Zoffix So what exactly is [email@hidden.address] ? Is it a mailing list? How do I join it and is there an archive? 01:45
"To subscribe to a list, send mail to [email@hidden.address] ( perl6.org/archive/lists/ ). I did... nothing happened :/ 01:48
"The mailinglist manager is ignoring me!? 01:53
You need to fix your envelope sender address. Mailers *must* send their bounces to the envelope sender's address. If yours is not correct, you will never get bounces."... waaat? perl6.org/archive/lists/faq.html
I didn't realize I had to get a PhD in email administration to get basic stuff 01:54
Is "mailinglist manager" a human? 01:56
Well, I managed to sub from a gmail account. It didn't like my @zoffix.com one 02:11
[Tux] This is Rakudo version 2016.05-56-g85682a5 built on MoarVM version 2016.05-18-g1339332 05:46
test 19.624
test-t 12.381
csv-parser 34.612
dalek kudo/nom: c4b3fa0 | lizmat++ | src/core/Array.pm:
Omit unnecessary STATEMENT_LIST
kudo/nom: a64607f | lizmat++ | src/core/SlippyIterator.pm:
Streamline SlippyIterator.slip-one
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Omit unnecessary STATEMENT_LIST' 11:53
travis-ci.org/rakudo/rakudo/builds/135560355 github.com/rakudo/rakudo/compare/8...b3fa00843a
Rakudo build failed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Streamline SlippyIterator.slip-one' 12:38
travis-ci.org/rakudo/rakudo/builds/135564292 github.com/rakudo/rakudo/compare/c...4607f0e777
dalek kudo/nom: bf099b1 | lizmat++ | src/core/Any-iterable-methods.pm:
Remove MapIterCommon role

As a step towards further specialized Iterators for various cases. This should not have any influence on performance.
lizmat afk&
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Remove MapIterCommon role 14:21
travis-ci.org/rakudo/rakudo/builds/135588952 github.com/rakudo/rakudo/compare/a...099b10e1a4
timotimo ^- that was just a failure because of coke's recent (and recently reverted) moarvm patch 14:27
[Coke] is travis running against moar-latest? 14:55
that seems buggy to me.
Or at least, that seems like an allowable failure.
we only guarantee rakudo will work under the recommended version. 14:56
timotimo right. we could move these settings to "allowed failures"
psch same for nqp-master probably, right? 14:58
timotimo i'd think that'd be sensible 14:59
[Coke] +1 here.
... said the guy who broke all the builds.
timotimo :D 15:00
jnthn I think it's useful to know when that happens, but perhaps it's more useful if we know *here* rather than bothering folks committing to Rakudo :)
So maybe we should add a "build Rakudo" to Moar's Travis too 15:01
(building against HEAD)
And then Rakudo's Travis can build agaisnt the current NQP_REVISION / MOAR_REVISION
[Coke] that works. 15:03
you could then see if moar changes caused spectest fallout, too. 15:04
jnthn oh wait, "useful if we know *here*" meant "useful if we know on #moarvm" :) 15:05
[Coke] :)
dalek kudo/nom: 3156a9a | TimToady++ | src/Perl6/World.nqp:
reserve a couple more MONKEYs
perlpilot wonders how monkeys got such a bad rap 17:46
TimToady they evolved into something worse :)
timotimo if they evolved, then why are there still monkeys? 17:51
[Coke] hopes he doesn't have to dig up a blog post explaining all this for folks. :P 17:53
perlpilot ... and that's why a banana naturally fits in your hand. 17:54
TimToady odd how a lot of people don't mind being classified as a kind of ape, but it bothers them more to be classified as a kind of monkey... 17:56
we don't have that problem being classified as mammals... 17:57
probably dates back to us-against-the-dinosaurs, I guess... 17:58
TimToady thinks about MONKEY-SCREECH, MONKEY-PAW, and MONKEY-TAIL, but we gotta stop somewhere, or generalize more betterer 18:00
perlpilot MONKEY-FIST should be in there somewhere too :) 18:01
code tying you up in knots makes for some good imagery 18:02
Just make it MONKEY-* to remind people that monkeys are bad m'kay ;) 18:04
TimToady sub MONKEY($badidea) { so $*MONKEY and ($*MONKEYALL or DYNAMIC::("$*MONKEY-" ~ $badidea)) }; die "Bad monkey!" unless MONKEY("SPEAK-NO-EVIL") 18:06
or some such...
currently 'use MONKEY;' just sets all the monkeys it knows about, rather than enabling any MONKEY-*
that's what I meant by more betterer generalizing 18:07
dalek kudo/nom: f0f1d4e | lizmat++ | src/core/Any-iterable-methods.pm:
Remove unnecessary attribute
TimToady actually, monkeying uses %*PRAGMAS currently, not normal dynvars 18:16
TimToady suspects the compiler's %*PRAGMAS is not visible from a user's BEGIN code currently, which would make it difficult to have user-defined MONKEYs 18:18
lizmat m: use nqp; BEGIN say %*PRAGMAS # actually *is* visible 18:27
camelia rakudo-moar 3156a9: OUTPUTĀ«{nqp => 1}ā¤Ā»
lizmat TimToady: not sure jnthn considers this a bug or a feature 18:28
TimToady looks like a bug that can act like a feature :) 18:31
by rights, it should probably be visible as %?PRAGMAS
though, along with %*LANG and such, it should probably come through the current cursor language, and not through dynvars at all 18:33
never got around to fixing that before christmas
lizmat hence my "bug" reference :-) 18:34
TimToady using dynvars for that assumes we are never interested in it except during the initial parse pass, but subsequent semantic passes over the AST should really have access to the current language
well, my 'bug' was not that, but that a compiler's dynvar is leaking through to the user's dynvars 18:35
there're probably a whole mess of compiler internals that are currently visible to user code that shouldn't be 18:45
m: BEGIN .name.say for $*W.^methods
camelia rakudo-moar f0f1d4: OUTPUTĀ«context_classā¤BUILDā¤create_nestedā¤RAKUDO_MODULE_DEBUGā¤loading_and_symbol_setupā¤mop_up_and_checkā¤push_lexpadā¤pop_lexpadā¤cur_lexpadā¤mark_cur_lexpad_signaturedā¤nearest_signatured_block_declaresā¤get_code_objectā¤add_stub_to_checkā¤add_pā€¦Ā»
TimToady those footguns should probably be opt-in, not opt-out :) 18:46
unless you're writing, say, a macro system, or trying to fake up slangs :)
perhaps when we get more authoritative dynvar caches, we can filter out (read: "lie about") some of the outer dynvars currently available to user code 18:48
masak I'm currently back to thinking about macros and slangs, by the way 18:49
now thinking about them in terms of the compiler stack being a plug-in system of sorts
but for sure, if we're not careful, a whole bunch of evil modules are going to start relying on internals that may change 18:53
"Oh, you wanna install a lexical in someone else's scope? No problemo!" 18:55
"Oh, you wanna call the CHECK phasers now instead of the end of compilation? No problemo! 18:58
TimToady wonders if "No problemo!" is a problem... 18:59
anti-hispanic slurs being one of the topics of the day...
travis-ci Rakudo build passed. TimToady 'reserve a couple more MONKEYs' 19:01
travis-ci.org/rakudo/rakudo/builds/135658553 github.com/rakudo/rakudo/compare/b...56a9a9f324
TimToady I guess it's actually mock Spanish to begin with, in any case 19:02
dalek kudo/nom: 055ca16 | lizmat++ | src/core/Any-iterable-methods.pm:
Make .map on blocks w/out label/phasers 30% faster

By checking for them before creating the Iterator class, and creating a simplified Iterator in that case.
timotimo oooooh 19:41
travis-ci Rakudo build passed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Remove unnecessary attribute' 19:42
travis-ci.org/rakudo/rakudo/builds/135664021 github.com/rakudo/rakudo/compare/3...f1d4e92474
tbrowder_ I have a pull request to correct the test for issue #128221: <github.com/perl6/roast/pull/125> 20:11
lizmat and another Perl 6 Weekly hits the net: p6weekly.wordpress.com/2016/06/06/...bisecting/ 20:51
dalek ast: 0cbc8db | (Tom Browder)++ | S26-documentation/07-tables.t:
uncomment test and use the 'skip' function properly
ast: 96e860c | (Tom Browder)++ | S26-documentation/07-tables.t:
correct number of tests; make skipped test not over-report number of tests
ast: 6d456ab | lizmat++ | S26-documentation/07-tables.t:
Merge pull request #125 from tbrowder/test-fix

Make test for issue #128221 properly visible during testing
nine lizmat: that sounds amazing! 21:11
lizmat nine: what does ? 21:12
nine Make .map on blocks w/out label/phasers 30% faster
lizmat ah, that, yeah :-)
nine And the commit message even undersells it, as the speedup will be the same for for loops :)
lizmat well, you may notice it, or you won't :-) 21:13
I'm looking forward to [Tux] 's next test-t run though :-)
nine Same here :)
lizmat fwiw, this was my benchmark: my @a = ^100; for ^1000 { my @b = @a.map: { $_ } }
jnthn Hmm, for loops. :-) 21:21
I may end up having simple cases of those not go through map, when I get to doing the work on more aggresive lexical lowering and scope flattening. 21:23
We'll see. :)
Time for some rest...'night o/ 21:30
dalek kudo/nom: f80cc7e | lizmat++ | src/core/Any-iterable-methods.pm:
Simplify default mapper a bit more

  - remove unneeded nqp::stmts
  - make sure we use nqp::eqaddr instead of =:=