brokenchicken m: (^0x30000)».chr.grep(*.match(/<:Digit>/).not)».uniprops.flat.unique.say 00:21
camelia rakudo-moar 3e28b1: OUTPUT«(Nd No Nl Lo)␤»
samcv jnthn, lizmat on the <:Digit> matches anything. 00:27
Digit resolves to Numeric_Type fyi
m: say "something" ~~ /<:Numeric_Type>/
camelia rakudo-moar 3e28b1: OUTPUT«「s」␤»
samcv m: 'a'.uniprop('Numeric_Type').say 00:28
camelia rakudo-moar 3e28b1: OUTPUT«None␤»
samcv m: 'a'.uniprop-int('Numeric_Type').say
camelia rakudo-moar 3e28b1: OUTPUT«0␤»
samcv i wish i could understand that QAST file, i mean i'm not totally sure of the flow of the statements there. somebody will have to help me so i can fix some of these problems 00:32
brokenchicken Which QAST file? 00:41
samcv brokenchicken, src/vm/moar/QAST/QASTRegexCompilerMAST.nqp 00:45
the odd thing is that you can do scripts without qualifying the property like <:Latin>, all the property value's are comingled in moarvm 00:47
even though they are not unique between properties, so it causes some weirdness
it needs to check property name's before it checks property values. so likek for <:space>, the only reason it works is because 'space' is resolving to the Line_Feed property, and spaces have Line_Feed=space 00:48
brokenchicken knows nothing in that area
samcv it _should_ check the property names, find there's a space property, and check uniprop-int
if it's not a property name, then we should check the property value list, and so it will find Latin refers to the script property, then check that Script == Latin 00:49
but it does it the reverse order atm
so values take precedence over property names
there need to be some big changes to mvm, and we won't be able to look up property names for anything except script and script extensions and idk maybe a few more, but 00:51
i think we only want Script and General category to be unqualified when doing <:Latin> or <:Ll>
timotimo we can introduce new ops for you at any time 00:52
samcv yeah ofc
timotimo (though not in the next few hours, because i'm hoping to be sleeping then)
samcv the main problem is the current assumed property values would be unique (aside from Yes/No) etc
timotimo ah, yes indeed
so we're blocked by the ucd2c rewrite?
samcv yeah
well partially. we can still change the order of lookups
check if the requested <:Foo> is a property name first 00:53
we can fix that part
and we'll prolly have an op that is like hasuniprop, but it doesn't take unicode property codes, it takes the actual string names/values 00:54
and i'll probably retain a big jumbled hash table that holds all the property values, at least until all the changes are made. but one issue is RE: unimatch 00:55
i'm guessing unimatch fails if you try and check a property value that is non-unique 00:56
also i was never sure what the point of unimatch even was
i.e. usecase
my $prop := Rakudo::Internals.PROPCODE($propname); 00:59
so nqp::matchuniprop($code,$prop,Rakudo::Internals.PVALCODE($prop,$pvalname));
atm this is the code for sub unimatch
err wait that's the one for the property specific one, not the one that matcches any property 01:00
err nvm it is
multi sub unimatch(Int:D $code, Stringy:D $pvalname, Stringy:D $propname = $pvalname) {
haha, it uses the property value as the property name? and yeah uh... that's really kinda hard for me to look at 01:01
since property names can be the same as property values
timotimo gotta go sleep, my brain isn't doing very much 01:03
samcv night 01:05
timotimo o/
samcv brokenchicken, fyi it seems +'10' can be cached while .Int cannot
timotimo perhaps you mean compile-time evaluated?
samcv ah 01:06
that is probably true
that makes sense then 01:07
brokenchicken samcv: why .Int cannot? Int => (digits-only ?? nqp::radix() !! .Numeric -> val()) whereas + => (Numeric -> val()) 01:16
samcv well Int i guess as timotimo said isn't compile time evaluated 01:17
brokenchicken And .Numeric is? 01:18
samcv it would seem 01:22
m: for ^10000 { +'10' / +'20' }; say now - INIT now; 01:23
camelia rakudo-moar 3e28b1: OUTPUT«WARNINGS for <tmp>:␤Useless use of "/" in expression "+'10' / +" in sink context (line 1)␤0.0037290␤»
samcv m: for ^10000 { '10'.Int / +'20'.Int }; say now - INIT now;
camelia rakudo-moar 3e28b1: OUTPUT«WARNINGS for <tmp>:␤Useless use of "/" in expression ".Int / +" in sink context (line 1)␤0.1282265␤»
samcv .Int is 34x slower there 01:24
brokenchicken m: for ^10000 { $ = +'10' }; say now - INIT now; 01:25
camelia rakudo-moar 3e28b1: OUTPUT«0.0039301␤»
brokenchicken m: for ^10000 { $ = '10'.Int }; say now - INIT now; 01:26
camelia rakudo-moar 3e28b1: OUTPUT«0.03161738␤»
brokenchicken m: say 0.0316/.0039
camelia rakudo-moar 3e28b1: OUTPUT«8.102564␤»
brokenchicken m: for ^10000 { $ = '10'.Numeric }; say now - INIT now; 01:27
camelia rakudo-moar 3e28b1: OUTPUT«0.1368020␤»
brokenchicken Weird, considering + -> a.Numeric
Turning off optimizer turns the scales 01:28
Ahhh 01:30
brokenchicken just had an 'aha' moment
Hm. Actually no :) 01:31
Oh, I misread this QAST
Yeah, the optimizer evaluates +'10' at compile time, cause prefix:<+> is marked pure. 01:33
m: class Foo is Str { method numify { self.Int } }; my $f = :value('10'); for ^10000 { $ = $f.numify }; say now - INIT now 01:35
camelia rakudo-moar 3e28b1: OUTPUT«0.03264332␤»
brokenchicken m: class Foo is Str { method numify is pure { self.Int } }; my $f = :value('10'); for ^10000 { $ = $f.numify }; say now - INIT now
camelia rakudo-moar 3e28b1: OUTPUT«0.03204627␤»
brokenchicken Is doesn't work on methods?
Apparently not. Just compiled a version making Str.Num, Str.Numeric, Str.Int, and all val() multies `is pure` and no effect 01:43
samcv hm 01:53
TimToady m: for ^10000 { $ = Int('10') }; say now - INIT now; 07:34
camelia rakudo-moar 3e28b1: OUTPUT«0.04653305␤»
TimToady has most of a patch getting rid of $*ACTIONS lookups, but still failing 14 spectests, so something's probably leaking $!actions outward from some cursor or other that doesn't reset to the outer self's $!actions 07:40
(eventually might do this with a method mixin rather than an attribute, which would be simpler in some ways, not so simple in others...) 07:45
nine wonders if there is a way to just speed up lookup of dynamics
TimToady well, that would help too, and we've talked about it some 07:46
nine How are dynamics managed right now? 07:47
TimToady instead of keeping a direct cache entry in each frame, you'd keep a pointer to the next frame with a 'my $*foo' anywhere, and from that frame keep a more extensible cache, since most frames don't set dynvars
we just scan down frames for a frame that has cached the name currently 07:48
and if it was too far away, we cache it in a closer frame
but it's still a linear scan
on average we're still looking at 5 or so frames before we get a match 07:49
actually, might be worse will all the new dynvars competing for the single entry per frame
nine Me knowing nothing of how to implement dynamics, I'd keep a hash of arrays around. Hash key is obviously the name of the dynamic variable. The array is the stack of values with assignment pushing the value on the stack. Lookup would be just a single hash access + the access to the last element of the array.
TimToady with a pointer instead of an entry, we could jump straight to the frame that is likely to contain the cached element in a hash or some such 07:50
and it could be more authoritative too, for anything immutable
nine I think we're thinking along similar lines: push the work into assignment of a dynvar instead of the reading. 07:51
TimToady well, the reading can still hoist from a further cache to a closer one, but you know it's always the closest one you're populating, so better than "half way down the framelist" 07:52
I think your approach sounds a bit thread-unsafe
more like how P5 does things
we'd still root things in the frames, just not look at every frame anymore
we could also be helped with some kind of key interning, since we do a lot of string cmps 07:53
but the $*ACTIONS, %*LANG, %*PRAGMAS need to be fixed anyway regardless, since the current language is supposed to be 07:54
carried by the cursor, not by dynvars
on the dynvar frame hashes, we might be able to just poke extra temp entries into the lexpad for the frame that already has a 'my $*something', if we're willing to cheat a bit on the immutability of lexpads 07:58
anyway, our dynvar overhead is currently around 5% compiling the setting, and we could certainly get most of that back by doing smarter caching 07:59
jnthn morning, #perl6-dev 10:04
moritz \o jnthn 10:05
jnthn TimToady++ # working to eliminate $*ACTIONS 10:08
moritz what's the new paradigma? 10:13
storing the actions class in an attribute somewhere? 10:14
jnthn Believe so, since $!attribute was mentioned 10:18
uh, $!actions
timotimo wow, most of that? neat. 10:19
jnthn From backlog: methods are late-bound, which is why we can't know if they're pure and compile-time resolve them. 10:21
timotimo jnthn: well, we could for constants because we already know their type then and could see if find_method is what we'd expect from "harmless" classes 10:30
jnthn True 10:32
samcv proto sub prefix:<+>($?) is pure { * } 10:34
multi sub prefix:<+>(\a) { a.Numeric }
i mean the prefix does a method call 10:35
DrForr role Mostly-Harmless {};
jnthn The problem isn't the mechanics of doing a method call, it's that things in our lexical scope are part of our langauge, and method calls are interpreted as part of the object's language.
That's one of the key Perl 6 design principles, so I'm just a tad wary when we consider cheating. :-) 10:36
timotimo well, the prefix is a sub 10:41
so we can just look it up
when we want to figure things out about an object's methods, we have to ask the object, and it's allowed to give us whatever answer it finds pleasing 10:42
that's why you can create objects that "have" methods based on a SOAP definition, or XMLRPC, or just every combination of car and cdr cddr cdddr cddddr cdddddddddddr cdddddddddddddddddddr
Geth kudo/nom: ee7c1bba49 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/core.d/
Improve error reporting of `await` in 6.d.

The work so far actually made things a little worse, in so far as we no longer called Promise.result, and thus did not get an exception with both the original exception location and the location it was awaited. This improves things for the new `await` implementation. Furthermore, it means that all `await`s will get the treatment, not just those that `await` a `Promise`. So, unlike in 6.c, `await` of a
  `Supply` and a `Channel` will play ball and show both locations.
ast: f26c4ed873 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | S17-promise/nonblocking-await.t
Tests for exceptions produced by `await` in 6.d.
brokenchicken hm... prefix:<+> does a.Numeric and we can constant fold it, but if we do a.Numeric ourselves then we can't? 11:09
brokenchicken doesn't really follow that one
timotimo yeah
the decision whether or not we constant-fold is based on the "is pure" trait
we can only sanely look that up in lexically scoped things, i.e. subs 11:10
when we get a method call on an object instead, the object is free to decide what it gives us
if for example it needs to do a network request, you'll quite possibly get a different answer during precompilation vs run time
or the method may not exist during compilation, but it will during run time
brokenchicken But all those arguments apply to the a.Numeric call inside the prefix:<+> 11:12
timotimo no
brokenchicken huh
timotimo we make the decision to constant fold +, then we Just Do It
though to be fair, if the Numeric method on that object is shitty, we're fucked 11:13
jnthn Well, if Numeric does something terrible then the folding will still do said terrible thing :)
timotimo the thing is that we can easily look up if a sub is marked pure 11:14
it's hard to look up if a method is marked pure
brokenchicken m: class Foo is Str { method numify { self.Int } }; sub numify (\a) is pure { a.numify }; my $f = :value('10'); for ^1000000 { $ = numify $f }; say now - INIT now 11:16
camelia rakudo-moar ee7c1b: OUTPUT«2.671370607␤»
brokenchicken m: class Foo is Str { method numify { self.Int } }; sub numify (\a) is pure { a.numify }; my $f = :value('10'); for ^1000000 { $ = $f.numify }; say now - INIT now
camelia rakudo-moar ee7c1b: OUTPUT«2.3328330␤»
brokenchicken Seems the `is pure` thing doesn't even work in userland? 11:17
timotimo that's not a constant
your $f there
brokenchicken m: class Foo is Str { method numify { self.Int } }; sub numify (\a) is pure { a.numify }; constant $f = :value('10'); for ^1000000 { $ = $f.numify }; say now - INIT now
camelia rakudo-moar ee7c1b: OUTPUT«2.2604848␤»
brokenchicken m: class Foo is Str { method numify { self.Int } }; sub numify (\a) is pure { a.numify }; constant $f = :value('10'); for ^1000000 { $ = numify $f }; say now - INIT now 11:18
camelia rakudo-moar ee7c1b: OUTPUT«2.31849855␤»
nine brokenchicken: the difference is that the author of prefix:<+> made a promise to the compiler that it will behave. So it's the author who trusts .Numeric
brokenchicken m: sub numify (\a) is pure { a.Numeric }; for ^1000000 { $ = numify '10' }; say now - INIT now 11:19
camelia rakudo-moar ee7c1b: OUTPUT«0.2556820␤»
brokenchicken nine: same can be done with methods.
timotimo brokenchicken: we'd already have to trust the object before we even try to look at the object whether a given method is pure or not 11:20
nine brokenchicken:;;; can call 3 different methods
brokenchicken The trust can be given by the type object with the `is pure` methods published with the meta object during composition. 11:21
m: sub numify (\a) is pure { a.Numeric }; for ^1000000 { $ = '10'.Numeric }; say now - INIT now
camelia rakudo-moar ee7c1b: OUTPUT«11.3806293␤»
brokenchicken m: say 11.38/.255 11:22
camelia rakudo-moar ee7c1b: OUTPUT«44.627451␤»
brokenchicken To get 44x speed increment
brokenchicken &
Geth kudo/nom: a2d69a0638 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/core.d/
Avoid saying "at: in", which reads oddly.
kudo/nom: f22170f772 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/core.d/
Improve `react` error reporting in 6.d.

This re-instates getting both the location of the `react` block as well as the location of the original exception. However, the language of the message is far better. In 6.c we report that a `Promise` was broken, thus leaking an implementation detail of `react`. This new erorr clearly states it was a `react` block that was at fault.
ast: 26f910e382 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | S17-supply/syntax-nonblocking-await.t
Test react exception handling in 6.d.
dogbert17 jnthn: any 6.c bugfixing on todays agenda? 11:30
jnthn dogbert17: Yeah, I think I've done what I wanted to with await/react for now :) 11:31
timotimo nice.
dogbert17 any bug in particular? 11:33
jnthn Would be good to figure out a way to spectest with 6.d.PREVIEW on any existing thest that doesn't demand 6.c
timotimo i'd like to bump up the priority of fixing inlining of subs with native arguments :(
jnthn timotimo: spesh inlining of them?
timotimo either that, or static-optimizer-inlining of them
on the static optimizer level we currently create loads and loads and loads of nativerefs
*and* don't inline - and i think we don't even spesh-inline those after the fact 11:34
jnthn Hmm 11:35
Seems we do inline things like $a + 1
Where $a is native
timotimo but do we create a nativeref?
jnthn Shouldn't, but lemme check the bytecode 11:36
timotimo we seem to
jnthn The QAST tree says lexicalref but the add_i compilation is meant to be smart enough not to do that :)
timotimo so where did i get the impression that we do a shitty job at this …
jnthn 00022 getlex loc_5_int, lex_Frame_1__int 11:37
00023 const_i64_16 loc_7_int, 1
00024 add_i loc_7_int, loc_5_int, loc_7_int
Obviously not from a simple example like 'my int $x = 41; say $x + 1' :)
dogbert17: Got any particular ones you'd like me to look at? 11:38
dogbert17 jnthn, timotimo: what happens if you run: perl6-valgrind-m -e 'for ^900 { :port($_), :host("") ); CATCH {next}; say $_~" is open" }' 11:39
I get invalid reads and the code seems to leek memory 11:40
jnthn Let's see...
==28778== Address 0xffeffc484 is on thread 1's stack
==28778== 12964 bytes below stack pointer
dogbert17 .oO
jnthn During GC destruction 11:41
dogbert17 what about definitely lost mem?
jnthn There's that too
But it looks like we're taking a reference to something on the stack when we should be heap allocating
dogbert17 does it 'feel' simple or does it require cheese :-)
I have hidden more detailed info in the last comment here: 11:42
the nursery change was obviously not necessary 11:44
jnthn Ah, I think I may see it 11:48
dogbert17 that was quick :) 11:49
timotimo neat 11:50
jnthn Seems we freed too quick but also threw an exception and longjmp'd over some libuv internals 12:03
dogbert17 is it easy or difficult to fix? 12:07
jnthn Think I've got a fix 12:10
Looking at the leaks
Seems I've got 'em. :) 12:12
jnthn spectests 12:13
dogbert17 jnthn++, you made short work of that one :) 12:14
jnthn Except t/spec/S32-io/socket-accept-and-working-threads.t now seems to explode 12:18
dogbert17 flapping? 12:20
jnthn No, I actually introduced a double-free. Obvious in hindsight 12:21
Probably need lunch :)
dogbert17 lunch++
jnthn Valgrind seems happier now
And looking good still on the original code we set out to fix 12:25
Anther spectest while I have lunch :)
dogbert17 follows jnthn's lunch example 12:32
travis-ci Rakudo build errored. Jonathan Worthington 'Avoid saying "at: in", which reads oddly.' 12:52
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually.
timotimo Cannot add PPA: 'ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test'. 12:54
Please check that the PPA name or format is correct.
jnthn back 13:09
Pretty sure that's not my fault :P 13:10
yay, clean spectest
dogbert17: Pushed 3 commits that sort it out. Might you be able to verify it's gone for you and/or add a test case? :) 13:13
brokenchicken That error happened in the past. I think it's something to do with travis's "trusty beta" thing 13:19
dogbert17 jnthn: cool, I'll try it out 13:20
will try to figure out a test case 13:21
cool, the 'socket(PF_NETLINK, SOCK_RAW, 0) = -1 EMFILE (Too many open files)' is also gone 13:29
brokenchicken, could jnthn's latest fixes be of interest to your bots by any chance? 13:30
jnthn Also, do the bots still leak after the stuff I merged just after the Jan relesae? :) 13:32
brokenchicken shrugs 13:35
not tested anything
m: say 'rakudo.moar' eq 'rakudo.moar' 13:42
camelia rakudo-moar f22170: OUTPUT«True␤»
dogbert17 fixes a recently discovered ENOCOFFEE error 13:45
jnthn: one question, if I change the loop to ^3900 valgrind spews out a bunch of '==29436== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1031 in syscall socket()'. Is it something to worry about? 13:53
jnthn Sounds a bit odd 13:59
Nice, I've got valgrind --leak-check=full on perl6-valgrind-m -e '' to show no leaks :)
That'll make things a bit less noisy when we're leak hunting in the future :)
And give us an every so slightly smaller memory footprint 14:00
dogbert17 perhaps the fact that I had set the Nursery to 16k had something to do with it
very nice 14:01
Geth kudo/nom: 43666039ae | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 2 files
Update t/harness* help texts to match accepted options

Fixes RT#130659:
synopsebot6 Link:
Geth kudo/nom: f94cb21ef5 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/harness5
Fix VM conditional

  - Remove useless ternary that was accidentally left over[^1]
   when parrot option was tossed.
  - Use $moar instead of $jvm to check against, to match another
   similar check earlier in the file.
dogbert17 it seems to have been the small nursery which caused the warnings
jnthn They're still a bit odd, though... 14:05
dogbert17 it's always FD 1031 14:07
jnthn: if you're on the hunt for memory leaks t/spec/S17-procasync/no-runaway-file-limit.t is a good example 14:15
definitely lost: 147,513 bytes in 1,192 blocks 14:16
jnthn t/spec/S17-procasync/no-runaway-file-limit.t 14:17
jnthn takes a look
heh, this is none too fast under valgrind :) 14:19
dogbert17 no, takes a few minutes
did your latest commits mean the end of the --full-cleanup bug? 14:24
jnthn No 14:35
They mean that perl6-valgrind-m -e '' with --leak-check=full in valgrind will report no lost memory 14:36
(Well, a few things lost due to DLL handles, but you have to --show-leak-kinds=all to get those) 14:37
The --full-cleanup bug in multi-threaded programs is thanks to it trying to clean up mutexes which are still held
Which is a much thornier problem
dogbert17 thx for the explanation, I usually make a copy of perl6-valgrind-m because it has that option enabled, which has tripped me up a few times 14:39
there are no many spectests which leaks memory, one is t/spec/S17-procasync/no-runaway-file-limit.t the other is t/spec/S17-lowlevel/lock.t 14:42
brokenchicken m: say do for ^3 { $/ = $++; $/ } 14:43
camelia rakudo-moar f94cb2: OUTPUT«(2 2 2)␤»
brokenchicken This ain't a bug, is it? Or do blocks supposed to get fresh $/ or something ?
jnthn No, they aren't 14:45
So no bug
Hm, I'm suspecting $!void_context in the optimizer isn't entirely accurate... 14:46
brokenchicken Hm. This leads to very interesting interactions that by extension aren't buggy: 14:47
m: say <a1 a2 a3>.map({S/huh//})
camelia rakudo-moar f94cb2: OUTPUT«(a1 a2 a3)␤»
brokenchicken m: say eager <a1 a2 a3>.map({S/huh//})
camelia rakudo-moar f94cb2: OUTPUT«(a3 a3 a3)␤»
brokenchicken The first ones are different because they get printed each before the next iteration updates $/; while the version that returns stuff from $!reified has all the items updated to last value of $/ 14:48
Makes perfect sense once you understand what's going on, but that's quite a trap :P 14:52
m: my $stuff = <a1 a2 a3>.map({S/huh//}); say $stuff[^1]; say $stuff[^2]; say $stuff[^3] 14:53
camelia rakudo-moar f94cb2: OUTPUT«(a1)␤(a2 a2)␤(a3 a3 a3)␤»
brokenchicken ehehehe
jnthn o.O 14:55
brokenchicken :D 14:56
m: say eager <a1 a2 a3>.map({S/huh//});
camelia rakudo-moar f94cb2: OUTPUT«(a3 a3 a3)␤»
brokenchicken m: say eager <a1 a2 a3>.map({S/huh//.Str});
camelia rakudo-moar f94cb2: OUTPUT«(a1 a2 a3)␤»
brokenchicken :) 14:57
jnthn Darn, two attempts at fixing that don't work :/ 15:01
hah, it makes 2 todo tests pass and fails one 15:04
brokenchicken :)
jnthn m: sub a($b) { $b = 1 }; a(2); 15:06
camelia rakudo-moar f94cb2: OUTPUT«Cannot assign to a readonly variable ($b) or a value␤ in sub a at <tmp> line 1␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
jnthn huh, the error there changed to "Cannot assign to an immutable value"
bah 15:08
It's because we nail an inline that we didn't before
Which in turn does away with some info
This kinda reminds me that I was going to pull inlining of anything not natively typed out of the optimizer anyway... 15:09
The static one, that is
Because spesh can inline better and preserve semantics better 15:10
And then we'd also keep a bunch less info around in precomp files.
And do a bunch less analysis.
lizmat sounds like a plan :-) 15:12
Geth kudo/optimizer-tweaks: 489bcec7b2 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/Perl6/Optimizer.nqp
Generalize sink branch optimize logic.

  - QAST::Want
   <some node>
   QAST::Op p6sink
... (5 more lines)
dogbert17 tries to build the docs on his 32 bit vm, will it work or will it crash after having allocated 2+ gigs ...
jnthn That's the RT #130615 fix, modulo the regression that's finally going to make me sort out the inline situation :) 15:17
synopsebot6 Link:
dogbert17 Writing type document for Num ... 15:23
MoarVM panic: Memory allocation failed; could not allocate 2013836 bytes
jnthn wonders where it all goes... 15:26
dogbert17 could it still be 15:28
lizmat m: say $*PERL; { use v6.d.PREVIEW; say $*PERL } # is this a bug ?
camelia rakudo-moar f94cb2: OUTPUT«Perl 6 (6.d)␤Perl 6 (6.d)␤»
lizmat jnthn: ^^ would have expected to see "Perl 6 (6.c)␤Perl 6 (6.d)␤" 15:30
brokenchicken IIRC the use v6.* has to occur no later than how `unit...` can occur.
So I'd expect the above to throw with "too late to switch versions" 15:31
m: say $*PERL; { unit class Meows; say $*PERL }
camelia rakudo-moar f94cb2: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤A unit-scoped class definition is not allowed in a subscope;␤Please use the block form.␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3say $*PERL; { unit class Meows;7⏏5 say $*PERL }␤»
brokenchicken m: say $*PERL; {say $*PERL }; unit class Meows; 15:32
camelia rakudo-moar f94cb2: OUTPUT«Perl 6 (6.c)␤Perl 6 (6.c)␤»
brokenchicken oh. OK. :)
lizmat brokenchicken: so from this I gather that a "use v6.x" should not be allowed in *any* subscope either ?
brokenchicken lizmat: as I understand it, yeah. Because setting it the outter scope (or something) it doesn't really make sense for there being two settings at the same time 15:34
lizmat: jnthn's explantion: and 15:35
jnthn Yes, but is that we acept it :) 15:37
*the bug 15:39
lizmat hmmm.. I guess the use handling code is already special cased for v6.x anyways 15:42
jnthn aye
lizmat so that shouldn't interfere with lexically using a module and its exports
m: { use Test }; ok 1 15:43
camelia rakudo-moar f94cb2: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Undeclared routine:␤ ok used at line 1␤␤»
jnthn Only end up saving us 48.5KB off CORE.setting size 15:45
(Only generating inline_info for natives, that is)
Bit of a time saving too, though
brokenchicken Wonder what's the point of S/// returning $/ instead of just the string 15:48
Especially since it whines when you use it without getting the result;
m: "foo" ~~ S:2nd/o/x/; say $/ 15:49
camelia rakudo-moar f94cb2: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ Smartmatch with S/// is not useful. You can use given instead: S/// given $foo␤ at <tmp>:1␤ ------> 3"foo" ~~ 7⏏5S:2nd/o/x/; say $/␤fox␤»
brokenchicken Feels like original design didn't mean for that warning and people were expected to use $/ to get the result?
lizmat m: class A { has Int $.a = 42 }; my $a =; for ^100000 { $a.a }; say now - INIT now 15:50
camelia rakudo-moar f94cb2: OUTPUT«0.07085673␤»
lizmat m: class A { has int $.a = 42 }; my $a =; for ^100000 { $a.a }; say now - INIT now 15:51
camelia rakudo-moar f94cb2: OUTPUT«0.0810552␤»
lizmat m: say 0.0810552 / 0.07085673 # native int attribute slower
camelia rakudo-moar f94cb2: OUTPUT«1.14393086␤»
lizmat was this already ticketed ^^^ ?
jnthn It's having to box it every time 15:54
It's nothing we can really solve in Rakudo.
Once spesh gets good enough, that benchmark will also measure nothing :) 15:55
Because it'll inline the method then see it's all pure and throw it all away :)
brokenchicken \o/ 15:56
jnthn At the moment we inline but we don't re-analyze the inline in its new context. 15:57
Geth kudo/optimizer-tweaks: 8cea57f187 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/Perl6/Actions.nqp
Only generate static inline info when native args.

Some years back, when Rakudo's optimizer was implemented, we didn't run on a VM that could do inlining. This is no longer the case, and it's much easier to do the analysis for correct semantic preservation in a VM and get it consistently right than it is in Rakudo. A VM can also only expend the effort on hot code. So, from now on we will only ... (7 more lines)
lizmat ok, just wondering :-)
dogbert17 jnthn: looks fixed to me, what is not entirely obvious is how to test that 16:05
should I run the port scanner as a test? 16:06
jnthn Hm, dunno if we'll trigger things if we do that 16:07
Guess we could try :)
dogbert17 it's not obvious (to me at least) how to test this 16:08
jnthn Well, the problem was that it SEGV'd?
dogbert17 yes, that was the original problem
jnthn So we can run the code and pass "Survived without SEGV" or so
dogbert17 I guess so
jnthn (well, explaining what we survived preferably)
dogbert17 yup 16:09
guess we need a moarvm bump first
jnthn ah, yes 16:10
Geth kudo/nom: 5401a1aa8f | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/Perl6/Optimizer.nqp
Generalize sink branch optimize logic.

  - QAST::Want
   <some node>
   QAST::Op p6sink
... (5 more lines)
kudo/nom: f8b3469439 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/Perl6/Actions.nqp
Only generate static inline info when native args.

Some years back, when Rakudo's optimizer was implemented, we didn't run on a VM that could do inlining. This is no longer the case, and it's much easier to do the analysis for correct semantic preservation in a VM and get it consistently right than it is in Rakudo. A VM can also only expend the effort on hot code. So, from now on we will only ... (7 more lines)
lizmat pulls and spectests 16:24
jnthn I get a coupe of passing todos in mine :) 16:27
yoleaux2 16:25Z <brrt> jnthn: what also leaks (at least indirectly) is the memory for the extension ops in the JIT
16:26Z <brrt> jnthn: the solution for that (and a bunch of other things) is to have a data segment and stash the extension ops memory there, which is something i've been meaning to implement
Geth ast: 57e5c39c7e | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S02-types/native.t
Unfudge now passing tests on Moar
lizmat jnthn: confirmed and unfudged for moar
dogbert17 jnthn: is this too sloppy? 16:34
is((for ^2000 { :port($_), :host("") ); CATCH {next}; next }), "", "Surviving without SEGV due to incorrect connect handling")'
jnthn dogbert17: I might write it like lives-ok { for ^2000 { ... } }, "Surviving..."; or so 16:42
lizmat: Nice :)
dogbert17 jnthn: will fix
jnthn dogbert17++
lizmat: fwiw, anywhere you were writing nqp::add($a, $a, 1) instead of $a++ 'cus it was slower in sink context, should now be safe to do $a++ again :) 16:43
lizmat well, ++$a, but yes :-) cool!
jnthn :) 16:44
lizmat but only in sink context ?
jnthn It was OK in non-sink before too :)
lizmat ah, ok
jnthn The problem was that it was a ton slower in sink contxt
As RT'd not so long ago
brokenchicken There's also this ticket if you're into making the Optimizer better today :) 16:46
jnthn I looked at that one 16:47
Will be harder.
brokenchicken if x {} is way slower than if x {} else {}; because the former gets `else { Empty }` attached to it so it could be used in lists. And optimizer can see if value isn't used and remove it
Ahhh. OK :)
dogbert17 jnthn, lizmat: this is an old optimizer bug isn't it 16:53
lizmat could be, seems to work ok now :-) 16:54
brokenchicken Seems still broken on 2017.01-121-gf94cb21 16:55
Hm. I recall trying to fix that bug and it's not even so much an optimizer bug but candidate resolution bug. 16:56
brokenchicken digs for another ticket
Hm. Well, it's this: 17:00
mst well, that's fascinating:
brokenchicken But it doesn't explain my findings for previous ticket and I'm 99.9999% sure I nuked the directory with my notes on my home box
jnthn Turns out one spectest file produces malfomred NFAs of the nature of the ones that make RT #130637 happen 17:01
synopsebot6 Link:
jnthn Except that case doesn't explode, apparently
brokenchicken As I recall it, the 128655 happens in BOOTSTRAP.nqp in find_best_dispatchee() the non-native candidate ends up being first in the list and that's why it's used. 17:02
jnthn mst: Fun. :S 17:06
TimToady jnthn: on the early vs late binding thing, that's why I tested Int() vs .Int, and was...disappointed...that Int was just as slow as the method call, which means it's probably delegating to the method internally, I suppose
jnthn TimToady: Yes, that form struck me as something we should be able to optimize better
TimToady: Though...can we always take a coercer as pure?
lizmat afk&
TimToady we always know the type lexically, I think 17:07
jnthn (I can't think of a reason we can't)
TimToady and I thought we even, at one point, stipulated that .Int could recognize itself as a coercion and optimize lexically, but maybe that never happened
jnthn mst: fwiw, we don't setenv anywhere in Perl 6 afaik; we slurp the environment up the first time it's requested, and for anything we spawn we construct the environment explicitly for the subprocess. 17:08
TimToady (and that if we really wanted to call an Int method we could force it with ."Int"
jnthn doesn't recall that, but if we know it's a coercer I guess we can 17:09
The whole coercion area is still in need of some attention..
dogbert17 brokenchicken, jnthn: where should I put the socket test, S32-io ? 17:10
TimToady so basically, treat .Int more as a postfix operator like .WHAT if we know the "Int" type
jnthn dogbert17: Somewhere under S32-io, I think. There's an IO-Socket-INET.t or so it can go at the end of
dogbert17 ok, PR coming up 17:11
brokenchicken bunch of socket files there :)
dogbert17: I have "tg" alias set to `tree -f | grep -i `; and 90% of the time I can find a good file to put the tests in by running that command with some relevant keywords 17:12
And the other 10% I use grep -Ri 'blah'
well, other 9.95%. And the other 0.05% I create new test files :) 17:13
TimToady alternately, we could have a different notation for postfix coercion than .
brokenchicken How about ♥?
TimToady looks at brokenchicken 17:14
brokenchicken m: sub infix:<♥> ($a, $b) { $a."{$b.^name}"() }; dd "42"♥Int
camelia rakudo-moar f8b346: OUTPUT«42␤»
brokenchicken hehe
TimToady we asked for easier to optimize, not harder... :P 17:15
jnthn Hmm, think I've found where :i <[A..F]>**2 ends up generating a bad NFA 17:17
dogbert17 heh, S32-io/IO-Socket-INET.t has never worked properly for me since my $* is ubuntu not linux 17:19
TimToady maintains a cordial hatred for case insensitivity... 17:20
[Coke] my least favorite CI problem is Cold Fusion's casual disregard for case on Struct keys. (which is fine if you're a standalone app that never interacts with other web services or javascript.) (and by fine I mean AAAAIGH) 17:24
dogbert17 m: grammar Grammar::Foo { rule TOP { 'z' | <unicode_escape> }; token unicode_escape { :i <[0..9a..f]> ** 4 }; }; my $res = Grammar::Foo.parse( "1234abcd" ) # TimToady mystery
camelia rakudo-moar f8b346: OUTPUT«(signal SEGV)»
ilmari m: dd [ $*, $*DISTRO.version, $*DISTRO.release ]
camelia rakudo-moar f8b346: OUTPUT«["opensuse", v13.2.Harlequin, "13.2"]␤»
ilmari shouldn't .version and .release be the other way around? 17:25
brokenchicken hm, on my box I get ["linux", v3.2.0.23.generic, "unknown"]
And on another box: ["debian", v8.jessie, "8"] 17:26
And on another boix: ["mswin32", v6.3, "unknown"] 17:27
And on another box: ["debian", v7.wheezy, "7"]
Hm, lsb_release -a gives me "7.2" for "Release:" on that last one 17:29
and Windows7 is really 6.3? I've been cheated!
jnthn dogbert17: I've fixed the SEGV on that one, it's just that if I commit that fix then we'll fail a spectest :) 17:30
('cus it catches a bad NFA we make in a test) 17:31
ilmari looking at Distro.BUILD, on linux it's putting the numeric one (VERSION_ID from /etc/os-release or Release: from lsb_release -a) in Str $.release and the the free-text one (VERSION from /etc/os-release or Description: from lsb_release -a) in Version $.version,
dogbert17 jnthn++ you're way to fast for me :) 17:35
jnthn I've got a fix in the NFA builder too that fixes the grammar in the RT. That's the good news.
Bad news is that we still get a spectest failure
After the added validation in Moar
Meaning that we misconstruct the NFA in some other place too
Geth ast: dogbert17++ created pull request #227:
Test moarvm 234
brokenchicken m: $*DISTRO.^methods.say 17:48
camelia rakudo-moar f8b346: OUTPUT«(BUILD cur-sep Str gist release is-win path-sep name auth version signature desc)␤»
ilmari m: dd $*DISTRO 17:49
camelia rakudo-moar f8b346: OUTPUT«Distro opensuse = => "13.2", is-win => Bool::False, path-sep => ":", name => "opensuse", auth => "", version => v13.2.Harlequin, signature => Blob, desc => "2017-01-31T18:49:09.293568+01:00")␤»
Geth ast: db09cd9fe2 | dogbert17++ | S32-io/IO-Socket-INET.t
Test moarvm 234 (#227)

  * Add ubuntu as a dist
  * Add test for MoarVM #234
ilmari dogbert17: that's not enough, any linux with /etc/os-release or lsb_release will have a more specific $* 17:51
Geth ast: 68a5c63f2f | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S32-io/IO-Socket-INET.t
Add `debian` to list of OSes
ilmari it would be nice to know if a distro is linux regardless of the name 17:53
brokenchicken That kinda sucks that we apparently don't have a way to $^O eq 'linux'
ilmari m: say $*VM.config<osname>
camelia rakudo-moar f8b346: OUTPUT«linux␤»
brokenchicken oh cool
ilmari (which is what Distro keys off to check /etc/os-release or `lsb_release`
m: say $*VM.config<osvers> # kernel version, as opposed to distro version 17:54
camelia rakudo-moar f8b346: OUTPUT«3.16.7-35-default␤»
brokenchicken j: say $*VM.config<osname>; say $*VM.config<osvers>
camelia rakudo-jvm fb4f16: OUTPUT«(Any)␤(Any)␤»
brokenchicken heh
ilmari s: Distro, "BUILD" 17:55
SourceBaby ilmari, Sauce is at
brokenchicken j: dd [ $*, $*DISTRO.version, $*DISTRO.release ]
camelia rakudo-jvm fb4f16: OUTPUT«["opensuse", v13.2.Harlequin, "13.2"]␤»
ilmari j: dd [ $*<>, $<os.version> ]
camelia rakudo-jvm fb4f16: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Variable '$VM' is not declared␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3dd [ $*<>, 7⏏5$<os.version> ]␤»
ilmari j: dd [ $*<>, $*<os.version> ] 17:56
camelia rakudo-jvm fb4f16: OUTPUT«["Linux", "3.16.7-42-default"]␤»
jnthn m: grammar Oops { token TOP { <?> | <.xdigit> ** 1..2 <.xdigit> } }; Oops.subparse('aaa'); 18:00
camelia ( no output )
jnthn That also makes a bad NFA
m: grammar Oops { token TOP { <?> | <.xdigit> ** 1..2 <.xdigit> } }; Oops.subparse('aaa') for ^1000;
camelia ( no output )
jnthn Though won't segv for some reason or other :)
brokenchicken m: grammar Oops { token TOP { <?> | <.xdigit> ** 1..2 <.xdigit> } }; Oops.subparse('aaa') for ^1000000; 18:01
camelia ( no output )
jnthn m: grammar Oops { token TOP { <?> | <.unknown> ** 1..2 <.unknown> } }; Oops.subparse('aaa') for ^1000; 18:02
camelia ( no output )
jnthn That also produces a bad NFA
xdigit doesn't have an NFA representation, it turns out
Which may well be a bug in of itself 18:03
oh wait, that doesn't even matter 18:06
m: grammar Oops { token TOP { <?> | 'a' ** 1..2 'a' } }; Oops.subparse('aaa'); # also a bad NFA 18:07
camelia ( no output )
TimToady m: grammar Oops { token TOP { <?> | 'a' ** 1..2 'a' } }; say Oops.subparse('aaa'); 18:08
camelia rakudo-moar f8b346: OUTPUT«「aaa」␤»
jnthn TimToady: It produces an NFA with an edge that goes to state 0, which doesn't exist, fwiw 18:10
TimToady which one, the <.xdigit>?
jnthn No, that 'a' ** 1..2 'a' one 18:11
TimToady the 'a' one works if you say it ^^^
jnthn Yeah
There's an EPSILON edge
It seems
That goes to 0
m: grammar Oops { token TOP { <?> | 'a' ** 1..2 'a' } }; say Oops.subparse('ab') 18:12
camelia rakudo-moar f8b346: OUTPUT«「」␤»
TimToady m: grammar Oops { token TOP { <?> | 'a' ** 1..2 'a' } }; say Oops.subparse('aab');
camelia rakudo-moar f8b346: OUTPUT«「」␤»
jnthn 18:13
That's the NQP_NFA_DEB output
TimToady weird 18:14
jnthn That 0 EPSILON is the problem one, I think
m: grammar Oops { token TOP { <?> | 'a' ** 1..2 'b' } }; say Oops.parse('ab')
camelia rakudo-moar f8b346: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
TimToady it oughta turn into 'a' 'a'? more or less
jnthn m: grammar Oops { token TOP { 'a' ** 1..2 'b' } }; say Oops.parse('ab')
camelia rakudo-moar f8b346: OUTPUT«「ab」␤»
jnthn Ah, I think that shows the bug
Suspect valgrind would whine about it too 18:15
TimToady how is that one a bug? 'ab' is a valid parse
oh, on the earlier one 18:16
jnthn Yeah, the one it gave Nil for, wrongly 18:19
TimToady wonders how much syntax-munging module code out there depends on unwarranted chumminess with dynvars 18:21
Geth pan style="color: #d55e83">geth: f3eec4957b | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 2 files
Report all authors when we don't print full commits
TimToady well, at least roast tests for none of %*LANG, %*PRAGMAS, or $*ACTIONS, so I suppose we can break any such modules with impunity :) 18:30
Geth geth: 4d9365aeb5 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | lib/Geth/Plugin/GitHub.pm6
jnthn Specteting what is hopefully a correct fix for the NFA thing 18:38
TimToady jnthn: what does the nqp equivalent of "$cursor but role :: [$a] { method actions { $a } }" look like? 18:40
jnthn but, not does? 18:41
Lemme find an example
Oh, actually the role startstop right at the top of src/Perl6/Grammar
TimToady oh, right 18:42
jnthn I don't think we do anonymous roles in NQP, but you can lexically scope it and give it a name
And then self.HOW.mixin(self, stop.HOW.curry(stop, $stop)) for exampoe
But that is "does" rather than "but"
TimToady I think I need non-mutating for this
jnthn For but, just nqp::clone first
my $foo := nqp::clone($cursor) 18:43
TimToady nod
jnthn $foo.HOW.mixin($foo, TheRole.HOW.curry(TheRole, $a)) or so
TimToady at the moment my patch is attempting to, er, patch all the returned $!actions values, which is fragile
and at the statement level it has to both rebless and set $!actions, so I'd like to get that back to a simple rebless 18:44
and save the cursor storage currentlly used (in my patch) for $!actions
and eventually do something similar for LANG and PRAGMA changes 18:45
so that the type of the cursor really does carry the current language, not just the current set of methods
Geth nqp: 9b57e4f83e | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/QRegex/NFA.nqp
Fix NFA construction for :i charrange.

Prior to the fix, it would produce zeroed states.
nqp: 485fce6d06 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/QRegex/NFA.nqp
Fix NFA generation for x ** 1..2.

Prior to this, it would produce an epsilon to a zero state, which would lead to wrong rejection.
TimToady hopefully the mixins are not the slow part of categoricals...
jnthn Hmmm : 18:47
They're at lesat somewhat responsible, but there's an amount of catching...
We use the mechanism for start/stop things and survive it :)
TimToady recalculating NFAs has gotta be a bigger part of it, I'd think 18:48
though if we have a per-type cache of NFA, this could trigger that as well
Geth rakudo: ronaldxs++ created pull request #1008:
New fancier fudgeandrun
jnthn Yeah, that's what I'm fearing
Well, we can try it and see
Can always hack some kind of "it's OK to steal the cache in this case" thing
TimToady well, the per-type is probably not quite the right peg, anyway
jnthn That also
TimToady yes, we need to reduce, reuse, and recycle :) 18:50
Geth nqp: 501c53f2ca | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | tools/build/MOAR_REVISION
Bump MOAR_REVISION socket, NFA fixes.
¦ nqp: version bump brought these changes:
TimToady but that probably means method dispatch to the "current language" again somehow 18:51
jnthn Goodness, nearly 8pm and I didn't start preparing dinner yet
TimToady such that new NFA needs are reflected by mixed-in methods
that might well speed up categoricals as well, which iiuc will force recalculation of all NFAs, not just the category's NFA 18:52
(in the current caching system) 18:53
but, hmm, we have to know the dependencies too... :/
Geth rakudo/nom: 9ed4449db5 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION
Bump NQP_REVISION, which also bumps MOAR_REVISION.

  * Fix leaks and an invalid read in synchronous sockets on errors
  * Fix NFA generation for the constructs `x ** 1..2` and `:i <[A..Z]>`,
   and harden NFA processing in MoarVM so as to not read out of bounds
... (5 more lines)
rakudo/nom: version bump brought these changes:
908621688b | (Ronald Schmidt)++ | t/fudgeandrun
TimToady jnthn: if you mix in a named role that was mixed in before, is it currently a no-op, or does it reorder dispatch to give the new (old) mixin's methods priority? 18:58
jnthn TimToady: Yes, the dependency tracking is the trickier bit that we need for this :)
Each mixin adds a new level of inheritance
There's no "do we already have this" check 18:59
So you'll always see the method of the latest mixin
m: role R[$a] { method m() { say $a } }; my $o =; $o does R[1]; $o.m; $o does R[2]; $o.m 19:00
camelia rakudo-moar f8b346: OUTPUT«1␤2␤»
jnthn Think that's what you're asking
Same semantics in NQP
brokenchicken m: role R[$a] { method m() { say $a } }; my $o =; $o does R[1]; $o.m; $o does R[2]; $o.m; say $o.^roles
camelia rakudo-moar f8b346: OUTPUT«1␤2␤((R[Int]) (R[Int]))␤»
jnthn m: role R[$a] { method m() { callsame; say $a } }; my $o =; $o does R[1]; $o.m; $o does R[2]; $o.m 19:02
camelia rakudo-moar f8b346: OUTPUT«1␤1␤2␤»
TimToady so maybe we'd need a (mixed-in) method that returns the type to cache the NFA under, so we know which mixin levels mutate the NFA and which don't
TimToady suspects TANSTAAFL here... 19:03
well, we're already mixing in for categoricals, so it'd be easy to put a method there that says "It's me! It's me!" 19:06
jnthn Something like that, yeah 19:08
Righty, really off to cook
Will add the tests for the stuff I just commited above later
TimToady unfortunately, some action mixins might change the structure of the tree that will eventually make the NFA, so we'd need to be able to distinguish those from action mixins that don't influence the NFA 19:12
well, let's get the mutable cursor version working first as a baseline 19:18
rakudo/nom: 084cae1443 | (Ronald Schmidt)++ | t/fudgeandrun
fudgeandrun port to windows
rakudo/nom: 0152316f56 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/fudgeandrun
Merge pull request #1008 from ronaldxs/new-fancier-fudgeandrun

New fancier fudgeandrun
dogbert17 brokenchicken: should we change S32-io/IO-Socket-INET.t to use Ilmari's suggestion instead? 19:32
brokenchicken dogbert17: which was it, the linux distname thing? Yeah. Be sure to include both moarvm and JVM versions since apparently the keys where that info is at differ 19:33
[Tux] This is Rakudo version 2017.01-127-g0152316f5 built on MoarVM version 2017.01-25-g70d4bd53 19:39
csv-ip5xs 2.787
test 12.223
test-t 4.869
csv-parser 13.699
second run was
brokenchicken wooooooooooo \o/
[Coke] jnthn: perl6-doc's coke/bughunt branch still dying with weird Promise errors as of 2017.01-108-g7e98504 20:06
Looks like the segfaults might be gone.
mr_ron brokenchicken: just read your comment on moving fudgeandrun to roast. Understand the concern but think issue of simplifying running roast tests still valid. What about an 'impl' option for fudgeandrun similar to 'backend=(moar|jvm) but for other implementations/backends? Are there other implementations being actively tested on roast? 20:11
brokenchicken mr_ron: I know of one active closed-source impl but IIRC they aren't yet at roast-testing stage. IMO it's fine to just add a --compiler option that defaults to rakudo. I dunno what pmichaud or other @LARRYs would think about it :) 20:13
[Coke] fudge already takes an implementation name - this script can default to rakudo and pass it through unchanged, that's fine 20:29
mr_ron Coke: familiar now a bit with fudgeandrun but not following what you said. The "fudge" program mentions a .spec_config file but I haven't actually seen one of those. 20:36
brokenchicken mr_ron: FWIW, in our main we support perl's as early as 5.10.1; In case you wanted to maintain that in fudgerun too (I noticed a s///r, which is from 5.14) 20:37
mr_ron OK will fix - hopefully today. 20:38
[Coke] mr_ron: don't think rakudo uses that, no. but fudge still takes an "implementation" parameter to know what it should be fudging for. 20:42
a generic fudgeandrun tool should do the same.
mr_ron fudgeandrun takes a backend and the suggestion was to add a compiler. So we can do compiler.backend. In the case of rakudo the backend default is parsed from 'perl6 --version'. For other compilers the backend can default to '' so $impl would be just the compiler but they could add a backend too. 20:47
Coke: fudgeandrun cares a bit about what kind compiler it is running since it has to run it at some point. fudge doesn't run the implementation. I can do either or both of a --compiler and/or --impl but for now compiler seems enough. Do you still feel we need --impl? 21:06
[Coke] ... fudge absolutely cares about the implementation, or else how does it know what to fudge? 21:11
not backend. implementaiton.
so, 'rakudo' or 'rakudo.jvm' or 'pugs' or 'niecza'
if the tool lives in rakudo, we can take shortcuts. if it lives in roast, we cannot (although it is acceptable to have rakudo as a well documented default) 21:12
I mean, maybe we're agreeing.
I leave it to you; if brokenchicken and I didn't explain our concerns well enough, we'll comment on the PR. 21:13
mr_ron with an added --compiler option fudgeandrun would continue to make implementation=compiler[.backend]? with compiler defaulting to rakudo (it wouldn't be hard to check). So fudgeandrun sets an implementation it just conceptually divides it into two peices - compiler and backend. Adding another --impl beyond that seems more complicated than needed. 21:24
Some documentation in fudgeandrun that implementation=compiler[.backend]? might help clarify 21:27
dogbert17 brokenchicken: you there? 21:29
anyone knows what the option --keep-exit-code is used for by harness5 ? I can't see that the program supports that option but I might be blind 21:31
mr_ron --keep-exit-code is used by fudge. I don't see it referenced directly in t/harness5 in the rakudo rep 21:36
dogbert17 mr_ron: if I run, e.g. 'make t/spec/S32-num/rand.t' the command that is actually run (it's written out on stdout) is 21:40
/usr/bin/perl t/harness5 --fudge --moar --keep-exit-code --verbosity=1 t/spec/S32-num/rand.t
it looks as if --keep-exit-code is sent to harness5 21:41
or is it passed through somehow 21:43
yes it is, sorry for the noise 21:44
Geth nqp/master: 14 commits pushed by (Pawel Murias)++
brokenchicken dogbert17: I am now. 22:14
dogbert17: the --keep-exit-code is passed to t/spec/fudgeall IIRC 22:15
and there it's used to output proper exit code instead of a failing one. And I've no idea why that even exists
[Coke] keep-exit-code was added in 2008 to allow fudged but otherwise passing files to report pass. (otherwise they failed because they weren't "clean") 22:26 - added by [particle]
(and it was originally part of the pugs svn repo, is how old that is) 22:27
and i added .spec_config support (
must have been when dealing with the pugs/niecza/rakudo simultaneously.
Geth roast: bb73a8947a | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | S05-metasyntax/longest-alternative.t
Tests to cover RT #130637.
synopsebot6 Link:
mr_ron Is there an actual .spec_config file to look at or documentation? I checked the niecza repo and didn't see anything ... 22:32
anyone - does .spec_config have a known standard format? 22:38
jnthn There we go, that's RT #130637 sorted. 22:43
synopsebot6 Link:
lizmat wonders if that fixes HARNESS_TYPE=6 22:45
as that is also using a relatively small grammar to parse TAP
jnthn No, this was pretty much reliable SEGV every single time if it happened. :) 22:56
And needed the two very specific constructs in the tests
Or it just didn't match at all
So, unlikely, sadly
Geth nqp: 34a05465e8 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | docs/ops.markdown
Add rudimentary docs for `locallifetime`
brokenchicken spots a week-old mergeable?
nfa debugger negative offsets 22:59
lizmat jnthn: too bad :-)
jnthn brokenchicken: I think that was fixing debug output...can be merged I think 23:06
Sleep time for me. 'night o/
Geth nqp: 0e8d180c56 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/QRegex/NFA.nqp
make nfa debugger resistant to negative indents

in at least one case $ind reached far into the negatives, and before this patch it'd just straight-up crash during debug output.
nqp: 213f551568 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/QRegex/NFA.nqp
Merge pull request #344 from perl6/robust_dentin_dentout

make nfa debugger resistant to negative indents
brokenchicken night
lizmat jnthn: night! 23:10
Geth rakudo/nom: b9d9279a6d | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Rakudo/
Some R:It.Rotor fixes

  - fix off-by-one error in legality of negative gaps
  - fix off-by-one error in error reporting of illegal negative gap
  - remove superfluous call to .key, which we already did before
[Coke] mr_ron: I see no remnants of .spec_config. Feel free to remove it. 23:28
(checked in a few repos)