sortiz \o #perl6 00:11
timotimo yo sortiz 00:12
how are things?
sortiz Been very busy at $work, but well. 00:13
timotimo sounds good
sortiz Not so good for my perl6 interests :-/ 00:15
timotimo well, works keeps you fed and hopefully happey 00:16
sortiz Yep, only with less available time than a month ago. 00:18
timotimo right, that's a fair assessment 00:20
i'm glad you're sticking with us, though :)
sortiz Thanks timotimo :-) 00:21
stmuk does timotimo have a pet tiger? or does the twitter camera lie? 00:28
timotimo :D 00:29
sortiz .ask lizmat In I can't understand the meaning of '-1', I'm missing something? 02:42
yoleaux2 sortiz: I'll pass your message to lizmat.
Zoffix A typo? I see $!pos set to -1 maybe it was passed via args in the past. It doesn't compile ATM, sig mismatch 02:59
sortiz Yes, I think so. 03:03
lizmat sortiz: yes indeed, not a typo but a leftover from some other opt I tried to do 05:52
yoleaux2 02:42Z <sortiz> lizmat: In I can't understand the meaning of '-1', I'm missing something?
dalek kudo/nom: 5d11c91 | lizmat++ | src/core/
Fix thinko, spotted by sortiz++
kudo/nom: b95bc91 | (Salvador Ortiz)++ | src/core/
Fix Mu handling in REPL

Avoid crashing with
Type check failed in binding $value; expected Any but got ... For Junction, Mu, etc.
kudo/nom: a8aa181 | lizmat++ | src/core/
Merge pull request #802 from salortiz/patch-1

Fix Mu handling in REPL
sortiz Oops! That introduced merge conflicts for awwaiid++ PR#799, sorry 06:51
dalek kudo/nom: a344817 | (Zoffix Znet)++ |
Remove non-core dependencies for Perl 5.10-compatible build script

The Perl::OSType module did not become a core one until Perl 5.14. To keep the build script working on perl-5.10 systems, we move part of the required functionality from Perl::OSType directly to the build script.
Closes #800
rakudo/nom: 6afd0bd | niner++ |
rakudo/nom: Merge pull request #801 from zoffixznet/fix-perl-5-dependencies
rakudo/nom: Remove non-core dependencies for Perl 5.10-compatible build script
psch well, the getextype problem seems to be rather straight forward 07:25
the exception handler we generate seems to prefer invoking getextype with an empty csd, which means we don't pass the args 07:26
i'm not sure why indy doesn't complain about that, though
it kinda feels like it should :P
s/seems to prefer/is written to/ # ...or something 07:27
it doesn't really have agency i suppose
well, that's not quite right i guess 07:33
the handler that invokes getextype is invoked with a NO_ARGS expectation, which means we don't have the extype anymore
and *that* invokes getextype with null 07:34
it's a bit unfortunate that the coderef in question doesn't have a name :/ 07:38
nine psch: you can give many of them names easily. 07:39
psch nine: how so? 07:40
nine psch: for example in src/Perl6/World.nqp there are lines like @compstuff[2] := sub ($orig, $clone) 07:42
Just change them to @compstuff[2] := sub some_name_you_will_understand ($orig, $clone)
psch oh right
nine Perl 6++ 07:43
psch hm, the next is in the block of a for 07:44
m: for ^10 sub foo($a) { } # /o\
camelia rakudo-moar 6afd0b: OUTPUTĀ«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>ā¤Missing blockā¤at <tmp>:1ā¤------> for ^10ā sub foo($a) { } # /o\ā¤ expecting any of:ā¤ block or pointy blockā¤ infixā¤ infix stopperā¤Ā»
psch i don't know if that really matters though
i mean, from the invokation of next we continue into the handler attached to the block, right? 07:46
and that's presumably the coderef that i'm looking at 07:47
i don't think giving that a name is much possible
well, and it wouldn't even help i guess, 'cause it's invisible on a Perl 6 level anyway
oh hmm 08:01
i *think* the cr it's dying is in probably one of the nqp::stmts(nqp::handle(...)) thingies in some Seq or other..?
'cause that kinda fits with it happening in a for, doesn't it
nine could very well be, yes 08:07
btw. there's also nqp::setcodename which you might use for naming non-sub code refs
Someone must have grinned when introducing an op with that name :) 08:08
psch i'm gonna see if revert 61f3e95e gives me enoughs hints for now
cause, well, if i don't know which CR i need to name...
nope, doesn't help 08:19
i think there was another patch that should've reduced the constant pool, but apparently that wasn't enough for 61f3e95e to become unecessary :/
hrm, so the method i'm patching into the class still doesn't show up in the coderefs 09:55
and i don't why /o\
well, i do know that it doesn't show up in qbidToCodeRef, but it should because its name starts with "qb_" and then there's numbers after that 09:56
and it does exist in the precompiled bc 09:57
yeah this is all kind of eh :| 10:56
there's clearly some spot that's not introspection that tells the SerializationReader how many methods exist 10:57
...probably the .serialized file
hm, or is that just the string heap? 10:58
and then there's still the matter of the qb_$array-size method... 10:59
[Tux] This is Rakudo version 2016.06-30-g6afd0bd built on MoarVM version 2016.06 12:27
test 16.162
test-t 9.836
csv-parser 22.115
nine m: role Foo { submethod new() { say self === Foo }; }; 13:37
camelia rakudo-moar 6afd0b: OUTPUTĀ«Falseā¤Ā»
nine Is this correct? ^^^ 13:38
b2gills m: role Foo { submethod new() { say self ~~ Foo }; }; 13:39
camelia rakudo-moar 6afd0b: OUTPUTĀ«Trueā¤Ā»
b2gills m: role Foo { }; say === # I think it is creating two classes 13:54
camelia rakudo-moar 6afd0b: OUTPUTĀ«Falseā¤Ā»
b2gills m: role Foo { }; say === # or not ? 13:55
camelia rakudo-moar 6afd0b: OUTPUTĀ«Trueā¤Ā»
lizmat b2gills: not 13:57
=== is basically eq with .WHICH
m: role A {}; say; say
camelia rakudo-moar 6afd0b: OUTPUTĀ«A|61662320ā¤A|61662384ā¤Ā»
lizmat m: role A { method WHICH { "42" }}; say === # Foo has now become a value type 13:58
camelia rakudo-moar 6afd0b: OUTPUTĀ«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>ā¤Undeclared name:ā¤ Foo used at line 1ā¤ā¤Ā»
lizmat m: role Foo { method WHICH { "42" }}; say === # Foo has now become a value type
camelia rakudo-moar 6afd0b: OUTPUTĀ«Trueā¤Ā»
lizmat FWIW, rakudo caches any class definition, whether they're made at compile time or at runtime 13:59
nine b2gills: can't use ~~ there as I explicitly don't want to match classes that do the role
lizmat so the punning of the role creates a single class internally
psch nine: so you're looking for "is this punned"? 14:05
nine psch: yes, exactly!
It's for staying backwards compatible when we turn Distribution into a role with a completely different interface.
I want to redirect punning Distribution to some Distribution::Legacy class 14:06
psch m: role R { method new { say ::?CLASS.^name eq 'R' && ::?CLASS.HOW ~~ Metamodel::ClassHOW } }; class C does R { };; 14:08
camelia rakudo-moar 6afd0b: OUTPUTĀ«Falseā¤Trueā¤Ā»
psch is the best i can think of right now
the name check is kinda iffy, could probably be .WHAT equality instead 14:09
eh, maybe not :| 14:10
right, can't reach the punned R.WHAT there 14:11
'cause we'd have to call new to get it... :)
well, and i suppose in .new itself it's really not useful to check if we have a ClassHOW, 'cause are instantiating right now..? 14:12
nine could be
psch so, yeah, in the end it's ".^name eq 'R'", which is kinda icky 14:13
m: role R { }; $_ =^concretization(R); say $$_); class C { }; $_ =^concretization(C); say $$_) 14:21
camelia rakudo-moar 6afd0b: OUTPUTĀ«Rā¤No concretization found for Cā¤ in any concretization at gen/moar/m-Metamodel.nqp line 3116ā¤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1ā¤ā¤Ā»
psch nine: ^^^ that seems to be a proper MOP-y way
m: role R { }; $_ =^concretization(R); say $$_); class C does R { }; $_ =^concretization(R); say $$_) 14:22
camelia rakudo-moar 6afd0b: OUTPUTĀ«Rā¤Rā¤Ā»
nine Currently I'm fighting with Stage parse : This representation (Null) does not support associative access (for type VMNull)
even with the simple name check :/
psch hmm
well, i do retract my suggestion above vOv 14:23
m: role R { method new { $_ = ::?CLASS.^concretization(::?CLASS); say $$_) } };; class C does R { };
camelia rakudo-moar 6afd0b: OUTPUTĀ«No concretization found for Rā¤ in any concretization at gen/moar/m-Metamodel.nqp line 3116ā¤ in method new at <tmp> line 1ā¤ in any at gen/moar/m-Metamodel.nqp line 1736ā¤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1ā¤ā¤Ā»
psch that only works after .new i suspect 14:24
b2gills m: role Foo { use nqp; my $cmp; method is-Foo { $cmp := if $cmp === Any; self.WHAT =:= $cmp }}; class Bar does Foo {}; say; say 14:47
camelia rakudo-moar 6afd0b: OUTPUTĀ«Trueā¤Falseā¤Ā»
b2gills ( ignore the ļ½¢use nqpļ½£ that's a holdover from a previous attempt ) 14:49
dalek kudo/ugexe-dist-interface: fd65fa5 | niner++ | / (5 files):
Fix backwards compatibility issues with repository versions < 2
kudo/ugexe-dist-interface: fc8c7af | ugexe++ | src/core/CompUnit/Repository/
Fix uninstall
kudo/ugexe-dist-interface: a6d71f3 | niner++ | / (9 files):
Merge branch 'dist-interface' of git:// into ugexe-dist-interface
kudo/ugexe-dist-interface: 21eff9e | niner++ | src/core/
Fix backwards compatibility with installers using the old Distribution class

This allows for installing modules with an unmodified panda.
kudo/nom: 0e4a643 | lizmat++ | src/core/
Fix for RT #128481
Zoffix nine, is rakudo/ugexe-dist-interface very substantial work? As in, will I be wasting my time if I attempt to fix RT#128457 ( ) ? 15:58
It's not precomp, despite the tag, but it something to do with including a P6 module that has deps with a Perl 5 module. 15:59
dalek rakudo/nom: da5278a | lizmat++ | src/core/ 16:18
rakudo/nom: Implement Array.cow (for copy-on-write)
rakudo/nom: This is basically just to get it out there and may be revoked at any
rakudo/nom: time before the next release.
rakudo/nom: It basically creates a copy of Array with aliases to the values:
rakudo/nom: my @a = ^10;
rakudo/nom: my @b = @a.cow; # values are shared
rakudo/nom: @b[5] = 42; # element #5 no longer shared
rakudo/nom: This as a result of a question at The Perl Conference:
rakudo/nom: Can you do "Copy-On-Write" in Perl 6?
lizmat afk& 16:23
jnthn I'd expect that to need my @b := @a.cow; since assignment is copying by definition... 16:43
I'm not sure I understand the patch either. It *looks* like it's doing near enough exactly what "my @b = my @ = @a" would do 16:46
Meaning that the above program would behave the very same if the `.cow` method call wasn't made there
And just use more memory while doing the extra copy 16:47
Array assignment already copies values and gives fresh containers, though...
Zoffix Turns out a Perl 5 module isn't even needed for this bug, it just uncovers it. It just needs a module with deps to be used by a module one's `use`ing and precompilation hides the issue. With `no precomipilation` the bug appears even without a Perl 5 module: 16:54
dalek p: d647a3f | (Pawel Murias)++ | src/vm/js/Compiler.nqp:
[js] Disable compiling things using the as method calling convention, we currently don't use it to speedup stuff and the optimalization effort will for now go in a different direction.
nine Zoffix: ugexe-dist-interface changes installation code, nothing about module loading 18:40
Zoffix Cool. Then I'll try to fix that bug.
nine ++Zoffix 18:41
dalek kudo/ugexe-dist-interface: f6a8e6c | niner++ | src/core/
Fix backwards compatibility with installers using the old Distribution class

This allows for installing modules with an unmodified panda.
kudo/nom: d4a0e01 | niner++ | src/core/CompUnit/
Don't try to precompile "no precompilation" modules twice.

No reason to try precompiling again, when the first time was already aborted due to "no precompilation"
timotimo that seems like it should be a good performance win
nine I sure hope so :) 19:22
Noticed it while having a look at RT #128457
Unfortunately no idea what the cause of the actual bug might be
japhb Is there a known precompilation bug regarding deep class namespaces aren't exported properly? I just went through adding a new namespace level near the top of my project, so Foo became RPG::Foo and X::Foo::Bar became X::RPG::Foo::Bar, and now my exception tests fail with messages like "Could not find symbol &Bar" when I allow precompilation, but succeed if I 'no precompilation;'. Sound familiar? 22:06
Zoffix yup 22:16
Pretty sure that's the one I'm trying to debug right now. 22:17
japhb Oh! Well, um ... good? :-) 22:28
Zoffix "right now" meaning while eating, watching TV, playing video games, and learning how the CompUnit stuff works, so don't think I'll fix it in the next hour or so :P 22:35
awwaiid .tell soritz I fixed the PR :) 22:51
yoleaux2 awwaiid: I'll pass your message to soritz.
japhb Zoffix: Well, for the mean time, I can just eat the performance loss of 'no precompilation;' -- plus working around expecting transitive imports through the now non-precompiled module. Minor pain, but at least I can progress. 23:03
Zoffix japhb, it's not present in 2016.04 FWIW 23:04