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Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
MasterDuke nqp: my $a := "Inf"; say(+$a) 01:07
camelia Inf
MasterDuke where does that numification happen in NQP? that's broken in my branch (it gives 0 instead), but there aren't any tests for it 01:08
hm. i changed prefix:<+> to mean intify instead of numify, i think that's the problem 01:14
nqp: my $a := Inf; say(nqp::isnanorinf($a)) 01:17
camelia 0
MasterDuke huh 01:18
MasterDuke well, now we're passing `make m-test` 01:54
some spectest failures though 01:58
`Cannot find method 'Num': no method cache and no .^find_method` in Actions.bare_complex_number(), not sure how that happens 02:11
here: 02:16
Geth rakudo: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #2630:
Remove unneeded line in bare_complex_number
Geth rakudo: b6030d3745 | (Daniel Green)++ | src/Perl6/Actions.nqp
Remove unneeded line in bare_complex_number
rakudo: 5555bbf0ba | niner++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/Perl6/Actions.nqp
Merge pull request #2630 from MasterDuke17/remove_unneeded_line_in_bare_complex_number

Remove unneeded line in bare_complex_number
nine tell patrickb I wonder if we can salvage the RAKUDO_HOME/NQP_HOME idea. So openSUSE wants binary libs to be stored in lib/lib64. The same is true for virtually all other distros I guess. So why do we store stuff in /usr/share anyway? Perl 5 and Python libs are stored in /usr/lib already. 10:24
.tell patrickb I wonder if we can salvage the RAKUDO_HOME/NQP_HOME idea. So openSUSE wants binary libs to be stored in lib/lib64. The same is true for virtually all other distros I guess. So why do we store stuff in /usr/share anyway? Perl 5 and Python libs are stored in /usr/lib already.
yoleaux nine: I'll pass your message to patrickb.
nine .tell patrickb The FHS states that /usr/lib is for "Libraries for programming and packages" while /usr/share is for "Architecture-independent *data*" (emphasis mine). Considering that I find plenty of *.gif, *.png, *.ogg, *.wav and whatever in my /usr/lib I'd guess "if in doubt, put it in /usr/lib" is the rule of thumb 10:47
yoleaux nine: I'll pass your message to patrickb.
nine I wonder if we could be smarter about integer constants. Right now passing a 1 as literal to a function with an int32 argument, the int will be boxed and we end up accessing it via sp_p6oget_bi which is really expensive for a tiny literal 10:56
Geth rakudo: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #2631:
Move some Num constant rvs to their signature
Geth rakudo: debe6b6ea4 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 7 files
Make sure we do "my constant %foo = nqp::hash" only on moar

As a temporary fix for R#2628, to not longer block the release.
synopsebot R#2628 [open]: [JVM][⚠ blocker ⚠] [JVM] build is broken (error in stage parse during generation of CORE.d.setting.jar)
Geth rakudo: f02bceb7c2 | (Daniel Green)++ | src/core/Num.pm6
Move some Num constant rvs to their signature
rakudo: 35a81d5448 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/core/Num.pm6
Merge pull request #2631 from MasterDuke17/move_some_Num_constant_rvs_to_signature

Move some Num constant rvs to their signature
lucasb hmm, better move R#2627 to user-experience, no? 17:38
synopsebot R#2627 [open]: [6.e][RFC][decluttering] Perl 6, 6.d, Diwali, Raku, Rakudo, Moar, NQP, Star, *
lucasb I know AlexDaniel++ explict acknowledged this in the issue, but... 17:39
the own act of opening this in rakudo's repo already shows how confusing the current state is (maybe :)
and that twitter stream was fun to read :-) 17:40
lucasb iiuc, the issue is about how The Perl 6 Project wants to present itself to the outside world, right? 17:43
lizmat imi, yes 18:13
*imo 18:14
MasterDuke .ask samcv t/09-moar/Line_Break__LineBreak.t and t/09-moar/General_Category__extracted-DerivedGeneralCategory.t both have passing todos, think you could take a look? 18:48
yoleaux MasterDuke: I'll pass your message to samcv.
MasterDuke anyone have an idea on about what would cause `Cannot find method 'Num': no method cache and no .^find_method` in Actions.bare_complex_number() ( ) ? 18:56
lizmat MasterDuke: print a $$foo) and find out what it is you're calling .Num on 19:05
MasterDuke: perhaps you need to hllize it first ? 19:06
MasterDuke lizmat: this is just from running a spectest on my make_nqp_default_to_int branches, but yeah, i haven't tried printing that out yet 19:11
lizmat whenever I see that kind of error, I've usually had an "aha erlebnis" when I saw what it said :-) 19:12
MasterDuke isn't sure if that's random typing or Dutch 19:13
lizmat actually, it's german 19:23
I guess a modern translation would be a "ah, duh! experience" 19:24
MasterDuke sounds like an "ah ha! moment" or a "lightbulb going off moment" 19:27
i would say my german is better than my dutch, but that's only because i don't know any dutch (and i do know more than 0 words in german)
huh, it's an Int (with a value of 5) 19:29
lizmat are you sure it's not an int? 19:32
MasterDuke could be. this is when i'm running t/spec/S02-literals/allomorphic.t 19:33
i don't get a line number 19:34
not an int, nqp::objprimspec is 0 19:40
lizmat weird
eh... perhaps you need to decont() it ? 19:41
afk for a bit&
MasterDuke same message with decont() 19:47
ok, i'm getting a BOOTNum. maybe i just don't need to call .Num on it at all? 20:12
yup, solves that problem 20:17
nice, down to just one spectest fail 20:26
MasterDuke woohoo. now NQP builds ok and passes `make m-test` and Rakudo builds ok and passes `make m-test m-spectest` on my trilogy of make-NQP-default-to-int branches 21:36
i assume everyone will be fine with it if i merge them all right before the release 21:37
Geth rakudo: 94995d60ec | MasterDuke17++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | t/02-rakudo/05-range-in-range.t
Fix typo in test description
AlexDaniel lucasb: feel free to move it 22:28
some of the points were rakudo-related, and a bunch of labels don't exist in other repos 22:29
(like `6.e`)
haha “the own act of opening this in rakudo's repo already shows how confusing the current state is” 22:30
AlexDaniel craughs 22:31
Geth nqp: ugexe++ created pull request #517:
Add uname opcode for MoarVM
japhb MasterDuke: Sure! What could possibly go wrong? ;-) 23:23
MasterDuke japhb: i like the way you think 23:28
greppable6: use nqp 23:29
greppable6 MasterDuke, 96 lines, 65 modules: 23:30
MasterDuke at least two of those are false positives, hardly any need to worry 23:31
japhb MasterDuke: Any performance difference visible with your "trilogy of make-NQP-default-to-int branches"? 23:38
MasterDuke japhb: i'm somewhat surprised with myself, but i haven't actually tried any benchmarks 23:49
japhb Well, now you've got it working, so you can test whether you also made it fast. :-) 23:50
MasterDuke i did jit the new nqp::intify op, but there is some spesh code for the numify and strify ops that i haven't adapted yet 23:56