MasterDuke moritz: i definitely typed out my message and then went back and double checked before hitting enter, seemed like a good possibility for egg on the face 00:12
if i add an attribute to Perl6::World, how would i access that from the rest of the settings? 02:03
timotimo what do you mean by "the settings"? 03:49
MasterDuke m-CORE.setting
timotimo the world is purely a compile-time construct 03:50
the code inside the core setting is partially run at compile time (when there's BEGIN blocks, or constants), but mostly run-time code
MasterDuke so i want to create a data structure at compile time that's available at run time 03:51
timotimo how would you like to access it? 03:52
is this about getting per-piece filenames/line numbers?
MasterDuke exactly
so i probably want it somewhere in and/or and/or 03:53
timotimo there's multiple ways to go about this. i suggest you have a look at Actions.nqp where "special symbols" are handled
gimme a sec
hmm 03:54
MasterDuke like the stuff happening around line 3150? 03:55
gfldex RT129787 could do with a [CONC] tag 03:56
timotimo what file are you looking at?
MasterDuke Actions.nqp 03:57
timotimo i don't think so?
here's an idea 03:58
keep your datastructure around in an attribute, make a rule in the grammar that'll let you return the datastructure when a given very special name is invoked, and ther just compile it as :value( $!datastructure )) 03:59
MasterDuke gfldex: done
timotimo perhaps you'll want to put a :op<clone>, ... ) around its o you can't change the data from one place
(though clone is only one level deep)
MasterDuke hmmm...i already have a token that looks for '#line 1 ' and captures what comes next... 04:01
timotimo 045611 gfldex │ RT129787 could do with a [CONC] tag
whoops :D
045611 gfldex │ RT129787 could do with a [CONC] tag 04:02
synopsebot6 Link:
timotimo good
MasterDuke where would that attribute live?
timotimo it can live inside World
MasterDuke i think i know how to do that. but don't know how to get to it from an Exception at runtime 04:03
timotimo EZ
add a rule to the grammar like token get_filenumbers_thingie { '$?GET_MASTERDUKES_FANTASTIC_DATASTRUCTURE' } 04:04
the actions will look like make :value($*W.filenumbers_accessor_method) )
filenumbers_accessor_method will just return the attribute 04:05
when the compiler sees that WVal node, it'll put your datastructure into the serialized blob and you'll get its value where $?GET_..._DATASTRUCTURE was in the code
MasterDuke ahhh...i think i'm following that 04:06
timotimo it's really fantastic how easy this is
there's another piece in the compiler that has a proto sub in one line, a WVal in the next and an :op<call>, ... ) around it 04:07
so it's putting a piece of code from inside the compiler itself into the serialized blob of our target and compiles a call to it
MasterDuke reminds me of the "Reflections on Trusting Trust" paper 04:08
timotimo i don't think i've heard of that 04:09
MasterDuke pretty famous, by Ken Thompson 04:10 04:11
timotimo i'm already reading it :) 04:14
it seems to be about quines?
oh, it's *this* paper
dalek p: 97e20d8 | MasterDuke17++ | src/vm/moar/QAST/QASTOperationsMAST.nqp:
Remove some unused variables+accessor methods

  See and
p: 81a85b9 | niner++ | src/vm/moar/QAST/QASTOperationsMAST.nqp:
Merge pull request #317 from MasterDuke17/master

Remove some unused variables+accessor methods
|Tux| This is Rakudo version 2016.10-144-ga1347ca built on MoarVM version 2016.10-35-gec45ae2 08:51
csv-ip5xs 3.138
test 13.917
test-t 6.781
csv-parser 14.866
lizmat Files=1151, Tests=53707, 212 wallclock secs (12.66 usr 3.44 sys + 1302.53 cusr 115.74 csys = 1434.37 CPU) 09:11
m: my @a[1,1] = (42,),(666,) # jnthn, this feels like an off-by-one error ? 10:46
camelia rakudo-moar a1347c: OUTPUT«Index 1 for dimension 1 out of range (must be 0..0)␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
lizmat ah no, duh, should wake up first :-)
dalek kudo/nom: 84455f3 | jnthn++ | t/04-nativecall/20-concurrent. (2 files):
Test using NativeCall from multiple threads.

This was already fixed a while ago, but not test was added.
jnthn :) 10:47
lizmat m: my @a[1,1] = (42,) # this *is* strange, no/
camelia rakudo-moar a1347c: OUTPUT«Assignment to array with shape 1 1 must provide structured data␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
lizmat ?
jnthn m: my @a[1,1] = ((42,),) 10:50
camelia ( no output )
jnthn Needs to be that 10:51
If you want to "pour" data into a shaped array then
lizmat hmmm...
guess so :-)
jnthn m: my @a[1,1] Z= 42; say @a
camelia rakudo-moar 84455f: OUTPUT«[[42]]␤»
.oO( more tea is needed )
jnthn :)
jnthn is looking into RT #129994
In no small part 'cus somebody also mailed me a while ago about the same problem (or what I suspect is the same problem) and I forgot about it... 10:52
gfldex jnthn: you need to hurry, they are catching up! :-> 11:19
jnthn Yeah, but in Perl 6 we don't need no stinking await ;-) 11:21
Yeah, but in Perl 6 we don't need no stinking async ;-) 11:22
(We only need the await bit, which means you don't have to refactor your whole callstack)
It's async/await is very good news for JS though :)
grr, I shouldn't try to write GC/nativecall patches and write here at the same time :)
gfldex jnthn: don't worry. Your code is supposed to be [CONC]. You are perfectly fine in the usual serial fashion. :) 11:40
jnthn ;) 11:46
Yay, another conc/nativecall bug down 11:47
dalek p: 3a09f86 | jnthn++ | tools/build/MOAR_REVISION:
Bump MOAR_REVISION for nativecall/GC fixes.
gfldex jnthn: HTTP::Server::Threaded segfaults reliablely on my end 11:49
jnthn: that's with a 1h old Rakudo 11:50
dalek kudo/nom: f99d958 | jnthn++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION:
Bump for MoarVM with nativecall/GC fixes.

With this fix, we make sure to GC-block the current thread before we make a nativecall, and unblock it afterwards (taking care with the handling of callbacks). This fixes an issue where calling a long running bit of native code on one thread could make the others all hang at the next GC until the native code completed.
kudo/nom: 5ba75f4 | jnthn++ | t/04-nativecall/20-concurrent.t:
Test native call on one thread won't block others.
jnthn gfldex: If that ain't RT'd, please do so 11:55
Lunch; bbiab 11:56
dalek kudo/nom: 8064ff1 | lizmat++ | src/core/
Make @a[10].STORE at least as fast as @a.STORE

In practice, this makes my @a[10] = ^10 about 7x faster. Most of the overhead is still in my @a[10] though.
gfldex jnthn: that segfault seamed not CONC related after all. It had a Supply where it needed a Supplier but didn't produce the correct error message with the first test. 12:06
MasterDuke i have added a method to Perl6::World in World.nqp, but why i try to call it in Actions.nqp i get "Cannot find method '<my_method>' on object of type Perl6::World" 12:14
oh ha, nm. i added it to Perl6CompilationContext 12:15
gfldex jnthn: the segfaults are gone after some patching but pretty much all tests hang now. The test look OK to me. Could you have a look? (depends on pending PR 12:17
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Jonathan Worthington 'Test native call on one thread won't block others.' 12:34
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually. All failures are on JVM only.
moritz buggable++
lizmat m: my @a[42;666]; say @a.elems # is .elems on shaped arrays supposed to give the elems in the first dimension, jnthn ? 12:59
camelia rakudo-moar 8064ff: OUTPUT«42␤»
lizmat or is that an artefact ? 13:00
timotimo i think it's supposed to behave like a one-dimensional array of arrays with some things 13:02
lizmat or a bug? I sorta expected to see 42*666 as the number of elems
timotimo but .values.elems should probably give you the product
lizmat well, it better :-)
otherwise .values wouldn't produce all the values :-)
well, I can live with either behaviour, just would be different optimizations :-) 13:05
dalek kudo/nom: 8c3e57d | lizmat++ | src/core/
Go straight to the source for @a[10].elems
ilmari must be thrilled with all the mentions he's getting in these commits ;) 13:15
lizmat :-)
jnthn lizmat: .elems should give the number of elements in the first dimension, which is what it appears to be doing. 13:25
lizmat ok 13:26
jnthn So that once we have partial views, @a[*] can work (since it uses @a.elems)
lizmat just checking...
jnthn :)
lizmat also, is it intentional that $!shape is a List rather than an nqp::list ? 13:27
jnthn Can't remember which way it is, but either way works I think 13:31
lizmat It's List now 13:32
jnthn I think that's fine
Since .shape has to return a List anyway
So we'd only have to wrap it every single time in that case
And that's far more expensive that dereferencing
And range checks don't use it directly anyway; the REPR itself does those.
lizmat true, but in the core we could use $!shape directly
jnthn Sure, we can now, just nqp::getattr on it :)
That's a really cheap op after optimization 13:33
lizmat the fact that each shaped array keeps another List inside of it doesn't bother you ?
jnthn Not particularly
lizmat it does me :-) 13:34
jnthn Unless your shaped array is tiny it's not a great deal of overhead...and won't the List be shared between instances of the same shape anyway?
So your plan is that .shape causes memory allocation every time, thus causing even more memory pressure? :P
lizmat eh, I don't think the shape is shared between incarnations of the same shape, atm
jnthn Hm 13:35
I thought in @a[2;2] we might have a List (2,2) constant-folded and passed in as the shape arg each construction
lizmat if it would be shared, I wouldn't worry so much about it
jnthn If that isn't happening that's perhaps the thing to do
[Coke] Hey, all my non US dev buddies, can I get some vague assurances that the US will be fine when I wake up next Wednesday? Thanks. :P
lizmat ok, will look at that
timotimo voting is coming up? 13:36
jnthn (I kinda thought it already was, but it's been a while.)
lizmat assures [Coke] that all will be well
timotimo yeah, it ain't so bad
lizmat promised [Coke] that all will be well
jnthn [Coke]: It's possible that brexit used up all the stupid for 2016, and that it's now out of stock until 2017... ;-)
moritz always presumed that there's an infinite supply of stupid 13:37
jnthn crosses fingers :)
moritz: Well, darn. :P
[Coke] moritz: not helping! :)
moritz [Coke]: anyway, we have cookies in Europe too, electricity, and developer jobs 13:38
arnsholt moritz: Not to mention vacation days =)
moritz right; I have 30, plus public holidays. Health insurance included 13:39
arnsholt (And in Norway a legal obligation to take a minimum of vacation)
moritz Norway++ 13:40
jnthn Legal obligation to take vacation? That's great. :D
gfldex Technically we got the same in Germany but it's not enforced. 13:41
moritz though at $work here, even team and departments leads take 3 weeks of consecutive vacation
I don't know if our CEO does, but he's also (partial) owner of the business, so nobody bothers him 13:42
[Coke] I am lucky enough to have the "take all the vacation you can get away with" policy.
moritz [Coke]: how many days is that, on average, per year? 13:43
[Coke] 0? :) 13:44
jnthn didn't use many vacation days this year, but is looking forward to some good time off around Christmas/New Year :)
lizmat jnthn: when setting up a shaped array like @a[10], 1/3 of CPU is spent in mixing in the role 13:45
with set-shape at 15%, does at 9% and mixin at 8%
jnthn lizmat: How many arrays did you make? 13:47
lizmat 10K
for ^10000 { my @a[10] }
jnthn Umm...and why can't I find the shape handling code in Array... 13:48
lizmat it lives in src/core/ShapedArray nowadays
and Shaped1Array/Shaped2Array/Shape3Array
jnthn Wait, doesn't that expose it? 13:49
lizmat no, it's still part of the Array class
jnthn Rather than it being lexically scoped inside of Array?
lizmat it's still lexically scoped in Array
jnthn Doesn't look like it to me?
lizmat say ShapedArray
m: say ShapedArray
camelia rakudo-moar 8c3e57: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Undeclared name:␤ ShapedArray used at line 1␤␤»
lizmat only has an opening curly
jnthn oh...damn 13:50
The things people consider improvements sometimes surprise me :P
lizmat sorry, but that file was getting *way* too big
jnthn The things people consider problems sometimes surprise me :P
But OK, if it made it easier for you to work on... :)
lizmat yes, very much so
I mean, when I started working on this, 1 dim shaped arrays were like 15x slower than normal arrays 13:51
they're almost on par now
jnthn OK, finally found the bit of the code I was looking for :) 13:52
lizmat which is ?
jnthn set-shape
And yeah, SHAPED-ARRAY-STORAGE is what I was thinking about 13:53
(It interns types)
Thing is, mixin types are also interned 13:54
So I guess it's already saving some amount of time
We may be able to re-shuffle things to just create the correct type in the first place and avoid the does
lizmat so, how many times should infix:<does> be called for "for ^10000 { my @a[10] }" ? 13:55
1 or 10000 ?
jnthn Well, at the moment it'll be 10000
But it won't actually go through the whole role composition process every time, I don't think
mixin will hit a cache
Can verify that by a --profile I guess
lizmat mixin is also called 10K times 13:56
jnthn Yes, but I belive mixin is what looks in the cache
You might be a speedup calling mixin directly rather than going via does
lizmat ok 13:57
jnthn But alternative would be avoiding that altogether
And figure out what shaped type we want up front
lizmat especially if the dimension list contains int constants only
jnthn That is, obtain Array but Shaped1Array[Mu]
(which doesn't cause a deopt)
And then nqp::create that 13:58
lizmat obtain ?
jnthn Obtain as it "just do that" :)
When you mix in to a type object, it doesn't really mix in, it just gives back a type object 13:59
And if you make an instance of that, you can avoid the whole mixing in process
.^mixin is slow in part because it is a global deopt
So it de-optimizes the whole callstack
So even your for ^10000 { } loop will run slower
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Go straight to the source for @a[10].elems' 14:00
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually.
lizmat ah, so say something lilke: my $dim1 := Array but Shaped1Array(Mu); then nqp::create($dim1) ?
with the $dim1 living as a lexical in Array class ?
viki t/04-nativecall/20-concurrent.t .......... Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00) 14:01
(travis above; one failure)
jnthn Nice, and the output provides no clue at all why 14:02
lizmat: Something like that, though not sure it's worth interning them further than but does 14:03
lizmat: Could try it though 14:04
lizmat will do, after some break and fresh air :-)
gfldex my \IOL =; &say.wrap( -> |c { IOL.protect: { callwith |c } }); for ^100 { say "oops" } 15:31
does callwith refer to the innermost block in this case?
jnthn It's dynamically scoped 15:32
So it'll be talking about the dispatcher of the nested block
Not the wrapping block
m: nextcallee
camelia rakudo-moar 8c3e57: OUTPUT«nextsame is not in the dynamic scope of a dispatcher␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
jnthn I think your best bet is to use that to get it in the outer block 15:33
So, at the moment when you await or .result a Promise that gets broken, the error reproting is a bit suck 15:35
Because you get the message of the exception, but only the backtrace of where you called .result
I just made it look this way:
Any wording tweaks desired?
(Note this is done by mixing in to the original exception type, and so when X::Foo { } matchers will continue to work as before) 15:36
gfldex m: my \IOL =; &say.wrap( -> |c { IOL.protect: { nextcallee.callwith |c } }); for ^100 { say "oops" } 15:40
camelia ( no output )
jnthn no, the idea was to use nextcallee int he closure actually doing the wrapping 15:45
m: use soft; my \IOL =; &say.wrap( -> |c { my &wrappee = nextcallee; IOL.protect: { &wrappee(|c) } }); for ^100 { say "oops" } 15:47
camelia rakudo-moar 8c3e57: OUTPUT«oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops␤oops…»
gfldex m: my \IOL =; &say.wrap( -> |c { my &wrappee = nextalleee; IOL.protect: { wrappee.callwith |c } }); for ^100 { say "oops" }
camelia rakudo-moar 8c3e57: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Undeclared routine:␤ nextalleee used at line 1. Did you mean 'nextcallee'?␤␤»
gfldex also ENODOC
jnthn notes that IO handles do locking down at the VM level 15:49
gfldex ENODOC-- 15:58
dalek kudo/nom: abf6caf | jnthn++ | src/core/
Improve error reporting around broken promises.

Previously, we had the message of the original exception, together with the backtrace of the await or .result call. Now, we:
  * Clearly indicate that the exception was raised by obtaining the
   result of a broken Promise
  * Provide the location that this happened
  * Provide the original exception's message
  * Provide the backtrace of the original exception
moritz jnthn++ 16:00
makes me want to reconsider my choice to use 2016.10 for the book :-) 16:01
dalek ast: 2972719 | jnthn++ | S17-promise/start.t:
Test to cover RT #125782.
synopsebot6 Link:
jnthn Yes, that one is a rather nice usability improvement. 16:06
dalek ast: c3b28cc | jnthn++ | S17-channel/stress.t:
Test for RT #127960.
synopsebot6 Link:
pmurias nqp::copy behaves differently on moar and jvm 16:35
yoleaux2 31 Oct 2016 23:33Z <MasterDuke> pmurias: kind of. i think all the ones that are left also fail on moar. i'd like to get some more of them eventually, so i'll ping you again if i run into jmv problems
dalek ast: d573ecb | jnthn++ | S17-supply/watch-path.t:
Remove a warning due to a bogus unused string.
viki m: my $a = (:10a).Bag; my $b = (:42a).Bag; say $a (^) $b eqv ($a ∖ $b) ∪ ($b ∖ $a)
camelia rakudo-moar abf6ca: OUTPUT«False␤»
pmurias nqp::copy behaves differently on moar and jvm 16:36
when given a symlink as the target it follows on the moar and overwrites on the jvm 16:37
viki m: my $a = (:10a).Bag; my $b = (:42a).Bag; say ($a ∖ $b) ∪ ($b ∖ $a) 16:46
camelia rakudo-moar abf6ca: OUTPUT«set(a)␤»
viki m: my $a = (:42a).Bag; my $b = (:10a).Bag; say ($a ∖ $b) ∪ ($b ∖ $a)
camelia rakudo-moar abf6ca: OUTPUT«bag(a(32))␤»
dalek p: b07c356 | (Pawel Murias)++ | src/vm/js/ (2 files):
[js] Implement stuff needed to get test 19 to pass again.

Make nqp::unlink fail quietly when it's target doesn't exit.
viki m: my $a = (:a).Set; dd $a.Bag 17:03
camelia rakudo-moar abf6ca: OUTPUT«("a"=>1).Bag␤»
viki m: my $a = (:a).Set; dd $a.Mix
camelia rakudo-moar abf6ca: OUTPUT«("a"=>True).Mix␤»
TimToady Hotkeys: the main reason there's a .sum but not a .product is that we wanted an optimization target for [+] 1..1000000000000000 17:20
and we just decided to make it user-visible
viki TimToady: FWIW, there's a proposal for how (^) operator should behave with Sets/Bags/Mixes, if you wanted to weigh in: 17:23
TimToady I very much like that the set behavior is a degenerate case of the bag behavior; what I do not like is any approach that autocoerces bags or mixes to sets, which is pretty non-sensical, so I think such coercions should explicitly pull out the keys and make a set, if that's really what is wanted, and fail otherwise 17:33
FROGGS o/ 17:35
viki is getting a bunch of stresstest failures for various reasons 18:31
dalek ast: 91c57c3 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S17-procasync/stress.t:
Test::Util needs t/spec/packages in the use lib
viki t/spec/S17-supply/return-in-tap.t says "getexpayload needs a VMException" 18:34
Full output:
dalek kudo/nom: cdb3699 | lizmat++ | src/core/Shaped (2 files):
All shaped arrays share the same .elems logic
jnthn viki: On Rakudo HEAD? 18:36
viki jnthn: yeah
jnthn viki: (Which implies NQP HEAD and MoarVM HEAD)
timotimo i, for one, am glad that shaped arrays are getting a bit of a performance pass
viki jnthn: oh, no, rakudo HEAD and the rest is whatever the specificied bumps are 18:37
jnthn Are you sure? That error message is notable in being what that test would give before
lizmat timotimo: glad to hear that
viki This is Rakudo version 2016.10-150-gabf6caf built on MoarVM version 2016.10-15-g715e39a
jnthn $ ./moar --version 18:38
This is MoarVM version 2016.10-37-gf769569 built with JIT support
viki I guess bumpage is needed
jnthn $ cat tools/build/MOAR_REVISION 18:39
(in NQP)
$ git describe
(also in NQP)
And that's what's in NQP_REVISION
So it *looks* like I did the bumps right 18:40
viki OK. Located the issue. I ran make install only instead of the full thing
jnthn oh :)
viki Sorry :)
jnthn np
Glad the failure mode you pasted was an easily recognizable one :) 18:41
viki ZOFVM: Files=1200, Tests=130118, 171 wallclock secs (20.93 usr 3.29 sys + 3086.64 cusr 296.65 csys = 3407.51 CPU) 18:53
lizmat m: role A { multi method a() {"one"}; multi method a() {"two"} }; say A.a # this feels like it should complain somehow 18:54
camelia rakudo-moar cdb369: OUTPUT«one␤»
timotimo yeah, it should 18:55
dalek kudo/nom: 78ef944 | lizmat++ | src/core/
How did two identical methods get in here???
kudo/nom: 7ba7eb4 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/
Add specific .Mix and .MixHash coercers to Setty

  ...just like we have ones for Bag(Hash).
Otherwise, a set coerced to a Mix has Bools for weights instead of Ints
ast: ccc9301 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S02-types/set.t:
Set.Mix/.MixHash does not produce Bool weights
kudo/nom: 28e11c4 | lizmat++ | / (7 files):
Move set-shape logic to new

  - also close class Array in
  - no need to stub Shaped123Array roles
Really preliminary work for more optimizations
kudo/nom: d036a50 | lizmat++ | src/core/Shaped (5 files):
Add some comments indicating part of Array class
kudo/nom: 5d1b2c3 | lizmat++ | src/core/
Fix type in comment, MasterDuke17++
[Coke] *typo 19:24
viki meta-typo 19:26
[Coke] meat type 19:27
.oO( once you start... )
masak's hrad to sotp 19:31
lizmat m: my Int @a; @a.BIND-POS(0,42) # seems I missed one place handling completely empty lists 19:45
camelia rakudo-moar 5d1b2c: OUTPUT«This type (Scalar) does not support positional operations␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
dalek kudo/nom: 0bbe98d | lizmat++ | src/core/
Make sure BIND-POS works the same on typed arrays
bartolin pmurias: sorry for making 019-file-ops.t fail for nqp-js. what do I need only node.js to be able to build nqp-js? (I've just read ) 20:20
s/what// 20:21
[Coke] hurm. rakudo's js branch's mentions a js backend, but then dies with: sh: gen/js/ No such file or directory 20:28
dalek kudo/nom: ebcc33e | (Carl Masak)++ | tools/build/
fix typo
lizmat jnthn: was there a specific reason to keep "int" and Int:D candidates for AT-POS and friends around> 20:50
it appears that removing the "int" candidate at the moment improves performance for calls with native ints 20:51
nine That's quite counter intuitive 21:01
timotimo not if you know that native ints make our static optimizer unhappy 21:02
(the fix for that seems to require jnthn. or at least something more than timo)
lizmat well, the way I see it, is that I remove all of the "int" candidates now 21:03
and then when we have "int" grokked by the optimizer, change the "Int:D" to "int" in the sigs
m: sub a(int $a) { dd $a }; a my Int $ = 42 # cause this works 21:05
camelia rakudo-moar ebcc33: OUTPUT«42␤»
timotimo well, that probably unboxes 21:06
lizmat yup 21:08
so, when the optimizer groks int, we can simply change the sig from Int:D to int 21:09
the Ints will be unboxed automagically
and potentially be unboxed during optimization time already
travis-ci Rakudo build errored. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'All shaped arrays share the same .elems logic' 21:16
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually.
jnthn Uh, you can't remove the Int candidate and expect the multi-dispatcher to send an Int to an int candidate 21:28
lizmat no?
jnthn No 21:29
lizmat :-(
timotimo Int can asplode when it doesn't fit into an int
jnthn Right
Also int is tighter than Int
So if int candidates accepted Int then you'd never dispatch to an Int candidate even when you did have a big integer 21:30
I'd leave the int candidates int, especially for native shaped arrays
lizmat ok
jnthn Just because we don't always generate the code I'd like us to for these things now doesn't mean we won't in the future. 21:31
lizmat it's just a significant maint burden atm
but, re AT-POS(Int:D) taking int values larger than what an int can hold
do we foresee supporting arrays with more than 2**64 elements ? 21:32
jnthn No, I'm talking about the multi-dispatcher in general
lizmat ok 21:33
jnthn Of course, it's possible we'll also end up clever enough to get away with the Int:D candidates and stripping out the boxing...
But that feels like it'll need another level of clever than just getting the code-gen to them straightened out
lizmat the thing is, I'm adding quite a lot of code atm 21:34
and compile times are going > 60 seconds for me 21:35
and it looks like bare startup time isn't getting lower :-(
perhaps I should look at gen-cat.nqp autogenerating the "int" candidates 21:37
argh, but then line number referrals :-(
ok, back to adding int / Int:D candidates all the time 21:41
jnthn: getting back to the difference between for ^10000 { my @a } and for ^10000 { my @a[10] } 21:42
in the former case, is never called: it looks like a Array object is created at compile time, and then cloned during each iteration. 21:43
is there a reason to not do the same for shaped arrays if the shape list consists of constant values
aka, create the object, and then clone it during execution? 21:44
I guess it would have to be a HLL .clone
jnthn For the "usual" case we just clone the P6opaque, yeah, but it's a shallow clone 21:54
And it happens relatively low-level too
lizmat well, I've just added a .clone to ShapedArray 21:56
my @a[10]; for ^10000 { my @b := @a.clone }
is 60x faster than 21:57
for ^10000 { my @a[10] }
jnthn Does it clone the storage too?
lizmat yes
jnthn May be worth looking into if we can do it that way, then :)
Ohh... 21:58
But you can't do it for dynamic sizes
lizmat indeed
jnthn Which is why it's code-gen'd the way it is now
lizmat indeed... so we need to check if it's a constant, then code gen it with a .clone
jnthn (Doesn't mean we can't do better on the static sizes)
lizmat otherwise, well, we have to do it the cirrent way
jnthn Aye. I was largely in "make it work" mode when I put this stuff in :)
lizmat I know 21:59
I'm in "making it work faster" mode now :-)
jnthn \o/ 22:01
Will be nice when I get optimization tuits again 22:02
But should really get a bunch of our concurrency issues cleared up
Well, a bunch more :)
Trouble is, the more I fix, the better the remaining ones are at hiding.
lizmat yeah, I know :-( 22:03
jnthn wanders off to rest 22:09
lizmat jnthn: one quick question 22:10
is it
ok to have shaped arrays carry around a $!todo even though it gets never set ?
dalek kudo/nom: 40429f3 | lizmat++ | src/core/
Give shaped arrays its own fast .clone

To be hopefully used later to quickly initialize shaped arrays in loops.
lizmat also goes off for some shuteye 22:13
MasterDuke jnthn: reading the backlog, i thought lizmat was asking about removing the 'int' candidates (and just having 'Int'), but you said removing 'Int' (and just having 'int') was bad? 22:27
timotimo yeah, only having int is bad 22:29
what do you do with 2 ** 70 then? 22:30
MasterDuke well yeah, but is it bad to only have Int, when those are faster than int anyway? 22:57
dalek kudo/nom: c59ab18 | raiph++ | src/core/
Fix off by one errors in Failure messages
kudo/nom: 88cb05e | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/
Merge pull request #912 from raiph/patch-1

Fix off by one errors in Failure messages