Perl 6 language and compiler development | Logs at | For toolchain/installation stuff see #perl6-toolchain | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
timotimo only in total, not on a "per snapshot" basis 00:00
jnthn Oh, right. Hm.
timotimo it'd be great to have differentiation between "deleted from nursery" vs "deleted in gen2"
perhaps even per-thread for the nursery case
jnthn tbh, I'd be more interested in knowing about trends between GC runs
like, what types did I get more of
timotimo i've been thinking about a "top types by count across snapshots" feature already 00:01
is that kind of what you're thinking of?
Geth roast: 9d04b0130a | (Vadim Belman)++ | 2 files
Test for GH #2772
roast: 1098b19e8a | (Jonathan Worthington)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 2 files
Merge pull request #521 from vrurg/issue_2772

Test for GH #2772
rakudo: 387534d35c | (Vadim Belman)++ | t/
New roast test

Test is added with perl6/roast#521
rakudo: c26ca6b086 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | t/
Merge pull request #2784 from vrurg/issue_2772

New roast test
roast: tony-o++ created pull request #522:
add tests for require:file<> containing classes
tony-o i have a PR coming that merges class symbols in stubs 00:05
Geth rakudo: tony-o++ created pull request #2785:
fix for roast PR #522 failing, merges class symbols into stub when using require stub:file<>
synopsebot RAKUDO#522 [closed]: Slice assignment improvements
Geth rakudo: tony-o++ created pull request #2787:
fix for perl6/roast#522, adds functionality to merge symbols to STUB …
tyil I'm trying to build perl6 in Docker, but I'm getting this error: "sh: /usr/local/bin/nqp-m: not found", but when checking that path with `ls` I see that this file does exist 12:20
this is using the alpine image as a base
using debian:stable-slim as a base seems to build fine 12:21
patrickb I still epicly fail to call a bat file with spaces in its path... 12:36
Trying this for some hours now already...
timotimo have you googled to find out in what way windows' argument parsing for bat files is simply batshit insane? 12:40
patrickb I already gave up calling the bat file and thought I'd just call cmd directly. 12:41
cmd /c "the full thing I want called including args" 12:42
but that also falls apart
it does work quite as documented when calling it from a cmd prompt
but always falls apart when doing it with Proc::Async 12:43
timotimo did you split the stuff that has "" around it?
patrickb Tried about every variant there is.
timotimo i think there's already a bug somewhere for the windows argument handling stuff in perl6
patrickb That's why I thought calling cmd was so promising. Because that receives the full command as a single argument 12:44
timotimo there should be an equivalent to strace on windows, right? 12:45
patrickb hm, that might be a way to attack 12:46
will try to reproduce with python to make sure it's a perl6 and not cmd problem.
timotimo it could very well be 12:47
try node.js, too, since they use libuv like we do
patrickb python seems to fail similarly 12:52['C:\\windows\\sys...\cmd.exe', '/C', f'"{perl6}" --target=mbc "--output={bc}" "{path}"'])
So it's not a perl6 thing after all 12:53
timotimo whew 13:03
patrickb I'll write together a Stackoverflow question... 13:33
Geth star: d1c1451ab8 | (Naoum Hankache)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | build_msi.bat
Add new dll dependency for Windows

star: cb7c1415f2 | (Naoum Hankache)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | tools/star/Makefile
Update Rakudo version to 2019.03.1

Update Rakudo version to 2019.03.1 to get $*KERNEL fixes on Windows.
leont lizmat: that usage change does sound like a good idea 17:38
lucasb bisectable6: my @a = 1..2 Z 'a'..'b'; say @a[$_][*-1] // 42 for <0 -1>; 21:02
bisectable6 lucasb, Bisecting by exit code (old=2015.12 new=c26ca6b). Old exit code: 0
lucasb, bisect log:
lucasb, (2019-03-16)
lucasb R#2788 21:03
synopsebot R#2788 [open]: Defined-or operator lets negative subscript cause a crash
lucasb this Failure thing is complicated isn't it? :) 21:08
at first I thought failures should propagate... then I stumbled upon that commit that made min/max/minmax exempt from this right (where's that commit? :) 21:09
Again: 21:11
I know synopses are outdated, but it looks like a fundamental detail :) 21:14
Geth rakudo: tony-o++ created pull request #2789:
merges class symbols into stub when using require stub:file<>
Geth rakudo: vrurg++ created pull request #2790:
Made all operators in Real require definite objects