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Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
AlexDaniel lizmat: I think we broke something… 00:09
lizmat Oops, wasn't it supposed to be published yet > 00:10
AlexDaniel lizmat: it was published 10 minutes ago, but I think you were editing an older version for some reason
which I updated like 15 minutes ago maybe, was fixing < >
lizmat: ok don't touch it for now let me fix it…
lizmat takes her hands off
AlexDaniel it's unrecoverable… ok let me fix that manually then 00:15
lizmat AlexDaniel: s/it creates it’s own/it creates its own/
AlexDaniel “recover” feature just doesn't work, it's so frustrating :s 00:16
lizmat :-(
AlexDaniel fucking crap now it *removed* some text… 00:18
lizmat: fixed that s/// 00:20
lizmat AlexDaniel++ # also cool article about your work on the bots!
lizmat has done enough damage on this new day so is off to bed 00:21
AlexDaniel lizmat: it's fine, I'm not sure what happened there 00:22
but wordpress just likes to eat &lt; &gt;
lizmat yeah, it does :-(
AlexDaniel all edits are there, it just ate all the IRC nicknames and stuff 00:23
lizmat: thanks! 00:33
jnthn AlexDaniel: Great post, and thanks for your excellent work on bisectable and Blin. 00:42
AlexDaniel thank you thank you thank you! :)
timotimo AlexDaniel: sorry, i was AFK :) 02:34
AlexDaniel timotimo: it's ok! liz did some nice corrections, then I realized that now all &lt; and &gt; are gone, then I was in panic for 10 minutes trying to roll back to a previous version using the broken history feature in wordpress 05:52
hm, interesting 05:55
I dared to touch it again, and it &lt; &gt; are gone again
pfft alright, no more touching :) 06:00
fixed it, of course
robertle AlexDaniel: just read your blog post, great stuff. are all these bots running on a machine in your basement, or is this some sort of hosted/cloud setup? 08:22
lizmat Files=1261, Tests=86370, 378 wallclock secs (18.75 usr 5.94 sys + 2704.84 cusr 223.17 csys = 2952.70 CPU) 10:16
^^ not a fluke :-(
nine lizmat: yeah, it's probably the slowdown that can be fixed with 10:26
lizmat has just removed 3.6G of .precomp
we'll see tomorrow morning if that made a difference 10:27
(having removed the files)
and then I'll try the patch after that, ok ?
nine sure 10:41
AlexDaniel robertle: all bots run on a dedicated server, for running Blin I use google compute engine (because more cores) 12:09
robertle: if you're wondering, security is somewhat an issue. There are some basic protections in place, but someone dedicated will get around easily. Bots don't answer private messages though, somehow people are not very eager to poke bots in a malicious way publicly… so that kinda works 12:19
robertle understood, I was also wondering about resources. is it enough or is the box too small? 13:05
timotimo AlexDaniel: maybe a "panic shutdown" message by a few trusted users could be useful if someone does show up 13:11
Geth nqp: b0d32b635b | (Stefan Seifert)++ | t/moar/13-writeint.t
Test readnum and writenum
nqp: 86dbca4eab | (Stefan Seifert)++ | 11 files
Rebootstrap for fixing writenum calls
travis-ci NQP build failed. Stefan Seifert 'Rebootstrap for fixing writenum calls' 15:10
pmurias nine: re nqp::const:: being slower then literals don't they emit indentical code? 17:30
nine pmurias: no, I've seen some hash lookup in spesh logs 17:42
AlexDaniel robertle: 21G of free space currently, and the whole data/ dir takes just 49G 21:37
robertle: that's the beauty of long range compression :) you can give it two or more different (but similar) rakudo builds, and it ends up taking space of roughly one 21:38
timotimo: I thought about that, yeah. But then, trusted users can also kick users :) 21:40
maybe not from all channels, but still
robertle: regarding R#2564, so it's just a flapper? 21:53
synopsebot R#2564 [open]: "Cannot invoke this object (REPR: Null; VMNull)" in t/04-nativecall/06-struct.t on mipsel
AlexDaniel ah, but it's in t/, so that's not cool 21:57
robertle certainly does not happen every time 22:30
I am currently trying to reproduce the third one, ppc64el, but it is surprisingly stubborn 22:31
Geth rakudo: 83f0fd6c99 | (Nick Logan)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/core/CompUnit/Repository/FileSystem.pm6
Add distribution cache to CURFS

Cache the generated Distribution to avoid doing directory recursion, as discovered by @niner. It also clears the cache when it finds an existing file that was not discovered during the initial generation of the Distribution. It is debatable if clearing the cache is ideal, but it is the current behavior according to a roast test that fails if caching is added without the clearer.
lizmat notable6: weekly 23:50
notable6 lizmat, 2 notes: