»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
Elronnd SmokeMachine: perl6 is compiling ;o 00:26
I fear dyncall will not work but we'll see
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Kaiepi releasable6, status 01:57
releasable6 Kaiepi, Next release in ≈1 day and ≈17 hours. R6 is down. At least 7 blockers. Unknown changelog format
Kaiepi, Details: gist.github.com/1c01c5817e4fa01047...b29c256ba9
02:09 hythm joined 02:13 Cabanossi left 02:21 Cabanossi joined
hythm I'm getting 'This exception is not resumable' when i `.resume' in `CATCH` block. How can I make an `Exception` resumable? 02:31
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jmerelo releasable6: status 05:05
releasable6 jmerelo, Next release in ≈1 day and ≈13 hours. R6 is down. At least 7 blockers. Unknown changelog format
jmerelo, Details: gist.github.com/2d4eeac44c38fb3ea2...fdbf58ecf7
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jmerelo m: my $n = ("a" => 0, "b" => 1, "b" => 2).BagHash; say $n.kxxv; 06:02
camelia (b b b)
Geth_ doc: 20a6f5e998 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/io.pod6
Move comments to text and expand
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/io
doc: 8360f22189 | (JJ Merelo)++ | 7 files
Solver inconsistencies in Metamodel, refs #3024
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Cirno-ne-baka Hello, i'm try to run Cro service but get this error 08:08
===SORRY!===Could not find Routes at line 3 in:    inst#/home/lil/.perl6    inst#/home/lil/rakudo/install/share/perl6/site    inst#/home/lil/rakudo/install/share/perl6/vendor    inst#/home/lil/rakudo/install/share/perl6    ap#    nqp#    perl5#
What i need install to solve this problem? Git repo of this project github.com/mimosinnet/Cro-Personal-Web 08:09
jnthn Probably missing -Ilib passed to Perl 6 so it finds your lib/Routes.pm6 08:10
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timotimo Cirno-ne-baka: want a version of perl6 that says "baka baka!" instead of "SORRY!"? 08:12
Cirno-ne-baka timotimo: shiranai 08:14
timotimo *shrug* 08:15
sena_kun Cirno-ne-baka, likely -Ilib is missing 08:18
Cirno-ne-baka, or just `cro run .` from the service directory will do
Cirno-ne-baka `  cro run .bash: cro: command not found[lil@vivo] ~/Cro-Personal-Web/script (master)  zef install CroAll candidates are currently installedNo reason to proceed. Use --force-install to continue anyway` 08:19
sena_kun Cirno-ne-baka, 1)how's your perl 6 installed? 2)are you sure the path where scripts are installed is in your PATH? after installation zef says something like `1 script [cro] is installed to ...`. 08:20
Cirno-ne-baka, answering your original question, you should be able to `perl6 -Ilib service.p6` in stubbed service directory if there is `Routes.pm6` present in `lib` directory. 08:21
Cirno-ne-baka sena_kun: 1. Installed according this instruction rakudo.org/files/star/source
sena_kun hmm, line `echo "export PATH=$(pwd)/install/bin/:$(pwd)/install/share/perl6/site/bin:\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc` sets the path 08:22
can you check if $rakudo-installation-dir/install/share/perl6/site/bin/cro exists? 08:23
Cirno-ne-baka `echo $rakudo-installation-dir/install/share/perl6/site/bin/cro` `OUTPUT: -installation-dir/install/share/perl6/site/bin/cro` 08:25
sena_kun oh, sorry, I mean the directory where you built rakudo star image, as I don't know it. 08:26
Cirno-ne-baka this my path `export PATH=/home/lil/rakudo/install/bin/:/home/lil/rakudo/install/share/perl6/site/bin:$PATH 42 export PATH=/home/lil/Cro-Personal-Web/script/install/bin/:/home/lil/Cro-Personal-Web/script/install/share/perl6/site/bin:$PATH `
sena_kun no file in /home/lil/rakudo/install/share/perl6/site/bin/cro ? 08:27
Cirno-ne-baka No such file or directory((( 08:28
sena_kun hmm, well, obviously there is no file, if `cro is an unknown command`...
Cirno-ne-baka, any luck with plain running service.p6 in stub directory?
`perl6 -Ilib service.p6` 08:29
Cirno-ne-baka sorry for my mistake 08:30
im try `zef install Cro`
but need `zef install cro` instead
sena_kun Cro installs you Cro::Core, yes 08:31
zef searches for files inside of distributions if there are no matching names, and Cro::Core has Cro.pm6, which matches
Cirno-ne-baka, don't mind it, great if it'll work after installation now. :) 08:32
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sena_kun Cirno-ne-baka, also, you can `zef --deps-only install .` in Cro project directory (or any other project, of course) and looking at META6.json file it'll install everythin necessary. 08:38
Cirno-ne-baka sena_kun: thx! 08:39
sena_kun Cirno-ne-baka, have fun. 08:40
SmokeMachine Elronnd: \o/ 08:44
sena_kun m: my %seen{Mu}; say %seen{IterationEnd}; 08:54
camelia Type check failed in binding to parameter '<anon>'; expected Any but got Mu (IterationEnd)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
sena_kun IterationEnd is Mu, but a hash for Mu doesn't work. 08:55
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kawaii 1337 modules in the Perl 6 ecosystem as of today :) 10:08
According to Blin anyway
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rba I've registered the rakud.party DNS domain, just because I realised it's free. I would guess zoffix owned it before. Let me know if you see a usage for it. 12:34
sena_kun rba++
12:38 k0Le left 12:39 ravenousmoose left
lizmat rba++ 12:42
perhaps we could restore zoffix's blog posts there, there's still a lot of links out there pointing to it 12:43
rba perl6.party is still around 12:44
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rba do you know where the rakudo.party content comes from? a repo? contact soffit? how? 12:45
s/soffix/zoffix #damm autocorrect
lizmat hmmm... maybe I was confusing it with perl6.party 12:48
rakudo.party/post/Newcomer-Guide-t...ore-Perl-6 # looks like Google thinks it was a thing 12:49
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AlexDaniel rba: niiice 13:07
rba How can I get debug output using DBDish::Oracle? Try query a view in a different schema using: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <schema>.<viewname> 13:08
AlexDaniel rba: I think it's this: github.com/zoffixznet/perl6.party 13:09
rba: I think rakudo.party exists because of the naming debate
well, existed
so perl6.party and rakudo.party are probably the same thing 13:10
rba I'm getting ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
AlexDaniel: Guess rakudo.party has served same content as perl6.party. 13:11
Who to ask about DBDish::Oracle?
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Geth_ doc: 0fa9594ec4 | Coke++ | xt/words.pws
new words
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tobs is there a way to specify the shell being used by qqx? 15:59
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jmerelo tobs: I don't think so. If you want something fancier, you'll have to go to Proc 16:05
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Elronnd SmokeMachine: I can probably *hack* it into working, but to really work well it would need deeper changes to the build system 16:50
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lizmat m: my @a = "a".."z"; $_ = "f"; dd @a.grep( * eq $_ ) # wow... 17:01
camelia ("f",).Seq
lizmat not sure I like that, from a readability point of view :-) 17:02
jaldhar is using 'is copy' on a parameter known to be slow? I have a recursive function that traverses a graph to find the longest path. It is brutally slow. (my naive algorithm probably doesn't help but still...) 17:06
If I take out the is copy the program is much faster but it gives the wrong answer. I need to pass that parameter by value for this to work. 17:07
timotimo have you tried the profiler yet? 17:08
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jaldhar timotimo: not yet. Just trying to think about what could be going on here. 17:11
jnthn jaldhar: What sigil does the paramter have? If it's @ or % then it can clearly cost quite a bit, since you're copying the array or hash 17:14
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Geth_ doc: a2000b8b9d | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/modules.pod6
minor edits and cleanup
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/modules
doc: fa7f7eb9ed | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/modules.pod6
add missing comma for list
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/modules
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sena_kun > (from loop docs) "The initializer is executed once and any variable declaration will spill into the surrounding block" 20:03
any ideas why?
timotimo because it that's the curly braces that contain the variables 20:04
and it's not a signature
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sena_kun didn't get it 20:05
m: loop (my $i) {last}; loop (my $i) {last};
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Malformed loop spec
at <tmp>:1
------> 3loop (my $i7⏏5) {last}; loop (my $i) {last};
sena_kun hmm...
20:05 dogbert17 left
timotimo needs two ; inside the () 20:05
sena_kun m: loop (my $i;;) {last}; loop (my $i;;) {last};
camelia Potential difficulties:
Redeclaration of symbol '$i'
at <tmp>:1
------> 3loop (my $i;;) {last}; loop (my $i7⏏5;;) {last};
sena_kun yeah, thanks 20:06
so why the redeclaration happens?
sena_kun got it
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Geth_ ecosystem: df29d0f5c1 | (Michal Jurosz)++ | META.list
Add Algorithm::SpiralMatrix to ecosystem

See github.com/mj41/Algorithm-SpiralMatrix
mj41cz Hi, patches welcome :-). 21:27
With gather/take the solution is really elegant github.com/mj41/Algorithm-SpiralMa...ix.pm6#L44 is just github.com/mj41/Algorithm-SpiralMa...ts-9x9.png 21:31
jnthn Had to look up what the spiral matrix algorithm is. In hindsight, I should have guessed. :) 21:32
mj41cz More common is "snail" one. Not implemented yet. 21:33
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mj41cz I just need this "distance:x-y" one. I will use it to find shift of two images (screenshots beafore and after swipe in android game :-). Swipe has random part so I will just use this seq to try to find out this random x,y. 21:39
Don't know if there is any real usage for this algorithm. Or is it only nice challenge. 21:40
Dobrou noc z Brna :-). 21:42
jnthn Dobrou noc, a hezky vikend :) 21:49
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Xliff \o 22:05
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