»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
00:02 wamba left 00:06 BenGoldberg joined 00:12 cpage_ left, cpage__ joined 00:17 skids joined 00:25 cpage__ left 00:30 japhdc joined 00:39 cpage_ joined 00:41 mcmillhj joined 00:49 Cabanossi left 00:51 Cabanossi joined 00:56 japhdc left, xinming_ joined 00:59 xinming left 01:01 kurahaupo joined 01:14 cyphase left 01:15 pecastro left 01:16 japhdc joined 01:17 cyphase joined 01:18 cpage_ left 01:19 iH2O left 01:25 kent\n joined
grondilu m: use Test; my $*TOLERANCE = 1e-5; is-approx pi, 355/113; 01:26
camelia ok 1 -
grondilu m: use Test; my $*TOLERANCE = 1e-9; is-approx pi, 355/113;
camelia ok 1 -
grondilu m: use Test; my $*TOLERANCE = 1e-10; is-approx pi, 355/113;
camelia ok 1 -
grondilu m: use Test; my $*TOLERANCE = 1e-1; is-approx pi, 3.14;
camelia not ok 1 -

# Failed test at <tmp> line 1
# expected approximately: 3.14
# got: 3.14159265358979
# maximum relative tolerance: 1e-06
# actual relative difference: 0.000506957382897213
grondilu :/
01:37 japhdc left 01:46 ilbot3 left, stmuk_ joined 01:47 stmuk left 01:48 ilbot3 joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v ilbot3 01:49 Cabanossi left 01:51 Cabanossi joined
Geth doc: 69d473f00a | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 2 files
[io grant] Document IO::Spec::*.devnull
01:57 Zoffix joined
Zoffix grondilu: that's not how you specify tolerance for is-approx. There are two knobs: relative and absolute tolerances 01:57
grondilu: docs.perl6.org/language/testing#in...tion%3F%29
m: use Test; is-approx pi, 3.14, :abs-tol<0.01>; 01:58
camelia ok 1 -
Zoffix m: use Test; is-approx pi, 3.19, :abs-tol<0.01>;
camelia not ok 1 -

# Failed test at <tmp> line 1
# expected approximately: 3.19
# got: 3.14159265358979
# maximum absolute tolerance: 0.01
# actual absolute difference: 0.0484073464102068
Zoffix notices that anchor is a line too low... 01:59
02:03 japhdc joined
samcv what should I use instead of exec? if i need to start a program that needs user input 02:04
start the program then when it's done return control back to the P6 script 02:05
if i don't capture :out, :in will it magically go through? i'd never tried it... not sure . on nice! it works 02:06
Zoffix That's not what exec does. It doesn't return. You can just not specify `:in` and it'll use the parent's STDIN
$ perl6 -e 'run(:out, $*EXECUTABLE, "-e", "say q|Got: |, get").out.slurp(:close).say' 02:07
samcv yes i know
Zoffix meow
Got: meow
samcv but there is no exec so i need alternatives
and that works fine
Zoffix didn't come up with anything last time I needed exec
02:07 Zoffix left
samcv i think just 'run' and then you can close the perl6 script or something 02:07
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Geth ecosystem: 3a5768b89d | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Add Testo to ecosystem

  "Perl 6 Testing Done Right": github.com/zoffixznet/perl6-Testo
03:05 Cabanossi left 03:06 Cabanossi joined
.oO(someone should name a testing framework "Icular" and then just persistently deny it is a dirty joke)
yoleaux 12 May 2017 10:41Z <nine> skids: with github.com/skids/perl6sum/commit/c...7be2702906 you removed the META.info, but the META6.json does not have a source-url, so the module is no longer installable
12 May 2017 10:57Z <Zoffix> skids: the META is fine, but there are test failures due to "P6M Merging GLOBAL symbols failed: duplicate definition of symbol $synopsis"
skids .tell Zoffix yeah that module is really bitrotten, and won't be worked on again until RT#126819 is resolved. 03:11
synopsebot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display...?id=126819
yoleaux skids: I'll pass your message to Zoffix.
perigrin skids: its used to test software for managing fishtanks right?
skids right. that's why! 03:13
03:20 pierre_ joined 03:35 Cabanossi left, Cabanoss- joined, Cabanoss- is now known as Cabanossi 03:44 klapperl left, klapperl joined 03:56 pierre_ left 04:01 zapwai left
Geth ecosystem: 10edf5fd7a | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Add IO::Dir to ecosystem

IO::Path.dir you can close
doc: d456b8b55a | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6
Remove empty code block
04:04 Cabanossi left
Geth doc: 994d671048 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6
[io grant] List IO::Dir as one of the means...

  ...to avoid the leaking descriptor issue with `dir`.
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azawawi hi #perl6 08:12
lizmat azawawi o/ 08:19
08:21 darutoko- joined, darutoko- left
azawawi a.uguu.se/AC1mOAFJdyI5.gif # Morning Perl 6 cubes/icosphere :) 08:23
uguu.se seems to be slow today in download
github.com/azawawi/perl6-terminal-...r/examples 08:24
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Geth modules.perl6.org/problems: 20cec0cfda | (Tadeusz “tadzik” Sośnierz)++ | 7 files
Move some error reporting from Source.pm to METAChecker; store them in the database for later inspection
modules.perl6.org/problems: b259ce7a07 | (Tadeusz “tadzik” Sośnierz)++ | 5 files
Make a view under /todo for showing problems with modules
tadzik ^ this makes a /todo route on modules.perl6.org with a listing of LTA things in ecosystem modules
09:26 dogbert17 joined
tadzik ^ looks like this 09:27
09:27 sammers left 09:36 aborazmeh joined, aborazmeh left, aborazmeh joined 09:38 sammers joined 09:39 sammers left, sammers joined, TEttinger left
Geth doc: 79cdbb539f | (Jan-Olof Hendig)++ | doc/Type/Uni.pod6
Fixed typo
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Geth doc: 88f4beb09d | (Jan-Olof Hendig)++ | doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6
Fixed a couple of broken code examples
11:10 pmurias left
lichtkind moritz: your 2k3 mailadress returned to me my mail 11:14
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llfourn m: $_ = "foo"; s/(o)/$1/; .say # wat? 11:36
camelia Use of Nil in string context
in code at <tmp> line 1
11:44 pmurias left
timotimo m: $_ = "foo"; s/(o)(o)/$1/; .say; 11:45
camelia fo
timotimo llfourn: $1 is second capture, not first
llfourn timotimo: doh. Thanks. 11:46
too much sed and awk recently :\ 11:47
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AlexDaniel m: $_ = "foo"; s/(o)/$10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/; .say 12:32
camelia foo
AlexDaniel llfourn: just append 64 zeroes and it should be fine with $1 also
12:33 Cabanossi left
tadzik nine: json5.org/ 12:34
12:35 Cabanossi joined
timotimo can has json6 please 12:36
without all the insanity of json
tadzik we actually have github.com/Mouq/json5 too
timotimo: I expect json6 to have slangs, so you can write yaml in the middle of it
timotimo json is praised for how "simple" it is 12:37
json6 should be a json that's actually simple, not only pretend simple
json7 can have slangs and such
json8 is based on a virtual machine with unicode-character bytecode and it's allowed to self-modify 12:39
AlexDaniel and World War IV will be fought with sticks, stones and json9 12:40
timotimo world perl 6 12:41
llfourn AlexDaniel: ah thanks. Should have aimed higher. 12:46
masak macros watch: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14329249 -- this would indeed be a reasonable use for macros, I think. 12:47
yoleaux 11 May 2017 03:07Z <MasterDuke_> masak: the inconsistent examples in rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=122990 now are errors. e.g., `say \(1) ~~ :(int as Str)` gives `===SORRY!=== Error while compiling -e Malformed parameter at -e:1 ------> say \(1) ~~ :(int⏏ as Str) expecting any of: constraint formal parameter`. is that ok or should the ticket be re-worded to make them work at all?
masak though would need to measure before/after so it's not just a microoptimization
MasterDuke_: I don't know. why are they now parse errors? 12:48
m: :(int as Str)
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Malformed parameter
at <tmp>:1
------> 3:(int7⏏5 as Str)
expecting any of:
formal parameter
masak is it because we no longer have the `as` syntax? 12:49
maybe it should be `Str(int)` ?
m: :(Str(int))
camelia ( no output )
llfourn remembers something about removing as for coercions
masak m: say \(1) ~~ :(Str(int))
camelia False
masak tell MasterDuke_ seems the syntax has shifted and rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=122990 should be `say \(1) ~~ :(Str(int))` etc. bug still manifests 12:50
er how do I
yoleaux: help
yoleaux: how do I
masak frustrates at the tech
AlexDaniel .tell 12:51
yoleaux Relay a telegram to someone
masak .tell MasterDuke_ seems the syntax has shifted and rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=122990 should be `say \(1) ~~ :(Str(int))` etc. bug still manifests
yoleaux masak: I'll pass your message to MasterDuke_.
masak AlexDaniel: muchos grazie
AlexDaniel committable6: how do I 12:52
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦how: «Cannot find this revision (did you mean “all”?)»
AlexDaniel committable6: all do I?
committable6 AlexDaniel, gist.github.com/f971a726532ae75ab7...03a025eda6 12:53
AlexDaniel committable6: all say do i
12:53 committable6 left
AlexDaniel xDDDDDDDDD 12:53
oh you piece of sh…
12:54 committable6 joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v committable6
AlexDaniel committable6: all say do i 12:54
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦all (40 commits): «0+1i»
AlexDaniel (for those wondering, this is the issue: github.com/perl6/whateverable/issues/136 ) 12:55
masak I was wondering :) 12:56
AlexDaniel: any clues what's keeping files open?
also, AlexDaniel++ for pushing long-running Perl 6 server jobs to be better
12:57 poohman left
AlexDaniel masak: I have a feeling that the error is on my side. Something here has to be .closed: github.com/perl6/whateverable/blob...e.pm6#L173 12:57
13:00 poohman joined 13:01 lizmat left
AlexDaniel masak: or it could be something with Proc::Async here: github.com/perl6/whateverable/blob...le.pm6#L97 13:01
committable6: all say 42 13:02
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦all (40 commits): «42»
13:02 lizmat joined
AlexDaniel committable6: all say 42 13:02
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦all (40 commits): «42» 13:03
AlexDaniel how can I see which files are open?
committable6: all say 42
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦all (40 commits): «42» 13:04
AlexDaniel I see one zombie pzstd process, but would that be an issue? 13:05
13:05 fatguy joined 13:06 darutoko joined, espadrine left
fatguy i tried simple program to convert seconds to h:m:s pastebin.com/WuaaX3mH , got error "expected a writable container, but got IntStr value" , can someone guide me what's wrong 13:08
13:09 darutoko- left
AlexDaniel fatguy: maybe you want polymod instead docs.perl6.org/routine/polymod 13:09
fatguy: but let's see what's wrong with your code… one second :)
13:09 pierre_ joined
AlexDaniel fatguy: ah, you probably need 「Int $seconds is copy」 13:09
fatguy: so “is copy” instead of “is rw” 13:10
fatguy i'm doing 'think perl 6' book exercise, i haven't learn what is polymod
13:10 poohman left
fatguy oh i thought i can do rw, so i can pass reference 13:10
13:10 poohman joined
AlexDaniel fatguy: you can! But your $seconds come from MAIN 13:11
soo… perhaps you'll need “sub MAIN (Int $seconds is copy)” ?
yea, that works 13:13
fatguy AlexDaniel: ouch, ya, ok, make sense. thx Alex/Daniel
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AlexDaniel masak: so it died after about 760 tested commits, and the limit seems to be 1024 13:20
MasterDuke_ AlexDaniel: lsof lists open files (and you can get it to show which processes opened it)
yoleaux 12:51Z <masak> MasterDuke_: seems the syntax has shifted and rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=122990 should be `say \(1) ~~ :(Str(int))` etc. bug still manifests
13:21 committable6 joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v committable6
AlexDaniel MasterDuke_: riiiight 13:21
13:21 poohman joined
Geth doc: 4432ef3d44 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6
[io grant] Finish up IO::Path.dir docs

  - Fix up formatting
  - Mention `test` tests against Str names, not IO::Paths
  - Use proper $*HOME instead of env var and don't stringify IO::Paths
13:23 dogbert17_ left, poohman_ left 13:25 poohman_ joined 13:26 poohman left 13:27 poohman_ left, poohman joined, poohman is now known as poohman_, pierre_ left
AlexDaniel MasterDuke_: moar 20954 bisectable 767u unix 0xffff88011b432800 0t0 166145977 socket 13:28
MasterDuke_: 600 of these 13:29
oh, exactly one per tested revision!
that's exactly what I am looking for
13:29 poohman_ left
AlexDaniel so if I just did “committable6: all say 42” again, and it is 640! :) 13:30
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travis-ci Doc build failed. Zoffix Znet '[io grant] Finish up IO::Path.dir docs 13:36
travis-ci.org/perl6/doc/builds/231867367 github.com/perl6/doc/compare/88f4b...32ef3d4487
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masak AlexDaniel: I just reflexively .close my filehandles in Perl 6 13:46
13:46 poohman_ joined
masak (and in Perl 5, too, although a lexical going out of scope is usually enough there) 13:46
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pink_mist is hmbrand here? I got notified from 2 different sources that he released Text-CSV for perl5 ... but it seems he just messed up a perl6 dist? 13:50
13:50 poohman_ left
timotimo "messed up"? 13:50
MasterDuke_ AlexDaniel: heh, now which line causes it... 13:51
pink_mist well, messed up as in, the tools thought it was perl5
masak oh, that's interesting
pink_mist timotimo: metacpan.org/release/HMBRAND/Text-CSV-0.007
masak how do we make the tools not think that next time?
timotimo is that perl6?
well, our cpan stuff isn't all there yet
tadzik pink_mist: he's here, yes 13:52
timotimo only a few people actually put real perl6 stuff up on cpan
i believe nine puts Inline::Perl5 there? or is that just Inline::Perl6?
tadzik he prolly put it on CPAN but not in the Perl 6 directory
timotimo: both I think
13:52 rindolf left
tadzik masak: I think andk is already doing that 13:52
MasterDuke_ pink_mist: i don't think he's here in #perl6, but he's [Tux] in #perl6-dev 13:53
13:54 poohman left
pink_mist MasterDuke_: ah, right, I'll prod him in there then =) 13:54
13:55 rindolf joined 13:56 jsoo left
Geth doc: 003331cb6c | (Jan-Olof Hendig)++ | doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6
Added more examples
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pink_mist nine++ # he explained what happened - intentional messup to make sure PAUSE handled things right - which it didn't, so it's being fixed :P 14:06
(unless nine is a woman, in which case s/he/she/)
14:08 darutoko- joined 14:09 salios left 14:11 darutoko left 14:12 poohman left 14:13 poohman joined
nine pink_mist: I always hope the beard makes me more manly, but I'm not sure how well that works out :) 14:13
timotimo nine: thing is, the beard isn't part of your name 14:14
pink_mist hehe, it'd need to be a rather big beard in order for me to see it through irc :P
timotimo climb the eiffel tower and say "i can see nine's beard from here!" 14:15
14:17 poohman left
nine Also since this fellow Austrian, things are not that simple anymore anyway: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conchita_Wurst 14:18
timotimo i'm not sure conchita is the first one to be like that
14:18 dolmen left
pink_mist oh yeah, that reminds me, eurovision 2017 is tonight! :P 14:18
timotimo though perhaps the most famous one in recent memory i guess?
14:19 Cabanossi left
nine most famous for sure 14:19
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pink_mist tadzik: fwiw Geo-Coder-OpenCage-1.0 was also announced as a perl5 dist, but the metacpan link for it is 404, so I can't even tell if *is* a perl5 dist or not :P 14:25
tadzik pink_mist: oh wtf :D 14:26
it's in my Perl6 dir, I'm innocent
pink_mist: where did it get announced?
pink_mist #perl - 16:17 * GumbyPAN CPAN Upload: Geo-Coder-OpenCage-1.0 by TADZIK metacpan.org/release/TADZIK/Geo-Co...enCage-1.0
tadzik well at least this time it's not on metacpan.org/recent 14:27
I wonder where GumbyPAN gets its info from
pink_mist BinGOs would know
BinGOs: ping
14:28 kaare_ left 14:29 poohman left, poohman joined 14:30 sena_kun joined 14:31 Guest42651 left 14:32 poohman left
BinGOs PAUSE upload emails from the NNTP source. 14:32
14:32 poohman joined
sena_kun I want somewhat strange thing and only out of my curiosity, so don't mind this seriously. Is there a way to create a variable, what would be immutable, but the initial value is defined at runtime? 14:34
nine sena_kun: so a write-once variable? 14:35
timotimo yeah, use a my \var
sena_kun m: my \var;
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Term definition requires an initializer
at <tmp>:1
------> 3my \var7⏏5;
sena_kun nine, yep, something like that.
nine sena_kun: I think, you'll need a Proxy for that
araraloren m: my \var = 10; var = 20;
camelia Cannot modify an immutable Int
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
sena_kun nine, digging into the docs now... 14:36
thanks, nine! 14:37
14:37 poohman left, japhdc joined 14:38 poohman joined 14:39 jsoo joined, jsoo left, Ven joined
Geth doc: 64355c8d8d | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 2 files
[io grant] Document IO::Spec::*.dir-sep
14:40 Ven is now known as Guest13320
b2gills fatguy: sub hms ( UInt $s ){ sprintf '%d hours, %d minutes, %d seconds', reverse $s.polymod(60,60) } 14:41
14:42 poohman left, poohman joined
pink_mist thanks for the info about what was going on with PAUSE, sayonara =) 14:45
14:45 pink_mist left
b2gills m: sub dhms ( UInt $seconds ){ sprintf '%d days %d hours, %d minutes, %d seconds', reverse $seconds.polymod(60,60,24) }; say dhms [+] (1,2,3,4).reverse Z* [\*] 1,60,60,24 14:45
camelia 1 days 2 hours, 3 minutes, 4 seconds
14:45 khw joined 14:47 kaare_ joined 14:53 pmurias left 14:54 Guest13320 left 14:55 poohman left 14:59 Ven_ joined
fatguy b2gills: cool, thanks! 14:59
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Geth ecosystem: 4be5bb91f8 | (Shoichi Kaji)++ | META.list
Add CPAN::Uploader::Tiny to ecosystem

See raw.githubusercontent.com/skaji/pe...META6.json
15:12 bjz_ left, poohman left 15:14 poohman joined 15:15 andrzejku joined
garu_ waves 15:16
ugexe Report for Zef::Reporter will be available at testers.p6c.org/reports/{"errors":[...ssage":"No definition for discriminator ARRAY(0x35cd4c0).","path":"\/report\/environment\/language"},{"message":"Expected string - got null.","path":"\/report\/result\/output\/build"},{"message":"Expected string - got null.","path":"\/report\/result\/output\/configure"},{"message":"Expected string - got 15:17
null.","path":"\/report\/result\/output\/install"},{"message":"Expected string - got boolean.","path":"\/report\/result\/grade"}],"status":400}.htmly
15:17 japhdc left
timotimo :D :D 15:17
15:17 bjz joined, poohman left
ugexe /msg doesn't like multi line pastes i guess :P 15:17
Geth doc: 914c100823 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6
[io grant] Finish up IO::Path.dirname

  - Add links to volume/basename
  - Include an example with IO::Path that has a volume
.oO( this filename is missing a NUL byte )
15:17 poohman joined 15:18 Cabanossi left 15:20 Cabanossi joined 15:22 poohman left, Khisanth left 15:27 ilbelkyr joined, poohman joined
andrzejku hi 15:31
moritz here? 15:32
Geth doc: 8d5e31c73e | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6
[io grant] Document IO::Handle.encoding
15:35 poohman left, anton_p joined, poohman joined
ugexe btw my last comment is about cpan testers matrix, not p6c (despite the url shown) 15:35
15:36 Khisanth joined, Zoffix joined
Zoffix fatguy: FWIW, there's a module for that 15:37
$ perl6 -MNumber::Denominate -e 'say denominate 93784'
1 day, 2 hours, 3 minutes, and 4 seconds
buggable: eco Number::Denominate
buggable Zoffix, Number::Denominate 'Break up numbers into preset or arbitrary denominations': github.com/zoffixznet/perl6-Number-Denominate
15:38 espadrine joined 15:40 Ven_ left 15:42 poohman left, poohman joined, kaare__ joined, pierre_ left 15:44 kaare_ left
Zoffix sena_kun: note that `\var` isn't immutable but merely doesn't create a container. If you assign containered stuff to it, you'd still be able to assign to it: 15:44
m: my $x = 42; my \var = $x; var = 72; say var
camelia 72
Zoffix And even constants can be "mutable" if you're changing guts of the object stored inside. 15:45
m: constant foo = SetHash.new: <a b c>; foo<z d c>»++; say foo
camelia SetHash.new(d, b, z, a, c)
dogbert17 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/travis/build/perl6/doc/./doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6
Preceding context expects a term, but found infix = instead
at /home/travis/build/perl6/doc/./doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6:921
Zoffix (there's a bit of magic with them in that they decontarenize Hash/Array items, but that's it) 15:46
sena_kun Zoffix, thanks for your note. Well, I just compared perl 6 to Language X, so precise analysis of constants is a bit out of my purposes list. :)
15:48 poohman left, poohman joined
Geth doc: 9b5b3a0206 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6
Fix compile error
Zoffix dogbert17: ^ that fixes it
dogbert17 Zoffix++ 15:50
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Geth doc: d5c36aa0c9 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6
[io grant] Finish off IO::Handle.eof

  - Add `Defined as` bit
  - IO::Handles can handle more than just files
16:00 poohman left
Geth doc: e9de97e3fd | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Type/IO/Spec/Unix.pod6
[io grant] Document IO::Spec::*.extension

Since this will show up in /routine/extension, include a notice that the user is likely looking for IO::Path.extension.
16:09 sena_kun left
Geth doc: e230a7fb3b | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Type/IO/Spec/Unix.pod6
Clearify behaviour of IO::Spec::*.extension

That it expects a basename, not the full path.
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Geth whateverable: 96ccddccd8 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | Whateverable.pm6
Close the pipe between pzstd and tar

Resolves #136
I would have never expected that this would be needed, but otherwise it leaves some sort of sockets open.
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Geth doc: bf7ec00ac3 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6
[io grant] Document IO::Handle.flush

  - Rakudo impl: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/b43ed18f50
  - Tests: github.com/perl6/roast/commit/4495615281
  - Not all IO::Handles deal with files
  - Add examples; N.B.: example isn't 100% accurate for Rakudo since
   currently that case won't buffer the data and I'm unsure which
   one actually would, if any.
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Geth ecosystem: f955d9a626 | cbk++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Adding API::USNavalObservatory to the ecosystem

This is a Work in progress. Not sure how to add the WIP tag
20:08 Possum joined
ugexe ...that module spells github "gethub" in its link, still doesn't work if you s/get/git/, and list a module in its provides while not having a lib folder 20:10
Geth ecosystem: a298dbbdfa | cbk++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Update META.list

ugexe ...and no that ^ does not fix the typo i mentioned 20:12
tadzik woot 20:13
there's also a typo in the username 20:14
ah, that one's now fixed
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Geth whateverable: b2bd371205 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | Whateverable.pm6
Add uptime command

One step towards resolving issue #135
AlexDaniel hides in a bunker 20:23
timotimo if you switch git and get it will work 20:24
AlexDaniel hm… nothing happened? 20:25
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AlexDaniel alright :) 20:25
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AlexDaniel bisectable6: uptime 20:28
bisectable6 AlexDaniel, 2 minutes and 17 seconds
Geth ecosystem: 1413ab2c05 | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
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Geth ecosystem: 8da7235a4b | (Stefan Seifert)++ | META.list
Add Distribution::Builder::MakeFromJSON to the ecosystem
21:03 andrzejku left
pmurias m: /&1/ 21:09
camelia ( no output )
pmurias m: say("a" ~~ /&a/ )
camelia 「a」
pmurias m: say("a" ~~ /&a&b/ )
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared routine:
b used at line 1
pmurias m: say("a" ~~ /a & b/ ) 21:10
camelia Nil
pmurias m: say("a" ~~ /& a & a/ )
camelia Nil
21:12 salios joined
Geth ecosystem: araraloren++ created pull request #340:
Add Terminal::Table version 0.0.1 to the ecosystem
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samcv ugh i keep getting these errors that make no sense. there must be somewhere messing the code up 21:58
i think sometimes the error messages can be a little different if you have one variable $package and one $package-mask (when you have some other errros i the file) 22:10
got it though 22:11
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