Perl 6 language and compiler development | Logs at | For toolchain/installation stuff see #perl6-toolchain | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
tbrowder_ lizmat: don’t know how you do it but the p6 weekly is always well-done and very informative, thanks for the hard but very useful work! 11:50
lizmat tbrowder_: thank you 11:51
MasterDuke you know i was just thinking yesterday that the only two open source communities i've ever got involved in in any way are perl 6 and kde. both in no small part because they have good regular updates easily available 11:55
|Tux| Rakudo version 2018.06-490-g82755848c - MoarVM version 2018.06-437-g5bfad12bb
csv-ip5xs0.957 - 0.960
csv-ip5xs-207.773 - 8.512
csv-parser23.302 - 24.005
csv-test-xs-200.441 - 0.462
test9.325 - 9.753
test-t2.155 - 2.189
test-t --race0.914 - 0.919
test-t-2036.690 - 37.260
test-t-20 --race11.861 - 12.009
Geth nqp: 09bf927e61 | MasterDuke17++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 3 files
Remove some unused JVM interop ops (#498)
MasterDuke lizmat, et al.: any further thoughts on ? 12:18
lizmat MasterDuke: believe it or not, but I'm again about to be on the road until later tonight 12:20
been too busy with other things
timotimo lizmat: i don't fully agree with your suggestion to use the existing constant folding
lizmat timotimo: why ? 12:21
timotimo because it'll turn the result into a WVal containing a Range object
lizmat yes
MasterDuke lizmat: no worries
timotimo though i suppose you could then call its methods to find out what the range endpoints are
i expect there was some reason for not wanting to fiddle with the WVal Range when that was implemented, but i don't remember :|
lizmat ah, ok, I see that "my $a = 1..10" codegens to infix:<..>(1,10) 12:22
but that also means that "my $a = 1..10 + 1" could be codegenned into infix:<..>(2,11) , right 12:23
instead of codegenning it to a constant Range 12:24
timotimo that'd require an extra opt pass somewhere 12:25
it'd look a little like the junction folding opt
travis-ci NQP build failed. MasterDuke17 'Remove some unused JVM interop ops (#498)' 12:26
lizmat so why don't we codegen ",10)" into a single WVal, instead of calling with 2 WVals ? 12:34
is it because it wouldn't make any ses
sense in the precomp case?
commuting& 12:35
travis-ci NQP build failed. MasterDuke17 'Remove some unused JVM interop ops (#498)' 13:10
Geth nqp/truffle: d8d27a8d5c | (Daniel Green)++ | 4 files
[truffle] Implement nqp::<bitor bitand bitxor>_s
Geth rakudo: jstuder-gh++ created pull request #2240:
Make native arrays throw when storing lazy Seq
lizmat . 20:09
Geth nqp: tbrowder++ created pull request #499:
add some more nqp examples
travis-ci NQP build failed. MasterDuke17 'Remove some unused JVM interop ops (#498)' 21:11
Geth rakudo: 0f05d27c36 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/BagHash.pm6
Prevent confusion with Iterator role
tbrowder_ anyone: is the travis jvm failure a show-stopper for my nqp PR? moarvm is fine 21:22
i didn't change nqp code, just added a few examples 21:23
i'll merge later unless i hear a nay 21:24
lizmat tbrowder_: it was MasterDuke's last commit that caused the Travis noise 21:25
please merge, looks ok to me from casual observation
tbrowder_ ok, they work fine on last stable release, thnx 21:26
Geth nqp: 096670f0a7 | (Tom Browder)++ | 4 files
add some more nqp examples
nqp: da885a2bda | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 4 files
Merge pull request #499 from tbrowder/examples

add some more nqp examples
¦ roast: tbrowder self-assigned Rename module suffixes from .pm to .pm6 21:32
lizmat is too knackered to look at code 21:33
tbrowder_ i'm warning all that i'm changing roast ".pm" files to ".pm6" per roast issue GH#464 (2 up-votes plus an ok by @JJ). it will be in a PR, but please stop me early if you don't think it is wise to continue. the PR will be tested against the current master branch. 21:35
synopsebot GH#464 [closed]: Add can-ok subroutine
travis-ci NQP build failed. Tom Browder 'Merge pull request #499 from tbrowder/examples 21:43
AlexDaniel tbrowder_: you mean NQP#464 22:51
synopsebot NQP#464 [open]: Fix issue with building nqp-js on Windows
AlexDaniel no…
tbrowder_: you mean ROAST#464
tbrowder_: you mean SPEC#464
synopsebot SPEC#464 [open]: Rename module suffixes from .pm to .pm6
AlexDaniel there it is!! :)
tbrowder_ yes, sorry 22:52 22:54
AlexDaniel .tell pmurias this test does not pass on jvm 22:56
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to pmurias.
AlexDaniel tbrowder_: hm, are you sure that's on rakudo HEAD? 23:01
tbrowder_: go ahead and rename .pm files, I see no problem with that 23:02
yes it will make git history a tiny bit more complex, but that's ok 23:03
tbrowder_ well, i just checked out master branch, fetched and pulled from upstream, and configured for a local build. i did notice during the build that there were some msgs about checkng out certain branches of nqp, etc. 23:07
the usual
AlexDaniel tbrowder_: that's very interesting… 23:09
because just a few commits ago it was clean for me (for the release)
tbrowder_ ok, i’ll use the release and see what happens... 23:10
MasterDuke hm, npq passed `make j-test` locally when i made that commit 23:11
yoleaux 19:31Z <uzl> MasterDuke: `if ($number ~~ s/^E//) {`, I don't remember the error correctly but I was getting something related to globbing, which was fixed after adding the parenthesis. It was probably not related though.
19:32Z <uzl> MasterDuke: I usually put the spaces around the variables in the hash accesses to make them easier to read. Are there occasions when these spaces make a difference?
19:33Z <uzl> MasterDuke: `grep: { $_ }`. The thing is that the array shouln't be a number but an Assignment object. `%!assignments<Homework>[1..*]` is meant to skip the zeroth element (a whole number) which keeps tracked of the number of assignments. I didn't know about `.skip` so I'll look into it.
19:34Z <uzl> MasterDuke: I don't know why but I always get ARGS and ARGV (which I think isn't a thing in P6) confused. Anyway...Thanks for taking the time to proofread it. Really appreciate it. I've updated the post to reflect your corrections.
AlexDaniel tbrowder_: git checkout release-2018.08
tbrowder_: in rakudo repo
tbrowder_: then later use `git checkout master` to go back 23:12
tbrowder_ ok, thnx
AlexDaniel MasterDuke: I'm also trying to figure out the meaning of this
MasterDuke: any comments?
I *think* everything looked good for the release, but maybe not? 23:13
I just tried buliding r-j on the release branch and there were some errors…
MasterDuke there is no Ops.istype_nodecont, it's Ops.istype_nd
AlexDaniel MasterDuke: so how did it work in the past 23:15
tbrowder_ git checkout release-2018.08
MasterDuke dunno. rebuilding everything now to see what's up 23:16
tbrowder_ duh, wrong window :D
MasterDuke but i think the *_nd stuff is pretty new
jnthn The various _nd (no-decont) forms appeared as part of rescalar
I'm pretty sure there weren't any before that 23:17
Geth rakudo/release-2018.08: 11f19025ca | (Daniel Green)++ (committed by Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev) | src/vm/jvm/runtime/org/perl6/rakudo/
Unbreak the JVM build
AlexDaniel MasterDuke: thanks 23:20
MasterDuke 23:23
so it was renamed to istype_nd in nqp ~2 weeks ago, but that change didn't make it to rakudo until my recent commit 23:25
huh. i do now get `t/nqp/081-radix.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 208 Failed: 1) Failed test: 203` as well as `t/qregex/01-qregex.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 782 Failed: 0) TODO passed: 663` (before i just got the 01-qregex.t TODO passed 23:35
AlexDaniel MasterDuke: yeah but that's 23:41
maybe it flaps or something?
Geth nqp: b335d22f8b | (Daniel Green)++ | t/qregex/rx_modifiers
Unfudge now passing test for JVM