Perl 6 language and compiler development | Logs at | For toolchain/installation stuff see #perl6-toolchain | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
01:04 leont left
MasterDuke jnthn, et al.: around? any interest in helping me figure out that custom operator slowdown? 01:22
03:07 unicodable6 left, unicodable6 joined 03:47 tyil left 03:49 tyil joined
Geth rakudo: vrurg++ created pull request #2675:
Fixed #2657
synopsebot RAKUDO#2657 [open]: "No concretization found" on role-qualified method call with inheritance
Geth roast: vrurg++ created pull request #510:
More tests for qualified method calls
05:29 vrurg left 08:09 ufobat_ left 08:46 leont joined 09:21 leont left 09:46 tyil left 09:59 tyil joined
jnthn MasterDuke: I'll hopefully have a bit of time later on today; still catching up on things I didn't do while on vacation :-) 10:01
10:50 lizmat joined 11:07 dogbert2_ joined 12:03 AlexDaniel left 12:19 lizmat left 12:20 lizmat joined 12:27 MasterDuke left 12:36 ufobat joined 12:55 Kaiepi left 13:14 lucasb joined 13:17 ufobat left 13:32 Kaiepi joined
|Tux| Rakudo version 2018.12-280-gdf96fa0f3 - MoarVM version 2018.12-45-ga9d02578a
csv-ip5xs0.754 - 0.755
csv-ip5xs-206.456 - 6.748
csv-parser22.094 - 22.992
csv-test-xs-200.428 - 0.439
test7.552 - 7.957
test-t1.822 - 1.887
test-t --race0.855 - 0.856
test-t-2031.567 - 32.660
test-t-20 --race10.156 - 10.173
14:29 leont joined 15:12 vrurg joined 15:36 |Tux| left 15:42 |Tux| joined 16:15 AlexDaniel joined 16:17 patrickb joined
vrurg Is it possible to force rebuild moar/nqp by 16:35
timotimo yeah, just rm -rf their folders :P 17:16
other than that you can just cd into their folders and "make clean"
that should also do the trick
leont Or git clean -dfx, I tend to trust that more (it also tends to be faster) 17:26
17:43 ufobat joined
vrurg Nothing of it works if nqp is in the path. 17:56
I had to wipe out the test installation directory. 17:57
18:02 robertle joined
timotimo oh, sorry, yeah, it checks the install directory, not the sources 18:05
i haven't used --gen-* in many years
vrurg I wonder what would it be the best way to test different combinations of moar/nqp? appveyor reported a problem on a build with stable moar and --gen-nqp=master and I needed to check it out. 18:12
timotimo shareable6: help
shareable6 timotimo, Like this: shareable6: f583f22 # See wiki for more examples:
timotimo wait
that doesn't help you quite yet
i mean, rakudobrew has the "triplet" command that lets you supply revisions for rakudo, nqp, and moar 18:13
vrurg It does, but as I remember is doesn't make it possible to use my repository fork for rakudo itself. 18:14
timotimo ah, i see 18:15
vrurg I would probably generate a patch for with --force arg support. 18:16
Unless wiping out the test installation won't bother me much. :) 18:17
timotimo i mean it's similarly a one-liner to just cd into the folders, configure, and make install 18:22
much simpler if you ask me
vrurg Funny, but --gen-nqp and --gen-nqp=master are the same. Now I see no reason while appveyor passes with one and fails with another. 18:28
lizmat notable6: weekly 19:22
notable6 lizmat, 5 notes:
19:29 Kaiepi left 20:03 Ven`` joined
lizmat and another Perl 6 Weekly hits the Net: 20:15
notable6: weekly reset
notable6 lizmat, Moved existing notes to “weekly_2019-02-06T20:15:55Z”
lizmat moritz: 20:28
20:32 Kaiepi joined
vrurg If there is a language design question to discuss, where would be the best place to do it? perl6-language mailing list? 21:06
timotimo that's probably a good place 21:10
sometimes language design questions land on stackoverflow, too 21:11
vrurg timotimo: thanks! 21:13
AlexDaniel vrurg: do you want to report a language design problem or are you just wondering why something is the way it is? 21:14
vrurg A design problem. I'm working on a fix for #2250. Traced it down to add_method, but more general question is how submethods are to be handled when a role is applied. 21:15
vrurg will be gone for a while. 21:16
21:20 robertle left 21:31 lizmat left 21:32 Ven`` left 21:44 lucasb left 22:50 lizmat joined 23:05 patrickb left 23:52 MasterDuke joined 23:53 MasterDuke left, MasterDuke joined
MasterDuke jnthn: hopefully i'll be around in an hour or so 23:54
jnthn MasterDuke: I hope to be asleep by then, but I'm about caught up with stuffs, so planning some hours for Perl 6 stuff tomorrow. :) 23:58