Perl 6 language and compiler development | Logs at | For toolchain/installation stuff see #perl6-toolchain | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
Geth rakudo: 2e90c6607f | (Joelle Maslak)++ | 2 files
Github Issue #2110 - improve err for obs positionals w/ quantifiers

Example: /\1+/ would previously give two messages, one about \1 being obs and "quantifier quantifies nothing".
Now the new behavior will just be to report the unrecognized backslash sequence and offer a suggestion.
Thanks zoffixznet for determining what needed to be done and providing some of the code.
synopsebot RAKUDO#2110 [open]: [GAO][easy to resolve][good first issue] Confusing error message for \1+ in regex
rakudo: c65c8fa828 | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 2 files
Merge pull request #2117 from jmaslak/github_2110

Improve err for obs positionals w/ quantifiers
rakudo: 0357454693 | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/Perl6/Grammar.nqp
Be sure we stringify Match object
rakudo: 4494a24952 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/05-messages/03-errors.t
Test backslash errors are not confusing

Closes R#2110 Rakudo fix:
synopsebot R#2110 [open]: [GAO][easy to resolve][good first issue] Confusing error message for \1+ in regex
travis-ci Rakudo build canceled. Zoffix Znet 'Be sure we stringify Match object' 00:50
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually. 00:50
MasterDuke .tell pmurias i don't have time to research this tonight, but `'my $a; my $i := 1; while $i++ < 9_700_000 { $a := ~(($i - 1) / $i) }; say($a);'` dies when run with truffle, but 9_600_000 is ok 03:24
yoleaux MasterDuke: I'll pass your message to pmurias.
MasterDuke .tell pmurias the error is `[truffle] opt fail WhileRepeatingNode@3486117b<OSR> |Reason org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.PermanentBailoutException: Too deep inlining, probably caused by recursive inlining. == Inlined methods ordered by inlining frequency: java.lang.Class.getCanonicalName() [977] ... <lots more classes>` 03:25
yoleaux MasterDuke: I'll pass your message to pmurias.
MasterDuke .ask jnthn at there's a note `[As of 2014.04, these are very new and subject to revision and additions.]`. are the docs correct and complete enough now such that the caveat can be removed? 03:29
yoleaux MasterDuke: I'll pass your message to jnthn.
lizmat good *, #perl6-dev! 08:08
Files=1246, Tests=76402, 380 wallclock secs (16.29 usr 5.62 sys + 2676.96 cusr 253.34 csys = 2952.21 CPU)
jnthn lizmat: About I'm suspecting that's a behavior change of some sort in the getlexcaller op or whatever the unpack method is using 09:22
lizmat yeah, I was just looking at the code and figured exactly that 09:23
it's using getlexcaller
so, should I use something else there now ?
jnthn No, we should try to figure out why it stopped working
It may be a genuine regression 09:24
lizmat ok, then I'll assign it to you ?
ah, it's already assigned to you :-)
maybe it just happened to work before when it shouldn't have :-) 09:25
jnthn That's also possible 09:26
Geth rakudo: 8607f68238 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/vm/moar/spesh-plugins.nqp
Add bug compatibility unfix for returning Proxy

Due to a bug in the handling of return values, a Proxy could escape from a routine that was not marked `is rw`. This was fixed by the recent spesh plugins work. However, fixing it breaks modules that depended on the bug, of which there are several. So, for now, bring the bug back.
Geth nqp: eda1a54b20 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | tools/build/MOAR_REVISION
Bump MoarVM for getlexcaller fix
¦ nqp: version bump brought these changes:
travis-ci NQP build passed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Bump MoarVM for getlexcaller fix' 10:40
Geth rakudo: AlexDaniel unassigned from jnthn Issue Backward compatibility for returning Proxy without `is rw`
AlexDaniel self-assigned Backward compatibility for returning Proxy without `is rw`

Bump NQP to get lexcaller fix
¦ rakudo: version bump brought these changes:
roast: 3129a4a708 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S32-exceptions/misc2.t
Add test for R#2111
synopsebot R#2111 [open]: [regression] `please 'use experimental :pack'` even if code does exactly that
jnthn lizmat++ # test 11:03
Geth ¦ rakudo: AlexDaniel assigned to timo Issue Allow IO::Socket::Async to listen to a system-defined (unspecified) port 11:12
AlexDaniel timotimo: ↑ :) 11:13
timotimo ah, didn't see a ticket for it 11:19
Geth roast: 9d7241417c | (Timo Paulssen)++ | S32-io/IO-Socket-Async.t
tests for binding to port 0

i.e. asking the OS to allocate a port for us.
pmurias .tell MasterDuke does it happen with HEAD or only after you do some changes? 11:34
yoleaux 03:24Z <MasterDuke> pmurias: i don't have time to research this tonight, but `'my $a; my $i := 1; while $i++ < 9_700_000 { $a := ~(($i - 1) / $i) }; say($a);'` dies when run with truffle, but 9_600_000 is ok
pmurias: I'll pass your message to MasterDuke.
03:25Z <MasterDuke> pmurias: the error is `[truffle] opt fail WhileRepeatingNode@3486117b<OSR> |Reason org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.PermanentBailoutException: Too deep inlining, probably caused by recursive inlining. == Inlined methods ordered by inlining frequency: java.lang.Class.getCanonicalName() [977] ... <lots more classes>`
AlexDaniel error: short SHA1 5ec2c96 is ambiguous 11:42
hint: The candidates are:
hint: 5ec2c96ec commit 2018-07-04 - Fix "diag "foo"|"bar"
hint: 5ec2c96f8 commit 2010-03-08 - Re-enable subset.t, which passes some tests alpha never passed. :-)
releasable6: status 11:45
releasable6 AlexDaniel, Next release will happen when it's ready. 4 blockers. 77 out of 240 commits logged (⚠ 2 warnings)
AlexDaniel, Details:
AlexDaniel releasable6: status 11:48
releasable6 AlexDaniel, Next release will happen when it's ready. 4 blockers. 77 out of 240 commits logged (⚠ 2 warnings)
AlexDaniel, Details: 11:49
AlexDaniel releasable6: status
releasable6 AlexDaniel, Next release will happen when it's ready. 4 blockers. 78 out of 240 commits logged
AlexDaniel, Details:
pmurias .tell MasterDuke it seems the instanceof chains really suck performance wise 12:38
yoleaux pmurias: I'll pass your message to MasterDuke.
pmurias .tell MasterDuke I'll investigate doing our coercions the proper truffle way 12:39
yoleaux pmurias: I'll pass your message to MasterDuke.
Geth nqp/truffle: bbe17843ef | (Paweł Murias)++ | 4 files
[truffle] Move reflection behind a @TruffleBoundary
Geth nqp: caf545127b | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | tools/build/MOAR_REVISION
[MoarVM Bump] Brings 0 commit

MoarVM bump brought:
¦ nqp: version bump brought these changes:
rakudo: c47e3681c0 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION
[NQP Bump] caf545127 [MoarVM Bump] Brings 0 commit

NQP bump brought:
¦ rakudo: version bump brought these changes:
AlexDaniel “[MoarVM Bump] Brings 0 commit” 13:41
so much progress
Geth nqp: 15c9774719 | 陈梓立++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | t/nqp/019-file-ops.t
unfudge test, co #274 (#485)

This test has been unfudged before but it causes some wired issue. I trigger Travis CI and test on several macOS machine and seems `lstat_time` works properly on MoarVM backend. no reason to fudge it.
synopsebot NQP#274 [open]: t/nqp/19-file-ops.t failure in pre-2016.01
Zoffix AlexDaniel: I think this fixes that: 13:57
So pull in latest changes.
Also, I vaguelly recall the zero-commit bump was causing some issues last time
Hm, maybe not: 13:59
Zoffix yeah, don't see any mentions of issues. nm 14:00
AlexDaniel Zoffix: thanks 14:22
pulled :)
gfldex do we have banchmarks on windows? I'm asking becaus of 14:56
Zoffix None that I'm aware of 15:00
samcv "Can't locate Digest/ in @INC" when trying to compile nqp (this is during compilation, not detected beforehand) 15:33
gonna open a nqp issue
Zoffix huggable: Digest::SHA 15:34
huggable Zoffix, Digest::SHA is core, but centos/redhat/fedora have broken the packaging. You need to install the 'perl-core' package to get a complete perl instlalation: sudo dnf install perl-core
Zoffix samcv: ^
samcv yes
Zoffix Probably can improve NQP build system to display a message
samcv but it should tell you in
instead of failing partway through build
Zoffix :)
Geth rakudo: AlexDaniel self-assigned [WIP] Rescalar merge & other toaster-related stuff №2 (2018.07 prep)
zoffixznet self-assigned Segfault while indexing with infinite Seq

Revert "Give Pair its own .item"
This reverts commit 3cbf25e0f53d25092d7e5a47c6fc05d7f52d4d7d.
This is no longer needed to fix QuantHash roundtripping, but it *does* break (testing) modules in the ecosystem right now. So, if we would need this in the future, lift it at least to the next release, or to 6.d.
Zoffix greppa[TAB][TAB][TAB] 16:31
AlexDaniel: no bot?
AlexDaniel Zoffix: yeah, pinged out somehow. It's back now. 16:35
Zoffix AlexDaniel++
greppable6: m\:P5 16:36
greppable6 Zoffix, Found nothing!
Zoffix *cough* bullshit *cough* 16:36
AlexDaniel greppable6: m:P5
Zoffix greppable6: \:P5
greppable6 AlexDaniel, Found nothing!
Zoffix, 6 lines, 3 modules:
Zoffix \o/
AlexDaniel Zoffix: note that it is using perl6-all-modules which is known not to include a large amount of modules… 16:37
there's no ticket though
Zoffix ah ok
AlexDaniel filed something here: 16:38
diakopter wonders what truffle is
Zoffix diakopter: 16:39
another backend for rakudo 16:40
err, I meant the truffle branch is another backend for rakudo to work on tap of Truffle
diakopter ah, neat
lizmat wonders why FIRST doesn't have a runtime value 17:19
Feels wrong to use "once" for that 17:20
lizmat use case: given 2 list, produce a list in the order of the first of elements in the second 17:21
@a.grep: * (elem) FIRST @b.Set
@a.grep: * (elem) once @b.Set # not as nice 17:22
Zoffix pmurias: what/how is your plan for QAST::Block migrator? R#2120 has a migration problem, which makes it gazillion's bug of the migratopr 17:27
synopsebot R#2120 [open]: [regression][⚠ blocker ⚠] Segfault while indexing with infinite Seq
Zoffix I guess it's not the time to redesign it, 2 days after the scheduled release date :P but still, the current migrator is very fragile 17:32
Zoffix looks like it's the whatever currier that doesn't migrate them in this case 18:10
Zoffix blushes
Even `{;}() + *` has a bug in it :}
AlexDaniel lizmat: can you take a look at this module? 18:42
basically it fails with:
# expected: 'Hash::MultiValue.from-pairs(:a(7), :b(8), :b(9), :c(10), :d(6), :e(11), :e(12), :f(13))'
# got: 'Hash::MultiValue.from-pairs($(:a(7)), $(:b(8)), $(:b(9)), $(:c(10)), $(:d(6)), $(:e(11)), $(:e(12)), $(:f(13)))'
and I bisected it to (2018-06-30)
IMO a module shouldn't be checking the output of .perl, but still
lizmat indeed, I would classify this as a test failure 18:43
I'll see if I can PR a fix
AlexDaniel lizmat: thanks!
lizmat notable6: weekly 18:55
notable6 lizmat, 6 notes:
lizmat notable6: weekly reset 18:56
notable6 lizmat, Moved existing notes to “weekly_2018-07-23T18:56:49Z”
AlexDaniel lizmat: reportable: 19:00
lizmat AlexDaniel++
AlexDaniel wooo we are going to reach 2000 tickets soon… :)
timotimo welcome to the new commillenium 19:01
AlexDaniel buglennium? 19:02
timotimo let's celebrate it with either a bugstravaganza or failurepalooza 19:04
lizmat AlexDaniel: ^^^ that should fix the issue with Hash::MultiValue
AlexDaniel: also adapted ChangeLog draft accordingly 19:08
Geth rakudo: 85495890d4 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/Perl6/Actions.nqp
Fix misscoping of blocks in whatever curries

Fixes R#2120
The migrator in whatever currier is too naive and in the branch that handles block args assumed QAST::WVal of code would just be the kid. However, it can also be a kid of the kid, placed in some ... (6 more lines)
synopsebot R#2120 [open]: [QAST][regression][⚠ blocker ⚠] Segfault while indexing with infinite Seq
roast: 3f1fea0d39 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | MISC/bug-coverage-stress.t
Cover SEGV in curries + with

Closes R#2120 Rakudo fix:
AlexDaniel lizmat: thanks! 19:24
Zoffix++ 19:54
lizmat and another Perl 6 Weekly hits the Net: 20:01
pmurias MasterDuke: I'm turning the instanceof chains into proper truffle specialization as being slower than the old JVM backend is not acceptable ;) 20:39
MasterDuke pmurias: heh, it's definitly not setting any speed records right now 20:48
yoleaux 11:34Z <pmurias> MasterDuke: does it happen with HEAD or only after you do some changes?
12:38Z <pmurias> MasterDuke: it seems the instanceof chains really suck performance wise
12:39Z <pmurias> MasterDuke: I'll investigate doing our coercions the proper truffle way
MasterDuke pmurias: but yeah, instanceof is never fast in java. at least that's my understanding 20:54
MasterDuke pmurias: what's involved in doing them the right way? 21:06
Geth nqp/truffle: 00a3f8fa8d | (Paweł Murias)++ | 3 files
[truffle] Use @Specialization instead of a instanceof chain in smart-numify
pmurias MasterDuke: you have seen the One VM to Rule Them All, One VM to Bind Them slides/talk?
MasterDuke i think maybe the slides, but not the talk 21:09
pmurias: btw, shouldn't smart-numify create a num, not an int? 21:11
pmurias MasterDuke: it creates a num 21:14
MasterDuke: you mean the (long) value cast?
MasterDuke pmurias: ignore me, i completely missread the last commit 21:18
pmurias anyway the big slow down was cause by me doing the num to str coercion hastily and sloppily :( 21:24
(I'm working on fixing that)
Geth nqp/truffle: 233e552b8f | (Paweł Murias)++ | src/vm/jvm/runtime/org/perl6/nqp/truffle/nodes/expression/
[truffle] Add missing specialization
nqp/truffle: a2b6c5a651 | (Paweł Murias)++ | src/vm/jvm/runtime/org/perl6/nqp/truffle/runtime/
[truffle] Speed up num to str coercion
MasterDuke pmurias: that code i was running last night is now much faster. it's now 8s for truffle (6.5s for regular jvm) 21:47
according to `time`
jnthn MasterDuke: If you have the number (or can get it handily), what is it for Moar, ooc? 21:49
MasterDuke jnthn: 3.2s 21:50
using nqp::time_n to measure it i get 4.6s for truffle, 3.7s for jvm, and 3.1s for moar 21:52
this is what i was running: 'my $s := nqp::time_n(); my $a; my $i := 1; while $i++ < 9_700_000 { $a := ~(($i - 1) / $i) }; say($a); say(nqp::time_n() - $s)'
timotimo this being nqp code, i'm sure it does a whole lot of back and forth between int and num 21:53
sadly, we can't time such code in rakudo yet. on truffle i mean 21:54
Geth nqp/truffle: adc52fd12b | (Daniel Green)++ | 3 files
[truffle] Implement nqp::time_(i|n)
MasterDuke yeah, i have no idea how to profile the java part of truffle nqp 21:55
pmurias timotimo: a benchmark on rakudo would be a lot more informative, as storing native types in untyped variables is not very representative 22:27
timotimo the nqp code is also without type annotations though? 22:28
pmurias timotimo: the benchmark code doesn't have any but nqp has int/num/str annotations 22:38
timotimo so would it be a difference between rakudo code and nqp code?
pmurias rakudo has bignums 22:39
timotimo that's fair, but at least it won't num/int all the time 22:41
MasterDuke making $a a str and $i an int changes the times to 1.9s moar, 3.3.s jvm, and 4.75s truffle 22:53
timotimo that's nice
MasterDuke looks like moar gets faster, the others might just be noise 22:54
pmurias the int/num/str types are currently ignored on truffle 22:56
timotimo and that is with rakudo doing Rat calc
well, barely any calc to speak of, but still ...
i still had a moar with --optimize=0, but it's taken *ages* already 22:58
2 minutes until i killed it
what's going on here? o_O
pmurias MasterDuke: it's interesting that moving the ~$a stringification out of the loop makes a gigantic difference 23:00
timotimo MasterDuke: how in the heck is it running in a few seconds when on my machine it takes minutes? :o 23:01
but yeah, wow, taking the stringification out makes it hella faster 23:02
pmurias OTOH it's pretty obvious thats doing string stuff is a lot slower then numbery stuff
timotimo ah dangit
timotimo it's doing the thing with "infinitely spesh logging code that should have OSR'd already" again 23:03
that'd make it slow, yeah
pmurias timotimo: for that silly nqp loop? 23:04
MasterDuke fwiw, i wasn't really trying to do anything in particular fast, just do enough work to get a sense of the relative speed of the different backends
timotimo heh.'s Str method has 76.4% inclusive time in a --profile
it's loads faster if you replace - 1 with - 1e0 23:05
MasterDuke but yeah, taking the stringification out of the loop gives me .07s for moar, .15s for jvm, and .4s for truffle 23:06
timotimo is this nqp or rakudo now?
MasterDuke this has all been nqp 23:07
1e0 doesn't seem to make a noticeable difference to any backend
timotimo OK, nqp is loads faster
OK, in nqp it's just a single frame that's running 99.99% of the run time 23:08
pmurias I'll optimize the condition checking in while (so it's not a instanceof chain) and I'll implement native types and will see how it runs 23:09
but it's way to late for this today &
timotimo 13.82496428489685 on rakudo 23:09
oh, that's with num rather than rat 23:11
fascinating 23:12
the constant Int object that postfix:<++> uses actually requires a wval_wide because the index is too big to fit a small wval instruction 23:13
i'm looking at some suboptimal bytecode and perhaps there's an optimization opportunity 23:17
MasterDuke oooh, exciting 23:19
timotimo hell yeah 23:32
the code looks a little bit better now!
MasterDuke noticeable difference in timing? 23:37
timotimo i should check that ... 23:40
m: say 4.79 / 6.61 23:50
camelia 0.72466
timotimo i call that noticeable
MasterDuke: ^
MasterDuke nice! timotimo++
timotimo this is with "while $i++ < 50_000_000 {}" i.e. an empty loop body
i spotted this in the result of using the "assign" spesh plugin with "assign-scalar-no-whence-no-typecheck" 23:52
now this is kind of strange? 23:53
++$i is actually a whole lot slower than $i++
MasterDuke hasn't it been that way for a while?
timotimo i thought it was the other way around 23:55
the good news is, that the patch i have makes the difference much less pronounced 23:56
MasterDuke for me, in rakudo, ++$i is slower than $i++. but if $i is a native int, ++$i is faster 23:58
timotimo what about older rakudo releases?