Perl 6 language and compiler development | Logs at | For toolchain/installation stuff see #perl6-toolchain | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
[Tux] Sorry woolfy 06:03
Rakudo version 2019.03.1-284-gb0dd44b00 - MoarVM version 2019.05-1-g807c2dab1
csv-ip5xs0.719 - 0.726
csv-ip5xs-205.778 - 6.204
csv-parser22.250 - 22.464
csv-test-xs-200.433 - 0.437
test6.974 - 7.003
test-t1.730 - 1.732
test-t --race0.820 - 0.860
test-t-2028.489 - 28.798
test-t-20 --race9.097 - 9.788
patrickb .tell Kaiepi WRT support of 6.e in your grant - have you seen ? 07:51
yoleaux patrickb: I'll pass your message to Kaiepi.
patrickb Is there a release branch for 2019.05? Should we hold back committing to master until the release? 19:11
lizmat has a similar question
lizmat merged Kaiepi's changes 19:13
hmmm... so why is Geth reporting on doc changes, but not on core changes ? 19:14
timotimo the url has to be updated in the github hook
lizmat and who can do that ? pmichaud ? jnthn ? TimToady ? 19:16
timotimo i cannot, at least not for rakudo/rakudo
owners of the repo/organization are jnthn, masak, moritz, and pmichaud 19:18
AlexDaniel feel free to open a post-release branch 19:49
timotimo test 19:54
Geth_ rakudo: 44a6468f96 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/set_subset.pm6
Make Iterable (<=) 2..3x faster

  - 2x as fast on object hashes
  - 3x as fast on normal hashes
lizmat yeah! timotimo++ moritz++ masak++ :-) 20:00
moritz lizmat+ # making things faster 20:01
timotimo yay 20:04
Geth_ ¦ problem-solving: AlexDaniel self-unassigned Issues with security and reliability of our infrastructure 20:05
¦ problem-solving: AlexDaniel assigned to maettu Issue Issues with security and reliability of our infrastructure 20:06
¦ problem-solving: AlexDaniel assigned to rba Issue Issues with security and reliability of our infrastructure
Geth_ ¦ problem-solving: AlexDaniel assigned to jnthn Issue Semantics of coercion type on an "rw" parameter 20:13
roast: 2916ad0942 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S17-scheduler/every.t
Update test count
rakudo: 48a12551f9 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/ThreadPoolScheduler.pm6
Fix $*SCHEDULER.cue( times => 5 )
lizmat that should be the last fix for now
patrickb bisectable6: role Meow { method iterator {…} }; class Bar does Meow {} 20:34
bisectable6 patrickb, Bisecting by exit code (old=2015.12 new=44a6468). Old exit code: 1
patrickb, bisect log:
patrickb, (2018-10-18)
tyil lizmat: Geth_ seems to still work :D
lizmat it didn't before 10pm today for rakudo/rakudo and many other rrpos 20:35
tyil ah
gfldex m: my $m = my method m() {}; say $m.Method; 22:21
camelia No such method 'Method' for invocant of type 'Method'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
gfldex That does work for most other build in types. Is this ^^^ intentional? 22:24
ugexe chuckles at the thought of $repo.CompUnit::Repository::Filesystem 22:27
m: my $repo = => $*CWD.absolute); say $repo.CompUnit::Repository::Filesystem 22:28
camelia Cannot invoke this object (REPR: P6opaque; NQPMu)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
ugexe vrurg: classes/roles don't close over variables 23:16
or at least you shouldn't expect them to do so
vrurg ugexe: Ok, but picking data from a parallel thread isn't something anybody would expect. 23:17
ugexe sub via-class ($obj, $name) { my class Bar { method test-name {$name} }.new }
would need to be
sub via-class ($obj, $name) { my class Bar { has $.name; method test-name {$name} }.new(:$name) }
sub via-class ($obj, $name) { my class Bar { has $.name; method test-name {$.name} }.new(:$name) } 23:18
vrurg ugexe: Perhaps, this is what I'd have done. I stubled upon this in Red and what it does is caching (if got the intentions correctly) via mixing in a method with a scalar: $col but role :: { method class { $class } } 23:19
ugexe what behavior are you expecting? i'm not sure what i'm expecting tbh
i'm going to go out on a limb and say Red is making wrong assumption about its closures
vrurg I'm producing a fix for it. But generally there must be at least a warning in such behaviour.
You tread on my pet corn with closures. There is a huge problem with pre-compiled code losing them. 23:21
ugexe should be doing something like 'role MyRole[$class] { method class { $class } }; $col but MyRole[$class] 23:22
vrurg ugexe: precisely what I've done.