AlexDaniel | hmmm it's not up yet? | 00:21 | |
[Coke] | timotimo: patt of it was to just showcase some features. | 00:32 | |
*part | |||
AlexDaniel: I had it scheduled, but may have screwed it up. I'll just hit publish. | |||
AlexDaniel | I did screw it up also yesterday :) | 00:33 | |
[Coke] | done | 00:34 | |
timotimo | thanks to all the adventeers :) | 00:35 | |
next year i'll try not to RSI myself up during advent times | |||
Geth | rakudo: 6d65cf4ff9 | (Daniel Green)++ | 2 files Add argument to ambiguous call exception message We already had the capture of the call's argument(s) in the exception, just add it to the message to help debugging. |
04:04 | |
rakudo: 98be6ab5ec | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 2 files Merge pull request #1321 from MasterDuke17/add_argument_to_ambiguous_call_exception_message Add argument to ambiguous call exception message |
synopsebot | RAKUDO#1321 [closed]: Add argument to ambiguous call exception message | ||
roast: 86e7403f9a | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S07-iterators/range-iterator.t [v6.d REVIEW] Use more appropriate test routines |
04:17 | ||
roast: e2639068fe | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S32-str/sprintf.t [v6.d REVIEW] Use better test description |
04:21 | ||
roast: 85818611a7 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S32-str/sprintf.t [v6.d REVIEW] DSETEM in sprintf() with wrong args DSETEM = "Do Not Spec Exact Text of Error Messages". These proved of little value and were interfering with readability changes in 6.c. Keep these in Rakudo's tests for now. If other impls need it, we can always do an Appendix set of tests to the spec that impls can optionally follow. |
04:24 | ||
rakudo: 1ac1a12531 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/05-messages/02-errors.t Test sprintf() with wrong args Moved from roast |
04:27 | ||
rakudo: ff34ab35ed | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/05-messages/02-errors.t Reformat test - Fit to 80 char lines - Use cheaper .contains tests instead of regexes |
04:30 | ||
rakudo: d9ce5e9b82 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/ Use cheaper .contains instead of regex |
04:57 | ||
roast: 20fe657466 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S09-typed-arrays/native-int.t [v6.d REVIEW] DSETEM in native array errors DSETEM = "Do Not Spec Exact Text of Error Messages". These proved of little value and were interfering with readability changes in 6.c. Keep these in Rakudo's tests for now. If other impls need it, we can always do an Appendix set of tests to the spec that impls can optionally follow. Orig: |
04:58 | ||
rakudo: f35d02031c | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/05-messages/02-errors.t Test native array error content Moved from roast: |
roast: 6877f7dada | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S09-typed-arrays/native-str.t [v6.d REVIEW] DSETEM in native str array errors DSETEM = "Do Not Spec Exact Text of Error Messages". These proved of little value and were interfering with readability changes |
05:07 | ||
nqp: d034bf3c49 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | tools/build/MOAR_REVISION Bump MoarVM |
06:59 | ||
¦ nqp: version bump brought these changes: | |||
rakudo: 8746b5347f | (Zoffix Znet)++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION Bump NQP |
¦ rakudo: version bump brought these changes: | |||
roast: 20b76e6274 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 2 files Test issues with leftovers due to container resizing RT#127756: Rakudo fix: |
07:00 | ||
synopsebot | RT#127756 [new]: setelems on native arrays doesn't clear the array | ||
yoleaux | AlexDaniel`: RT/GH weekly | 07:18 | |
travis-ci | Rakudo build passed. Zoffix Znet 'Bump NQP' | 08:00 | | | |||
Geth | nqp: e64fb5b44b | (Zoffix Znet)++ | tools/build/MOAR_REVISION Bump MoarVM |
10:45 | |
¦ nqp: version bump brought these changes: | |||
rakudo: e5bb9bd20c | (Zoffix Znet)++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION Bump NQP |
¦ rakudo: version bump brought these changes: | |||
roast: 946e42eb08 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S09-typed-arrays/native.t Additional tests for leftovers due to container resizing To go with Rakudo fix: |
10:49 | ||
lizmat | Files=1231, Tests=76004, 323 wallclock secs (14.75 usr 5.26 sys + 2241.25 cusr 223.08 csys = 2484.34 CPU) | 10:51 | |
Geth | roast: 8533ec6924 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 3 files Unfudge now-passing native array tests |
10:52 | |
rakudo: 4790587f0d | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/ Use logic of List.WHICH also on Pair.WHICH - if the value is not a value type, then the pair isn't either - don't use callsame, but Mu::WHICH, we know where you live - make sure subclasses of Pair also work - SHA1 the key/value if value type |
11:36 | ||
lizmat | sometime I wonder how much we would gain with a nqp::concat3/4/5/6 ops | 11:38 | |
Geth | nqp: 3e19553aaa | (Zoffix Znet)++ | tools/build/MOAR_REVISION Bump MoarVM |
11:43 | |
¦ nqp: version bump brought these changes: | |||
rakudo: 3b48dfba67 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION Bump NQP |
11:44 | ||
¦ rakudo: version bump brought these changes: | |||
pmurias | lizmat: those nqp::concat3/4/5/6 ops would just concat a bunch of string together? | 12:02 | |
lizmat | yeah, that's the idea | ||
in any case, it's been the source of quite a remarkable opt in perl 5 recently: the instruction of a multi-value concat | 12:03 | ||
I have no idea how much we would gain in Perl 6 though :-) | |||
I have no idea of the overhead of a nqp::concat call, and nested nqp::concat calls | 12:04 | ||
pmurias | it wouldn't help at all on the js backend, but it could be done on the MoarVM backend level | 12:05 | |
lizmat | well, it was just an idea... hoping someone would be able to say something sensible about it :-) | 12:06 | |
Geth | nqp: 5f68310a38 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | tools/build/MOAR_REVISION Bump MoarVM |
12:09 | |
¦ nqp: version bump brought these changes: | |||
rakudo: 1ea0c90846 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION Bump NQP |
rakudo: version bump brought these changes: tbrowder++ created pull request #1339: Provides for fixes for several POD bugs: |
lizmat | m: use nqp; nqp::concat("foo",nqp::concat("bar",nqp::concat("baz","zip"))) for ^1000000; say now - INIT now | 12:10 | |
camelia | 0.4271508 | ||
lizmat | m: use nqp; nqp::join("",nqp::list_s("foo","bar","baz","zip")) for ^1000000; say now - INIT now | ||
camelia | 0.4313659 | ||
lizmat | weird: the latter is signifcantly faster for me | ||
m: use nqp; nqp::concat("foo",nqp::concat("bar",nqp::concat("baz","zip"))) for ^1000000; say now - INIT now | 12:12 | ||
camelia | 0.40029773 | ||
lizmat | m: use nqp; nqp::join("",nqp::list_s("foo","bar","baz","zip")) for ^1000000; say now - INIT now | ||
camelia | 0.4079996 | ||
lizmat | the join version for me: Initial/Final Size: 91680 / 99044 Kbytes , Total CPU Usage: 0.57 seconds | 12:14 | |
multiple concat version: Initial/Final Size: 90540 / 101044 Kbytes, Total CPU Usage: 0.69 seconds | |||
so even allocating a list_s for it, makes it faster and more memory efficient, at least for me | 12:15 | ||
and only from 4 concats onward, at 3 they're about the same (within noise) | |||
travis-ci | Rakudo build failed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Use logic of List.WHICH also on Pair.WHICH | 12:22 | | | |||
buggable | [travis build above] ☠ All failures are due to: failed make test (1 failure). Across all jobs, only t/04-nativecall/12-sizeof.t test file failed. | ||
lizmat | fwiw, t/04-nativecall/12-sizeof.t doesn't fail for me :-( | 12:43 | |
tbrowder | .tell AlexDaniel see my new PR 1339 | 15:23 | |
yoleaux | tbrowder: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel. | ||
Geth | roast: tbrowder++ created pull request #371: adds tests for rakudo PR 1339 |
15:28 | |
tbrowder | .tell AlexDaniel tests for rakudo PR 1339 are in roast PR 371 | 15:29 | |
yoleaux | tbrowder: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel. | ||
AlexDaniel` | . | 16:50 | |
Uh. :) | |||
AlexDaniel | . | 17:26 | |
yoleaux | 15:23Z <tbrowder> AlexDaniel: see my new PR 1339 | ||
15:29Z <tbrowder> AlexDaniel: tests for rakudo PR 1339 are in roast PR 371 | |||
tbrowder | AlexDaniel: replies to yr comments made, changed some code... | 18:16 | |
which | 18:23 | ||
*which [disregard finger fumble] | 18:24 | ||
Zoffix | So bot reminded me about RT#128090 | 19:53 | |
synopsebot | RT#128090 [open]: [RFC] Easy Way to Export Only Specific Symbols At Compile Time | ||
Zoffix | Gonna implement it then, since no one commented/beat me to it. The use Test :SYM<&is &ok>; to import just the &is and &ok symbols | ||
OTOH, I hate the difference between `require Foo <&is &ok>` and `use Foo :SYM<&is &ok>`. I recall you can't pass positional Pairs to `use` either, so the whole thing is kinda warty. Gonna leave it for later. | 19:58 | ||
|90d RT#128090 | |||
ZofBot | Zoffix, Will remind you on 2018-03-24T14:58:23.220635-05:00 about RT#128090 | ||
AlexDaniel | tbrowder: my concern is that we have RAKUDO_POD6_TABLE_DEBUG but RAKUDO_POD_TABLE_DEBUG_DEV | 21:09 | |
tbrowder: so POD vs POD6, it's inconsistent | |||
tbrowder | ok, which is better? i’m happy to go either way. if i were to choose, i would pick POD now since it is clearly with rakudo | 21:12 | |
AlexDaniel | given that it's the only place where “POD6” is written like this, yes. I think it should be just “POD” | 21:15 | |
tbrowder | ok, will so change! | 21:16 | |
AlexDaniel | tbrowder: cool. I'm a bit tired today to make a proper review, so maybe someone else will :) | 21:33 | |
or maybe I'll get to it tomorrow | |||
but it looks promising for sure! | |||
tbrowder | ok, Merry Christmas! and have a virtual egg nog on me! | 21:35 | |
AlexDaniel | 🙌 | 21:41 | |
tbrowder | noel! | 21:42 | |
joyeaux noel! | 21:43 | ||
Geth | roast: 3567c15ccf | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S03-operators/buf.t [v6.d REVIEW] Test Buf.[re|a]locate structure betterer Orig: |
23:42 | |
dogbert17 | .seen viki | 23:49 | |
yoleaux | I saw viki 30 Nov 2016 13:12Z in #perl6: <viki> pmurias: whose is the copyright then? :) | ||
dogbert17 | Zoffix: you around? | ||
have a bit of a nOoB problem | 23:50 | ||
m: my SetHash $a = ('0/2', '2/2').SetHash; my @result = (); find-strongest($a); sub find-strongest(SetHash $a) { my $keys = $a.keys; for $keys.List -> $item { my @split-item = $item.comb; $a{$item}:delete; find-strongest($a); }} | |||
camelia | (signal SEGV) | ||
dogbert17 | ^^ | ||
I'm obviously doing something wrong but the result was a bit unexpected | 23:51 | ||
any ideas? | 23:52 | ||
timotimo | oh wow | 23:53 | |
spesh is doing that | |||
but if spesh is disabled, it also explodes | |||
geekosaur would guess that $keys needs to clone, otherwise you are modifying $keys when you :delete | 23:54 | ||
spooky action at a distance | |||
timotimo | oh, deleting elements while you're iterating | ||
geekosaur | that is, $.keys is not a copy | ||
yes | |||
timotimo | that's not entirely unlikely at all | ||
geekosaur | $.keys | ||
aaa | |||
where's my a $a.keys | 23:55 | ||
timotimo | m: my SetHash $a = ('0/2', '2/2').SetHash; my @result = (); find-strongest($a); sub find-strongest(SetHash $a) { my $keys = $a.keys.eager; for $keys.List -> $item { my @split-item = $item.comb; $a{$item}:delete; find-strongest($a); }} | 23:56 | |
camelia | ( no output ) | ||
dogbert17 | geekosaur: I was actually gonna ask just that. So I need 'my $keys = $a.keys.clone' ? | ||
geekosaur | I think so, yes | ||
dogbert17 | or will Timotimos eager have the same effect? | 23:57 | |
geekosaur | eager should also do it, yes | ||
timotimo | that will clone the Seq, probably? | ||
m: my SetHash $a = ('0/2', '2/2').SetHash; my @result = (); find-strongest($a); sub find-strongest(SetHash $a) { my $keys = $a.keys.clone; for $keys.List -> $item { my @split-item = $item.comb; $a{$item}:delete; find-strongest($a); }} | |||
camelia | (signal SEGV) | ||
geekosaur | because being not-eager is what lets it get away with giving you a view on the innards which then explodes when you :delete | ||
timotimo | yeah, clone doesn't do it at all | ||
geekosaur | hm. feh | ||
timotimo | it's still lazy with clone | 23:58 | |
dogbert17 | is there a way to tell if it's lazy? | ||
geekosaur | yeh, but it should be lazy on a copy. unless .clone doesn't clone deeply enough or something | ||
I don't recall how the internals of SetHash work |