Perl 6 language and compiler development | Logs at | For toolchain/installation stuff see #perl6-toolchain | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
00:27 AlexDaniel` left 00:28 tyil[m] left 00:37 AlexDaniel` joined 01:02 tyil[m] joined 01:08 Kaiepi left 01:10 lucasb left
DrForr .seen jnthn 05:43
yoleaux I saw jnthn 18 Mar 2019 23:12Z in #perl6-dev: <jnthn> m: subset S of Any where { True }; BEGIN say Any ~~ S
DrForr .tell jnthn I've added a bug report to Grammar::Debugger - the debugger is failing to initialize $!state and I'm not quite sure why. 06:36
yoleaux DrForr: I'll pass your message to jnthn.
DrForr .tell jnthn The 'proto rule' may not be relevant, not sure. 06:37
yoleaux DrForr: I'll pass your message to jnthn.
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ugexe it is a bit disconcerting that such strong language is being used to discourage a grant... language that itself suggests the "community" (read: irc) itself has a similar judgement. I don't think people should be using the word "community" anytime they want to get their point across, and instead the community should come to back up the ideas put forward without the assumption of some group of people already 16:12
having weighed in judgement. I know had I recieved such words in response to a grant that I would be discouraged altogether. 16:13
AlexDaniel yes, it's unfortunate that people get to that point (submitting a proposal) without discussing it with anyone, which is why I'm saying that there should be some requirements before you can submit. Otherwise, indeed, people will be discouraged 16:37
as for the “community”, I agree on that, and maybe once the problem-solving repo is up and running we'll be able to point directly to SMEs 16:38
jdv79 it does seem over the top - i can agree with that 16:39
ugexe we dont know that it wasn't discussed with anyone. i agree that in likelyhood it wasn't, but i think you'd be surprised at how many/much discussions i hold outside of public irc channels 16:47
16:49 robertle_ left
ugexe outside of public period 16:49
17:26 discord6 joined 17:27 fundey joined
discord6 <Rogue> Test 17:27
17:28 fundey left
AlexDaniel test unsuccessful 17:34
I guess we didn't have the bot here before, right? Nice 17:35
discord6 <Rogue> Yes, the channel structure on the Discord end has been changed around a bit
AlexDaniel maybe it should join #moarvm too
discord6 <Rogue> That's an idea 17:36
17:39 discord6 left, discord6 joined
tyil when the bot comes back up again, #moarvm should be included in its bridging powers 17:39
(but do test :))
17:40 lgtaube left 17:44 AlexDaniel left 17:57 lgtaube joined 18:17 AlexDaniel joined 18:23 MasterDuke left
DrForr .seen jnthn 18:32
yoleaux I saw jnthn 17:57Z in #perl6: <jnthn> MasterDuke: :kv filters keys that don't exist
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MasterDuke i added `$cur.panic('No operands to reduce') unless @opstack;` right here and now '|{}<a b>:kv.hash' gives `===SORRY!=== Error while compiling -e No operands to reduce at -e:1 ------> |{}<a b>:kv.⏏hash` 21:40
is that any better than what happens now?
m: |{}<a b>:kv.hash # for reference 21:41
camelia ===SORRY!===
MVMArray: Can't pop from an empty array
21:45 vrurg left
jnthn .tell DrForr 'fraid it'll be at least a week before I've time to look at that 22:14
yoleaux jnthn: I'll pass your message to DrForr.
jnthn MasterDuke: Yes, in so far as it's easier to grep for in the source. For the poor user who wanted the thing to work, probably not. :-) 22:15
MasterDuke jnthn: heh, yeah. any suggestion for what should happen? 22:16
jnthn MasterDuke: Well, naively I guess it should work like |({}<a b>:kv).hash, but I dunno if that's realistic without looking at what's going on 22:18
Adverb handling is...magical...
Geth rakudo: lizmat self-assigned $p is Mu
76b6416d00 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/signals.pm6

Also fixes R#2773
22:38 vrurg joined
timotimo lizmat++
22:51 nebuchadnezzar left
lizmat afk& 22:52
MasterDuke jnthn: that's what i was afraid of. i saw 'EXPR' in the method name and adverbs in the example and hoped not to have to delve too deep. i'm just going to rakudobug it and leave for someone better able to handle it 22:56
23:00 nebuchadnezzar joined 23:16 lucasb left 23:17 dalek left