dalek ast: 19fa7f3 | labster++ | S03-operators/autoincrement-range.t:
Add tests for Thai numeral increments, RT #128868
synopsebot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=128868
gfldex .tell lizmat that was the week that was: gist.github.com/gfldex/09e86ebed67...bd2291c083 03:36
yoleaux2 gfldex: I'll pass your message to lizmat.
gfldex is CREATE an implementation detail? There is a test on roast but it's only a RT. 04:35
ShimmerFairy gfldex: if there's a test in roast, and if roast is the spec, then it must be true that it's spec :) 05:36
[Tux] This is Rakudo version 2016.07.1-137-gc8c27e9 built on MoarVM version 2016.07-16-g85b6537 06:09
test 15.038
test-t 7.325
csv-parser 16.356
my @hdr = $csv.getline ($fh)».lc.map: { s:g{kode} = "code" }; 07:50
Cannot modify an immutable Str
my @hdr = $csv.getline ($fh)».lc.map: { s:g{kode} = "code" }; 07:51
quick fix?
This works: 07:55
my @hdr = $csv.getline ($fh)».lc;
s:g{kode} = "code" for @hdr;
but does not feel perl6-example worthy
pmurias how do I rebootstrap NQP, I want to get rid of the workaround in afd690d4 08:40
ahh, found docs for that
gfldex .tell lizmat gist.github.com/gfldex/09e86ebed67...bd2291c083 has been updated 10:07
yoleaux2 gfldex: I'll pass your message to lizmat.
Tux__ does perl6 have the /r from perl5 as in « my $foo = $bar =~ s/foo/bar/gr;» I did not find something like that on docs.perl6.org/routine/subst 11:43
ShimmerFairy Tux__: you want S/// I believe, or .subst() if you'd rather the method version. 11:44
literal Tux__: .subst behaves like Perl5's /r already 11:45
for in-place substitution (like Perl5 without /r) you need .= subst()
Tux__ { .lc ~~ S:g{kode} = "code" });
Potential difficulties:
Smartmatch with S/// is not useful. You can use given instead: S/// given $foo
literal and yeah, s/// vs. S/// for the short forms 11:46
ShimmerFairy Tux__: I have no clue why P6 thinks S/// would be useless in smartmatches. 11:47
Tux__ { S:g/kode/code/ given .lc }); 11:49
works fine
ShimmerFairy like I said, I can't see how the smartmatch form would be considered useless, someone else will have to explain that :) 11:50
nine ShimmerFairy: because smart match is an operator that's supposed to return a Boolish value. 11:51
Using it for applying the substitution would be quite some abuse as it's a totally different operation and result type
ShimmerFairy nine: Ah, I guess I'm more used to using ~~ // for non-subst regexes, so "it returns the result of match" transferred in my mind to "it returns the result of the substitution", I guess. (For some reason I vastly prefer .subst anyway.) 11:53
ShimmerFairy still thinks regex matching deserves its own operator, without any of that $_-modifying business, but that's another story :P
nine ShimmerFairy: understandably. It's just that a match is kind of boolish as you'd get Nil if it doesn't match while S/// would just return the original string. 11:54
ShimmerFairy nine: though now I wonder why S/// acts different than s/// in the use of 'given' 11:56
m: my $a = "foo"; say s/f/b/ given $a;
camelia rakudo-moar c8c27e: OUTPUT«「f」␤»
ShimmerFairy m: my $a = "foo"; say S/f/b/ given $a;
camelia rakudo-moar c8c27e: OUTPUT«boo␤»
nine ShimmerFairy: because s/// is "match the regex and while you're at it modify the matches" while S/// is "change the matching places in the string". So s/// is really two distinct operations for which combining may make sense from an optimization view point. 12:05
I think, they are actually huffmanized wrong and I consider this to be historical baggage, als Perl 5 had only s/// for most of its life. 12:06
.oO(Why do I get the sudden feeling that this is an inconsistency that Perl 7 would target, like the ones Perl 6 did?)
mst ShimmerFairy: if you've ever used given/when in perl5, your first thought would be "to make perl5 people feel at home, perl6 decided to make given at least -slightly- unexpectedly bollocks" 12:08
ShimmerFairy mst: I have not, and I suppose the blame lies more with s/// vs. S/// than the 'given' itself :P 12:09
Tux__ I am so used to s{foo}{bar} in perl5, that this by now is one of the most common mistakes I make in perl6 12:14
S:g{foo}{bar} is wrong
Unsupported use of brackets around replacement; in Perl 6 please use assignment syntax
unmatched} ShimmerFairy: just use .subst/.subst-mutate 12:18
The smartmatch with S/// not being useful is become smartmatch aliases the given string to $_, S/// makes substitutions on it and returns the result, and then THAT result is compared against the original string and you get True or False, based on whether there were any substitutions (True indicating there weren't). So there's no way to get the result of the substitution and you get a confusing, nearly 12:20
useless result from the smartmatch
as for difference between s/// and S/// with given... The snarky response would be that they do different things :) s/// mutates, so there's no point in returning the new result; what matches are returned instead. S/// is non-mutating, so returning the new version is all it can do. 12:22
Tux__ unmatched}++ thanks 12:50
lizmat . 13:11
yoleaux2 03:36Z <gfldex> lizmat: that was the week that was: gist.github.com/gfldex/09e86ebed67...bd2291c083
10:08Z <gfldex> lizmat: gist.github.com/gfldex/09e86ebed67...bd2291c083 has been updated
lizmat gfldex++ 13:27
dalek p: d5cbe8f | (Pawel Murias)++ | src/NQP/Actions.nqp:
[js] Extend workaround to JS backend.
p: cb2b853 | (Pawel Murias)++ | src/vm/js/bin/run_tests_bootstrapped.pl:
[js] Update "make js-test-bootstrapped".

Make it skip the failing test and more tests that pass.
p: ddf5def | (Pawel Murias)++ | src/vm/js/RegexCompiler.nqp:
[js] Don't emit an unnecessary cast from an integer attribute to an integer.
[Coke] RT: 1331; @LARRY: 13; CONC: 24; GLR: 6; JVM: 66; LHF: 1; LTA: 103; NEW: 859; NYI: 82; OSX: 6; PERF: 20; POD: 17; PRECOMP: 9; RFC: 28; SEGV: 31; STAR: 4; TESTNEEDED: 15; TODO: 9; UNI: 27; UNTAGGED: 518; WEIRD: 3 14:43
unmatched} buggable: rt 14:49
buggable unmatched}, TOTAL: 1390, UNTAGGED: 600, BUG: 425, LTA: 98, JVM: 62, NYI: 35, SEGV: 30, RFC: 28, UNI: 26, CONC: 24, PERF: 20, POD: 14, @LARRY: 14, PRECOMP: 9, TODO: 9, GLR: 6, BUILD: 5, STAR: 4, NATIVECALL: 4, WEIRD: 3, BOOTSTRAP: 3, MOARVM: 2, OSX: 2, LHF: 1, SPESH: 1, DOCS: 1, MATH: 1 Details: bug.perl6.party/1470667763.html
unmatched} 1390 0.o wat
jnthn Also UNTAGGED
unmatched} Ah. There's a bug.
jnthn [Coke]++ # human buggable still winning :D 14:50
unmatched} A bug in a bot reporting bugs :)
jnthn Bugception
[Coke] reported the UNTAGGED bug. 14:52
also, mine is realtime, while buggable's is based on cached.
[Coke] wonders if we shoudl get rid of stresstest and make everything run on spectest. 14:53
(since we need to be more careful post-christmas)
unmatched} Would we need to install panda and Inline::Perl5 for every run? 14:54
*re-install that is
dalek ast: 2d54245 | lizmat++ | S03-operators/autoincrement-range.t:
We must still comment out RT :-)
ast: b1ee76d | lizmat++ | S32-array/splice.t:
Remove SINK tests, they're an implementation detail
[Coke] unmatched}: those tests are skipped whether you run stress or spec.
really, we should be installing it and testing it regularly.
(since we kind of advertise that they work when we do a release)
unmatched} They do get run on before every release. And I run them 1 week before the release too. 14:55
dalek ast/6.c-errata: f93adc5 | lizmat++ | S32-array/splice.t:
Remove SINK tests, they're an implementation detail
unmatched} I'd push the other way, TBH. Run fewer tests on changes, run more tests regularly (Travis? Some build job daily?), run all tests before releases and maybe weekly. 14:57
Well, I guess an automated job can run all tests if it wants. I rather the devs don't sit there for 8 minutes waiting for spectest to finish for every bug they fix.
[Coke] eh. Ideally we'd want every commit to nom to match a version in roast, and pass all those tests. 14:58
dalek kudo/nom: a44a13d | lizmat++ | / (8 files):
Remove any reference to :SINK

We're probably going to do this differently in the future anyway. Then we'll look at optimization opportunities again. So don't spend any extra cycles on it now.
[Coke] unmatched}: I disagree - how do you know you fixed it and didn't bust something else? push it into a branch if you're not sure or if it needs review.
dalek p: 01dfb1a | (Pawel Murias)++ | src/QAST/Regex.nqp:
Make --target=ast mention cursor_type on QAST::Regexes.
p: 2f9c5d5 | (Pawel Murias)++ | src/ (2 files):
Set the cursor_type for all regexes compiled by NQP.
TimToady I go find something else to do while testing
[Coke] I think that's the long term plan; push things into branch, pull them into nom when they're tested/approved. we're just operating at slightly better than pre-christmas review-process at this point. 14:59
I think our process is ok for now, but we definitely want to harden it before v6.d 15:01
travis-ci NQP build failed. Pawel Murias 'Set the cursor_type for all regexes compiled by NQP.' 15:03
travis-ci.org/perl6/nqp/builds/150658485 github.com/perl6/nqp/compare/ddf5d...9c5d5a6a9c
pmurias checks the travis build failure
[Coke] unmatched}: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=126447 - there are still skip'd tests with this # in roast; do they need to be migrated to the new ticket number? 15:05
unmatched} [Coke]: by running the test I wrote for the bug and the sparse set of tests that test a little bit of everything. Then I push, and travis (or whatever) goes on to run the full set of tests, while I move on with my life. If it's some major change, I'll run the full spectest before pushing. It's speeds up development and should the commit break on more thorough spectest, it'll be known fairly soon to fix it. 15:08
TimToady's plan to "find something else to do" is by far not ideal, as the developers get distracted from the job at hand.
dalek ast: 0ec9781 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S04-blocks-and-statements/temp.t:
Update RT ticket number for the issue
lizmat wonders whether TimToady's remark is related to a44a13d ?
unmatched} [Coke]: updated, thanks. 15:13
dalek p: d68b9b3 | (Pawel Murias)++ | src/NQP/Actions.nqp:
Fix 2f9c5d5a6a9c1b0243fd59a7b827ad1f99d113c
pmurias automatically checking that NQP changes don't break rakudo would be great 15:17
travis-ci NQP build passed. Pawel Murias 'Fix 2f9c5d5a6a9c1b0243fd59a7b827ad1f99d113c'
travis-ci.org/perl6/nqp/builds/150662765 github.com/perl6/nqp/compare/2f9c5...8b9b375f7b
[Coke] unmatched}: right, so instead of pushing to nom, you push that somewhere else, something does the full test run, -then- it gets merged to nom when it's clean. best of both worlds. 15:18
timotimo we already have smoke-me, don't we?
[Coke] right. jnthn postulated some kind of infrastructure that was smart enough to do the merges, even, once they were clean. 15:20
timotimo i'm sure zoffix can build an irc bot that does that 15:21
[Coke] (not saying we have to jump to this now, just want people to be thinking about it)
japhb [Coke]: That would be a lot easier in a world with no remaining flaky tests. And a CI system that didn't time out quite so easily. :-/ 15:27
[Coke] japhb: aye 15:29
[Coke] did a preliminary cleanup of an auto-unfudge run and left the results here: gist.github.com/coke/c7c6ae1448509...5f68d84618
for me, all those unfudgings pass. Someone can review them and clean up the tickets they are tied to (maybe). 15:30
I'll plan on doing it tonight if no one beats me.
Tux__ Does perl6 also offers a formatted dd, more or less like perl5's Data::Dumper? *I* already understand dd's output, but for three-level-deep hashes, the output is not suitable for a presentation 15:32
timotimo no, only as separate modules 15:33
Tux__ any suggestion? 15:34
unmatched} Data::Dump::Tree I heard is good
timotimo yeah, it's pretty
Tux__ modules.perl6.org/#q=dump 15:35
dalek kudo/nom: 44a90a8 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/Exception.pm:
Improve not-found module message

  - Detect when the user may have been attempting to use :from adverb
  - Fixes RT#126087
synopsebot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=126087
unmatched} While we're on the topic of tests. We need some plan for (a) tests for compiler niceties that don't need to be in the spec, like sink warnings and super helpful error messages (like the above); and (b) internationalization. 15:50
(a) is pretty easy. Where would such tests go? Just somewhere in Rakudo's t/? 15:51
For (b)... I just notice we have a whole bunch of tests in roast that test for English-language messages. What if (when?) we want to translate to Japaneese or Russian? Seems like such tests should take the message content from some separate place, so that we could run the roast in another language, by just changing that one "database" of messages. 15:52
jnthn Or we just force the language to English when running spectest. :) 15:57
Part of the reason for typed exceptions is to reduce the dependence on that, though.
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Remove any reference to :SINK
travis-ci.org/rakudo/rakudo/builds/150658407 github.com/rakudo/rakudo/compare/c...4a13de523c
unmatched} :o ...buggable... 15:58
TimToady it's a shame we can't test error messages for concepts rather than specific words 15:59
unmatched} travis-ci.org/rakudo/rakudo/builds/150658407 16:00
travis-ci.org/rakudo/rakudo/builds/150658407 16:03
Aha.. "Killed" 16:04
Looks like parsing JSON for 4 build logs uses more than 2GB RAM or whatever.
Oh :o It's actually due to the regex match on, what I'm guessing, is a huge chunk of text 16:12
m: gist.github.com/zoffixznet/3633c5a...7ecffa1a9a 16:20
Reached 4GB before I killed it on my home box
camelia rakudo-moar 44a90a: OUTPUT«Memory allocation failed; could not allocate 387864 bytes␤»
lizmat afk&
timotimo but why would that allocate much? 16:21
unmatched} Should I rakudobug this? 16:23
timotimo can you try dropping the :i?
and see if that makes it not allocate a bunch?
jdv79 [Coke]: should #128833 be "[CONC] [SEGV]"? might be a dup but i can't be certain.
synopsebot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=128833
unmatched} timotimo: yeah, then it returns fast with 'False' 16:24
timotimo OK, so it's doign something dumb when ignorecase is in there
maybe it's a problem with INTERPOLATE or CONSTANT?
no, it's called LITERAL 16:26
unmatched} travis-ci.org/rakudo/rakudo/builds/150658407 16:30
buggable unmatched}, 4 builds failed. NONE due to the timeout
unmatched} There... fixed forever. 16:31
[Coke] jdv79: sure, changed. 16:33
unmatched} Rakudobugged: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=128873 16:35
jdv79 thanks 16:36
b2gills m: say 'ac' ~~ {S/a/b/} 17:01
camelia rakudo-moar 44a90a: OUTPUT«bc␤»
unmatched} hax 17:05
dalek p: 04c4ae3 | TimToady++ | src/QAST/Node.nqp:
forgot to remove some scaffolding
TimToady b2gills++ 17:13
unmatched} Actually, I don't entirely follow b2gills's thing. S/// is a callable and so is {S///}, so why isn't the {S///} result gets smartmatched against the given string? 17:20
TimToady if you smartmatch with a closure, it assumes the result is to be interpreted as boolean 17:22
we don't smartmatch recursively
unmatched} k, I think I get it 17:23
dalek kudo/nom: d1c8664 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/Exception.pm:
Trim whitespace around announced operator in error message

Fixes RT#126219
synopsebot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=126219
unmatched} AlexDaniel seems to be the Zefram of error messages... 17:50
Like this one rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id...et-history 17:52
dalek ast: 4e973da | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S03-operators/autoincrement.t:
++.++ construct throws a multi no match exception

synopsebot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=126220
unmatched} Stage parse is now at 55.005s on my google box... used to be 45s :/ 19:21
dalek kudo/nom: fb42520 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/Mu.pm:
Reword undefined stringification warning

  - Avoid use of word "Any" to prevent confusion with the Any type
  - Avoid nondescript term "undefined things"
  - Fixes RT#126215
synopsebot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=126215
hoelzro j 19:33
unmatched} k
hoelzro ugh
every time my SSH connection drops
unmatched} :)
m: my %h = foo => 'bar'; { temp %h<foo> = 'meow'; %h<not-foo> = 42; }; say %h 19:41
camelia rakudo-moar d1c866: OUTPUT«{foo => bar, not-foo => 42}␤»
unmatched} TimToady / jnthn ^ is the above a bug or just a limitation we have to live with? The fact that "not-foo" key ended up in %h after temp. It's in a ticket, but Sam just replied saying fixing it would be quite problematic with our current container stuff rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=128544 19:43
m: my %h = foo => 'bar'; { temp %h; %h<foo> = 'meow'; %h<not-foo> = 42; }; say %h
camelia rakudo-moar d1c866: OUTPUT«{foo => bar}␤»
TimToady that all looks perfectly correct to me 19:44
unmatched} Cool. I'll then reject the ticket and dump the bogus spectest that was added for it
TimToady m: my %h = foo => 'bar'; { (temp %h)<foo> = 'meow'; %h<not-foo> = 42; }; say %h
camelia rakudo-moar d1c866: OUTPUT«{foo => bar}␤»
[Coke] TimToady++ 19:46
TimToady temp is not a declarator; it's just a strange prefix
so it's gonna temporize whatever the operator governs
lizmat well, there's one edge case here, that I think also has been ticketed already 19:47
m: my %h; { temp %h<a> = 42 }; dd %h 19:48
camelia rakudo-moar d1c866: OUTPUT«Hash %h = {:a(Any)}␤»
lizmat m: my %h; { temp %h<a> = 42 }; dd %h
camelia rakudo-moar d1c866: OUTPUT«Hash %h = {:a(Any)}␤»
lizmat aka, it leaves a key behind
TimToady now that one, I have no idea how/whether to fix 19:49
you'd almost need a :temp adverb instead of a prefix
lizmat yeah, I was thinking we could do something with $!whence
hmmm... adverb hmmm 19:50
TimToady it's really the same issue as :exists and :delete, you've already lost track of the key by the time the container is returned
perlpilot weird ... I was just doing an analogous thing in P5 with local. 19:51
TimToady p5 treats exists and delete as a little macro-y
gfldex is there a way to bail out of the temp-behaviour? 19:52
TimToady nothing except 'let'
perlpilot gfldex: sounds like you want let
gfldex let kinda does that. I was thinking about having some cow mechanism where you can choose to merge by hand before leaving the block. 19:54
lizmat And another Perl 6 Weekly hits the Net: p6weekly.wordpress.com/2016/08/08/...uiet-week/ 19:57
timotimo bisectable: help 20:06
bisectable timotimo: Like this: bisectable: good=2015.12 bad=HEAD exit 1 if (^∞).grep({ last })[5] // 0 == 4 # RT128181
timotimo bisectable: run('perl6', '--profile=heap', '-e', 'say "hi"') 20:07
bisectable timotimo: Exit code is 0 on both starting points (good=2015.12 bad=d1c8664), bisecting by using the output
timotimo: bisect log: gist.github.com/42d871c86527288169...7249e122e7
timotimo: (2015-12-25) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/07fecb5
timotimo damn you, restricted setting
MasterDuke timotimo: i'm not quite sure how to do it, but AlexDaniel could run the bisect manually for you 20:17
jnthn TimToady: fwiw, I've not been able to come up with any kind of way to fix the "temp auto-vivifies" thing. temp's working is pretty much orthogonal to ownership. 20:28
It doesn't have a way to know it's a Scalar that just happens to be under a certain key in a container. And due to binding it may live in many containers. 20:29
So there's really not much to do about it.
timotimo it looks like the crazy allocation amount that the regex match against the long string zoffix posted is completely invisibel to both the profiler and the heap analyzer 20:30
jnthn massif? 20:31
timotimo 21.89user 1.60system 0:23.49elapsed 100%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 7801116maxresident)k 20:32
jnthn lizmat++ # weekly
timotimo could it be the backtrack stack or something just grows without bound in this situation?
jnthn I like how a quiet week still has quite a lot going on ;)
timotimo that's one way we'd not get any GCs and such
jnthn timotimo: Maybe but the heap profiler knows about the size of a VMArray? 20:33
And it forces a GC at the end to make sure it gets a snapshot
Could stick an nqp::force_gc in the regex in a block also to see if that gives any clues 20:34
timotimo hm. but at the end that VMArray in question has got to be garbage?
jnthn True, thus why to try sticking it in the regex somewhere :) 20:35
timotimo the only place i can put it is in the very front
because even the first literal string doesn't occur inside the string to search for 20:36
though i can make that happen
because i control the string :)
my prodding must have missed it, as it's only 35 megabytes in the final and the in-the-middle snapshots 20:40
i bet it was because the "scan" succeeded when it reached that block that forced the gc 20:46
ZoffixMobile #834 kinda makes me think we should be improving flat rather than adding another method that sorta-kinda-similar 21:09
lizmat yeah, I have my doubts about descend as well
timotimo why does string_equal_at_ignore_case use lc and not fc? 21:13
lizmat hysterical raisins ?
timotimo perhaps 21:14
gfldex using fc would break german 21:15
m: say "in Massen".fc ~~ "in Maßen".fc
camelia rakudo-moar fb4252: OUTPUT«True␤»
gfldex that means that "a lot" is the same as "in moderation" 21:16
ZoffixMobile :)
timotimo anyway, equal_at_ignore_case is absolutely pessimal.
not only do we not have a proper scan (based on the floyd-warshal algorithm) for ignorecase, no, we also re-lc the haystack every single time we try to do a match 21:17
and if we advance one character before trying again, we'll have one "lower case the whole string" operation per grapheme in the string
ZoffixMobile :o 21:18
gfldex slowest possible way to implement it?
timotimo yes 21:19
we already have an offset and length for comparison
.oO( room for optimisations )
timotimo and still we just lc both the haystack and the needle before comparing at the offset for the length 21:20
so ... that's bad :)
[Coke] There was a ticket at one point for foldcaseing for insensitive matching instead of lc'ing 21:21
m: say "Massen".fc
camelia rakudo-moar fb4252: OUTPUT«massen␤»
[Coke] say .lc, .fc for "in Maßen" 21:22
m: say .lc, .fc for "in Maßen"
camelia rakudo-moar fb4252: OUTPUT«in maßenin massen␤»
ZoffixMobile The issue gfldex brought up still exists with fc
gfldex the issue with fc wont go away. It a unicode dilemma. 21:23
[Coke] I mean, I get that's wrong, but is it an issue with .fc, or with unicode?
gfldex shortly after 1900 some american defined a transcription for ß to be used with typewriters _without_ asking a german for advice. 21:24
lizmat good night, #perl6-dev!
ZoffixMobile night 21:25
jnthn timotimo: Nice find. I'm an order of magnitude too tired to know what best to do about it though... ;) 21:27
timotimo well, the regex machine could know about needing the lower case version of the target string and keep it around once 21:29
that'd already make a gigantic difference
and the needle can also just be lowercased for the user when we generate the QAST
jnthn TimToady: I'd kinda like to fix up the async socket test flappiness with some of my tuits available this week; if you've a moment to look over gist.github.com/jnthn/ec19c88a592c...41953ad25a and offer any thoughts, it'd be appreciated. Even if they're just "do what you think" :) 21:30
TimToady do what you think :) 21:36
jnthn OK :)
.oO( What if I'm not sure what to think 'cus I can argue it too many ways? :) )
TimToady I did like the gather/take analogy 21:37
I don't suppose we await a sunk promise currently...
jnthn No 21:38
That is vaguely tempting though I dunno how strong a back-compat policy bustage it'd be...
TimToady or keep a list of all sunk promises and await them on scope exit 21:39
that'd be slightly gentler
jnthn Yeah...also a bit trickier to arrange
Since potentially any scope that sinks is affected. 21:40
TimToady another possible approach would be a different category of self-awaiting-when-sunk promises
just thinkin' out loud... 21:41
nap & 21:43
jnthn Possibly... Then we'd need a policy on what built-in things returned 'em :)