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Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev '[NQP Bump] c585cc5f3 [MoarVM Bump] Brings 5 co […] 00:10
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually. 00:10
AlexDaniel feel free to commit to master once moar is released, I'll be available much later today 07:17
timotimo we can commit to master once moar 10:23
lizmat m: dd "%0{"foo"}b" # why isn't this saying "%0foob" ? 10:44
camelia Use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context.
Methods .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can be used to stringify it to something meaningful.
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
lizmat aaaahhh... ok, got it I guess... %0 is an existing hash 10:45
m: dd %0
camelia Hash % = {}
jnthn Yeah, %0 is, I think, just $0.hash 11:11
lizmat yeah.. it's a bit of a WAT when trying to create format strings that start %0 :-)
%0{ $buf.elems * 8 }b 11:12
being the original use case
jnthn q:c 11:21
lizmat m: say q:c/%0{"foo"}b/ # indeed, jnthn++ 11:23
camelia %0foob
lizmat (as in only interpolate code blocks and nothing else}
jnthn It will recognize backslash sequences too 11:24
Q:c/.../ if you don't want those either
lizmat m: my int $bits = 65; dd 1 +< $bits # jnthn: is this intentional, or is this a bug ? 11:36
camelia 2
lizmat m: my Int $bits = 65; dd 1 +< $bits # jnthn: works as expected if it is an Int 11:37
camelia 36893488147419103232
jnthn You've already declared yourself in `int` land, so overflow is legic there 11:38
lizmat ok, so intended
just checking :-)
|Tux| Rakudo version 2018.11-88-g6e7893bd3 - MoarVM version 2018.120
csv-ip5xs0.919 - 0.928
csv-ip5xs-207.048 - 7.279
csv-parser21.666 - 22.045
csv-test-xs-200.427 - 0.430
test6.937 - 7.099
test-t1.709 - 1.737
test-t --race0.759 - 0.783
test-t-2029.193 - 30.092
test-t-20 --race9.394 - 9.505
s/2018.120/2018.12/ 14:01
lizmat commute to meeting& 14:35
Geth rakudo/master: 33 commits pushed by (Nick Logan)++, (Stefan Seifert)++
roast: ugexe++ created pull request #505:
Add CUR tests
roast/master: 5 commits pushed by (Nick Logan)++
travis-ci Rakudo build passed. Nick Logan 'Merge pull request #1812 from rakudo/cur-candidates' 16:01
samcv AlexDaniel, can i just replace the 2018.12 release with a new tar? 16:22
if none of the files inside it have changed?
lucasb out of curiosity, did you spot some problem with the current tarball? 16:58
japhb .tell lizmat Actually, I think `my int $bits = 65; dd 1 +< $bits` ==> 2 is in fact a bug, unless we have decided +< on int has rotation semantics, rather than shift. Otherwise it should be 0 (all 1 bits have shifted entirely off to the left, rather than reappearing on the right when they exited on the left) 18:51
yoleaux japhb: I'll pass your message to lizmat.
AlexDaniel samcv: no, can't change the file 19:59
e.g. undersightable6 will not like it 20:01
japhb I suspect some behavior changed with the CUR merge that is not accounted by zef. Building a fresh Rakudo, then zef, then modules that depend on *both* JSON::Fast and JSON::Marshall gets errors during testing that JSON::Marshall cannot find JSON::Fast (which has been tested earlier due to dependency order but not yet installed because they're all part of the same zef install request). 21:17
Geth roast: 5671073cb0 | (Nick Logan)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | S11-repository/cur-candidates.t
Remove invalid test
rakudo: f430518f56 | (Nick Logan)++ | 2 files
Revert "Revert "Remove Distribution and CURI.install compat shims""

This reverts commit c23ee2483789e7e19991cb18b65c1feaba521cc1.
rakudo: d998c1eabf | (Nick Logan)++ | 2 files
Fix version detection and comparison

This fixes version comparison when a distribution from CURFS has a version of '*', such as when using -Ilib (like zef does during testing).
japhb nine: Are you ready for a retest? Or still working on it? 23:52