: it exists to prevent programmers from adding exploits to their code ^
lichtkind ah like sledge hammer: trust me im know hwat i do
thank you
araraloren It's not recommend use EVAL ~
IOninja lichtkind: it's handier when you're doing a regex and some token you're interpolating is evaled as a code. Such uses might be hard to spot even if you *do* know what you're doing.
DrForr "Trust me, I know what I'm doing." Rarely have more dangerous words been uttered. 16:30
lichtkind IOninja yes but currently just reading code of an module i try to understand
timotimo hmm. when i run it without the harness it doesn't seem to fail
IOninja m: my $token = ".+"; "" ~~ /<$token>/
camelia ( no output )
IOninja m: my $token = q/.+ {say q|all your base are belong to us|}/; "" ~~ /<$token>/ 16:31
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /home/camelia/EVAL_0
Prohibited regex interpolation (use the MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL pragma to override this error,
but only if you're VERY sure your data contains no injection attacks)
at /home/camelia/EVAL_0:1…
IOninja ^ example
...here goes nothing.... 16:35
Geth modules.perl6.org: zoffixznet++ created pull request #67:
Implement support for META tags
modules.perl6.org: f864e5358f | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 5 files
Start sketching out tags support
modules.perl6.org: d01a07b730 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 8 files
Fully working tags handling implementation
modules.perl6.org: 099958e80a | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 9 files
Merge pull request #67 from perl6/tags

Implement support for META tags
IOninja uh-oh
timotimo when is it back up? :) 16:37
IOninja I don't know why it's down... I was planning on a hot swap 16:38
timotimo :D
technology is always like this
bwahaha 16:40
that feel when modules.perl6.org presents an error in a line of code preceded with # TODO XXX: there gotta be a less stupid way to do this? 16:41
yes, this is the programming i remember!
IOninja Oh, I found the problem.
timotimo cool
16:42 curan left
IOninja timotimo: nah, nothing wrong with code. 16:42
16:42 domidumont left
timotimo yeah, but it's beautiful to look at 16:43
IOninja I changed the schema layout, so need to rebuild the database from scratch... Not a problem, just cloned the repo on my other server and sat waiting for it to build everything for an hour.... Problem is, I forgot to switch to my TAGS BRANCH DAMMIT!
timotimo oooh! 16:44
araraloren ..
timotimo yeah, that'd cause a table to be missing
man, we have quite a few modules
IOninja k, so modules.perl6.org is now back up on a previous commit; and updates are currently turned off. Gonna rebuild the db off the proper branch now and fix it. Gonna take like an hour to build it tho -_-
lichtkind hurray its back
timotimo oh, does it have to make a bajillion http requests?
IOninja There's like 3 per module 16:45
timotimo fair enough :S
IOninja And we space them out a bit to not hit GitHub limits
.oO( github limits? )
naxieAlDle looks at 2247 gists uploaded by *ables 16:47
16:47 risou_awy is now known as risou, eroux joined
IOninja You're surprised GitHub is not OK with people raping their services with bajillion requests? 16:48
Hm, per --help on build script "Pause for "N" seconds after building each dist (value of zero is acceptable). Defaults to 5 seconds, which is just enough to prevent going over GitHub's rate-limit of 5,000 requests per hour, when script is running continuously."
Gonna set it to 0
Zoffix++ # documenting features
naxieAlDle also remembers that he was told by github support to delete one of his accounts, which he avoided by simply not replying back…
16:49 firestarter left
cale2 What are the conditions that you can pass `:my-boolean` as an argument to a sub? 16:50
it's weird that it doesn't require a sigil on it 16:51
IOninja cale2: that it expects a Bool or wider named argument
moritz :my-boolean is just named argument my-boolean => True
IOninja m: sub foo (:$my-boolean) { dd $my-boolean }( :my-boolean )
camelia Bool $my-boolean = Bool::True
IOninja m: sub foo (:$my-boolean) { dd $my-boolean }( :!my-boolean )
camelia Bool $my-boolean = Bool::False
ilmari cale2: it's equivalent to :mo-boolean(True) or my-boolean => True
IOninja camelia: see also: twitter.com/zoffix/status/839807414211854337
raschipi Or Pair.new('key', 'value'); 16:52
naxieAlDle IOninja: :o
IOninja raschipi: nope. That'd get passed as a positional, not named argument.
naxieAlDle IOninja: you are starting to talk with bots… I wonder if that's a sign of anything :)
raschipi I see.
moritz it's a sign of self actualization 16:53
IOninja I meant..
cale2: see also: twitter.com/zoffix/status/839807414211854337
naxieAlDle camelia: you don't really care when people talk to you, right?
IOninja naxieAlDle: also... "starting"? You clearly aren't aware of my years long friendship with GumbyBRAIN
naxieAlDle evalable6: hey! Feel like chatting? 16:54
evalable6 naxieAlDle, Full output: gist.github.com/30dc984776701cdb0f...5bbde2cfc2
(exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/5hSb8lY5nG
IOninja I even engraved an urn for him when he got banned in freenode/#perl :)
16:54 labster joined
IOninja zoffix.com/new/GumbyBRAIN-perl-urn-engraving/ 16:54
naxieAlDle IOninja: … wow… 16:55
IOninja Hah, amusing to see which quote I chose to go on the urn :P
16:58 eroux left
Geth ecosystem: melezhik++ created pull request #307:
Sparrowdo module to run goss scenarios
ecosystem: 533761b504 | (Alexey Melezhik)++ | META.list
Sparrowdo module to run goss scenarios (#307)

IOninja alright... take #2 17:02
17:04 risou is now known as risou_awy
IOninja oh shoot 17:05
Well, the good news—it works!
But I didn't realize we had that many damn tags :o
17:06 xzhao left
moritz how many do we have? two? 17:07
IOninja moritz: modules.perl6.org/
naxieAlDle cool 17:08
IOninja Well, I'm gonna leave it like that for now. And will sort out something more usable in ~7-8 hours.
17:08 xzhao joined 17:09 Cabanossi left 17:12 Cabanossi joined 17:14 robertle left
cale2 So when you use these colon-pairs, what is the type of the colon part? Is it always a Bool? 17:15
or it's always just an Any Scalar?
17:16 MilkmanDan left
b2gills :foo is short for :foo(True) but can also be written as foo => True 17:16
:!foo is short for :foo(False)
IOninja cale2: Str => whatever
cale2: and colonpair itself is a Pair 17:17
17:18 MilkmanDan joined
IOninja m: dd [.^name, .key.^name, .value.^name ] for :foo, :42bar, :meow[<a b c>] 17:18
timotimo IOninja: is gumbybrain a bot that used to tell people to move perl6 chat to a different channel?
camelia ["Pair", "Str", "Bool"]
["Pair", "Str", "Int"]
["Pair", "Str", "Array"]
IOninja timotimo: it's a Markov chain bot
17:18 xzhao left
timotimo OK 17:18
17:18 xzhao joined 17:20 Ven left 17:21 raschipi left, eroux joined 17:22 labster left
cale2 so there is no such thing as keywords in Perl 6 17:22
they just kind of spoof a keyword
It's actually a string underneath the :word 17:23
17:23 Ven joined
SmokeMachine naxieAlDle: it's not finding Uniprops... neither does zen... 17:24
IOninja cale2: heh, not sure there's much relation between colonpairs and keywords... 17:25
cale2: :word is more or less just an alternate way to write |Pair.new: "word", True
17:26 zakharyas joined
IOninja cale2: and you can use whatever type you want for the key 17:26
17:26 xzhao left 17:28 itaipu left, itaipu joined
IOninja perl6.party/post/Tag-Your-Dists 17:29
17:29 xzhao joined
IOninja I mean.. 17:29
New post: "Camelia wants YOU to tag your dists": perl6.party/post/Tag-Your-Dists
cale2 That issue I had with splitting lines is back again. glot.io/snippets/env5vqftj7 I can't recall why/how this is working this way 17:31
lizmat cale2: the first line doesn't have a " - ", could that be an issue ? 17:32
ah no, you shift that
IOninja cale2: what issue? 17:34
oh there comments
[Coke] What do you expect @lines.split(" - ") to do? 17:35
timotimo hah
17:35 girafe joined
[Coke] split works on a Str, not an Array 17:35
timotimo split is a Str method, it'll call @lines.Str for you before it .split s
IOninja cale2: @lines.split(" - ") treats your array as one bigass string
17:36 Ven left
lizmat cale2: how about: my %h = @lines.map( { |.split(" - ") } ) 17:37
cale2 Even when I tried @lines>>.split it did the same thing
IOninja cale2: say @lines».split(" - ").flat.flat.Hash;
lizmat cale2: how about: my %h = @lines.map( { |.split(" - ") } )
IOninja cale2: right, 'cause you're still .Hashing a list of lines (a list of lists)... not a list of splits
17:38 Ven joined
[Coke] wonder if we could write a diagnostic module that would warn you when something got coerced. 17:38
cale2 What I want to understand is how the first method is different from the others
[Coke] (via a sig.)
IOninja cale2: the first method you're processing each line one-by-one. In the others you're processing all of them in one statement
[Coke] in the first one, you're iterating over lines workingon the elements. in the latter, you're converting the arrya intoa single string and workign on that 17:39
[Coke] taps out and lets IOninja handle this. )
cale2 .split(" - ").Hash.say for @lines; @lines>>.split(" - ").Hash.say;
those two should be the same. Just a difference of where @lines goes 17:40
[Coke] none of your code has >>. , btw.
IOninja They're not the same
timotimo very different, actually
lizmat my %h = @lines.map( { |.split(" - ") } ) # loop over all lines, map each line to its split, and slip that: the result is a sequence of key,value,key,value that can serve as the initialization of a hash
IOninja cale2: in first one, you're calling .Hash on result of split. In second one you're calling it on @lines
cale2: on lines from @lines, now split.
cale2: the ». applies only to that one method calls, further method calls are called on the list 17:41
lizmat feels like she is talking to a well and decides to shut up about this
timotimo IOninja: calling .Hash on *results* of .split ;)
IOninja lizmat: I tried your method and it works FWIW :)
17:41 khw joined
moritz The Lizmat Method works! 17:42
naxieAlDle SmokeMachine: join #whateverable :) 17:43
cale2 ahhh
so this should work: @lines>>.split(" - ")>>.Hash.say;
and it does :)
IOninja timotimo: on a list with those results...
lizmat cale2: but it doesn't create a single hash 17:44
it creates a hash for each line
timotimo IOninja: in the first one, the one with a "for @lines" at the end, you're calling .Hash for every line, rather than once
i wanted to make that clear, so i thought i'd suggest "results" instead of "result"
cale2 this works though 17:45
my %data = @lines>>.split(" - ")>>.Hash; say %data;
IOninja timotimo: but there's only one result -_- exactly because it's called everyba vsdf/t.ljka;;'
cale2 The question is now which version is more intelligible. I like lizmat's, but the flat operator is confusing there
timotimo now you're putting a list of hashes into %data; does that give you what you want?
IOninja: okay! 17:46
Geth whateverable: 86d7cf3600 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | Uniprops.pm6
Commit forgotten file

Needed for unidump experimental feature.
lizmat my %h = @lines.map( | *.split: " - " ) # better readable ?
IOninja Does split support junctions? 17:47
cale2 lizmat's version produces the same output as my version 17:48
moritz m: say 'a|b!c'.split('|' | '!')
camelia any((a b!c), (a|b c))
cale2 @lines>>.split(" - ")>>.Hash
moritz roughtly what I expected
IOninja m: my %h = "foo - bar\nmeow - me\nb - z".lines.split: ["\n", " - "]; dd %h
camelia Hash %h = {:foo("bar meow"), "me b" => "z"}
IOninja huh
Oh right
m: my %h = "foo - bar\nmeow - me\nb - z".split: ["\n", " - "]; dd %h 17:49
camelia Hash %h = {:b("z"), :foo("bar"), :meow("me")}
IOninja win
timotimo m: say "a!b,c!d|e|f|g".split("!" | "|" | ",") == 2
camelia any(False, False, True)
17:52 MilkmanDan left
cale2 Is it just me, or does Rakudo not output data shapes consistently? 17:53
17:53 MilkmanDan joined
naxieAlDle cale2: example? 17:54
cale2 m: say ("a is this", "b is that", "c is over there");
camelia (a is this b is that c is over there)
17:54 bdmatatu joined
cale2 this is where commas would be VERY helpful 17:54
17:55 unicodable6_ joined
IOninja Don't use say? 17:55
timotimo m: put ("a is this", "b is that", "c is over there");
camelia a is this b is that c is over there
timotimo m: dd ("a is this", "b is that", "c is over there");
camelia ("a is this", "b is that", "c is over there")
cale2 m: say "a is this", "b is that", "c is over there";
camelia a is thisb is thatc is over there
timotimo that's an entirely different beast, though 17:56
17:56 unicodable6_ left
timotimo that's multiple arguments to say, which is supposed to output each with no space in between 17:56
cale2 yeah dd is way better 17:58
lichtkind IOninja : you are aware of the issues with module list?
perlpilot lichtkind: he is. 17:59
IOninja lichtkind: possibly. The dubplciation thing?
perlpilot lichtkind: unless you've got a new issue you'd like to enlighten us with? :)
17:59 unicodable6 left, unicodable6 joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v unicodable6
lichtkind i found it starnge that some isnt duplicated and some is quadrupeled 17:59
strange 18:00
IOninja quadrupled?
lichtkind: which one?
I only see dupes 18:01
perlpilot yeah, I've only seen doubles myself.
18:01 domidumont joined
IOninja Only `Foo` but that one is a test module that has two entrries 18:02
lichtkind: any other quadrupled?
I need to know, because I was about to try a fix, but if any are quadrupled then it won't help...
lichtkind i think it was File::find but after reload thats gon
but i check again
IOninja Well. I may have pushed the update while the ecosystem updater script was running and it inserted a bunch of dupes. This is my assumption. It was running right now. I killed it and copied over the fresh db I built on another server. If I was right with my assumption the dupes are gone. If not, they'll reappear and I'll debug it later in the evening. 18:05
I hope no potential future employers are reading this log of my making mistakes one after the other :P 18:06
18:06 Ven left
IOninja gah, I see the dupes again! 18:07
18:09 Ven joined
perlpilot IOninja: You should welcome future employers to read this. It gives them an opportunity to ask, "What did you learn from your mistakes?" And if they aren't asking that question, but judging on the mistakes themselves, you don't want to work for such people. 18:10
18:11 TeamBlast left
IOninja I learned: don't push to production unless your next 2-3 hours are free to debug any problems :P 18:11
18:12 TeamBlast joined
IOninja aha, I killed the bash updater, but that didn't kill the perl udater the bash script started... there's still hope :P 18:13
perlpilot IOninja: do we have a staging area for modules.perl6.org? Maybe we should create one if not.
IOninja perlpilot: what's a "staging area"? 18:14
cale2 a dev environment? 18:15
perlpilot Just a place where we can deploy code for testing with a wider audience without affecting modules.perl6.org
IOninja perlpilot: no, we don't. The current modules.perl6.org is meant to be temporary in the first place. :/ 18:16
Based on the update log it *was* the build script that was inserting dupes.
perlpilot IOninja: you know how many "temporary" things have been in place for decades?
IOninja perlpilot: how many? 18:17
perlpilot lots
IOninja Stupid.
perlpilot temporary is an intent that isn't always fulfilled.
IOninja It's somewhat good though. Perl 6 is now more reasonable to use for the ecosystem website than it was 1.5 years ago 18:18
lichtkind IOninja found the quad it was Foo
timotimo ninety million hundred fifty thousand hundred temporary things
lichtkind literally :)
and its actually repeated 5 times 18:19
IOninja lichtkind: <IOninja> Only `Foo` but that one is a test module that has two entrries
perlpilot now that *is* weird.
IOninja I see it in triplicate now :/ 18:20
18:20 Ven left
IOninja Oh yeah, there *are* three entries with it in meta.list 18:20
perlpilot There are 2 Foo that are the same, one that's different, then 2 that are the same again.
IOninja refresh your page... 18:21
perlpilot yay!
lichtkind yes Fow now thrice 18:23
18:23 Ven joined
IOninja OK. Updater's running again and not inserting any more dupes. 18:24
My job here is done.
IOninja flies away
.oO( dragon? )
lichtkind IOninja++
18:29 eroux left, firestarter joined 18:30 itaipu left 18:33 eroux joined
japhb naxieAlDle: Talaria. 18:36
18:37 itaipu joined 18:38 FROGGS joined 18:40 wamba left, cdg joined, Cabanossi left 18:41 bdmatatu left 18:42 Cabanossi joined 18:45 itaipu left 18:46 cdg left, cdg joined
firestarter m: use MONKEY_TYPING; augment slang Regex { token numish { } }; 18:47
camelia ===SORRY!===
Could not find MONKEY_TYPING at line 1 in:
firestarter m: augment slang Regex { token numish { } }; 18:48
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
augment not allowed without 'use MONKEY-TYPING'
at <tmp>:1
------> 3augment slang Regex7⏏5 { token numish { } };
expecting any of:
generic role
18:48 risou_awy is now known as risou
firestarter use MONKEY-TYPING; augment slang Regex { token numish { } }; 18:48
m: use MONKEY-TYPING; augment slang Regex { token numish { } };
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Null regex not allowed
at <tmp>:1
------> 3G; augment slang Regex { token numish { 7⏏5} };
18:52 Ven left 18:53 Ven joined
IOninja ... www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmin5WkOuPw 18:58
Geth whateverable: FCO++ created pull request #110:
More than one char for line
19:03 itaipu joined 19:05 risou is now known as risou_awy 19:10 TEttinger joined 19:11 dct joined 19:13 cale2 left, robinsmidsrod left 19:14 rindolf left 19:19 robinsmidsrod joined
Geth whateverable: f3bad83786 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | Whateverable.pm6
Do not upload if there are no files

It was needlessly changed in 4200209c50c142edf049fa628e859adf61d9d00e
whateverable: 78f51a53f5 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | 7 files
Test timeouts

Basic tests for #12.
No tests for Benchable yet, see #99.
19:25 TeamBlast left
Geth whateverable: f9e7010bff | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | t/unicodable.t
Fix unicodable test

19:27 TeamBlast joined 19:28 dct left 19:29 cdg left, cdg joined 19:31 itaipu left, Geth left 19:32 araraloren left 19:33 araraloren joined, buggable left 19:34 buggable joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v buggable, Geth joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v Geth 19:35 Ven left 19:36 sprocket joined
sprocket hello, #perl6! 19:36
moritz \o
sprocket i’ve got a question about gather/take - i’ve having difficulties getting it to construct a lazy list
that’s assuming it’s able to do that, which i thought it was :) 19:37
moritz it is
sprocket so it’s likely something i’ve done?
moritz but you shouldn't assign it to an array in the end, that might be eager
(just guessing here)
sprocket ah, ok, i’m doing that
would that force non-laziness?
moritz m: my \result = gather for ^5 { take $_; say $_ }; my $x = result[2]
camelia 0
moritz sprocket: yes, unless it can detect it's infinite (if I remember correctly) 19:38
gfldex sprocket: see: gfldex.wordpress.com/2016/08/14/it...-way-down/
IOninja m: my @result = lazy gather for ^5 { take $_; say $_ }; my $x = result[2];
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared routine:
result used at line 1
IOninja m: my @result = lazy gather for ^5 { take $_; say $_ }; my $x = @result[2];
camelia 0
19:39 Ven joined
sprocket ok, it was indeed the assinging to an array that forced non-laziness 19:39
that was an easy fix, thanks!
moritz you're welcome
IOninja And yes, if .is-lazy is true it'll keep laziness 19:40
m: my @a = 1…Inf; say @a[^3]
camelia (1 2 3)
gfldex does sub lazy mix in a role? 19:41
19:41 cdg_ joined
IOninja s: &lazy 19:41
SourceBaby IOninja, Something's wrong: ␤ERR: ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling -e␤Undeclared routine:␤ lazy used at line 6␤␤
IOninja It's a statement prefix IIRC
moritz m: my @result = lazy gather for ^5 { take $_; say $_ }; my $x = @result[2]
camelia 0
moritz that's another option
gfldex: no, it just sets a bit on the result list
jnthn Think it's just done by delegation 19:42
moritz s/list/iterator/ I guess
jnthn At least, that's how I originally did it :)
IOninja What's delegation?
gfldex m: my @result = gather for ^5 { take $_; say $_ } but role :: { method is-lazy { True } }; my $x = @result[2] 19:43
camelia 0
jnthn Yup, github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/51b0...ble.pm#L77
IOninja: Where one object forwards stuff to another
So it just holds the nested iterator and delegates calls to that
IOninja m: my @a = (gather for ^10 { take $_; say $_ }).lazy-if: 1; @a[2] 19:44
camelia 0
IOninja Thanks.
19:44 cdg left
gfldex docs.perl6.org/routine/lazy-if 19:45
IOninja heh
I always thoughht it were an internal method :)
gfldex so .is-lazy controls if .lazy is called and I can set force that with .lazy-if(1) 19:46
i will check roast
IOninja I'm no experct, but I saw it as: .lazy-if(1) is a way to make .is-lazy === True; and when it isn't, assigning to an array is eager; no .lazy calls involved. 19:47
19:47 cdg_ left
IOninja And I've no idea what .is-lazy is about :} 19:47
m: my $s = gather for ^10 { take $_; say $_ }; say $s.is-lazy; $s[2 19:48
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unable to parse expression in subscript; couldn't find final ']'
at <tmp>:1
------> 3 take $_; say $_ }; say $s.is-lazy; $s[27⏏5<EOL>
expecting any of:
statement end
IOninja m: my $s = gather for ^10 { take $_; say $_ }; say $s.is-lazy; $s[2]
camelia False
19:48 mindos left
IOninja Like that's lazy, but not is-lazy... vOv 19:48
Geth doc: 0fa3fc3b0e | (Wenzel P. P. Peppmeyer)++ | 2 files
.lazy-if is internal
19:50 Ven left
IOninja m: say (1..6).roll(*).is-lazy 19:51
camelia True
IOninja "Built-in operations that know that they can produce infinitely many values return True here, for example (1..6).roll(*)."
But it won't produce infinitely many!
OK, never mind :)
So many things are lazy, and .is-lazy should really be named .is-infinite 19:52
gfldex things can be lazy but not infinite 19:53
or better a .is-lazy can throw EndIteration
IOninja gfldex: what's lazy?
19:54 Ven joined
gfldex lazy just means that the generation/computation/fatching of values happens out-of-order 19:54
maybe even concurrent
IOninja huh
moritz erm, nope
IOninja What do you mean out of order?
naxieAlDle yea, this discussion again…
moritz lazy doesn't do concurrent
gfldex not by itself 19:55
naxieAlDle how many times we had it? And the conclusion has always been that is-lazy is broken anyway :)
gfldex but I can make it :)
IOninja naxieAlDle: was it the group's conclusion or your own?
gfldex IOninja: as soon as there is something lazy about the execution of commands breaks normal control flow. You can't depend on a call tree anymore.
naxieAlDle IOninja: nobody was ever able to define what it does. The conclusion is my own :P
IOninja moritz: so why are some things lazy but their .is-lazy is False?
m: my $s = gather for ^10 { take $_; say $_ }; say $s.is-lazy; $s[2] 19:56
camelia False
IOninja moritz: ^ like there. Values are lazily generated... are they not?
gfldex: what's "lazy"?
moritz IOninja: I don't know in this specific case; I'd have expected gather/take to be always lazy 19:57
gfldex IOninja: "lazy" is an abstract concept and as such does not exist
IOninja gfldex: what do you mean by the word when you used it above?
gfldex m: Channel.new.is-lazy.say
camelia False
gfldex that channel could very well be lazy even if it pretends not to be 19:58
IOninja naxieAlDle: I'm starting to share your feelings on the subject.
gfldex IOninja: the Perl 6 behaviour tied to that concept
IOninja gfldex: and what is it?
moritz we mark known infinite lists with is-lazy, and those that the user explicitly requested to be lazy 19:59
naxieAlDle IOninja: thing is, once we define what it should do, we will be able to file a couple of bug reports… and eventually it will start making sense
moritz it's far from perfect, but nobody has yet suggested a better heuristic or solution
IOninja moritz: so .is-lazy is a misnomer? It should be named .is-infinite?
gfldex IOninja: the result of continuations provided by gather/take and iterator trickery
IOninja gfldex: ok, then if gather/take is lazy, why does its .is-lazy is False by default? 20:00
moritz IOninja: not really; "lazy gather for ^5 { take _$ }" is not inifnite
but explicitly lazy
IOninja moritz: but it'
moritz: but it's lazy without explicity.
gfldex IOninja: i consider .is-lazy a hint to the compiler, not myself 20:01
moritz IOninja: it's lazier with it :-)
gfldex (well the runtime aswell)
moritz IOninja: like, assignment to an array interprets one case eagerly, and other lazily
IOninja but why?
moritz performance 20:02
lazy lists are rather expensive
so we try to only use laziness when we need it
IOninja Makes no sense to me to overload term "laziness" this way.
naxieAlDle m: say (1..99999999999999999999999999999999).is-lazy 20:03
camelia False
moritz we could totally make an assignment like my @a = 1..10; lazy, but accessing @a would be very slow
Geth doc: 3719d5fab0 | (Wenzel P. P. Peppmeyer)++ | doc/Language/list.pod6
wrong method was wrong
naxieAlDle m: say (1..∞).is-lazy
camelia True
gfldex the whole section is shitty
gfldex takes notes
naxieAlDle IOninja: maybe we should start a table somewhere 20:04
IOninja naxieAlDle: what sort of table?
naxieAlDle IOninja: with a list of things that are .is-lazy and things that are not
moritz maybe we'd be better off by making the whole lazy vs. eager thing explicit
IOninja no
gfldex naxieAlDle: alcohol is a solvent, not a solution
moritz but then stuff like my @a = 1..*; would hang
gfldex ohh, that kind of table 20:05
IOninja So far I see it entirely as a terminology problem.
20:05 Ven left
IOninja People using "lazy" to mean both, a thing that makes as many values as was demanded, and a thing that will be evaulated lazily when assigned to mostly-lazy constructs. 20:05
20:06 firestarter left
IOninja naxieAlDle: sounds good. 20:06
20:08 Ven joined
naxieAlDle IOninja: like this: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/is-lazy 20:09
IOninja \o/
huggable: is-lazy :is: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/is-lazy 20:10
huggable IOninja, Added is-lazy as github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/is-lazy
20:11 labster joined, captain-adequate joined
IOninja "Someone has edited the wiki since you started. Please reload this page and re-apply your changes." 20:11
naxieAlDle if anybody is going to edit it now, don't forget to copy your additions before pressing save. IIRC github was known to throw away changes when conflicts happen
IOninja yeah... I'll edit it later, I guess :P
m: (-∞..42).is-lazy.say 20:12
camelia True
IOninja m: (-∞...42).is-lazy.say 20:13
camelia False
IOninja :)
naxieAlDle good one
IOninja m: ().roll(*).is-lazy.say 20:14
camelia False
IOninja m: (1).roll(*).is-lazy.say
camelia True
.oO( create a bot that takes a snippet from this list and asks people if it's lazy or not )
lichtkind is there soething imortant about perl 6 which is recent that you want the worl to know?
naxieAlDle lichtkind: why do you ask? :) 20:21
lichtkind becasue i will give a talk in 2 days and i might overlooked something 20:22
20:22 domidumont left
IOninja lichtkind: what sort of talk? 20:23
We've got v6.d.PREVIEW pragma working recently.
lichtkind mostly perl 6 :)
IOninja lichtkind: I figured that, but what topic?
lichtkind i gave the overview last yer thsi time more tlking real code
20:23 sprocket left
IOninja lichtkind: I don't know about "new". I rather people tell more about "same old", as in: the spec is solidified and people should use Perl 6 now instead of waiting for something. 20:26
Based on some survey I took this morning, seems this fact isn't widely known :/
lichtkind: and on the opposite spectrum from my previous statement: we gonna do many changes to IO routines. Gonna ninja the crap outta them \o\ -o- /o/ 20:27
lichtkind haha 20:28
thatswhy your name
IOninja :)
naxieAlDle lichtkind: if you want people to go crazy, mention something like this: twitter.com/zoffix/status/838709592364355584 20:31
IOninja :)
20:32 FROGGS left
IOninja m: say rand > ½ ≠ rand < ½ 20:32
camelia False
IOninja m: say rand > ½ ≠ rand < ½
camelia False
IOninja wonder how that's parsed... 20:34
(rand > ½) && (½ ≠ rand) && (rand < ½) ?
20:35 bjz joined
IOninja yeah, think so... 20:36
well, with one fewer rand calls
m: my \r1 = rand; my \r2 = rand; say (r1 > ½) && (½ ≠ r2) && (r2 < ½) 20:37
camelia True
IOninja Oh wait, that's not entirely right either, due to short circuiting :P 20:38
m: say (rand > ½) && (½ ≠ (my \r = rand)) && (r < ½)
camelia False
naxieAlDle and that's why it is useful :)
IOninja :) 20:39
20:41 Cabanossi left
IOninja m: my BagHash \b .= new; 20:42
camelia ===SORRY!===
Method call node requires at least one child
IOninja :)
20:42 Cabanossi joined
lichtkind naxieAlDle, thanks for reminding 20:44
IOninja what the... gist.github.com/zoffixznet/4f9f926...4aec4a18ac
Wonder how it managed to get 6.2 and 7.3 in the results? 20:45
naxieAlDle hm :D
IOninja m: my BagHash $b .= new; $b{rand.substr: 0, 3}++ xx 20000; $b{$b.keys.grep: * < 1}:delete; for $b.sort { .say } 20:46
camelia 4.1 => 1
7.4 => 1
IOninja Getting them on every run :/
naxieAlDle m: my BagHash $b .= new; $b{rand.substr: 0, 3}++ xx 20000; $b{$b.keys.grep: * < 1}:delete; say so $b.keys.any > 2
camelia True 20:47
naxieAlDle 6c: my BagHash $b .= new; $b{rand.substr: 0, 3}++ xx 20000; $b{$b.keys.grep: * < 1}:delete; say so $b.keys.any > 2
committable6 naxieAlDle, ¦2015.12,2016.01.1,2016.02,2016.03,2016.04,2016.05,2016.07.1,2016.08.1,2016.09,2016.10,2016.12,2017.02,HEAD(f190f24): «True» ¦2016.06,2016.11,2017.01: «False»
naxieAlDle 6c: my BagHash $b .= new; $b{rand.substr: 0, 3}++ xx 20000; $b{$b.keys.grep: * < 1}:delete; say so $b.keys.any > 2
IOninja The problem goes away if I use rand.round: .1 instead of .substr
committable6 naxieAlDle, ¦2015.12,2016.12: «False» ¦2016.01.1,2016.02,2016.03,2016.04,2016.05,2016.06,2016.07.1,2016.08.1,2016.09,2016.10,2016.11,2017.01,2017.02,HEAD(f190f24): «True»
IOninja both 0 and 1 show up. Albeit with 10x fewer apperances 20:48
somethign's fishy in this code
20:48 xzhao left
IOninja oh, not 10x, but 2x 20:48
20:49 xzhao joined
IOninja I guess that makes sense? 20:49
20:49 risou_awy is now known as risou
naxieAlDle aaaaaaaaaaaah 20:49
that's how you get it
20:50 lichtkind_ joined
naxieAlDle m: my BagHash $b .= new; $b{rand.Str.substr: 0, 3}++ xx 20000; $b{$b.keys.grep: * < 1}:delete; for $b.sort { .say } 20:50
camelia 8.3 => 1
IOninja Oh, mistery solved.
naxieAlDle++ :)
IOninja relocates 20:51
20:54 lichtkind left
Geth whateverable: f94baf405d | (Fernando Correa)++ | Unicodable.p6
More than one char for line
whateverable: ab172eec93 | (Fernando Correa)++ | Unicodable.p6
Bold line with diff values
whateverable: bacdb1a553 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | Unicodable.p6
Merge pull request #110 from FCO/master

More than one char for line
20:58 ggoebel left 20:59 lichtkind_ is now known as lichtkind
lichtkind what is whateverable? 20:59
even its wiki was not revealing to me 21:00
moritz the repo description is " Different IRC bots that operate on a bunch of prebuilt Rakudo versions"
bisectable6 for example uses git bisect to find which commit broke (or fixed) something 21:01
21:03 xzhao left
rjbs /win 7 21:04
21:05 risou is now known as risou_awy
mst risou_awy: hey, IRC has an away status so generally it's considered better to use that rather than nick changes 21:07
skids Or etymologically, bots whos names end in "able"
21:11 ggoebel joined 21:21 jonas1 left
ugexe muhammadable hasn't been around lately 21:22
21:32 perlawhirl joined 21:35 Ven left
naxieAlDle except for huggable, it's an exception :) 21:38
21:38 Ven joined 21:39 Cabanossi left
naxieAlDle lichtkind: let me demonstrate! Let's say rakudo behavior was different some time ago, and you want to run your code on an older version. You can do this: 21:39
committable6: 2016.05 say ‘hello’ 21:40
committable6 naxieAlDle, ¦2016.05: «hello»
naxieAlDle and you can do this with almost any version. Feeling nostalgic? Let's try this:
committable6: 2014.01 say 'hello'
committable6 naxieAlDle, ¦2014.01: «hello»
lichtkind its evalbot? 21:41
naxieAlDle partly, yes
lichtkind otehr part?
naxieAlDle the most interesting thing about it is that it has a few thousands of rakudo versions already built for ya! This makes a lot of things much faster 21:42
21:42 Cabanossi joined
naxieAlDle for example, want to know when ≤ operator was added? Let's bisect: 21:42
bisect: say 2 ≤ 50
bisectable6 naxieAlDle, Bisecting by exit code (old=2015.12 new=f190f24). Old exit code: 1
naxieAlDle, bisect log: gist.github.com/be204e4408a38a65d1...6c28dd05a3
naxieAlDle, (2017-03-05) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/d2...45de7a6703
naxieAlDle if it had to build rakudo on every step, it would spend many minutes just compiling stuff 21:43
lichtkind: unicodable, for example, doesn't eval anything. Most of the time 21:45
unicodable6: ☺
unicodable6 naxieAlDle, U+263A WHITE SMILING FACE [So] (☺)
naxieAlDle lichtkind: but because it's built on the same code, you can actually give it some code to eval 21:46
unicodable6: { .uniname eq ‘BUTTERFLY’ }
unicodable6 naxieAlDle, U+1F98B BUTTERFLY [So] (🦋)
naxieAlDle and statisfiable doesn't eval anything at all, not even close
but it gathers some stats about rakudo builds 21:47
statisfiable6: install
statisfiable6 naxieAlDle, OK! Working on it…
naxieAlDle will take a minute to get done, but we should see a nice graph :)
statisfiable6 naxieAlDle, gist.github.com/008d59c2692ae4f821...27bd240cbc
naxieAlDle (possibly some broken builds on the graph, but generally the picture is still very useful) 21:48
lichtkind: if you have any questions or ideas, I'd love to hear ;) 21:49
lichtkind thank you very much this could i even copy into a slide :) 21:50
naxieAlDle lichtkind: some time ago I also wrote this: perl6advent.wordpress.com/2016/12/...n-awesome/ 21:51
lichtkind: it mentions bisectable
lichtkind: (and explains why it is useful)
statisfiable6: core 21:52
statisfiable6 naxieAlDle, OK! Working on it…
lichtkind thank you
statisfiable6 naxieAlDle, gist.github.com/224c168cc1f3d0bce1...e5db6c8440
IOninja modules.perl6.org is duped again :/ 21:54
22:00 skids left 22:03 bjz left 22:04 Todd joined
Todd Hi All, I am having trouble converting a system call from the shell method to the run method. The pipe "|" is what is messing me up. I have posed my code at vpaste.net/VpOCc 22:06
Is there some special method when using a pipe with run? 22:07
22:07 Actualeyes left
jnthn Todd: If you're going to use | you need a shell 22:09
Since | is interpreted by the shell
And run explicitly is not using a shell
moritz that's what shell is for :-) 22:10
jnthn Though looking at what you're doing, it seems it'd perhaps be better to pass :in to run and then write to the stdin of the process, however that's done
Todd rats. Is there a way to send "standard in" to xclip other than with a pipe? 22:11
oh! How do I do that?
22:11 mcmillhj left
jnthn Don't know off hand, though should be in the docs 22:12
gfldex docs.perl6.org/type/Proc$COLON$COLONAsync
jnthn I know for Proc::Async you do something like Proc::Async.new('xclip', 'args'..., :w) 22:13
Geth whateverable: 86c7cd908e | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | Unicodable.p6
Make sure that the raw table is aligned correctly

I don't think anybody needs the unrendered version, but it does not take much to generate it beautifully.
whateverable: 55107145b6 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | Unicodable.p6
Escape | in markdown tables

It seems that this is the only way to do it. Meh.
jnthn And then you can .print once the process is started
gfldex .oO( Am I one of those bots? ) 22:14
Geth whateverable: d1bc520b4a | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | Whateverable.pm6
Somehow this has to be boolified

Previously changed in f3bad83786a5ed3eef036394f76739154f379546
22:15 unicodable6 left, unicodable6 joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v unicodable6
Todd docs.perl6.org/routine/run isn't much help 22:15
22:16 unicodable6 left, unicodable6 joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v unicodable6
jnthn See the Proc::Async docs that gfldex sent 22:16
naxieAlDle unidump: 8½ 22:17
unicodable6 naxieAlDle, gist.github.com/e2bcd8a316408a14e1...a3229c2295
naxieAlDle SmokeMachine++
timotimo: ↑ ;)
moritz perlgeek.de/images/rakudo_top_contributors.png # Top contributors to Rakudo, as determined by a Perl 6 program, rendered through Inline::Python with matplotlib 22:18
naxieAlDle (note that properties that differ are highlighted with bold text)
SmokeMachine naxieAlDle: that was great idea! :) naxieAlDle++
Todd I am not smart enough to use that link
moritz Todd: stop telling yourself you're not smart 22:19
IOninja wooo \o/ I made the cut! 22:20
naxieAlDle moritz++ # beautiful
jnthn Todd: The example underneath "An example that opens an external program for writing:" is almost exactly what you want
IOninja Colorblind-unfriendly chart tho :P
jnthn Todd: Except replace `$prog.write(Buf.new(12, 42))` with `$proc.print($Str)` 22:21
naxieAlDle … especially considering that jnthn and IOninja are of the same color…
IOninja heh
jnthn Yeah, I noticed that
Geth doc: ca19bc57b4 | (Wenzel P. P. Peppmeyer)++ | 2 files
link to Proc::Async
jnthn So even though I'm slacking off on Rakudo and doing more MoarVM stuff these days, it still looks like I might be busy :P
22:22 Ven left
naxieAlDle samcv: I think you will like this too ↑ ;) 22:22
samcv: (unidump) 22:23
22:23 Je_ joined, Ven joined
samcv the docs commit? 22:23
oh unidump 22:24
Je_ Say 1
IOninja m: say 1
camelia 1
IOninja :)
naxieAlDle samcv: it highlight properties that differ! How cool is that! 22:25
samcv oh nice tables naxieAlDle
naxieAlDle unidump: ¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹⁰
Je_ m: $a//=1
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '$a' is not declared
at <tmp>:1
------> 3<BOL>7⏏5$a//=1
timotimo naxieAlDle: beautiful
unicodable6 naxieAlDle, gist.github.com/28de88b1552e6dbe40...c86cbed04a
samcv wow nice
i approve
Todd Do I need the `use v6.c;` 22:26
22:26 RabidGravy left
IOninja Todd: no, but should 22:26
Todd: without it, it's assumed you want the latest and greatest Perl 6 language version.
(ATM there's only v6.c, but the Future will happen)
Todd #!/usr/bin/perl6 is at the top of my program 22:27
IOninja Sure, that's fine.
Todd: it'll always be perl6; the versions will go v6.d, v6.e, v6.f and so on
naxieAlDle m: say ‘²’.uniprop(‘East_Asian_Width’); say ‘⁸’.uniprop(‘East_Asian_Width’) 22:28
camelia A
naxieAlDle I don't even…
samcv that's odd
that's what unicode says on unicode.org/cldr/utility/properties.html too 22:29
oh naxieAlDle the cp's are very different 22:30
8 is 2078 2 is 00B2
22:30 Je_ left, mcmillhj joined
naxieAlDle heh… looking at that page, not even sure why we need unicodable ×D 22:30
samcv nah we need unicodable6 that site is lame sometimes 22:31
i've found errors
IOninja :S and now the dupes are gone from modules.perl6.org... and I've done nothing :\ this thing is just messing with me now :/ 22:33
22:35 mcmillhj left 22:37 TEttinger left, Ven left 22:38 TEttinger joined 22:39 Ven joined
IOninja gotta 'cause I changed primary key; and the dupes exist while the build script is running, then get dumped at the end. 22:39
22:40 Voldenet left
IOninja c: $*PERL.compiler.version.say 22:42
committable6 IOninja, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Committable
IOninja lolunub 22:43
timotimo a machine died on us today :\
it's a quarter to midnight
IOninja c: HEAD $*PERL.compiler.version.say
committable6 IOninja, ¦HEAD(22f00cd): «v2017.02.228.g.22.f.00.cd.72»
22:44 mcmillhj joined 22:45 Voldenet joined, Voldenet left, Voldenet joined
Todd 'replace `...` with `$proc.print($Str)`'; prog was misspelled 22:46
IOninja Todd: in docs?
Todd And Yippee! it is working! Thank you guys!
IOninja \o/
22:50 risou_awy is now known as risou
Todd no. that was from <jnthn> Todd: Except replace `$prog.write(Buf.new(12, 42))` with `$proc.print($Str)` 22:52
he misspelled prog
Here is the full module. It is for reading and writing to **both** clipboards. vpaste.net/5bPCL 22:53
If you guys like it, feel free to add it to the pile 22:54
SmokeMachine IOninja: what's the frequency the tags are indexed?
Todd here is a test program for the module: vpaste.net/U2PAv 22:55
IOninja SmokeMachine: same as dists... ~1.5hr
22:56 perlawhirl left
lichtkind has anyone clue what XML::PI stand for 22:56
thanks in advance
SmokeMachine IOninja: ok! Ill wait to see if my change on my META6.jsons worked...
22:58 zakharyas left, zakharyas joined
lichtkind found it www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-x...ml-pi.html 23:03
23:03 zakharyas left
SmokeMachine IOninja: whats the idea with Camelion? 23:05
23:05 perlawhirl joined
IOninja SmokeMachine: perl6.party/post/Tag-Your-Dists#ca...gyourdists 23:06
The rest is classified until 2017.04.15
SmokeMachine OK then... :) 23:07
23:07 Sound joined, Ven left 23:08 risou is now known as risou_awy 23:09 Ven joined, bjz joined
IOninja likely will delay fixing tags and duplication for another 14 hours... Too tired to mess with this code tonight. 23:11
IOninja &
Todd what am I doing wrong here? I am trying to subsitute all teh line feeds with commas: $Rows ~~ s:global/\n/,/; 23:14
IOninja Todd: what makes you think it's wrong? 23:17
and that's a newline not a line feed, innit?
m: dd "\c[LINE FEED]".ords
camelia (10,).Seq
Todd it return, not the reformatted text, but ":global"
IOninja m: dd "\n".ords
camelia (10,).Seq
IOninja Ah OK, nevermind 23:18
m: my $Rows = "abc\nfoo\nmeow"; $Rows ~~ s:global/\n/,/; say $Rows
camelia abc,foo,meow
23:18 mcmillhj left
IOninja m: my $Rows = "abc\nfoo\nmeow"; $Rows .= trans: "\n" => ','; say $Rows 23:19
camelia abc,foo,meow
.oO( .trans-mutate .... )
Todd oops, never mind. I had bad data going into the sub 23:20
naxieAlDle m: ‘5’.uniprop(‘Numeric_Type’)
camelia ( no output )
naxieAlDle m: ‘5’.uniprop(‘Numeric_Type’).say
camelia Decimal
naxieAlDle m: ‘²’.uniprop(‘Numeric_Type’).say
naxieAlDle m: ‘②’.uniprop(‘Numeric_Type’).say 23:21
23:28 geekosaur left 23:29 geekosaur joined
Geth modules.perl6.org/tag-fixes: febbf164eb | (Zoffix Znet)++ | lib/ModulesPerl6/Model/Dists/Schema/Result/Dist.pm
Fix duplication of modules during db update run

The tag work changed primary key of Dist table and this made
  ->update_or_create fail to update existing stuff, since we're not
passing it the primary key. So it dupes the modules during build, and at the end of the build the originals get assumed to be old, deleted dists and are tossed.
Fix by using meta URL as primary column.
23:31 perlawhirl left, wamba1 joined 23:33 Sound left
Todd In the vpaste.net/Dx11Y code the commented out qx will read until the end, but the run method stops at the first line feed. Is there a was to get run to read the whole thing? I am reading a column of data 23:34
IOninja .. 23:36
Todd: use the same method as you use on qx//?
Todd: .get gets one line. Use .lines in that place and toss $Str.lines
Todd Thank you! 23:40
# my $Str = $proc.out.get; my $Str = $proc.out.lines; 23:46
readline requires an object with REPR MVMOSHandle
23:48 risou_awy is now known as risou
MasterDuke might need a $proc.start first? 23:48
Todd No such method 'start' for invocant of type 'Proc' 23:49
samcv hello Todd 23:50
IOninja Todd: what perl6 version you got?
samcv if you're making the proc object with `run` then you don't need to .start
timotimo if it's a Proc::Async, you need to tap the .out which i sa supply 23:52
IOninja FWIW the link to code in question is just a few lines above.
23:53 Ven left
IOninja Todd: what version are you using? 23:53
Todd $ rpm -qa rak\* rakudo-star-0.0.2016.11-1.el7.x86_64
MasterDuke shouldn't checking the status happen before getting the output?
samcv it's just a proc object not a procasync timotimo 23:54
timotimo OK
anyway, i'm enhancing that error message
Todd yum says no updates to rakudo-star
timotimo oh yum 23:55
IOninja Todd: just swap it to .out.slurp.lines
timotimo please give us perl6 --version
Todd $ perl6 --version This is Rakudo version 2016.11 built on MoarVM version 2016.11 implementing Perl 6.c.
IOninja Todd: works fine on latest Perl 6 and there were fixes to .lines since your version
Todd: and doing .slurp first will avoid the bug
23:56 Ven joined
Todd No such method 'slurp' for invocant of type 'IO::Pipe' 23:56
23:56 Cabanossi left
IOninja :S 23:56
Todd my $Str = $proc.out.slurp.lines;
IOninja Oh right
Todd: sorry, it's out.slurp-rest.lines
(inconsistent naming)-- 23:57
23:57 Cabanossi joined
samcv Todd, what distro do you have? fedora? 23:58
Todd That worked! Thank you!
IOninja any time
timotimo moarvm's latest commit will give you the type name and what repr the thing in question had 23:59
Todd My primary is Scientific Linux 7.3. The Fedora machine I work on a lot is $ perl6 -version This is Rakudo version 2017.01 built on MoarVM version 2017.01 implementing Perl 6.c.
naxieAlDle hm, why not out.lines ?
IOninja -_-
samcv great that's the newest star