Esoren One more question.  Is there anything like a Char type or is it only Strs?  Currently I have this in my script to avoid mistakes: `subset Char of Str where .chars == 1;` 01:03
01:34 qorg11 left 01:35 qorg11 joined
guifa Nope, just a string. You could also just use int8 or uint8 if you want to limit yourself to -128 .. 127 or 0..255 01:55
04:51 Esoren left
Rogue Esoren - yeah, your approach is probably the best because of all the complexity of Unicode handling 04:57
There's a lot going on in Raku strings
there's no Char class because not much would be gained in terms of cimplifications vs. Str
simplifications* 04:58
09:47 m_athias joined
m_athias hi! is there a way to tell Comma where to place closing parenthesis? as in 09:52
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lostsoul Hi world 14:07
Anton Antonov @lostsoul Hi! Don't be too lost... 14:10
MasterDuke m_athias: i don't know, but since comma is built on top of intellij, searching for how to do it in that might get more hits 14:15
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tailgate if I see Bool:D what does the 😄 mean? 18:03
the:D - discord turned it into an emoji
lakmatiol `:D` means defined, which is kind of similar to non-null in other languages 18:05
tailgate ah. do they have a term like sigil/twigil ?
lakmatiol I am pretty sure `:word` is an adverb 18:06
but I am not 100% on this one 18:07
tailgate thanks! 18:17
gfldex they are called type-smiley 18:18
dextron 19:39
stevied can someone help clarify an error I'm getting? it's gibberish to me. It happens when I do this: `our $t is export (:MANDATORY)` instead of `our $t is export(:MANDATORY)` 19:55
error is `No such method 'CALL-ME' for invocant of type 'Any'` 19:56
this error crops up quite frequently and I don't quite understand why the space after export causes the error to be thrown
I know what the error means, but I don't know why it's generated. 19:57
lizmat m: Any() 20:01
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of constant value Any() in sink context (line 1)
lizmat m: (my $)()
camelia No such method 'CALL-ME' for invocant of type 'Any'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
lizmat stevied ^^ a golf for what you see: basically an undefined value is used as if it is something Callable 20:02
MasterDuke so `foo;` is calling the sub named 'foo' with no arguments. so is `foo();`. but `foo ();` is calling the sub named 'foo' with an argument of an empty list 20:04
stevied what is the empty list? the space? 20:17
I guess I should go read up more on callables. I tend to skip over most of that section when I come to it. 20:19
lakmatiol it's getting parsed as `(our $t is export)(:MANDATORY)` 20:20
```perl 20:21
> my $a = (our $x is export)
> $a
> $a()
No such method 'CALL-ME' for invocant of type 'Any'
in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1
it's a bit strange, I will admit
yeah, this feels like a grammar deficit
`my &a is default(&say) (54)` gets parsed differently for example. 20:22
Nemokosch type smiley is cute 😄
stevied ah, I see 20:23
so "is" is another function that give the the $t object a callable `export` role which takes an argument of `:MANDATORY` 20:26
er, maybe no 20:27
MasterDuke sort of, see for the gory details 20:59