Perl 6 language and compiler development | Logs at | For toolchain/installation stuff see #perl6-toolchain | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
Geth rakudo: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #2597:
Don't add concreteness guard if return value = Nil
Geth rakudo: JJ++ created pull request #2600:
Change to actual variable name
lizmat Files=1264, Tests=88013, 371 wallclock secs (19.91 usr 5.67 sys + 2652.10 cusr 222.14 csys = 2899.82 CPU) 09:33
Geth rakudo: 66f746923b | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/core/Main.pm6
Change to actual variable name

  $? would refer to a compile-time variable which does not actually exist.
rakudo: 2b948fc38b | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/core/Main.pm6
Merge pull request #2600 from JJ/patch-3

Change to actual variable name
|Tux| Rakudo version 2018.12-185-g2b948fc38 - MoarVM version 2018.12-19-gec8a240e3
csv-ip5xs0.920 - 0.925
csv-ip5xs-206.802 - 7.052
csv-parser22.417 - 23.318
csv-test-xs-200.437 - 0.440
test6.984 - 7.713
test-t1.866 - 1.891
test-t --race0.831 - 0.856
test-t-2030.855 - 31.716
test-t-20 --race9.537 - 9.595
SqrtNegInf bisectable6: old=2018.11 for 1..3 { { say $_; last } if $_ == 2 } 13:36
bisectable6 SqrtNegInf, Bisecting by output (old=2018.11 new=2b948fc) because on both starting points the exit code is 0
SqrtNegInf, bisect log:
SqrtNegInf, (2019-01-07)
AlexDaniel 6c: for 1..3 { { say $_; last } if $_ == 2 } 13:37
committable6 AlexDaniel,
AlexDaniel SqrtNegInf: yes… ticket it, please!
jnthn m: for 1..3 { { say $_; last } if $_ == 2 } 13:39
camelia True
jnthn Huh, what does a block like that with a trailing if even mean?
AlexDaniel `{ foo } if $x` is same as `foo if $x` 13:40
except that you can put multiple expressions in there
I do use that in my code, fwiw
SqrtNegInf Done
jnthn Wow...I highly suspect that is an accidental feature.
jnthn And, apparently, not part of spec 13:41
AlexDaniel greppable6: \}\sif
greppable6 AlexDaniel, 114 lines, 51 modules:
AlexDaniel jnthn: it could be part of spec, just without using the $_
jnthn Hm, possibly 13:42
AlexDaniel mentioned in the docs too:
and that's me using it :) 13:43
jnthn I guess it kinda makes sense.
AlexDaniel I guess in many cases it makes sense to flip it around, not sure why I wrote it that way there
jnthn Yeah, even knowing it's legal, I'm doubtful I'd use it
Of course, will look into it, at least once I'm done with my current mystery :) 13:44
Geth rakudo: AlexDaniel assigned to jnthn Issue Scope flattening causes inner scope to lose value of topic variable
7aa796a90e | (Daniel Green)++ | src/vm/moar/spesh-plugins.nqp

The guard set doesn't end up matching the values being passed, so the plugin is repeatedly called when it shouldn't be.
AlexDaniel SqrtNegInf: I'm curious, how did you find it? 13:45
SqrtNegInf I do daily smoke-testing on Perl 6 tasks from Rosetta-Code. Though this particular item was not part of the task itself, but my own testing procedure. 13:47
AlexDaniel interesting 13:48
SqrtNegInf TBH, though I thought the problem worth mentioning here, I replaced that particular construction. 13:49
noname hi 14:21
AlexDaniel noname: hi! 14:39
rakudo: 05cc8cd527 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/vm/moar/spesh-plugins.nqp
Merge pull request #2597 from MasterDuke17/fix_R#2593

Don't add concreteness guard if return value = Nil
timotimo MasterDuke++ 15:49
lizmat m: dd ::("Int:D") # shouldn't that just work ? 16:11
camelia => => "Int:D"), backtrace =>
jnthn Don't think so 16:13
There's no symbol of that name
By that argument ::("Array[Int]") also should, among other things 16:14
Um, if we argued that Int:D should work, I mean.
lizmat ok, so given a string "Int", can one create the type Int:D ?
or is there no such thing ? 16:15
jnthn First resolve the string into the Int type object, and then something like Metamodel::DefiniteHOW.new_type(:base_type(::('Int')), :definite) 16:17
Well, I put the resolution of the string in there
lizmat ok, gotcha 16:23
couldn't we make a Mu.method out of that ?
jnthn No, I think MOP is appropriate here 16:26
Adding an extra method to every single object that exists is a bit much when this is the first time it's been asked for 16:27
lizmat ok 16:30
lizmat m: sub a(Int:D(Any) $foo) { }; dd &a.signature.params.head 17:22
camelia Parameter $foo = Int:D(Any):D $foo
lizmat that feels wrong
Kaiepi Int:D(Any)? 17:38
lizmat yeah, I think it should say that 17:40
m: sub a(Int:D(Any):D $foo) { }
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Multiple type smileys cannot be used
at <tmp>:1
------> 3sub a(Int:D(Any):D7⏏5 $foo) { }
lizmat otherwise it won't roundtrip 17:41
Geth rakudo: 7dea20aba1 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Parameter.pm6
Parameter.$!nominal_type is always bound

So no need for decont()ing. Also add some comments to make sense of the bitmap values.
Geth rakudo: df8c578066 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Parameter.pm6
Use clearer bit shifting instructions

Because they are constant folded anyway.
timotimo oh, they are? cool! 18:43
oh, it's a "my constant" so it's compile-time evaluated
regardless of any constant folding the optimizer might do 18:44
lizmat if you just use it in "my $a = 1 +< 24", it's *also* constant folded 18:46
timotimo that's good, too
Geth nqp: 7d9bb54cc2 | usev6++ | src/vm/jvm/QAST/Compiler.nqp
[jvm] Add BINARY_* constants

BINARY_ENDIAN_* is even used for the enum Endian in Rakudo, so the JVM backend should provide them, too.
AlexDaniel releasable6: status 21:19
releasable6 AlexDaniel, Next release in ≈8 days and ≈21 hours. 4 blockers. 0 out of 189 commits logged
AlexDaniel, Details:
patrickb I got my C replacement for the current shell based runner working. :-D 21:31
MasterDuke cool 21:36
Geth nqp: c47cd9b1ca | MasterDuke17++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | docs/ops.markdown
Remove unneeded word in atkey_u description
patrickb And that runner is relocatable. Some work and more testing still remains though... 21:45
Done for today. Good night everyone! 21:46
timotimo .tell patrickb that sounds great already! \o/ 21:48
yoleaux timotimo: I'll pass your message to patrickb.
Geth rakudo: 3d3578b605 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Parameter.pm6
First stab at making Parameter a first class citizen

You can now call with the following named parameters:
   name the name of the variable (including any sigil, twigil and
   postfix of optional "?" or mandatory "!" and any ":" prefix
   to indicate a named parameter.
... (16 more lines)
lizmat and that concludes my hacking fo today 22:28
good night, #perl6-dev
MasterDuke fo sho 22:30