»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
00:00 cdg joined 00:05 cdg left 00:06 pierre left 00:22 sharksoft joined 00:24 pharv left 00:30 wamba left, aborazmeh joined, aborazmeh left, aborazmeh joined 00:32 aborazmeh left 00:35 comborico1611 joined 00:43 pierre joined 00:47 pierre left 00:49 aborazmeh joined, aborazmeh left, aborazmeh joined
Kaiepi this isn't so much a perl question, but just a general programming question 00:55
i have a native struct class that has some ucs4 string members hastebin.com/zoxebisalu.rb 00:56
would it be a good idea to have start and end methods in it to convert them to utf8 strings to make it easier to view them?
00:57 comborico1611 left
timotimo hm, if we had ucs4 support in core, you could just define those as Str with "is encoded" 00:57
Kaiepi yeah, problem is there isn't
timotimo in theory you can write your own; i'm not sure if nativecall would actually use that properly yet
Kaiepi the library i'm writing this for has stringprep_ucs4_to_utf8, which can do it for me 00:59
00:59 comborico1611 joined
Kaiepi s/do/convert/ 00:59
01:03 jeromelanteri joined, Kaiepi left 01:05 Kaiepi joined 01:07 jeromelanteri left 01:25 vcv joined, sharksoft left 01:35 comborico1611 left
ZzZombo m: say 0/0+2.0 01:43
camelia Attempt to divide by zero using div
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
ZzZombo m: say <0/0>+2.0 01:44
camelia Attempt to divide by zero using div
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
ZzZombo eh
Can I make that return `NaN` instead?
01:48 Zoffix joined
Zoffix ZzZombo: yes, use Num view 01:48
m: say Num(<0/0>+2.0)
camelia NaN
Zoffix m: <0/0>+2.0 andthen .say orelse .Num.say
camelia Attempt to divide by zero using div
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
01:48 pharv joined
Zoffix Right 01:48
01:49 aborazmeh left
Zoffix m: .denominator and .say or .Num.say for <0/0>, <-1/0>, <1/0>, 42.0 01:49
camelia NaN
01:49 kurahaupo_ is now known as kurahaupo
Zoffix m: .denominator and .say or .Num.say for <0/0>, <-1/0>, <1/0>, 42.42 01:49
camelia NaN
01:53 pharv left 01:54 cdg joined
Zoffix .ask pmichaud do you got Rakudo's logo in vector or at least high-res format? This one rakudo.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/20...o-1001.png 01:56
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll pass your message to pmichaud.
01:58 cdg left
Geth rakudo.org: 8885cb614e | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 8 files
Sketch rudimentary web app
02:06 araraloren joined, epony left
AlexDaniel Zoffix: in case the answer is “no”, maybe a traced version will do: gist.github.com/AlexDaniel/101afd7...72cc4e5c50 02:07
the glyphs don't look quite right but in small size it looks ok and it can scale up to reasonable limits 02:08
02:15 obra left 02:17 epony joined 02:22 obra joined
Zoffix Thanks. I also see some guy placed a large one into our marketing repo: github.com/perl6/marketing/blob/ma...x-3000.png 02:24
02:24 obra left 02:29 pharv joined
Geth rakudo.org: 8b7e575a33 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | .gitignore
Remove duplicate entry
Zoffix AlexDaniel: …but thanks for the nightmares :) i.imgur.com/nQDsjDd.png 02:37
ZofBot: are nightmares scarrier than nightstallions? 02:38
ZofBot Zoffix, Then heard Father shutting the door of the van
02:41 AlexDaniel left 02:45 ilbot3 left 02:46 pierre joined
llfourn weekly: Using Perl 6 to create a coin flipping game with discrete logarithms: medium.com/unraveling-the-ouroboro...1c563d38d2 02:49
notable6 llfourn, Noted!
02:50 pierre left 02:56 ilbot3 joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v ilbot3 03:05 cdg joined 03:09 cdg left 03:28 vcv left 03:31 entonian joined
Zoffix So, for rakudo.org, 99% of posts are release announcements. I'm going as far back as 2015/11/28, up to and including "Announce: Rakudo Star Release 2015.11 (now in beta!)" and copying the stuff to new stuff. For earlier release announcements, I'll add rewrites to point to release notes on github. Everything else (there are a couple of ancient posts) I'm leaving behind. 03:36
s/new stuff/new site/;
03:37 entonian left 03:45 pierre joined, pierre left
Geth rakudo.org: 0593da6703 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 8 files
Implement basic CSS/JS
Zoffix My kitty doesn't approve of my haxorin' imgur.com/a/vxIWb 03:59
I think she's planning something… if you don't hear from me tomorrow, call the police...
Kaiepi i love how easy it is to write c/c++ wrappers and how you can give methods and properties the same name so i can do stuff like this hastebin.com/pasokoxiji.rb 04:00
doing this in node this would require several different files and be complex as hell 04:01
and would require a Makefile and compiling on npm install 04:02
i don't have to do any of that in perl
Zoffix :) 04:03
Geth doc: titsuki++ created pull request #1840:
Add index for FAQ
doc: d2afbd8a48 | (Itsuki Toyota)++ | doc/Language/faq.pod6
Capitalize some keywords
doc: fcee374aef | (Itsuki Toyota)++ | doc/Language/faq.pod6
Add some indices for FAQ
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/faq
doc: c856a55288 | (Itsuki Toyota)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/faq.pod6
Merge pull request #1840 from titsuki/add-index

Add index for FAQ
Kaiepi this is a great language 04:05
04:06 entonian joined
Zoffix \o/ 04:06
04:09 entonian left 04:17 pharv left 04:18 DarthGandalf left, tobs_ joined, tobs left, pharv_ joined, tobs_ is now known as tobs 04:19 DarthGandalf joined
Kaiepi m: use NativeCall; my @foo := CArray[Pointer[int32]].new; say @foo.WHAT 04:19
camelia (CArray[Pointer)
Kaiepi shouldn't that be (CArray[Pointer[int32]]) ?
Zoffix yeah 04:22
04:25 pharv_ left 04:32 wamba joined
Zoffix hahahaha 04:35
Commit that last touched that part of code reads: "Hacky fix for RT #131406 | Assuming we will never get something more complicated than foo[bar]" :)
synopsebot RT#131406 [resolved]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=131406 Bug in Perl6::Metamodel::Naming method set_name. `CArray[Pointer].^shortname` returns 'Pointer]'; should be 'CArray[Pointer]'
Zoffix Needs a fixin' in this algo somewhere: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/2652...nqp#L5-L24 04:36
Filed as R#1606 04:37
synopsebot R#1606 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/1606 [LHF] Wrong output of in CArray.^shortname
Kaiepi lol 04:38
that looks like something i might be able to fix
i'll have a go at it 04:39
Zoffix Go for it :)
Kaiepi: note the .nqp extension of the file. It doesn't have full Perl 6 language available there. You can find docs for NQP ops here: github.com/perl6/nqp/blob/master/d...s.markdown 04:40
Kaiepi thanks
Zoffix (and you can test stuff by running `nqp some-file-with-nqp-code.nqp`; will be faster than recompiling entire rakudo each time) 04:41
04:42 khw left
Kaiepi i'm required to use := in nqp, right? 04:42
Zoffix Right 04:43
And parentheses are required on subroutine calls.
huggable: internals course
huggable Zoffix, Rakudo/NQP Internals Course: github.com/edumentab/rakudo-and-nq...s-workshop
Zoffix ^ some general info on NQP/guts
Kaiepi m: use nqp; my @foo := nqp::split('[', 'CArray[Pointer[int32]]'); nqp::for(@foo, { .say }) 04:58
camelia ===SORRY!===
The 'for' op expects a block as its second operand, got QAST::Op
Kaiepi how do i make a block? 04:59
Zoffix nqp: my @foo := nqp::split('[', 'CArray[Pointer[int32]]'); for @foo { say($_) } 05:00
camelia CArray
Kaiepi oh
05:00 cdg joined
Zoffix m: use NativeCall; my \p := CArray; my \t := Pointer[int32]; say "{p.^name}[{t.^name}]" 05:03
camelia NativeCall::Types::CArray[NativeCall::Types::Pointer[int32]]
05:05 cdg left 05:07 eliasr left 05:08 stmuk_ joined 05:10 xinming left
Kaiepi is it fine to use regex for nqp stuff? 05:10
05:10 stmuk left
Zoffix Kaiepi: yeah, but it might be faster not to 05:12
Kaiepi hm
.oO( recursion )
Kaiepi actually i don't need regex since only the last element of @names will have ] in it at all 05:13
wait, it's possible for a role like Foo[Bar[Int], Bar[Int]] to exist right? 05:15
Zoffix yeah, prolly 05:18
Kaiepi hm this might be tough 05:19
Zoffix m: my Callable[Int] %h{Callable[Int]}; dd %h 05:20
camelia Hash[Callable[Int],Callable[Int]] %h = (my Callable[Int] %{Callable[Int]})
Kaiepi m: role Foo[::T] {}; role Bar[::T1, ::T2] {}; Foo[Bar[Foo[Int], Foo[Int]].new 05:22
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unable to parse expression in type parameter; couldn't find final ']' (corresponding starter was at line 1)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3:T2] {}; Foo[Bar[Foo[Int], Foo[Int]].new7⏏5<EOL>
Kaiepi m: role Foo[::T] {}; role Bar[::T1, ::T2] {}; Foo[Bar[Foo[Int], Foo[Int]]].new
camelia ( no output )
05:24 Aceeri_ left
Zoffix m: role Foo[::T] {}; role Bar[::T1, ::T2] {}; Foo[Bar[Foo[Int], Foo[Int]]].new.say 05:24
camelia Foo[Bar[Foo[Int],Foo[Int]]].new
Zoffix Kaiepi: but feel free to use a regex. $non-buggy > $performance 05:36
And likely isn't a method that's called very often
Kaiepi i still need to test, but i might've worked out a way to do it without regex 05:37
Zoffix cool 05:38
m: role Foo::Bar::Ber[\T] {}; my Foo::Bar::Ber[Foo::Bar::Ber[int32]] %h{Foo::Bar::Ber[int32]}; use Test; is-deeply %h.^shortname, 'Hash[Ber[Ber[int32]],Ber[int32]]' 05:41
camelia not ok 1 -
# Failed test at <tmp> line 1
# expected: "Hash[Ber[Ber[int32]],Ber[int32]]"
# got: "Hash[Ber"
Zoffix (prolly a test that can cover the bug)
Kaiepi never mind, i'll need a regex for this 05:46
i'll get something working tomorrow 05:47
06:04 jeromelanteri joined 06:31 skids left
Zoffix don't look like you need a regex for that one tho 06:39
06:40 epony left 06:41 epony joined
Zoffix nqp: gist.github.com/zoffixznet/da3b0ce...f8483b2f05 06:41
camelia CArray[int32]
Zoffix .tell Kaiepi not 100% sure, but this seems to do the trick, without regexes: gist.github.com/zoffixznet/da3b0ce...f8483b2f05 06:42
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll pass your message to Kaiepi.
07:11 darutoko joined
Zoffix Well, it took only a year for me to notice I duplicated the title on this post -_- rakudo.org/2017/03/18/lexical-requi...rade-info/ 07:14
07:16 ufobat joined
Geth rakudo.org: 5897969b62 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 27 files
Migrate all the blog posts we want to keep
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Geth rakudo.org: be6a1d68ed | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 4 files
Add About Page
08:04 eponym joined 08:06 epony left 08:12 domidumont joined 08:17 domidumont left 08:18 domidumont joined
moritz Zoffix++ # rakudo.org migration 08:23
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fatguy is it safe if i have multiple supply interval using whenever block each modifying same object attribute initiated from main block ? 09:38
i tried, looks ok, the reason is i'm doing sql statement in each whenever block, i'm scare if it's executing the wrong statement 09:40
09:45 pierre joined
Geth doc: 6caabd4053 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Mu.pod6
Minor error fixed #561
doc: 60f7db140b | (JJ Merelo)++ | 6 files
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:perl6/doc
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Mu
doc: 39b5967817 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/functions.pod6
Clarification on single and double dashes

And how the signature works. Hopefully, this closes #1595
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/functions
09:49 pierre left 10:03 lucs left
El_Che has someone still ties to the pony project? Spammer insterted links on top en on the bottom menu: www.poniecode.org/ 10:10
moritz there is no pony project anymore, afaict 10:18
El_Che I know, but someone has the keys to the page. He/she may be here 10:19
10:31 rindolf joined 10:33 lucs joined, rindolf left
TEttinger El_Che: that redirects me to a shady drug selling site 10:34
El_Che 11:32 < xenu> El_Che: i've investigated a bit and it looks like it was *not* hacked
11:32 < xenu> some spammer bought the domain in 2008
11:33 < xenu> and reinstated the old website with spamlinks
10:37 kaare_ joined, kaare__ left
Geth doc: c5f48a87d9 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/CurrentThreadScheduler.pod6
Fixes fragment refs #561 #162
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/CurrentThreadScheduler
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Geth doc: titsuki++ created pull request #1841:
Add a Q and A about Rakudo Star release cycle
11:25 AlexDaniel joined
Geth doc: 5d3cc87a4d | (Itsuki Toyota)++ | doc/Language/faq.pod6
Add a Q and A about Rakudo Star release cycle
doc: e05273f030 | (Itsuki Toyota)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/faq.pod6
Merge pull request #1841 from titsuki/add-faq

Add a Q and A about Rakudo Star release cycle
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/faq
11:39 pierre joined 11:44 pierre left 11:46 stmuk_ joined 11:48 stmuk left 12:08 trnh left 12:26 ufobat left 12:40 climaxpeak joined 12:41 climaxpeak is now known as rashadulxslam
rashadulxslam hi, can someone please help me with example and link "how to create a pidgin plugin which will take unix command as input and sendIM as output to the user" 12:43
12:48 trnh joined
moritz rashadulxslam: is this some kind of homework assignment? 12:51
rashadulxslam moritz: yes 12:55
El_Che rashadulxslam: have a look at libpurple 12:56
rashadulxslam El_Che: already working on libpurple but hard to get such example
El_Che that's why homework is fun 12:59
Work from there: developer.pidgin.im/wiki/Scripting...%20Plugins
and have a look at the source of simple plugins here: developer.pidgin.im/wiki/ThirdPartyPlugins
13:00 trnh left
rashadulxslam El_Che: yes already working on those plugins - need some simple example :) 13:04
which i mentioned in my question
moritz nobody is going to do your homework for you 13:07
13:07 giraffe left
rashadulxslam moritz: thats why asking for some reading notes and perhaps some great examples 13:08
13:09 trnh joined
tadzik well, you may have more luck asking on some pidgin-related channel 13:09
rashadulxslam tadzik: let me copy the question before make a mark leaving the channel - thank you moritz and El_Che 13:13
13:15 rashadulxslam left
El_Che rashadulxslam may not get his degree but he has a bruight future at Google... searching 13:17
is (s)he applies him/her self
13:18 trnh left
moritz searching isn't googles speciality; finding is :-) 13:18
El_Che :) 13:21
13:26 jeromelanteri left 13:27 giraffe joined 13:40 pierre joined 13:46 markong joined 13:50 pmurias joined
pmurias moritz: aren't they writing military drone software now too? (So it's likely they will be doing some search & destroy software) 13:50
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moritz pmurias: yes :( 14:26
14:31 pierre left
hahainternet it's google or it's someone else 14:49
15:08 lichtkind joined
cfa morning 15:08
El_Che hahainternet: that's what the murderer, the rapist and the bank executive all say 15:11
hahainternet is it? i don't really intend to get into an argument, but i wasn't trying to excuse any actions or imply anything 15:12
gfldex El_Che: that can't be true. Top management does not know nor understand the intarwebs!
El_Che :)
15:26 fatguy left 15:27 xtreak joined 15:33 Sgeo_ joined, ZzZombo left 15:35 Sgeo left 15:44 stmuk joined
cfa so, i've drafted documentation for `module {}`: 15:45
considering creating a new p6doc page named 'Module Packages' and linking there from Packages, Modules
any objections, suggestions for better placement?
also please let me know if there're objections to the draft itself 15:46
15:46 pierre__ joined, stmuk_ left 15:49 mspo joined
mspo mst: hey do you think fatpack could handle this? github.com/bugzilla/harmony 15:49
mst: it's a ridiculous project of course as it seems to not use any of the newer web frameworks 15:50
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dylanwh mspo: that's my rediculous project, I'll have you know. :-) 16:05
we have a non-trivial number of XS dependencies. 16:07
16:11 dct_ joined 16:14 trnh left
moritz if any of the usual docs contributors could give cfa some feedback, that would be awesome! 16:16
16:16 xtreak left
moritz where are lizmat or Zoffix when you need them? or JJ? 16:16
16:17 xtreak joined
El_Che moritz: they are having a party without you :) 16:18
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mst dylanwh: would be interesting to see how many of those have alternatives 16:27
16:27 cpup joined
cfa here're the proposed additions, changes to doc: 16:29
16:29 TuukkaX42 left
dylanwh mst: I know the alternative for Taint::Util but I need that path to be very fast. :) 16:32
mst my general solution to that sort of problem is to introduce a validation barrier and defenestrate taint mode 16:33
I'm aware that's probably not a practical option for you, mind
dylanwh I'm keen to reove it, but that will wait 'til after I have a usable 6.0 release 16:39
16:39 dct_ joined 16:41 skids left 16:44 fatguy joined
Geth doc: 084db9cd09 | (Steve Mynott)++ | doc/Language/faq.pod6
star releases are usually quarterly and there haven't been monthly releases for a long time
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/faq
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lichtkind co 17:14
17:17 Alikzus left
stmuk lichtkind: RCS user? :) 17:30
lichtkind what you mean? co was just typo i looked for colomon 17:31
17:31 rindolf left 17:32 rindolf joined
dmaestro What is the equivalent in p6doc to: perldoc -m Installed::Module ? 17:33
Best thing I have found so far is to parse the output of zef locate and start a pager myself 17:38
Shouldn't there be a common tool for that?
17:38 pierre__ joined
stmuk lichtkind: it was a joke "co" was a RCS command 17:39
17:39 noganex joined
lichtkind pierre__ cheers 17:40
dmaestro stmuk: I got it :-D
lichtkind pierre__ started reading the tracker 17:41
dmaestro On another note, I need a *working* example for Crust using middleware 17:43
17:43 pierre__ left
dmaestro The example in the README apparently is not *supposed* to be working, but I haven't been able to make it work. 17:44
Based on the explanation given ...
17:46 Zoffix joined
Zoffix moritz: I was sleeping :) 17:46
Also, I don't know anything about modules.
cfa :) 17:47
Zoffix cfa: I'd suggest creating a PR instead of a gist and then pinging niner and ugexe on that PR asking for review
cfa it's no longer a gist; see the above (fork) commit 17:48
but sure, that sounds good
just about to push a version that passes xt/examples-compilation.t
17:58 Alikzus joined
Geth doc: cfa++ created pull request #1842:
Document module packages
18:02 ufobat joined
cfa there we go 18:03
and now, groceries!
18:05 Zoffix left 18:06 dct_ left, ZzZombo joined 18:16 scott left 18:17 sharksoft joined, scott joined 18:19 eponym left, kaare_ left 18:20 kaare_ joined 18:25 kaare_ left, kaare_ joined 18:30 Pilu joined
Pilu how can I fill in a shell prompt from a script? 18:31
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AlexDaniel Pilu: perhaps you should just pass something to stdin of the program you're trying to run? Do you have any code already? 18:34
timotimo by prompt do you mean the symbols it puts in front of your cursor?
like path, username, and a $ or # or > or something?
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Pilu I want to push a repository using git 19:11
it asks me for username and password
El_Che Pilu: use ssh or have a look at git config 19:12
Pilu so it can't be done with perl? 19:13
19:13 Ven`` joined
El_Che shure it can, but it's a reinventing the wheel kind of thing 19:14
what sometimes do in code is create GIT_ASKPASS programmatically and go from there 19:15
(on repos that don't use ssh keys)
Pilu I am curious how to do this in perl
can you tell me what to read 19:16
or what to search on google?
El_Che have a look at the link I pasted. A simple algorythm would be:
create a file (script) that outputs the password, like "echo -n password" 19:17
set the env variable GIT_ASKPASS that points to that file
that's it
mspo dylanwh: reduce them 19:25
19:29 Ven`` left
mspo dylanwh: I just wanted to use it; don't mean to offend 19:34
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dylanwh I'm not offended. I just got involved this 4 years ago. No-XS isn't a requirement for me. But I'd accept PRs to that. 20:16
20:17 zakharyas joined, domidumont left
El_Che dylanwh: maybe I am naive, but doens't XS speed things up? it's a big app 20:17
20:18 zakharyas left, Kaiepi left 20:19 zakharyas joined
dylanwh XS is vital for bugzilla.mozilla.org. 20:19
20:19 Kaiepi joined
dylanwh before I started using untaint() from Taint::Util, we had 6 million calls to the regexp /^(.*)$/ 20:19
El_Che wow 20:20
dylanwh also Cache::Memcached is worse than using no memcached.
mspo those all sound like bugs :)
moritz can you please keep the bugzilla discussion out of #perl6?
dylanwh Sorry. :)
20:22 FROGGS joined 20:26 zakharyas left
timotimo surely /^(.*)$/ is optimized out the wazzoo in perl5? 20:33
dylanwh it's not faster than just unsetting the taint bit 20:36
20:36 espadrine joined
dylanwh but I won't speak further here. I have my own irc channel. :) 20:36
timotimo right, but it could compile down to just an assignment to $/ and the untaint?
20:38 zakharyas joined
mst I think the regexp questions can go to #perl 20:38
and there's a #bugzilla on irc.mozilla.org for bugz stuff 20:39
(I am in that one too)
20:39 pierre__ joined, zakharyas left 20:40 zakharyas joined
dylanwh mst is everywhere. 20:40
El_Che mst is a concept 20:41
a state of being
dylanwh also a timezone 20:42
20:43 pierre__ left 20:45 wamba left
Geth doc/master: 4 commits pushed by cfa++, (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ 20:47
20:54 Xliff left
geekosaur the mst continuum? 21:06
stmuk timotimo: oops I missed your PRyou are on pl6anet now 21:07
El_Che the mst conundrum, maybe
21:10 atta joined 21:23 Kaiepi left 21:24 Kaiepi joined 21:29 stmuk_ joined 21:31 stmuk left 21:32 grumble left
cfa AlexDaniel: thanks 21:32
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Geth doc: d6c4d434e3 | cfa++ | doc/Language/module-packages.pod6
Ensure that .pm6 is used consistently in module-packages.pod6.
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/module-packages
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pmurias m: say(@*ARG); 22:44
camelia Dynamic variable @*ARG not found
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
22:44 pnu__ joined
pmurias nqp-m: say(@*ARG); 22:44
camelia cannot stringify this
at gen/moar/stage2/NQPCORE.setting:950 (/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/nqp/lib/NQPCORE.setting.moarvm:join)
from gen/moar/stage2/NQPCORE.setting:939 (/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/nqp/lib/NQPCORE.setting.moarvm:say)
22:44 greppable6 joined, reportable6 joined
pmurias nqp-m: say(nqp::elems(@*ARG)); 22:44
camelia 0
lichtkind how can i get a version of a module?
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atweiden-air what's a CLI example of how to use `sub MAIN(:@string)`? how would you pass multiple strings to that? better to just String.split on a scalar? 22:48
MasterDuke atweiden-air: `--string=a --string=b --string=c` should work 22:50
22:51 konsolebox joined, ChoHag joined
atweiden-air MasterDuke: thanks 22:52
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