lizmat commented on | 01:15 | ||
lizmat gets a few hours of sleep | |||
japhb | .tell jnthn Sheesh, it just took *several hours* to show up. WTH, RT? | 01:56 | |
yoleaux2 | japhb: I'll pass your message to jnthn. | ||
geekosaur | I swear they only run their mail queue every couple of hours; I get nothing for hours and then a bunch of ticket updates all at once | 02:07 | |
lizmat | Files=1175, Tests=55878, 188 wallclock secs (11.49 usr 4.37 sys + 1123.80 cusr 110.80 csys = 1250.46 CPU) | 05:45 | |
lizmat starts commuting& | 06:17 | ||
samcv | .tell pmurias yeah it will happen in march sadly | 06:32 | |
yoleaux2 | samcv: I'll pass your message to pmurias. | ||
nine | .tell lizmat is the solution :) | 08:25 | |
yoleaux2 | nine: I'll pass your message to lizmat. | ||
Geth | rakudo/nom: 20614854da | (Samantha McVey)++ | 5 files Add $*COLLATION var and implement coll operator $*COLLATION will allow setting of the collation level that the `col` operator applies. |
11:35 | |
timotimo | oh, that's coll. | 11:39 | |
samcv | so unicmp just does language and country inspecefic but coll will use the value of $*COLLATION | 11:40 | |
and we can have a .collate similar to .sort | |||
jnthn | Having just gone through a lengthy bisect to try and figure out what busted my $dayjob codebase, fd8df7f2ad is the commit that's apparently to blame | 11:42 | |
There is a use of .rotor in the code in question | |||
samcv | didn't seem too much changed in that commit other than moving locations and adding some #?if jvm | 11:45 | |
hm | |||
jnthn | Well, I do something like (gather some-func()).rotor(100, :partial) | 11:46 | |
And previously that would have called .list on the output of the gather prior to the .rotor stuff | 11:47 | ||
Indeed, if I stick a .list call explicitly into my program, it seems to fix things. | |||
m: sub foo() { for ^20 { take 'x' } }; for (gather foo()).rotor(3, :partial) { .say } | 11:50 | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar c0a907: OUTPUT«(x x x)(x x x)(x x x)(x x x)(x x x)(x x x)(x x)Cannot invoke this object (REPR: Uninstantiable; Callable) in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1» | ||
jnthn | m: sub foo() { for ^20 { take 'x' } }; for (gather foo()).list.rotor(3, :partial) { .say } | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar c0a907: OUTPUT«(x x x)(x x x)(x x x)(x x x)(x x x)(x x x)(x x)» | ||
jnthn | Aha! | ||
bisectable: sub foo() { for ^20 { take 'x' } }; for (gather foo()).rotor(3, :partial) { .say } | 11:51 | ||
bisectable6 | jnthn, Bisecting by exit code (old=2015.12 new=2061485). Old exit code: 0 | ||
pmurias | jnthn: any quick hints why sub foo($foo, $bar = sub {$foo}) {...} works when using lowered signatures? It's get compiled to $value,<$bar>, :default( p6capturelex on WVal with $block1 and invoke it...), $block1 = QAST::Block(do capturelex on WVal with $block2 and invoke it), $block2 = $bar...)) | ||
yoleaux2 | 06:32Z <samcv> pmurias: yeah it will happen in march sadly | ||
bisectable6 | jnthn, bisect log: | ||
jnthn, (2017-01-18) | |||
pmurias | jnthn: I would expect the $block2 that for p6capturelex to work $block2 would need to be inside $block1, right? | 11:52 | |
jnthn | pmurias: Yeah, I'm guessing we fail to nest stuff properly during the thunking | 11:56 | |
So it "works" (e.g. probably breaks if we recurse) | |||
(or thread) | |||
pmurias | jnthn: why does it work at all? | 11:57 | |
jnthn | pmurias: Probably some kind of autoclose | ||
And that perl6_ops.c thing I pointed you at before where we ignore cases where the outer is wrong | |||
Instead of blowing up on them | 11:58 | ||
pmurias | jnthn: should I make things nest properly? | 12:02 | |
jnthn | pmurias: Yes | 12:03 | |
If you've time/motivation to do so :-) | |||
They all want sorting out, it's not not always trivial to do so | |||
But in this case should be | |||
I think we might get it right for where clauses; if so can nab a solution from there | 12:04 | ||
rotor bug reported as | 12:05 | ||
Geth | nqp: b5dea6d359 | (Samantha McVey)++ | tools/build/MOAR_REVISION Bump MoarVM to get improvements to unicmp_s |
13:06 | |
¦ nqp: version bump brought these changes: | |||
rakudo/nom: 4efcc29c80 | (Samantha McVey)++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION Bump MoarVM/NQP to get improvements for the coll collation operator |
13:08 | ||
¦ rakudo/nom: version bump brought these changes: | |||
travis-ci | NQP build passed. Samantha McVey 'Bump MoarVM to get improvements to unicmp_s' | 13:10 | | | |||
Geth | nqp: 83080ffed0 | (Samantha McVey)++ | docs/ops.markdown Update unicmp_s op documentation |
15:06 | |
nqp: 2909825e5b | (Samantha McVey)++ | docs/ops.markdown Add documentation for getstrfromname op and update unicmp_s desc. |
15:39 | ||
lizmat waves from Keflavik | 15:47 | ||
yoleaux2 | 08:25Z <nine> lizmat: is the solution :) | ||
jnthn | o/ lizmat | 15:48 | |
lizmat | jnthn o/ | ||
jnthn | Been a long while since I was at Keflavik | ||
Last time I went to Iceland I only ended up there half as many times as planned. :) | |||
lizmat | it's our first time.... and it's grey and raining :-) | 15:49 | |
jnthn | heh, and thinking about it, that was the only time I went to Iceland, | ||
Was meant to fly out of there. But...volcano :) | |||
lizmat | hehe | ||
jnthn | So ended up flying out of the airport on the north coast :) | ||
lizmat is watching big purple plains with WOW on them | |||
*planes | 15:50 | ||
jnthn | Much WOW. | ||
lizmat | .tell nine WOW :-) | 15:59 | |
yoleaux2 | lizmat: I'll pass your message to nine. | ||
lizmat | #nice | 16:03 | |
Geth | roast: ronaldxs++ created pull request #228: add to show usage of fudge implementations, verbs… |
16:05 | |
lizmat | commuting again& | 16:07 | |
IOninja | hm, builder is failing again to merge master into coverage branch: | 16:36 | |
Something with ops. Maybe it'd be possible to merge that branch to master? | 16:37 | ||
samcv | :( | 17:13 | |
IOninja, also that may be the case, sorta. may need to add the op and then regenerate the stuff | 17:16 | ||
with ./tools/update_ops.p6 | 17:17 | ||
that is what i'd do | |||
[Coke] | samcv: is your grant going to be submitted to the normal GC process in the next round? | 17:30 | |
yoleaux2 | 4 Feb 2017 17:01Z <brokenchicken> [Coke]: BTW is it just a typo on this grant approval page that it says "Test2 Manual" ? I just thought... what if that vote was actually for Test2 Manual | ||
samcv | [Coke], i think it's already submitted | ||
well he said he'd get back to me if they figure out a way to do it before March | |||
but i assume it's already submitted for march becasue i emailed him the proposal | |||
[Coke] | brokenchicken: yes, it's a typo. I'll mention it to Makoto. | 17:31 | |
IOninja | cool :) | 17:44 | |
[Coke] | given that you have a grant manager, I think you're OK | 17:54 | |
TimToady | nine: I'm having a problem with my braids branch where when make runs tools/build/, it doesn't successfully re-Precompile CompUnit::Repository::Staging, and it's not clear what's going wrong | 19:06 | |
$core-dist.meta is just returning {ver => v0} | |||
any kloo where I should look? | 19:07 | ||
any amount of blowing things away doesn't help, so it's some difference in what I've done with the compiler, but I'm not seeing it | 19:10 | ||
I don't think any of the REPO stuff depends closely on whether cursors use %*LANG directly, or indirectly via the cursor... | 19:11 | ||
unless maybe something went wrong in an EVAL somewhere... | 19:14 | ||
hmm, maybe EVAL $!serialized-spec; | 19:21 | ||
no, that seems like it's used only for NativeCall stuff, and that all seems to precompile fine... | 19:28 | ||
nine | TimToady: that sounds....odd | 19:32 | |
yoleaux2 | 15:59Z <lizmat> nine: WOW :-) | ||
nine | Can hardly be the EVAL since CompUnit::Repository::Staging has no dependencies | 19:33 | |
TimToady | maybe something's going wrong in compile_in_context, when has a weird comment: | ||
# For now, EVALed code run during precomp will not get the | 19:34 | ||
# outer lexical context's symbols as those may contain or | |||
# reference unserializable objects leading to compilation | |||
# failures. Needs a smarter approach as noted above. | |||
nine | Oh yeah, I remember that one | ||
TimToady | though I'm not seeing any compilation failures | 19:35 | |
well, a recompilaation failure, I suppose... | |||
but I'm not really doing anything with outers | |||
nine | Maybe the JSON decoder? | 19:36 | |
TimToady | I guess, if it uses cursors | ||
a good lead, anyway | |||
Geth | roast: ronaldxs++ created pull request #229: Fix typo misspellings of fudge implementation niezca |
19:38 | |
mr_ron | Commit message on pull amended to niecza | 19:47 | |
Geth | roast: 629a459ecf | (Ronald Schmidt)++ | 4 files Fix typo misspellings of fudge implementation niecza (#229) |
19:48 | |
TimToady | except it doesn't appear that the offending statement is actually parsing any JSON... | 20:01 | |
will think more about compile_in_context in the context of lunch... | 20:10 | ||
MasterDuke | anybody have comments/thoughts/objections on if not i'll probably squash and merge later tonight | 22:50 | |
timotimo | MasterDuke: i think the commit's fine :) | 22:59 | |
IOninja has no comments. | |||
timotimo | if it doesn't make the jvm unhappy | ||
which i think you've checked it doesn't | |||
TimToady | nine: you were right, it was something to do with the JSON decoder, I wasn't setting up the grammar actions right | 23:57 |