Perl 6 language and compiler development | Logs at | For toolchain/installation stuff see #perl6-toolchain | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
dogbert17 m: printf "%e\n", 1000 13:56
camelia 10.000000e+02
dogbert17 wonders if the new sprintf implementation will handle this correctly 13:58
timotimo we need a newsprintfbot 14:02
dogbert17 :) 14:06
AlexDaniel oh yeah, one more thing that needs to be done is support for branches in whateverable 14:28
tobs AlexDaniel: no pinging me please :) 14:33
I'm swamped with work 14:34
AlexDaniel hahaha :)
[Tux] Rakudo version 2019.07.1-365-g6297b0e46 - MoarVM version 2019.07.1-243-g1546c8c4d
csv-ip5xs0.787 - 0.808
csv-ip5xs-206.382 - 6.470
csv-parser21.877 - 22.632
csv-test-xs-200.418 - 0.440
test7.234 - 7.334
test-t1.781 - 1.854
test-t --race0.832 - 0.955
test-t-2029.553 - 31.250
test-t-20 --race9.216 - 9.508
tbrowder .ask ugexe when zef installs a module, is the on-disk module compressed? i.e., does a module author need to worry about a large resource set? 19:12
tellable6 tbrowder, I'll pass your message to ugexe
nine tbrowder: files get installed as they are 19:24
tbrowder thnx. 19:25
cdt 19:28
cd 114*
Geth_ roast: SyrupThinker++ created pull request #578:
Add tests for lazy iterators
roast: SyrupThinker++ created pull request #579:
Add test that sinh is 'odd'
roast: SyrupThinker++ created pull request #580:
Add tests for lazy iterators
SyrupThinker The silly mistakes that happen because of tiredness, good night
tbrowder nine: think it would be feasible (or worthwhile) to add auto packing/unpacking for resource files in the CURI? 21:18
pack on install, unpack on need 21:19
and that feature would not have to interefere with existing installed modules. 21:21
tbrowder should i make a feature request issue for an auto pack/unpack capability for CURIs? 21:40
MasterDuke isn't there already a zip or tar one? 21:42
tbrowder i saw something about that in the docs, but i'm not sure it is implemented in zef. 21:45
i see nothing about it in the zef readme, andvi have just now started to inspect code. 21:46
anyhow, i just added a feature request to rakudo issues 22:34
AlexDaniel can probably whip up a script to calculate space savings over the entire collection of ecosystem modules. 22:35
tbrowder oops, cancel that thought. jnthn and ugexe showed me the problems with the idea. issue closed. 23:18