samcv MasterDuke, looking 00:40
actually going to the bathroom then looking :)
MasterDuke didn't think the code was that bad... 00:41
notviki :D
dalek ast: 3cc76b8 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S32-io/seek.t:

Fixes #219
It currently throws when seeking past start of file, but doesn't complain about seeking past end. I left throwage tests commented out for now, will make figuring out the failure modes as part of IO improvement stuff.
geekosaur um. why would seeking past end be wrong? 00:51
is a POSIX module going to need to provide special seek calls then? 00:53
notviki <notviki> hm... seek before start of file throws but seek past end of file doesn't throw. Is that normal? 00:54
geekosaur was AFK for around an hour 00:55
ah, not even limited to POSIX any more, NTFS does sparse files as well
dalek ast: e220988 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S32-io/seek.t:
Test .seek failure modes; geekosaur++

Part of fix for #219
samcv who here is an admin for rakudo? 01:02
who do I bug to get an M-dash or a horizontal bar used for the rakudo description instead of two hyphen-minus’s on github
notviki doesn't have that access 01:03
[Coke] samcv: what are you looking at?
so do — mdash or ― horizontal bar (usually used for quoting people ― samcv)
M-dash is probably better for this use since not a quote tho 01:04
[Coke] owners are: jnthn, moritz, perlpilot, pmichaud. 01:05
samcv kk will bug one of them 01:06
MasterDuke samcv: have you taken a look at 01:07
that's another that could use a review
samcv rushes to the bathroom again /s 01:10
dalek kudo/nom: 119efbc | samcv++ | appveyor.yml:
Use appveyor-retry for installing Strawberry Perl 5
MasterDuke thanks. i may not be very available the next week and wanted to get them reviewed while i was still here and it was fresh in people's minds
samcv MasterDuke, ok that last one, about the ${ } variables. uhm not seeing many roast tests for that 01:18
MasterDuke there aren't tests for any of my three PRs today
samcv oh :( 01:19
can you please make a test for ?
dalek kudo/nom: ecde669 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/
Add S32-io/seek.t to list of test files to run
MasterDuke i'll add them in the next couple days
notviki notices a 3K+ tests in stresstest run :i
I mean there are 3K+ tests more than a few days ago ^_^ 01:20
samcv what are they tho
notviki no idea
Files=1213, Tests=133493, 484 wallclock secs (14.31 usr 2.61 sys + 1632.20 cusr 184.80 csys = 1833.92 CPU)
samcv are all normal tests in the stresstest?
cause that's 1900 emoji tests
MasterDuke samcv: didn't you add a bunch of emoji/unicode tests? 01:21
notviki last one from 2 days ago: Files=1211, Tests=130982, 165 wallclock secs (21.10 usr 3.39 sys + 2923.98 cusr 288.86 csys = 3237.33 CPU)
samcv yep
notviki \o/
MasterDuke notviki: same computer? cause that's a huge difference in wallclock
notviki Nah :) The slower one is my home box, the faster one is my 24-core VM :) 01:22
MasterDuke good, i hoped those 3k tests didn't add 300s! 01:23
notviki :)
samcv i hope not too 01:32
MasterDuke, reviewed that more recent one 01:34
MasterDuke k, i may get a test or two in today 01:36
samcv cool 01:38
ooooooooooooooo 01:40 rakudo is there now!
\o/ 01:41
timotimo yup! 01:57
a friend of mine hooked me up with a tiny bit of code that 1) reads the high precision timer, 2) sends events out to a thread that gathers them and 3) writes those out to a file 01:58
samcv notviki, hmm seemed the instructions to override the normal perl highlighter for atom on the readme for atom-language-perl6 were wrong :) updating now
i had never actually tried them before :P
timotimo, who were you responding to? 02:08
timotimo the yup was about rakudo in the showcase 02:12
samcv ah
but the one below that
when sometimes a normal solidus won't do, you have the BIG SOLIDUS ⧸ 02:13
timotimo i just blurted that out randomly 02:19
and now i'm going to bed i think
dalek ast: 2667e3e | MasterDuke17++ | S (2 files):
Tests for Rakudo PRs #990 and #991 and NQP PR #337
MasterDuke samcv: a test for each added, todo'd for PR #991 04:30
samcv nice 05:53
MasterDuke, PR ready for merge? 05:56
.tell notviki seems has… failed. It is not showing any tickets 06:29
yoleaux2 samcv: I'll pass your message to notviki.
samcv .tell yoleaux2 thanks
yoleaux2 samcv: Thanks for the message.
samcv buggable, new 06:44
buggable, help
buggable samcv, tags | tag SOMETAG | eco | eco Some search term | speed
samcv buggable, speed
buggable samcv, ▇▇█▇█▇██▇▇▇█▄▆▅▃▄▄▂▃▃▄▂▁▁▂▃▂▂▅▂▂▄▂▃▂▂▁▆▄▂▂▃▂▂▂▃▃▃▃ data for 2016-12-16–2017-01-06; range: 5.137s–6.242s
ugexe m: my $core-repo = CompUnit::RepositoryRegistry.repository-for-name(q|perl|); my $core-tap-harness-path = "$core-repo/sources/" ~ "$core-repo/dist"{$_.parent, :meta-file($_))}).head.meta<provides><TAP><lib/TAP.pm6><file>; require $core-tap-harness-path; # notviki: so it *is* possible 07:25
camelia ( no output )
ugexe ...unless someone does zef --install-to=perl install TAP::Harness 07:34
[Tux] This is Rakudo version 2016.12-237-gecde66939 built on MoarVM version 2016.12-71-g331a6b43 10:04
csv-ip5xs 3.006
test 13.148
test-t 5.466
csv-parser 13.721
lizmat Files=1163, Tests=56515, 198 wallclock secs (11.19 usr 4.59 sys + 1176.14 cusr 130.22 csys = 1322.14 CPU) 10:09
bartolin_ lizmat: what do you think about this change? Are there any disadvantages in binding to natives in signatures? 10:14
lizmat there used to be a time that didn't work 10:15
also, I'm not sure whether that binds or assigns
bartolin_ yes, jnthn++ fixed that not so long ago IIRC
lizmat and/or whether it has a performance benefit 10:16
bartolin_ I see. that was my main question (whether you'd have an idea about performance impacts) 10:17
spectest passes for MoarVM an JVM 10:18
bartolin_ has never tried to benchmark changes before 10:19
I'll put it on my list :-) thanks for looking 10:21
lizmat m: dd $(1, 2) Z <a b c> 11:02
camelia rakudo-moar ecde66: OUTPUT«(($(1, 2), "a"),).Seq␤»
lizmat m: dd 1 Z <a b c> 11:03
camelia rakudo-moar ecde66: OUTPUT«((1, "a"),).Seq␤»
lizmat hmmm... guess that makes sense :-)
m: dd <a b c> Z 1
camelia rakudo-moar ecde66: OUTPUT«(("a", 1),).Seq␤»
lizmat jnthn: on the subject of YAGNI, I'm wondering whether push-until-lazy is a bit of a YAGNI currently 11:42
it appears to be from a time where we also had "plan" planned
atm the only thing it does is push-all if the iterator is non-lazy 11:43
dalek kudo/nom: 8655413 | lizmat++ | src/core/Rakudo/
Introducing R:I.OneValueIterator

Create an iterator for a single given value.
kudo/nom: c405f06 | lizmat++ | src/core/ (2 files):
Use the R:I.OneValueIterator where we can
jnthn lizmat: push-until-lazy is the thing that gives the "mostly eager" semantics used in assignment, ain't it? 12:28
iirc, $!todo is a list of iterables, and push-until-lazy just causes a push-all on each iterator until it encounters one that's marked lazy 12:44
And yes, .plan would use it, though I'm pretty sure I put it in because something *else* needed it 12:45
lizmat jnthn: I think that $!todo is only the one iterator ? 12:46
ah, yes, it's the one Reifier :-) 12:47
hmmm... goes into some more research :-) 12:49
dalek kudo/nom: 6888f0c | lizmat++ | src/core/ (3 files):
Change R:I.OneValueIterator to R:I.OneCallableIterator

Which is a bit more generally useful, and the additional overhead of needing to do an extra call to get the single value, should drown in the general iterator overhead.
kudo/nom: 012850d | lizmat++ | src/core/ (3 files):
Revert "Change R:I.OneValueIterator to R:I.OneCallableIterator"

This reverts commit 6888f0ce2e750af2cbd2d5e0f051c93d01c59735.
Premature optimization is the root of all evil
masak smiles at the pair of commits above :) 14:25
lizmat yeah... :-) 14:29
dalek kudo/nom: c0ac0e9 | lizmat++ | src/core/Rakudo/
Introducing R:I.ZipIterablesIterator

Create an iterator of N iterables, returning a List of one pull from each iterator for each pull.
kudo/nom: 4ab020f | lizmat++ | src/core/
Make @a Z @a 5x faster

  - by using the new R:I.ZipIterablesIterator
  - benchmarked on "my @a = ^5; for ^10000 { my @b = @a Z @a }
lizmat masak: some better commits :-)
timotimo ooooooh 14:33
this'll show up in the benchmarks 14:34
we do have benchmarks that have Z in them
lizmat this is just the Z case, other cases are being worked on :-)
timotimo fantabular
lizmat first I'm going to check whether it makes sense to make a special case of @a Z @a (aka only 2 lists) 14:35
timotimo statisfiable6: core0
statisfiable6 timotimo, OK! Working on it…
timotimo not sure how long those take until a newer build is available
4 minutes may be a bit too optimistic :) 14:36
dalek kudo/nom: 3d1d699 | lizmat++ | src/core/Rakudo/
Presize the result list for another 4% improvement
lizmat doesn't make sense to make a specialized 2 iterables case 15:11
timotimo good to know the general one is already fast enough :) 15:13
lizmat yeah, it may be about 1% faster
samcv morning perl 6 * 15:15
timotimo statisfiable6 is taking its sweet time, isn't it? 15:16
i thought it caches data from already-analysed versions
samcv nope
timotimo maybe that means it'll end up catching liz' last commit, too 15:18
just by virtue of taking so long to reach it
though it might start from the newest commit it knows and go back in history - it does seem to have these files there 15:20
ah, looks like it only saves the last result there 15:21
notviki . 15:34
yoleaux2 06:29Z <samcv> notviki: seems has… failed. It is not showing any tickets
timotimo i didn't expect statisfiable6 to take *this* long 16:12
lizmat statisfiable6: status 16:14
statisfiable6 lizmat, Huh? Available stats: core (CORE.setting size), install (size of the whole installation), …
lizmat statisfiable6: core 16:15
statisfiable6 lizmat, OK! Working on it…
notviki statisfiable6: install 16:16
statisfiable6: …
lizmat statisfiable6: status 16:17
guess it's off into lala land
timotimo there it goes 16:20
notviki statisfiable6: core 16:21
statisfiable6 notviki, OK! Working on it…
notviki well, it's doing something... at the top of top 16:23
samcv statisfiable6, core 17:57
statisfiable6 samcv, OK! Working on it…
timotimo hm 19:56
geekosaur now you just need stabilifiable6 :p
timotimo totally
[Coke] é 20:18
AlexDaniel statisfiable6: core 20:26
statisfiable6 AlexDaniel, OK! Working on it…
AlexDaniel there's some broken tar it trips over… 20:27
timotimo oh damn 20:28
AlexDaniel statisfiable6: core
statisfiable6 AlexDaniel, OK! Working on it…
AlexDaniel ok now 20:29
statisfiable6 AlexDaniel,
AlexDaniel statisfiable6: install 20:30
statisfiable6 AlexDaniel, OK! Working on it…
AlexDaniel, 20:31
AlexDaniel good
timotimo that's quite some dip it had there 20:32
AlexDaniel yup
timotimo immediately went up again for some reason
AlexDaniel could be something with the archive itself 20:33
timotimo i don't see it in the listing below
AlexDaniel you have to “view full file” 20:34
timotimo oh, ah 20:38
15a2f112ba2e78686bb6f5cc9b92b122254f2b70 11.86428 20:40
c5e54efc88c5d5e481b3fcb62d412b1826bee25d 10.763264
1e3a325bd1db3402a0065e12e9f26e400f6b2900 11.864208
this it?
AlexDaniel timotimo: yea 20:51
dalek p: 189cbd4 | MasterDuke17++ | src/QRegex/P (3 files):
Handle Nd's as regex quantifiers
p: ab0728f | lizmat++ | src/QRegex/P (3 files):
Merge pull request #338 from MasterDuke17/correctly_handle_unicode_digits_in_regex_quantifiers

Handle Nd's as regex quantifiers
kudo/nom: e40a129 | lizmat++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION:
Bump NQP to get Nd's as regex quantifiers
p: d626cf6 | MasterDuke17++ | src/ (4 files):
Micro-optimize Grammars

Make <before>'s non-capturing.
p: 9c2f39c | lizmat++ | src/ (4 files):
Merge pull request #339 from MasterDuke17/make_befores_non-capturing

Micro-optimize Grammars
kudo/nom: 06abb07 | lizmat++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION:
Bump NQP to make <before>'s non-capturing
lizmat TIL that Zop is not taking the infix:<Z>(:$with!) candidate 21:48
timotimo oh? 21:50
is that good or bad? probably bad
lizmat not sure yet... I guess it codegens directly to one of the METAOP thingies 21:52
timotimo ah, sounds likely 22:02
dalek kudo/nom: eba3fe0 | MasterDuke17++ | src/Perl6/Grammar.nqp:
Handle Nd's in ${} special variables
kudo/nom: f6303d7 | samcv++ | src/Perl6/Grammar.nqp:
Merge pull request #991 from MasterDuke17/correctly_error_on_unicode_digits_in_special_variable

Handle Nd's in ${} special variables
lizmat good night, #perl6-dev! 22:49
notviki night