klebs ah, gotcha -- thanks for these links 00:01
thanks for these links -- will take a look
i have another grammar related question which is about proto rules: 00:03
i have something like this: ```raku 00:05
proto rule expr { * }
rule expr:sym<lit> { <lit> }
rule expr:sym<self> { <SELF> }
rule expr:sym<path-expr> {
rule expr:sym<macro-expr> { <macro-expr> }
rule expr:sym<struct-expr> { <path-expr> '{' <struct-expr-fields> '}' }
rule expr:sym<expr-q> { <expr> '?' }
rule expr:sym<dotted-expr> { <expr> '.' <path-generic-args-with-colons> }
rule expr:sym<dotted-expr-lit> { <expr> '.' <LIT-INTEGER> }
rule expr:sym<expr-eq-expr> { <expr> '=' <expr> }
when I trace the parse, i get: 00:07
#!/usr/bin/env raku
use my-grammar;
my $in = $*IN.slurp.chomp;
my $parsed = MyGrammar.parse($in, rule => "expr");
say $parsed;
just with something like that^, where input is `self.phase = 1.0`
it basically grabs the expr:sym<self> rule instead of <expr-eq-expr> 00:08
my understanding was that this :sym syntax was LTM 00:09
what am i missing? i can get it to parse correctly under some circumstances if i change the order of the proto rules
this grammar was generated by parsing a yacc file, so i think there may be some other problems with it... 00:12
like for instance i think i may hit some infinite loops 00:13
but i still don't expect the parse to short circuit -- i think i am missing some detail but am not quite sure what it is 00:15
when i change everything from rule --> regex, it hits one of those infinite loops at dotted-expr 00:16
so i think i need to rework the structure somehow so that no rule loops into <expr>
ah, fixing the loops seems to have solved it -- no worries! problem solved i think! 00:29
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guifa klebs: be aware that all caps names identifiers should be considered reserved 00:41
for methods, they are explicitly reserved, and for everything else they're recommended to be used for "builtints" (which I read as core/modules, which means the more end-usery-space you're in, the more you should avoid them) 00:43
01:46 frost joined
klebs thanks, will fix 03:28
usually dont write them all caps but this grammar is generated from a yacc file
still fixing it up
im hitting another weird case
i have a rule called token-tree as well as a rule called token-trees 03:30
token-trees is just `<token-tree>*`
i am hitting a case where token-tree matches, but token-trees does not
scratching my head trying to figure out why
trying to figure out why
or rather, it hangs 03:32
i also tried with a `+`, as well as `<token-tree>* %% <.ws>` 03:34
also `<token-tree>+ %% <.ws>`
all hang
but `rule token-trees { <token-tree> <token-tree> }` matches when i duplicate the input 03:55
quite odd
i think it might be similar to the problem before -- i found another way to drill down 04:07
got it 04:18
it was the same kind of thing 04:19
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today i have another kind of infinite loop in this grammar, where a block-expr can be a match-expr, where `rule match-expr { 'MATCH' <expr-nostruct> '{' <match-expr-body '} }` and expr-nostruct can be a block-expr. this creates a cycle and thus an infinite loop. are there any known strategies for solving this type of problem? 20:18
today i found another infinite loop in this grammar:
a block-expr can be a match-expr, where `rule match-expr { 'MATCH' <expr-nostruct> '{' <match-expr-body '} }` and expr-nostruct can be a block-expr. this creates a cycle and thus an infinite loop. are there any known strategies for solving this type of problem?
today i found another infinite loop in this grammar: 20:20
a block-expr can be a match-expr, where `rule match-expr { 'MATCH' <expr-nostruct> '{' <match-expr-body '}' }` and expr-nostruct can be a block-expr. this creates a cycle and thus an infinite loop. are there any known strategies for solving this type of problem?
oh wait
this is the exact same problem as before
because it is <MATCH> instead of what i wrote: 'MATCH' 20:22
i am thankful you folks are all so helpful and patient 🙂
it is helpful for me
i need to take care of the all caps rules everywhere asap
i need to take care of the all caps rules everywhere asap it seems 20:24
i need to take care of the all caps rules everywhere asap
MasterDuke  it's not just caps though. things like e.g., 'identifier', 'token', 'digits', are all *potentially* problematic (i don't remember which ones exactly are, maybe even none in that list) 20:25
klebs roger that 20:26
i think it is possible that in this case some of those (or similar) might trigger 20:27
i'll eventually probably update the generator (that went from yacc to raku) to lowercase rule names and avoid keywords 20:28
it would have been much easier had i done it that way originally 🙂 but i didnt fully realize what would happen 20:30
it is a good thing i have raku to solve this problem!
MasterDuke i've wanted to add a warning if you use a 'core' name, but haven't gotten around to it, partly because i don't have a good sense of exactly when it *is* a problem 20:31
klebs understood -- are you working on raku itself? i hope some of my grammar adventures have at least been helpful to observe in action 🤣 20:34
is it a problem to use one of these 'core' names in a sym rule? something like `rule something:sym<continue> { ... }` 20:35
MasterDuke i flail at the keyboard and sometimes it ends up in PRs for rakudo/nqp/moarvm 20:36
klebs (continue could also be something like: rule, token, last, next, sub, if, etc)
is it a problem to name these like that?
MasterDuke i'm not sure. i was trying to think of a good way to search rakudo issues and/or irc logs for prior times people have run into this, but also haven't come up with any good search terms... 20:37
klebs yeah it can be tricky to find solutions to these sorts of issues because the terms involved all overlap with other usages (which is one reason i usually ask *here* for this kind of stuff instead of google) 20:39
it is okay i suppose, i like talking to you folks anyways! other raku people! 20:45
```raku 20:47
#!/usr/bin/env raku
use global-subparse;
my $bad-rules = SetHash.new;
grammar AllCapsRule does GlobalSubparse {
20:47 discord-raku-bot left, discord-raku-bot joined
i can filter my files through this script to fix the caps issue, just posting it here in case it is useful to anybody else 20:49
MasterDuke it didn't make it to irc (bot got disconnect due to excess flood), probably best to put it in a gist somewhere and paste the link 20:50
klebs good idea 21:05
jaguart thanks @CIAvash @MasterDuke @guifa - thanks for the POD6 pointers, will follow-up. 22:29
gfldex PWC 154-2 is a nice one. Well worth the head scratching. theweeklychallenge.org/blog/perl-w...lenge-154/ 22:54