Perl 6 language and compiler development | Logs at | For toolchain/installation stuff see #perl6-toolchain | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
releasable6 Next release in ≈6 days and ≈15 hours. 4 blockers. Please log your changes in the ChangeLog: 03:00
lizmat Files=1264, Tests=87995, 375 wallclock secs (20.13 usr 5.91 sys + 2670.81 cusr 229.56 csys = 2926.41 CPU) 08:23
nine .tell patrickb "it's a price we have to pay" is not really the attitude we want to have. We're the "torture the implementors for the sake of the users" people ;) In most cases there is a way to have both some feature and the performance benefit. Even though it may take years to get there. 08:57
yoleaux nine: I'll pass your message to patrickb.
[Tux] Rakudo version 2018.12-205-gca177e583 - MoarVM version 2018.12-29-g1ff55bf1c
csv-ip5xs0.935 - 0.935
csv-ip5xs-207.066 - 7.241
csv-parser23.276 - 23.278
csv-test-xs-200.425 - 0.433
test7.429 - 7.829
test-t1.859 - 1.908
test-t --race0.845 - 0.865
test-t-2030.996 - 31.011
test-t-20 --race9.957 - 10.108
Geth rakudo: 7be075eb59 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Parameter.pm6
Add support for "sub-signature" while creating a Parameter
pmurias nine: if takes years to avoid paying a price of a couple nqp:: op calls maybe it's not a good tradeoff ;) 11:40
nine pmurias: of course it depends on the actual cost :) 11:43
lizmat m: role A[::T] { method a { 42 } }; class B { method ^parameterize(Mu \base, Mu \type) { base.^mixin(A[type]) } }; dd B[Int].a 12:08
camelia 42
lizmat this works fine, however if I don't add a parameterization to B, it won't mixin A 12:09
m: role A[::T] { method a { 42 } }; class B { method ^parameterize(Mu \base, Mu \type) { base.^mixin(A[type]) } }; dd B.a
camelia No such method 'a' for invocant of type 'B'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
lizmat how do I get it to mixin A[Mu] if I don't specify a parameterization with B ? 12:10
m: role A[::T] { method a { 42 } }; class B[::T = Mu] does A[T] { }; dd B.a 12:11
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unable to parse class definition
at <tmp>:1
------> 3role A[::T] { method a { 42 } }; class B7⏏5[::T = Mu] does A[T] { }; dd B.a
expecting any of:
generic role
lizmat doesn't work either :-(
tyil I'm testing out a new bot to notify on perl 6 module uploads to cpan in #sk-test (since Buggable seems gone and I felt like doing some Perl 6) 12:18
I'm gonna head out in a bit, hoping it'll work as expected and show me a list of new modules when I get back 12:19
but IRC::client seems to be having troubles keeping the connection alive rn 12:20
so I'm skeptical :(
timotimo is that what the whateverables use?
actually, whateverable may be a very good basis for an irc bot just in general?
tyil I can take a peek 12:21
I thought IRC::Client was the standard to use in perl 6
the readme says they are indeed based on IRC::Client 12:22
timotimo OK, but whateverable bots are mostly stable when it comes to keeping their connection alive, though i think they can sometimes ping out when their task takes too long?
i haven't looked very closely into it 12:23
the last time i really noticed that has been long ago, too
tyil IRC::Client has been stable for me too for previous projects :(
timotimo maybe there's a regression we could figure out here
tyil a blocking background task might be related, as I am retrieving module updates and parsing them
timotimo but the threadpool scheduler should have sufficient threads in its pool for such situations, i'd think 12:24
tyil I'm pretty sure it's me now that you mention background tasks :p
I have a react block on irc-connected
timotimo activating the thread pool scheduler log may help here
tyil so immediately after connecting it goes into the react block, which doesn't go onto a different thread i think
so it may never respond to PINGs 12:25
timotimo ooh
tyil could I solve this by adding a start before my react?
timotimo at the very least that's a gotcha that should go into IRC::Client's documentation, if there's no easy fix for it
supplies have the "the sender pays the computation cost" model
timotimo so when it sends off the "you got a command" message, the thread that handles the irc connection itself might be paying for the entirety of the computation 12:26
you have many ways to get around this, but i think just putting the react into a start block doesn't help in the situation i'm thinking of
tyil after adding a `start` I seem to get more debugging output from the server, so if it PING/PONGs I should be ok
timotimo you can "whenever $irc-client.message-supply.Channel { ... }" which means the irc client will only pay the cost of putting a message into that channel 12:27
tyil we'll see in a minute I think
timotimo you can "whenever $irc-client.message-supply { start { do-the-task } }" so the cost is only to schedule that task to the pool
tyil hmm
that also sounds like a good idea
timotimo of course then you'll be potentially getting many tasks run at the same time
so there'll probably have to be something to limit that? 12:28
tyil the supply is time-based, so if it finishes within the time limit it should be ok, right?
(also, adding the start makes the bot PONG on PINGs, so that actually did seem to do it)
timotimo i'm not sure what you mean by time-based 12:29
tyil Supply.interval(60)
so it's not an outside event triggering it, but it happens when an amount of time has passed 12:30
timotimo ah, yeah, so long as you finish within that time, no two tasks will run at the same time
tyil maybe I should rewrite it to re-run one minute after finishing the last run 12:31
timotimo also totally possible
tyil but that's something for later, first I want to see if this proof of concept actually works
timotimo if you put the code to "do the thing" into a sub, you can actually put "whenever { the-sub }" into the sub itself without trouble
tyil that's interesting 12:32
tyil thanks for your help timotimo, it seems to not die now :) 12:35
timotimo \o/ 12:36
lizmat m: role A[::T = Mu] { }; my @a is A 14:26
camelia ( no output )
lizmat m: role A[::T = Mu] { }; my @a is A[Int]
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Can't use unknown trait 'is ' in a variable declaration.
at <tmp>:1
------> 3role A[::T = Mu] { }; my @a is A[Int]7⏏5<EOL>
expecting any of:
lizmat aawww... I guess that *should* work, shouldn't it? moritz jnthn timotimo 14:27
moritz m: role A[::T = Mu] does Positional[t] { }; my @a is A[Int] 14:44
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared routine:
t used at line 1
moritz m: role A[::T = Mu] does Positional[T] { }; my @a is A[Int] 14:45
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Can't use unknown trait 'is ' in a variable declaration.
at <tmp>:1
------> 3 does Positional[T] { }; my @a is A[Int]7⏏5<EOL>
expecting any of:
moritz m: role A[::T = Mu] does Positional[T] { }; my @a is A
camelia ( no output )
moritz lizmat: yes, looks like it should work (unless jnthn has a good reason why it can't work)
timotimo may have to manually pun it? 14:45
m: role A[::T = Mu] does Positional[T] { }; my @a is (A[Int]) 14:46
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Invalid name
at <tmp>:1
------> 3T = Mu] does Positional[T] { }; my @a is7⏏5 (A[Int])
timotimo does look buggy
dogbert17 hello #perl6-dev
dogbert17 I just noticed something odd which I'm at a loss to explain 14:48
compare these two runs of a spectest file 14:50
MVM_SPESH_NODELAY=1 MVM_SPESH_BLOCKING=1 /usr/bin/time ./perl6 t/spec/S07-slip/slip.t # ... 156504 maxresident 14:51
MVM_SPESH_NODELAY=1 MVM_SPESH_BLOCKING=1 /usr/bin/time make t/spec/S07-slip/slip.t # ... 2985364 maxresident, this crashes on my 32 bit Linux with oom 14:52
timotimo could be the difference between tty and no tty?
dogbert17 quite a bit more memory used the second time
timotimo how many processes are involved when running make? make will, to my knowledge, use "fudgeandrun" 14:53
i don't know if that's also a perl6 program?
dogbert17 looks like p5 to me 14:54
using t/fudgeandrun behaves the same as make, i.e. crash 14:55
timotimo does the fudger make many changes to the file?
dogbert17 there's no '.rakudo.moar' file in the t/spec/S07-slip dir 14:56
MasterDuke dogbert17: only with those env variables set?
dogbert17 I think MVM_SPESH_BLOCKING can be dropped
but yes, like nwc10 I like to run spectest with these two vars from time to time 14:57
on my 64 bit rig the test doesn't crash, instead it hangs a brings my vm down to a crawl 14:58
would be nice if someone could replicate this :)
MasterDuke speaking of weird things, here's some odd valgrind output 15:00
dogbert17 that's strange indeed 15:01
MasterDuke doesn't happen every time
260080maxresident with ./perl6-m and 4079500maxresident with make 15:03
dogbert17: ^^^ running your example
lucasb does "make t/spec/S07-slip/slip.t" shows the actual command it's running? 15:04
dogbert17 according to ps it's: /home/dogbert/repos/rakudo/nqp/MoarVM/../../install/bin/moar --execname=./perl6-m --libpath=. --libpath=blib --libpath=/home/dogbert/repos/rakudo/install/share/nqp/lib --libpath=/home/dogbert/repos/rakudo/install/share/nqp/lib /home/dogbert/repos/rakudo/perl6.moarvm --nqp-lib=blib t/spec/S07-slip/slip.t 15:06
AlexDaniel oh wow please file these as tickets :) 15:08
dogbert17 AlexDaniel: can you repro it? 15:09
MasterDuke: thx 15:10
AlexDaniel: I'll report it
AlexDaniel I haven't tried… 15:11
btw I'm also seeing this stuff:
and it looks like something changed in rakudo… although I'm not sure
maybe some cro specialists will be able to tell what's going on right away? :)
lizmat m: role A[::T = Mu] { }; my constant S = A[Int]; my @a is S # I think it's purely a codegen issue
camelia ( no output )
lizmat moritz timotimo ^^ 15:12
dogbert17 is this bisectable?
AlexDaniel dogbert17: what exactly? :) 15:13
dogbert17 AlexDaniel: MVM_SPESH_NODELAY=1 MVM_SPESH_BLOCKING=1 make t/spec/S07-slip/slip.t 15:14
on my 32 bit vm it crashes with oom an my 64 bit it hangs
s/an/and on/ 15:15
AlexDaniel oh, the file is so small!
c: 2018.10,HEAD 15:16
let's try without env vars first…
committable6 AlexDaniel,
committable6 AlexDaniel, 15:17
AlexDaniel dogbert17: cool! Yes, it is 15:18
except that bisectable doesn't support env vars like this, so'll have to make it part of the gist
something like this maybe: 15:19
bisect: old=2018.10
bisectable6 AlexDaniel, No! It wasn't me! It was the one-armed man! Backtrace:
AlexDaniel bisect: old=2018.10 15:20
bisectable6 AlexDaniel, Using file “main.p6” as a main file, other files are placed in “sandbox/”
dogbert17 ... 15:21
AlexDaniel well, it's bisecting based on the timeout, that'll take forever of course
so I'm going to make some tea, I think :) 15:22
dogbert17 it will probably be the best way regardless :)
AlexDaniel also it may hit the total time limit, we might need to bump it a bit
AlexDaniel hmmm 15:25
but even if it pinged out, we should see the result on
I think…
let's see if it comes back with an answer, and if not, we can either tweak the bot or bisect locally with a script 15:26
also… why not decrease the timeout, I don't think it takes much time to run the thing on good revisions? 15:28
dogbert17 let me try
AlexDaniel try what? :) 15:29
dogbert17 run the file, it takes ~10 secs on my system 15:30
dogbert17 so the timeout must be higher than that I guess 15:30
committable6 AlexDaniel, Using file “main.p6” as a main file, other files are placed in “sandbox/”
committable6 AlexDaniel, Using file “main.p6” as a main file, other files are placed in “sandbox/”
dogbert17 AlexDaniel: I believe you can run this golf instead: 15:32
AlexDaniel kills committable… 15:34
committable6 AlexDaniel,
AlexDaniel what about something like 15:36
start { sleep 12; $p.kill: SIGKILL; exit 42 }
dunno maybe it's a stupid idea and we should be running a script locally instead :)
committable6 AlexDaniel, Using file “main.p6” as a main file, other files are placed in “sandbox/”
AlexDaniel, 15:40
AlexDaniel ok last try…
c: 2018.10,HEAD
committable6 AlexDaniel, Using file “main.p6” as a main file, other files are placed in “sandbox/”
AlexDaniel, 15:41
AlexDaniel ⚠ awesome!!
bisect: old=2018.10
bisectable6 AlexDaniel, Using file “main.p6” as a main file, other files are placed in “sandbox/”
patrickb o/ 15:42
yoleaux 08:57Z <nine> patrickb: "it's a price we have to pay" is not really the attitude we want to have. We're the "torture the implementors for the sake of the users" people ;) In most cases there is a way to have both some feature and the performance benefit. Even though it may take years to get there.
bisectable6 AlexDaniel, Bisecting by exit code (old=2018.10 new=7be075e). Old exit code: 0
patrickb "===SORRY!===" is always a compiler error, right?
AlexDaniel patrickb: not always, but it should be… 15:43
bisectable6 AlexDaniel, bisect log:
AlexDaniel, (2018-09-27)
AlexDaniel dogbert17: there you go… 15:44
dogbert17 hmm, it's enormous 15:45
AlexDaniel also doesn't mean much 15:46
dogbert17 I'll add it to the, soon to be written, ticket 15:47
AlexDaniel dogbert17: it's just a merge, so it's either a combination of changes from both branches, or a change introduced in the merge itself… 15:48
dogbert17 gah
AlexDaniel ahhh wwwait… 15:49
c: 3a68cc9618^,3a68cc9618
committable6 AlexDaniel, Using file “main.p6” as a main file, other files are placed in “sandbox/”
AlexDaniel always double check :) 15:50
bisect: old=2018.10 15:51
bisectable6 AlexDaniel, Using file “main.p6” as a main file, other files are placed in “sandbox/”
AlexDaniel, Bisecting by exit code (old=2018.10 new=7be075e). Old exit code: 0
dogbert17 what did you figure out? 15:52
bisectable6 AlexDaniel, (2018-09-28) 15:54
AlexDaniel, bisect log:
AlexDaniel dogbert17: actually it's still wrong, we have to skip…
bisect: old=2018.11 15:55
bisectable6 AlexDaniel, Using file “main.p6” as a main file, other files are placed in “sandbox/”
AlexDaniel dogbert17: basically, it exits with 42 if it times out, and 0 if it's good
bisectable6 AlexDaniel, Bisecting by exit code (old=2018.11 new=7be075e). Old exit code: 0
AlexDaniel dogbert17: but some revisions are just broken in other ways 15:56
so you have to Skip them
dogbert17 aha
AlexDaniel wrote a blog post about it and then fell into the same trap. Idiot. 15:57
bisectable6 AlexDaniel, bisect log:
AlexDaniel, There are 2 candidates for the first “new” revision. See the log for more details
AlexDaniel last try… 15:59
bisect: old=2018.11
bisectable6 AlexDaniel, Using file “main.p6” as a main file, other files are placed in “sandbox/”
AlexDaniel maybe that result is right…
bisectable6 AlexDaniel, Bisecting by exit signal (old=2018.11 new=7be075e). Old exit signal: 0 (None)
AlexDaniel hah, by exit signal… ok that should work too… 16:00
bisectable6 AlexDaniel, bisect log: 16:02
AlexDaniel, There are 2 candidates for the first “new” revision. See the log for more details
dogbert17 trying to revert 339ea8507698 16:06
AlexDaniel dogbert17: I don't think it's going to help, someone will have to debug the thing and figure out what's actually wrong with it :) 16:08
dogbert17 you are probably right
AlexDaniel but look at 16:09
dogbert17 ah
AlexDaniel so it's still
assuming that 339ea8507698 has no effect and just fixes a thing 16:10
dogbert17 ok, I'll add that then :)
Geth rakudo: 0d9e9f34ce | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Make QuantHash/Setty roles parameterizable

As a first step to making all QuantHashes parameterizable roles.
dogbert17 AlexDaniel: R#2606 16:33
synopsebot R#2606 [open]: High memory consumption and crashes when running t/spec/S07-slip/slip.t
lizmat hopes the answer to will be trivial 19:11
Geth rakudo: bf0dbbe6d2 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/Perl6/Metamodel/AttributeContainer.nqp
Make sure we decont before adding the attribute

Fixes R#2607
synopsebot R#2607 [open]: Smartmatch and type checks fail when using MOP-created class as attribute
tyil timotimo: I have made a first draft that looks to be a basic working model, if you're interested in what I cooked up in the end: 20:08
I'm looking for a better name for the module that takes care of getting the CPAN info (currently App::CPAN::Feed) 20:09
AlexDaniel tyil, timotimo: hmmm 20:52
bisectable6: uptime
bisectable6 AlexDaniel, 5 hours, 22 minutes, and 43 seconds, 231.050781MiB maxrss. This is Rakudo version 2018.06-454-gfd6f512be built on MoarVM version 2018.06-428-g727767006 implementing Perl 6.c.
AlexDaniel (just 5 hours because it was restarted manually)
but the important bit is
This is Rakudo version 2018.06
so if IRC::Client is misbehaving badly with rakudo HEAD or rakudo 2018.12, it can be a regression 20:53
Geth rakudo: 081b15ee9e | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Signature.pm6
Allow "returns" to not be specified
AlexDaniel note that there's this bug: 20:54
but it does not seem to affect whateverables much 20:55
also, sources for buggable are here: 20:56
and I can transfer that repo to you if you want to maintain it
Geth rakudo: 4bb5c33c72 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 8 files
Make Set/SetHash parameterizable

  - if class is parameterized, then a custom "keyof" method is mixed in
  - and the name is changed
  - also fixes .keyof method for default from Any -> Mu
  - reverts 0d9e9f34ce481e2822
  - fixes RT#133762
synopsebot RT#133762 [new]: Quanthashes should be parameterizable
gfldex in the past my blog posts got me ~83 / post. My last post got 173 so far and the boost from the weekly didn't hit yet. So if my blog is any indication, Perl 6 is twice as popular as last year. :) 21:04
*views 21:05
Geth rakudo: e87b7afb0d | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 3 files
Abstract "keyof" parameterization into R:I:PARAMETERIZE-KEYOF

  - DRY
  - unfortunately, the ^parameterize method must exist in every class
   as it mangles its metaclass, and that would not do the right thing
   if it were in a role
  - can also be used for future parameterization of other QuantHashes
tyil AlexDaniel: I think I'm running .08 21:42
releasable6 Next release in ≈5 days and ≈19 hours. 5 blockers. Please log your changes in the ChangeLog: 23:00