lizmat Files=1207, Tests=62761, 219 wallclock secs (13.15 usr 5.02 sys + 1326.96 cusr 134.70 csys = 1479.83 CPU) 08:27
[Tux] This is Rakudo version 2017.06-64-gfe7ea124c built on MoarVM version 2017.06-14-g888b33d1 09:04
csv-ip5xs 2.631
test 13.068
test-t 4.091 - 4.154
csv-parser 12.586
Geth rakudo/nom: 1f5bed4b4b | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Rakudo/
Introducing R:Q.BAGGY-CLONE

Create a deep clone of any Baggy/Mixy
rakudo/nom: a2a0d5c622 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 8 files
Tighten up all inter-QuantHash coercions/clone

There were quite some cases where coercing a mutable to an immutable version or clone would keep the underlying values shared, potentially causing quite some action at a distance.
rakudo/nom: 19a1caa330 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Fix various coercion related issues with (-)
dogbert17 .seen lollercopter 12:13
yoleaux I saw lollercopter 24 Jun 2017 17:00Z in #perl6: <lollercopter> \o
dogbert17 .tell lollercopter hasn't IOninja's recent IO work made closable? 12:15
yoleaux dogbert17: I'll pass your message to lollercopter.
Geth roast: 274766007d | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S03-operators/difference.t
Add quite a few (-) coercion tests
dogbert17 I'm trying to fix I have tried to improve the text but there's always a chance that it has become even worse than before. Grateful if anyone would like to look it over 14:05
and here's the gist: 14:06
lizmat dogbert17: looks like an improvement to me :-) 14:08
dogbert17 lizmat, thx. If no one else comments I'll add the text and close the issue :) 14:12
Geth rakudo/nom: f3b2d952d6 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Rakudo/
Fix issue with Baggy (-) Setty

Caught while writing more tests
rakudo/nom: b66d87833d | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Make Setty (-) Iterable about 3.5x faster

  - actually infinitely faster when left side is empty Set, as we don't
   iterate at all in that case
  - also stops iterating as soon as result is the empty Set, which in
   some case may give significantly better results
rakudo/nom: 36ca2fb4a5 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Make Setty (-) Setty stop when result is empty Set

Also abstract the logic into R:Q.SUB-SET-FROM-SET
dogbert17 m: say 2.5.^lookup(‘sqrt’).perl 14:42
camelia method sqrt (Rat $: *%_) { #`(Method|52406416) ... }
dogbert17 when doing the above is it method 'lookup' hidden in 'role Metamodel::MethodContainer' which is called? 14:45
looking ar
lizmat dogbert17: any foo.^method is really foo.HOW(foo).method 14:52
is that an answer ?
timotimo since 2.5 has the ClassHOW HOW you can find what roles it looks through in the ClassHOW file 14:59
and yeah, i'd expect this to be MethodContainer's lookup method
Geth roast: 3a994f69e3 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S03-operators/difference.t
Add two coercions, fix 2 coercions for (-)
rakudo/nom: a2133dbc6a | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Fix Baggy/Mixy (-) Any/Iterable

Any/Iterable should be coerced to Set, not Bag/Mix
dogbert17 lizmat, timotimo, thx, if we're to add docs for lookup it's good to know where :) 15:31
m: say 2.5.^lookup(‘sqrt’).perl 15:39
camelia method sqrt (Rat $: *%_) { #`(Method|42670208) ... }
dogbert17 m: say 2.5.^lookup(‘not-exist’).perl
camelia Mu
dogbert17 so if no method object can be found it returns a type object? 15:41
lizmat dogbert17: nqp land doesn't know about Nil 15:42
dogbert17 lizmat thx ahain 15:53
timotimo, lizmat: here's my first attempt, rip it to shreads :) 16:06
I'm a bit unsure if I should write 'method lookup(Metamodel::MethodContainer: $obj, $name)' when the code explicitly says 'method lookup($obj, $name)' 16:09
Geth rakudo/nom: 9936a3be28 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Make Setty (-) Map between 2x and 3x faster

  - 3x for objecthashes
  - 2x for normal hashes and Maps
lizmat afk&
dogbert17 I've now updated the gist, grateful for feedback 16:39
masterduke++, fixed 16:51
MasterDuke an updated example of coverable's output if anybody is interested: 20:20
thoughts/suggestions welcome
timotimo: ^^^
AlexDaniel more suggestions? 22:59
timotimo: ↑
timotimo lovely! 23:01
Geth rakudo/nom: e4f3358fa8 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/
Make Any (-) Map|Iterable about 2x faster

  - because the right hand side no longer gets coerced to a Set first
  - but instead is handled on-the-fly
  - possibly without any iteration if the left is equivalent to an empty Set
lizmat which concludes my hacking for today 23:07
good night!