[Tux] This is Rakudo version 2016.05-63-gf80cc7e built on MoarVM version 2016.05-18-g1339332 06:42
test 19.847
test-t 12.249
csv-parser 22.120
This is Rakudo version 2016.05-63-gf80cc7e built on MoarVM version 2016.05-18-g1339332 06:47
test 18.958
test-t 11.880
csv-parser 22.242
so, no significant change since yesterday
nine :/ 06:49
lizmat isn't this the first time in a long time that we're below 12 ? 06:56
nine Well, there is a rather large margin of error. But true, we have not been < 12 for quite some time. 07:00
[Tux] gist.github.com/Tux/10638a2d1249ae...754b7bce85 07:08
masak by that account, we've been < 12 regularly :) 07:13
though it does look like it was more common back in February... 07:14
cygx has seen recent improvements 11:17
cf gist.github.com/cygx/db998502d493dfae53c9
split is still horribly slow, though, especially when use with a regex
|Tux| cygx, you can use «my @foo = split @patterns, $string;» 11:29
if all entries in @patters are fixed strings, split will suddenly be fast :) 11:30
cygx interesting, but note that the point of the exercise was a comparison between equivalent p5 and p6 code 11:33
the 'global' split using an array clocks in at 6.5s, so middle of the road (an order of magnitude faster that the slowest solution, but an order of magnitude slower than the fastest one) 11:46
timotimo right, we have far too much overhead for regexes 12:26
i think the fixed overhead for invocation and constructing the result object is what does it? perhaps? 12:27
cygx timotimo: that's probably part of it, but note that splitting on "\t" takes 12s, compared to 2s using index and substr 13:07
[Coke] RT: 1320; CONC: 7; GLR: 6; JVM: 69; LHF: 1; LTA: 75; NYI: 28; OSX: 6; PERF: 15; POD: 3; PRECOMP: 3; RFC: 24; SEGV: 21; STAR: 1; TESTNEEDED: 29; TODO: 9; UNI: 5; WEIRD: 3 14:01
there are 21 segfault tickets still open. :|
timotimo how good are "reproducible builds"? 14:03
wait, core dumps contain the binaries and debug symbols, wouldn't they?
[Coke] hoelzro: what happened with RT #128069? 14:04
hoelzro [Coke]: I reverted the change in 4f046de 14:06
[Coke] ok. so can probably close out that ticket and the meta ticket that covered it? (or leave it open as an RFC for "should we re-apply" but then break the connection with the meta.0 14:11
hoelzro [Coke]: hmm...I think we should ask lizmat 14:32
[Coke] Yup, that's best. 14:39
hoelzro .tell lizmat any thoughts on irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6-dev/2016-0...i_12621041 ? 14:47
is yoleaux not in here?
timotimo no, only in #perl6
we're also missing it in #moarvm and would also like to have it in #perl6-noise-gang
dalek kudo/nom: 1254bbe | coke++ | docs/release_guide.pod:
remove completed release

  (it's already listed in the historical section)
ast: 95d79a7 | usev6++ | S09-subscript/multidim-assignment.t:
Transform say statement into test

  (which fails on rakudo-j)
ast: 03acc01 | usev6++ | S09-subscript/multidim-assignment.t:
Add reference to RT #128341