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Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
Kaiepi since i'm starting my grant work as soon as i finish parallelizing feed operators and supporting <<== and ==>>, there's something i want to ask 04:39
i don't like how IO::Socket::INET has two separate host and port named arguments when the :listen argument should be enough to determine if the socket is a server or a client 04:40
is this something i can change for v6.e?
Kaiepi is there something i'm doing wrong in R#2951? 14:04
#2591 14:05
timotimo synopsebot is down
Kaiepi oh
timotimo also needs "git submodule update" inside rakudo perhaps? 14:06
Kaiepi tried that
Kaiepi OH 14:08
trying it again it works now
vrurg Kaiepi: you probably ran in a directory which wasn't updated for long. 14:15
Geth ¦ rakudo: timo assigned to vrurg Issue "use v6.*" no longer works 14:19
timotimo i hope that's fine ^ 14:20
vrurg timotimo: thanks! Will take care ASAP. 14:22
timotimo TYVM
lizmat # vrurg ? 20:56
vrurg lizmat: I'm afraid it's not something anyhow famimilar to me. No slightest idea of what it could be. 21:30
lizmat vrurg: ok, I'll tell the op to make a ticket 21:31
Geth ¦ rakudo: vrurg self-assigned :D subset type constraints erroneously typecheck True against themselves 22:15
jnthn vrurg: Will take a look at the problem-solving issue tomorrow; today ended up rather busy 22:26
vrurg jnthn: NP, thanks!
I've got enough other problems to work on already. ;) 22:27
jnthn Kaiepi: One option for INET::Socket::INET would be to introduce alternative construction methods (like IO::Socket::Async has listen/connect callable on the type object) that encode the server/client side in the constructor's method name 22:38
*IO::Socket::INET 22:39
In fact, aligning that more with IO::Socket::Async may make sense, in that the latter was based on "what should a Perl 6 API look like for this", whereas I think IO::Socket::INET was more influenced by history. :) 22:40
I'd avoid back-compat breaks if we can.