Anton Antonov How can I optimize (get faster execution times) for the following code: 19:46
my @chars =['a' ... 'z'].roll(4);
my %init = @chars[*- 1] => %(ROOT0 => 1e0);
my %res = reduce(-> %a, $x { { $x => %a.push((ROOT2 => 1e0)) } }, (%init, |@chars[^(*- 1)].reverse));
it produces `%res` like this:
{g => {ROOT2 => 1, q => {ROOT2 => 1, l => {ROOT2 => 1, c => {ROOT0 => 1}}}}}
gfldex '@' ~ discord-user(694526400488669234.Str) With a nested structure you might be better of with custom classes then with Hash. As I understand it, reduce will copy ever growing Hashes into even bigger Hashes. 21:55
Anton Antonov '@' ~ discord-user(195453211409121280.Str) Thanks! I tried that first -- having a tree of objects. I thought moving to hashes would speed-up things. (Here is a more detailed description, in case you are curious: ) 21:58
'@' ~ discord-user(195453211409121280.Str) Thanks! I tried that first -- having a tree of objects. I thought moving to hashes would speed-up things. (Here is a more detailed description, in case you are curious: ) 22:02
'@' ~ discord-user(195453211409121280.Str) Your comment makes re-examine my object-based implementation...
lakmatiol how would I go about checking if a string contains an uppercase letter, `[A-Z]` is not a valid raku regex, `[A..Z]` doesn't seem to do what I need it to 22:43
Morfent m:``` 22:45
use v6;
say m:g/ <upper> / given 'abCdeFgh';
use v6;
say so m:g/ <upper> / given 'abCdeFgh';
m:``` 22:47
use v6;
say so m:1st/ <upper> / given 'abCdeFgh';
m:``` 22:48
use v6;
say so m:1st/ <.upper> / given 'abCdeFgh';
'@' ~ discord-user(207089259730042881.Str) this is one way
m: ``` 22:52
say so m:1st/ <[ A..Z ]> / given 'abCdeFgh';
m: ``` 22:53
use v6;
say so m:1st/ <[ A..Z ]> / given 'abCdeFgh';
use v6;
say so m:1st/ <[ A..Z ]> / given 'abCdeFgh';
this will match ascii A-Z specifically