Perl 6 language and compiler development | Logs at | For toolchain/installation stuff see #perl6-toolchain | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
AlexDaniel fresh blin, if anyone is interested: 00:29
note that there are some new failures 00:30
00:30 Kaiepi joined
AlexDaniel and this: 00:30
jnthn: also this… weird 00:31
that's it I think
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Geth rakudo: vrurg++ created pull request #2679:
Issue 2613
roast: vrurg++ created pull request #511:
Test for #2613
MasterDuke vrurg++, glad to see new people getting involved 03:21
vrurg o/
But it's scary experience, must admit... ;) 03:22
MasterDuke yes, but also addicting 03:23
vrurg The first dose is for free, aha... 03:25
Geth rakudo: Kaiepi++ created pull request #2680:
Make various methods and operators take Mu over Any
Kaiepi that took way too fucking long to debug 03:49
also welcome vrurg 03:50
vrurg thanks everybody 03:51
Kaiepi at least i got to know a little more about how the grammar, actions, and world interact when i got really badly sidetracked 03:52
vrurg Kaiepi: took me half a day to produce a singe line patch. Went as deep as printing debugs from inside moar... 03:53
And there is trully no better way to know the language. Painful yet effective way. ;)
Kaiepi usually fixes are fairly short anyway 03:59
MasterDuke is right though, i started a little over a year ago and now i'm waiting to hear back from the perl committee before doing a lot of work on networking features 04:04
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jnthn AlexDaniel: Hmm, that's an interesting (read: weird) failure mode...can't even guess. 10:19
Geth rakudo: 1f004dce25 | (Vadim Belman)++ | .travis.yml
Adjusted for travis build
rakudo: b3eb382617 | (Vadim Belman)++ | 2 files
Fixed #2613
rakudo: 0e4a10d028 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/Perl6/Metamodel/RoleContainer.nqp
Merge pull request #2679 from vrurg/issue_2613

Issue 2613
synopsebot RAKUDO#2613 [open]: A role exported from a package with 'is export' cannot be used in ^does with its short name.
roast: c08a6e7979 | (Vadim Belman)++ | 2 files
Test for #2613
roast: 571b2a384c | (Jonathan Worthington)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 2 files
Merge pull request #511 from vrurg/issue_2613

Test for #2613
jnthn Hm, that new test fille will have to go into the too...
(Taking care of it; will push after spectest passes) 10:23
Geth rakudo: 5be7555fde | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | t/
Run S14-roles/typecheck.t
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Geth rakudo: lizmat self-assigned Crypt::TweetNacl test suite fails since 762c708fdcef
ada116ef99 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | lib/NativeCall/Types.pm6

Fixes R#2681. FWIW, the tests of the module pass ok now. But I'm a bit baffled by the fact that there is no visible "iterator" method in the class, so I'm not 100% this is the solution. It *is* however 'make test' and
  'make spectest' clean, and it makes all of the tests of Crypt::TweetNacl
synopsebot R#2681 [open]: [regression][⚠ blocker ⚠] Crypt::TweetNacl test suite fails since 762c708fdcef
13:45 Ven`` joined 13:55 Kaiepi joined
AlexDaniel releasable6: status 14:19
releasable6 AlexDaniel, Next release in ≈8 days and ≈4 hours. 7 blockers. 163 out of 289 commits logged
AlexDaniel, Details:
AlexDaniel X_X
14:43 travis-ci joined
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Make NativeCall::Types::CArray an Iterable 14:43
14:43 travis-ci left
lizmat restarts the one failing Travis build 14:51
15:06 Kaiepi left
lizmat build came out ok on 2nd try, so assume it was some temporary problem 15:13
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Geth rakudo: 0d2658b806 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | lib/NativeCall.pm6
Fix one forgotten occurrence of .pos

Related to ccf350e , found in
Problem spotted by MasterDuke++
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Geth rakudo: f3f7c5cb63 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Range.pm6
Partially rollback 46409c070e

So that we're back at the status quo of R#2676
rakudo: d904b7048b | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/hash_slice.pm6
Make Mu<> work as before

The original proto of postcircumfix:<{ }> was just |, so it also accepted Mu. This adds Mu to the current signature, and fast-paths the <> case.
synopsebot R#2676 [open]: Do we need an overhaul of .ACCEPTS methods wrt Any / Mu?
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jdv79 just randomly... my regex heavy canary is unchanged on current. 20:25
essentially the same since a december checkout so at least didn't get worse:) 20:27
timotimo including the bump for today's moarvm merge?
jdv79 i just built a few mintues ago 20:28
my test is on the fly regex heavy so its compiler bound... 20:29
timotimo yeah, that would have the bump for sure
and yeah, that will likely help more with perl6 code than nqp code, so perhaps not improving the compiler parts much
jdv79 i was hopeful but i get why there's no diff
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Geth tap-harness6: e1e1d221ed | (Leon Timmermans)++ | lib/
Don't keep reopening devnull
japhb Post-merge rakudo build fails to install IO::Socket::Async::SSL:ver<0.7.3> because of test failure "CArray of CArray passed non-CArray object in method ASSIGN-POS" -- already known? 21:42
21:42 leont left, leont joined
Geth roast/tap-errors: ff4805c59f | (Leon Timmermans)++ | 2 files
Don't write to OUT in tests
roast/tap-errors: afad93f713 | (Leon Timmermans)++ | S32-io/chdir.t
S32-io/chdir.t: don't plan twice in subtest
roast: Leont++ created pull request #512:
Fix various TAP errors
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AlexDaniel japhb: no 22:20
if that's something that is caused by that merge then please file a ticket
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japhb AlexDaniel: It had been a bit since my last HEAD build, so once my currently running (older) build finishes, I'll try with rakudo from right before the bump to check that it is actually ther merge bump that did it. 22:33
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japhb It's not the bump, it must have happened before that. 22:57
Oooh, but ada116ef9 may be related. Trying before that one. 22:58
Yup, looks like it was ada116ef9; ada116ef9 doesn't have the IO::Socket::Async::SSL failure (but does of course still have the MoarVM issue that makes Red upset). 23:39
Sorry, *5be7555fd doesn't have that failure