[Tux] | This is Rakudo version 2016.05-6-g2c45068 built on MoarVM version 2016.05 | 06:11 | |
test 20.440 | |||
test-t 13.533 | |||
csv-parser 35.139 | |||
nine | AlexDaniel: please don't | 06:21 | |
AlexDaniel | nine: ok, but what's your reasoning? | 09:05 | |
llfourn | I think it's not worth it because git blame etc is less clear if there's a bunch of lines changed with "whitespace removal" as the commit | 09:21 | |
brrt | also, very difficult to check all these files by hand if there are no sudden and unexpected changes of semantics | 09:25 | |
which would be bad | |||
AlexDaniel | llfourn: git blame -w | 09:33 | |
llfourn | AlexDaniel: cool didn't know about that thx! | 09:34 | |
AlexDaniel | brrt: you mean when whitespace is part of the test? I've checked the diffs. | 09:35 | |
brrt | i know. but i haven't | ||
and neither has anyone else | |||
llfourn wonders if he can do git blame -w with magit | 09:36 | ||
brrt | probably an emacs variable you can define | ||
llfourn | actually it's built into magit magit-blame-popup lets you enable it :) | 09:39 | |
AlexDaniel | llfourn: also, if you're using github, then just add ?w=1 to the url | ||
llfourn | nice. | 09:40 | |
brrt | i'm no authority AlexDaniel, it may be worth it | 09:45 | |
but i wouldn't be able to tell you | |||
AlexDaniel | my problem with it is that a lot of people have their editors set up in such a way that trailing whitespace is shown in red. When you open a file that has a lot of that, it shines up like a christmas tree and makes you cringe… It looks a bit unprofessional, IMO | 10:13 | |
another point is that people tend to delete trailing whitespace anyway, e.g. see github.com/perl6/roast/commit/25c4...36a9e96R52 | |||
so it pollutes the diffs anyway, it is just spread across many commits | 10:14 | ||
.oO( bikeshedding again… ) |
stmuk | I don't understand why anyone would care about trailing whitespace | 10:30 | |
RabidGravy | I've worked with people who get quite agitated about it | 10:35 | |
jnthn | Some quite widely used editors will also put whitespace characters on an "empty" line that correspond to the indent of code lines above/below. | 10:36 | |
stmuk | I've worked with people who wouldn't eat different coloured vegetables which touched as well :) | 10:37 | |
jnthn | And that is often counted as "trailing whitespace" too. :/ | ||
stmuk | I'd be annoyed by trailing whitespace at the end of a file (more common with emacs users than vim) | 10:38 | |
RabidGravy | stmuk, I think I recall the person in question | 10:39 | |
AlexDaniel | stmuk: why? | 10:42 | |
stmuk: I mean, why is it worse than 5 extra spaces at the end of some line | |||
no newline at the end of a file – I get that, some tools freak out because of that | 10:43 | ||
RabidGravy | I keep meaning to go through the moar source to fix that, there's quite a few files that a C compiler of a certain vintage moans about | 10:58 | |
brrt | the same c compiler that complains about %ld not being the right thing for $lld | 11:03 | |
long long decimal | |||
stmuk | AlexDaniel: I think you have to go out of your way with config to see trailing whitespace at the end of the line whereas trailing lines at eol are visible in some default editor configs | 11:16 | |
brrt | whitespace-mode shows it directly in emacs | ||
i think whitespace-mode is very useful | |||
AlexDaniel | it is, yes | 11:18 | |
stmuk | but its not a default mode in emacs whereas vim does show trailing lines by default | ||
AlexDaniel | but I think that spacemacs displays trailing whitespace even when whitespace-mode is off | ||
[Coke] | it's possible to write a script to do blame that skips whitespace if we need it. | 12:27 | |
I find that non-conforming code still bugs me these days, but not enough to keep it fixed like I've had on other projects. | 12:28 | ||
(esp. when I'm not the one who decides what "conform" means.) | |||
oh. git blame -w, even better. | 12:31 | ||
hoelzro | o/ #perl6 | 13:03 | |
[Coke] | hio | 13:10 | |
AlexDaniel | OK so I'll submit it as a pull request tomorrow. Those who are against are welcome to downvote it :) | ||
hoelzro | I think I may have found a rakudo bug, but it may be a misunderstanding of how nextsame works | 13:15 | |
multi sub foo { bar }; sub bar { nextsame }; foo() | 13:16 | ||
should that nextsame dispatch to other &foo candidates (if there were any)? | |||
jnthn | No | 13:18 | |
If it does it's a bug | |||
(Does it? :)) | |||
The nextsame has to appear lexically within the multi, though | |||
hoelzro | jnthn: it seems to; at the very least, it doesn't throw a "no dispatcher" error | 13:19 | |
jnthn | Are you sure? | 13:20 | |
nextsame is designed to be quiet if there's nowhere for it to dispatch to | |||
m: sub foo() { nextsame() }; say foo() | |||
camelia | rakudo-moar 2c4506: OUTPUT«nextsame is not in the dynamic scope of a dispatcher in sub foo at /tmp/ewT5vCAlHr line 1 in block <unit> at /tmp/ewT5vCAlHr line 1» | ||
jnthn | Oh... | 13:21 | |
Hmm | |||
I thought an only would clobber the dispatcher. Hmmmm. | |||
hoelzro | m: multi sub outer(Any $) { say 'any way you want it' }; multi sub outer(Str $) { inner() }; sub inner() { nextsame }; outer('foo') | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 2c4506: OUTPUT«any way you want it» | ||
jnthn | Curious. | ||
hoelzro | my thoughts too | ||
jnthn: should I RT that? | |||
jnthn | Yeah, I mean it may be OK but I'm not really sure it is :) | ||
hoelzro | well, I dug into this because of a problem we had with Test::subtest just before the release | 13:23 | |
it was changed to a multi, which interestingly enough broke a test using nextsame | 13:24 | ||
nine | AlexDaniel: yes, there's probably a solution for every way one can do a git blame. But every user will have to know and use them. | 13:33 | |
dalek | p: d0b3b6e | brrt++ | t/moar/50-jit-register-alloc.t: Add test for even-moar-jit register allocator The current register allocator can't spill registers, so it may run out of them and die. |
13:34 | |
nine | AlexDaniel: for example, I've no idea how to tell vim to ignore whitespace for :Gblame | ||
AlexDaniel | nine: what about :Gblame w | 13:43 | |
[Coke] | nine - you ever run the perl6 doc site builder, htmlify? | ||
getting warnings on " $handle = $precomp.load($id);", where precomp isa my $precomp = CompUnit::PrecompilationRepository::Default.new(store => $precomp-store); | 13:44 | ||
AlexDaniel | nine: “You can give any of ltfnsewMC as flags and they will be passed along to git-blame.” | ||
[Coke] | (issue might have nothing to do with precomp, digging more...) | 13:45 | |
AlexDaniel | or maybe it is :Gblame -w | 13:46 | |
[Coke] | nine: looks like the uninitialize value in str contet warning is coming from inside CompUnit::PrecompilationRepository's precompile method. | 13:57 | |
is there a way to get ll-exception to work with warnings? | 14:09 | ||
if my diagnosis is right (that the warning is coming from the compunit code), then --ll-exception isn't changing the reporting. | 14:10 | ||
nine | [Coke]: no, haven't tried it. | 15:45 | |
[Coke] | nine: doing a special run with a locally modified perl6 to see if I can figure out where it's coming from. | 16:30 | |
tadzik++ for making GIT_PROTOCOL work everywhere. | 16:32 | ||
nine: do you think it's OK for a non core script to be using the CompUnit::* stuff directly? | 16:36 | ||
nine | [Coke]: it's slowly becoming ok. There's still one open PR that will change interfaces to be much closer to S22. | 16:37 | |
[Coke]: which parts would you like to use? | 16:38 | ||
[Coke] | ok. Takes a few dozen seconds for me to add debug prints here and narrow it down, but I'm guessing the problem is the run() of perl6 in the precompile(). | 16:39 | |
nine: I'm just looking at github.com/perl6/doc/blob/master/h...fy.p6#L160 | |||
nine | [Coke]: maybe $source-name? | 16:40 | |
Ah yes, there's no $source-name: github.com/perl6/doc/blob/master/h...fy.p6#L171 | |||
[Coke] | yup, github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/nom/...ry.pm#L204 is what's warning. | 16:41 | |
is source-name required? | |||
(but not marked as such?) | |||
nine | Without it backtraces of the precompiled files will be useless but should otherwise work | ||
[Coke] | should it default to "", perhaps? or something like "<unspecified>" ? | 16:42 | |
I mean, I can just update htmlify.pl to pass it in for now, obv. | |||
nine | $path.Str should be a good default | 16:43 | |
source-name is really a workaround for the unreadable sha-1 file names. It's basically "$path ($module's-short-name)" | |||
[Coke] | trying a patch with that. | 16:47 | |
nine++ for finding it in 3 seconds. :) | 16:48 | ||
nine | Well there weren't that many candidates :) | 16:49 | |
[Coke] | IWBNI this worked in rakudo: GIT_PROTOCOL=ssh make stresstest | 16:50 | |
(but it's fine that it doesn't) | 16:51 | ||
nine: ok. that fixes htmlify (adding the default to rakudo) - doing a test run to make sure nothing else explodes. | 16:52 | ||
[Coke] goes for lunch/walks | 17:01 | ||
dalek | kudo/nom: 7a98505 | coke++ | / (2 files): Provide default for precompile()'s 'source-name' We use this value in a Str context, so warnings will be emitted. Pick a sane default (nine++). Avoids many warnings for perl6/doc's htmlify |
18:47 | |
[Coke] | crap. s/will be/would otherwise be/ | ||
ah well | |||
nine | [Coke]++ # thanks for fixing my mishaps :) | 18:48 | |
[Coke] | is anyone hacking on the html profiler? I'd like to improve the responsiveness. | 19:19 | |
a 65928890 byte file is really show to load (chrome is actually OH, SNAP dying on it) | |||
just didn't want to step on anyone's toes. | |||
timotimo | the only thing i know about is someone working on making the json dump code faster | 19:22 | |
nine | It's amazing how modern software stacks can make sheer unlimited computing power unbearingly slow | 19:25 | |
[Coke] | spare run of htmlify is still unusably slow in the profiler in chrome. ah well. | 19:26 | |
*sparse | |||
timotimo | yeah, you're right | 19:27 | |
the best way to make it work is still to try to build limiting the depth of the emitted call graph in moar, IMO | |||
i mean, i suppose you could do the work in nqp, too. as a post-processing step | |||
or even build a program that does that to the already-written .json file | 19:28 | ||
jdv79 | i think its the json parse that's the, at least initial issue. | 19:48 | |
i almost feel like its november again when i was complaining about the profiler perf. or around november at least. | 19:49 | ||
nine thinks the profiler's UI should be a locally running client/server application with profile data deserialized on-demand and the browser being fed what's necessary for display | 20:12 | ||
dalek | kudo/nom: b348f2f | coke++ | .travis.yml: Track channel rename |
20:17 | |
[Coke] | maybe that'll get the travis comments to come here. | 20:18 | |
I see that rakudo-jvm is failing. that a result of my commit, or a holdover? | 20:20 | ||
travis-ci | Rakudo build failed. Will "Coke" Coleda 'Track channel rename' | 21:20 | |
travis-ci.org/rakudo/rakudo/builds/132380962 github.com/rakudo/rakudo/compare/7...48f2f02147 |