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Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
nine Seems like camelia fell victim to the build system overhaul as well: 07:45
No idea how to fix that 07:47
timotimo nine: "git submodule update" in nqp and rakudo? 07:48
nine How is a user supposed to know that?? 07:57
nine Anyway, it does get further now, but I think the underlying issue is still the same: 07:58
timotimo agreed, it got a little messy 08:01
we probably should send/should have sent out a p6lert 08:05
but fresh clones of rakudo should be fine immediately
and bleeding edge isn't recommended for users for reasons like this and many more anyway i guess? 08:06
timotimo afk for ~a quarter day
nine Once it's released it's no longer bleeding edge but will still suffer from the same issues. 08:07
It's not about bleeding edge. It's that upgrading rakudo via git pull is just broken.
And in this case, it looks like a bug in as it's looking for a "unix/nqp-m-" which should be followed by "reloc" or "nonreloc" but isn;t 08:09
lizmat m: my atomicint $a; $a ⚛️+= 5 08:26
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
at <tmp>:1
------> 3my atomicint $a; $a7⏏5 ⚛️+= 5
expecting any of:
infix stopper
statement end
statement modifier
lizmat that should work, shouldn't it ? 08:27
looks like we have no spectests for ⚛️ whatsoever :-(
nine lizmat: it's ⚛ not ⚛️ 08:29
though they look exactly the same in my terminal. Copied the correct one from 08:30
lizmat m: dd "⚛️".uninames
lizmat indeed
nine++ 08:31
and we do have spectests if you look for the right thing *phew* 08:32
nine I only found it because I just couldn't believe that jnthn++ would write such a thing without a single test :) 08:35
lizmat hmmm... looks like we lost Geth again :-( 08:40
Files=1275, Tests=108107, 205 wallclock secs (26.75 usr 7.49 sys + 2882.63 cusr 262.02 csys = 3178.89 CPU) 08:41
[Tux] Rakudo version 2019.03.1-618-gc416b15e7 - MoarVM version 2019.05-55-g8c85b4a46
csv-ip5xs1.136 - 1.158
csv-ip5xs-2063.742 - 66.118
csv-parser23.147 - 23.614
csv-test-xs-200.427 - 0.481
test6.969 - 7.040
test-t1.747 - 1.818
test-t --race0.840 - 0.996
test-t-2029.968 - 31.166
test-t-20 --race9.505 - 11.739
timotimo i'm too dumb to understand where in the compiler or backend the right place would be to install a confprog 17:47
who wants to help me
interesting, nqp's setting doesn't really offer any binary file operations 18:03
releasable6 Next release in ≈4 days and ≈23 hours. 2 blockers. Please log your changes in the ChangeLog: 19:00
AlexDaniel kawaii: sooo? 19:36
kawaii AlexDaniel: unable to ssh to my blin VM from here, will get you those results tomorrow when I'm home 19:39
[Tux] questionaire completed 20:02