»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
gfldex shinobi-cl: you may want to add a multi candidate with WhateverCode where the user can supply an index. 00:00
00:01 Zoffix joined
gfldex shinobi-cl: You may also want to look into `handles`, see: docs.perl6.org/language/typesystem...it_handles 00:01
Zoffix AlexDaniel: because `nextsame` doesn't re-dispatch. It follows the current dispatch chain, which in this case is exhausted, so it doesn't dispatch to anything else. You may have meant `callwith` 00:02
m: multi sub foo($ where /^x/) { say nextcallee; nextwith ‘zzz’ }; multi sub foo($ where ‘yyy’) { say ‘yyy’ }; multi sub foo($ where ‘zzz’) { say ‘zzz’ }; foo(‘xx’)
camelia Nil
Zoffix m: multi sub foo($ where /^x/) { callwith ‘zzz’ }; multi sub foo($ where ‘yyy’) { say ‘yyy’ }; multi sub foo($ where ‘zzz’) { say ‘zzz’ }; foo(‘xx’)
camelia ( no output )
Zoffix :o
AlexDaniel you mean samewith?
m: multi sub foo($ where /^x/) { samewith ‘zzz’ }; multi sub foo($ where ‘yyy’) { say ‘yyy’ }; multi sub foo($ where ‘zzz’) { say ‘zzz’ }; foo(‘xx’) 00:03
camelia zzz
Zoffix Ah right
gfldex shinobi-cl: If I wanted to go full spreadsheet I would try to cheat by having separate Arrays for header and body and delegate as much as possible.
Zoffix callwith calls still have to match original args
shinobi-cl gfldex, an index? like an array index? Care to give an example? How would you call this?
AlexDaniel Zoffix: sorry, but why is it exhausted?
I thought that it didn't try two other candidates
gfldex shinobi-cl: also deep thinking about Nil might be helpful later on 00:04
shinobi-cl they are. The body is only on an array, the "bidimensional" part is just only math so emulate rows and columns
but there are only 2 arrays. The header is one and the full body is another one.
gfldex m: my @a = [[1,2,3],<a b c>]; say @a[{now.Date.day-of-week};1]; 00:06
camelia (b)
00:06 mcmillhj joined
gfldex shinobi-cl: ^^^ the x-cood depends on the day of week at runtime 00:06
Zoffix AlexDaniel: ah, cause I'm talking shit.
AlexDaniel: `nextwith` must match original dispatch too, and `where 'zzz'` doesn't 00:07
m: multi sub foo($ where { say 'here'; $_ ~~ /^x/}) { nextwith ‘zzz’ }; multi sub foo($ where {say 'there'; $_ eq ‘yyy’}) { say ‘yyy’ }; multi sub foo($ where { say 'everywhere'; $_ eq ‘zzz’}) { say ‘zzz’ }; foo(‘xxx’)
camelia here
00:07 epony joined
Zoffix From rakudo.party/post/Perl6-But-Heres-...hemwith... "The next candidate callwith will call will be the next candidate that matches Middle—and that's not a typo: Middle is the argument we used to initiate the dispatch and so the next candidate will be the one that can still take the arguments of that original call." 00:07
AlexDaniel multi sub foo($ where { say 'here'; $_ ~~ /^x/}) { say ‘before nextwith’; nextwith ‘zzz’ }; multi sub foo($ where {say 'there'; $_ eq ‘yyy’}) { say ‘yyy’ }; multi sub foo($ where { say 'everywhere'; $_ eq ‘zzz’}) { say ‘zzz’ }; foo(‘xxx’)
evalable6 here
before nextwith
gfldex shinobi-cl: that's a Callable tho, not a WhateverCode. But equally useful. 00:08
shinobi-cl gfldex: so, you want to be able to use [] to reference elements inside the "body"?. However, i wanted to "force" to use column names (still there is a public hash with column numerical positions available as keys in any case) 00:09
gfldex. also, what do you mean about thinking on the use of Nil?
Zoffix AlexDaniel: would've thought to see at least one duplicated `everywhere` or `here` in "before nextwith␤here␤there␤everywhere", for it to know that the original won't fit; but perhaps it cached the results of previous try 00:10
Or it's trying to find the next one that'd match original arg. 00:11
00:11 mcmillhj left
Zoffix Well, I know the article documented what jnthn told me about it vis-a-vis matching both arg of original call and new args, so I don't think there bugs involved, but I can't explain the output of whatevers 00:12
m: multi sub foo($ where { say 'here'; $_ eq "xx"}) { nextwith ‘xxz’ }; multi sub foo($ where {say 'there'; $_ eq ‘yyy’}) { say ‘yyy’ }; multi sub foo($ where { say 'everywhere'; $_ ~~ /^x/}) { say ‘zzz’ }; foo(‘xx’) 00:13
camelia here
Zoffix m: multi sub foo($ where { say 'here'; $_ eq "xx"}) { say "before nextwith"; nextwith ‘xxz’ }; multi sub foo($ where {say 'there'; $_ eq ‘yyy’}) { say ‘yyy’ }; multi sub foo($ where { say 'everywhere'; $_ ~~ /^x/}) { say ‘zzz’ }; foo(‘xx’)
camelia here
before nextwith
shinobi-cl (afw for one hour or so)
AlexDaniel mhmm… too magic
AlexDaniel rewrites that code so that it doesn't rely on multi dispatch as much
Zoffix m: multi sub foo($ where { say "here[$_]"; $_ eq "xx"}) { say "before nextwith"; nextwith ‘xxz’ }; multi sub foo($ where {say "there[$_]"; $_ eq ‘yyy’}) { say ‘yyy’ }; multi sub foo($ where { say "everywhere[$_]"; $_ ~~ /^x/}) { say ‘zzz’ }; foo(‘xx’) 00:14
camelia here[xx]
before nextwith
Zoffix m: multi sub foo($ where { say "here[$_]"; $_ ~~ /^x/}) { say "before nextwith"; nextwith ‘zzz’ }; multi sub foo($ where {say "there[$_]"; $_ eq ‘yyy’}) { say ‘yyy’ }; multi sub foo($ where { say "everywhere[$_]"; $_ eq "zzz" }) { say ‘zzz’ }; foo(‘xx’)
camelia here[xx]
before nextwith
Zoffix I guess it goes out to find another candidate that can take original arg that ain't the current one and then fails to do so so that's why there's no another everywhere. 00:15
ZofBot: mystery solved
ZofBot Zoffix, He looked at Elizabeth
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Zoffix Man. I'm not following how it's possible that I'm getting this output: gist.github.com/zoffixznet/82387c3...xt-L20-L46 ZZ2.3 is followed by ZZ2.5 then by ZZ2.3 again and then by ZZ2.4 but the code where this is printed is an `if`, not a loop: gist.github.com/zoffixznet/82387c3...p6-L23-L32 and the routine has a print 01:34
of ZZ1 on its entry...
Which is printed in the output originally, but not between the ZZ2.3->ZZ2.5->ZZ2.3 lines... How does it manage to go back to ZZ2.3 :S 01:35
And that snippet is placed here: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast...6224-L6255 01:36
01:38 mcmillhj joined 01:39 zeddy__k left 01:43 mcmillhj left
AlexDaniel Zoffix: ahem, but what about this 01:45
e: multi sub foo($x where /{dd $x}./) {}; multi sub foo($y where /{dd $y}./) {}; foo ‘1’; note ‘ BETWEEN ’; foo ‘2’
evalable6 Str $x = "1"
Str $x = "1"
Str $x = "1"
Str $x = "2"
AlexDaniel maybe you explained it already but I'm still confused
how come it attempts to match something from the previous run 01:46
Zoffix Solve my thing and I'll solve yours :)
AlexDaniel hehe 01:47
Zoffix Here's updated version. How in the world does it manage to go from ZZ4.4 to ZZ4.2 without going through ZZ4.1 :S gist.github.com/zoffixznet/5beb5a8...p6-L19-L24
01:48 mcmillhj joined
AlexDaniel fwiw I'm seeing a bug when the first dispatch erroneously affects subsequent calls (so wherever it goes first is what's going to be used later) 01:49
possibly the stuff above is a golf of that, but no idea really
Zoffix AlexDaniel: looking at the QAST of your code, there's a bug. The block that prints stuff inside the regex is in the wrong scope 01:50
e: multi sub foo($x where {?/{dd $x}./}) {}; multi sub foo($y where {?/{dd $y}./}) {}; foo ‘1’; note ‘ BETWEEN ’; foo ‘2’ 01:51
evalable6 Str $x = "1"
Str $x = "1"
Str $x = "2"
Str $x = "2"
Zoffix yup :)
I'm guessing the fix would be something like this: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/d8...e4e43bbd81 except in the `where` maker instead of the whatever currier 01:52
Now solve my ZZ thing :P
AlexDaniel looking at it, yes
01:53 mcmillhj left
AlexDaniel well because it's recursive 01:54
but that doesn't explain anything 01:55
Zoffix AlexDaniel: but if it came from re-entry to routine, wouldn't ZZ4.1 and ZZ1 be printed again
Filed yours as R#1481 01:56
AlexDaniel expected output is something like 4.1, 4.4, 4.2, 4.4
synopsebot R#1481 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/1481 `where` with regex miscopes QAST::Blocks inside the regex
AlexDaniel yes, but in the last cycle 01:57
it goes to the end to 4.4
then jumps back out, prints 4.2
think of how it's going to unroll from the last iteration, kind of 01:58
didn't really look at the output though, but 4.4 → 4.2 without 4.1 is not surprising
Zoffix Ah. OK. I think I'm getting it now. AlexDaniel++ tahnks
01:58 aborazmeh joined, aborazmeh left, aborazmeh joined
AlexDaniel (4.1, (4.1, 4.2 4.4), 4.2, 4.4) 01:59
or something
yea, print “(4.1” instead of just 4.1
and “4.4)”
and you'll see it very clearly, I think
Zoffix Yeah, if I put a print at the every end of the routine, it gets printed between the things 02:01
AlexDaniel that took longer to figure out than it should've… time to revisit prolog! 02:03
or at least get some sleep :S
Zoffix :)
AlexDaniel so my plans were that I'd be sleeping in a healthy way once I have more free time. Now I do have free time, why am I not in the bed yet? 02:04
02:06 mcmillhj joined
AlexDaniel oh no… my sleep graph script (written in perl 6) produces completely black images now :S 02:09
|20h fix orgsleep 02:10
ZofBot: :(
AlexDaniel calls it a day 02:11
02:11 mcmillhj left
Zoffix ZofBot's reminder feature only listens to me :) 02:12
Still need to swap it to a more robust system I was writing but kinda left before finishing 02:13
eco: Reminders
buggable Zoffix, Reminders 'Class for managing reminders about tasks and events': github.com/zoffixznet/perl6-Reminders
Zoffix usign that ^
02:16 AlexDaniel left 02:17 Zoffix left 02:24 mcmillhj joined, Ven`` joined 02:28 Ven`` left, mcmillhj left 02:36 mcmillhj joined 02:41 mcmillhj left 02:44 ilbot3 left 02:49 mcmillhj joined 02:54 mcmillhj left 02:57 ilbot3 joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v ilbot3 03:04 mcmillhj joined 03:09 mcmillhj left 03:16 cdg joined 03:21 cdg left, colomon left 03:22 colomon joined 03:23 mcmillhj joined 03:27 mcmillhj left 03:33 mcmillhj joined 03:39 mcmillhj left, MasterDuke joined 03:42 aborazmeh left 03:49 mcmillhj joined 03:54 mcmillhj left
Xliff Why do I always miss the fun conversations? 04:00
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Zoffix Was there a bot that reported how many tickets were opened/closed for the past week? 04:44
04:44 Ven`` left
Zoffix reportable6, list 04:44
reportable6 Zoffix, gist.github.com/ca8db59f2929f044d5...2dfdc090f1
Zoffix Yeah, this is it. 04:45
04:47 mcmillhj joined 04:51 mcmillhj left 05:00 wamba left 05:06 mcmillhj joined
Geth doc: fc6af71bde | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6
List windows-1251 in list of supported encodings
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/IO::Handle
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travis-ci Doc build errored. Zoffix Znet 'List windows-1251 in list of supported encodings' 05:32
travis-ci.org/perl6/doc/builds/337406392 github.com/perl6/doc/compare/a2b6f...6af71bdeb8
05:32 travis-ci left
buggable [travis build above] ✓ All failures are due to: timeout (1 failure). 05:32
05:32 noganex left
Zoffix shoo, robot. 05:33
05:35 mcmillhj joined 05:36 cdg left 05:40 mcmillhj left
Zoffix wow, Perl 6 room has a lot of humans: twitter.com/PerlFosdem/status/9601...9705680899 05:46
05:46 mcmillhj joined 05:52 mcmillhj left 05:59 nige joined, mcmillhj joined
nige hi - I'm having a bit of trouble adding a script to the ecosystem - the build is failing to load LWP::Simple as a prerequisite 06:00
06:01 wamba joined
nige the build log is here: travis-ci.org/perl6/ecosystem/buil...tification 06:01
06:01 shinobi-cl left 06:03 skids left
Zoffix nige: looks like it might've been just a Travis error (like, it couldn't fetch ecosystem info when the build happened) 06:03
nige ah ok - I've rerun the build a few times - should I try again? 06:04
06:05 mcmillhj left
Zoffix nige: I would just merge it as is and not worry about it 06:05
nige ok - will do
Zoffix (just try if it works with zef in ~2hr; just do `zef update` for it to fetch updated ecosystem info)
nige the name in meta6.json file is all numeric - "123" - do you know if that is going to work ok? 06:06
ok - will do update in ~2hrs
Zoffix oh 06:07
nige: I think it needs to be a valid identifier
Well, I know module names need to be. No idea what would happen if just the dist has a name as invalid identifier.
nige ah - ok - something starting with a letter - "Do123"
Zoffix Yeah 06:08
nige ok - so will make a change there and try again - thanks
thanks too for the blog post on how to release a module - that was a big help 06:09
Zoffix Great.
Geth ecosystem/nige123-patch-2: 5ba6c764b5 | (Nigel Hamilton)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Update META.list
ecosystem: nige123++ created pull request #385:
Update META.list
06:15 mcmillhj joined 06:20 mcmillhj left
Geth ecosystem: 5ba6c764b5 | (Nigel Hamilton)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Update META.list
ecosystem: a01f0fbdf3 | (Nigel Hamilton)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Merge pull request #385 from perl6/nige123-patch-2

Update META.list
nige ok - the build failed again - but went ahead with the merge - will check in the next ~2hrs 06:27
Zoffix This weeks Perl 6 Weekly, hot off the press: p6weekly.wordpress.com/2018/02/05/...-squashed/ 06:29
06:34 mcmillhj joined 06:38 wamba left 06:40 mcmillhj left 06:41 TEttinger left, TEttinger joined
moritz Zoffix++ 06:44
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ZzZombo Where in the code attribute `where` constraints are checked? I don't see them being attached to instances of attributes, BTW. 07:47
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tyil Zoffix++ 07:57
07:59 domidumont joined 08:00 wamba left, domidumont left
Zoffix ZzZombo: likely here: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast...3390-L3392 08:00
yoleaux 07:48Z <brrt> Zoffix: fwiw, the adding of a NOOP expr JIT operator was a bugfix (one of thsoe that warrents a story, sometime :-))
tyil Zoffix: the weekly says "sides" instead of "slides"
(2nd para near the end) 08:01
Zoffix ZzZombo: and here's where it gets made: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast....nqp#L5451
tyil: fixed. Thanks. 08:02
08:02 domidumont joined 08:03 fluca1978 joined
tyil :> 08:03
Zoffix ZzZombo: oh where they're *checked*... 08:04
ZzZombo: it is attached to the attribute looks like: 08:06
m: class Foo { has $!bar where *.so; method z { say $!bar.^refinement } }.new.z
camelia { ... }
Zoffix m: class Foo { has $!bar where *.so; method z { say $!bar.^refinement.(42) } }.new.z
camelia True
Zoffix It's probably part of the container. No idea how those work
Zoffix &
08:06 Zoffix left 08:07 mcmillhj joined
Geth doc/master: 5 commits pushed by (Luca Ferrari)++ 08:08
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ZzZombo m: class Foo { has $!bar where 0; method z { say $!bar.^refinement === 0 } };Foo.new.z 08:33
camelia False
ZzZombo m: class Foo { has $!bar where 0; method z { say $!bar.^refinement.() === 0 } };Foo.new.z 08:34
camelia Too few positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 0
in method z at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
08:36 mcmillhj left 08:40 travis-ci joined
travis-ci Doc build passed. Luca Ferrari 'No B<zero> in MAIN.' 08:40
travis-ci.org/perl6/doc/builds/337440437 github.com/perl6/doc/compare/fc6af...882c3d5d0f
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Zoffix ZzZombo: `where 0` is equivalent to `where {0}`. It'll always be a Callable. 08:43
m: class Foo { has $!bar where 0; method z { say $!bar.^refinement.($) } };Foo.new.z
camelia False
Zoffix m: class Foo { has $!bar where 1; method z { say $!bar.^refinement.($) } };Foo.new.z 08:44
camelia False
Zoffix m: class Foo { has $!bar where 1; method z { say $!bar.^refinement.(1) } };Foo.new.z
camelia True
Zoffix m: class Foo { has $!bar where (1, **, 5); method z { say $!bar.^refinement.(1, 3, 4, 5) } };Foo.new.z 08:45
camelia Too many positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 4
in method z at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Zoffix m: class Foo { has $!bar where (1, **, 5); method z { say $!bar.^refinement.([1, 3, 4, 5]) } };Foo.new.z
camelia True
08:47 xtreak joined
Zoffix I guess not always-always. We do some optimizations 08:47
08:48 mcmillhj left
Zoffix m: sub ($ where Int|Str) {}.signature.params.head.constraints.say 08:48
camelia -> ;; $_ { #`(Block|75212208) ... }
Zoffix Ah, nm, they're just for the fast path binder; the original thunk is still in place.
08:51 zakharyas joined
Zoffix Actually, they're not equivalent, in the general sense. `where 0` means to `{$param ~~ 0}`; whereas `where {0}` means `{$param ~~ {0}}`. In both cases they're are Callables, but the thunked version has slightly different meaning with some constructs, since smartmatch will be done against the value returned from thunk, rather than just checking whether it's truthy 08:54
m: -> $ where 0 {}("0") 08:55
camelia ( no output )
Zoffix m: -> $ where {0} {}("0")
camelia Constraint type check failed in binding to parameter '<anon>'; expected anonymous constraint to be met but got Str ("0")
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Zoffix m: -> $y where .so && .name {}( sub one {} ); # WRONG!! 08:57
camelia Sub object coerced to string (please use .gist or .perl to do that)
in block at <tmp> line 1
Zoffix m: -> $y where { .so && .name } {}( sub two {} );
camelia ( no output )
Zoffix m: -> $y where .so && .name.so {}( sub two {} );
camelia ( no output )
Zoffix ^ the wrong one does `sub one {} ~~ .name`, which is just an `eq` 08:58
ZofBot: did you enjoy my soliloqui?
ZofBot Zoffix, t line 85 # expected: 'Perl 6' # got: 'Perl' seems to happen under load 08:59
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AlexDaniel` releasable6: next 12:31
releasable6 AlexDaniel`, Next release in 12 days and ≈6 hours. Blockers: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues?q=...%9A%A0%22. Changelog for this release was not started yet
AlexDaniel`, Details: gist.github.com/2b2355d880553e691a...9f38ddb8e8
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buggable New CPAN upload: Auth-SCRAM- by MARTIMM cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/M/MA/...6.3.tar.gz 13:12
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Geth doc: dac340811c | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | 4 files
fix typos, learn words
doc: f8f82bcde8 | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | doc/Type/Array.pod6
fix method signature

  (previous version also lacked the invocant marker but happened to compile)
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Array
13:32 mcmillhj joined 13:36 rindolf left 13:37 mcmillhj left 13:38 rindolf joined 13:52 mcmillhj joined, cdg joined
ZzZombo Can I see what parameters a role was given on an object? 13:55
timotimo m: say Rat.^roles[0].perl 13:56
camelia Rational[Int,Int]
timotimo m: say Rat.^roles[0].^params
camelia No such method 'params' for invocant of type 'Perl6::Metamodel::CurriedRoleHOW'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
timotimo m: say Rat.^roles[0].^parameters
camelia No such method 'parameters' for invocant of type 'Perl6::Metamodel::CurriedRoleHOW'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
timotimo code-dives 13:57
m: say Rat.^roles[0].^role_arguments
camelia ((Int) (Int)) 13:58
timotimo there doesn't seem to be a way to get at the %!named_args, though?
ZzZombo Ouch, I wanted exactly that! 14:00
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Geth doc/master: 5 commits pushed by (Luca Ferrari)++ 14:15
14:16 zakharyas joined
timotimo jnthn: CurriedRoleHOW should probably give access to named_args, too, right? 14:16
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raschipi 1,2,3,3,:as({10}).unique.say 14:40
evalable6 WARNINGS for /tmp/yJ8YZDLDF8:
(as => -> ;; $_? is raw { #`(Block|93934981860864) ... })
raschipi, Full output: gist.github.com/ef1a7fe442e704bdee...0b348e24de
AlexDaniel` heh 14:48
14:48 jeromelanteri joined 14:50 ZzZombo left, ZzZombo joined 14:54 a3r0 left
raschipi I'm testing the bot, please disregard the code. 14:54
(:$_ :$_) 14:56
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[Coke] thanks moritz++ for getting his irc home working again! 15:45
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moritz you're welcome 15:55
[Coke] installed some crap, hopefully not too much. 15:56
El_Che ./backdoor.js 15:58
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moritz [Coke]: fwiw I haven't configured IPv6 on irc.p6c.org yet; if you need it, please let me know 16:01
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[Coke] nope 16:08
16:12 Ven`` joined
Ven`` .u ︀ ︀ ︀︀︀ ︀ ︀ 16:12
yoleaux U+0020 SPACE [Zs] ( )
Ven`` o/
yoleaux U+FE00 VARIATION SELECTOR-1 [Mn] (◌︀)
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Geth doc/master: 4 commits pushed by (Luca Ferrari)++ 17:01
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Geth doc: a5b0c6f431 | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | 2 files
fix typos
[Coke] btw, if you have local changes to docs, you can run " TEST_FILES='doc/Type/Any.pod6 doc/Type/Mu.pod6' make xtest" to limit the tests to just the files you've edited. 17:10
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saramaebee hello! i'm brand new to perl 6, (and perl in general), but I'm coming to it for code golfing. Most of the top scores (of supported languages) have perl6 as the language. For what I'm working on, I've got 2 for loops. Perl's for loops are a bit awkward to me, not having prior experience. I 19:33
've got all the math's figured out (pastebin.com/MNrpfaQG), I just don't know how to access the variables from within perl's for loops
i was originally doing something like `for ^100 { for $_ {` but then I realised, how could do the modulus equation with both? 19:35
raschipi saramaebee: Just note that the way point are counted in our own golf site code-golf.io/ make it so Perl6 get's in front in score. Golfers in other languages count the point in different ways that give advantages to their languages.
19:35 mantovani left
saramaebee i'd still like to attempt it 19:35
i got to 69 chars in JS, and 72 in Lua 19:36
raschipi right, I will help you
saramaebee thanks :)
colomon saramaebee: looking at your JS code, it looks like you want somethng like for ^100 -> $i { for ^*$i -> $j {
19:37 enoeht left
saramaebee Ahh, ok i think I get it. so using `->` sets the iterated variable to whatever follows? 19:37
raschipi I would suggest that, using the point block to name the variables.
colomon saramaebee: yes
raschipi Yes.
saramaebee Thanks :) 19:38
colomon I don’t do JS … is this just trying to print 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 etc?
sorry, there’s a % in there I missed 19:39
19:39 enoeht joined
saramaebee it should print the number if modulus is 0 19:39
i use less than 1 just to shorten the code
colomon so you’re checking all the possible things that might divide each number? 19:40
saramaebee yep . I'm printing the divisors of each number from 1 to 100
as raschipi mentioned, it's from code-golf.io/
colomon is going to try to resist golfing this for saramaebee :)
saramaebee the first challenge
my Lua golf topped the first place that was there
raschipi It's difficult not spoiling it to you.
saramaebee granted, not many people do Lua 19:41
it's a bit tough for me, considering I don't know Perl at all either haha
i'm having to google how things work in Perl compared to other languages
raschipi You're DummySphere there?
saramaebee nope
saramaebee 19:42
i replaced his score :p
raschipi I see, it only shows your best language.
saramaebee oh hmm
19:42 zeddy_k left
saramaebee For Divisors, under Lua, I got 72 bytes 19:43
19:43 zeddy_k joined
saramaebee compared to his 78 19:43
raschipi Need to check the "duplicate entries" at the top to see multiple languages. Now I see your 72 holes solution using Lua.
leont «for ^*$i» what is that star doing there?
saramaebee (I was curious of that too actually)^
colomon typo?
yeah, typo 19:44
leont Ah, that makes sense
colomon sorry, my right index finger has stitches and typing without it is … not much slower, but much more error prone
raschipi saramaebee: perl6advent.wordpress.com/2017/12/...erl6-golf/ -> some tips
saramaebee i wish say didn't newline. print has too many characters :p
raschipi use put to get it without a new line 19:45
saramaebee thanks!
colomon saramaebee: also for the problem, 1..100 is maybe better than ^100? The latter is 0..99
saramaebee ill do ^101
19:45 enoeht left
colomon but includes 0 … I guess I don’t know the exact rules in effect here. 19:45
saramaebee does ^101 include 0? i just need 1 to 100 19:46
raschipi say (^100)+1
19:46 evalable6 left
raschipi m: say (^100)+1 19:46
19:46 evalable6 joined
camelia 1..^101 19:46
19:46 enoeht joined
raschipi ^101 includes 0 19:46
colomon (^100)+1 is longer than 1..100
raschipi "(^100)+1" doesn't include 0
leont For golfing, «for ^100 -> $i { for ^$i» can also be written as «for ^100 { for ^$^i»
saramaebee okay. 1..100 then 19:47
leont Wouldn't do that for non-golfing reason though
saramaebee tells me shape declaration isn't yet implemented
19:48 zeddy_k left
saramaebee if i were to do for 1..100 { for ^$^i { then how would I do the modulus? 19:49
raschipi m: say 1..Ⅽ
camelia 1..100
19:49 domidumont left
saramaebee oooh it allows roman numerals? 19:49
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colomon WHAT 19:49
saramaebee thats right, perl allows unicode for fractions etc as well
so for quartering, halving, sixteenths etc you can use unicode
less bytes
19:50 traxex2 left
colomon m: say “say 1..Ⅽ”.ords 19:50
camelia (115 97 121 32 49 46 46 8557)
raschipi m: 1..ↂ
colomon Silly unicode
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of ".." in expression "1..ↂ" in sink context (line 1)
19:50 enoeht left
raschipi m: say 1..ↂ 19:50
camelia 1..10000
saramaebee for 1..C{for ^$^i{if($i%$j<1){put($i~" ")}}say()} is what ive got right now, but theres a compiler error 19:51
cannot use placeholder parameter $^i outside of a sub or block
colomon tears himself away from golfing to go back to $work 19:52
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saramaebee it took up quite a bit of time yesterday for me. My initial lua was 82 characters. I shaved 100 off, before declaring there was no shorter way 19:53
19:53 amalia___ left
saramaebee i even tried doing it in a single for loop 19:53
i shaved 10 off, not 100
leont You want to use $i%%$j
colomon $^j, no?
raschipi m: for 1..C{for ^$^i{if($i%$j<1){put($i~" ")}}say() 19:54
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Cannot use placeholder parameter $^i outside of a sub or block
at <tmp>:1
------> 3for 1..C{for ^$^i7⏏5{if($i%$j<1){put($i~" ")}}say()
saramaebee thanks camelia :D
leont And you need a space between $i and {
19:54 traxex2 joined
leont And yes, $^j 19:54
saramaebee i still get the error camelia sent 19:55
raschipi camelia is the bot that executes perl6 code in the newest development commit
saramaebee oh
is still get that error
raschipi m: say "hello there"
camelia hello there
saramaebee well thats bloody useful
raschipi if you're gonna send many, message the bot 19:56
saramaebee m: for 1..ↂ{for ^$^i {if($i%$j<1){put($i~" ")}}say()}
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Cannot use placeholder parameter $^i outside of a sub or block
at <tmp>:1
------> 3for 1..ↂ{for ^$^i7⏏5 {if($i%$j<1){put($i~" ")}}say()}
19:56 cdg left
saramaebee that's my current error. am I doing something wrong? 19:56
leont for 1..ↂ{for ^$^i {if($i%$^j<1){put($i~" ")}}say()}
m: for 1..ↂ{for ^$^i {if($i%$^j<1){put($i~" ")}}say()}
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Cannot use placeholder parameter $^i outside of a sub or block
at <tmp>:1
------> 3for 1..ↂ{for ^$^i7⏏5 {if($i%$^j<1){put($i~" ")}}say()}
leont You need a space after the ↂ 19:57
saramaebee ok updated code: for 1..ↂ {for ^$^i {if($i%$j <1){put($i~" ")}}say()} 19:58
$j is not a declared variable
leont $^j
saramaebee oh
leont also you want to use $i%%$^j
colomon note that right now you have a divide by zero error
leont that way you don't need the <1 check
saramaebee thats a thing?? I love perl omg 19:59
leont And if isn't a function, you don't need those parentheses, but you do need a space
saramaebee if id need a space after (prior to the bracket) theres no need to change it, since its same amount of chars
leont for 1..ↂ {for ^$^i {if $i%%$^j {put($i~" ")}};say()} 20:00
And «$i~" "» can be written as "$i "
20:00 enoeht left
saramaebee m: for 1..ↂ {for ^$^i {if($i%%$^j){put($i )}};say()} 20:01
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared routine:
if used at line 1
colomon saramaebee: back 8-9 years ago we noticed we were writing $i % $j == 0 all the time, and some wise guy got the idea of using the negation metaoperator to make it just $i !% $j. That doesn’t actually work, but I think it did wrongly at one point, and we lobbied for a replacement when they fixed the bug and got %%
leont and «if <foo> {bar}» can also be written as «<foo>&&bar»
raschipi your last version is missing: ""
saramaebee interesting. i need to look at ternary operators more closely
raschipi That's not a ternary, just a logic operator 20:02
Ternary in Perl6 would be ?? !!
saramaebee oh thats right. double quotes mean that it will parse variables, single means it wont, correct?
leont Yeah
20:02 enoeht joined
raschipi yep 20:02
saramaebee i wish Lua would implement that. id shave off a few more characters yet again
20:02 enoeht left
saramaebee I've added quotes, yet i still get the `undeclared routine: if used at line 1` error 20:03
raschipi you have parenthesis without space after the if
saramaebee oh
then it would shave chars
thank y ou guys so much for helping me
raschipi any word followed by parenthesis will be treated as a function name
leont for 1..ↂ {for ^$^i {$i%%$^j&&put "$i "};say()} 20:04
20:05 wamba left, mcmillhj left
leont Erm, I think that last $i should be a $j, based on the lua/js versions 20:07
saramaebee it should
i fixed that myself haha
leont for 1..ↂ {$^i%%$_&&put "$_ "for ^$^i};say() 20:08
for 1..ↂ {$^i%%$_&&put "$_ "for ^$i};say()
AlexDaniel what the hell
saramaebee thats a work of art holy shit
AlexDaniel no really, what the?
m: for 1..ↂ {$^i%%$_&&put "$_ "for ^$i};say()
camelia (signal SEGV)1
20:09 traxex2 left
AlexDaniel did somebody submit a ticket with this? 20:09
saramaebee the problem with the output is how put works. put nextlines, i think? (try it here: tio.run/#perl6)
AlexDaniel the problem is that it segfaults
6c: for 1..ↂ {$^i%%$_&&put "$_ "for ^$i};say()
saramaebee m: for 1..ↂ {$^i%%$_&&put "$_ "for ^$i};say() 20:10
camelia (signal SEGV)1
saramaebee it just prints 1
AlexDaniel it segfaults
saramaebee how can I fix that? o.O 20:11
20:11 eserte joined
AlexDaniel it should not behave like that, this is a fat bug 20:11
huggable: rakudobug
huggable AlexDaniel, Report bugs on github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/new If you don't have access to GitHub, you can email your report to [email@hidden.address] . See also: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/rt-introduction
AlexDaniel saramaebee: can you please submit a ticket?
20:11 committable6 left, committable6 joined
saramaebee sure 20:12
leont It works fine for me, but my rakudo is several months old 20:13
AlexDaniel committable6: HEAD say 42
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦HEAD(bdb4d34): «42␤»
AlexDaniel committable6: HEAD for 1..ↂ {$^i%%$_&&put "$_ "for ^$i};say()
leont 2017.10-4-g4fca94743 to be precise
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦HEAD(bdb4d34): «1 ␤ «exit signal = SIGSEGV (11)»»
AlexDaniel committable6: 2017.10-4-g4fca94743 for 1..ↂ {$^i%%$_&&put "$_ "for ^$i};say()
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦2017.10-4-g4fca94743: «Cannot find this revision (did you mean “3cff74c”?)»
20:13 mcmillhj joined
AlexDaniel committable6: 4fca94743 for 1..ↂ {$^i%%$_&&put "$_ "for ^$i};say() 20:13
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦4fca947: «Cannot find this revision (did you mean “2f0da94”?)»
saramaebee We're using Rakudo version 2018.01 built on MoarVM 2018.01, impleneting Perl 6.3
s0me0ne-unkn0wn Same here, works for me, perl6::version=2017.10
saramaebee 6.c*
i can't type
AlexDaniel committable6: 2017.10 for 1..ↂ {$^i%%$_&&put "$_ "for ^$i};say() 20:14
committable6 AlexDaniel, gist.github.com/e34af0b1c3bda308c2...3a4e9dd268
20:14 zakharyas left, traxex2 joined, bart__ joined
AlexDaniel oops that's a very large output :) 20:14
raschipi m: say ↂ
camelia 10000
AlexDaniel is there any easy way to reproduce without put? 20:15
saramaebee so ill go back to C
use print
leont or say
raschipi m: 1..Ⅽ {$^i%%$_&&put "$_ "for ^$i};say()
AlexDaniel no like… without printing anything to stdout
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unexpected block in infix position (missing statement control word before the expression?)
at <tmp>:1
------> 031..Ⅽ7⏏5 {$^i%%$_&&put "$_ "for ^$i};say()
expecting any of:
20:15 traxex2 left
AlexDaniel so that we can use the bot to bisect it 20:15
saramaebee oh
AlexDaniel I have a trick up my sleeve but hmm… 20:16
raschipi m: for 1..ↂ {for 1..$^i {if $i%%$^j {sink "$i "}};}
saramaebee i'm just doing some golf, but I've not used Perl a day in my life before today. i'm still learning what builtins are available, let alone do anything
AlexDaniel 6c: my $p = run :out(Nil), $*EXECUTABLE, ‘-e’, ‘for 1..ↂ {$^i%%$_&&put "$_ "for ^$i};say()’; say $p.signal 20:17
camelia (timeout)WARNINGS for <tmp>:
AlexDaniel oh, that thing loops forever in its “correct” version, right?
saramaebee no, itll just go 1 to 100
raschipi No, it just goes up to 10 000 20:18
AlexDaniel but? gist.github.com/Whateverable/e34af...3a4e9dd268
raschipi ↂ is 10000
saramaebee yea
leont Try Ⅽ instead of ↂ I guess
saramaebee I did, it reads C as a function
imd um
now it uses Ⅽ
raschipi Not C, Ⅽ 20:19
20:19 mcmillhj left
saramaebee Yea, i fixed it 20:19
AlexDaniel yea :D
raschipi m: say Ⅽ
camelia 100
20:19 traxex2 joined
saramaebee does put nextline? with for 1..Ⅽ {$^i%%$_&&put "$_ "for ^$i};say() it nextlines after each item 20:19
leont docs.perl6.org/routine/put
raschipi C is the letter, Ⅽ is the Roman numeral
20:20 committable6 left
leont If you don't want that, print is your friend 20:20
20:20 committable6 joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v committable6
saramaebee yea, but thats more chars ;) 20:20
AlexDaniel c: 2017.10 my $p = run :out(Nil), $*EXECUTABLE, ‘-e’, ‘for 1..ↂ {last if $++ > 1000; $^i%%$_&&put "$_ "for ^$i};say()’; say $p.signal
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦2017.10: «0␤»
AlexDaniel 6c: my $p = run :out(Nil), $*EXECUTABLE, ‘-e’, ‘for 1..ↂ {last if $++ > 1000; $^i%%$_&&put "$_ "for ^$i};say()’; say $p.signal
saramaebee alrighty i've chopped it to this: for 1..Ⅽ {$^i%%$_&&print "$_ "for ^$i};
colomon I suspect the best approach is to only print (well, say) once per $i ;)
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦2015.12,2016.01.1,2016.02,2016.03,2016.04,2016.05,2016.06,2016.07.1,2016.08.1,2016.09,2016.10,2016.11,2016.12,2017.01,2017.02,2017.03,2017.04.3,2017.05,2017.06,2017.07,2017.08,2017.09,2017.10,2017.11,2017.12: «0␤» ¦2018.01,HEAD(bdb4d34): «11␤» 20:21
AlexDaniel finally
saramaebee yea, but thats extra chars declaring a string and cocatenating ;) if i use what i've got, i just need a way to nextline, since say() and put() don't
AlexDaniel bisect: my $p = run :out(Nil), $*EXECUTABLE, ‘-e’, ‘for 1..ↂ {last if $++ > 1000; $^i%%$_&&put "$_ "for ^$i};say()’; say $p.signal
oh my that doesn't look good
bisectable6 AlexDaniel, Bisecting by output (old=2015.12 new=bdb4d34) because on both starting points the exit code is 0
AlexDaniel, bisect log: gist.github.com/c478835b37013b2b36...737a176188
AlexDaniel, (2018-01-10) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/8c...4dc44fd6ab
20:22 raschipi left
colomon m: say (1..100).grep(*.is-prime) 20:22
camelia (2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97)
AlexDaniel this: github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/commit/db...bf3b4afb59
saramaebee: sorry, is the bug report coming?
I'm planning to run away in a few moments so want to get this stuff out there :) 20:23
20:23 samcv left, samcv joined
saramaebee i'm still not entirely sure what you'd like, since I'm not entirely sure what's going on. I understand the maths and what I'm doing, but I don't know enough about perl to know why it's crashing. I can submit what i've got (the perl version, the code, and that theres a segmentation fault when running it 20:24
AlexDaniel hm, ok let me do it quickly then 20:25
c: 8c5af9b9^,8c5af9b9 my $p = run :out(Nil), $*EXECUTABLE, ‘-e’, ‘for 1..ↂ {last if $++ > 1000; $^i%%$_&&put "$_ "for ^$i};say()’; say $p.signal 20:27
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦8c5af9b9^: «0␤» ¦8c5af9b: «11␤»
20:28 mcmillhj joined
AlexDaniel saramaebee: GH#1483 20:30
synopsebot GH#1483 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/1483 [SEGV][regression][⚠ blocker ⚠] Cross-HLL inlining segfault
AlexDaniel saramaebee: thanks for the discovery :)
or whoever found it 20:31
saramaebee I don't know if i directly discovered it, but I guess I brought about the discussion?
TimToady saramaebee++ in any case
AlexDaniel .tell jnthn fwiw you may be interested in this: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/1483 20:32
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to jnthn.
20:34 mcmillhj left, natrys left
AlexDaniel saramaebee: oh, it's for code-golf.io :) 20:34
saramaebee yep!
AlexDaniel haven't visited that website for quite some time
saramaebee i'm slowly working my way through it with lua 20:35
20:35 bart__ left
AlexDaniel or maybe I did a week or so ago, but my brainfuck solution wasn't fast enough so I ran away :D 20:35
saramaebee i did pass the divisors entirely in JSFuck!
89k characters
i wish code-golf had brainfuck
20:36 traxex2 left
saramaebee id be at the top of the leaderboards with all the messing around i do in it 20:36
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lucasb Hello. I just read about this bug in the backlog 20:54
as a data point, it do NOT segfaults here on my machine. I'm on x86 linux 20:55
AlexDaniel lucasb: rakudo version?
lucasb 2018.01 20:56
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lucasb fwiw, I tried to short it a little bit 21:37
21:38 mcmillhj joined
lucasb m: for ^1000 -> $i { for ^$i { 1 %% $_ && 1 } } 21:38
camelia (signal SEGV)WARNINGS for <tmp>:
lucasb *shorten
21:38 isBEKaml left 21:40 lucasb left 21:43 mcmillhj left 21:49 mcmillhj joined 21:51 isBEKaml joined 21:54 mcmillhj left
tyil so, I made IRC::Client::Plugin::UrlTitle, which seems to work when I include it with -I, but trying to install it in a perl6 docker image fails with Missing serialize REPR function for REPR VMException (BOOTException) 21:55
so I've tried installing it on my laptop as well, after dropping my ~/.perl6 dir, and I'm getting the same error there
my laptop is running 2018.01, the docker image I've tried on 2018.01 and 2017.12 21:56
all show the same error
anyone who might have an idea what's causing this? 21:58
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Zoffix tyil: it means at some point you have an Exception you're trying to serialize. Got any constants? 22:42
22:42 markong joined
Zoffix m: BEGIN with '/tmp/2018.01/'.IO.mkdir { .add('Foo.pm6').spurt: 'constant $x := do { try +"a"; $! }' }; use lib </tmp/2018.01>; use Foo 22:42
camelia ===SORRY!===
Missing serialize REPR function for REPR VMException (BOOTException)
Zoffix m: BEGIN with '/tmp/2018.01/'.IO.mkdir { .add('Foo.pm6').spurt: 'constant $x := try +"a";' }; use lib </tmp/2018.01>; use Foo # don't even need to explicitly use $! 22:45
camelia ===SORRY!===
Missing serialize REPR function for REPR VMException (BOOTException)
Zoffix m: BEGIN with '/tmp/2018.01/'.IO.mkdir { .add('Foo.pm6').spurt: 'constant $x := try +"a"; BEGIN $! = Nil' }; use lib </tmp/2018.01>; use Foo
camelia ( no output )
22:47 GregDonald left, mcmillhj joined
tyil Zoffix: source is here github.com/scriptkitties/perl6-IRC...lTitle.pm6 22:51
22:52 mcmillhj left
tyil I dont have any `constant` keywords in use 22:54
22:55 comborico1611 joined 22:58 MahBot joined, someuser left
Zoffix perl6.party 22:58
MahBot 02perl6.party: Welcome - Perl 6 Party
22:59 MahBot left
Zoffix Works fine for me on 2018.01.103 22:59
Installed using zef --serial install github.com/scriptkitties/perl6-IRC...master.zip
Maybe try re-installing the deps or something. No idea.
tyil hmm 23:00
I used an empty ~/.perl6 in an attempt to ensure it was this specific module breaking things 23:01
I'mma try the --serial install and if that works, check if there's any differences between the tarball on cpan and the zip 23:02
there shouldn't be, but then again this shouldn't be breaking either
23:02 mcmillhj joined
Zoffix That's not where my modules get installed. 23:03
$ zef locate IRC::Client
===> From Distribution: IRC::Client:ver<3.007004>:auth<>:api<>
IRC::Client => /home/zoffix/rakudo/install/share/perl6/site/sources/91300E2449A727CEFB2F4BC51BC01429C567F65B
23:04 pmurias left
tyil heh 23:06
the --serial install failed for the same reason on me 23:07
23:07 mcmillhj left
tyil but I also see it referring to /var/rakudobrew with the install path 23:08
so, I'll clean the right dir this time and build a new perl 6 + zef while I'm at it so I can be sure it's a clean install
23:14 mcmillhj joined
Zoffix How come it mentions rakudobrew? Is that what you're using to build stuff? 23:14
There have been issues with it in the past. You may want to consider ditching it, if that's what you're using. 23:15
huggable: sauce
huggable Zoffix, Install latest version of Rakudo from source: github.com/zoffixznet/r#table-of-contents
Zoffix there's also the controvercial rakudup.github.io/
Zoffix & 23:16
23:16 Zoffix left 23:19 mcmillhj left 23:28 g- joined 23:34 mcmillhj joined, imcsk8 left 23:36 avalenn left 23:39 mcmillhj left 23:43 imcsk8 joined 23:46 mcmillhj joined 23:51 mcmillhj left 23:58 mcmillhj joined