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Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
timotimo hm, the other day i meant to check if many of the int arrays we serialize would benefit from something like delta encoding 00:55
we already have varint encoding, afaik
at some point when we were talking about the unicode database or something someone brought up a compression/decompression thing for lists of integers that was supposedly very good
was it samcv?
just looking at the 'net right now points me at TurboPFor, which has some simd optimizations and such 01:04
AlexDaniel huh, there's a way to add github labels automatically? 10:15
ah, that comes from issue templates 10:16
lizmat Files=1262, Tests=87961, 369 wallclock secs (20.06 usr 6.00 sys + 2630.00 cusr 228.67 csys = 2884.73 CPU) 10:58
much better
AlexDaniel weekly: nine++ worked hard on fixing issues on big endian systems 11:50
notable6 AlexDaniel, Noted!
Geth nqp: 9b1b18ab67 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/vm/moar/QAST/QASTOperationsMAST.nqp
Unmap obsolete mastto* ops
lizmat m: dd Array:D ~~ List; dd Array:D ~~ List:D # feels to me both should be True ? 14:24
camelia Bool::True
lizmat m: class A { }; class B is A { }; dd B:D ~~ A; dd B:D ~~ A:D # guess it's systemic 14:25
camelia Bool::True
Geth roast: 249bf80b05 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S02-types/WHICH.t
Remove mention of ForeignCode

As discussed in
roast/6.c-errata: 7d5fd40040 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S02-types/WHICH.t
Remove mention if Foreigncode

As discussed in
rakudo: 01d2e11c88 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/List.pm6
Add return types to List signatures
[Tux] Rakudo version 2018.12-80-g87698317a - MoarVM version 2018.12-12-g77ac5ef61
csv-ip5xs0.927 - 0.945
csv-ip5xs-206.935 - 7.353
csv-parser22.610 - 24.068
csv-test-xs-200.436 - 0.441
test6.974 - 7.110
test-t1.851 - 1.873
test-t --race0.845 - 0.857
test-t-2031.204 - 31.753
test-t-20 --race9.682 - 10.051
b2gills lizmat: Array:D is still a :U. That is to say that while :D form only matches definite things, it isn't itself definite. So `Any:D ~~ Any:D` should return `False` for any value of `Any` 18:46
lizmat b2gills: but that implies you cannot use a List.method(List:D:) signature for a method that can also be called on definite Arrays :-( 19:18
m: class A { method a(A:D:) { 42 } }; class B is A { }; dd # or does it ? hmmmm 19:20
camelia 42
lizmat notable6: weekly 21:13
notable6 lizmat, 6 notes:
b2gills m: say ~~ List:D 21:26
camelia True
lizmat .ask pmurias why do you think BINARY_ENDIAN_NATIVE is useless ? nqp f82058fc739db76c0 21:27
yoleaux lizmat: I'll pass your message to pmurias.
lizmat AlexDaniel: let's pick up with the ticket status in the next P6W, ok ? 21:53
AlexDaniel: possibly with a Dec and 2018 overview ?
Geth nqp: db66f21ac1 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Revert "[moar] Remove useless constant BINARY_ENDIAN_NATIVE"

This reverts commit f82058fc739db76c0be8db1d6bdc6cc1c8bb1618.
lizmat and yet another Perl 6 weekly hits the Net: 22:29
Ven`` I didn't know :( 22:35
Geth rakudo: 32c10e3ccb | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION
Bump NQP to get *all* of the nqp::const::BINARY_ constant

  pmurias++ for implementing them!
rakudo: version bump brought these changes:
420abcb973 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Buf.pm6
lizmat argh, that should have read nqp::const::BINARY_ 22:49
notable6: weekly reset 22:50
notable6 lizmat, Moved existing notes to “weekly_2018-12-30T22:50:15Z”
lizmat afk& 23:06
timotimo interesting, python has a proposal for getting a ?. syntax 23:26
not very much like the .? that we have 23:27
jnthn timotimo: What are the proposed semantics? 23:28
timotimo The "None-aware attribute access" operator ?. ("maybe dot") evaluates the complete expression if the left hand side evaluates to a value that is not None
they'll also have ?? and ??= for "return lhs if it's not None, otherwise rhs" and ?[] which will only eval a subscript if the lhs is not noen 23:29